Python ee.Feature() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ee.Feature().
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Example #1
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 6 votes |
def featurePropertiesOutput(feat): """ generates a string for features properties """ info = feat.getInfo() properties = info['properties'] theid = info.get('id') if theid: stdout = '<h3>ID {}</h3></br>'.format(theid) else: stdout = '<h3>Feature has no ID</h3></br>' if properties: for prop, value in properties.items(): stdout += '<b>{}</b>: {}</br>'.format(prop, value) else: stdout += '<b>Feature has no properties</b>' return stdout
Example #2
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testPromotion(self): """Verifies object promotion rules.""" self.InitializeApi() # Features and Images are both already Elements. self.assertTrue(isinstance(ee._Promote(ee.Feature(None), 'Element'), ee.Feature)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ee._Promote(ee.Image(0), 'Element'), ee.Image)) # Promote an untyped object to an Element. untyped = ee.ComputedObject('foo', {}) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ee._Promote(untyped, 'Element'), ee.Element)) # Promote an untyped variable to an Element. untyped = ee.ComputedObject(None, None, 'foo') self.assertTrue(isinstance(ee._Promote(untyped, 'Element'), ee.Element)) self.assertEquals('foo', ee._Promote(untyped, 'Element').varName)
Example #3
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testDictionary(self): """Verifies basic behavior of ee.Dictionary.""" src = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 'three'} dictionary = ee.Dictionary(src) self.assertEquals({'type': 'Dictionary', 'value': src}, ee.Serializer(False)._encode(dictionary)) f = ee.Feature(None, {'properties': src}) computed = ee.Dictionary(f.get('properties')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(computed, ee.Dictionary)) # The 4 types of arguments we expect cons = (ee.Dictionary(src), ee.Dictionary(f.get('properties')), ee.Dictionary(), ee.Dictionary(('one', 1))) for d in cons: self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, ee.ComputedObject))
Example #4
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def GetImageInfoTimeSeries(aoi): def GetImageInfo(img): return ee.Feature(None, { 'id': img.get('system:id'), 'time': img.get('system:time_start'), 'cloud_cover': img.get('CLOUD_COVER') }) def ToFeatureCollection(imageCollectionName): return ee.FeatureCollection(ee.ImageCollection(imageCollectionName).filterBounds(aoi).map(GetImageInfo)) collectionNames = [ 'LANDSAT/LT4_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LT5_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LE7_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_TOA' ] fc = ee.FeatureCollection([]) for n in collectionNames: fc = fc.merge(ToFeatureCollection(n)) info = fc.sort('time').getInfo() return [i['properties'] for i in info['features']]
Example #5
Source File: From geebap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def map(self, collection, **kwargs): """ Map the score over a collection :param col: collection :type col: satcol.Collection :param geom: boundaries geometry :type geom: ee.Geometry or ee.Feature """ col = kwargs.get('col') geom = kwargs.get('geom') minscale = min([band.scale for band in col.bands]) def wrap(img): score = self.compute(img, geometry=geom, scale=minscale, count_zeros=self.count_zeros) prop = score.get( return img.addBands(score).set(, prop) return
Example #6
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testPromotion(self): """Verifies object promotion rules.""" self.InitializeApi() # Features and Images are both already Elements. self.assertTrue(isinstance(ee._Promote(ee.Feature(None), 'Element'), ee.Feature)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ee._Promote(ee.Image(0), 'Element'), ee.Image)) # Promote an untyped object to an Element. untyped = ee.ComputedObject('foo', {}) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ee._Promote(untyped, 'Element'), ee.Element)) # Promote an untyped variable to an Element. untyped = ee.ComputedObject(None, None, 'foo') self.assertTrue(isinstance(ee._Promote(untyped, 'Element'), ee.Element)) self.assertEquals('foo', ee._Promote(untyped, 'Element').varName)
Example #7
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testDictionary(self): """Verifies basic behavior of ee.Dictionary.""" src = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 'three'} dictionary = ee.Dictionary(src) self.assertEquals({'type': 'Dictionary', 'value': src}, ee.Serializer(False)._encode(dictionary)) f = ee.Feature(None, {'properties': src}) computed = ee.Dictionary(f.get('properties')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(computed, ee.Dictionary)) # The 4 types of arguments we expect cons = (ee.Dictionary(src), ee.Dictionary(f.get('properties')), ee.Dictionary(), ee.Dictionary(('one', 1))) for d in cons: self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, ee.ComputedObject))
Example #8
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testConstructors(self): """Verifies that constructors understand valid parameters.""" point = ee.Geometry.Point(1, 2) from_geometry = ee.Feature(point) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_geometry.func) self.assertEquals({'geometry': point, 'metadata': None}, from_geometry.args) from_null_geometry = ee.Feature(None, {'x': 2}) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_null_geometry.func) self.assertEquals({'geometry': None, 'metadata': {'x': 2}}, from_null_geometry.args) computed_geometry = ee.Geometry(ee.ComputedObject(ee.Function(), {'a': 1})) computed_properties = ee.ComputedObject(ee.Function(), {'b': 2}) from_computed_one = ee.Feature(computed_geometry) from_computed_both = ee.Feature(computed_geometry, computed_properties) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_computed_one.func) self.assertEquals({'geometry': computed_geometry, 'metadata': None}, from_computed_one.args) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_computed_both.func) self.assertEquals({'geometry': computed_geometry, 'metadata': computed_properties}, from_computed_both.args) from_variable = ee.Feature(ee.CustomFunction.variable(None, 'foo')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(from_variable, ee.Feature)) self.assertEquals({'type': 'ArgumentRef', 'value': 'foo'}, from_variable.encode(None)) from_geo_json_feature = ee.Feature({ 'type': 'Feature', 'id': 'bar', 'geometry': point.toGeoJSON(), 'properties': {'foo': 42} }) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_geo_json_feature.func) self.assertEquals(point, from_geo_json_feature.args['geometry']) self.assertEquals({'foo': 42, 'system:index': 'bar'}, from_geo_json_feature.args['metadata'])
Example #9
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_getRegion(): expected = [[0.0,0.0], [10.0, 0.0], [10.0, 10.0], [0.0, 10.0], [0.0, 0.0]] pol = ee.Geometry.Polygon(expected) feat = ee.Feature(pol) region_geom = getRegion(pol) region_feat = getRegion(feat) assert region_geom == [expected] assert region_feat == [expected]
Example #10
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def enumerateSimple(collection, name='ENUM'): """ Simple enumeration of features inside a collection. Each feature stores its enumeration, so if the order of features changes over time, the numbers will not be in order """ size = collection.size() collist = collection.toList(size) seq = ee.List.sequence(0, size.subtract(1)) def wrap(n): n = ee.Number(n).toInt() feat = collist.get(n) return ee.Feature(feat).set(name, n) fc = ee.FeatureCollection( return ee.FeatureCollection(fc.copyProperties(source=collection))
Example #11
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def addId(collection, name='id', start=1): """ Add a unique numeric identifier, from parameter 'start' to collection.size() stored in a property called with parameter 'name' :param collection: the collection :type collection: ee.FeatureCollection :param name: the name of the resulting property :type name: str :param start: the number to start from :type start: int :return: the parsed collection with a new property :rtype: ee.FeatureCollection """ start = ee.Number(start) collist = collection.toList(collection.size()) first = ee.Feature(collist.get(0)) rest = collist.slice(1) # Set first id first = ee.List([first.set(name, start)]) # Set rest def over_col(feat, last): last = ee.List(last) last_feat = ee.Feature(last.get(-1)) feat = ee.Feature(feat) last_id = ee.Number(last_feat.get('id')) return last.add(feat.set('id', last_id.add(1))) return ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List(rest.iterate(over_col, first)))
Example #12
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fromKML(filename=None, data=None, crs=None, encoding=None): """ Create a list of Features from a KML file. Return a python tuple with ee.Feature inside. This is due to failing when attempting to create a FeatureCollection (Broken Pipe ERROR) out of the list. You can try creating it yourself casting the result of this function to a ee.List or using it directly as a FeatureCollection argument. :param filename: the name of the file to load :type filename: str :param crs: a coordinate reference system in EPSG format. If not specified it will try to get it from the geoJSON, and if not there it will rise an error :type: crs: str :return: a tuple of features. """ geojsondict = utils.kmlToGeoJsonDict(filename, data, encoding) features = geojsondict['features'] for feat in features: # remove styleUrl prop = feat['properties'] if 'styleUrl' in prop: prop.pop('styleUrl') # remove Z value if needed geom = feat['geometry'] ty = geom['type'] if ty == 'GeometryCollection': geometries = geom['geometries'] for g in geometries: c = g['coordinates'] utils.removeZ(c) else: coords = geom['coordinates'] utils.removeZ(coords) return fromGeoJSON(data=geojsondict, crs=crs)
Example #13
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reduceRegionsPandas(data, index='system:index', add_coordinates=False, duplicate_index=False): """ Transform data coming from Image.reduceRegions to a pandas dataframe :param data: data coming from Image.reduceRegions :type data: ee.Dictionary or dict :param index: the index of the dataframe :param add_coordinates: if True adds the coordinates to the dataframe :param duplicate_index: if True adds the index data to the dataframe too :return: a pandas dataframe :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if not isinstance(data, dict): if add_coordinates: def addCentroid(feat): feat = ee.Feature(feat) centroid = feat.centroid().geometry() coords = ee.List(centroid.coordinates()) return feat.set('longitude', ee.Number(coords.get(0)), 'latitude', ee.Number(coords.get(1))) data = data = data.getInfo() features = data['features'] d, indexes = [], [] for feature in features: nf = deepcopy(feature) props = nf['properties'] if not duplicate_index: props.pop(index) if index in props else props d.append(props) if index == 'system:index': indexes.append(feature['id']) else: indexes.append(feature['properties'][index]) return pd.DataFrame(d, indexes)
Example #14
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def setZoom(zoom): """ Sets the zoom level of the map. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> Map.setZoom(15) """ center = getCenter() centerObject(ee.Feature(center), zoom)
Example #15
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def centerObject(feature, zoom=None): """ Centers the map view on a given object. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> Map.centerObject(feature) """ feature = ee.Feature(feature) if not zoom: # make sure our geometry is in geo rect = feature.geometry().transform(ee.Projection('EPSG:4326'), 1) # get coordinates coords = rect.bounds().getInfo()['coordinates'][0] xmin = coords[0][0] ymin = coords[0][1] xmax = coords[2][0] ymax = coords[2][1] # construct QGIS geometry rect = QgsRectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # transform rect to a crs used by current project crs_src = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) crs_dst = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(QgsProject.instance().crs()) geo2proj = QgsCoordinateTransform(crs_src, crs_dst, QgsProject.instance()) rect_proj = geo2proj.transform(rect) # center geometry iface.mapCanvas().zoomToFeatureExtent(rect_proj) else: # set map center to feature centroid at a specified zoom center = feature.geometry().centroid().coordinates().getInfo() setCenter(center[0], center[1], zoom)
Example #16
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def regionIsInUnitedStates(region): '''Returns true if the current region is inside the US.''' # Extract the geographic boundary of the US. nationList = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:1tdSwUL7MVpOauSgRzqVTOwdfy17KDbw-1d9omPw') nation = ee.Feature(nationList.filter(ee.Filter.eq('Country', 'United States')).first()) nationGeo = ee.Geometry(nation.geometry()) result = nationGeo.contains(region, 10) return (str(result.getInfo()) == 'True')
Example #17
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_training_json(self, sensor_domain_folder, json_file_name): '''Load in a JSON file containing training features for an EE classifier''' # Load the input file json_file_path = os.path.join(sensor_domain_folder, json_file_name.text + '.json') print('Loading JSON training data: ' + json_file_path) with open(json_file_path, 'r') as f: feature_dict = json.load(f) if not feature_dict: raise Exception('Failed to read JSON file ' + json_file_path) # Convert the data into the desired training format # - The input data is N entries, each containing a polygon of points. # - The output data is ee formatted and classified as either 0 (land) or 1 (water) feature_list = [] for key in feature_dict: # Assign as land unless water is in the key name! terrain_code = 0 if 'water' in key.lower(): terrain_code = 1 #this_geometry = ee.Geometry.LinearRing(feature_dict[key]) this_geometry = ee.Geometry.Polygon(feature_dict[key]) this_feature = ee.Feature(this_geometry, {'classification': terrain_code}) feature_list.append(this_feature) self.training_features = ee.FeatureCollection(feature_list)
Example #18
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def count_water_and_clouds(ee_bounds, image, sun_elevation): '''Calls the water and cloud detection algorithms on an image and packages the results''' image = ee.Image(image) clouds = detect_clouds(image).gt(cloudThresh) # snow = detect_snow(image).gt(snowThresh) # Function to scale water detection sensitivity based on time of year. def scale_waterThresh(sun_angle): waterThresh = ((.6 / 54) * (62 - sun_angle)) + .05 return waterThresh waterThresh = scale_waterThresh(sun_elevation) water = detect_water(image).gt(waterThresh).And(clouds.Not()) # .And(snow.Not()) cloud_count = clouds.mask(clouds).reduceRegion( reducer = ee.Reducer.count(), geometry = ee_bounds, scale = 30, maxPixels = 1000000, bestEffort = True ) water_count = water.mask(water).reduceRegion( reducer = ee.Reducer.count(), geometry = ee_bounds, scale = 30, maxPixels = 1000000, bestEffort = True ) # addToMap(ee.Algorithms.ConnectedComponentLabeler(water, ee.Kernel.square(1), 256)) return ee.Feature(None, {'date': image.get('DATE_ACQUIRED'), 'spacecraft': image.get('SPACECRAFT_ID'), 'water': water_count.get('constant'), 'cloud': cloud_count.get('constant')}) # Function to add FAI (Algal) index to image and print download URL for raster.
Example #19
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testDatePromtion(self): # Make a feature, put a time in it, and get it out as a date. self.InitializeApi() point = ee.Geometry.Point(1, 2) feature = ee.Feature(point, {'x': 1, 'y': 2}) date_range ='DateRange', feature.get('x'), feature.get('y')) # Check that the start and end args are wrapped in a call to Date. self.assertEquals(date_range.args['start'].func._signature['name'], 'Date') self.assertEquals(date_range.args['end'].func._signature['name'], 'Date')
Example #20
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 5 votes |
def feature(info): """ Dispatch a ee.Feature """ geom = info.get('geometry') geomtype = geom.get('type') props = info.get('properties') # Contruct an accordion with the geometries acc = geometry(geom) children = list(acc.children) # Properties if props: # dispatch properties prop_acc = dispatch(props) else: prop_acc = dispatch('Feature has no properties') # Append properties as a child children.append(prop_acc.widget) acc.set_title(1, 'properties') acc.children = children acc.selected_index = None # Geometry Type typewid = dispatch(geomtype) return acc
Example #21
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getGeojsonTile(geometry, name=None, inspect={'data':None, 'reducer':None, 'scale':None}): ''' Get a GeoJson giving a ee.Geometry or ee.Feature ''' if isinstance(geometry, ee.Feature): feat = geometry geometry = feat.geometry() else: feat = None info = geometry.getInfo() type = info['type'] gjson_types = ['Polygon', 'LineString', 'MultiPolygon', 'LinearRing', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPoint', 'Point', 'Polygon', 'Rectangle', 'GeometryCollection'] # newname = name if name else "{} {}".format(type, map.added_geometries) if type in gjson_types: data = inspect['data'] if feat: default_popup = featurePropertiesOutput(feat) else: default_popup = type red = inspect.get('reducer','first') sca = inspect.get('scale', None) popval = getData(geometry, data, red, sca, name) if data else default_popup geojson = geometry.getInfo() return {'geojson':geojson, 'pop': popval} # 'name': newname} else: print('unrecognized object type to add to map')
Example #22
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_image_list(bounds, collection='LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_TOA'): images = ee.ImageCollection(collection).filterBounds(bounds) features = ee.FeatureCollection(images) image_info = img: ee.Feature(None, { 'id': img.get('system:id'), 'time': img.get('system:time_start'), 'cloud_cover': img.get('CLOUD_COVER') })) info = image_info.getInfo() return [i['properties'] for i in info['features']]
Example #23
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def testConstructors(self): """Verifies that constructors understand valid parameters.""" point = ee.Geometry.Point(1, 2) from_geometry = ee.Feature(point) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_geometry.func) self.assertEquals({'geometry': point, 'metadata': None}, from_geometry.args) from_null_geometry = ee.Feature(None, {'x': 2}) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_null_geometry.func) self.assertEquals({'geometry': None, 'metadata': {'x': 2}}, from_null_geometry.args) computed_geometry = ee.Geometry(ee.ComputedObject(ee.Function(), {'a': 1})) computed_properties = ee.ComputedObject(ee.Function(), {'b': 2}) from_computed_one = ee.Feature(computed_geometry) from_computed_both = ee.Feature(computed_geometry, computed_properties) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_computed_one.func) self.assertEquals({'geometry': computed_geometry, 'metadata': None}, from_computed_one.args) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_computed_both.func) self.assertEquals({'geometry': computed_geometry, 'metadata': computed_properties}, from_computed_both.args) from_variable = ee.Feature(ee.CustomFunction.variable(None, 'foo')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(from_variable, ee.Feature)) self.assertEquals({'type': 'ArgumentRef', 'value': 'foo'}, from_variable.encode(None)) from_geo_json_feature = ee.Feature({ 'type': 'Feature', 'id': 'bar', 'geometry': point.toGeoJSON(), 'properties': {'foo': 42} }) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction('Feature'), from_geo_json_feature.func) self.assertEquals(point, from_geo_json_feature.args['geometry']) self.assertEquals({'foo': 42, 'system:index': 'bar'}, from_geo_json_feature.args['metadata'])
Example #24
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-examples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sampling(sample): lat = sample.get('latitude') lon = sample.get('longitude') ch4 = sample.get('ch4') return ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point([lon, lat]), {'ch4': ch4}) # Import two weeks of S5P methane and composite by mean.
Example #25
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-examples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def extract_landsat(feature): geom = ee.Feature(feature).geometry() image = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR') \ .filterDate('2019-01-01', '2019-12-31') \ .filterBounds(geom) \ .median() \ .clip(geom) return image # Select the first five U.S. counties
Example #26
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-examples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getGeom(image): return ee.Feature(image.geometry().centroid(), {'foo': 1}) # Load a Landsat 8 collection.
Example #27
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-examples with MIT License | 5 votes |
def createFeature(transition_class_stats): transition_class_stats = ee.Dictionary(transition_class_stats) class_number = transition_class_stats.get('transition_class_value') result = { 'transition_class_number': class_number, 'transition_class_''name': lookup_names.get(class_number), 'transition_class_''palette': lookup_palette.get(class_number), 'area_m2': transition_class_stats.get('sum') } return ee.Feature({}, result) # Creates a feature without a geometry. # Create a JSON dictionary that defines piechart colors based on the # transition class palette. #
Example #28
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def makefeature(data): ''' for exporting as CSV to Drive ''' return ee.Feature(None, {'data': data})
Example #29
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getData(geometry, obj, reducer='first', scale=None, name=None): ''' Get data from an ee.ComputedObject using a giving ee.Geometry ''' accepted = (ee.Image, ee.ImageCollection, ee.Feature, ee.FeatureCollection) reducers = {'first': ee.Reducer.first(), 'mean': ee.Reducer.mean(), 'median': ee.Reducer.median(), 'sum':ee.Reducer.sum()} if not isinstance(obj, accepted): return "Can't get data from that Object" elif isinstance(obj, ee.Image): t = geometry.type().getInfo() # Try to get the image scale scale =[0]).projection().nominalScale().getInfo() \ if not scale else scale # Reduce if computed scale is too big scale = 1 if scale > 500 else scale if t == 'Point': values = tools.image.getValue(obj, geometry, scale, 'client') val_str = '<h3>Data from {}'.format(name) for key, val in values.items(): val_str += '<b>{}:</b> {}</br>'.format(key, val) return val_str elif t == 'Polygon': red = reducer if reducer in reducers.keys() else 'first' values = obj.reduceRegion(reducers[red], geometry, scale, maxPixels=1e13).getInfo() val_str = '<h3>{}:</h3>\n'.format(red) for key, val in values.items(): val_str += '<b>{}:</b> {}</br>'.format(key, val) return val_str
Example #30
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def testGetMap(self): """Verifies that getMap() uses Collection.draw to rasterize Features.""" feature = ee.Feature(None) mapid = feature.getMapId({'color': 'ABCDEF'}) manual = ee.ApiFunction.apply_('Collection.draw', { 'collection': ee.FeatureCollection([feature]), 'color': 'ABCDEF'}) self.assertEquals('fakeMapId', mapid['mapid']) self.assertEquals(manual.serialize(), mapid['image'].serialize())