Python dill.loads() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of dill.loads().
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Example #1
Source File: From polymorph with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_function(self, func, name): """Returns a precondition/postcondition/execution object. Parameters ---------- func : :obj:`str` Name of the function group (precondition, postcondition, execution) name : :obj:`str` Name of the function. Returns ------- :obj: `function` Function obtained. """ f = bytearray.fromhex(self._functions[func][name]) return dill.loads(f)
Example #2
Source File: From schedula with European Union Public License 1.1 | 6 votes |
def test_blue_io(self): import dill s0 = self.dsp() pre_dsp = dill.dumps(self.dsp) blue = self.assertEqual(pre_dsp, dill.dumps(self.dsp)) pre = dill.dumps(blue), pre_dsp sol = blue() post = dill.dumps(blue), dill.dumps(self.dsp) self.assertEqual(pre, post) s = self.dsp() post = dill.dumps(blue), dill.dumps(self.dsp) self.assertEqual(pre, post) self.assertEqual(s, sol) self.assertEqual(s0, sol) self.assertLess(*map(len, post)) self.assertLess(len(post[1]), len(dill.dumps(s))) blue, dsp = list(map(dill.loads, post)) self.assertEqual(dsp.solution, {}) self.assertEqual(s, dsp()) self.assertEqual(s, blue())
Example #3
Source File: From auptimizer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, algo, domain, trials, rstate, asynchronous=None, max_queue_len=1, poll_interval_secs=1.0, max_evals=sys.maxsize, verbose=0, ): self.algo = algo self.domain = domain self.trials = trials if asynchronous is None: self.asynchronous = trials.asynchronous else: self.asynchronous = asynchronous self.poll_interval_secs = poll_interval_secs self.max_queue_len = max_queue_len self.max_evals = max_evals self.rstate = rstate if self.asynchronous: if 'FMinIter_Domain' in trials.attachments: logger.warn('over-writing old domain trials attachment') msg = pickler.dumps(domain) # -- sanity check for unpickling pickler.loads(msg) trials.attachments['FMinIter_Domain'] = msg
Example #4
Source File: From ignite with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_metric(): def _test(m, values, e): for v in values: m.update(v) assert m.compute() == e metric = Accumulation() m1 = dill.loads(dill.dumps(metric)) values = list(range(10)) expected = sum(values) _test(m1, values, expected) metric.update(5) m2 = dill.loads(dill.dumps(metric)) _test(m2, values, expected + 5)
Example #5
Source File: From kq with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, topic, consumer, callback=None, deserializer=None, logger=None): assert is_str(topic), 'topic must be a str' assert isinstance(consumer, KafkaConsumer), 'bad consumer instance' assert consumer.config['group_id'], 'consumer must have group_id' assert is_none_or_func(callback), 'callback must be a callable' assert is_none_or_func(deserializer), 'deserializer must be a callable' assert is_none_or_logger(logger), 'bad logger instance' self._topic = topic self._hosts = consumer.config['bootstrap_servers'] self._group = consumer.config['group_id'] self._consumer = consumer self._callback = callback self._deserializer = deserializer or dill.loads self._logger = logger or logging.getLogger('kq.worker')
Example #6
Source File: From rising with MIT License | 6 votes |
def dill_helper(payload: Any) -> Any: """ Load single sample from data serialized by dill Args: payload: data which is loaded with dill Returns: Any: loaded data """ if not DILL_AVAILABLE: raise RuntimeError('dill is not installed. For async loading ' 'please install it') fn, args, kwargs = dill.loads(payload) return fn(*args, **kwargs)
Example #7
Source File: From osbrain with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _handle_loopback(self, message): """ Handle incoming messages in the loopback socket. """ header, data = cloudpickle.loads(message) if header == 'EXECUTE_METHOD': method, args, kwargs = data try: response = getattr(self, method)(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as error: yield format_method_exception(error, method, args, kwargs) raise yield response or True else: error = 'Unrecognized loopback message: {} {}'.format(header, data) self.log_error(error) yield error
Example #8
Source File: From transitions with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_pickle(self): print("separator", self.state_cls.separator) if sys.version_info < (3, 4): import dill as pickle else: import pickle states = ['A', 'B', {'name': 'C', 'children': ['1', '2', {'name': '3', 'children': ['a', 'b', 'c']}]}, 'D', 'E', 'F'] transitions = [ {'trigger': 'walk', 'source': 'A', 'dest': 'B'}, {'trigger': 'run', 'source': 'B', 'dest': 'C'}, {'trigger': 'sprint', 'source': 'C', 'dest': 'D'} ] m = self.stuff.machine_cls(states=states, transitions=transitions, initial='A') m.walk() dump = pickle.dumps(m) self.assertIsNotNone(dump) m2 = pickle.loads(dump) self.assertEqual(m.state, m2.state) m2.to_C_3_a() m2.to_C_3_b()
Example #9
Source File: From formulas with European Union Public License 1.1 | 6 votes |
def test_excel_model_compile(self): xl_model = ExcelModel().loads(self.filename_compile).finish() inputs = ["A%d" % i for i in range(2, 5)] outputs = ["C%d" % i for i in range(2, 5)] func = xl_model.compile( ["'[EXCEL.XLSX]DATA'!%s" % i for i in inputs], ["'[EXCEL.XLSX]DATA'!%s" % i for i in outputs] ) i = sh.selector(inputs, self.results_compile, output_type='list') res = sh.selector(outputs, self.results_compile, output_type='list') self.assertEqual([x.value[0, 0] for x in func(*i)], res) self.assertIsNot(xl_model, copy.deepcopy(xl_model)) self.assertIsNot(func, copy.deepcopy(func)) xl_model = ExcelModel().loads(self.filename_circular).finish(circular=1) func = xl_model.compile( ["'[CIRCULAR.XLSX]DATA'!A10"], ["'[CIRCULAR.XLSX]DATA'!E10"] ) self.assertEqual(func(False).value[0, 0], 2.0) self.assertIs(func(True).value[0, 0], ERR_CIRCULAR) self.assertIsNot(xl_model, copy.deepcopy(xl_model)) self.assertIsNot(func, copy.deepcopy(func))
Example #10
Source File: From transitions with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_pickle(self): import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 4): import dill as pickle else: import pickle states = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] # Define with list of dictionaries transitions = [ {'trigger': 'walk', 'source': 'A', 'dest': 'B'}, {'trigger': 'run', 'source': 'B', 'dest': 'C'}, {'trigger': 'sprint', 'source': 'C', 'dest': 'D'} ] m = Machine(states=states, transitions=transitions, initial='A') m.walk() dump = pickle.dumps(m) self.assertIsNotNone(dump) m2 = pickle.loads(dump) self.assertEqual(m.state, m2.state)
Example #11
Source File: From pythonwhat with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getRepresentation(name, process): obj_class = getClass(name, process) converters = pythonwhat.State.State.root_state.converters if obj_class in converters: repres = convert(name, dill.dumps(converters[obj_class]), process) if errored(repres): return ReprFail("manual conversion failed: {}".format(repres)) else: return repres else: # first try to pickle try: stream = getStreamPickle(name, process) if not errored(stream): return pickle.loads(stream) except: pass # if it failed, try to dill try: stream = getStreamDill(name, process) if not errored(stream): return dill.loads(stream) return ReprFail( "dilling inside process failed for %s - write manual converter" % obj_class ) except PicklingError: return ReprFail( "undilling of bytestream failed with PicklingError - write manual converter" ) except Exception as e: return ReprFail( "undilling of bytestream failed for class %s - write manual converter." "Error: %s - %s" % (obj_class, type(e), e) )
Example #12
Source File: From DynamicTriad with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def func_wrapper(args): func = dill.loads(args[0]) return func(mp.current_process()._identity, *args[1:])
Example #13
Source File: From pyaf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def testPickle_old(self): import pickle out1 = pickle.dumps(self.mModel); lModel2 = pickle.loads(out1); out2 = pickle.dumps(lModel2); print(sorted(self.mModel.__dict__)) print(sorted(lModel2.__dict__)) for (k , v) in self.mModel.__dict__.items(): print(k , self.mModel.__dict__[k]) print(k , lModel2.__dict__[k]) assert(out1 == out2) print("TEST_PICKLE_OLD_OK")
Example #14
Source File: From pyaf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def testPickle(self): import dill dill.settings['recurse'] = False out1 = dill.dumps(self.mModel); lModel2 = dill.loads(out1); out2 = dill.dumps(lModel2); print(sorted(self.mModel.__dict__)) print(sorted(lModel2.__dict__)) for (k , v) in self.mModel.__dict__.items(): print(k , self.mModel.__dict__[k]) print(k , lModel2.__dict__[k]) assert(out1 == out2) print("TEST_PICKLE_OK")
Example #15
Source File: From transitions with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_pickle(self): import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 4): import dill as pickle else: import pickle # go to non initial state B self.stuff.to_B() # pickle Stuff model dump = pickle.dumps(self.stuff) self.assertIsNotNone(dump) stuff2 = pickle.loads(dump) self.assertTrue(stuff2.is_B()) # check if machines of stuff and stuff2 are truly separated stuff2.to_A() self.stuff.to_C() self.assertTrue(stuff2.is_A()) thread = Thread(target=stuff2.forward) thread.start() # give thread some time to start time.sleep(0.01) # both objects should be in different states # and also not share locks begin = time.time() # stuff should not be locked and execute fast self.assertTrue(self.stuff.is_C()) fast = time.time() # stuff2 should be locked and take about 1 second # to be executed self.assertTrue(stuff2.is_B()) blocked = time.time() self.assertAlmostEqual(fast - begin, 0, delta=0.1) self.assertAlmostEqual(blocked - begin, 1, delta=0.1)
Example #16
Source File: From transitions with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_pickle_model(self): import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 4): import dill as pickle else: import pickle self.stuff.to_B() dump = pickle.dumps(self.stuff) self.assertIsNotNone(dump) model2 = pickle.loads(dump) self.assertEqual(self.stuff.state, model2.state) model2.to_F()
Example #17
Source File: From arissploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def import_object(obj): import dill as pickle import base64 # if obj is None: # obj ='utf-8') if obj is str: obj = obj.strip().encode('utf-8') return pickle.loads(gzip.zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(obj)))
Example #18
Source File: From pyABC with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, map_=map, mapper_pickles=False): super().__init__() self.map_ = map_ self.pickle, self.unpickle = ((identity, identity) if mapper_pickles else (pickle.dumps, pickle.loads))
Example #19
Source File: From kamene with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def import_object(obj): import dill as pickle import base64 # if obj is None: # obj ='utf-8') if obj is str: obj = obj.strip().encode('utf-8') return pickle.loads(gzip.zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(obj)))
Example #20
Source File: From FeatureHub with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_function_and_execute(f_dill, *args): f = dill.loads(f_dill) return f(*args)
Example #21
Source File: From auptimizer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_obj(f, argfile=None, argstr=None, args=(), kwargs=None): """ XXX: document me """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if argfile is not None: argstr = open(argfile).read() if argstr is not None: argd = pickler.loads(argstr) else: argd = {} args = args + argd.get('args', ()) kwargs.update(argd.get('kwargs', {})) return json_call(f, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
Example #22
Source File: From toil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getValue(self): """ Returns PromisedRequirement value """ func = dill.loads(self._func) return func(*self._args)
Example #23
Source File: From pythonwhat with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def convert(name, converter, process, shell): return dill.loads(converter)(get_env(shell.user_ns)[name])
Example #24
Source File: From slack-machine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(self, key, shared=False): """Retrieve data by key :param key: key for the data to retrieve :param shared: ``True/False`` wether to retrieve data from the shared (global) namespace. :return: the data, or ``None`` if the key cannot be found/has expired """ namespaced_key = self._namespace_key(key, shared) value = Storage.get_instance().get(namespaced_key) if value: return dill.loads(value) else: return None
Example #25
Source File: From astromodels with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_pickling_unpickling(): import dill mg = ModelGetter() m1 = mg.model pick = dill.dumps(m1) m_reloaded = dill.loads(pick)
Example #26
Source File: From profanity-filter with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pf(request) -> ProfanityFilter: config: Config = request.param result = ProfanityFilter( languages=config.languages, analyses=config.analyses, censor_whole_words=config.censor_whole_words, ) for analysis in config.analyses: if analysis not in result.analyses: pytest.skip(f"Couldn't initialize {analysis.value} analysis") if config.deep_copy: result = deepcopy(result) if config.dill: result = dill.loads(dill.dumps(result)) return result
Example #27
Source File: From toil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def invoke(self): """ Invoke the captured function with the captured arguments. """ logger.debug('Running deferred function %s.', self) self.module.makeLoadable() function, args, kwargs = list(map(dill.loads, (self.function, self.args, self.kwargs))) return function(*args, **kwargs)
Example #28
Source File: From Conditional_Density_Estimation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_serializarion(self): import pickle, dill model = LinearStudentT(ndim_x=5, mu=5, random_seed=22) X, Y = model.simulate(200) pkl_str = dill.dumps(model) model_loaded = dill.loads(pkl_str)
Example #29
Source File: From osbrain with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): """ Begin execution of the agent process and start the main loop. """ # Capture SIGINT signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._sigint_handler) try: ns = NSProxy(self.nsaddr) self._daemon = Pyro4.Daemon(self._host, self.port) self.base = cloudpickle.loads(self.base) self.agent = self.base(, host=self._host, serializer=self._serializer, transport=self._transport, attributes=self.attributes, ) except Exception: self._queue.put(format_exception()) return = uri = self._daemon.register(self.agent) try: ns.register(, uri, safe=True) except Pyro4.errors.NamingError: self._queue.put(format_exception()) return finally: ns.release() self._queue.put('STARTED:' + self._daemon.requestLoop(lambda: not self._shutdown_event.is_set()) self._daemon.unregister(self.agent) self._teardown()
Example #30
Source File: From osbrain with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _handle_loopback_safe(self, data): """ Handle incoming messages in the _loopback_safe socket. """ method, args, kwargs = cloudpickle.loads(data) try: response = getattr(self, method)(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as error: yield format_method_exception(error, method, args, kwargs) raise yield response