Python ee.FeatureCollection() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ee.FeatureCollection().
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Example #1
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 7 votes |
def addMarker(self, marker, visParams=None, name=None, show=True, opacity=None, replace=True, inspect={'data':None, 'reducer':None, 'scale':None}): """ General method to add Geometries, Features or FeatureCollections as Markers """ if isinstance(marker, ee.Geometry): self.addGeometry(marker, visParams, name, show, opacity, replace, inspect) elif isinstance(marker, ee.Feature): self.addFeature(marker, visParams, name, show, opacity, replace, inspect) elif isinstance(marker, ee.FeatureCollection): geometry = marker.geometry() self.addGeometry(marker, visParams, name, show, opacity, replace, inspect)
Example #2
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def enumerateProperty(col, name='enumeration'): """ Create a list of lists in which each element of the list is: [index, element]. For example, if you parse a FeatureCollection with 3 Features you'll get: [[0, feat0], [1, feat1], [2, feat2]] :param collection: the collection :return: ee.FeatureCollection """ enumerated = eecollection.enumerate(col) def over_list(l): l = ee.List(l) index = ee.Number(l.get(0)) element = l.get(1) return ee.Feature(element).set(name, index) featlist = return ee.FeatureCollection(featlist)
Example #3
Source File: From gee_asset_manager_addon with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def assetsize(asset): ee.Initialize() header =["type"] if header == "IMAGE_COLLECTION": collc = ee.ImageCollection(asset) size = collc.aggregate_array("system:asset_size") return [str(humansize(sum(size.getInfo()))), collc.size().getInfo()] elif header == "IMAGE": collc = ee.Image(asset) return [str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())), 1] elif header == "TABLE": collc = ee.FeatureCollection(asset) return [str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())), 1] elif header == "FOLDER": num = subprocess.check_output( "earthengine --no-use_cloud_api ls " + asset, shell=True ).decode("ascii") return ["NA", len(num.split("\n")) - 1] # folder parse
Example #4
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testNestedMapping(self): """Verifies that nested map() calls produce distinct variables.""" collection = ee.FeatureCollection('foo') result = x: y: [x, y])) # Verify the signatures. self.assertEquals( '_MAPPING_VAR_1_0', result.args['baseAlgorithm']._signature['args'][0]['name']) inner_result = result.args['baseAlgorithm']._body self.assertEquals( '_MAPPING_VAR_0_0', inner_result.args['baseAlgorithm']._signature['args'][0]['name']) # Verify the references. self.assertEquals( '_MAPPING_VAR_1_0', inner_result.args['baseAlgorithm']._body[0].varName) self.assertEquals( '_MAPPING_VAR_0_0', inner_result.args['baseAlgorithm']._body[1].varName)
Example #5
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _updateMap(self): '''Updates the map with the current class''' self._clearDrawings() # Remove all existing drawings if not self.selectedClass: return # Convert from current class to an EE feature coordList = self.classDict[self.selectedClass] if len(coordList) == 0: return # Don't try to draw an empty list if len(coordList) < 3: eeRing = ee.Geometry.LineString(coordList) else: eeRing = ee.Geometry.LinearRing(coordList) # Add the feature to the map fc = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.Feature(eeRing)) polyImage = ee.Image().byte().paint(fc, 0, 4) self.polygonOnMap = polyImage self.mapWidgetHandle.addToMap(polyImage, {}, self.selectedClass, True)
Example #6
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testBounds(self): """Verifies that geometry intersection filters work.""" polygon = ee.Geometry.Polygon(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) self.assertEquals( ee.ApiFunction.call_( 'Filter.intersects', '.all', ee.ApiFunction.call_('Feature', polygon)), ee.Filter.geometry(polygon)) # Collection-to-geometry promotion. collection = ee.FeatureCollection('foo') feature = ee.ApiFunction.call_( 'Feature', ee.ApiFunction.call_('Collection.geometry', collection)) self.assertEquals( ee.ApiFunction.call_('Filter.intersects', '.all', feature), ee.Filter.geometry(collection))
Example #7
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testBounds(self): """Verifies that geometry intersection filters work.""" polygon = ee.Geometry.Polygon(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) self.assertEquals( ee.ApiFunction.call_( 'Filter.intersects', '.all', ee.ApiFunction.call_('Feature', polygon)), ee.Filter.geometry(polygon)) # Collection-to-geometry promotion. collection = ee.FeatureCollection('foo') feature = ee.ApiFunction.call_( 'Feature', ee.ApiFunction.call_('Collection.geometry', collection)) self.assertEquals( ee.ApiFunction.call_('Filter.intersects', '.all', feature), ee.Filter.geometry(collection))
Example #8
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def GetImageInfoTimeSeries(aoi): def GetImageInfo(img): return ee.Feature(None, { 'id': img.get('system:id'), 'time': img.get('system:time_start'), 'cloud_cover': img.get('CLOUD_COVER') }) def ToFeatureCollection(imageCollectionName): return ee.FeatureCollection(ee.ImageCollection(imageCollectionName).filterBounds(aoi).map(GetImageInfo)) collectionNames = [ 'LANDSAT/LT4_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LT5_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LE7_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_TOA' ] fc = ee.FeatureCollection([]) for n in collectionNames: fc = fc.merge(ToFeatureCollection(n)) info = fc.sort('time').getInfo() return [i['properties'] for i in info['features']]
Example #9
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testNestedMapping(self): """Verifies that nested map() calls produce distinct variables.""" collection = ee.FeatureCollection('foo') result = x: y: [x, y])) # Verify the signatures. self.assertEquals( '_MAPPING_VAR_1_0', result.args['baseAlgorithm']._signature['args'][0]['name']) inner_result = result.args['baseAlgorithm']._body self.assertEquals( '_MAPPING_VAR_0_0', inner_result.args['baseAlgorithm']._signature['args'][0]['name']) # Verify the references. self.assertEquals( '_MAPPING_VAR_1_0', inner_result.args['baseAlgorithm']._body[0].varName) self.assertEquals( '_MAPPING_VAR_0_0', inner_result.args['baseAlgorithm']._body[1].varName)
Example #10
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def to_ee_feature_collections(self): # currently only supports single unfilled region inside filled region exterior = [] interior = [] for l in self.loops: coords = map(lambda x: self.local_image.image_to_global(x[0], x[1]), l.nodes) f = ee.Feature.Polygon(coords) if not l.clockwise: interior.append(f) else: exterior.append(f) return (ee.FeatureCollection(exterior), ee.FeatureCollection(interior))
Example #11
Source File: From crop_yield_prediction with MIT License | 5 votes |
def appendBand(current, previous): # Rename the band previous=ee.Image(previous) current =[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]) # Append it to the result (Note: only return current item on first element/iteration) accum = ee.Algorithms.If(ee.Algorithms.IsEqual(previous,None), current, previous.addBands(ee.Image(current))) # Return the accumulation return accum # county_region = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:18Ayj5e7JxxtTPm1BdMnnzWbZMrxMB49eqGDTsaSp')
Example #12
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def regionIsInUnitedStates(region): '''Returns true if the current region is inside the US.''' # Extract the geographic boundary of the US. nationList = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:1tdSwUL7MVpOauSgRzqVTOwdfy17KDbw-1d9omPw') nation = ee.Feature(nationList.filter(ee.Filter.eq('Country', 'United States')).first()) nationGeo = ee.Geometry(nation.geometry()) result = nationGeo.contains(region, 10) return (str(result.getInfo()) == 'True')
Example #13
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_training_json(self, sensor_domain_folder, json_file_name): '''Load in a JSON file containing training features for an EE classifier''' # Load the input file json_file_path = os.path.join(sensor_domain_folder, json_file_name.text + '.json') print('Loading JSON training data: ' + json_file_path) with open(json_file_path, 'r') as f: feature_dict = json.load(f) if not feature_dict: raise Exception('Failed to read JSON file ' + json_file_path) # Convert the data into the desired training format # - The input data is N entries, each containing a polygon of points. # - The output data is ee formatted and classified as either 0 (land) or 1 (water) feature_list = [] for key in feature_dict: # Assign as land unless water is in the key name! terrain_code = 0 if 'water' in key.lower(): terrain_code = 1 #this_geometry = ee.Geometry.LinearRing(feature_dict[key]) this_geometry = ee.Geometry.Polygon(feature_dict[key]) this_feature = ee.Feature(this_geometry, {'classification': terrain_code}) feature_list.append(this_feature) self.training_features = ee.FeatureCollection(feature_list)
Example #14
Source File: From Planet-GEE-Pipeline-CLI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def assetsize(asset): header =["type"] if header == "ImageCollection": collc = ee.ImageCollection(asset) size = collc.aggregate_array("system:asset_size") print("") print(str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(sum(size.getInfo())))) print("Total number of items in collection: " + str(collc.size().getInfo())) elif header == "Image": collc = ee.Image(asset) print("") print( str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())) ) elif header == "Table": collc = ee.FeatureCollection(asset) print("") print( str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())) ) elif header == "Folder": b = subprocess.check_output( "earthengine --no-use_cloud_api du " + asset + " -s", shell=True ) num = subprocess.check_output( "earthengine --no-use_cloud_api ls " + asset, shell=True ) size = humansize(float(b.strip().split(" ")[0])) print("") print(str(asset) + " ===> " + str(size)) print("Total number of items in folder: " + str(len(num.split("\n")) - 1))
Example #15
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testDownload(self): """Verifies that Download ID and URL generation.""" csv_url = ee.FeatureCollection(7).getDownloadURL('csv') self.assertEquals('/table', self.last_table_call['url']) self.assertEquals( { 'table': ee.FeatureCollection(7).serialize(), 'json_format': 'v2', 'format': 'CSV' }, self.last_table_call['data']) self.assertEquals('/api/table?docid=5&token=6', csv_url) everything_url = ee.FeatureCollection(8).getDownloadURL( 'json', 'bar, baz', 'qux') self.assertEquals( { 'table': ee.FeatureCollection(8).serialize(), 'json_format': 'v2', 'format': 'JSON', 'selectors': 'bar, baz', 'filename': 'qux' }, self.last_table_call['data']) self.assertEquals('/api/table?docid=5&token=6', everything_url) self.assertEquals(ee.FeatureCollection(7).getDownloadUrl('csv'), ee.FeatureCollection(7).getDownloadURL('csv'))
Example #16
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testGetMapId(self): """Verifies that getMap() uses Collection.draw to draw.""" collection = ee.FeatureCollection(5) mapid = collection.getMapId({'color': 'ABCDEF'}) manual = ee.ApiFunction.call_('Collection.draw', collection, 'ABCDEF') self.assertEquals('fakeMapId', mapid['mapid']) self.assertEquals(manual, mapid['image'])
Example #17
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testExportTableToGoogleDrive(self): """Verifies the Drive destined task created by Export.table.toDrive().""" test_collection = ee.FeatureCollection('foo') test_description = 'TestDescription' test_file_name_prefix = 'fooDriveFileNamePrefix' test_format = 'KML' expected_config = { 'type': 'EXPORT_FEATURES', 'state': 'UNSUBMITTED', 'json': test_collection.serialize(), 'description': test_description, 'driveFileNamePrefix': test_file_name_prefix, 'fileFormat': test_format, } # Ordered parameters task_ordered = ee.batch.Export.table.toDrive( test_collection, test_description, None, test_file_name_prefix, test_format) self.assertEquals('TESTTASKID', self.assertEquals(expected_config, task_ordered.config) # Updating expectations to test keyed parameters expected_config.update({ 'fileFormat': 'CSV', 'description': 'myExportTableTask', 'driveFolder': 'fooFolder' }) # Test that deprecated parameters (driveFolder and driveFileNamePrefix) # still work. task_old_keys = ee.batch.Export.table.toDrive( collection=test_collection, driveFolder='fooFolder', driveFileNamePrefix='fooDriveFileNamePrefix') self.assertEquals(expected_config, task_old_keys.config) # Test that new parameters work task_new_keys = ee.batch.Export.table.toDrive( collection=test_collection, folder='fooFolder', fileNamePrefix='fooDriveFileNamePrefix') self.assertEquals(expected_config, task_new_keys.config)
Example #18
Source File: From gee_asset_manager_addon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def assetsize(asset): ee.Initialize() header =["type"] if header == "IMAGE_COLLECTION": collc = ee.ImageCollection(asset) size = collc.aggregate_array("system:asset_size") print("") print(str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(sum(size.getInfo())))) print("Total number of items in collection: {}".format(collc.size().getInfo())) elif header == "IMAGE": collc = ee.Image(asset) print("") print( str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())) ) elif header == "TABLE": collc = ee.FeatureCollection(asset) print("") print( str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())) ) elif header == "FOLDER": b = subprocess.check_output( "earthengine --no-use_cloud_api du " + asset + " -s", shell=True ).decode("ascii") num = subprocess.check_output( "earthengine --no-use_cloud_api ls " + asset, shell=True ).decode("ascii") size = humansize(float(b.strip().split(" ")[0])) print("") print(str(asset) + " ===> " + str(size)) print("Total number of items in folder: {}".format(len(num.split("\n")) - 1))
Example #19
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testStringRepresentation(self): """Verifies the string representation of tasks.""" tasks = ee.batch.Task.list() self.assertEquals( '<Task EXPORT_IMAGE: FirstTestTask (RUNNING)>', str(tasks[0])) self.assertEquals( '<Task EXPORT_FEATURES: SecondTestTask (FAILED)>', str(tasks[1])) new_task = ee.batch.Export.table(ee.FeatureCollection('foo'), 'bar') self.assertEquals( '<Task EXPORT_FEATURES: bar (UNSUBMITTED)>', str(new_task)) self.assertEquals( '<Task "foo">', str(ee.batch.Task('foo')))
Example #20
Source File: From crop_yield_prediction with MIT License | 5 votes |
def appendBand(current, previous): # Rename the band previous=ee.Image(previous) current =[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]) # Append it to the result (Note: only return current item on first element/iteration) accum = ee.Algorithms.If(ee.Algorithms.IsEqual(previous,None), current, previous.addBands(ee.Image(current))) # Return the accumulation return accum # county_region = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:18Ayj5e7JxxtTPm1BdMnnzWbZMrxMB49eqGDTsaSp')
Example #21
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fromKML(filename=None, data=None, crs=None, encoding=None): """ Create a list of Features from a KML file. Return a python tuple with ee.Feature inside. This is due to failing when attempting to create a FeatureCollection (Broken Pipe ERROR) out of the list. You can try creating it yourself casting the result of this function to a ee.List or using it directly as a FeatureCollection argument. :param filename: the name of the file to load :type filename: str :param crs: a coordinate reference system in EPSG format. If not specified it will try to get it from the geoJSON, and if not there it will rise an error :type: crs: str :return: a tuple of features. """ geojsondict = utils.kmlToGeoJsonDict(filename, data, encoding) features = geojsondict['features'] for feat in features: # remove styleUrl prop = feat['properties'] if 'styleUrl' in prop: prop.pop('styleUrl') # remove Z value if needed geom = feat['geometry'] ty = geom['type'] if ty == 'GeometryCollection': geometries = geom['geometries'] for g in geometries: c = g['coordinates'] utils.removeZ(c) else: coords = geom['coordinates'] utils.removeZ(coords) return fromGeoJSON(data=geojsondict, crs=crs)
Example #22
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def toDict(collection, split_at=4000): """ Get the FeatureCollection as a dict object """ size = collection.size() condition = size.gte(4999) def greater(): size = collection.size() seq = tools.ee_list.sequence(0, size, split_at) limits =, seq) def over_limits(n): n = ee.List(n) ini = ee.Number(n.get(0)) end = ee.Number(n.get(1)) return ee.FeatureCollection(collection.toList(ini, end)) return collections = ee.List( ee.Algorithms.If(condition, greater(), ee.List([collection]))) collections_size = collections.size().getInfo() col = ee.FeatureCollection(collections.get(0)) content = col.getInfo() feats = content['features'] for i in range(0, collections_size): c = ee.FeatureCollection(collections.get(i)) content_c = c.getInfo() feats_c = content_c['features'] feats = feats + feats_c content['features'] = feats return content
Example #23
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def toGeoJSON(collection, name, path=None, split_at=4000): """ Export a FeatureCollection to a GeoJSON file :param collection: The collection to export :type collection: ee.FeatureCollection :param name: name of the resulting file :type name: str :param path: The path where to save the file. If None, will be saved in the current folder :type path: str :param split_at: limit to avoid an EE Exception :type split_at: int :return: A GeoJSON (.geojson) file. :rtype: file """ import json import os if not path: path = os.getcwd() # name if name[-8:-1] != '.geojson': fname = name+'.geojson' content = toDict(collection, split_at) with open(os.path.join(path, fname), 'w') as thefile: thefile.write(json.dumps(content)) return thefile
Example #24
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def toCSV(collection, filename, split_at=4000): """ Alternative to download a FeatureCollection as a CSV """ d = toDict(collection, split_at) fields = list(d['columns'].keys()) fields.append('geometry') features = d['features'] ext = filename[-4:] if ext != '.csv': filename += '.csv' with open(filename, 'w') as thecsv: writer = csv.DictWriter(thecsv, fields) writer.writeheader() # write rows for feature in features: properties = feature['properties'] fid = feature['id'] geom = feature['geometry']['type'] # match fields properties['system:index'] = fid properties['geometry'] = geom # write row writer.writerow(properties) return thecsv
Example #25
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def toAsset(table, assetPath, name=None, create=True, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ This function can create folders and ImageCollections on the fly. The rest is the same to Export.image.toAsset. You can pass the same params as the original function :param table: the feature collection to upload :type table: ee.FeatureCollection :param assetPath: path to upload the image (only PATH, without filename) :type assetPath: str :param name: filename for the image (AssetID will be assetPath + name) :type name: str :return: the tasks :rtype: ee.batch.Task """ # Check if the user is specified in the asset path is_user = (assetPath.split('/')[0] == 'users') if not is_user: user =[0]['id'] assetPath = "{}/{}".format(user, assetPath) if create: # Recrusive create path path2create = assetPath # '/'.join(assetPath.split('/')[:-1]) utils.createAssets([path2create], 'Folder', True) # Asset ID (Path + name) assetId = '/'.join([assetPath, name]) # Description description = utils.matchDescription(name) # Init task task = ee.batch.Export.table.toAsset(table, assetId=assetId, description=description, **kwargs) task.start() if verbose: print('Exporting {} to {}'.format(name, assetPath)) return task
Example #26
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def paint(image, featurecollection, vis_params=None, color='black', width=1, fillColor=None, **kwargs): """ Paint a FeatureCollection onto an Image. Returns an Image with three bands: vis-blue, vis-geen, vis-red (uint8) It admits the same parameters as """ if not fillColor: fillColor = "#00000000" if not vis_params: firstband = ee.String(image.bandNames().get(0)) vis_params = dict(bands=[firstband, firstband, firstband], min=0, max=1) region = image.geometry() filtered = ee.FeatureCollection( ee.Algorithms.If( region.isUnbounded(), featurecollection, featurecollection.filterBounds(region) )) fcraster =, width=width, fillColor=fillColor, **kwargs) mask = fcraster.reduce('sum').gte(0).rename('mask') topaint = image.visualize(**vis_params) final = topaint.where(mask, fcraster) final = final.copyProperties(source=image) properties = image.propertyNames() final = ee.Image(ee.Algorithms.If( properties.contains('system:time_start'), final.set('system:time_start',, final)) final = ee.Image(ee.Algorithms.If( properties.contains('system:time_end'), final.set('system:time_end', ee.Number(image.get('system:time_end'))), final)) return final
Example #27
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def addId(collection, name='id', start=1): """ Add a unique numeric identifier, from parameter 'start' to collection.size() stored in a property called with parameter 'name' :param collection: the collection :type collection: ee.FeatureCollection :param name: the name of the resulting property :type name: str :param start: the number to start from :type start: int :return: the parsed collection with a new property :rtype: ee.FeatureCollection """ start = ee.Number(start) collist = collection.toList(collection.size()) first = ee.Feature(collist.get(0)) rest = collist.slice(1) # Set first id first = ee.List([first.set(name, start)]) # Set rest def over_col(feat, last): last = ee.List(last) last_feat = ee.Feature(last.get(-1)) feat = ee.Feature(feat) last_id = ee.Number(last_feat.get('id')) return last.add(feat.set('id', last_id.add(1))) return ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List(rest.iterate(over_col, first)))
Example #28
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def enumerateSimple(collection, name='ENUM'): """ Simple enumeration of features inside a collection. Each feature stores its enumeration, so if the order of features changes over time, the numbers will not be in order """ size = collection.size() collist = collection.toList(size) seq = ee.List.sequence(0, size.subtract(1)) def wrap(n): n = ee.Number(n).toInt() feat = collist.get(n) return ee.Feature(feat).set(name, n) fc = ee.FeatureCollection( return ee.FeatureCollection(fc.copyProperties(source=collection))
Example #29
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def testTaskStart(self): """Verifies that Task.start() calls the server appropriately.""" task = ee.batch.Export.table(ee.FeatureCollection('foo'), 'bar') task.start() self.assertEquals('TESTTASKID', self.start_call_params['id']) self.assertEquals('bar', self.start_call_params['description'])
Example #30
Source File: From ipygee with MIT License | 5 votes |
def paint(geometry, outline_color='black', fill_color=None, outline=2): """ Paint a Geometry, Feature or FeatureCollection """ def overlap(image_back, image_front): mask_back = image_back.mask() mask_front = image_front.mask() entire_mask = mask_back.add(mask_front) mask = mask_back.Not() masked = image_front.updateMask(mask).unmask() return masked.add(image_back.unmask()).updateMask(entire_mask) if isinstance(geometry, ee.Feature) or isinstance(geometry, ee.FeatureCollection): geometry = geometry.geometry() if fill_color: fill = ee.Image().paint(geometry, 1).visualize(palette=[fill_color]) if outline_color: out = ee.Image().paint(geometry, 1, outline).visualize(palette=[outline_color]) if fill_color and outline_color: rgbVector = overlap(out, fill) elif fill_color: rgbVector = fill else: rgbVector = out return rgbVector