Python ee.Number() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ee.Number().
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Example #1
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def pv(imList,p,median,j): ''' calculate -2log(R_ell,j) and return P-value ''' imList = ee.List(imList) p = ee.Number(p) j = ee.Number(j) f = p one = ee.Number(1.0) # 1 - (1. + 1./(j*(j-1)))/(6.*p*n) rhoj = one.subtract(one.add(one.divide(j.multiply(j.subtract(one)))).divide(6*ENL)) # -(f/4.)*(1.-1./rhoj)**2' omega2j = one.subtract(one.divide(rhoj)).pow(2.0).multiply(f.divide(-4.0)) Z = ee.Image(ee.Image(log_det_sum(imList,j.subtract(1)))).multiply(j.subtract(1)) \ .add(log_det(imList,j)) \ .add(p.multiply(j).multiply(ee.Number(j).log())) \ .subtract(p.multiply(j.subtract(1)).multiply(j.subtract(1).log())) \ .subtract(ee.Image(log_det_sum(imList,j)).multiply(j)) \ .multiply(rhoj) \ .multiply(-2*ENL) # (1.-omega2j)*stats.chi2.cdf(Z,[f])+omega2j*stats.chi2.cdf(Z,[f+4]) P = ee.Image( chi2cdf(Z,f).multiply(one.subtract(omega2j)).add(chi2cdf(Z,f.add(4)).multiply(omega2j)) ) # 3x3 median filter return ee.Algorithms.If(median, P.focal_median(), P)
Example #2
Source File: From ee-atmcorr-timeseries with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def solar_z(image, mission): """ solar zenith angle (degrees) """ def sentinel2(image): return ee.Number(image.get('MEAN_SOLAR_ZENITH_ANGLE')) def landsat(image): return ee.Number(90).subtract(image.get('SUN_ELEVATION')) switch = { 'Sentinel2':sentinel2, 'Landsat8':landsat, 'Landsat7':landsat, 'Landsat5':landsat, 'Landsat4':landsat } getSolarZenith = switch[mission] return getSolarZenith(image)
Example #3
Source File: From geebap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def map(self, collection, **kwargs): """ Map function to use in BAP :param year: the analysing year. Must match the year of the bap :type year: int """ range_out = self.range_out year = kwargs.get('year') date_range = self.season.add_year(year) doy = ee.Date(season_module.SeasonDate(self.best_doy).add_year(year)) doy2 = ee.Date(season_module.SeasonDate(self.best_doy).add_year(year-1)) condition = date_range.contains(doy) best = ee.Number(ee.Algorithms.If(condition, doy, doy2)) return self.apply(collection, best_doy=best,, output_min=range_out[0], output_max=range_out[1], function=self.function, stretch=self.stretch)
Example #4
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def covarw(image, weights, maxPixels=1e9): '''Return the weighted centered image and its weighted covariance matrix''' geometry = image.geometry() bandNames = image.bandNames() N = bandNames.length() scale = weightsImage = image.multiply(ee.Image.constant(0)).add(weights) means = image.addBands(weightsImage) \ .reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean().repeat(N).splitWeights(), scale=scale,maxPixels=maxPixels) \ .toArray() \ .project([1]) centered = image.toArray().subtract(means) B1 = centered.bandNames().get(0) b1 = weights.bandNames().get(0) nPixels = ee.Number(centered.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.count(), scale=scale, maxPixels=maxPixels).get(B1)) sumWeights = ee.Number(weights.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(),geometry=geometry, scale=scale, maxPixels=maxPixels).get(b1)) covw = centered.multiply(weights.sqrt()) \ .toArray() \ .reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance(), geometry=geometry, scale=scale, maxPixels=maxPixels) \ .get('array') covw = ee.Array(covw).multiply(nPixels).divide(sumWeights) return (centered.arrayFlatten([bandNames]), covw)
Example #5
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def enumerateProperty(collection, name='enumeration'): """ :param collection: :param name: :return: """ enumerated = eecollection.enumerate(collection) def over_list(l): l = ee.List(l) index = ee.Number(l.get(0)) element = l.get(1) return ee.Image(element).set(name, index) imlist = return ee.ImageCollection(imlist)
Example #6
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def covw(centeredImage, weights=None, maxPixels=1e9): '''Return the (weighted) covariance matrix of a centered image''' if weights==None: weights = centeredImage.multiply(0).add(ee.Image.constant(1)) B1 = centeredImage.bandNames().get(0) b1 = weights.bandNames().get(0) sumWeights = ee.Number(weights.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), maxPixels=maxPixels).get(b1)) nPixels = ee.Number(centeredImage.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.count(), maxPixels=maxPixels).get(B1)) # arr = dataArray(centeredImage.multiply(weights.sqrt())) # return arr.matrixTranspose().matrixMultiply(arr).divide(sumWeights) covW = centeredImage \ .multiply(weights.sqrt()) \ .toArray() \ .reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance(), maxPixels=1e9) \ .get('array') return ee.Array(covW).multiply(nPixels.divide(sumWeights))
Example #7
Source File: From ee-atmcorr-timeseries with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def round_month(date): """ round date to closest month """ # start of THIS month m1 = date.fromYMD(date.get('year'),date.get('month'),ee.Number(1)) # start of NEXT month m2 = m1.advance(1,'month') # difference from date d1 = ee.Number(date.difference(m1,'day')).abs() d2 = ee.Number(date.difference(m2,'day')).abs() # return closest start of month return ee.Date(ee.Algorithms.If(,m1,m2))
Example #8
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def filter_j(current,prev): P = ee.Image(current) prev = ee.Dictionary(prev) ell = ee.Number(prev.get('ell')) cmap = ee.Image(prev.get('cmap')) smap = ee.Image(prev.get('smap')) fmap = ee.Image(prev.get('fmap')) bmap = ee.Image(prev.get('bmap')) threshold = ee.Image(prev.get('threshold')) j = ee.Number(prev.get('j')) cmapj = cmap.multiply(0).add(ell.add(j).subtract(1)) cmap1 = cmap.multiply(0).add(1) tst = cmap = cmap.where(tst,cmapj) fmap = fmap.where(tst,fmap.add(1)) smap = ee.Algorithms.If(ell.eq(1),smap.where(tst,cmapj),smap) idx = ell.add(j).subtract(2) tmp = bname = bmap.bandNames().get(idx) tmp = tmp.where(tst,cmap1) tmp = tmp.rename([bname]) bmap = bmap.addBands(tmp,[bname],True) return ee.Dictionary({'ell':ell,'j':j.add(1),'threshold':threshold,'cmap':cmap,'smap':smap,'fmap':fmap,'bmap':bmap})
Example #9
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def toa_image(red=0.1, nir=0.9, bt=305): """Construct a fake Landsat 8 TOA image with renamed bands""" mask_img = ee.Image(f'{COLL_ID}/{SCENE_ID}').select(['B3']).multiply(0) return ee.Image([mask_img.add(red), mask_img.add(nir), mask_img.add(bt)]) \ .rename(['red', 'nir', 'tir'])\ .set({ 'system:time_start': SCENE_TIME, 'k1_constant': ee.Number(607.76), 'k2_constant': ee.Number(1260.56), }) # return ee.Image.constant([red, nir, bt])\ # .rename(['red', 'nir', 'lst']) \ # .set({ # 'system:time_start': ee.Date(SCENE_DATE).millis(), # 'k1_constant': ee.Number(607.76), # 'k2_constant': ee.Number(1260.56), # })
Example #10
Source File: From geebap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def add_year(self, year): year = ee.Number(year) if self.over_end: start_year = year.subtract(1) else: start_year = ee.Number(year) end_year = ee.Number(year) sday = eday = # look for feb 29h in non leap if not is_leap(year): if self.start.month == 2 and sday == 29: sday = 28 if self.end.month == 2 and eday == 29: eday = 28 start = ee.Date.fromYMD(start_year, self.start.month, sday) end = ee.Date.fromYMD(end_year, self.end.month, eday) daterange = ee.DateRange(ee.Date(start), ee.Date(end)) return daterange
Example #11
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def minscale(image): """ Get the minimal scale of an Image, looking at all Image's bands. For example if: B1 = 30 B2 = 60 B3 = 10 the function will return 10 :return: the minimal scale :rtype: ee.Number """ bands = image.bandNames() first =[ee.String(bands.get(0))]) ini = ee.Number(first.projection().nominalScale()) def wrap(name, i): i = ee.Number(i) scale = ee.Number([name]).projection().nominalScale()) condition = scale.lte(i) newscale = ee.Algorithms.If(condition, scale, i) return newscale return ee.Number(bands.slice(1).iterate(wrap, ini))
Example #12
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testString(self): """Verifies basic behavior of ee.String.""" bare_string = ee.String('foo') self.assertEquals('foo', bare_string.encode()) computed = ee.String('foo').cat('bar') self.assertTrue(isinstance(computed, ee.String)) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction.lookup(''), computed.func) self.assertEquals({'string1': ee.String('foo'), 'string2': ee.String('bar')}, computed.args) # Casting a non-string ComputedObject. obj = ee.Number(1).add(1) s = ee.String(obj) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s, ee.String)) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction.lookup('String'), s.func) self.assertEquals({'input': obj}, s.args)
Example #13
Source File: From geebap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get(date, unit="days"): """ get the date (ee.Date) of the given value in 'unit'. Currentrly ONLY process 'days', so: `date.Date.get(365) = '1971-01-01T00:00:00` :param date: the value to transform :type date: int :param unit: date's unit (currently ONLY 'days') :return: date corresponding to the given value :rtype: ee.Date """ if unit == "days": mili = ee.Number(date).multiply(Date.oneday) d = ee.Date(mili) # dstr = d.format() return d
Example #14
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def doyToDate(image, dateFormat='yyyyMMdd', year=None): """ Make a date band from a day of year band """ if not year: year ='year') doyband =[0]) leap = date.isLeap(year) limit = ee.Number(ee.Algorithms.If(leap, 365, 364)) alldoys = ee.List.sequence(1, limit) def wrap(doy, i): i = ee.Image(i) doy = ee.Number(doy) d = date.fromDOY(doy, year) date_band = ee.Image.constant(ee.Number.parse(d.format(dateFormat))) condition = i.eq(doy) return i.where(condition, date_band) datei = ee.Image(alldoys.iterate(wrap, doyband)) return datei.rename('date')
Example #15
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def vectorize(image, categories, label='label'): """ Reduce to vectors the selected classes fro a classified image :param categories: the categories to vectorize :type categories: list """ def over_cat(cat, ini): cat = ee.Number(cat) ini = ee.Image(ini) return ini.add(image.eq(cat).multiply(cat)) filtered = ee.Image( ee.List(categories).iterate(over_cat, empty(0, [label]))) out = filtered.neq(0) filtered = filtered.updateMask(out) return filtered.reduceToVectors(**{ 'scale': 30, 'maxPixels':1e13, 'labelProperty': label})
Example #16
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def date_to_time_0utc(date): """Get the 0 UTC time_start for a date Parameters ---------- date : ee.Date Returns ------- ee.Number """ return ee.Date.fromYMD(date.get('year'), date.get('month'), date.get('day')).millis() # Extra operations are needed since update() does not set milliseconds to 0. # return date.update(hour=0, minute=0, second=0).millis()\ # .divide(1000).floor().multiply(1000)
Example #17
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testString(self): """Verifies basic behavior of ee.String.""" bare_string = ee.String('foo') self.assertEquals('foo', bare_string.encode()) computed = ee.String('foo').cat('bar') self.assertTrue(isinstance(computed, ee.String)) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction.lookup(''), computed.func) self.assertEquals({'string1': ee.String('foo'), 'string2': ee.String('bar')}, computed.args) # Casting a non-string ComputedObject. obj = ee.Number(1).add(1) s = ee.String(obj) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s, ee.String)) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction.lookup('String'), s.func) self.assertEquals({'input': obj}, s.args)
Example #18
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def repeatBand(image, times=None, names=None, properties=None): """ Repeat one band. If the image parsed has more than one band, the first will be used """ band = ee.Image([0])) if times is not None: times = ee.Number(times) proxylist = ee.List.repeat(0, times.subtract(1)) def add(band, i): band = ee.Image(band) i = ee.Image(i) return i.addBands(band) proxyImg = n: band) repeated = ee.Image(proxyImg.iterate(add, band)) else: newNames = ee.List(names) firstName = ee.String(newNames.get(0)) rest = ee.List(newNames.slice(1)) def add(name, i): name = ee.String(name) i = ee.Image(i) return i.addBands(band.rename(name)) first = band.rename(firstName) repeated = ee.Image(rest.iterate(add, first)) if properties: repeated = repeated.setMulti(properties) return ee.Image(repeated)
Example #19
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def computeBits(image, start, end, newName): """ Compute the bits of an image :param start: start bit :type start: int :param end: end bit :type end: int :param newName: new name for the band :type newName: str :return: A function which single argument is the image and returns a single band image of the extracted bits, giving the band a new name :rtype: function """ pattern = ee.Number(0) start = ee.Number(start).toInt() end = ee.Number(end).toInt() newName = ee.String(newName) seq = ee.List.sequence(start, end) def toiterate(element, ini): ini = ee.Number(ini) bit = ee.Number(2).pow(ee.Number(element)) return ini.add(bit) patt = seq.iterate(toiterate, pattern) patt = ee.Number(patt).toInt() good_pix =[0], [newName]).toInt() \ .bitwiseAnd(patt).rightShift(start) return good_pix.toInt()
Example #20
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def normalDistribution(image, band, mean=None, std=None, region=None, scale=None, name='normal_distribution', **kwargs): """ Compute a Normal Distribution using the Gaussian Function """ pi = ee.Number(math.pi) image = if mean is None: mean = image.reduceRegion(reducer=ee.Reducer.mean(), geometry=region, scale=scale, **kwargs) mean = ee.Image.constant(mean.get(band)) else: mean = castImage(mean) if std is None: std = image.reduceRegion(reducer=ee.Reducer.stdDev(), geometry=region, scale=scale, **kwargs) std = ee.Image.constant(std.get(band)) else: std = castImage(std) output_max = ee.Image(1)\ .divide(std.multiply(ee.Image(2).multiply(pi).sqrt())) return gaussFunction(image, band, mean=mean, std=std, output_max=output_max, name=name, **kwargs)
Example #21
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_init(): # Make a simple EE request ee.Number(1).getInfo()
Example #22
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decodeBitsEE(bit_reader, qa_band): """ :param bit_reader: the bit reader :type bit_reader: BitReader :param qa_band: name of the band that holds the bit information :type qa_band: str :return: a function to map over a collection. The function adds all categories masks as new bands """ options = ee.Dictionary( categories = ee.List(bit_reader.all_categories) def wrap(image): def eachcat(cat, ini): ini = ee.Image(ini) qa = # get data for category data = ee.Dictionary(options.get(cat)) lshift = ee.Number(data.get('lshift')) length = ee.Number(data.get('bit_length')) decoded = ee.Number(data.get('shifted')) # move = places to move bits right and left back move = lshift.add(length) # move bits right and left rest = qa.rightShift(move).leftShift(move) # subtract the rest norest = qa.subtract(rest) # right shift to compare with decoded data to_compare = norest.rightShift(lshift) ## Image # compare if is equal, return 0 if not equal, 1 if equal mask = to_compare.eq(decoded) # rename to the name of the category qa_mask =[0], [cat]) return ini.addBands(qa_mask) return ee.Image(categories.iterate(eachcat, image)) return wrap
Example #23
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_getinfo(): assert utils.getinfo(ee.Number(1)) == 1
Example #24
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_Model_dt_calc_rs_ea(tmax, tmin, elev, doy, lat, rs, ea, expected, tol=0.0001): """Test dt calculation using 'measured' Rs and Ea (from Tdew, sph, vp)""" dt = utils.getinfo(model.dt( tmax=ee.Number(tmax), tmin=ee.Number(tmin), elev=ee.Number(elev), rs=ee.Number(rs), ea=ee.Number(ea), doy=ee.Number(doy), lat=ee.Number(lat))) assert abs(float(dt) - expected) <= tol
Example #25
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_Model_dt_calc_rso_ea(tmax, tmin, elev, doy, lat, ea, expected, tol=0.0001): """Test dt calculation using 'measured' Ea (from Tdew, sph, vp) and Rso""" dt = utils.getinfo(model.dt( tmax=ee.Number(tmax), tmin=ee.Number(tmin), elev=ee.Number(elev), ea=ee.Number(ea), doy=ee.Number(doy), lat=ee.Number(lat))) assert abs(float(dt) - expected) <= tol
Example #26
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_Model_dt_calc_rs_no_ea(tmax, tmin, elev, doy, lat, rs, expected, tol=0.0001): """Test dt calculation using measured Rs and Ea from Tmin""" dt = utils.getinfo(model.dt( tmax=ee.Number(tmax), tmin=ee.Number(tmin), elev=ee.Number(elev), rs=ee.Number(rs), doy=ee.Number(doy), lat=ee.Number(lat))) assert abs(float(dt) - expected) <= tol
Example #27
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_Model_dt_calc_rso_no_ea(tmax, tmin, elev, doy, lat, expected, tol=0.0001): """Test dt calculation using Rso and Ea from Tmin""" dt = utils.getinfo(model.dt( tmax=ee.Number(tmax), tmin=ee.Number(tmin), elev=ee.Number(elev), rs=None, doy=ee.Number(doy), lat=ee.Number(lat))) assert abs(float(dt) - expected) <= tol
Example #28
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def toa_image(red=0.1, nir=0.9, bt=305): """Construct a fake Landsat 8 TOA image with renamed bands""" return ee.Image.constant([red, nir, bt])\ .rename(['red', 'nir', 'tir']) \ .set({ # 'system:time_start': ee.Date(SCENE_DATE).millis(), 'k1_constant': ee.Number(607.76), 'k2_constant': ee.Number(1260.56), })
Example #29
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def et_fraction(lst, tmax, tcorr, dt, elr_flag=False, elev=None): """SSEBop fraction of reference ET (ETf) Parameters ---------- lst : ee.Image Land surface temperature (lst) [L]. tmax : ee.Image Maximum air temperature [K]. tcorr : ee.Image, ee.Number Tcorr. dt : ee.Image, ee.Number Temperature difference [K]. elr_flag : bool, optional If True, apply Elevation Lapse Rate (ELR) adjustment (the default is False). elev : ee.Image, ee.Number, optional Elevation [m] (the default is None). Only needed if elr_flag is True. Returns ------- ee.Image References ---------- """ # Adjust air temperature based on elevation (Elevation Lapse Rate) if elr_flag: tmax = ee.Image(lapse_adjust(tmax, ee.Image(elev))) et_fraction = lst.expression( '(lst * (-1) + tmax * tcorr + dt) / dt', {'tmax': tmax, 'dt': dt, 'lst': lst, 'tcorr': tcorr}) return et_fraction.updateMask(\ .clamp(0, 1.05)\ .rename(['et_fraction'])
Example #30
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testProfilePrintingDefaultSmoke(self): # This will print to sys.stderr, so we can't make any assertions about the # output. But we can check that it doesn't fail. with ee.profilePrinting(): self.assertEquals('hooked=True getProfiles=False', ee.Number(1).getInfo())