Python humanize.naturaldelta() Examples
The following are 21
code examples of humanize.naturaldelta().
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Example #1
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cmd_remind(self, event, duration, content): if Reminder.count_for_user( > 30: return event.msg.reply(':warning: you an only have 15 reminders going at once!') remind_at = parse_duration(duration) if remind_at > (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=5 * YEAR_IN_SEC)): return event.msg.reply(':warning: thats too far in the future, I\'ll forget!') r = Reminder.create(, remind_at=remind_at, content=content ) self.reminder_task.set_next_schedule(r.remind_at) event.msg.reply(':ok_hand: I\'ll remind you at {} ({})'.format( r.remind_at.isoformat(), humanize.naturaldelta(r.remind_at - datetime.utcnow()), ))
Example #2
Source File: From pandas-log with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_execution_stats(cls, fn, input_df, fn_args, fn_kwargs, calculate_memory): start = time() output_df = get_pandas_func(cls, fn)(input_df, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs) exec_time = time() - start exec_time_pretty = humanize.naturaldelta(exec_time) if exec_time_pretty == "a moment": exec_time_pretty = f"{round(exec_time,6)} seconds" step_number = calc_step_number(fn.__name__, input_df) input_memory_size = ( StepStats.calc_df_series_memory(input_df) if calculate_memory else None ) output_memory_size = ( StepStats.calc_df_series_memory(output_df) if calculate_memory else None ) ExecutionStats = namedtuple( "ExecutionStats", "exec_time step_number input_memory_size output_memory_size", ) execution_stats = ExecutionStats( exec_time_pretty, step_number, input_memory_size, output_memory_size ) return output_df, execution_stats
Example #3
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 6 votes |
def tempban(self, event, duration, user, reason=None): member = event.guild.get_member(user) if member: self.can_act_on(event, expires_dt = parse_duration(duration) Infraction.tempban(self, event, member, reason, expires_dt) self.queue_infractions() self.confirm_action(event, maybe_string( reason, u':ok_hand: temp-banned {u} for {t} (`{o}`)', u':ok_hand: temp-banned {u} for {t}', u=member.user, t=humanize.naturaldelta(expires_dt - datetime.utcnow()), )) else: raise CommandFail('invalid user')
Example #4
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 5 votes |
def command_uptime(self, event): event.msg.reply('Rowboat was started {}'.format( humanize.naturaldelta(datetime.utcnow() - self.startup) ))
Example #5
Source File: From carml with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def _print_router_info(router, agent=None): loc = await router.get_location() print(u" name: {}".format( print(u" hex id: {}".format(router.id_hex)) print(u"id hash (base64): {}".format(hashFromHexId(router.id_hex))) print(u" location: {}".format("unknown" if loc.countrycode is None else loc.countrycode)) print(u" address: {}:{} (DirPort={})".format(router.ip, router.or_port, router.dir_port)) print(u" flags: {}".format(" ".join(router.flags))) diff = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - router.modified print(u" last published: {} ago ({})".format(humanize.naturaldelta(diff), router.modified)) if agent: print(util.colors.italic("Extended information from" +"") + ":")) details = await router.get_onionoo_details(agent) details.setdefault('dir_address', '<none>') details.setdefault('city_name', 'unknown') details.setdefault('region_name', 'unknown') details.setdefault('country_name', 'unknown') details['or_addresses'] = ', '.join(details.get('or_addresses', [])) details['verified_host_names_formatted'] = ', '.join(details['verified_host_names']) print( u" platform: {platform}\n" u" runnning: {running}\n" u" dir_address: {dir_address}\n" u" OR addresses: {or_addresses}\n" u" location: {city_name}, {region_name}, {country_name}\n" u" host names: {verified_host_names_formatted}\n" u" AS: {as} ({as_name})\n" u" last restarted: {last_restarted}\n" u" last changed: {last_changed_address_or_port}\n" u" last seen: {last_seen}\n" u" probabilities: guard={guard_probability} middle={middle_probability} exit={exit_probability}\n" u"".format(**details) )
Example #6
Source File: From clgen with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def LowPrecisionDuration(duration: Union[datetime.timedelta, int, float]): """Given a timedelta or a number of seconds, return a low precision, natural representation of the amount of time elapsed. This is similar to Duration(), but with a lower precision in the generated string, e.g. "a moment" rather than "530 ms". Args: duration: The duration to convert to a natural string. Returns: A natural representation of the duration. """ return humanize_lib.naturaldelta(duration)
Example #7
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 5 votes |
def seen(self, event, user): try: msg = Message.author_id == ).order_by(Message.timestamp.desc()).limit(1).get() except Message.DoesNotExist: return event.msg.reply(u"I've never seen {}".format(user)) event.msg.reply(u'I last saw {} {} ago (at {})'.format( user, humanize.naturaldelta(datetime.utcnow() - msg.timestamp), msg.timestamp ))
Example #8
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 5 votes |
def infraction_info(self, event, infraction): try: user = User.alias() actor = User.alias() infraction =, user, actor).join( user, on=((Infraction.user_id == user.user_id).alias('user')) ).switch(Infraction).join( actor, on=((Infraction.actor_id == actor.user_id).alias('actor')) ).where( ( == infraction) & (Infraction.guild_id == ).get() except Infraction.DoesNotExist: raise CommandFail('cannot find an infraction with ID `{}`'.format(infraction)) type_ = {i.index: i for i in Infraction.Types.attrs}[infraction.type_] embed = MessageEmbed() if type_ in (Infraction.Types.MUTE, Infraction.Types.TEMPMUTE, Infraction.Types.TEMPROLE): embed.color = 0xfdfd96 elif type_ in (Infraction.Types.KICK, Infraction.Types.SOFTBAN): embed.color = 0xffb347 else: embed.color = 0xff6961 embed.title = str(type_).title() embed.set_thumbnail(url=infraction.user.get_avatar_url()) embed.add_field(name='User', value=unicode(infraction.user), inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Moderator', value=unicode(, inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Active', value='yes' if else 'no', inline=True) if and infraction.expires_at: embed.add_field(name='Expires', value=humanize.naturaldelta(infraction.expires_at - datetime.utcnow())) embed.add_field(name='Reason', value=infraction.reason or '_No Reason Given', inline=False) embed.timestamp = infraction.created_at.isoformat() event.msg.reply('', embed=embed)
Example #9
Source File: From stdpopsim with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def summarise_usage(): # Don't report usage on Windows as the resource module is not available. # We could do this using the psutil external library, if demand exists. if _resource_module_available: rusage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) user_time = humanize.naturaldelta(rusage.ru_utime) sys_time = rusage.ru_stime max_mem = rusage.ru_maxrss if sys.platform != 'darwin': max_mem *= 1024 # Linux and other OSs (e.g. freeBSD) report maxrss in kb max_mem_str = humanize.naturalsize(max_mem, binary=True)"rusage: user={}; sys={:.2f}s; max_rss={}".format( user_time, sys_time, max_mem_str))
Example #10
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 5 votes |
def command_about(self, event): embed = MessageEmbed() embed.set_author(name='Rowboat',, url='') embed.description = BOT_INFO embed.add_field(name='Servers', value=str(, inline=True) embed.add_field(name='Uptime', value=humanize.naturaldelta(datetime.utcnow() - self.startup), inline=True) event.msg.reply(embed=embed)
Example #11
Source File: From twtxt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def relative_datetime(self): """Return human-readable relative time string.""" now = tense = "from now" if self.created_at > now else "ago" return "{0} {1}".format(humanize.naturaldelta(now - self.created_at), tense)
Example #12
Source File: From twtxt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def natural_last_modified(self): last_modified = parsedate_to_datetime(self.last_modified) now = tense = "from now" if last_modified > now else "ago" return "{0} {1}".format(humanize.naturaldelta(now - last_modified), tense)
Example #13
Source File: From tsinfer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def summarise_usage(): wall_time = humanize.naturaldelta(time.time() - __before) user_time = humanize.naturaldelta(os.times().user) sys_time = os.times().system if resource is None: # Don't report max memory on Windows. We could do this using the psutil lib, via # psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_ext_memory_info().peak_wset if demand exists maxmem_str = "" else: max_mem = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss if sys.platform != "darwin": max_mem *= 1024 # Linux and other OSs (e.g. freeBSD) report maxrss in kb maxmem_str = "; max memory={}".format( humanize.naturalsize(max_mem, binary=True) )"wall time = {}".format(wall_time))"rusage: user={}; sys={:.2f}s".format(user_time, sys_time) + maxmem_str)
Example #14
Source File: From mkctf with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def worker_routine(worker_id, monitor): '''Represent a monitoring worker ''' while True: # get next task out of the queue task = await monitor.task_queue.get() if task is None: await monitor.print(f"[{worker_id}]: exiting gracefully") break # process task await monitor.print(f"[{worker_id}]: waiting for {task.slug} to reach schedule: {naturaldelta(task.countdown)} remaining") await task.is_ready() await monitor.print(f"[{worker_id}]: running healthcheck for {task.slug}") try: report = await except Exception as exc: report = None await, task.slug, False) await monitor.print(f"[{worker_id}]: an exception occured while running healthcheck for {task.slug}: {exc}") else: await, task.slug, report['healthy']) # inject exploit back in queue if needed if task.should_run_again: await monitor.task_queue.put(task) # notify the queue that the task has been processed monitor.task_queue.task_done() # print report if report: stdout = b'' stderr = b'' health = 'healthy' if report['healthy'] else 'DEAD' sep = ('=' * 80) + '\n' text = sep text += f"[{worker_id}]: reporting for {task.slug}\n" text += f"[{worker_id}]: - state: {health}\n" text += f"[{worker_id}]: - check duration: {naturaldelta(task.duration)}\n" if not report['healthy']: stdout = f"----------------[{task.slug}:STDOUT]----------------\n" stdout = stdout.encode() + report['stdout'] stderr = f"----------------[{task.slug}:STDERR]----------------\n" stderr = stderr.encode() + report['stderr'] text = text.encode() + stdout + stderr + sep.encode() await monitor.print(text, raw=True) # ============================================================================= # CLASSES # =============================================================================
Example #15
Source File: From paasta with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def schedule_paasta_status_reminder(self): timeout_percentage_before_reminding = 75 def waiting_on_to_status(waiting_on): if waiting_on is None: return [ f"`paasta status --service {self.service} --{self.deploy_group}` -vv" ] commands = [] for cluster, queue in waiting_on.items(): queue_length = len(queue) if queue_length == 0: continue else: instances = [q.get_instance() for q in queue] commands.append( f"`paasta status --service {self.service} --cluster {cluster} --instance {','.join(instances)} -vv`" ) return commands def times_up(): try: if self.state == "deploying": human_max_deploy_time = humanize.naturaldelta( datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.timeout) ) status_commands = "\n".join( waiting_on_to_status(self.progress.waiting_on) ) self.notify_users( ( f"It has been {timeout_percentage_before_reminding}% of the maximum deploy time ({human_max_deploy_time}), " "it probably should have finished by now. Is it stuck?\n\n" "Try running this command to see the status of the deploy:\n" f"{status_commands}" ) ) except Exception as e: log.error( f"Non-fatal exception encountered when processing the status reminder: {e}" ) def schedule_callback(): time_to_notify = self.timeout * (timeout_percentage_before_reminding / 100) self.paasta_status_reminder_handle = self.event_loop.call_later( time_to_notify, times_up ) try: self.event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(schedule_callback) except Exception as e: log.error( f"Non-fatal error encountered scheduling the status reminder callback: {e}" )
Example #16
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 4 votes |
def infraction_search(self, event, query=None): q = (Infraction.guild_id == if query and isinstance(query, list) and isinstance(query[0], DiscoUser): query = query[0].id elif query: query = ' '.join(query) if query and (isinstance(query, int) or query.isdigit()): q &= ( ( == int(query)) | (Infraction.user_id == int(query)) | (Infraction.actor_id == int(query))) elif query: q &= (Infraction.reason ** query) user = User.alias() actor = User.alias() infractions =, user, actor).join( user, on=((Infraction.user_id == user.user_id).alias('user')) ).switch(Infraction).join( actor, on=((Infraction.actor_id == actor.user_id).alias('actor')) ).where(q).order_by(Infraction.created_at.desc()).limit(6) tbl = MessageTable() tbl.set_header('ID', 'Created', 'Type', 'User', 'Moderator', 'Active', 'Reason') for inf in infractions: type_ = {i.index: i for i in Infraction.Types.attrs}[inf.type_] reason = inf.reason or '' if len(reason) > 256: reason = reason[:256] + '...' if active = 'yes' if inf.expires_at: active += ' (expires in {})'.format(humanize.naturaldelta(inf.expires_at - datetime.utcnow())) else: active = 'no' tbl.add(, inf.created_at.isoformat(), str(type_), unicode(inf.user), unicode(, active, clamp(reason, 128) ) event.msg.reply(tbl.compile())
Example #17
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 4 votes |
def tempmute(self, event, user, duration=None, reason=None): if not duration and reason: duration = parse_duration(reason.split(' ')[0], safe=True) if duration: if ' ' in reason: reason = reason.split(' ', 1)[-1] else: reason = None elif duration: duration = parse_duration(duration) member = event.guild.get_member(user) if member: self.can_act_on(event, if not event.config.mute_role: raise CommandFail('mute is not setup on this server') if event.config.mute_role in member.roles: raise CommandFail(u'{} is already muted'.format(member.user)) # If we have a duration set, this is a tempmute if duration: # Create the infraction Infraction.tempmute(self, event, member, reason, duration) self.queue_infractions() self.confirm_action(event, maybe_string( reason, u':ok_hand: {u} is now muted for {t} (`{o}`)', u':ok_hand: {u} is now muted for {t}', u=member.user, t=humanize.naturaldelta(duration - datetime.utcnow()), )) else: existed = False # If the user is already muted check if we can take this from a temp # to perma mute. if event.config.mute_role in member.roles: existed = Infraction.clear_active(event,, [Infraction.Types.TEMPMUTE]) # The user is 100% muted and not tempmuted at this point, so lets bail if not existed: raise CommandFail(u'{} is already muted'.format(member.user)) Infraction.mute(self, event, member, reason) existed = u' [was temp-muted]' if existed else '' self.confirm_action(event, maybe_string( reason, u':ok_hand: {u} is now muted (`{o}`)' + existed, u':ok_hand: {u} is now muted' + existed, u=member.user, )) else: raise CommandFail('invalid user')
Example #18
Source File: From paasta with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def process_service_instance( self, service_instance: ServiceInstance ) -> BounceResults: bounce_timers = self.setup_timers(service_instance) if service_instance.enqueue_time is not None: bounce_timers.processed_by_worker.record( time.time() - service_instance.enqueue_time ) human_bounce_by = humanize.naturaldelta( datetime.timedelta(seconds=(time.time() - service_instance.bounce_by)) ) f"{} processing {service_instance.service}.{service_instance.instance} (bounce_by {human_bounce_by} ago)" ) # noqa E501 bounce_timers.setup_marathon.start() return_code, bounce_again_in_seconds = deploy_marathon_service( service=service_instance.service, instance=service_instance.instance, clients=self.marathon_clients, soa_dir=marathon_tools.DEFAULT_SOA_DIR, marathon_apps_with_clients=None, ) bounce_timers.setup_marathon.stop() f"{} setup marathon completed with exit code {return_code} for {service_instance.service}.{service_instance.instance}" ) # noqa E501 if bounce_again_in_seconds: f"{} {service_instance.service}.{service_instance.instance} not in steady state so bouncing again in {bounce_again_in_seconds}" ) # noqa E501 else: f"{} {service_instance.service}.{service_instance.instance} in steady state" ) if service_instance.processed_count > 0: bounce_timers.bounce_length.record( time.time() - service_instance.bounce_start_time ) return BounceResults(bounce_again_in_seconds, return_code)
Example #19
Source File: From twitch-chat-bot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __call__(self, config: Config) -> Optional[str]: token = config.oauth_token.split(':')[1] fetched_users = await fetch_twitch_user(, oauth_token=token, client_id=config.client_id, ) assert fetched_users is not None me, = fetched_users fetched_users = await fetch_twitch_user( self.username, oauth_token=token, client_id=config.client_id, ) if not fetched_users: msg = f'user {esc(self.username)} not found!' return PRIVMSG.format(, msg=msg) target_user, = fetched_users # if streamer wants to check the followage to their own channel if me['id'] == target_user['id']: msg = ( f"@{esc(target_user['login'])}, you can't check !followage " f'to your own channel. But I appreciate your curiosity!' ) return PRIVMSG.format(, msg=msg) follow_age_results = await fetch_twitch_user_follows( from_id=target_user['id'], to_id=me['id'], oauth_token=token, client_id=config.client_id, ) if not follow_age_results: msg = f'{esc(target_user["login"])} is not a follower!' return PRIVMSG.format(, msg=msg) follow_age, = follow_age_results now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() date_of_follow = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( # twitch sends ISO date string with "Z" at the end, # which python's fromisoformat method does not like follow_age['followed_at'].rstrip('Z'), ) delta = now - date_of_follow msg = ( f'{esc(follow_age["from_name"])} has been following for ' f'{esc(naturaldelta(delta))}!' ) return PRIVMSG.format(, msg=msg) # !followage -> valid, checks the caller # !followage anthonywritescode -> valid, checks the user passed in payload # !followage foo bar -> still valid, however the whole # "foo bar" will be processed as a username
Example #20
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 4 votes |
def server(self, event, guild_id=None): guild = self.state.guilds.get(guild_id) if guild_id else event.guild if not guild: raise CommandFail('invalid server') content = [] content.append(u'**\u276F Server Information**') created_at = to_datetime( content.append(u'Created: {} ago ({})'.format( humanize.naturaldelta(datetime.utcnow() - created_at), created_at.isoformat(), )) content.append(u'Members: {}'.format(len(guild.members))) content.append(u'Features: {}'.format(', '.join(guild.features) or 'none')) content.append(u'\n**\u276F Counts**') text_count = sum(1 for c in guild.channels.values() if not c.is_voice) voice_count = len(guild.channels) - text_count content.append(u'Roles: {}'.format(len(guild.roles))) content.append(u'Text: {}'.format(text_count)) content.append(u'Voice: {}'.format(voice_count)) content.append(u'\n**\u276F Members**') status_counts = defaultdict(int) for member in guild.members.values(): if not member.user.presence: status = Status.OFFLINE else: status = member.user.presence.status status_counts[status] += 1 for status, count in sorted(status_counts.items(), key=lambda i: str(i[0]), reverse=True): content.append(u'<{}> - {}'.format( STATUS_EMOJI[status], count )) embed = MessageEmbed() if guild.icon: embed.set_thumbnail(url=guild.icon_url) embed.color = get_dominant_colors_guild(guild) embed.description = '\n'.join(content) event.msg.reply('', embed=embed)
Example #21
Source File: From rowboat with MIT License | 4 votes |
def trigger_reminder(self, reminder): message = reminder.message_id channel = self.state.channels.get(message.channel_id) if not channel: self.log.warning('Not triggering reminder, channel %s was not found!', message.channel_id) reminder.delete_instance() return msg = channel.send_message(u'<@{}> you asked me at {} ({} ago) to remind you about: {}'.format( message.author_id, reminder.created_at, humanize.naturaldelta(reminder.created_at - datetime.utcnow()), S(reminder.content) )) # Add the emoji options msg.add_reaction(SNOOZE_EMOJI) msg.add_reaction(GREEN_TICK_EMOJI) try: mra_event = self.wait_for_event( 'MessageReactionAdd',, conditional=lambda e: ( ( == SNOOZE_EMOJI or == GREEN_TICK_EMOJI_ID) and e.user_id == message.author_id ) ).get(timeout=30) except gevent.Timeout: reminder.delete_instance() return finally: # Cleanup msg.delete_reaction(SNOOZE_EMOJI) msg.delete_reaction(GREEN_TICK_EMOJI) if == SNOOZE_EMOJI: reminder.remind_at = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=20) msg.edit(u'Ok, I\'ve snoozed that reminder for 20 minutes.') return reminder.delete_instance()