Python seaborn.violinplot() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of seaborn.violinplot().
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Example #1
Source File: From NanoPlot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def quality_over_time(dfs, path, figformat, title, plot_settings={}): time_qual = Plot(path=path + "TimeQualityViolinPlot." + figformat, title="Violin plot of quality over time") sns.set(style="white", **plot_settings) ax = sns.violinplot(x="timebin", y="quals", data=dfs, inner=None, cut=0, linewidth=0) ax.set(xlabel='Interval (hours)', ylabel="Basecall quality", title=title or time_qual.title) plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='center', fontsize=8) time_qual.fig = ax.get_figure() plt.close("all") return time_qual
Example #2
Source File: From NanoPlot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def sequencing_speed_over_time(dfs, path, figformat, title, plot_settings={}): time_duration = Plot(path=path + "TimeSequencingSpeed_ViolinPlot." + figformat, title="Violin plot of sequencing speed over time") sns.set(style="white", **plot_settings) if "timebin" not in dfs: dfs['timebin'] = add_time_bins(dfs) mask = dfs['duration'] != 0 ax = sns.violinplot(x=dfs.loc[mask, "timebin"], y=dfs.loc[mask, "lengths"] / dfs.loc[mask, "duration"], inner=None, cut=0, linewidth=0) ax.set(xlabel='Interval (hours)', ylabel="Sequencing speed (nucleotides/second)", title=title or time_duration.title) plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='center', fontsize=8) time_duration.fig = ax.get_figure() plt.close("all") return time_duration
Example #3
Source File: From brute-force-plotter with MIT License | 7 votes |
def bar_box_violin_dot_plots(data, category_col, numeric_col, axes, file_name=None): sns.barplot(category_col, numeric_col, data=data, ax=axes[0]) sns.boxplot( category_col, numeric_col, data=data[data[numeric_col].notnull()], ax=axes[2] ) sns.violinplot( category_col, numeric_col, data=data, kind="violin", inner="quartile", scale="count", split=True, ax=axes[3], ) sns.stripplot(category_col, numeric_col, data=data, jitter=True, ax=axes[1]) sns.despine(left=True)
Example #4
Source File: From mCaller with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_change_by_pos(diffs_by_context,plottype='box'): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4)) changes_by_position = {'position':[],'base':[],'diff':[]} for lab in diffs_by_context: for context in diffs_by_context[lab]: for entry in diffs_by_context[lab][context]: for pos,diff in enumerate(entry[:-1]): changes_by_position['position'].append(pos+1) changes_by_position['base'].append(lab) changes_by_position['diff'].append(diff) dPos = pd.DataFrame(changes_by_position) if plottype == 'box': sns.boxplot(x="position", y="diff", hue="base", data=dPos, palette=[cols[base],cols[methbase]]) elif plottype == 'violin': sns.violinplot(x="position",y="diff", hue="base", data=dPos, palette=[cols[base],cols[methbase]]) sns.despine(trim=False) plt.xlabel('Adenine Position in 6-mer') plt.ylabel('Measured - Expected Current (pA)') plt.ylim([-20,20]) plt.legend(title='',loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.05), ncol=3, fancybox=True) plt.savefig('change_by_position_box.pdf',transparent=True,dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')
Example #5
Source File: From DrugEx with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fig9(): """ violin plot for the physicochemical proerties comparison. 1: molecules generated by DrugEx with pre-trained model as exploration network. 2: molecules generated by DrugEx with fine-tuned model as exploration network. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) sns.set(style="white", palette="pastel", color_codes=True) df = properties(mol_paths + real_path, labels + real_label, is_active=True) sns.violinplot(x='Property', y='Number', hue='Set', data=df, linewidth=1, bw=0.8) sns.despine(left=True) ax1.set(ylim=[0.0, 15.0], xlabel='Structural Properties') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) df = properties(mol_paths1 + real_path, labels + real_label, is_active=True) sns.set(style="white", palette="pastel", color_codes=True) sns.violinplot(x='Property', y='Number', hue='Set', data=df, linewidth=1, bw=0.8) sns.despine(left=True) ax2.set(ylim=[0.0, 15.0], xlabel='Structural Properties') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('Figure_9.tif', dpi=300)
Example #6
Source File: From DrugEx with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fig6(): """ violin plot for the physicochemical proerties comparison. A: molecules generated by pre-trained model v.s. ZINC set. B: molecules generated by fine-tuned model v.s. A2AR set. """ plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.subplot(121) sns.set(style="white", palette="pastel", color_codes=True) df = properties(['data/ZINC_B.txt', 'mol_p.txt'], ['ZINC Dataset', 'Pre-trained Model']) sns.violinplot(x='Property', y='Number', hue='Set', data=df, linewidth=1, split=True, bw=1) sns.despine(left=True) plt.ylim([0.0, 18.0]) plt.xlabel('Structural Properties') plt.subplot(122) df = properties(['data/CHEMBL251.txt', 'mol_ex.txt'], ['A2AR Dataset', 'Fine-tuned Model']) sns.set(style="white", palette="pastel", color_codes=True) sns.violinplot(x='Property', y='Number', hue='Set', data=df, linewidth=1, split=True, bw=1) sns.despine(left=True) plt.ylim([0.0, 18.0]) plt.xlabel('Structural Properties') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('Figure_6.tif', dpi=300)
Example #7
Source File: From mmtf-pyspark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def metal_distance_widget(df_concat): '''Plot an violinplot of metal-element distances with ipywidgets Parameters ---------- df_concat : Dataframe dataframe of metal-elements distances ''' metals = df_concat['Metal'].unique().tolist() m_widget = Dropdown(options = metals, description = "Metals") def metal_distance_violinplot(metal): df_metal = df_concat[df_concat["Metal"] == metal].copy() df_metal['Element'] = df_metal['Element'].apply(lambda x: metal+"-"+x) # Set fonts fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(15,6) subplot = sns.violinplot(x="Element", y="Distance", palette="muted", data=df_metal, ax=ax) subplot.set(xlabel="Metal Interactions", ylabel="Distance", title=f"{metal} to Elements Distances Violin Plot") return interact(metal_distance_violinplot, metal=m_widget);
Example #8
Source File: From CatLearn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def featselect_featvar_plot(p_error_select, number_feat): """Create learning curve with data size and prediction error. Parameters ---------- data_size : list Data_size for where the prediction were made. p_error : list Error for where the prediction were made. data_size_mean : list Mean of the data size in a sub-set. p_error_mean : list The mean error for the sub-set. corrected_std : array The standard deaviation for the sub-set of data. """ fig = plt.figure() fig.add_subplot(111) sns.violinplot(x=number_feat, y=p_error_select, scale="count") sns.pointplot(x=number_feat, y=p_error_select) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.ylabel('Prediction error') plt.xlabel('Data size')
Example #9
Source File: From CatLearn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def violinplot(set_size, p_error, subplot, i): """Make learning cuves with violinplot. Parameters ---------- set_size : list Size of sub-set of data/features which the model is based on. p_error : list The prediction error for plain vanilla ridge. subplot : int Which subplot being produced. i : int Which iteration in the featureselection. """ plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(int("22" + str(subplot))).set_title('Feature size ' + str(i), loc='left') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.ylabel('Prediction error') plt.xlabel('Data size') sns.violinplot(x=set_size, y=p_error, scale="count") sns.pointplot(x=set_size, y=p_error, ci=100, capsize=.2) if subplot == 4:
Example #10
Source File: From geosketch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def violin_jitter(X, genes, gene, labels, focus, background=None, xlabels=None): gidx = list(genes).index(gene) focus_idx = focus == labels if background is None: background_idx = focus != labels else: background_idx = background == labels if xlabels is None: xlabels = [ 'Background', 'Focus' ] x_gene = X[:, gidx].toarray().flatten() x_focus = x_gene[focus_idx] x_background = x_gene[background_idx] plt.figure() sns.violinplot(data=[ x_focus, x_background ], scale='width', cut=0) sns.stripplot(data=[ x_focus, x_background ], jitter=True, color='black', size=1) plt.xticks([0, 1], xlabels) plt.savefig('{}_violin_{}.png'.format(NAMESPACE, gene))
Example #11
Source File: From geosketch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def astro_oligo_violin(X, genes, gene, labels, name): X = X.toarray() gidx = list(genes).index(gene) astro = X[labels == 'astro', gidx] oligo = X[labels == 'oligo', gidx] both = X[labels == 'both', gidx] plt.figure() sns.violinplot(data=[ astro, oligo, both ], scale='width', cut=0) sns.stripplot(data=[ astro, oligo, both ], jitter=True, color='black', size=1) plt.xticks([0, 1, 2], ['Astrocytes', 'Oligodendrocytes', 'Both']) plt.savefig('{}_violin_{}.svg'.format(name, gene))
Example #12
Source File: From NanoPlot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def length_over_time(dfs, path, figformat, title, log_length=False, plot_settings={}): if log_length: time_length = Plot(path=path + "TimeLogLengthViolinPlot." + figformat, title="Violin plot of log read lengths over time") else: time_length = Plot(path=path + "TimeLengthViolinPlot." + figformat, title="Violin plot of read lengths over time") sns.set(style="white", **plot_settings) if log_length: length_column = "log_lengths" else: length_column = "lengths" if "length_filter" in dfs: # produced by NanoPlot filtering of too long reads temp_dfs = dfs[dfs["length_filter"]] else: temp_dfs = dfs ax = sns.violinplot(x="timebin", y=length_column, data=temp_dfs, inner=None, cut=0, linewidth=0) ax.set(xlabel='Interval (hours)', ylabel="Read length", title=title or time_length.title) if log_length: ticks = [10**i for i in range(10) if not 10**i > 10 * np.amax(dfs["lengths"])] ax.set(yticks=np.log10(ticks), yticklabels=ticks) plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='center', fontsize=8) time_length.fig = ax.get_figure() plt.close("all") return time_length
Example #13
Source File: From cdlib with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def plot_com_stat(com_clusters, com_fitness): """ Plot the distribution of a property among all communities for a clustering, or a list of clusterings (violin-plots) :param com_clusters: list of clusterings to compare, or a single clustering :param com_fitness: the fitness/community property to use :return: the violin-plots Example: >>> from cdlib import algorithms, viz, evaluation >>> import networkx as nx >>> g = nx.karate_club_graph() >>> coms = algorithms.louvain(g) >>> coms2 = algorithms.walktrap(g) >>> violinplot = viz.plot_com_stat([coms,coms2],evaluation.size) """ if isinstance(com_clusters, cdlib.classes.clustering.Clustering): com_clusters = [com_clusters] allVals = [] allNames = [] for c in com_clusters: prop = com_fitness(c.graph, c, summary=False) allVals += prop allNames += [c.get_description()] * len(prop) ax = sns.violinplot(allNames, allVals,cut=0,saturation=0.5,palette="Set3") for tick in ax.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(90) plt.ylabel("%s" % com_fitness.__name__) plt.xlabel("Algorithm") plt.tight_layout() return ax
Example #14
Source File: From geosketch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def astro_oligo_violin(X, genes, gene, labels, name): X = X.toarray() gidx = list(genes).index(gene) astro = X[labels == 'astro', gidx] oligo = X[labels == 'oligo', gidx] both = X[labels == 'both', gidx] plt.figure() sns.violinplot(data=[ astro, oligo, both ], scale='width', cut=0) sns.stripplot(data=[ astro, oligo, both ], jitter=True, color='black', size=1) plt.xticks([0, 1, 2], ['Astrocytes', 'Oligodendrocytes', 'Both']) plt.savefig('{}_violin_{}.svg'.format(name, gene))
Example #15
Source File: From EdwardsLab with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_shannon(df, output, verbose=False): if verbose: sys.stderr.write(f"{bcolors.GREEN}Plotting swarmed shannon{bcolors.ENDC}\n") sns.violinplot(data=df, x='kmer', y='Shannon') sns.swarmplot(data=df, x='kmer', y='Shannon') sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True) plt.savefig(f"{output}.shannon.png") plt.clf()
Example #16
Source File: From EdwardsLab with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_swarm_evenness(df, output, verbose=False): if verbose: sys.stderr.write(f"{bcolors.GREEN}Plotting swarmed evenness{bcolors.ENDC}\n") sns.violinplot(data=df, x='kmer', y='Evenness') sns.swarmplot(data=df, x='kmer', y='Evenness') sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True) plt.savefig(f"{output}.swarm.evenness.png") plt.clf()
Example #17
Source File: From EdwardsLab with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_evenness(df, output, verbose=False): if verbose: sys.stderr.write(f"{bcolors.GREEN}Plotting evenness{bcolors.ENDC}\n") sns.violinplot(data=df, x='kmer', y='Evenness') sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True) plt.savefig(f"{output}.evenness.png") plt.clf()
Example #18
Source File: From brute-force-plotter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def histogram_violin_plots(data, axes, file_name=None): # histogram sns.distplot(data, ax=axes[0], axlabel="") sns.violinplot(data, ax=axes[1], inner="quartile", scale="count") sns.despine(left=True)
Example #19
Source File: From speedml with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ordinal(self, y): """ Plot ordinal features (categorical numeric) using Violin plot against target feature. Use this to determine outliers within ordinal features spread across associated target feature values. """ Base.data_n() plt.figure(figsize=(8,4)) sns.violinplot(, y=y, data=Base.train_n) plt.xlabel(, fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(y, fontsize=12);
Example #20
Source File: From nltools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_label_distance(self, labels=None, ax=None): ''' Create a violin plot indicating within and between label distance Args: labels (np.array): numpy array of labels to plot Returns: f: violin plot handles ''' if not self.is_single_matrix: raise ValueError('This function only works on single adjacency ' 'matrices.') distance = pd.DataFrame(self.squareform()) if labels is None: labels = np.array(deepcopy(self.labels)) else: if len(labels) != distance.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Labels must be same length as distance matrix') out = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Distance', 'Group', 'Type'], index=None) for i in np.unique(labels): tmp_w = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) tmp_w['Distance'] = distance.loc[labels == i, labels == i].values[np.triu_indices(sum(labels == i), k=1)] tmp_w['Type'] = 'Within' tmp_w['Group'] = i tmp_b = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) tmp_b['Distance'] = distance.loc[labels != i, labels != i].values[np.triu_indices(sum(labels == i), k=1)] tmp_b['Type'] = 'Between' tmp_b['Group'] = i out = out.append(tmp_w).append(tmp_b) f = sns.violinplot(x="Group", y="Distance", hue="Type", data=out, split=True, inner='quartile', palette={"Within": "lightskyblue", "Between": "red"}, ax=ax) f.set_ylabel('Average Distance') f.set_title('Average Group Distance') return
Example #21
Source File: From Comparative-Annotation-Toolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def horizontal_violin_plot(data, ordered_genomes, title, xlabel, pdf, hue=None, x=None, y=None, xlim=None): """not so generic function that specifically produces a paired boxplot/violinplot""" fig, ax = plt.subplots() sns.violinplot(data=data, x=x, y=y, hue=hue, order=ordered_genomes, palette=choose_palette(ordered_genomes), saturation=boxplot_saturation, orient='h', cut=0, scale='count', ax=ax) fig.suptitle(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) multipage_close(pdf, tight_layout=False)
Example #22
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_molecules_plot(self): # Correlation plot by molecules. plt.close('all') n_rows = len( fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 0.4*n_rows)) sns.violinplot(y='system_id', x='$\Delta\Delta$G error (calc - expt) [kcal/mol]',, linewidth=1.0, inner='point', cut=0, ax=ax) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2) # plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_directory_path, self.MOLECULE_CORRELATION_PLOT_PATH))
Example #23
Source File: From spinalcordtoolbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def show_results(self): import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd plt.hold(True) sns.set(style="whitegrid", palette="pastel", color_codes=True) plt.figure(figsize=(35, 20)) data_dist = {"distances": [], "image": [], "slice": []} if self.dim_im == 2: data_dist["distances"].append([dist * self.dim_pix for dist in self.dist1_distribution]) data_dist["image"].append(len(self.dist1_distribution) * [1]) data_dist["slice"].append(len(self.dist1_distribution) * [0]) data_dist["distances"].append([dist * self.dim_pix for dist in self.dist2_distribution]) data_dist["image"].append(len(self.dist2_distribution) * [2]) data_dist["slice"].append(len(self.dist2_distribution) * [0]) if self.dim_im == 3: for i in range(len(self.distances)): data_dist["distances"].append([dist * self.dim_pix for dist in self.dist1_distribution[i]]) data_dist["image"].append(len(self.dist1_distribution[i]) * [1]) data_dist["slice"].append(len(self.dist1_distribution[i]) * [i]) data_dist["distances"].append([dist * self.dim_pix for dist in self.dist2_distribution[i]]) data_dist["image"].append(len(self.dist2_distribution[i]) * [2]) data_dist["slice"].append(len(self.dist2_distribution[i]) * [i]) for k in data_dist.keys(): # flatten the lists in data_dist data_dist[k] = [item for sublist in data_dist[k] for item in sublist] data_dist = pd.DataFrame(data_dist) sns.violinplot(x="slice", y="distances", hue="image", data=data_dist, split=True, inner="point", cut=0) plt.savefig('violin_plot.png') # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #24
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_molecules_plot(self): # Correlation plot by molecules. plt.close('all') data_ordered_by_pKa_ID =["pKa ID"], ascending=["True"]) sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (8.27,11.7)}) sns.violinplot(y='pKa ID', x='$\Delta$pKa error (calc - exp)', data=data_ordered_by_pKa_ID, inner='point', linewidth=1, width=1.2) plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_directory_path, self.PKA_CORRELATION_PLOT_BY_PKA_PATH_DIR))
Example #25
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_molecules_plot(self): # Correlation plot by molecules. plt.close('all') data_ordered_by_pKa_ID =["pKa ID"], ascending=["True"]) sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (8.27,11.7)}) sns.violinplot(y='pKa ID', x='$\Delta$pKa error (calc - exp)', data=data_ordered_by_pKa_ID, inner='point', linewidth=1, width=1.2) plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_directory_path, self.PKA_CORRELATION_PLOT_BY_PKA_PATH_DIR))
Example #26
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_molecules_plot(self): # Correlation plot by molecules. plt.close('all') data_ordered_by_mol_ID =["Molecule ID"], ascending=["True"]) sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (8.27,11.7)}) sns.violinplot(y='Molecule ID', x='$\Delta$logP error (calc - exp)', data=data_ordered_by_mol_ID, inner='point', linewidth=1, width=1.2) plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_directory_path, self.LOGP_CORRELATION_PLOT_BY_LOGP_PATH_DIR))
Example #27
Source File: From dl-eeg-review with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run_kruskal(df, condition_col, value_col='acc_diff', min_n_obs=6, plot=False): """Run Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance test. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): dataframe where each row is a paper. condition_col (str): name of column to use as condition. Keyword Args: value_col (str): name of column to use as the numerical value to run the test on. min_n_obs (int): minimum number of observations in each sample in order to run the test. Returns: (float): U statistic (float): p-value """ data = [i for name, i in df.groupby(condition_col)[value_col] if len(i) >= min_n_obs] if len(data) > 2: stat, p = kruskal(*data) else: stat, p = np.nan, np.nan print('Not enough samples with more than {} observations.'.format(min_n_obs)) if plot: enough_samples = df[condition_col].value_counts() >= min_n_obs enough_samples = enough_samples.index[enough_samples].tolist() fig, ax = plt.subplots() sns.violinplot( data=df[df[condition_col].isin(enough_samples)], x=condition_col, y=value_col, ax=ax) ax.set_title('Kruskal-Wallis for {} vs. {}\n(pvalue={:0.4f})'.format( condition_col, value_col, p)) else: fig = None return {'test': 'kruskal', 'pvalue': p, 'stat': stat, 'fig': fig}
Example #28
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_molecules_plot(self): # Correlation plot by molecules. plt.close('all') data_ordered_by_mol_ID =["Molecule ID"], ascending=["True"]) sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (8.27,11.7)}) sns.violinplot(y='Molecule ID', x='$\Delta$logP error (calc - exp)', data=data_ordered_by_mol_ID, inner='point', linewidth=1, width=1.2) plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_directory_path, self.LOGP_CORRELATION_PLOT_BY_LOGP_PATH_DIR))
Example #29
Source File: From QUANTAXIS with MIT License | 4 votes |
def plot_quantile_returns_violin(return_by_q, ylim_percentiles=None, ax=None): return_by_q = return_by_q.copy() if ylim_percentiles is not None: ymin = ( np.nanpercentile(return_by_q.values, ylim_percentiles[0]) * DECIMAL_TO_BPS ) ymax = ( np.nanpercentile(return_by_q.values, ylim_percentiles[1]) * DECIMAL_TO_BPS ) else: ymin = None ymax = None if ax is None: f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(18, 6)) unstacked_dr = return_by_q.multiply(DECIMAL_TO_BPS) unstacked_dr.columns = unstacked_dr.columns.set_names("forward_periods") unstacked_dr = unstacked_dr.stack() = "return" unstacked_dr = unstacked_dr.reset_index() sns.violinplot( data=unstacked_dr, x="factor_quantile", hue="forward_periods", y="return", orient="v", cut=0, inner="quartile", ax=ax, ) ax.set( xlabel="", ylabel="Return (bps)", title="Period Wise Return By Factor Quantile", ylim=(ymin, ymax), ) ax.axhline(0.0, linestyle="-", color="black", lw=0.7, alpha=0.6) return ax
Example #30
Source File: From dl-eeg-review with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run_mannwhitneyu(df, condition_col, conditions, value_col='acc_diff', min_n_obs=10, plot=False): """Run Mann-Whitney rank-sum test. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): dataframe where each row is a paper. condition_col (str): name of column to use as condition. conditions (list): list of two strings containing the values of the condition to compare. Keyword Args: value_col (str): name of column to use as the numerical value to run the test on. min_n_obs (int): minimum number of observations in each sample in order to run the test. Returns: (float): U statistic (float): p-value """ assert len(conditions) == 2, '`conditions` must be of length 2, got {}'.format( len(conditions)) data1 = df[df[condition_col] == conditions[0]][value_col] data2 = df[df[condition_col] == conditions[1]][value_col] if len(data1) >= min_n_obs and len(data2) >= min_n_obs: stat, p = mannwhitneyu(data1, data2) else: stat, p = np.nan, np.nan print('Not enough observations in each sample ({} and {}).'.format( len(data1), len(data2))) if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots() sns.violinplot( data=df[df[condition_col].isin(conditions)], x=condition_col, y=value_col, ax=ax) ax.set_title('Mann-Whitney for {} vs. {}\n(pvalue={:0.4f})'.format( condition_col, value_col, p)) else: fig = None return {'test': 'mannwhitneyu', 'pvalue': p, 'stat': stat, 'fig': fig}