Python seaborn.pairplot() Examples
The following are 20
code examples of seaborn.pairplot().
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Example #1
Source File: From stock-analysis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def jointplot(self, other, column, **kwargs): """ Generate a seaborn jointplot for given column in asset compared to another asset. Parameters: - other: The other asset's dataframe - column: The column name to use for the comparison. - kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass down to `sns.pairplot()` Returns: A seaborn jointplot """ return sns.jointplot([column], y=other[column], **kwargs )
Example #2
Source File: From stock-analysis with MIT License | 6 votes |
def pairplot(self, **kwargs): """ Generate a seaborn pairplot for this asset group. Parameters: - kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass down to `sns.pairplot()` Returns: A seaborn pairplot """ return sns.pairplot( values='close',, columns='name' ), diag_kind='kde', **kwargs )
Example #3
Source File: From practicalDataAnalysisCookbook with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def plotInteractions(data, n_clusters): ''' Plot the interactions between variables ''' # cluster the data cluster = findClusters_kmeans(data, n_clusters) # append the labels to the dataset for ease of plotting data['clus'] = cluster.labels_ # prepare the plot ax = sns.pairplot(selected, hue='clus') # and save the figure ax.savefig( '../../Data/Chapter04/k_means_{0}_clusters.png' \ .format(n_clusters) ) # the file name of the dataset
Example #4
Source File: From DQLearning-Toolbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def savePair(df,samplesize=20000): df1 = df.sample(samplesize) sns.set(style="ticks") sns.set_context("paper") sns.pairplot(df1) plt.title('Pair Graph') plt.savefig(pair_path) #画滑动平均图,默认12阶
Example #5
Source File: From exploripy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ScatterPlot(self): start = time.time() sns.set(style="ticks", color_codes=True) this_dir, this_filename = os.path.split(__file__) OutFileName = os.path.join(this_dir, 'HTMLTemplate/dist/output/Scatter.png') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax = sns.pairplot(self.df[self.ContinuousFeatures].dropna(),markers="+",palette="husl",kind="reg", plot_kws={'line_kws':{'color':'orange'}}) plt.savefig(OutFileName) end = time.time() if self.debug == 'YES': print('ScatterPlot',end-start) return OutFileName
Example #6
Source File: From python-urbanPlanning with MIT License | 5 votes |
def basicStat(dataBunch): sns.set(style='whitegrid',context='notebook') cols=['lat','lng','price','overall_rating','service_rating','facility_rating','hygiene_rating','image_num','comment_num','favorite_num','checkin_num'] #用于标识frame数据框的列索引 frame=pd.DataFrame([:],columns=cols) #转换为pandas库的frame数据框格式,方便数据观察和提取 # print(frame) sns.pairplot(frame[cols],size=2.5) #两两数据的散点图,用于观察数据间的关系 cm=np.corrcoef(frame[cols].values.T) #计算两两间的相关系数 sns.set(font_scale=1.3) hm=sns.heatmap(cm,cbar=True,annot=True,square=True,fmt='.2f',annot_kws={'size':13},yticklabels=cols,xticklabels=cols) #热力图显示相关系数,方便直观查看
Example #7
Source File: From neupy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_scattermatrix(data, target): df = pd.DataFrame(data) df['target'] = target return sns.pairplot(df, hue='target', diag_kind='hist')
Example #8
Source File: From ffjord with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_pairplot(csv_filename, fig_filename, top=None): import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd sns.set(style="ticks", color_codes=True) quants = pd.read_csv(csv_filename) if top is not None: quants = quants[:top] g = sns.pairplot(quants, kind='reg', diag_kind='kde', markers='.') g.savefig(fig_filename)
Example #9
Source File: From default-credit-card-prediction with MIT License | 5 votes |
def visualize_hist_pairplot(X,y,selected_feature1,selected_feature2,features,diag_kind): """ Visualize the pairwise relationships (Histograms and Density Funcions) between classes and respective attributes Keyword arguments: X -- The feature vectors y -- The target vector selected_feature1 - First feature selected_feature1 - Second feature diag_kind -- Type of plot in the diagonal (Histogram or Density Function) """ #create data joint_data=np.column_stack((X,y)) column_names=features #create dataframe df=pd.DataFrame(data=joint_data,columns=column_names) #plot palette = sea.hls_palette() splot=sea.pairplot(df, hue="Y", palette={0:palette[2],1:palette[0]},vars=[selected_feature1,selected_feature2],diag_kind=diag_kind) splot.fig.suptitle('Pairwise relationship: '+selected_feature1+" vs "+selected_feature2) splot.set(xticklabels=[]) # plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.94, top=0.94) #save fig output_dir = "img" save_fig(output_dir,'{}/{}_{}_hist_pairplot.png'.format(output_dir,selected_feature1,selected_feature2)) #
Example #10
Source File: From DataScience-webapp-with-flask with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_correlations(ds, corr, corrcat): sns.set() plt.gcf().clear() if corrcat != '': sns.pairplot(ds[corr], hue = corrcat) else: sns.pairplot(ds[corr]) from io import BytesIO figfile = BytesIO() plt.savefig(figfile, format='png') # rewind to beginning of file import base64 figdata_png = base64.b64encode(figfile.getvalue()) return figdata_png
Example #11
Source File: From bio_corex with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_pairplots(data, labels, alpha, mis, column_label, topk=5, prefix='', focus=''): cmap = sns.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True, light=.9) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 32}) m, nv = mis.shape for j in range(m): inds = np.where(np.logical_and(alpha[j] > 0, mis[j] > 0.))[0] inds = inds[np.argsort(- alpha[j, inds] * mis[j, inds])][:topk] if focus in column_label: ifocus = column_label.index(focus) if not ifocus in inds: inds = np.insert(inds, 0, ifocus) if len(inds) >= 2: plt.clf() subdata = data[:, inds] columns = [column_label[i] for i in inds] subdata = pd.DataFrame(data=subdata, columns=columns) try: sns.pairplot(subdata, kind="reg", diag_kind="kde", height=5, dropna=True) filename = '{}/pairplots_regress/group_num={}.pdf'.format(prefix, j) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) plt.suptitle("Latent factor {}".format(j), y=1.01) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() except: pass subdata['Latent factor'] = labels[:,j] try: sns.pairplot(subdata, kind="scatter", dropna=True, vars=subdata.columns.drop('Latent factor'), hue="Latent factor", diag_kind="kde", height=5) filename = '{}/pairplots/group_num={}.pdf'.format(prefix, j) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) plt.suptitle("Latent factor {}".format(j), y=1.01) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all') except: pass
Example #12
Source File: From kvae with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_auxiliary(all_vars, filename, table_size=4): # All variables need to be (batch_size, sequence_length, dimension) for i, a in enumerate(all_vars): if a.ndim == 2: all_vars[i] = np.expand_dims(a, 0) dim = all_vars[0].shape[-1] if dim == 2: f, ax = plt.subplots(table_size, table_size, sharex='col', sharey='row', figsize=[12, 12]) idx = 0 for x in range(table_size): for y in range(table_size): for a in all_vars: # Loop over the batch dimension ax[x, y].plot(a[idx, :, 0], a[idx, :, 1], linestyle='-', marker='o', markersize=3) # Plot starting point of the trajectory ax[x, y].plot(a[idx, 0, 0], a[idx, 0, 1], 'r.', ms=12) idx += 1 # plt.savefig(filename, format='png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=80) plt.close() else: df_list = [] for i, a in enumerate(all_vars): df = pd.DataFrame(all_vars[i].reshape(-1, dim)) df['class'] = i df_list.append(df) df_all = pd.concat(df_list) sns_plot = sns.pairplot(df_all, hue="class", vars=range(dim)) sns_plot.savefig(filename) plt.close()
Example #13
Source File: From ssbio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_pairplot(self, num_components_to_plot=4, outpath=None, dpi=150): # Get columns components_to_plot = [self.principal_observations_df.columns[x] for x in range(num_components_to_plot)] # Plot plot = sns.pairplot(data=self.principal_observations_df, hue=self.observation_colname, vars=components_to_plot, markers=self.markers, size=4) plt.subplots_adjust(top=.95) plt.suptitle(self.plot_title) if outpath: plot.fig.savefig(outpath, dpi=dpi) else: plt.close()
Example #14
Source File: From stock-analysis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pairplot(self, **kwargs): """ Generate a seaborn pairplot for this asset. Parameters: - kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass down to `sns.pairplot()` Returns: A seaborn pairplot """ return sns.pairplot(, **kwargs)
Example #15
Source File: From stock-analysis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pairplot(self, **kwargs): """To be implemented by subclasses for generating pairplots.""" raise NotImplementedError('To be implemented by subclasses!')
Example #16
Source File: From AlphaPy with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_scatter(df, features, target, tag='eda', directory=None): r"""Plot a scatterplot matrix, also known as a pair plot. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe containing the features. features: list of str The features to compare in the scatterplot. target : str The target variable for contrast. tag : str Unique identifier for the plot. directory : str, optional The full specification of the plot location. Returns ------- None : None. References ---------- """"Generating Scatter Plot") # Get the feature subset features.append(target) df = df[features] # Generate the pair plot sns.set() sns_plot = sns.pairplot(df, hue=target) # Save the plot write_plot('seaborn', sns_plot, 'scatter_plot', tag, directory) # # Function plot_facet_grid #
Example #17
Source File: From pipelines with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def datahtml( bucket_name, commit_sha, train_file_path ): import json import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os image_path = os.path.join(bucket_name, commit_sha, 'visualization.png') image_url = os.path.join('', bucket_name.lstrip('gs://'), commit_sha, 'visualization.png') html_path = os.path.join(bucket_name, 'kaggle.html') # ouptut visualization to a file import pandas as pd df_train = pd.read_csv(train_file_path) sns.set() cols = ['SalePrice', 'OverallQual', 'GrLivArea', 'GarageCars', 'TotalBsmtSF', 'FullBath', 'YearBuilt'] sns.pairplot(df_train[cols], size = 3) plt.savefig('visualization.png') from import file_io file_io.copy('visualization.png', image_path) rendered_template = """ <html> <head> <title>correlation image</title> </head> <body> <img src={}> </body> </html>""".format(image_url) file_io.write_string_to_file(html_path, rendered_template) metadata = { 'outputs' : [{ 'type': 'web-app', 'storage': 'gcs', 'source': html_path, }] } with file_io.FileIO('/mlpipeline-ui-metadata.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(metadata, f)
Example #18
Source File: From pyodds with MIT License | 4 votes |
def visualize_outlierscore(value,label,contamination,path=None): """ Visualize the predicted outlier score. Parameters ---------- value: numpy array of shape (n_test, ) The outlier score of the test data. label: numpy array of shape (n_test, ) The label of test data produced by the algorithm. contamination : float in (0., 0.5), optional (default=0.1) The amount of contamination of the data set, i.e. the proportion of outliers in the data set. Used when fitting to define the threshold on the decision function. path: string The saving path for result figures. """ sns.set(style="darkgrid") ts = np.arange(len(value)) outlier_label=[] for i in range(len(ts)): if label[i]==1: outlier_label.append('inlier') else: outlier_label.append('outlier') X_outlier = pd.DataFrame({'ts':ts,'Outlier_score':value,'outlier_label':np.array(outlier_label)}) pal = dict(inlier="#4CB391", outlier="gray") g = sns.FacetGrid(X_outlier, hue="outlier_label", palette=pal, height=5), "ts", "Outlier_score", s=30, alpha=.7, linewidth=.5, edgecolor="white") ranking = np.sort(value) threshold = ranking[int((1 - contamination) * len(ranking))] plt.hlines(threshold, xmin=0, xmax=len(X_outlier)-1, colors="g", zorder=100, label='Threshold') threshold = ranking[int((contamination) * len(ranking))] plt.hlines(threshold, xmin=0, xmax=len(X_outlier)-1, colors="g", zorder=100, label='Threshold2') if path: plt.savefig(path+'/visualize_outlierscore.png') # def visualize_outlierresult(X,label,path=None): # """ # Visualize the predicted outlier result. # # Parameters # ---------- # X: numpy array of shape (n_test, n_features) # The test data. # label: numpy array of shape (n_test, ) # The label of test data produced by the algorithm. # # """ # X['outlier']=pd.Series(label) # pal = dict(inlier="#4CB391", outlier="gray") # g = sns.pairplot(X, hue="outlier", palette=pal) # if path: # plt.savefig(path+'/visualize_outlierresult.png') #
Example #19
Source File: From pyPESTO with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def sampling_scatter( result: Result, i_chain: int = 0, stepsize: int = 1, suptitle: str = None, size: Tuple[float, float] = None): """Parameter scatter plot. Parameters ---------- result: The pyPESTO result object with filled sample result. i_chain: Which chain to plot. Default: First chain. stepsize: Only one in `stepsize` values is plotted. suptitle: Figure super title. size: Figure size in inches. Returns ------- ax: The plot axes. """ # get data which should be plotted nr_params, params_fval, theta_lb, theta_ub = get_data_to_plot( result=result, i_chain=i_chain, stepsize=stepsize) sns.set(style="ticks") ax = sns.pairplot( params_fval.drop(['logPosterior', 'iteration'], axis=1)) if size is not None: ax.fig.set_size_inches(size) if suptitle: ax.fig.suptitle(suptitle) return ax
Example #20
Source File: From insightconnect-plugins with MIT License | 4 votes |
def run(self, params={}): # Set styles sns.set_palette(params.get('color_palette')) sns.set(style=params.get('margin_style')) # Process the data and create the plot try: decoded_data = base64.b64decode(params.get('csv_data')) except Exception as e: error = f"Failed to decode base64 encoded CSV data with error: {e}" self.logger.error(error) raise e df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(decoded_data)) kind = params.get('kind') hue = params.get('hue') args = { "kind": kind } if hue and (len(hue) > 0): args['hue'] = hue if hue not in df: error = f"Column for hue ({hue}) not in data set, cannot create plot..." self.logger.error(error) return Exception(error) # Pairgrids have the savefig method, call it directly"Creating plot...") plot = sns.pairplot(df, **args) # bbox_inches is required to ensure that labels are cut off plot.savefig('plot.png', bbox_inches="tight") with open('plot.png', 'rb') as f: plot = base64.b64encode( return { "csv": params.get('csv_data'), "plot": plot.decode('utf-8') }