Python ee.ImageCollection() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ee.ImageCollection().
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Example #1
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-examples with MIT License | 7 votes |
def addDate(image): # parse date stored in 'system:index' date = ee.Date(image.get('system:index')) # format date, see str = date.format('YYYY-mm-dd') return image.set({'Date': str}) # point = ee.Geometry.Point(-122.262, 37.8719) # start = ee.Date('2014-06-01') # finish = ee.Date('2014-10-01') # filteredCollection = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1') \ # .filterBounds(point) \ # .filterDate(start, finish) \ # .sort('CLOUD_COVER', True)
Example #2
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testMapping(self): """Verifies the behavior of the map() method.""" collection = ee.ImageCollection('foo') algorithm = lambda img:'bar') mapped = self.assertTrue(isinstance(mapped, ee.ImageCollection)) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction.lookup(''), mapped.func) self.assertEquals(collection, mapped.args['collection']) # Need to do a serialized comparison for the function body because # variables returned from CustomFunction.variable() do not implement # __eq__. sig = { 'returns': 'Image', 'args': [{'name': '_MAPPING_VAR_0_0', 'type': 'Image'}] } expected_function = ee.CustomFunction(sig, algorithm) self.assertEquals(expected_function.serialize(), mapped.args['baseAlgorithm'].serialize())
Example #3
Source File: From coded with MIT License | 6 votes |
def add_cloudscore7(image): """ Add cloud score for Landsat 7 """ thedate = date_bef = thedate.advance(-1, 'day') date_aft = thedate.advance(1,'day') toa = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_TOA' ).filterDate(date_bef, date_aft ).filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', path) ).filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', row) ).first() cs = ee.Algorithms.If( ee.Image(toa), ee.Image(ee.Algorithms.Landsat.simpleCloudScore( ee.Image(toa))).select('cloud'), ee.Image(0).rename(['cloud'])) mask = ee.Image(cs).lt(ee.Image(cloud_score)) if aoi: return image.updateMask(mask).select(['B1','B2', 'B3','B4','B5','B7']).clip(aoi) else: return image.updateMask(mask).select(['B1','B2', 'B3','B4','B5','B7'])
Example #4
Source File: From gee_asset_manager_addon with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def assetsize(asset): ee.Initialize() header =["type"] if header == "IMAGE_COLLECTION": collc = ee.ImageCollection(asset) size = collc.aggregate_array("system:asset_size") return [str(humansize(sum(size.getInfo()))), collc.size().getInfo()] elif header == "IMAGE": collc = ee.Image(asset) return [str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())), 1] elif header == "TABLE": collc = ee.FeatureCollection(asset) return [str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())), 1] elif header == "FOLDER": num = subprocess.check_output( "earthengine --no-use_cloud_api ls " + asset, shell=True ).decode("ascii") return ["NA", len(num.split("\n")) - 1] # folder parse
Example #5
Source File: From coded with MIT License | 6 votes |
def add_cloudscore8(image): """ Add cloud score for Landsat 8 """ thedate = date_bef = thedate.advance(-1, 'day') date_aft = thedate.advance(1,'day') toa = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA' ).filterDate(date_bef, date_aft ).filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_PATH', path) ).filter(ee.Filter.eq('WRS_ROW', row) ).first() cs = ee.Algorithms.If( ee.Image(toa), ee.Image(ee.Algorithms.Landsat.simpleCloudScore( ee.Image(toa))).select('cloud'), ee.Image(0).rename(['cloud'])) mask = ee.Image(cs).lt(ee.Image(cloud_score)) if aoi: return image.updateMask(mask).select(['B1','B2', 'B3','B4','B5','B7']).clip(aoi) else: return image.updateMask(mask).select(['B1','B2', 'B3','B4','B5','B7']) # MAIN WORK # JAVASCRIPT GLOBALS
Example #6
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_image_collection_landsat(bounds, start_date, end_date, collectionName='LT5_L1T'): '''Retrieve Landsat imagery for the selected location and dates.''' ee_bounds = bounds ee_points = ee.List(bounds.bounds().coordinates().get(0)) points = ee_points.getInfo() points = map(functools.partial(apply, ee.Geometry.Point), points) # collection = ee.ImageCollection(collectionName).filterDate(start_date, end_date) \ # .filterBounds(points[0]).filterBounds(points[1]) \ # .filterBounds(points[2]).filterBounds(points[3]) collection = ee.ImageCollection(collectionName).filterDate(start_date, end_date) \ .filterBounds(bounds.centroid()) # Select and rename the bands we want temp = cmt.util.landsat_functions.rename_landsat_bands(collection, collectionName) return temp.sort('system:time_start')
Example #7
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def simonf(path): def sel(image): return ee.Image(image).select(['VV','VH']) images = ee.List( [ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160305T171543_20160305T171608_010237_00F1FA_49DC'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160329T171543_20160329T171608_010587_00FBF9_B4DE'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160410T171538_20160410T171603_010762_010122_CEF6'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160422T171539_20160422T171604_010937_010677_03F6'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160504T171539_20160504T171604_011112_010BED_80AF'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160516T171540_20160516T171605_011287_011198_FC21'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160528T171603_20160528T171628_011462_011752_F570'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160609T171604_20160609T171629_011637_011CD1_C2F5'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160715T171605_20160715T171630_012162_012DA2_95A1'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160727T171606_20160727T171631_012337_013359_29A6'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160808T171607_20160808T171632_012512_01392E_44C4'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160901T171608_20160901T171633_012862_0144E3_30E5'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160925T171609_20160925T171634_013212_015050_8FDB'), ee.Image(path+'S1B_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20161001T171508_20161001T171533_002316_003E9D_D195'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20161007T171609_20161007T171634_013387_0155CD_F513'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20161019T171609_20161019T171634_013562_015B60_27FF'), ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20161031T171609_20161031T171634_013737_0160BD_4FAE') ] ) return ee.ImageCollection(
Example #8
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def simon(path): images = ee.List( ["S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160305T171543_20160305T171608_010237_00F1FA_49DC')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160329T171543_20160329T171608_010587_00FBF9_B4DE')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160410T171538_20160410T171603_010762_010122_CEF6')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160422T171539_20160422T171604_010937_010677_03F6')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160504T171539_20160504T171604_011112_010BED_80AF')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160516T171540_20160516T171605_011287_011198_FC21')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160528T171603_20160528T171628_011462_011752_F570')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160609T171604_20160609T171629_011637_011CD1_C2F5')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160715T171605_20160715T171630_012162_012DA2_95A1')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160727T171606_20160727T171631_012337_013359_29A6')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160808T171607_20160808T171632_012512_01392E_44C4')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160901T171608_20160901T171633_012862_0144E3_30E5')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20160925T171609_20160925T171634_013212_015050_8FDB')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1B_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20161001T171508_20161001T171533_002316_003E9D_D195')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20161007T171609_20161007T171634_013387_0155CD_F513')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20161019T171609_20161019T171634_013562_015B60_27FF')),"S1.dB",ee.Image(path+'S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20161031T171609_20161031T171634_013737_0160BD_4FAE')) ] ) return ee.ImageCollection(images)
Example #9
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def sumDistance(image, collection, bands=None, discard_zeros=False, name='sumdist'): """ Compute de sum of all distances between the given image and the collection passed :param image: :param collection: :return: """ condition = isinstance(collection, ee.ImageCollection) if condition: collection = collection.toList(collection.size()) accum = ee.Image(0).rename(name) def over_rest(im, ini): ini = ee.Image(ini) im = ee.Image(im) dist = ee.Image(euclideanDistance(image, im, bands, discard_zeros))\ .rename(name) return ini.add(dist) return ee.Image(collection.iterate(over_rest, accum))
Example #10
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def medoid(collection, bands=None, discard_zeros=False): """ Medoid Composite :param collection: the collection to composite :type collection: ee.ImageCollection :param bands: the bands to use for computation. The composite will include all bands :type bands: list :param discard_zeros: Masked and pixels with value zero will not be use for computation. Improves dark zones. :type discard_zeros: bool :return: the Medoid Composite :rtype: ee.Image """ medcol = medoidScore(collection, bands, discard_zeros) comp = medcol.qualityMosaic('sumdist') final = tools.image.removeBands(comp, ['sumdist', 'mask']) return final
Example #11
Source File: From geebap with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def make_proxy(self, image, collection, year): """ Make a proxy collection """ size = collection.size() # unmask all bands unmasked = image.unmask() proxy_date = ee.Date('{}-01-01'.format(year)) bands = image.bandNames() empty = tools.image.empty(0, bands) proxy = unmasked.where(unmasked, empty) proxy = proxy.set('system:time_start', proxy_date.millis()) proxy_col = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages([proxy]) return ee.ImageCollection(ee.Algorithms.If(, collection, proxy_col))
Example #12
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def GetImageInfoTimeSeries(aoi): def GetImageInfo(img): return ee.Feature(None, { 'id': img.get('system:id'), 'time': img.get('system:time_start'), 'cloud_cover': img.get('CLOUD_COVER') }) def ToFeatureCollection(imageCollectionName): return ee.FeatureCollection(ee.ImageCollection(imageCollectionName).filterBounds(aoi).map(GetImageInfo)) collectionNames = [ 'LANDSAT/LT4_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LT5_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LE7_L1T_TOA', 'LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_TOA' ] fc = ee.FeatureCollection([]) for n in collectionNames: fc = fc.merge(ToFeatureCollection(n)) info = fc.sort('time').getInfo() return [i['properties'] for i in info['features']]
Example #13
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fillWithLast(collection): """ Fill masked values of each image pixel with the last available value :param collection: the collection that holds the images that will be filled :type collection: ee.ImageCollection :rtype: ee.ImageCollection """ collector = ee.List([]) def overcol(i, collect): collect = ee.List(collect) def true(): last = ee.Image(collect.get(-1)) mask = i.mask().Not() return collect.add(ee.Image(i.unmask().where(mask, last))) def false(): return collect.add(i) return ee.List(ee.Algorithms.If(collect.size(), true(), false())) return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(collection.iterate(overcol, collector))
Example #14
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def testIteration(self): """Verifies the behavior of the iterate() method.""" collection = ee.ImageCollection('foo') first = ee.Image(0) algorithm = lambda img, prev: img.addBands(ee.Image(prev)) result = collection.iterate(algorithm, first) self.assertEquals(ee.ApiFunction.lookup('Collection.iterate'), result.func) self.assertEquals(collection, result.args['collection']) self.assertEquals(first, result.args['first']) # Need to do a serialized comparison for the function body because # variables returned from CustomFunction.variable() do not implement # __eq__. sig = { 'returns': 'Object', 'args': [ {'name': '_MAPPING_VAR_0_0', 'type': 'Image'}, {'name': '_MAPPING_VAR_0_1', 'type': 'Object'} ] } expected_function = ee.CustomFunction(sig, algorithm) self.assertEquals(expected_function.serialize(), result.args['function'].serialize())
Example #15
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add(collection, image): """ Add an Image to the Collection **SERVER SIDE** """ # TODO: handle a list of images collist = collection.toList(collection.size()) append = collist.add(image) return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(append)
Example #16
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def enumerateSimple(collection, name='ENUM'): """ Simple enumeration of features inside a collection. Each feature stores its enumeration, so if the order of features changes over time, the numbers will not be in order """ size = collection.size() collist = collection.toList(size) seq = ee.List.sequence(0, size.subtract(1)) def wrap(n): n = ee.Number(n).toInt() feat = collist.get(n) return ee.Image(feat).set(name, n) fc = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages( return ee.ImageCollection(fc.copyProperties(source=collection))
Example #17
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def wrapper(f, *arg, **kwargs): """ Wrap a function and its arguments into a mapping function for ImageCollections. The first parameter of the functions must be an Image, and it must return an Image. :param f: the function to be wrapped :type f: function :return: a function to use in :rtype: function """ def wrap(img): return f(img, *arg, **kwargs) return wrap
Example #18
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getId(collection): """ Get the ImageCollection id. **CLIENT SIDE** :type collection: ee.ImageCollection :return: the collection's id :rtype: str """ return collection.limit(0).getInfo()['id']
Example #19
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def makeEqualInterval(collection, interval=1, unit='month'): """ Make a list of image collections filtered by the given interval, for example, one month. Starts from the end of the parsed collection :param collection: the collection :type collection: ee.ImageCollection :param interval: the interval :type interval: int :param unit: unit of the interval. Can be 'day', 'month', 'year' :rtype: ee.List """ interval = int(interval) # force to int collist = collection.sort('system:time_start').toList(collection.size()) start_date = ee.Image(collist.get(0)).date() end_date = ee.Image(collist.get(-1)).date() ranges = date.daterangeList(start_date, end_date, interval, unit) def over_ranges(drange, ini): ini = ee.List(ini) drange = ee.DateRange(drange) start = drange.start() end = drange.end() filtered = collection.filterDate(start, end) condition = ee.Number(filtered.size()).gt(0) return ee.List(ee.Algorithms.If(condition, ini.add(filtered), ini)) imlist = ee.List(ranges.iterate(over_ranges, ee.List([]))) return imlist
Example #20
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def normalDistributionProperty(collection, property, mean=None, std=None, name='NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION'): """ Compute a normal distribution using a specified property, over an ImageCollection. For more see: :param property: the name of the property to use :type property: str :param mean: the mean value. If None it will be computed from the source. defaults to None. :type mean: float :param std: the standard deviation value. If None it will be computed from the source. Defaults to None. :type std: float """ if mean is None: imean = ee.Number(collection.aggregate_mean(property)) else: imean = ee.Number(mean) if std is None: istd = ee.Number(collection.aggregate_total_sd(property)) else: istd = ee.Number(std) imax = ee.Number(1)\ .divide(istd.multiply(ee.Number(2).multiply(math.pi).sqrt())) return gaussFunctionProperty(collection, property, mean=imean, output_max=imax, std=istd, name=name)
Example #21
Source File: From openet-ssebop-beta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def scene_coll(variables, et_fraction=0.4, et=5, ndvi=0.6): """Return a generic scene collection to test scene interpolation functions Parameters ---------- variables : list The variables to return in the collection et_fraction : float et : float ndvi : float Returns ------- ee.ImageCollection """ img = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA/LC08_044033_20170716') \ .select(['B2']).double().multiply(0) mask = img.add(1).updateMask(1).uint8() time1 = ee.Number(ee.Date.fromYMD(2017, 7, 8).millis()) time2 = ee.Number(ee.Date.fromYMD(2017, 7, 16).millis()) time3 = ee.Number(ee.Date.fromYMD(2017, 7, 24).millis()) # Mask and time bands currently get added on to the scene collection # and images are unscaled just before interpolating in the export tool scene_img = ee.Image([img.add(et_fraction), img.add(et), img.add(ndvi), mask])\ .rename(['et_fraction', 'et', 'ndvi', 'mask']) scene_coll = ee.ImageCollection([ scene_img.addBands([img.add(time1).rename('time')]) \ .set({'system:index': 'LE07_044033_20170708', 'system:time_start': time1}), scene_img.addBands([img.add(time2).rename('time')]) \ .set({'system:index': 'LC08_044033_20170716', 'system:time_start': time2}), scene_img.addBands([img.add(time3).rename('time')]) \ .set({'system:index': 'LE07_044033_20170724', 'system:time_start': time3}), ]) return
Example #22
Source File: From gee_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def normalDistributionBand(collection, band, mean=None, std=None, name='normal_distribution'): """ Compute a normal distribution using a specified band, over an ImageCollection. For more see: :param band: the name of the property to use :type band: str :param mean: the mean value. If None it will be computed from the source. defaults to None. :type mean: float :param std: the standard deviation value. If None it will be computed from the source. Defaults to None. :type std: float """ if mean is None: imean = ee.Image(collection.mean()) else: imean = ee.Image.constant(mean) if std is None: istd = ee.Image(collection.reduce(ee.Reducer.stdDev())) else: istd = ee.Image.constant(std) ipi = ee.Image.constant(math.pi) imax = ee.Image(1) \ .divide(istd.multiply(ee.Image.constant(2).multiply(ipi).sqrt())) return gaussFunctionBand(collection, band, mean=imean, output_max=imax, std=istd, name=name)
Example #23
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_source(self, source_element): '''load a data source for a band or mask, represented by the <source> tag.''' # A source is stored like this: {'mosaic', 'source', 'eeid'} d = dict() source_band = source_element.find('source') if source_band == None: return d # Source not specified, leave the dictionary empty! # if it's a mosaic, combine the images in an EE ImageCollection mosaic = source_band.get('mosaic') if mosaic != None: if mosaic.lower() == 'true': d['mosaic'] = True elif mosaic.lower() == 'false': d['mosaic'] = False else: raise Exception('Unexpected value of mosaic, %s.' % (source_band.get('mosaic'))) # The name of the band in the source data, maybe not what we will call it in the output image. name = source_band.find('name') if name != None: # the name of the band in the original image d['source'] = name.text # Load more information about the band source self._loadPieceOfSourceInfo(source_band, 'eeid', d) # The id of the image to load, if a single image. self._loadPieceOfSourceInfo(source_band, 'collection', d) # The ImageCollection name of the data, if any. self._loadPieceOfSourceInfo(source_band, 'start_date', d) # Start and end dates used to filter an ImageCollection. self._loadPieceOfSourceInfo(source_band, 'end_date', d) return d
Example #24
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getPixel(self, layer, x, y): collection = ee.ImageCollection([self.overlays[layer].eeobject]) # note: scale likely not correct (lon, lat) = self.pixelCoordToLonLat(x, y) point_extracted = collection.getRegion(ee.Geometry.Point(lon, lat), 1) return point_extracted
Example #25
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_image_collection(bounds, start_date, end_date): '''Retrieve Landsat 5 imagery for the selected location and dates''' # ee_bounds = apply(ee.Geometry.Rectangle, bounds) # ee_points = map(ee.Geometry.Point, [(bounds[0], bounds[1]), (bounds[0], bounds[3]), # (bounds[2], bounds[1]), (bounds[2], bounds[3])]) global possibleSensors l5s = ee.ImageCollection(ee.Algorithms.If(possibleSensors.contains('L5'),getCollection('L5',bounds,start_date, end_date),getCollection('L5',bounds,ee.Date('1000-01-01'),ee.Date('1001-01-01')))) #l7s = ee.ImageCollection(ee.Algorithms.If(possibleSensors.contains('L7'),getCollection('L7',bounds,start_date, end_date),getCollection('L7',bounds,ee.Date('1000-01-01'),ee.Date('1001-01-01')))) l8s = ee.ImageCollection(ee.Algorithms.If(possibleSensors.contains('L8'),getCollection('L8',bounds,start_date, end_date),getCollection('L8',bounds,ee.Date('1000-01-01'),ee.Date('1001-01-01')))) ls = ee.ImageCollection(l5s.merge(l8s)) # Clips image to rectangle around buffer. Thought this would free-up memory by reducing image size, but it doesn't # seem too :( # rect = bounds.bounds().getInfo() # ls = img: img.clip(rect)) return ls
Example #26
Source File: From CrisisMappingToolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getCollection(sensor, bounds, startDate, endDate): global collection_dict, sensor_band_dict, bandNames ee_bounds = bounds collectionName = collection_dict.get(sensor) # Start with an un-date-confined collection of images WOD = ee.ImageCollection(collectionName).filterBounds(ee_bounds) # Filter by the dates landsat_set = WOD.filterDate(startDate,endDate) # Select and rename the bands landsat_set =,bandNames) return landsat_set
Example #27
Source File: From Planet-GEE-Pipeline-CLI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def assetsize(asset): header =["type"] if header == "ImageCollection": collc = ee.ImageCollection(asset) size = collc.aggregate_array("system:asset_size") print("") print(str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(sum(size.getInfo())))) print("Total number of items in collection: " + str(collc.size().getInfo())) elif header == "Image": collc = ee.Image(asset) print("") print( str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())) ) elif header == "Table": collc = ee.FeatureCollection(asset) print("") print( str(asset) + " ===> " + str(humansize(collc.get("system:asset_size").getInfo())) ) elif header == "Folder": b = subprocess.check_output( "earthengine --no-use_cloud_api du " + asset + " -s", shell=True ) num = subprocess.check_output( "earthengine --no-use_cloud_api ls " + asset, shell=True ) size = humansize(float(b.strip().split(" ")[0])) print("") print(str(asset) + " ===> " + str(size)) print("Total number of items in folder: " + str(len(num.split("\n")) - 1))
Example #28
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testExportVideoToDrive(self): """Verifies the task created by""" region = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 4) collection = ee.ImageCollection([ee.Image(1), ee.Image(2)]) expected_config = { 'type': 'EXPORT_VIDEO', 'state': 'UNSUBMITTED', 'json': collection.serialize(), 'description': 'TestVideoName', 'crs': 'SR-ORG:6627', 'driveFolder': 'test-folder', 'driveFileNamePrefix': 'TestVideoName', 'region': '[[[1, 4], [1, 2], [3, 2], [3, 4]]]', 'dimensions': 16, 'crs_transform': 'bar' } # Test keyed parameters. task_keyed = collection=collection, description='TestVideoName', folder='test-folder', dimensions=16, crsTransform='bar', region=region['coordinates']) self.assertEquals('TESTTASKID', self.assertEquals(expected_config, task_keyed.config) # Test orderd parameters. task_ordered = collection, 'TestVideoName', 'test-folder', None, None, 16, region['coordinates'], None, 'SR-ORG:6627', 'bar') self.assertEquals(expected_config, task_ordered.config)
Example #29
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testExportVideoToCloudStorage(self): """Verifies the task created by""" region = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 4) collection = ee.ImageCollection([ee.Image(1), ee.Image(2)]) expected_config = { 'type': 'EXPORT_VIDEO', 'state': 'UNSUBMITTED', 'json': collection.serialize(), 'description': 'TestVideoName', 'outputBucket': 'test-bucket', 'outputPrefix': 'TestVideoName', 'region': '[[[1, 4], [1, 2], [3, 2], [3, 4]]]', 'dimensions': 16, 'crs_transform': 'bar', # Transformed by _ConvertToServerParams. 'crs': 'foo' } # Test keyed parameters. task_keyed = collection=collection, description='TestVideoName', bucket='test-bucket', dimensions=16, region=region['coordinates'], crsTransform='bar', crs='foo') self.assertEquals('TESTTASKID', self.assertEquals(expected_config, task_keyed.config) # Test orderd parameters. task_ordered = collection, 'TestVideoName', 'test-bucket', None, None, 16, region['coordinates'], None, 'foo', 'bar') self.assertEquals(expected_config, task_ordered.config)
Example #30
Source File: From aqua-monitor with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def testExportVideo(self): """Verifies the task created by""" region = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(1, 2, 3, 4) config = dict(region=region['coordinates'], dimensions=16) collection = ee.ImageCollection([ee.Image(1), ee.Image(2)]) task =, 'TestVideoName', config) self.assertEquals('TESTTASKID', # Defaults the destination to Drive. self.assertEquals( { 'type': 'EXPORT_VIDEO', 'state': 'UNSUBMITTED', 'json': collection.serialize(), 'description': 'TestVideoName', 'crs': 'SR-ORG:6627', 'driveFileNamePrefix': 'TestVideoName', 'region': '[[[1, 4], [1, 2], [3, 2], [3, 4]]]', 'dimensions': 16 }, task.config) config['outputBucket'] = 'test-bucket' gcs_task =, 'TestVideoName', config) self.assertEquals( { 'type': 'EXPORT_VIDEO', 'state': 'UNSUBMITTED', 'json': collection.serialize(), 'description': 'TestVideoName', 'crs': 'SR-ORG:6627', 'outputBucket': 'test-bucket', 'region': '[[[1, 4], [1, 2], [3, 2], [3, 4]]]', 'dimensions': 16 }, gcs_task.config)