Python lasagne.layers.get_output_shape() Examples

The following are 18 code examples of lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module lasagne.layers , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From crfrnn_layer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, values, ref_img, sxy=60, sc=10, norm_type="sym",

        C = ll.get_output_shape(ref_img)[1]
        if C not in [1, 3]:
            raise ValueError("Bilateral filtering requires a color or \
greyscale reference image. Got %d channels." % C)

        if C == 1:
            kern_std = np.array([sxy, sxy, sc], np.float32)
            kern_std = np.array([sxy, sxy, sc, sc, sc], np.float32)

        super(BilateralFilterLayer, self).__init__(values, ref_img, kern_std,
                                                   norm_type, name=name,
Example #2
Source File:    From visual_dynamics with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, incoming, channel_layer_class, name=None, **channel_layer_kwargs):
        super(ChannelwiseLayer, self).__init__(incoming, name=name)
        self.channel_layer_class = channel_layer_class
        self.channel_incomings = []
        self.channel_outcomings = []
        for channel in range(lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(incoming)[0]):
            channel_incoming = L.SliceLayer(incoming, indices=slice(channel, channel+1), axis=1,
                                            name='%s.%s%d' % (name, 'slice', channel) if name is not None else None)
            channel_outcoming = channel_layer_class(channel_incoming,
                                                    name='%s.%s%d' % (name, 'op', channel) if name is not None else None,
        self.outcoming = L.ConcatLayer(self.channel_outcomings, axis=1,
                                       name='%s.%s' % (name, 'concat') if name is not None else None) 
Example #3
Source File:    From EEGLearn with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def build_convpool_conv1d(input_vars, nb_classes, imsize=32, n_colors=3, n_timewin=7):
    Builds the complete network with 1D-conv layer to integrate time from sequences of EEG images.

    :param input_vars: list of EEG images (one image per time window)
    :param nb_classes: number of classes
    :param imsize: size of the input image (assumes a square input)
    :param n_colors: number of color channels in the image
    :param n_timewin: number of time windows in the snippet
    :return: a pointer to the output of last layer
    convnets = []
    w_init = None
    # Build 7 parallel CNNs with shared weights
    for i in range(n_timewin):
        if i == 0:
            convnet, w_init = build_cnn(input_vars[i], imsize=imsize, n_colors=n_colors)
            convnet, _ = build_cnn(input_vars[i], w_init=w_init, imsize=imsize, n_colors=n_colors)
    # at this point convnets shape is [numTimeWin][n_samples, features]
    # we want the shape to be [n_samples, features, numTimeWin]
    convpool = ConcatLayer(convnets)
    convpool = ReshapeLayer(convpool, ([0], n_timewin, get_output_shape(convnets[0])[1]))
    convpool = DimshuffleLayer(convpool, (0, 2, 1))
    # input to 1D convlayer should be in (batch_size, num_input_channels, input_length)
    convpool = Conv1DLayer(convpool, 64, 3)
    # A fully-connected layer of 512 units with 50% dropout on its inputs:
    convpool = DenseLayer(lasagne.layers.dropout(convpool, p=.5),
            num_units=512, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify)
    # And, finally, the output layer with 50% dropout on its inputs:
    convpool = DenseLayer(lasagne.layers.dropout(convpool, p=.5),
            num_units=nb_classes, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax)
    return convpool 
Example #4
Source File:    From EEGLearn with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def build_convpool_lstm(input_vars, nb_classes, grad_clip=110, imsize=32, n_colors=3, n_timewin=7):
    Builds the complete network with LSTM layer to integrate time from sequences of EEG images.

    :param input_vars: list of EEG images (one image per time window)
    :param nb_classes: number of classes
    :param grad_clip:  the gradient messages are clipped to the given value during
                        the backward pass.
    :param imsize: size of the input image (assumes a square input)
    :param n_colors: number of color channels in the image
    :param n_timewin: number of time windows in the snippet
    :return: a pointer to the output of last layer
    convnets = []
    w_init = None
    # Build 7 parallel CNNs with shared weights
    for i in range(n_timewin):
        if i == 0:
            convnet, w_init = build_cnn(input_vars[i], imsize=imsize, n_colors=n_colors)
            convnet, _ = build_cnn(input_vars[i], w_init=w_init, imsize=imsize, n_colors=n_colors)
    # at this point convnets shape is [numTimeWin][n_samples, features]
    # we want the shape to be [n_samples, features, numTimeWin]
    convpool = ConcatLayer(convnets)
    convpool = ReshapeLayer(convpool, ([0], n_timewin, get_output_shape(convnets[0])[1]))
    # Input to LSTM should have the shape as (batch size, SEQ_LENGTH, num_features)
    convpool = LSTMLayer(convpool, num_units=128, grad_clipping=grad_clip,
    # We only need the final prediction, we isolate that quantity and feed it
    # to the next layer.
    convpool = SliceLayer(convpool, -1, 1)      # Selecting the last prediction
    # A fully-connected layer of 256 units with 50% dropout on its inputs:
    convpool = DenseLayer(lasagne.layers.dropout(convpool, p=.5),
            num_units=256, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify)
    # And, finally, the output layer with 50% dropout on its inputs:
    convpool = DenseLayer(lasagne.layers.dropout(convpool, p=.5),
            num_units=nb_classes, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax)
    return convpool 
Example #5
Source File:    From crfrnn_layer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, values, ref_img, kern_std, norm_type="sym",
                 name=None, trainable_kernels=False, _bilateral=False):

        assert(norm_type in ["sym", "pre", "post", None])
        super(GaussianFilterLayer, self).__init__(incomings=[values, ref_img],

        self.val_dim = ll.get_output_shape(values)[1]
        self.ref_dim = ll.get_output_shape(ref_img)[1]

        if None in (self.val_dim, self.ref_dim):
            raise ValueError("Gaussian filtering requires known channel \
dimensions for all inputs.")

        self.norm_type = norm_type

        if _bilateral:
            self.ref_dim += 2

        if len(kern_std) != self.ref_dim:
            raise ValueError("Number of kernel weights must match reference \
dimensionality. Got %d weights for %d reference dims." % (len(kern_std),

        self.kern_std = self.add_param(kern_std, (self.ref_dim,),
Example #6
Source File:    From BirdNET with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def classificationBranch(net, kernel_size):

    # Post Convolution
    branch = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net,
                        num_filters=int(FILTERS[-1] * RESNET_K),

    #log.p(("\t\tPOST  CONV SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(branch), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(branch)) - 1))

    # Dropout Layer
    branch = l.DropoutLayer(branch)
    # Dense Convolution
    branch = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(branch,
                        num_filters=int(FILTERS[-1] * RESNET_K * 2),

    #log.p(("\t\tDENSE CONV SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(branch), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(branch)) - 1))
    # Dropout Layer
    branch = l.DropoutLayer(branch)
    # Class Convolution
    branch = l.Conv2DLayer(branch,
    return branch 
Example #7
Source File:    From BirdCLEF-Baseline with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_resnet_model():


    # Random Seed

    # Input layer for images
    net = l.InputLayer((None, cfg.IM_DIM, cfg.IM_SIZE[1], cfg.IM_SIZE[0]))

    # First Convolution
    net = l.Conv2DLayer(net,
    log.i(("\tFIRST CONV OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(net)) - 1))

    # Residual Stacks
    for i in range(0, len(cfg.FILTERS)):
        net = resblock(net, filters=cfg.FILTERS[i] * cfg.RESNET_K, kernel_size=cfg.KERNEL_SIZES[i], stride=2, num_groups=cfg.NUM_OF_GROUPS[i])
        for _ in range(1, cfg.RESNET_N):
            net = resblock(net, filters=cfg.FILTERS[i] * cfg.RESNET_K, kernel_size=cfg.KERNEL_SIZES[i], num_groups=cfg.NUM_OF_GROUPS[i], preactivated=False)
        log.i(("\tRES STACK", i + 1, "OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(net)) - 1))
    # Post Activation
    net = batch_norm(net)
    net = l.NonlinearityLayer(net, nonlinearity=nonlinearity(cfg.NONLINEARITY))
    # Pooling
    net = l.GlobalPoolLayer(net)
    log.i(("\tFINAL POOLING SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(net)) - 1))

    # Classification Layer    
    net = l.DenseLayer(net, len(cfg.CLASSES), nonlinearity=nonlinearity('identity'), W=initialization('identity'))
    net = l.NonlinearityLayer(net, nonlinearity=nonlinearity('softmax'))

    log.i(("\tFINAL NET OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net), "LAYER:", len(l.get_all_layers(net))))

    # Model stats
    log.i(("MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS"))
    log.i(("MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS"))

    return net

################## PASPBERRY PI NET ##################### 
Example #8
Source File:    From BirdCLEF2017 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def buildModel(mtype=1):

    print "BUILDING MODEL TYPE", mtype, "..."

    #default settings (Model 1)
    filters = 64
    first_stride = 2
    last_filter_multiplier = 16

    #specific model type settings (see working notes for details)
    if mtype == 2:
        first_stride = 1
    elif mtype == 3:
        filters = 32
        last_filter_multiplier = 8

    #input layer
    net = l.InputLayer((None, IM_DIM, IM_SIZE[1], IM_SIZE[0]))

    #conv layers
    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters, filter_size=7, pad='same', stride=first_stride, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    if mtype == 2:
        net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters, filter_size=5, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
        net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 2, filter_size=5, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 4, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 8, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * last_filter_multiplier, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    print "\tFINAL POOL OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net) 

    #dense layers
    net = l.batch_norm(l.DenseLayer(net, 512, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.DropoutLayer(net, DROPOUT)  
    net = l.batch_norm(l.DenseLayer(net, 512, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.DropoutLayer(net, DROPOUT)  

    #Classification Layer
        net = l.DenseLayer(net, NUM_CLASSES, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid, W=init.HeNormal(gain=1))
        net = l.DenseLayer(net, NUM_CLASSES, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax, W=init.HeNormal(gain=1))

    print "...DONE!"

    #model stats
    print "MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS"
    print "MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS"

    return net 
Example #9
Source File:    From BirdCLEF2017 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def buildModel(mtype=1):

    print "BUILDING MODEL TYPE", mtype, "..."

    #default settings (Model 1)
    filters = 64
    first_stride = 2
    last_filter_multiplier = 16

    #specific model type settings (see working notes for details)
    if mtype == 2:
        first_stride = 1
    elif mtype == 3:
        filters = 32
        last_filter_multiplier = 8

    #input layer
    net = l.InputLayer((None, IM_DIM, IM_SIZE[1], IM_SIZE[0]))

    #conv layers
    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters, filter_size=7, pad='same', stride=first_stride, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    if mtype == 2:
        net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters, filter_size=5, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
        net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 2, filter_size=5, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 4, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 8, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * last_filter_multiplier, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    print "\tFINAL POOL OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net) 

    #dense layers
    net = l.batch_norm(l.DenseLayer(net, 512, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.batch_norm(l.DenseLayer(net, 512, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))

    #Classification Layer
        net = l.DenseLayer(net, NUM_CLASSES, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid, W=init.HeNormal(gain=1))
        net = l.DenseLayer(net, NUM_CLASSES, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax, W=init.HeNormal(gain=1))

    print "...DONE!"

    #model stats
    print "MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS"
    print "MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS"

    return net 
Example #10
Source File:    From BirdCLEF2017 with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def buildModel(mtype=1):

    print "BUILDING MODEL TYPE", mtype, "..."

    #default settings (Model 1)
    filters = 64
    first_stride = 2
    last_filter_multiplier = 16

    #specific model type settings (see working notes for details)
    if mtype == 2:
        first_stride = 1
    elif mtype == 3:
        filters = 32
        last_filter_multiplier = 8

    #input layer
    net = l.InputLayer((None, IM_DIM, IM_SIZE[1], IM_SIZE[0]))

    #conv layers
    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters, filter_size=7, pad='same', stride=first_stride, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    if mtype == 2:
        net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters, filter_size=5, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
        net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 2, filter_size=5, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 4, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 8, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * last_filter_multiplier, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    print "\tFINAL POOL OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net) 

    #dense layers
    net = l.batch_norm(l.DenseLayer(net, 512, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.batch_norm(l.DenseLayer(net, 512, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))

    #Classification Layer
        net = l.DenseLayer(net, NUM_CLASSES, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid, W=init.HeNormal(gain=1))
        net = l.DenseLayer(net, NUM_CLASSES, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax, W=init.HeNormal(gain=1))

    print "...DONE!"

    #model stats
    print "MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS"
    print "MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS"

    return net 
Example #11
Source File:    From crfrnn_layer with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, unary, ref, sxy_bf=70, sc_bf=10, compat_bf=6,
                 sxy_spatial=2, compat_spatial=2, num_iter=5,
                 normalize_final_iter=True, trainable_kernels=False,

        super(CRFasRNNLayer, self).__init__(incomings=[unary, ref], name=name)

        self.sxy_bf = sxy_bf
        self.sc_bf = sc_bf
        self.compat_bf = compat_bf
        self.sxy_spatial = sxy_spatial
        self.compat_spatial = compat_spatial
        self.num_iter = num_iter
        self.normalize_final_iter = normalize_final_iter

        if ll.get_output_shape(ref)[1] not in [1, 3]:
            raise ValueError("Reference image must be either color or greyscale \
(1 or 3 channels).")

        self.val_dim = ll.get_output_shape(unary)[1]
        # +2 for bilateral grid
        self.ref_dim = ll.get_output_shape(ref)[1] + 2

        if self.ref_dim == 5:
            kstd_bf = np.array([sxy_bf, sxy_bf, sc_bf, sc_bf, sc_bf],
            kstd_bf = np.array([sxy_bf, sxy_bf, sc_bf], np.float32)

        self.kstd_bf = self.add_param(kstd_bf, (self.ref_dim,),

        gk = gkern(sxy_spatial, self.val_dim)
        self.W_spatial = self.add_param(gk, gk.shape, name="spatial_kernel",

        if None in (self.val_dim, self.ref_dim):
            raise ValueError("CRF RNN requires known channel dimensions for \
all inputs.") 
Example #12
Source File:    From BirdCLEF-Baseline with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_pi_model():


    # Random Seed

    # Input layer for images
    net = l.InputLayer((None, cfg.IM_DIM, cfg.IM_SIZE[1], cfg.IM_SIZE[0]))

    # Convolutinal layer groups
    for i in range(len(cfg.FILTERS)):
        # 3x3 Convolution + Stride
        net = batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net,
        log.i(('\tGROUP', i + 1, 'OUT SHAPE:', l.get_output_shape(net)))
    # Fully connected layers + dropout layers
    net = l.DenseLayer(net, cfg.DENSE_UNITS, nonlinearity=nonlinearity(cfg.NONLINEARITY), W=initialization(cfg.NONLINEARITY))    
    net = l.DropoutLayer(net, p=cfg.DROPOUT)
    net = l.DenseLayer(net, cfg.DENSE_UNITS, nonlinearity=nonlinearity(cfg.NONLINEARITY), W=initialization(cfg.NONLINEARITY))        
    net = l.DropoutLayer(net, p=cfg.DROPOUT)
    # Classification Layer (Softmax)
    net = l.DenseLayer(net, len(cfg.CLASSES), nonlinearity=nonlinearity('softmax'), W=initialization('softmax'))
    log.i(("\tFINAL NET OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net)))

    # Model stats
    log.i(("MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS"))
    log.i(("MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS"))

    return net

################## BUILDING THE MODEL ################### 
Example #13
Source File:    From visual_dynamics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, predictor, alpha=1.0, lambda_=0.0, w=1.0, use_constrained_opt=False, unweighted_features=False, algorithm_or_fname=None):
        if isinstance(predictor, str):
            with open(predictor) as predictor_file:
                predictor = from_yaml(predictor_file)
        self.predictor = predictor
        self.action_transformer = self.predictor.transformers['u']
        self.action_space = from_config(self.predictor.environment_config['action_space'])
        self.alpha = alpha
        lambda_ = np.asarray(lambda_)
        if np.isscalar(lambda_) or lambda_.ndim == 0:
            lambda_ = lambda_ * np.ones(self.action_space.shape)  # numpy fails with augmented assigment
        assert lambda_.shape == self.action_space.shape
        self._lambda_ = lambda_
        feature_names = iter_util.flatten_tree(self.predictor.feature_name)
        feature_shapes = L.get_output_shape([self.predictor.pred_layers[name] for name in feature_names])
        self.repeats = []
        for feature_shape in feature_shapes:
            self.repeats.extend([[2:])] * feature_shape[1])
        w = np.asarray(w)
        if np.isscalar(w) or w.ndim == 0 or len(w) == 1:
            w = w * np.ones(len(self.repeats))  # numpy fails with augmented assigment
        elif w.shape == (len(feature_names),):
            w = np.repeat(w, [feature_shape[1] for feature_shape in feature_shapes])
        assert w.shape == (len(self.repeats),)
        self._w = w
        self._theta = np.append(self._w, self._lambda_)
        self._w, self._lambda_ = np.split(self._theta, [len(self._w)])  # alias the parameters
        self.use_constrained_opt = use_constrained_opt
        self.unweighted_features = unweighted_features
        self.image_name = 'image'
        self.target_image_name = 'target_image'

        if algorithm_or_fname is not None:
            from visual_dynamics.algorithms import ServoingFittedQIterationAlgorithm
            if isinstance(algorithm_or_fname, str):
                with open(algorithm_or_fname) as algorithm_file:
                    algorithm_config = yaml.load(algorithm_file, Loader=Python2to3Loader)
                assert issubclass(algorithm_config['class'], ServoingFittedQIterationAlgorithm)
                mean_returns = algorithm_config['mean_returns']
                thetas = algorithm_config['thetas']
                algorithm = algorithm_or_fname
                assert isinstance(algorithm, ServoingFittedQIterationAlgorithm)
                mean_returns = algorithm.mean_returns
                thetas = algorithm.thetas
            print("using parameters based on best returns")
            best_return, best_theta = max(zip(mean_returns, thetas))
            self.theta = best_theta 
Example #14
Source File:    From AcousticEventDetection with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def buildModel():

    print "BUILDING MODEL TYPE..."

    #default settings
    filters = 64
    first_stride = 2
    last_filter_multiplier = 16

    #input layer
    net = l.InputLayer((None, IM_DIM, IM_SIZE[1], IM_SIZE[0]))

    #conv layers
    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters, filter_size=7, pad='same', stride=first_stride, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 2, filter_size=5, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 4, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * 8, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    net = l.batch_norm(l.Conv2DLayer(net, num_filters=filters * last_filter_multiplier, filter_size=3, pad='same', stride=1, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.MaxPool2DLayer(net, pool_size=2)

    print "\tFINAL POOL OUT SHAPE:", l.get_output_shape(net) 

    #dense layers
    net = l.batch_norm(l.DenseLayer(net, 512, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.DropoutLayer(net, DROPOUT)  
    net = l.batch_norm(l.DenseLayer(net, 512, W=init.HeNormal(gain=INIT_GAIN), nonlinearity=NONLINEARITY))
    net = l.DropoutLayer(net, DROPOUT)  

    #Classification Layer
        net = l.DenseLayer(net, NUM_CLASSES, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid, W=init.HeNormal(gain=1))
        net = l.DenseLayer(net, NUM_CLASSES, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax, W=init.HeNormal(gain=1))

    print "...DONE!"

    #model stats
    print "MODEL HAS", (sum(hasattr(layer, 'W') for layer in l.get_all_layers(net))), "WEIGHTED LAYERS"
    print "MODEL HAS", l.count_params(net), "PARAMS"

    return net 
Example #15
Source File:    From EEGLearn with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_convpool_mix(input_vars, nb_classes, grad_clip=110, imsize=32, n_colors=3, n_timewin=7):
    Builds the complete network with LSTM and 1D-conv layers combined

    :param input_vars: list of EEG images (one image per time window)
    :param nb_classes: number of classes
    :param grad_clip:  the gradient messages are clipped to the given value during
                        the backward pass.
    :param imsize: size of the input image (assumes a square input)
    :param n_colors: number of color channels in the image
    :param n_timewin: number of time windows in the snippet
    :return: a pointer to the output of last layer
    convnets = []
    w_init = None
    # Build 7 parallel CNNs with shared weights
    for i in range(n_timewin):
        if i == 0:
            convnet, w_init = build_cnn(input_vars[i], imsize=imsize, n_colors=n_colors)
            convnet, _ = build_cnn(input_vars[i], w_init=w_init, imsize=imsize, n_colors=n_colors)
    # at this point convnets shape is [numTimeWin][n_samples, features]
    # we want the shape to be [n_samples, features, numTimeWin]
    convpool = ConcatLayer(convnets)
    convpool = ReshapeLayer(convpool, ([0], n_timewin, get_output_shape(convnets[0])[1]))
    reformConvpool = DimshuffleLayer(convpool, (0, 2, 1))
    # input to 1D convlayer should be in (batch_size, num_input_channels, input_length)
    conv_out = Conv1DLayer(reformConvpool, 64, 3)
    conv_out = FlattenLayer(conv_out)
    # Input to LSTM should have the shape as (batch size, SEQ_LENGTH, num_features)
    lstm = LSTMLayer(convpool, num_units=128, grad_clipping=grad_clip,
    lstm_out = SliceLayer(lstm, -1, 1)
    # Merge 1D-Conv and LSTM outputs
    dense_input = ConcatLayer([conv_out, lstm_out])
    # A fully-connected layer of 256 units with 50% dropout on its inputs:
    convpool = DenseLayer(lasagne.layers.dropout(dense_input, p=.5),
            num_units=512, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify)
    # And, finally, the 10-unit output layer with 50% dropout on its inputs:
    convpool = DenseLayer(convpool,
            num_units=nb_classes, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax)
    return convpool 
Example #16
Source File:    From visual_dynamics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_action_cond_encoder_net(input_shapes, **kwargs):
    x_shape, u_shape = input_shapes

    X_var = T.tensor4('X')
    U_var = T.matrix('U')
    X_diff_var = T.tensor4('X_diff')
    X_next_var = X_var + X_diff_var

    l_x0 = L.InputLayer(shape=(None,) + x_shape, input_var=X_var, name='x')
    l_u = L.InputLayer(shape=(None,) + u_shape, input_var=U_var, name='u')

    l_x1 = L.Conv2DLayer(l_x0, 64, filter_size=6, stride=2, pad=0,
    l_x2 = L.Conv2DLayer(l_x1, 64, filter_size=6, stride=2, pad=2,
    l_x3 = L.Conv2DLayer(l_x2, 64, filter_size=6, stride=2, pad=2,
    l_x3_shape = lasagne.layers.get_output_shape(l_x3)

    l_y4 = L.DenseLayer(l_x3, 1024, nonlinearity=nl.rectify, name='y')
    l_y4d = L.DenseLayer(l_y4, 2048, W=init.Uniform(1.0), nonlinearity=None)
    l_ud = L.DenseLayer(l_u, 2048, W=init.Uniform(0.1), nonlinearity=None)

    l_y4d_diff_pred = L.ElemwiseMergeLayer([l_y4d, l_ud], T.mul)
    l_y4_diff_pred = L.DenseLayer(l_y4d_diff_pred, 1024, W=init.Uniform(1.0), nonlinearity=None, name='y_diff_pred')

    l_y4_next_pred = L.ElemwiseMergeLayer([l_y4, l_y4_diff_pred], T.add, name='y_next_pred')

    l_y3_next_pred = L.DenseLayer(l_y4_next_pred,[1:]), nonlinearity=nl.rectify)
    l_x3_next_pred = L.ReshapeLayer(l_y3_next_pred, ([0],) + l_x3_shape[1:],

    l_x2_next_pred = LT.Deconv2DLayer(l_x3_next_pred, 64, filter_size=6, stride=2, pad=2,
    l_x1_next_pred = LT.Deconv2DLayer(l_x2_next_pred, 64, filter_size=6, stride=2, pad=2,
    l_x0_next_pred = LT.Deconv2DLayer(l_x1_next_pred, 3, filter_size=6, stride=2, pad=0,

    loss_fn = lambda X, X_pred: ((X - X_pred) ** 2).mean(axis=0).sum() / 2.
    loss = loss_fn(X_next_var, lasagne.layers.get_output(l_x0_next_pred))

    net_name = 'ActionCondEncoderNet'
    input_vars = OrderedDict([(, var) for var in [X_var, U_var, X_diff_var]])
    pred_layers = OrderedDict([('x0_next_pred', l_x0_next_pred)])
    return net_name, input_vars, pred_layers, loss 
Example #17
Source File:    From visual_dynamics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _get_A_b_c_split2_vars(self):
        Like _get_A_b_c_split2_vars() except that the first two dimensions of
        A_split_var, b_split_var, c_split_var are the batch size and the
        number of channels, instead of the other way around.
        if not self.predictor.feature_jacobian_name:
            raise NotImplementedError

        X_var, U_var, X_target_var, U_lin_var, alpha_var = self.input_vars

        names = [self.predictor.feature_name, self.predictor.feature_jacobian_name, self.predictor.next_feature_name]
        vars_ = L.get_output([self.predictor.pred_layers[name] for name in iter_util.flatten_tree(names)], deterministic=True)
        feature_vars, jac_vars, next_feature_vars = iter_util.unflatten_tree(names, vars_)

        y_vars = [T.flatten(feature_var, outdim=2) for feature_var in feature_vars]
        y_target_vars = [theano.clone(y_var, replace={X_var: X_target_var}) for y_var in y_vars]
        y_target_vars = [theano.ifelse.ifelse(T.eq(alpha_var, 1.0),
                                              alpha_var * y_target_var + (1 - alpha_var) * y_var)
                         for (y_var, y_target_var) in zip(y_vars, y_target_vars)]

        jac_vars = [theano.clone(jac_var, replace={U_var: U_lin_var}) for jac_var in jac_vars]
        y_next_pred_vars = [T.flatten(next_feature_var, outdim=2) for next_feature_var in next_feature_vars]
        y_next_pred_vars = [theano.clone(y_next_pred_var, replace={U_var: U_lin_var}) for y_next_pred_var in y_next_pred_vars]

        z_vars = [y_target_var - y_next_pred_var + T.batched_tensordot(jac_var, U_lin_var, axes=(2, 1))
                  for (y_target_var, y_next_pred_var, jac_var) in zip(y_target_vars, y_next_pred_vars, jac_vars)]

        feature_shapes = L.get_output_shape([self.predictor.pred_layers[name] for name in iter_util.flatten_tree(self.predictor.feature_name)])

        u_dim, = self.action_space.shape
        A_split_vars = []
        b_split_vars = []
        c_split_vars = []
        for jac_var, z_var, feature_shape in zip(jac_vars, z_vars, feature_shapes):
            z_var = z_var.reshape((-1,[2:])))
            jac_var = jac_var.reshape((-1,[2:]), u_dim))
            A_split_var = T.batched_tensordot(jac_var, jac_var, axes=(1, 1))
            b_split_var = T.batched_tensordot(jac_var, z_var, axes=(1, 1))
            c_split_var = T.batched_tensordot(z_var, z_var, axes=(1, 1))
            A_split_vars.append(A_split_var.reshape((-1, feature_shape[1], u_dim, u_dim)))
            b_split_vars.append(b_split_var.reshape((-1, feature_shape[1], u_dim)))
            c_split_vars.append(c_split_var.reshape((-1, feature_shape[1])))
        A_split_var = T.concatenate(A_split_vars, axis=1)
        b_split_var = T.concatenate(b_split_vars, axis=1)
        c_split_var = T.concatenate(c_split_vars, axis=1)
        return A_split_var, b_split_var, c_split_var 
Example #18
Source File:    From visual_dynamics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _get_pi2_var(self):
        if not self.predictor.feature_jacobian_name:
            raise NotImplementedError

        X_var, U_var, X_target_var, U_lin_var, alpha_var = self.input_vars

        names = [self.predictor.feature_name, self.predictor.feature_jacobian_name, self.predictor.next_feature_name]
        vars_ = L.get_output([self.predictor.pred_layers[name] for name in iter_util.flatten_tree(names)], deterministic=True)
        feature_vars, jac_vars, next_feature_vars = iter_util.unflatten_tree(names, vars_)

        y_vars = [T.flatten(feature_var, outdim=2) for feature_var in feature_vars]
        y_target_vars = [theano.clone(y_var, replace={X_var: X_target_var}) for y_var in y_vars]
        y_target_vars = [theano.ifelse.ifelse(T.eq(alpha_var, 1.0),
                                              alpha_var * y_target_var + (1 - alpha_var) * y_var)
                         for (y_var, y_target_var) in zip(y_vars, y_target_vars)]

        jac_vars = [theano.clone(jac_var, replace={U_var: U_lin_var}) for jac_var in jac_vars]
        y_next_pred_vars = [T.flatten(next_feature_var, outdim=2) for next_feature_var in next_feature_vars]
        y_next_pred_vars = [theano.clone(y_next_pred_var, replace={U_var: U_lin_var}) for y_next_pred_var in y_next_pred_vars]

        z_vars = [y_target_var - y_next_pred_var + T.batched_tensordot(jac_var, U_lin_var, axes=(2, 1))
                  for (y_target_var, y_next_pred_var, jac_var) in zip(y_target_vars, y_next_pred_vars, jac_vars)]

        feature_shapes = L.get_output_shape([self.predictor.pred_layers[name] for name in iter_util.flatten_tree(self.predictor.feature_name)])

        w_var, lambda_var = self.param_vars

        A_var = None
        b_var = None
        normalized_w_vars = T.split(w_var / self.repeats, [feature_shape[1] for feature_shape in feature_shapes], len(feature_shapes))
        for jac_var, z_var, normalized_w_var, feature_shape in zip(jac_vars, z_vars, normalized_w_vars, feature_shapes):
            z_var = T.flatten(z_var)
            jac_var = T.reshape(jac_var, (feature_shape[1], -1, self.action_space.shape[0]))
            jac_w_var = T.reshape(jac_var * normalized_w_var[:, None, None], (-1, self.action_space.shape[0]))
            jac_var = jac_var.reshape((-1, self.action_space.shape[0]))
            if A_var is None:
                A_var =
                A_var +=
            if b_var is None:
                b_var =
                b_var +=
        A_var += T.diag(lambda_var)
        pi_var =, b_var)  # preprocessed units
        return pi_var