Python seaborn.jointplot() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of seaborn.jointplot().
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Example #1
Source File: From geosketch with MIT License | 7 votes |
def astro_oligo_joint(X, genes, gene1, gene2, labels, focus, name): X = X.toarray() gidx1 = list(genes).index(gene1) gidx2 = list(genes).index(gene2) idx = labels == focus x1 = X[(idx, gidx1)] x2 = X[(idx, gidx2)] plt.figure() sns.jointplot( x1, x2, kind='scatter', space=0, alpha=0.3 ).plot_joint(sns.kdeplot, zorder=0, n_levels=10) plt.savefig('{}_joint_{}_{}_{}.png'.format(name, focus, gene1, gene2))
Example #2
Source File: From geosketch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def astro_oligo_joint(X, genes, gene1, gene2, labels, focus, name): X = X.toarray() gidx1 = list(genes).index(gene1) gidx2 = list(genes).index(gene2) idx = labels == focus x1 = X[(idx, gidx1)] x2 = X[(idx, gidx2)] plt.figure() sns.jointplot( x1, x2, kind='scatter', space=0, alpha=0.3 ).plot_joint(sns.kdeplot, zorder=0, n_levels=10) plt.savefig('{}_joint_{}_{}_{}.png'.format(name, focus, gene1, gene2))
Example #3
Source File: From stock-analysis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def jointplot(self, other, column, **kwargs): """ Generate a seaborn jointplot for given column in asset compared to another asset. Parameters: - other: The other asset's dataframe - column: The column name to use for the comparison. - kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass down to `sns.pairplot()` Returns: A seaborn jointplot """ return sns.jointplot([column], y=other[column], **kwargs )
Example #4
Source File: From molecule-chef with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def produce_the_kde_plot(cycles, color, save_name): ground_truth_and_suggested = [(eval_code.get_best_qed_from_smiles_bag(elem['ground_truth_product']), eval_code.get_best_qed_from_smiles_bag(elem['suggested_product'])) for elem in cycles] len_out = len(ground_truth_and_suggested) ground_truth_and_suggested = [elem for elem in ground_truth_and_suggested if elem[1] != -np.inf] len_filter = len(ground_truth_and_suggested) num_discarding = len_out - len_filter if num_discarding: warnings.warn(f"Discarding {num_discarding} our of {len_out} as no successful reconstruction") ground_truth_and_suggested = np.array(ground_truth_and_suggested) ground_truth_product_qed = ground_truth_and_suggested[:, 0] suggested_product_qed = ground_truth_and_suggested[:, 1] g = sns.jointplot(x=ground_truth_product_qed, y=suggested_product_qed, kind="kde", color=color, ) g.set_axis_labels("product's QED", "reconstructed product's QED", fontsize=16) rsquare = lambda a, b: stats.pearsonr(ground_truth_product_qed, suggested_product_qed)[0] ** 2 g = g.annotate(rsquare, template="{stat}: {val:.2f}", stat="$R^2$", loc="upper left", fontsize=12) print(f"Rsquare: {stats.pearsonr(ground_truth_product_qed, suggested_product_qed)[0] ** 2}") print(f"scipystats: {stats.linregress(ground_truth_product_qed, suggested_product_qed)}") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(f"{save_name}.pdf")
Example #5
Source File: From pyodds with MIT License | 6 votes |
def visualize_distribution(X,prediction,score,path=None): """ Visualize the original density distribution of the data in 2-dimension space. Parameters ---------- X: numpy array of shape (n_test, n_features) Test data. prediction: numpy array of shape (n_test, ) The prediction result of the test data. score: numpy array of shape (n_test, ) The outlier score of the test data. path: string The saving path for result figures. """ sns.set(style="ticks") X=X.to_numpy() X_embedding = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(X) sns_plot=sns.jointplot(X_embedding[:,1],X_embedding[:,0], kind="kde", space=0, color="#4CB391") if path: sns_plot.savefig(path+'/distribution.png')
Example #6
Source File: From MJHMC with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def gauss_2d(nsamples=1000): """ Another simple test plot 1d gaussian sampled from each sampler visualized as a joint 2d gaussian """ gaussian = TestGaussian(ndims=1) control = HMCBase(distribution=gaussian) experimental = MarkovJumpHMC(distribution=gaussian, resample=False) with sns.axes_style("white"): sns.jointplot( control.sample(nsamples)[0], experimental.sample(nsamples)[0], kind='hex', stat_func=None)
Example #7
Source File: From msmexplorer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_pop_resids(msm, **kwargs): """ Plot residuals between MSM populations and raw counts. Parameters ---------- msm : msmbuilder.msm MSMBuilder MarkovStateModel **kwargs : dict, optional Extra arguments to pass to seaborn.jointplot Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis matplotlib figure axis """ if hasattr(msm, 'all_populations_'): msm_pop = msm.populations_.mean(0) elif hasattr(msm, 'populations_'): msm_pop = msm.populations_ raw_pop = msm.countsmat_.sum(1) / msm.countsmat_.sum() ax = sns.jointplot(np.log10(raw_pop), np.log10(msm_pop), kind='resid', **kwargs) ax.ax_joint.set_xlabel('Raw Populations', size=20) ax.ax_joint.set_ylabel('Residuals', size=20) return ax
Example #8
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def sample_54_1(): """ 5.4 使用seaborn可视化数据 :return: """ sns.distplot(tsla_df['p_change'], bins=80) sns.boxplot(x='date_week', y='p_change', data=tsla_df) sns.jointplot(tsla_df['high'], tsla_df['low'])
Example #9
Source File: From MJHMC with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def hist_2d(distr, nsamples, **kwargs): """ Plots a 2d hexbinned histogram of distribution Args: distr: Distribution object nsamples: number of samples to use to generate plot """ sampler = MarkovJumpHMC(distribution=distr, **kwargs) samples = sampler.sample(nsamples) with sns.axes_style("white"): g = sns.jointplot(samples[0], samples[1], kind='kde', stat_func=None) return g
Example #10
Source File: From cryodrgn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_euler(theta,phi,psi,plot_psi=True): sns.jointplot(theta,phi,kind='hex', xlim=(-180,180), ylim=(0,180)).set_axis_labels("theta", "phi") if plot_psi: plt.figure() plt.hist(psi) plt.xlabel('psi')
Example #11
Source File: From DQLearning-Toolbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def saveMovg(df,step=12): moving_avg = pd.rolling_mean(df['dsc_log'], step) sns.jointplot(x=df['time'],y=moving_avg,color='red') plt.title('Moving Average') plt.savefig(ma_path) # 创建word文档
Example #12
Source File: From Conditional_Density_Estimation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def eval1(): n_observations = 2000 # number of data points n_features = 1 # number of features X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = build_econ1_dataset(n_observations) print("Size of features in training data: {}".format(X_train.shape)) print("Size of output in training data: {}".format(y_train.shape)) print("Size of features in test data: {}".format(X_test.shape)) print("Size of output in test data: {}".format(y_test.shape)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(10, 8) sns.regplot(X_train, y_train, fit_reg=False) # plt.savefig('toydata.png') # # plot.figure.size = 100 # kmn = KernelMixtureNetwork(train_scales=True, n_centers=20), y_train, n_epoch=300, eval_set=(X_test, y_test)) kmn.plot_loss() # plt.savefig('trainplot.png') samples = kmn.sample(X_test) print(X_test.shape, samples.shape) jp = sns.jointplot(X_test.ravel(), samples, kind="hex", stat_func=None, size=10) jp.ax_joint.add_line(Line2D([X_test[0][0], X_test[0][0]], [-40, 40], linewidth=3)) jp.ax_joint.add_line(Line2D([X_test[1][0], X_test[1][0]], [-40, 40], color='g', linewidth=3)) jp.ax_joint.add_line(Line2D([X_test[2][0], X_test[2][0]], [-40, 40], color='r', linewidth=3)) plt.savefig('hexplot.png') d = kmn.predict_density(X_test[0:3, :].reshape(-1, 1), resolution=1000) df = pd.DataFrame(d).transpose() df.index = np.linspace(kmn.y_min, kmn.y_max, num=1000) df.plot(legend=False, linewidth=3, figsize=(12.2, 8)) plt.savefig('conditional_density.png')
Example #13
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_correlation(x, y, data, title=None, color=None, kind='joint', ax=None): # Extract only pKa values. data = data[[x, y]] # Find extreme values to make axes equal. min_limit = np.ceil(min(data.min()) - 2) max_limit = np.floor(max(data.max()) + 2) axes_limits = np.array([min_limit, max_limit]) if kind == 'joint': grid = sns.jointplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, kind='reg', joint_kws={'ci': None}, stat_func=None, xlim=axes_limits, ylim=axes_limits, color=color) ax = grid.ax_joint grid.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) grid.fig.suptitle(title) elif kind == 'reg': ax = sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, color=color, ax=ax) ax.set_title(title) # Add diagonal line. ax.plot(axes_limits, axes_limits, ls='--', c='black', alpha=0.8, lw=0.7) # Add shaded area for 0.5-1 pKa error. palette = sns.color_palette('BuGn_r') ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 0.5, axes_limits + 0.5, alpha=0.2, color=palette[2]) ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 1, axes_limits + 1, alpha=0.2, color=palette[3])
Example #14
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_correlation(x, y, data, title=None, color=None, kind='joint', ax=None): # Extract only pKa values. data = data[[x, y]] # Find extreme values to make axes equal. min_limit = np.ceil(min(data.min()) - 2) max_limit = np.floor(max(data.max()) + 2) axes_limits = np.array([min_limit, max_limit]) if kind == 'joint': grid = sns.jointplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, kind='reg', joint_kws={'ci': None}, stat_func=None, xlim=axes_limits, ylim=axes_limits, color=color) ax = grid.ax_joint grid.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) grid.fig.suptitle(title) elif kind == 'reg': ax = sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, color=color, ax=ax) ax.set_title(title) # Add diagonal line. ax.plot(axes_limits, axes_limits, ls='--', c='black', alpha=0.8, lw=0.7) # Add shaded area for 0.5-1 pKa error. palette = sns.color_palette('BuGn_r') ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 0.5, axes_limits + 0.5, alpha=0.2, color=palette[2]) ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 1, axes_limits + 1, alpha=0.2, color=palette[3])
Example #15
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_correlation(x, y, data, title=None, color=None, kind='joint', ax=None): # Extract only logP values. data = data[[x, y]] # Find extreme values to make axes equal. min_limit = np.ceil(min(data.min()) - 1) max_limit = np.floor(max(data.max()) + 1) axes_limits = np.array([min_limit, max_limit]) if kind == 'joint': grid = sns.jointplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, kind='reg', joint_kws={'ci': None}, stat_func=None, xlim=axes_limits, ylim=axes_limits, color=color) ax = grid.ax_joint grid.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) grid.fig.suptitle(title) elif kind == 'reg': ax = sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, color=color, ax=ax) ax.set_title(title) # Add diagonal line. ax.plot(axes_limits, axes_limits, ls='--', c='black', alpha=0.8, lw=0.7) # Add shaded area for 0.5-1 logP error. palette = sns.color_palette('BuGn_r') ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 0.5, axes_limits + 0.5, alpha=0.2, color=palette[2]) ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 1, axes_limits + 1, alpha=0.2, color=palette[3])
Example #16
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_correlation(x, y, data, title=None, color=None, kind='joint', ax=None): # Extract only logP values. data = data[[x, y]] # Find extreme values to make axes equal. min_limit = np.ceil(min(data.min()) - 1) max_limit = np.floor(max(data.max()) + 1) axes_limits = np.array([min_limit, max_limit]) if kind == 'joint': grid = sns.jointplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, kind='reg', joint_kws={'ci': None}, stat_func=None, xlim=axes_limits, ylim=axes_limits, color=color) ax = grid.ax_joint grid.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) grid.fig.suptitle(title) elif kind == 'reg': ax = sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, color=color, ax=ax) ax.set_title(title) # Add diagonal line. ax.plot(axes_limits, axes_limits, ls='--', c='black', alpha=0.8, lw=0.7) # Add shaded area for 0.5-1 logP error. palette = sns.color_palette('BuGn_r') ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 0.5, axes_limits + 0.5, alpha=0.2, color=palette[2]) ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 1, axes_limits + 1, alpha=0.2, color=palette[3])
Example #17
Source File: From ml-fairness-gym with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_trajectories(rewards, health, figure_file_obj): plt.figure() g = sns.jointplot(x=rewards, y=health, kind='kde') g.plot_joint(plt.scatter, c='grey', s=30, linewidth=1, marker='+') g.ax_joint.collections[0].set_alpha(0) g.set_axis_labels('$Reward$', '$Health$') if figure_file_obj: plt.savefig(figure_file_obj, format='png') else:
Example #18
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def plot_correlation(x, y, data, title=None, color=None, shaded_area_color=None, hue=None, ax=None): import seaborn as sns from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # Extract only free energies. values = data[[x, y]] # Find extreme values to make axes equal. # Generally plot between -20 and 0, and then # set it to the next number divisible by 5. min_limit = min(-20, np.floor(min(values.min())/5) * 5) max_limit = max(0, np.ceil(max(values.max())/5) * 5) axes_limits = np.array([min_limit, max_limit]) if hue is None: grid = sns.jointplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, kind='reg', joint_kws={'ci': None}, stat_func=None, xlim=axes_limits, ylim=axes_limits, color=color) ax = grid.ax_joint grid.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95) grid.fig.suptitle(title) else: unique_hues = sorted(data[hue].unique()) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Set axes limits and ratio. ax.set_xlim(axes_limits) ax.set_ylim(axes_limits) ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box') # If a single color is passed, transform it into a palette. if not isinstance(color, list): color = [color for _ in range(len(unique_hues)+1)] # Add regression line single hue and all. for value, c in zip(unique_hues, color): sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, data=data[data[hue] == value], ci=0, label=value, scatter=True, color=c, line_kws={'alpha': 0.5}, ax=ax) # Plot regression line for all the hues together. sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, data=data, ci=0, label='All', scatter=False, color=color[len(unique_hues)], line_kws={'alpha': 0.7}, ax=ax) ax.legend(loc='upper left') ax.set_title(title) # Add diagonal line. ax.plot(axes_limits, axes_limits, ls='--', c='black', alpha=0.8, lw=0.8) # Add shaded area for 1.5 kcal/mol error. if shaded_area_color is None: shaded_area_color = sns.color_palette('BuGn_r')[2] ax.fill_between(axes_limits, axes_limits - 1.5, axes_limits + 1.5, alpha=0.3, color=shaded_area_color) # ============================================================================= # MAIN SAMPL SUBMISSION CLASS # =============================================================================
Example #19
Source File: From cryodrgn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def main(args): np.random.seed(args.seed) f = args.input print(f) x = pickle.load(open(f,'rb')) if args.stride: x = x[::args.stride] print(x.shape) # seaborn jointpoint if args.kde: g = sns.jointplot(x[:,0],x[:,1], kind='kde') ax = g.ax_joint # scatter plot else: fig,ax = plt.subplots() if args.color: plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], c=np.arange(len(x[:,0])), label=f, alpha=args.alpha,, cmap='hsv') else: plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], label=f, alpha=args.alpha, plt.xlabel('z1') plt.ylabel('z2') plt.legend(loc='best') if args.sample1: ii = np.random.choice(len(x), args.sample1) print(ii) xd = x[ii] print(xd) plt.scatter(xd[:,0],xd[:,1],c=np.arange(len(xd)),cmap='hsv') if args.annotate: for i in range(args.sample1): ax.annotate(str(i), xd[i]) if args.sample2: xsplit = np.array_split(x,args.sample2) xd = np.array([np.median(xs,axis=0) for xs in xsplit]) print(len(xd)) print(xd) plt.scatter(xd[:,0],xd[:,1],c='k')#np.arange(len(xd)),cmap='hsv') if args.out_s: np.savetxt(args.out_s, xd) if args.out_png: plt.savefig(args.out_png) else:
Example #20
Source File: From faas-profiler with MIT License | 4 votes |
def PerfMonPlotter(perf_mon_records, time_window = None): """ For plotting performance monitoring records. """ # Entire records pqos_records = perf_mon_records['pqos_records'] # perf_records = perf_mon_records['perf_records'] # # Select a time window if provided # if time_window is not None: # test_start = pqos_records['timestamp'].min() # time_window = [5, 10] # selection_bounds = [test_start + timedelta(seconds=time_window[0]), \ # test_start + timedelta(seconds=time_window[1])] # pqos_records['In Test Bound'] = (pqos_records['timestamp']>selection_bounds[0]) \ # & (pqos_records['timestamp']<selection_bounds[1]) # perf_records['In Test Bound'] = (perf_records['timestamp']>time_window[0]) \ # & (perf_records['timestamp']<time_window[1]) # pqos_df = pqos_records[pqos_records['In Test Bound']==True] # perf_df = perf_records[perf_records['In Test Bound']==True] palette = sns.color_palette("rocket_r", 16) # 'timestamp','Core','IPC','LLC Misses','LLC Util (KB)','MBL (MB/s)' fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, sharex=True) pqos_records_sum = pqos_records.groupby('timestamp').sum() pqos_records_sum.plot(y='IPC', ax=axs[0][0]) pqos_records_sum.plot(y='MBL (MB/s)', ax=axs[0][1]) pqos_records_sum.plot(y='LLC Util (KB)', ax=axs[1][0]) pqos_records_sum.plot(y='LLC Misses', ax=axs[1][1]) axs[0][0].set_ylim([0,20]) # sns.relplot(data=pqos_records, x='timestamp', y='IPC', hue='Core', kind='line', palette=palette, alpha=0.75) # sns.relplot(data=pqos_records, x='timestamp', y='MBL (MB/s)', hue='Core', kind='scatter', palette=palette, alpha=0.75) # sns.lmplot(data=pqos_df.groupby('timestamp').sum(), x='IPC', y='MBL (MB/s)', palette=palette, # truncate=True, order=5, fit_reg=False, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5}, legend_out=False) # sns.jointplot(data=pqos_df.groupby('timestamp').sum(), x='LLC Util (KB)', y='MBL (MB/s)', kind="hex", zorder=0) # .plot_joint(sns.kdeplot, zorder=10, n_levels=25, bw='silverman') # cpu-cycles,L1-dcache-loads,L1-dcache-load-misses,L1-icache-load-misses,dTLB-load-misses,dTLB-loads, # iTLB-load-misses,iTLB-loads,branch-misses,context-switches,cpu-migrations,page-faults # sns.relplot(data=perf_records, x='timestamp', y='context-switches', kind='line', palette=palette, alpha=0.75) # plt.stackplot(perf_records['timestamp'], perf_records['r4f1'], perf_records['r2f1'], perf_records['r1f1']) # sns.relplot(data=perf_df, x='context-switches', y='r1f1', kind='scatter', palette=palette, alpha=0.75) # perf_records['Branch Miss Rate (%)'] = 100.0*perf_records['branch-misses']/perf_records['branches'] # sns.lmplot(data=perf_records, x='context-switches', y='block:block_plug', # truncate=True, order=8, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5}, legend_out=False) # sns.jointplot(data=perf_df, x='dTLB-loads', y='iTLB-loads', kind="hex", zorder=0) plt.close() return True
Example #21
Source File: From python-urbanPlanning with MIT License | 4 votes |
def visualisationDF(df): dataFrameInfoPrint(df) #graph-01 # df['shapelyArea'].plot.hist(alpha=0.5) #graph-02 # df['shapelyArea'].plot.kde() #graph-03 # df[['shapelyLength','shapeIdx']].plot.scatter('shapelyLength','shapeIdx') #normalize data in a range of columns cols_to_norm=['shapeIdx', 'FRAC'] df[cols_to_norm]=df[cols_to_norm].apply(lambda x: (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min())) a='shapeIdx' b='FRAC' c='park_class' #graph-04 # sns.jointplot(a,b,df,kind='hex') #graph-05 # sns.jointplot(a, b, df, kind='kde') #graph-06 # sns.catplot(x='park_class',y=a,data=df) #graph-07 ''' # Initialize the figure f, ax = plt.subplots() sns.despine(bottom=True, left=True) # Show each observation with a scatterplot sns.stripplot(x=a, y=c, hue=c,data=df, dodge=True, alpha=.25, zorder=1) # Show the conditional means sns.pointplot(x=a, y=c, hue=c,data=df, dodge=.532, join=False, palette="dark",markers="d", scale=.75, ci=None) # Improve the legend handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles[3:], labels[3:], title=b,handletextpad=0, columnspacing=1,loc="lower right", ncol=3, frameon=True) ''' #graph-08 # sns.catplot(x=c,y=a,data=df,kind='box') #graph-09 # sns.catplot(x=c,y=a,data=df,kind='violin') #graph-10 ''' f, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) # First axis df[b].plot.hist(ax=axs[0]) # Second axis df[b].plot.kde(ax=axs[1]) # Title f.suptitle(b) # Display ''' #从新定义栅格投影,参考投影为vector .shp文件
Example #22
Source File: From insightconnect-plugins with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run(self, params={}): # Set styles sns.set_palette(params.get('color_palette')) sns.set(style=params.get('margin_style')) # Process the data and create the plot try: decoded_data = base64.b64decode(params.get('csv_data')) except Exception as e: error = f"Failed to decode base64 encoded CSV data with error: {e}" self.logger.error(error) raise e df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(decoded_data)) x = params.get('x_value') y = params.get('y_value') kind = params.get('kind') args = { "data": df, "x": x, "y": y, "kind": kind } if not x or (x not in df): error = f"Column for X value({x}) not in data set, cannot create plot..." self.logger.error(error) return Exception(error) elif not y or (y not in df): error = f"Column for Y value ({y}) not in data set, cannot create plot..." self.logger.error(error) return Exception(error) # JointPlots have the savefig method, call it directly"Creating plot...") plot = sns.jointplot(**args) # bbox_inches is required to ensure that labels are cut off plot.savefig('plot.png', bbox_inches='tight') with open('plot.png', 'rb', )as f: plot = base64.b64encode( return { "csv": params.get('csv_data'), "plot": plot.decode('utf-8') }