Python seaborn.set_context() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of seaborn.set_context().
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Example #1
Source File: From acnn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def plot_kim_curve(tmp): sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1.5, rc={"lines.linewidth": 5}) sns.set_style("darkgrid") plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) plt.hold('on') plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.3, 100), tmp['kc_avg']) plt.ylim([0, 1]) # plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) # plt.hold('on') # legend = [] # for k,v in bench_res.iteritems(): # plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.3, 100), v['kc_avg']) # legend.append(k) # plt.ylim([0, 1]) # plt.legend(legend, loc='lower right')
Example #2
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _plot_weights(self, title, file, layer_index=0, vmin=-5, vmax=5): import seaborn as sns sns.set_context("paper") layers = self.iwp.estimator.steps[-1][1].coefs_ layer = layers[layer_index] f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 12)) weights = pd.DataFrame(layer) weights.index = self.iwp.inputs sns.set(font_scale=1.1) # Draw a heatmap with the numeric values in each cell sns.heatmap( weights, annot=True, fmt=".1f", linewidths=.5, ax=ax, cmap="difference", center=0, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, # annot_kws={"size":14}, ) ax.tick_params(labelsize=18) f.tight_layout() f.savefig(file)
Example #3
Source File: From MinAtar with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def plot_avg_return(file_name, granularity): plotting_data = torch.load(file_name + "_processed_data") returns = plotting_data['returns'] unique_frames = plotting_data['unique_frames'] x_len = len(unique_frames) x_index = [i for i in numpy.arange(0, x_len, granularity)] x = unique_frames[::granularity] y = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(returns)[x_index, :]) f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[3, 2], dpi=300) sns.set_style("ticks") sns.set_context("paper") # Find the order of magnitude of the last frame order = int(math.log10(unique_frames[-1])) range_frames = int(unique_frames[-1]/ (10**order)) sns.tsplot(data=y, time=numpy.array(x)/(10**order), color='b') ax.set_xticks(numpy.arange(range_frames + 1)) f.savefig(file_name + "_avg_return.pdf", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(f)
Example #4
Source File: From fitbit-analyzer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def plotSleepValueHeatmap(intradayStats, sleepValue=1): sns.set_context("poster") sns.set_style("darkgrid") xTicksDiv = 20 #stepSize = int(len(xticks)/xTicksDiv) stepSize = 60 xticks = [x for x in intradayStats.columns.values] keptticks = xticks[::stepSize] xticks = ['' for _ in xticks] xticks[::stepSize] = keptticks plt.figure(figsize=(16, 4.2)) g = sns.heatmap(intradayStats.loc[sleepValue].reshape(1,-1)) g.set_xticklabels(xticks, rotation=45) g.set_yticklabels([]) g.set_ylabel(sleepStats.SLEEP_VALUES[sleepValue]) plt.tight_layout()
Example #5
Source File: From floris with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): sns.set_style("ticks") sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.5) # color palette from colorbrewer (up to 4 colors, good for print and black&white printing) # color_brewer_palette = ['#e66101', '#5e3c99', '#fdb863', '#b2abd2'] # most journals: 300dpi plt.rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 300 # most journals: 9 cm (or 3.5 inch) for single column width and 18.5 cm (or 7.3 inch) for double column width. plt.rcParams["figure.autolayout"] = False plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 7.3, 4 plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 16 plt.rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = 16 plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 16 plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 16 plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 32 plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"] = 2.0 plt.rcParams["lines.markersize"] = 8 plt.rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = 14
Example #6
Source File: From geoseg with MIT License | 6 votes |
def learning_curve(self, idxs=[2,3,5,6]): import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.switch_backend('agg') # set style sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.5,) # sns.set_style("ticks", { # "": "Times New Roman", # "font.serif": ["Times", "Palatino", "serif"]}) for idx in idxs: plt.plot(self.logs[self.args.trigger], self.logs[self.header[idx]], label=self.header[idx]) plt.ylabel(" {} / {} ".format(repr(self.criterion), repr(self.evaluator))) if self.args.trigger == 'epoch': plt.xlabel("Epochs") else: plt.xlabel("Iterations") plt.suptitle("Training log of {}".format(self.method)) # remove top&left line # sns.despine() plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.savefig(os.path.join(Logs_DIR, 'curve', '{}.png'.format(self.repr)), format='png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=144)
Example #7
Source File: From double-dqn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_evaluation_episode_reward(): pylab.clf() sns.set_context("poster") pylab.plot(0, 0) episodes = [0] average_scores = [0] median_scores = [0] for n in xrange(len(csv_evaluation)): params = csv_evaluation[n] episodes.append(params[0]) average_scores.append(params[1]) median_scores.append(params[2]) pylab.plot(episodes, average_scores, sns.xkcd_rgb["windows blue"], lw=2) pylab.xlabel("episodes") pylab.ylabel("average score") pylab.savefig("%s/evaluation_episode_average_reward.png" % args.plot_dir) pylab.clf() pylab.plot(0, 0) pylab.plot(episodes, median_scores, sns.xkcd_rgb["windows blue"], lw=2) pylab.xlabel("episodes") pylab.ylabel("median score") pylab.savefig("%s/evaluation_episode_median_reward.png" % args.plot_dir)
Example #8
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def init_plot_set(): """全局plot设置""" import seaborn as sns sns.set_context('notebook', rc={'figure.figsize': g_plt_figsize}) sns.set_style("darkgrid") import matplotlib # conda 5.0后需要添加单独matplotlib的figure设置否则pandas的plot size不生效 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = g_plt_figsize
Example #9
Source File: From celer with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def configure_plt(): rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Computer Modern Roman']}) params = {'axes.labelsize': 12, 'font.size': 12, 'legend.fontsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 10, 'ytick.labelsize': 10, 'text.usetex': True, 'figure.figsize': (8, 6)} plt.rcParams.update(params) sns.set_palette('colorblind') sns.set_context("poster") sns.set_style("ticks")
Example #10
Source File: From DQLearning-Toolbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def savePair(df,samplesize=20000): df1 = df.sample(samplesize) sns.set(style="ticks") sns.set_context("paper") sns.pairplot(df1) plt.title('Pair Graph') plt.savefig(pair_path) #画滑动平均图,默认12阶
Example #11
Source File: From pyani with MIT License | 5 votes |
def heatmap(dfr, outfilename=None, title=None, params=None): """Return seaborn heatmap with cluster dendrograms. :param dfr: pandas DataFrame with relevant data :param outfilename: path to output file (indicates output format) :param title: :param params: """ # Decide on figure layout size: a minimum size is required for # aesthetics, and a maximum to avoid core dumps on rendering. # If we hit the maximum size, we should modify font size. maxfigsize = 120 calcfigsize = dfr.shape[0] * 1.1 figsize = min(max(8, calcfigsize), maxfigsize) if figsize == maxfigsize: scale = maxfigsize / calcfigsize sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=scale) # Add a colorbar? if params.classes is None: col_cb = None else: col_cb = get_colorbar(dfr, params.classes) # Add attributes to parameter object, and draw heatmap params.colorbar = col_cb params.figsize = figsize params.linewidths = 0.25 fig = get_clustermap(dfr, params, title=title) # Save to file if outfilename: fig.savefig(outfilename) # Return clustermap return fig
Example #12
Source File: From geoseg with MIT License | 5 votes |
def learning_curve(self, idxs=[2,3,5,6]): import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.switch_backend('agg') # set style sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.5,) # sns.set_style("ticks", { # "": "Times New Roman", # "font.serif": ["Times", "Palatino", "serif"]}) for idx in idxs: plt.plot(self.logs[self.args.trigger], self.logs[self.header[idx]], label=self.header[idx]) plt.ylabel(" {} / {} ".format(repr(self.criterion), repr(self.evaluator))) if self.args.trigger == 'epoch': plt.xlabel("Epochs") else: plt.xlabel("Iterations") plt.suptitle("Training log of {}".format(self.method)) # remove top&left line # sns.despine() plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.savefig(os.path.join(Logs_DIR, 'curve', '{}.png'.format(self.repr)), format='png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=144) # plt.savefig(os.path.join(Logs_DIR, 'curve', '{}.eps'.format(self.repr)), # format='eps', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) return 0
Example #13
Source File: From words2map with MIT License | 5 votes |
def generate_clusters(words, vectors_in_2D, print_status=True): # HDBSCAN, i.e. hierarchical density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise ( vectors = vectors_in_2D sns.set_context('poster') sns.set_color_codes() plot_kwds = {'alpha' : 0.5, 's' : 500, 'linewidths': 0} clusters = HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=2).fit_predict(vectors) palette = sns.color_palette("husl", np.unique(clusters).max() + 1) colors = [palette[cluster_index] if cluster_index >= 0 else (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for cluster_index in clusters] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30)) plt.scatter(vectors.T[0], vectors.T[1], c=colors, **plot_kwds) plt.axis('off') x_vals = [i[0] for i in vectors] y_vals = [i[1] for i in vectors] plt.ylim(min(y_vals)-0.3, max(y_vals)+0.3) plt.xlim(min(x_vals)-0.3, max(x_vals)+0.3) font_path = getcwd() + '/fonts/Comfortaa-Regular.ttf' font_property = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(fname=font_path, size=24) for i, word in enumerate(words): if type(word) != type(None): if type(word) != type(""): word = unidecode(word).replace("_", " ") else: word = word.replace("_", " ") text_object = plt.annotate(word, xy=(x_vals[i], y_vals[i]+0.05), font_properties=font_property, color=colors[i], ha="center") plt.subplots_adjust(left=(500/3000), right=(2900/3000), top=1.0, bottom=(300/2700)) plt.savefig(get_visualization_file_path(print_status), bbox_inches="tight") return clusters
Example #14
Source File: From abu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def sample_711(): """ 7.1.1 趋势跟踪和均值回复的周期重叠性 :return: """ sns.set_context(rc={'figure.figsize': (14, 7)}) sns.regplot(x=np.arange(0, kl_pd.shape[0]), y=kl_pd.close.values, marker='+') from abupy import ABuRegUtil deg = ABuRegUtil.calc_regress_deg(kl_pd.close.values) print('趋势角度:' + str(deg)) start = 0 # 前1/4的数据 end = int(kl_pd.shape[0] / 4) # 将x也使用arange切割 x = np.arange(start, end) # y根据start,end进行切片 y = kl_pd.close.values[start:end] sns.regplot(x=x, y=y, marker='+') start = int(kl_pd.shape[0] / 4) # 向前推1/4单位个时间 end = start + int(kl_pd.shape[0] / 4) sns.regplot(x=np.arange(start, end), y=kl_pd.close.values[start:end], marker='+')
Example #15
Source File: From qstrader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_results(self): """ A simple script to plot the balance of the portfolio, or "equity curve", as a function of time. """ sns.set_palette("deep", desat=.6) sns.set_context(rc={"figure.figsize": (8, 4)}) # Plot two charts: Equity curve, period returns fig = plt.figure() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') df = pd.DataFrame() df["equity"] = pd.Series(self.equity, index=self.timeseries) df["equity_returns"] = pd.Series(self.equity_returns, index=self.timeseries) df["drawdowns"] = pd.Series(self.drawdowns, index=self.timeseries) # Plot the equity curve ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311, ylabel='Equity Value') df["equity"].plot(ax=ax1, color=sns.color_palette()[0]) # Plot the returns ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312, ylabel='Equity Returns') df['equity_returns'].plot(ax=ax2, color=sns.color_palette()[1]) # drawdown, max_dd, dd_duration = self.create_drawdowns(df["Equity"]) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313, ylabel='Drawdowns') df['drawdowns'].plot(ax=ax3, color=sns.color_palette()[2]) # Rotate dates fig.autofmt_xdate() # Plot the figure
Example #16
Source File: From pysster with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _set_sns_context(n_kernel): import seaborn as sns if n_kernel <= 25: sns.set_context("notebook", rc={"ytick.labelsize":26}) elif 25 < n_kernel <= 50: sns.set_context("notebook", rc={"ytick.labelsize":22}) elif 50 < n_kernel <= 75: sns.set_context("notebook", rc={"ytick.labelsize":14}) elif 75 < n_kernel <= 100: sns.set_context("notebook", rc={"ytick.labelsize":8}) else: sns.set_context("notebook", rc={"ytick.labelsize":5})
Example #17
Source File: From jira-agile-metrics with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_chart_context(context): sns.set_context(context)
Example #18
Source File: From double-dqn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_episode_reward(): pylab.clf() sns.set_context("poster") pylab.plot(0, 0) episodes = [0] scores = [0] for n in xrange(len(csv_episode)): params = csv_episode[n] episodes.append(params[0]) scores.append(params[1]) pylab.plot(episodes, scores, sns.xkcd_rgb["windows blue"], lw=2) pylab.xlabel("episodes") pylab.ylabel("score") pylab.savefig("%s/episode_reward.png" % args.plot_dir)
Example #19
Source File: From news-popularity-prediction with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_slashdot_figures(output_path_prefix, method_name_list, slashdot_mse, slashdot_jaccard, slashdot_k_list): sns.set_style("darkgrid") sns.set_context("paper") translator = get_method_name_to_legend_name_dict() slashdot_k_list = list(slashdot_k_list) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True) axes[0].set_title("SlashDot Comments") axes[1].set_title("SlashDot Users") plt.locator_params(nbins=8) # Comments for m, method in enumerate(method_name_list): axes[0].set_ylabel("MSE") axes[0].set_xlabel("Lifetime (sec)") axes[0].plot(slashdot_k_list[1:], handle_nan(slashdot_mse[method]["comments"].mean(axis=1))[1:], label=translator[method]) # Users for m, method in enumerate(method_name_list): # axes[1].set_ylabel("MSE") axes[1].set_xlabel("Lifetime (sec)") axes[1].plot(slashdot_k_list[1:], handle_nan(slashdot_mse[method]["users"].mean(axis=1))[1:], label=translator[method]) axes[1].legend(loc="upper right") # plt.savefig(output_path_prefix + "_mse_slashdot_SNOW" + ".png", format="png") plt.savefig(output_path_prefix + "_mse_slashdot_SNOW" + ".eps", format="eps")
Example #20
Source File: From news-popularity-prediction with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_barrapunto_figures(output_path_prefix, method_name_list, barrapunto_mse, barrapunto_jaccard, barrapunto_k_list): sns.set_style("darkgrid") sns.set_context("paper") translator = get_method_name_to_legend_name_dict() barrapunto_k_list = list(barrapunto_k_list) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True) axes[0].set_title("BarraPunto Comments") axes[1].set_title("BarraPunto Users") plt.locator_params(nbins=8) # Comments for m, method in enumerate(method_name_list): axes[0].set_ylabel("MSE") axes[0].set_xlabel("Lifetime (sec)") axes[0].plot(barrapunto_k_list[1:], handle_nan(barrapunto_mse[method]["comments"].mean(axis=1))[1:], label=translator[method]) # Users for m, method in enumerate(method_name_list): # axes[1].set_ylabel("MSE") axes[1].set_xlabel("Lifetime (sec)") axes[1].plot(barrapunto_k_list[1:], handle_nan(barrapunto_mse[method]["users"].mean(axis=1))[1:], label=translator[method]) axes[1].legend(loc="upper right") # plt.savefig(output_path_prefix + "_mse_barrapunto_SNOW" + ".png", format="png") plt.savefig(output_path_prefix + "_mse_barrapunto_SNOW" + ".eps", format="eps")
Example #21
Source File: From jira-metrics-extract with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_context(context="talk"): sns.set_context(context)
Example #22
Source File: From numpy-ml with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_gp(): np.random.seed(12345) sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=0.65) X_test = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100) X_train = np.array([-3, 0, 7, 1, -9]) y_train = np.sin(X_train) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2) alphas = [0, 1e-10, 1e-5, 1] for ix, (ax, alpha) in enumerate(zip(axes.flatten(), alphas)): G = GPRegression(kernel="RBFKernel", alpha=alpha), y_train) y_pred, conf = G.predict(X_test) ax.plot(X_train, y_train, "rx", label="observed") ax.plot(X_test, np.sin(X_test), label="true fn") ax.plot(X_test, y_pred, "--", label="MAP (alpha={})".format(alpha)) ax.fill_between(X_test, y_pred + conf, y_pred - conf, alpha=0.1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) sns.despine() ax.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("img/gp_alpha.png", dpi=300) plt.close("all")
Example #23
Source File: From smallrnaseq with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_results(res, path): """Some results plots""" if res is None or len(res) == 0: return counts = base.pivot_count_data(res, idxcols=['name','ref']) x = base.get_fractions_mapped(res) print (x) import seaborn as sns sns.set_style('white') sns.set_context("paper",font_scale=1.2) fig = plotting.plot_fractions(x) fig.savefig(os.path.join(path,'libraries_mapped.png')) fig = plotting.plot_sample_counts(counts) fig.savefig(os.path.join(path,'total_per_sample.png')) fig = plotting.plot_read_count_dists(counts) fig.savefig(os.path.join(path,'top_mapped.png')) scols,ncols = base.get_column_names(counts) for l,df in counts.groupby('ref'): if 'mirbase' in l: fig = plotting.plot_read_count_dists(df) fig.savefig(os.path.join(path,'top_%s.png' %l)) #if len(scols)>1: # fig = plotting.expression_clustermap(counts) # fig.savefig(os.path.join(path,'expr_map.png')) return
Example #24
Source File: From double-dqn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_training_episode_highscore(): pylab.clf() sns.set_context("poster") pylab.plot(0, 0) episodes = [0] highscore = [0] for n in xrange(len(csv_training_highscore)): params = csv_training_highscore[n] episodes.append(params[0]) highscore.append(params[1]) pylab.plot(episodes, highscore, sns.xkcd_rgb["windows blue"], lw=2) pylab.xlabel("episodes") pylab.ylabel("highscore") pylab.savefig("%s/training_episode_highscore.png" % args.plot_dir)
Example #25
Source File: From pipedream with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot(values, epochs_to_plot, ylimit, ylabel, output_filepath): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import seaborn as sns matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True) sns.set_style('ticks') sns.set_style({'':'sans-serif'}) flatui = ['#002A5E', '#FD151B', '#8EBA42', '#348ABD', '#988ED5', '#777777', '#8EBA42', '#FFB5B8'] sns.set_palette(flatui) paper_rc = {'lines.linewidth': 2, 'lines.markersize': 10} sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=3, rc=paper_rc) current_palette = sns.color_palette() plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0), colspan=1) for epoch_to_plot in epochs_to_plot: values_to_plot = values[epoch_to_plot] ax.plot(range(len(values_to_plot)), values_to_plot, label="Epoch %d" % epoch_to_plot, linewidth=2) ax.set_xlim([0, None]) ax.set_ylim([0, ylimit]) ax.set_xlabel("Layer ID") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) plt.legend() with PdfPages(output_filepath) as pdf: pdf.savefig(bbox_inches='tight')
Example #26
Source File: From pipedream with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_cdfs(self, cdfs, output_directory): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import seaborn as sns matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True) sns.set_style('ticks') sns.set_style({'':'sans-serif'}) flatui = ['#002A5E', '#FD151B', '#8EBA42', '#348ABD', '#988ED5', '#777777', '#8EBA42', '#FFB5B8'] sns.set_palette(flatui) paper_rc = {'lines.linewidth': 2, 'lines.markersize': 10} sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=3, rc=paper_rc) current_palette = sns.color_palette() plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0), colspan=1) labels = ["Compute", "Activations", "Parameters"] for i in range(3): cdf = [cdfs[j][i] for j in range(len(cdfs))] ax.plot(range(len(cdfs)), cdf, label=labels[i], linewidth=2) ax.set_xlim([0, None]) ax.set_ylim([0, 100]) ax.set_xlabel("Layer ID") ax.set_ylabel("CDF (\%)") plt.legend() with PdfPages(os.path.join(output_directory, "cdf.pdf")) as pdf: pdf.savefig(bbox_inches='tight')
Example #27
Source File: From iroko with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_scalability_graph(increments, data_dirs, plot_dir, name): # Set seaborn style for plotting sns.set(style="whitegrid", rc={"lines.linewidth": 2.5}) sns.set_context("paper") files = increments increments = [0] + increments agg_df = pd.DataFrame({'Number of Hosts': increments}) for data_dir in data_dirs.keys(): bw_list = {} bw_list["rx"] = [] bw_list["tx"] = [] for increment in files: stats_file = '%s/%s_hosts/runtime_statistics.npy' % ( data_dir, increment)"Loading %s..." % stats_file) try: with FileLock(stats_file + ".lock"): statistics = np.load(stats_file).item() except Exception:"Error loading file %s" % stats_file) continue port_stats = np.moveaxis(statistics["stats"], 0, -1) port_rx_bws = np.array( port_stats[STATS_DICT["bw_rx"]].mean(axis=1)) port_tx_bws = np.array( port_stats[STATS_DICT["bw_tx"]].mean(axis=1)) # bandwidths"Computing mean of interface bandwidth per step.") bw_list["rx"].append(port_rx_bws.sum()) bw_list["tx"].append(port_tx_bws.sum()) bw_list["rx"] = [0] + bw_list["rx"] bw_list["tx"] = [0] + bw_list["tx"] agg_bw = np.add(bw_list["rx"], bw_list["tx"]) t_df = pd.DataFrame({data_dirs[data_dir]: agg_bw}) agg_df = pd.concat((agg_df, t_df), axis=1) agg_df.set_index('Number of Hosts', inplace=True) fig = sns.lineplot(data=agg_df, markers=True, markersize=8) fig.set_xscale('symlog', basex=2, linthreshx=4) fig.set_yscale('symlog', basey=2, linthreshy=4 * 10e6) fig.set(xlabel='Hosts', ylabel='Mbps (Avg)') y_increments = np.array(increments) * 10e6 fig.set_yticks(y_increments) fig.set_yticklabels(increments) fig.set_xticks(increments) fig.set_xticklabels(increments) fig.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=y_increments[len(y_increments) - 1] + 100) fig.set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=increments[len(increments) - 1] + 100)"Test Summary:") plt_name = "%s/" % (plot_dir) plt_name += "%s" % name"Saving plot %s" % plt_name) check_plt_dir(plt_name) plt.savefig(plt_name + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.savefig(plt_name + ".png", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.gcf().clear()
Example #28
Source File: From iroko with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_lineplot(algos, plt_stats, num_samples, plt_name): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # Set seaborn style for plotting sns.set(style="ticks", rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.2, "axes.spines.right": False, "": False, 'lines.markeredgewidth': 0.1, }) # sns.set_context("paper") metrics = {} plt_metrics = ["reward", "queues", "bw"]"Converting numpy arrays into pandas dataframes.") metrics["reward"] = np_dict_to_pd(plt_stats, "rewards") metrics["actions"] = np_dict_to_pd(plt_stats, "actions") metrics["queues"] = np_dict_to_pd(plt_stats, "backlog") metrics["bw"] = np_dict_to_pd(plt_stats, "bw_tx")"Computing overlimit deltas.") metrics["overlimits"] = np_dict_to_pd(plt_stats, "olimit").diff()"Computing drops deltas.") metrics["drops"] = np_dict_to_pd(plt_stats, "drops").diff() fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(plt_metrics), 1, sharex=True, squeeze=True) mean_smoothing = math.ceil(num_samples / 100) if (num_samples > 10000): sample = 10000 else: sample = num_samples num_subplots = len(ax) marker_range = list(np.arange( math.ceil(sample / 10), sample, math.ceil(sample / 10))) for index, metric in enumerate(plt_metrics): metric_df = metrics[metric]"Drop overlimit rows %s." % metric) metric_df = metric_df.drop(metric_df.index[num_samples:])"Computing rolling %s." % metric) metric_df = compute_rolling_df_mean(metric_df, mean_smoothing)"Normalizing %s." % metric) metric_df = normalize_df_min_max(metric_df)"Plotting %s..." % metric) if index == 0: plt_legend = "brief" else: plt_legend = False ax[index] = sns.lineplot(data=metric_df, ax=ax[index], legend=plt_legend, markers=True, markevery=marker_range, style="event") ax[index].set_ylabel(metric) if index == num_subplots - 1: ax[index].set_xlabel("Time") ax[index].set_xlim([0, num_samples]) ax[index].margins(y=0.15) ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.45), loc="upper center", fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=len(algos))"Saving plot %s" % plt_name) plt.savefig(plt_name + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.savefig(plt_name + ".png", bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) plt.gcf().clear()
Example #29
Source File: From pipedream with MIT License | 4 votes |
def plot_bar_graph(self, all_values, ylabel, legend, output_template, output_directory): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import seaborn as sns matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True) sns.set_style('ticks') sns.set_style({'':'sans-serif'}) flatui = ['#002A5E', '#FD151B', '#8EBA42', '#348ABD', '#988ED5', '#777777', '#8EBA42', '#FFB5B8'] sns.set_palette(flatui) paper_rc = {'lines.linewidth': 2, 'lines.markersize': 10} sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=3, rc=paper_rc) current_palette = sns.color_palette() labels = ["Compute_times", "Activations", "Parameters"] ylabels = ["Compute time\n(milliseconds)", "Activation size\n(bytes)", "Parameter size\n(bytes)"] for i in range(3): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 1), (0, 0), colspan=1) values_sum = sum([all_values[j][i] for j in range(len(all_values))]) # Truncate the number of values plotted, since bars become very thin otherwise. values = [all_values[j][i] for j in range(len(all_values))][:400] if legend:, values, label="Sum: %.1f" % values_sum) else:, values) ax.set_xlim([0, None]) ax.set_ylim([0, None]) ax.set_xlabel("Layer ID") if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) else: ax.set_ylabel(ylabels[i]) if legend: plt.legend() with PdfPages(os.path.join(output_directory, (output_template % labels[i].lower()))) as pdf: pdf.savefig(bbox_inches='tight')
Example #30
Source File: From SAMPL6 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def plot_restraint_and_barostat_analysis(): """Plot the Figure showing info for the restraint and barostat analysis.""" import seaborn as sns from matplotlib import pyplot as plt sns.set_style('whitegrid') sns.set_context('paper', font_scale=1.0) # Create two columns, each of them share the x-axis. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7.25, 4)) # Restraint distribution axes. ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(223, sharex=ax1) barostat_axes = [ax1, ax2] # Volume distribution axes. ax3 = fig.add_subplot(222) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224, sharex=ax3) restraint_axes = [ax3, ax4] # Plot barostat analysis. plot_volume_distributions(barostat_axes, plot_predicted=True) # Plot restraint analysis. system_id = 'OA-G3-0' plot_restraint_analysis(system_id, restraint_axes) # Configure axes. restraint_axes[0].set_xlim((0, 10.045)) restraint_axes[1].set_ylim((-7, -3.9)) for ax in restraint_axes + barostat_axes: ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', pad=0.1) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', pad=0.1) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.3) # output_file_path = os.path.join(SAMPLING_PAPER_DIR_PATH, 'Figure5-restraint_barostat', 'restraint_barostat.pdf') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_file_path), exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(output_file_path) # ============================================================================= # FIGURE 6 - HREX INITIAL BIAS # =============================================================================