Python ipwhois.IPWhois() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ipwhois.IPWhois().
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Example #1
Source File: From maltelligence with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_asn2(data): # find as number with ipwhois modules if chk_domain(data): ip, c_name = retIP(data) if chk_ip(data): ip = data obj = IPWhois(ip) results = obj.lookup() as_number = 0 subnet = '' try: if results.has_key('asn'): as_number = int(results['asn']) except: pass if results.has_key('asn_cidr'): subnet = results['asn_cidr'] return as_number, subnet
Example #2
Source File: From fav-up with MIT License | 6 votes |
def deepConnectionLens(self, response): mIP = 'not-found' mISP = 'not-found' if response.status_code == 200: try: mIP = list(response.raw._connection.sock.getpeername())[0] mISP = IPWhois(mIP).lookup_whois()['nets'][0]['name'] except AttributeError: try: mIP = list(response.raw._connection.sock.socket.getpeername())[0] mISP = IPWhois(mIP).lookup_whois()['nets'][0]['name'] except AttributeError: pass if mIP == 'not-found': self._iterator.write(f"[x] There's problem when getting icon for {response.url.split('/')[2]} with status code: {response.status_code}" ) return { 'mIP': mIP, 'mISP': mISP }
Example #3
Source File: From resilient-community-apps with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_rdap_registry_info(ip_input, rdap_depth): """Gathers registry info in RDAP protocol Arguments: ip_input {string} -- Artifact.value rdap_depth {int} -- 0,1 or 2 Returns: {object} -- Registry info, RDAP Protocol """ try: internet_protocol_address_object = IPWhois(ip_input,allow_permutations=True) try: rdap_response = internet_protocol_address_object.lookup_rdap(rdap_depth) if internet_protocol_address_object.dns_zone: rdap_response["dns_zone"] = internet_protocol_address_object.dns_zone return rdap_response except exceptions.ASNRegistryError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) except: logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
Example #4
Source File: From resilient-community-apps with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_whois_registry_info(ip_input): """Gather registry information Arguments: ip_input {string} -- Artifact.value Returns: {object} -- Contains all registry information """ try: internet_protocol_address_object = IPWhois(ip_input,allow_permutations=True) try: whois_response = internet_protocol_address_object.lookup_whois() if internet_protocol_address_object.dns_zone: whois_response["dns_zone"] = internet_protocol_address_object.dns_zone return whois_response except exceptions.ASNRegistryError as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) except: logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
Example #5
Source File: From vault with MIT License | 6 votes |
def whois_lookup(ip): """Perform Whois lookup for a given IP :ip: Ip to peform whois lookup """'Performing WHOIS lookup') obj = IPWhois(ip) response = obj.lookup_whois() details = response['nets'][0] name = details['name'] city = details['city'] state = details['state'] country = details['country'] address = details['address'] description = details['description'] return {'Name': name, 'City': city, 'State': state, 'Country': country, 'address': address, 'description': description}
Example #6
Source File: From marvin with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_ip_dict(self, ip, method='whois'): ''' Get the ip lookup dictionary ''' if not ipwhois: raise ImportError('Cannot look up ips. You do not have the ipwhois package installed!') assert method in ['whois', 'rdap'], 'Method must either be rdap or whois' ipwho = ipwhois.IPWhois(ip) self.ipmethod = method ipdict = None if method == 'whois': try: ipdict = ipwho.lookup_whois() except Exception as e: print('Could not lookup ip {0}: {1}'.format(ip, e)) elif method == 'rdap': try: ipdict = ipwho.lookup_rdap() except Exception as e: print('Could not lookup ip {0}: {1}'.format(ip, e)) return ipdict
Example #7
Source File: From punter with The Unlicense | 6 votes |
def whois_ip(ip): # Default to not found cidr, ranges = "CIDR not found", "Range not found" # Get whois for IP. Returns a list with dictionary ip_dict = IPWhois(ip).lookup_rws() if ip_dict['nets'][0].get('cidr'): cidr = ip_dict['nets'][0].get('cidr') if ip_dict['nets'][0].get('range'): ranges = ip_dict['nets'][0].get('range') sleep(2) return cidr, ranges
Example #8
Source File: From machinae with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_json(self): obj = ipwhois.IPWhois(self.kwargs["target"]) try: # import json # print(json.dumps(obj.lookup_rdap(depth=2))) # return obj.lookup_rdap(depth=2) return obj.lookup_rws() except AttributeError: # rdap = obj.lookup_rdap(inc_raw=True) # print(json.dumps(rdap)) # rdap["network"]["range"] = "{start_address} - {end_address}".format(**rdap["network"]) # rdap["network"]["cidr"] = self.get_cidr(rdap["network"]) # return rdap # RDAP is a stupid format, use raw whois raw = obj.lookup() print(raw) return raw
Example #9
Source File: From Sooty with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def whoIsPrint(ip): try: w = IPWhois(ip) w = w.lookup_whois() addr = str(w['nets'][0]['address']) addr = addr.replace('\n', ', ') print("\n WHO IS REPORT:") print(" CIDR: " + str(w['nets'][0]['cidr'])) print(" Name: " + str(w['nets'][0]['name'])) # print(" Handle: " + str(w['nets'][0]['handle'])) print(" Range: " + str(w['nets'][0]['range'])) print(" Descr: " + str(w['nets'][0]['description'])) print(" Country: " + str(w['nets'][0]['country'])) print(" State: " + str(w['nets'][0]['state'])) print(" City: " + str(w['nets'][0]['city'])) print(" Address: " + addr) print(" Post Code: " + str(w['nets'][0]['postal_code'])) # print(" Emails: " + str(w['nets'][0]['emails'])) print(" Created: " + str(w['nets'][0]['created'])) print(" Updated: " + str(w['nets'][0]['updated'])) c = 0 except: print("\n IP Not Found - Checking Domains") ip = re.sub('https://', '', ip) ip = re.sub('http://', '', ip) try: if c == 0: s = socket.gethostbyname(ip) print( ' Resolved Address: %s' % s) c = 1 whoIsPrint(s) except: print(' IP or Domain not Found') return
Example #10
Source File: From python-tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def whois(url): """Get WHOIS from IP address or hostname. Args: url (str): IP address or hostname. Returns: dict: Return a JSON object with the WHOIS. """ url = url.strip() if not parse.urlparse(url).scheme: url = 'http://' + url host = parse.urlparse(url).netloc try: ipaddress.ip_address(host) ip = host except Exception: try: ips = resolver.query(host, 'A') ip = ips[0] except Exception: return {} obj = IPWhois(ip) return obj.lookup_whois()
Example #11
Source File: From EasyStorj with MIT License | 5 votes |
def node_details(self, nodeID): node_details_array = {} self.node_details_content = storj_engine.storj_client.contact_lookup(str(nodeID)) node_details_array["address"] = self.node_details_content.address node_details_array["lastTimeout"] = self.node_details_content.lastTimeout node_details_array["timeoutRate"] = self.node_details_content.timeoutRate node_details_array["userAgent"] = self.node_details_content.userAgent node_details_array["protocol"] = self.node_details_content.protocol node_details_array["responseTime"] = self.node_details_content.responseTime node_details_array["lastSeen"] = self.node_details_content.lastSeen node_details_array["port"] = self.node_details_content.port node_details_array["nodeID"] = self.node_details_content.nodeID ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(str(self.node_details_content.address)) obj = IPWhois(ip_addr) res = obj.lookup_whois() country = res["nets"][0]['country'] country_parsed = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=str(country)) country_full_name = node_details_array["country_full_name"] = country_full_name node_details_array["country_code"] = country return node_details_array
Example #12
Source File: From EasyStorj with MIT License | 5 votes |
def whois_lookup_country (address): IP_addr = socket.gethostbyname(str(address)) obj = IPWhois(IP_addr) res = obj.lookup_whois() country = res["nets"][0]['country'] return country
Example #13
Source File: From Tautulli with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def whois_lookup(ip_address): nets = [] err = None try: whois = ipwhois.IPWhois(ip_address).lookup_whois(retry_count=0) countries = ipwhois.utils.get_countries() nets = whois['nets'] for net in nets: net['country'] = countries.get(net['country']) if net['postal_code']: net['postal_code'] = net['postal_code'].replace('-', ' ') except ValueError as e: err = 'Invalid IP address provided: %s.' % ip_address except ipwhois.exceptions.IPDefinedError as e: err = '%s' % e except ipwhois.exceptions.ASNRegistryError as e: err = '%s' % e except Exception as e: err = 'Error: %s' % e host = '' try: host = ipwhois.Net(ip_address).get_host(retry_count=0)[0] except Exception as e: host = 'Not available' whois_info = {"host": host, "nets": nets } if err: whois_info['error'] = err return whois_info # Taken from SickRage
Example #14
Source File: From Verum with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self, domain, start_time=""): """ str, str -> networkx multiDiGraph :param domain: a string containing a domain to look up :param start_time: string in ISO 8601 combined date and time format (e.g. 2014-11-01T10:34Z) or datetime object. :return: a networkx graph representing the whois information about the domain """ ip = socket.gethostbyname(domain) # This has a habit of failing record = [None] * 10 obj = IPWhois(ip) results = obj.lookup() nets = results.pop("nets") for i in range(len(nets)): net = nets[i] record[0] = i if "updated" in net: record[1] = net['updated'][:10] elif "created" in net: record[1] = net['created'][:10] record[2] = domain if "name" in net: record[3] = net['name'] if "organization" in net: record[4] = net['organization'] if 'address' in net: record[5] = net['address'] if 'city' in net: record[6] = net['city'] if 'state' in net: record[7] = net['state'] if 'country' in net: record[8] = net['country'] if 'misc_emails' in net and net['misc_emails'] is not None: emails = net['misc_emails'].split("\n") record[9] = emails[0] return self.enrich_record(record, start_time)
Example #15
Source File: From PcapXray with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def whois_info_fetch(self, ip, ips): for i in ips: if "whois" not in self.communication_details[ip]["ip_details"][i]: self.communication_details[ip]["ip_details"][i]["whois"] = "" try: whois_info = ipwhois.IPWhois(ip).lookup_rdap() except: whois_info = "NoWhoIsInfo" self.communication_details[ip]["ip_details"][i]["whois"] = whois_info
Example #16
Source File: From MozDef with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def handle_command(self, parameters): response = "" for ip_token in parameters: if is_ip(ip_token): ip = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_token)[0] if (not ip.is_loopback() and not ip.is_private() and not ip.is_reserved()): whois = IPWhois(ip).lookup_whois() description = whois['nets'][0]['description'] response += "{0} description: {1}\n".format(ip_token, description) else: response += "{0}: hrm...loopback? private ip?\n".format(ip_token) else: response = "{0} is not an IP address".format(ip_token) return response
Example #17
Source File: From MozDef with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getWhois(ipaddress): try: whois = dict() ip = netaddr.IPNetwork(ipaddress)[0] if (not ip.is_loopback() and not ip.is_private() and not ip.is_reserved()): whois = IPWhois(netaddr.IPNetwork(ipaddress)[0]).lookup_whois() whois['fqdn']=socket.getfqdn(str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ipaddress)[0])) return (json.dumps(whois)) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error looking up whois for {0}: {1}\n'.format(ipaddress, e))
Example #18
Source File: From ACF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): try: ip_whois = IPWhois(self._dst_ip) raw_res = ip_whois.lookup() res = [] for k,v in raw_res.iteritems(): if not v is None: res.append("%s: %s" % (k,v)) return ",".join(res) except Exception, e: return ""
Example #19
Source File: From PcapXray with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def whois_info_fetch(self, ip): try: whois_info = ipwhois.IPWhois(ip).lookup_rdap() except: whois_info = "NoWhoIsInfo" return whois_info
Example #20
Source File: From Just-Metadata with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def gather(self, all_ips): for path, incoming_ip_obj in all_ips.iteritems(): if incoming_ip_obj[0].ip_whois == "" and incoming_ip_obj[0].ip_address != "": try: print "Gathering whois information about " + incoming_ip_obj[0].ip_address ip_whois = IPWhois(incoming_ip_obj[0].ip_address) incoming_ip_obj[0].ip_whois = ip_whois.lookup_whois() except IPDefinedError: print helpers.color("[*] Error: Private IP address, skipping IP!", warning=True) except HTTPLookupError: print helpers.color("Could not connect online to lookup whois for " + incoming_ip_obj[0].domain_name, warning=True) return
Example #21
Source File: From aegea with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def describe_cidr(cidr): import ipwhois, ipaddress, socket address = ipaddress.ip_network(str(cidr)).network_address try: whois = ipwhois.IPWhois(address).lookup_rdap() whois_names = [whois["asn_country_code"]] if "asn_country_code" in whois else [] whois_names += [o.get("contact", {}).get("name", "") for o in whois.get("objects", {}).values()] except Exception: try: whois_names = [socket.gethostbyaddr(address)] except Exception: whois_names = [cidr] return ", ".join(str(n) for n in whois_names)
Example #22
Source File: From Mimir with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def whois(): print "[" +"+") + "]Please provide an IP for WHOIS lookup." TARGET = raw_input("\n<" + t.cyan("WHOIS") + ">$ ") obj = IPWhois(TARGET) results = obj.lookup_rdap(depth=1) pprint(results) print "\n[" + t.magenta("?") + "]Would you like to append the WHOIS record to a text file?\n" logs = raw_input("[Y]es/[N]o: ").lower() format = json.dumps(results, indent = 2) if logs == "y": with open( "whois.log", "ab" ) as outfile: outfile.write("Host: " + TARGET + "\n") outfile.write(format) outfile.close() print "[" +"+") + "]Results saved to whois.log in the current directory.\n" elif logs == "n": print "[" +"+") + "]Returning to main menu.\n" else: print "[" +"!") + "]Unhandled Option.\n"
Example #23
Source File: From omnibus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ip(self): whois_data = IPWhois(self.artifact['name']) try: data = whois_data.lookup_whois() if data is not None: self.artifact['data']['whois'] = {} # collect ASN information self.artifact['data']['whois']['asn'] = data['asn'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['asn']['cidr'] = data['asn_cidr'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['asn']['description'] = data['asn_description'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['asn']['country'] = data['asn_country_code'] if 'nets' in data.keys() and len(data['nets']) > 0: net_data = data['nets'][0] self.artifact['data']['whois']['address'] = net_data['address'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['state'] = net_data['state'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['emails'] = net_data['emails'] except Exception as err: warning('Caught unhandled exception: %s' % str(err))
Example #24
Source File: From cachebrowser with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _whois(ip, org_names): from ipwhois import IPWhois if type(ip) is not str: ip = _get_flow_ip(ip) if ip not in _whois_cache: whois = IPWhois(ip) try: name = whois.lookup_rdap()['network']['name'] if not name: name = whois.lookup()['nets'][0]['name'] except: print("WHOIS ERROR") name = 'OTHER' _whois_cache[ip] = _clean_netname(org_names, name, ip) return _whois_cache[ip]
Example #25
Source File: From AttackSurfaceMapper with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def wlookup(hostx): for ip in hostx.resolved_ips: try: ip_object = IPWhois(ip.address) query = ip_object.lookup_rdap(depth=1) # hostx.whois.append(query) # net_sec = query.get('network', {}) ip.location = query.get('asn_country_code') ip.asn = query.get('asn') ip.cidr = query.get('asn_cidr') # print("Executed") # print(query['network']['name']) except: pass
Example #26
Source File: From blockcheck with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_ispinfo(ipaddr): try: rdap_response = ipwhois.IPWhois(ipaddr) ispinfo = rdap_response.lookup_rdap(depth=1) return ispinfo['asn'] except (ipwhois.exceptions.ASNRegistryError, ipwhois.exceptions.ASNLookupError, ipwhois.exceptions.ASNParseError, ipwhois.exceptions.HTTPLookupError, ipwhois.exceptions.HTTPRateLimitError): return False
Example #27
Source File: From datasploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def main(ip): obj = IPWhois(ip) try: results = obj.lookup_rdap(depth=1) except: results = None return results
Example #28
Source File: From aztarna with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_address_info(self, routers): """ Get country code and ASN description based on the routers IP address. :param routers: :return: """ for router in routers: if isinstance(router, self.__class__.router_cls): try: whois = IPWhois(router.address) results = whois.lookup_rdap(depth=1) if results['asn_country_code']: = results['asn_country_code'] if results['asn_description']: router.asn_description = results['asn_description'] except: pass
Example #29
Source File: From FinalRecon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def whois_lookup(ip, output, data): collect = {} print ('\n' + Y + '[!]' + Y + ' Whois Lookup : ' + W + '\n') try: lookup = ipwhois.IPWhois(ip) results = lookup.lookup_whois() for k,v in results.items(): if v != None: if isinstance(v, list): for item in v: for k, v in item.items(): if v != None: print (G + '[+]' + C + ' {} : '.format(str(k)) + W + str(v).replace(',', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')) if output != 'None': collect.update({str(k):str(v).replace(',', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')}) else: pass else: print (G + '[+]' + C + ' {} : '.format(str(k)) + W + str(v).replace(',', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')) if output != 'None': collect.update({str(k):str(v).replace(',', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')}) else: pass except Exception as e: print (R + '[-] Error : ' + C + str(e) + W) if output != 'None': collect.update({'Error':str(e)}) pass if output != 'None': whois_output(output, data, collect)
Example #30
Source File: From yeti with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def analyze(ip, results): links = set() r = IPWhois(ip.value) result = r.lookup_whois() results.update(raw=pformat(result)) # Let's focus on the most specific information # Which should be in the smallest subnet n = 0 smallest_subnet = None for network in result['nets']: cidr_bits = int(network['cidr'].split('/')[1].split(',')[0]) if cidr_bits > n: n = cidr_bits smallest_subnet = network if smallest_subnet: # Create the company company = Company.get_or_create( name=smallest_subnet['description'].split("\n")[0]) links.update(ip.active_link_to(company, 'hosting', 'Network Whois')) # Link it to every email address referenced if smallest_subnet['emails']: for email_address in smallest_subnet['emails']: email = Email.get_or_create(value=email_address) links.update(company.link_to(email, None, 'Network Whois')) # Copy the subnet info into the main dict for key in smallest_subnet: if smallest_subnet[key]: result["net_{}".format(key)] = smallest_subnet[key] # Add the network whois to the context if not already present for context in ip.context: if context['source'] == 'network_whois': break else: # Remove the nets info (the main one was copied) result.pop("nets", None) result.pop("raw", None) result.pop("raw_referral", None) result.pop("referral", None) result.pop("query", None) result['source'] = 'network_whois' ip.add_context(result) return list(links)