Python ee.Dictionary() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ee.Dictionary().
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Example #1
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testDictionary(self): """Verifies basic behavior of ee.Dictionary.""" src = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 'three'} dictionary = ee.Dictionary(src) self.assertEquals({'type': 'Dictionary', 'value': src}, ee.Serializer(False)._encode(dictionary)) f = ee.Feature(None, {'properties': src}) computed = ee.Dictionary(f.get('properties')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(computed, ee.Dictionary)) # The 4 types of arguments we expect cons = (ee.Dictionary(src), ee.Dictionary(f.get('properties')), ee.Dictionary(), ee.Dictionary(('one', 1))) for d in cons: self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, ee.ComputedObject))
Example #2
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def iterate(image1,image2,niter,first): # simulated iteration of MAD for debugging # result = iterate(image1,image2,niter,first) for i in range(1,niter+1): result = ee.Dictionary(imad(i,first)) allrhos = ee.List(result.get('allrhos')) chi2 = ee.Image(result.get('chi2')) MAD = ee.Image(result.get('MAD')) first = ee.Dictionary({'image':image1.addBands(image2), 'allrhos':allrhos, 'chi2':chi2, 'MAD':MAD}) return result #------------------ # helper functions #------------------
Example #3
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getFromDict(eelist, values): """ Get a list of Dict's values from a list object. Keys must be unique :param values: dict to get the values for list's keys :type values: ee.Dictionary :return: a list of values :rtype: ee.List """ values = ee.Dictionary(values) if isinstance(values, dict) else values empty = ee.List([]) def wrap(el, first): f = ee.List(first) cond = values.contains(el) return ee.Algorithms.If(cond, f.add(values.get(el)), f) values = ee.List(eelist.iterate(wrap, empty)) return values
Example #4
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testDictionary(self): """Verifies basic behavior of ee.Dictionary.""" src = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 'three'} dictionary = ee.Dictionary(src) self.assertEquals({'type': 'Dictionary', 'value': src}, ee.Serializer(False)._encode(dictionary)) f = ee.Feature(None, {'properties': src}) computed = ee.Dictionary(f.get('properties')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(computed, ee.Dictionary)) # The 4 types of arguments we expect cons = (ee.Dictionary(src), ee.Dictionary(f.get('properties')), ee.Dictionary(), ee.Dictionary(('one', 1))) for d in cons: self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, ee.ComputedObject))
Example #5
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def filter_j(current,prev): P = ee.Image(current) prev = ee.Dictionary(prev) ell = ee.Number(prev.get('ell')) cmap = ee.Image(prev.get('cmap')) smap = ee.Image(prev.get('smap')) fmap = ee.Image(prev.get('fmap')) bmap = ee.Image(prev.get('bmap')) threshold = ee.Image(prev.get('threshold')) j = ee.Number(prev.get('j')) cmapj = cmap.multiply(0).add(ell.add(j).subtract(1)) cmap1 = cmap.multiply(0).add(1) tst = cmap = cmap.where(tst,cmapj) fmap = fmap.where(tst,fmap.add(1)) smap = ee.Algorithms.If(ell.eq(1),smap.where(tst,cmapj),smap) idx = ell.add(j).subtract(2) tmp = bname = bmap.bandNames().get(idx) tmp = tmp.where(tst,cmap1) tmp = tmp.rename([bname]) bmap = bmap.addBands(tmp,[bname],True) return ee.Dictionary({'ell':ell,'j':j.add(1),'threshold':threshold,'cmap':cmap,'smap':smap,'fmap':fmap,'bmap':bmap})
Example #6
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _add_suffix_prefix(image, value, option, bands=None): """ Internal function to handle addPrefix and addSuffix """ if bands: bands = ee.List(bands) addon = ee.String(value) allbands = image.bandNames() bands_ = ee.List(ee.Algorithms.If(bands, bands, allbands)) def over_bands(band, first): all = ee.List(first) options = ee.Dictionary({ 'suffix': ee.String(band).cat(addon), 'prefix': }) return all.replace(band, ee.String(options.get(option))) newbands = bands_.iterate(over_bands, allbands) newbands = ee.List(newbands) return, newbands)
Example #7
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def omnibus(imList,significance=0.0001,median=False): '''return change maps for sequential omnibus change algorithm''' imList = ee.List(imList).map(multbyenl) p = ee.Image(imList.get(0)).bandNames().length() k = imList.length() # pre-calculate p-value array ells = ee.List.sequence(1,k.subtract(1)) first = ee.Dictionary({'k':k,'p':p,'median':median,'imList':imList,'pv_arr':ee.List([])}) pv_arr = ee.List(ee.Dictionary(ells.iterate(ells_iter,first)).get('pv_arr')) # filter p-values to generate cmap, smap, fmap and bmap cmap = ee.Image(imList.get(0)).select(0).multiply(0.0) smap = ee.Image(imList.get(0)).select(0).multiply(0.0) fmap = ee.Image(imList.get(0)).select(0).multiply(0.0) bmap = ee.Image.constant(ee.List.repeat(0,k.subtract(1))) threshold = ee.Image.constant(1-significance) first = ee.Dictionary({'ell':1,'threshold':threshold,'cmap':cmap,'smap':smap,'fmap':fmap,'bmap':bmap}) return ee.Dictionary(pv_arr.iterate(filter_ell,first))
Example #8
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def makeName(img, pattern, date_pattern=None, extra=None): """ Make a name with the given pattern. The pattern must contain the propeties to replace between curly braces. There are 2 special words: * 'system_date': replace with the date of the image formatted with `date_pattern`, which defaults to 'yyyyMMdd' * 'id' or 'ID': the image id. If None, it'll be replaced with 'id' Pattern example (supposing each image has a property called `city`): 'image from {city} on {system_date}' You can add extra parameters using keyword `extra` """ img = ee.Image(img) props = img.toDictionary() props = ee.Dictionary(ee.Algorithms.If(, props.set('id','ID',, props)) props = ee.Dictionary(ee.Algorithms.If( img.propertyNames().contains('system:time_start'), props.set('system_date',, props)) if extra: extra = ee.Dictionary(extra) props = props.combine(extra) name = string.format(pattern, props) return name
Example #9
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testSet(self): """Verifies Element.set() keyword argument interpretation.""" image = ee.Image(1) # Constant dictionary. def AssertProperties(expected, image): properties = {} while image.func == ee.ApiFunction.lookup('Element.set'): key = image.args['key'] if not isinstance(key, six.string_types): key = key.encode() properties[key] = image.args['value'] image = image.args['object'] self.assertEquals(ee.Image(1), image) self.assertEquals(expected, properties) AssertProperties({'foo': 'bar'}, image.set({'foo': 'bar'})) AssertProperties({'foo': 'bar'}, image.set({'properties': {'foo': 'bar'}})) AssertProperties({'properties': 5}, image.set({'properties': 5})) AssertProperties({'properties': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'baz': 'quux'}, image.set({'properties': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'baz': 'quux'})) AssertProperties({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}, image.set('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux')) # Computed dictionary. computed_arg = ee.ComputedObject(None, None, 'foo') def CheckMultiProperties(result): self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction.lookup('Element.setMulti'), result.func) self.assertEquals( {'object': image, 'properties': ee.Dictionary(computed_arg)}, result.args) CheckMultiProperties(image.set(computed_arg)) CheckMultiProperties(image.set({'properties': computed_arg}))
Example #10
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reduceRegionsPandas(data, index='system:index', add_coordinates=False, duplicate_index=False): """ Transform data coming from Image.reduceRegions to a pandas dataframe :param data: data coming from Image.reduceRegions :type data: ee.Dictionary or dict :param index: the index of the dataframe :param add_coordinates: if True adds the coordinates to the dataframe :param duplicate_index: if True adds the index data to the dataframe too :return: a pandas dataframe :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if not isinstance(data, dict): if add_coordinates: def addCentroid(feat): feat = ee.Feature(feat) centroid = feat.centroid().geometry() coords = ee.List(centroid.coordinates()) return feat.set('longitude', ee.Number(coords.get(0)), 'latitude', ee.Number(coords.get(1))) data = data = data.getInfo() features = data['features'] d, indexes = [], [] for feature in features: nf = deepcopy(feature) props = nf['properties'] if not duplicate_index: props.pop(index) if index in props else props d.append(props) if index == 'system:index': indexes.append(feature['id']) else: indexes.append(feature['properties'][index]) return pd.DataFrame(d, indexes)
Example #11
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def makeName(img, pattern, date_pattern=None, extra=None): """ Make a name with the given pattern. The pattern must contain the propeties to replace between curly braces. There are 2 special words: * 'system_date': replace with the date of the image formatted with `date_pattern`, which defaults to 'yyyyMMdd' * 'id' or 'ID': the image id. If None, it'll be replaced with 'id' Pattern example (supposing each image has a property called `city`): 'image from {city} on {system_date}' You can add extra parameters using keyword `extra` """ img = ee.Image(img) props = img.toDictionary() props = ee.Dictionary(ee.Algorithms.If(, props.set('id','ID',, props)) props = ee.Dictionary(ee.Algorithms.If( img.propertyNames().contains('system:time_start'), props.set('system_date',, props)) if extra: extra = ee.Dictionary(extra) props = props.combine(extra) name = string.format(pattern, props) return name
Example #12
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decodeBitsEE(bit_reader, qa_band): """ :param bit_reader: the bit reader :type bit_reader: BitReader :param qa_band: name of the band that holds the bit information :type qa_band: str :return: a function to map over a collection. The function adds all categories masks as new bands """ options = ee.Dictionary( categories = ee.List(bit_reader.all_categories) def wrap(image): def eachcat(cat, ini): ini = ee.Image(ini) qa = # get data for category data = ee.Dictionary(options.get(cat)) lshift = ee.Number(data.get('lshift')) length = ee.Number(data.get('bit_length')) decoded = ee.Number(data.get('shifted')) # move = places to move bits right and left back move = lshift.add(length) # move bits right and left rest = qa.rightShift(move).leftShift(move) # subtract the rest norest = qa.subtract(rest) # right shift to compare with decoded data to_compare = norest.rightShift(lshift) ## Image # compare if is equal, return 0 if not equal, 1 if equal mask = to_compare.eq(decoded) # rename to the name of the category qa_mask =[0], [cat]) return ini.addBands(qa_mask) return ee.Image(categories.iterate(eachcat, image)) return wrap
Example #13
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getValue(image, point, scale=None, side="server"): """ Return the value of all bands of the image in the specified point :param img: Image to get the info from :type img: ee.Image :param point: Point from where to get the info :type point: ee.Geometry.Point :param scale: The scale to use in the reducer. It defaults to 10 due to the minimum scale available in EE (Sentinel 10m) :type scale: int :param side: 'server' or 'client' side :type side: str :return: Values of all bands in the ponit :rtype: ee.Dictionary or dict """ if scale: scale = int(scale) else: scale = 1 type = point.getInfo()["type"] if type != "Point": raise ValueError("Point must be ee.Geometry.Point") result = image.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.first(), point, scale) if side == 'server': return result elif side == 'client': return result.getInfo() else: raise ValueError("side parameter must be 'server' or 'client'")
Example #14
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def renamePattern(image, pattern, bands=None): """ Rename the bands of the parsed image with the given pattern :param image: :param pattern: the special keyword `{band}` will be replaced with the actual band name. Spaces will be replaced with underscore. It also will be trimmed :param bands: the bands to rename. If None it'll rename all the bands :return: """ allbands = image.bandNames() pattern = ee.String(pattern) selected = if bands else image pattern = pattern.trim().split(' ').join('_') bands_to_replace = selected.bandNames() def wrap(name): condition = pattern.index('{band}').gt(0) return ee.String(ee.Algorithms.If( condition, pattern.replace('{band}', ee.String(name)), ee.String(name))) newbands = new_allbands = ee_list.replaceDict( allbands, ee.Dictionary.fromLists(bands_to_replace, newbands)) return, new_allbands)
Example #15
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-examples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createFeature(transition_class_stats): transition_class_stats = ee.Dictionary(transition_class_stats) class_number = transition_class_stats.get('transition_class_value') result = { 'transition_class_number': class_number, 'transition_class_''name': lookup_names.get(class_number), 'transition_class_''palette': lookup_palette.get(class_number), 'area_m2': transition_class_stats.get('sum') } return ee.Feature({}, result) # Creates a feature without a geometry. # Create a JSON dictionary that defines piechart colors based on the # transition class palette. #
Example #16
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def extractList(dict, list): """ Extract values from a list of keys """ empty = ee.List([]) list = ee.List(list) dict = ee.Dictionary(dict) def iteration(el, first): f = ee.List(first) cond = dict.contains(el) return ee.Algorithms.If(cond, f.add(dict.get(el)), f) values = ee.List(list.iterate(iteration, empty)) return values
Example #17
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sort(dictionary): """ Sort a dictionary. Can be a `dict` or a `ee.Dictionary` :param dictionary: the dictionary to sort :type dictionary: dict or ee.Dictionary :rtype: OrderedDict or ee.Dictionary """ if isinstance(dictionary, dict): sorted = OrderedDict() keys = list(dictionary.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: sorted[key] = dictionary[key] return sorted elif isinstance(dictionary, ee.Dictionary): keys = dictionary.keys() ordered = keys.sort() def iteration(key, first): new = ee.Dictionary(first) val = dictionary.get(key) return new.set(key, val) return ee.Dictionary(ordered.iterate(iteration, ee.Dictionary())) else: return dictionary
Example #18
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def replaceDict(eelist, to_replace): """ Replace many elements of a Earth Engine List object using a dictionary **EXAMPLE** .. code:: python list = ee.List(["one", "two", "three", 4]) newlist = replace_many(list, {"one": 1, 4:"four"}) print newlist.getInfo() >> [1, "two", "three", "four"] :param to_replace: values to replace :type to_replace: dict :return: list with replaced values :rtype: ee.List """ eelist = ee.List(eelist) to_replace = ee.Dictionary(to_replace) keys = to_replace.keys() def wrap(el): # Convert to String elstr = ee.Algorithms.String(el) condition = ee.List(keys).indexOf(elstr) return ee.Algorithms.If(condition.neq(-1), to_replace.get(elstr), el) return
Example #19
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decodeImage(self, image, qa_band): """ Get an Image with one band per category in the Bit Reader :param bit_reader: the bit reader :type bit_reader: BitReader :param qa_band: name of the band that holds the bit information :type qa_band: str :return: the image with the decode bands added """ options = ee.Dictionary( categories = ee.List(self.all_categories) def eachcat(cat, ini): ini = ee.Image(ini) qa = # get data for category data = ee.Dictionary(options.get(cat)) lshift = ee.Number(data.get('lshift')) length = ee.Number(data.get('bit_length')) decoded = ee.Number(data.get('shifted')) # move = places to move bits right and left back move = lshift.add(length) # move bits right and left rest = qa.rightShift(move).leftShift(move) # subtract the rest norest = qa.subtract(rest) # right shift to compare with decoded data to_compare = norest.rightShift(lshift) ## Image # compare if is equal, return 0 if not equal, 1 if equal mask = to_compare.eq(decoded) # rename to the name of the category qa_mask =[0], [cat]) return ini.addBands(qa_mask) return ee.Image(categories.iterate(eachcat, image)).select(categories)
Example #20
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_get_from_dict(): test_list = ee.List(['a', 'c']) test_dict = ee.Dictionary({'a':1, 'b':5, 'c':8}) values = ee_list.getFromDict(test_list, test_dict) # assert assert_equal(values, [1, 8])
Example #21
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-examples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def addStyle(pt): size = ee.Number(pt.get('capacitymw')).sqrt().divide(10).add(2) color = fuelColor.get(pt.get('fuel1')) return pt.set('styleProperty', ee.Dictionary({'pointSize': size, 'color': color})) # Make a FeatureCollection out of the power plant data table
Example #22
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def anglestats(current,prev): ''' get dictionary of incident angle statistics of current image and append to list ''' prev = ee.Dictionary(prev) rect = ee.Geometry(prev.get('rect')) stats = ee.List(prev.get('stats')) current = ee.Image(current).select('angle') meana = current.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(),geometry=rect,maxPixels= 1e9).get('angle') mina = current.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.min(),geometry=rect,maxPixels= 1e9).get('angle') maxa = current.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.max(),geometry=rect,maxPixels= 1e9).get('angle') stats = stats.add(ee.Dictionary({'mina':mina,'meana':meana,'maxa':maxa})) return ee.Dictionary({'stats':stats,'rect':rect})
Example #23
Source File: From ee-atmcorr-timeseries with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get(): altitude = AtmcorrInput.elevation.reduceRegion(\ reducer = ee.Reducer.mean(),\ geometry = TimeSeries.geom.centroid()\ ) return ee.Dictionary({ 'solar_z':mission_s.solar_z(TimeSeries.image, TimeSeries.mission), 'h2o':Atmospheric.water(TimeSeries.geom,, 'o3':Atmospheric.ozone(TimeSeries.geom,, 'aot':Atmospheric.aerosol(TimeSeries.geom,, 'alt':altitude.get('be75'), 'doy':TimeSeries.day_of_year })
Example #24
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def imad(current,prev): done = ee.Number(ee.Dictionary(prev).get('done')) return ee.Algorithms.If(done,prev,imad1(current,prev))
Example #25
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def clipList(current,prev): ''' clip a list of images ''' imlist = ee.List(ee.Dictionary(prev).get('imlist')) rect = ee.Dictionary(prev).get('rect') imlist = imlist.add(ee.Image(current).clip(rect)) return ee.Dictionary({'imlist':imlist,'rect':rect})
Example #26
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def testInternals(self): """Test eq(), ne() and hash().""" a = ee.Dictionary({'one': 1}) b = ee.Dictionary({'two': 2}) c = ee.Dictionary({'one': 1}) self.assertEquals(a, a) self.assertNotEquals(a, b) self.assertEquals(a, c) self.assertNotEquals(b, c) self.assertNotEquals(hash(a), hash(b))
Example #27
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def radcal(current,prev): ''' iterator function for orthogonal regression and interactive radiometric normalization ''' k = ee.Number(current) prev = ee.Dictionary(prev) # image is concatenation of reference and target image = ee.Image(prev.get('image')) ncmask = ee.Image(prev.get('ncmask')) nbands = ee.Number(prev.get('nbands')) rect = ee.Geometry(prev.get('rect')) coeffs = ee.List(prev.get('coeffs')) normalized = ee.Image(prev.get('normalized')) scale = # orthoregress reference onto target image1 = image.clip(rect).select(k.add(nbands),k).updateMask(ncmask).rename(['x','y']) means = image1.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), scale=scale, maxPixels=1e9) \ .toArray()\ .project([0]) Xm = means.get([0]) Ym = means.get([1]) S = ee.Array(image1.toArray() \ .reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.covariance(), geometry=rect, scale=scale, maxPixels=1e9) \ .get('array')) # Pearson correlation R = S.get([0,1]).divide(S.get([0,0]).multiply(S.get([1,1])).sqrt()) eivs = S.eigen() e1 = eivs.get([0,1]) e2 = eivs.get([0,2]) # slope and intercept b = e2.divide(e1) a = Ym.subtract(b.multiply(Xm)) coeffs = coeffs.add(ee.List([b,a,R])) # normalize kth band in target normalized = normalized.addBands( return ee.Dictionary({'image':image,'ncmask':ncmask,'nbands':nbands,'rect':rect,'coeffs':coeffs,'normalized':normalized})
Example #28
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testInternals(self): """Test eq(), ne() and hash().""" a = ee.Dictionary({'one': 1}) b = ee.Dictionary({'two': 2}) c = ee.Dictionary({'one': 1}) self.assertEquals(a, a) self.assertNotEquals(a, b) self.assertEquals(a, c) self.assertNotEquals(b, c) self.assertNotEquals(hash(a), hash(b))
Example #29
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def clipList(current,prev): imlist = ee.List(ee.Dictionary(prev).get('imlist')) rect = ee.Dictionary(prev).get('rect') imlist = imlist.add(ee.Image(current).clip(rect)) return ee.Dictionary({'imlist':imlist,'rect':rect})
Example #30
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def filter_ell(current,prev): pvs = ee.List(current) prev = ee.Dictionary(prev) ell = ee.Number(prev.get('ell')) threshold = ee.Image(prev.get('threshold')) cmap = prev.get('cmap') smap = prev.get('smap') fmap = prev.get('fmap') bmap = prev.get('bmap') first = ee.Dictionary({'ell':ell,'j':1, 'threshold':threshold,'cmap':cmap,'smap':smap,'fmap':fmap,'bmap':bmap}) result = ee.Dictionary(ee.List(pvs).iterate(filter_j,first)) return ee.Dictionary({'ell':ell.add(1),'threshold':threshold,'cmap':result.get('cmap'), 'smap':result.get('smap'), 'fmap':result.get('fmap'), 'bmap':result.get('bmap')})