Python Xlib.X.KeyPress() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of Xlib.X.KeyPress().
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Example #1
Source File: From inkscape-shortcut-manager with MIT License | 6 votes |
def listen(self): self.grab() while True: evt = self.disp.next_event() if evt.type in [X.KeyPress, X.KeyRelease]: keycode = evt.detail keysym = self.disp.keycode_to_keysym(keycode, 0) char = XK.keysym_to_string(keysym) self.disp.allow_events(X.ReplayKeyboard, X.CurrentTime) self.mode(self, evt, char) if evt.type == X.DestroyNotify: if == self.ungrab() return
Example #2
Source File: From deepin-remote-assistance with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def handle_event(self, event): # KeyPress event if event.type == X.KeyPress: keyname = xrobot.get_keyname(event) self.keyPressed.emit(keyname) # KeyRelease event elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: keyname = xrobot.get_keyname(event) self.keyReleased.emit(keyname) # ButtonPress event elif event.type == X.ButtonPress: self.buttonPressed.emit(event.root_x, event.root_y, event.time) # ButtonRelease event elif event.type == X.ButtonRelease: self.buttonReleased.emit(event.root_x, event.root_y, event.time) # MotionNotify event elif event.type == X.MotionNotify: self.cursorPositionChanged.emit(event.root_x, event.root_y)
Example #3
Source File: From MouseTracks with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def makekeyhookevent(self, keysym, event): storewm = self.xwindowinfo() if event.type == X.KeyPress: MessageName = "key down" elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: MessageName = "key up" return pyxhookkeyevent( storewm["handle"], storewm["name"], storewm["class"], self.lookup_keysym(keysym), self.asciivalue(keysym), False, event.detail, MessageName )
Example #4
Source File: From autokey with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __processEvent(self, reply): if reply.category != record.FromServer: return if reply.client_swapped: return if not len( or str_or_bytes_to_bytes([0] < 2: # not an event return data = while len(data): event, data = rq.EventField(None).parse_binary_value(data, self.recordDisplay.display, None, None) if event.type == X.KeyPress: self.handle_keypress(event.detail) elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: self.handle_keyrelease(event.detail) elif event.type == X.ButtonPress: self.handle_mouseclick(event.detail, event.root_x, event.root_y)
Example #5
Source File: From autokey with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self): # Create a recording context; we only want key and mouse events self.ctx = self.recordDisplay.record_create_context( 0, [record.AllClients], [{ 'core_requests': (0, 0), 'core_replies': (0, 0), 'ext_requests': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'ext_replies': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'delivered_events': (0, 0), 'device_events': (X.KeyPress, X.ButtonPress), #X.KeyRelease, 'errors': (0, 0), 'client_started': False, 'client_died': False, }]) # Enable the context; this only returns after a call to record_disable_context, # while calling the callback function in the meantime"XRecord interface thread starting") self.recordDisplay.record_enable_context(self.ctx, self.__processEvent) # Finally free the context self.recordDisplay.record_free_context(self.ctx) self.recordDisplay.close()
Example #6
Source File: From autokey with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __sendKeyPressEvent(self, keyCode, modifiers, theWindow=None): if theWindow is None: focus = self.localDisplay.get_input_focus().focus else: focus = theWindow keyEvent = event.KeyPress( detail=keyCode, time=X.CurrentTime, root=self.rootWindow, window=focus, child=X.NONE, root_x=1, root_y=1, event_x=1, event_y=1, state=modifiers, same_screen=1 ) focus.send_event(keyEvent)
Example #7
Source File: From clix with MIT License | 6 votes |
def makekeyhookevent(self, keysym, event): storewm = self.xwindowinfo() if event.type == X.KeyPress: MessageName = "key down" elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: MessageName = "key up" return pyxhookkeyevent( storewm["handle"], storewm["name"], storewm["class"], self.lookup_keysym(keysym), self.asciivalue(keysym), False, event.detail, MessageName )
Example #8
Source File: From Python-Programs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.finished = threading.Event() # Give these some initial values self.mouse_position_x = 0 self.mouse_position_y = 0 self.ison = {"shift":False, "caps":False} # Compile our regex statements. self.isshift = re.compile('^Shift') self.iscaps = re.compile('^Caps_Lock') self.shiftablechar = re.compile('^[a-z0-9]$|^minus$|^equal$|^bracketleft$|^bracketright$|^semicolon$|^backslash$|^apostrophe$|^comma$|^period$|^slash$|^grave$') self.logrelease = re.compile('.*') self.isspace = re.compile('^space$') # Assign default function actions (do nothing). self.KeyDown = lambda x: True self.KeyUp = lambda x: True self.MouseAllButtonsDown = lambda x: True self.MouseAllButtonsUp = lambda x: True self.contextEventMask = [X.KeyPress,X.MotionNotify] # Hook to our display. self.local_dpy = display.Display() self.record_dpy = display.Display()
Example #9
Source File: From inkscape-shortcut-manager with MIT License | 6 votes |
def normal_mode(self, event, char): events.append(event) if event.type == X.KeyPress and char: pressed.add(event_to_string(self, event)) return if event.type != X.KeyRelease: return handled = False if len(pressed) > 1: paste_style(self, pressed) handled = True elif len(pressed) == 1: # Get the only element in pressed ev = next(iter(pressed)) handled = handle_single_key(self, ev) # replay events to Inkscape if we couldn't handle them if not handled: replay(self) events.clear() pressed.clear()
Example #10
Source File: From MouseTracks with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): # Check if the extension is present if not self.record_dpy.has_extension("RECORD"): print("RECORD extension not found", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # r = self.record_dpy.record_get_version(0, 0) # print("RECORD extension version {major}.{minor}".format( # major=r.major_version, # minor=r.minor_version # )) # Create a recording context; we only want key and mouse events self.ctx = self.record_dpy.record_create_context( 0, [record.AllClients], [{ 'core_requests': (0, 0), 'core_replies': (0, 0), 'ext_requests': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'ext_replies': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'delivered_events': (0, 0), # (X.KeyPress, X.ButtonPress), 'device_events': tuple(self.contextEventMask), 'errors': (0, 0), 'client_started': False, 'client_died': False, }]) # Enable the context; this only returns after a call to # record_disable_context, while calling the callback function in the # meantime self.record_dpy.record_enable_context(self.ctx, self.processevents) # Finally free the context self.record_dpy.record_free_context(self.ctx)
Example #11
Source File: From Python-Programs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def HookKeyboard(self): pass # We don't need to do anything here anymore, since the default mask # is now set to contain X.KeyPress #self.contextEventMask[0] = X.KeyPress
Example #12
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def processevents(self, reply): if reply.category != record.FromServer: return if reply.client_swapped: print("* received swapped protocol data, cowardly ignored") return if not len( or ord([0]) < 2: # not an event return data = while len(data): event, data = rq.EventField(None).parse_binary_value(data, self.record_dpy.display, None, None) if event.type == X.KeyPress: hookevent = self.keypressevent(event) self.KeyDown(hookevent) elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: hookevent = self.keyreleaseevent(event) self.KeyUp(hookevent) elif event.type == X.ButtonPress: hookevent = self.buttonpressevent(event) self.MouseAllButtonsDown(hookevent) elif event.type == X.ButtonRelease: hookevent = self.buttonreleaseevent(event) self.MouseAllButtonsUp(hookevent) elif event.type == X.MotionNotify: # use mouse moves to record mouse position, since press and release events # do not give mouse position info (event.root_x and event.root_y have # bogus info). hookevent = self.mousemoveevent(event) self.MouseMovement(hookevent) #print "processing events...", event.type
Example #13
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def makekeyhookevent(self, keysym, event): storewm = self.xwindowinfo() if event.type == X.KeyPress: MessageName = "key down" elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: MessageName = "key up" return pyxhookkeyevent(storewm["handle"], storewm["name"], storewm["class"], self.lookup_keysym(keysym), self.asciivalue(keysym), False, event.detail, MessageName)
Example #14
Source File: From python-xlib with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def record_callback(reply): if reply.category != record.FromServer: return if reply.client_swapped: print("* received swapped protocol data, cowardly ignored") return if not len( or[0] < 2: # not an event return data = while len(data): event, data = rq.EventField(None).parse_binary_value(data, record_dpy.display, None, None) if event.type in [X.KeyPress, X.KeyRelease]: pr = event.type == X.KeyPress and "Press" or "Release" keysym = local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0) if not keysym: print("KeyCode%s" % pr, event.detail) else: print("KeyStr%s" % pr, lookup_keysym(keysym)) if event.type == X.KeyPress and keysym == XK.XK_Escape: local_dpy.record_disable_context(ctx) local_dpy.flush() return elif event.type == X.ButtonPress: print("ButtonPress", event.detail) elif event.type == X.ButtonRelease: print("ButtonRelease", event.detail) elif event.type == X.MotionNotify: print("MotionNotify", event.root_x, event.root_y) # Check if the extension is present
Example #15
Source File: From autokey with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __fakeKeypress(self, keyName): keyCode = self.__lookupKeyCode(keyName) xtest.fake_input(self.rootWindow, X.KeyPress, keyCode) xtest.fake_input(self.rootWindow, X.KeyRelease, keyCode)
Example #16
Source File: From autokey with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __fakeKeydown(self, keyName): keyCode = self.__lookupKeyCode(keyName) xtest.fake_input(self.rootWindow, X.KeyPress, keyCode)
Example #17
Source File: From iris with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def key_down(self, key): """Performs a keyboard key press without the release. This will put that key in a held down state. :param key: The key to be pressed down. The valid names are listed in Key class :return: None. """ if isinstance(key, Key) or isinstance(key, KeyModifier): key = key.value.x11key if self.keyboard_mapping(key) is None: return if isinstance(key, int): fake_input(self.display, X.KeyPress, key) self.display.sync() return needs_shift = is_shift_character(key) if needs_shift: fake_input(self.display, X.KeyPress, self.keyboard_mapping("shift")) fake_input(self.display, X.KeyPress, self.keyboard_mapping(key)) if needs_shift: fake_input(self.display, X.KeyRelease, self.keyboard_mapping("shift")) self.display.sync()
Example #18
Source File: From pygrid with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_event(self, source, condition, handle=None): """ Check keyboard event has all the right buttons pressed. """ handle = handle or self.root.display for _ in range(0, handle.pending_events()): event = handle.next_event() if event.type == X.KeyPress: command = self.keys[event.detail] self._handle_event(command) return True
Example #19
Source File: From MouseTracks with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.finished = threading.Event() # Give these some initial values self.mouse_position_x = 0 self.mouse_position_y = 0 self.ison = {"shift": False, "caps": False} # Compile our regex statements. self.isshift = re.compile('^Shift') self.iscaps = re.compile('^Caps_Lock') self.shiftablechar = re.compile('|'.join(( '^[a-z0-9]$', '^minus$', '^equal$', '^bracketleft$', '^bracketright$', '^semicolon$', '^backslash$', '^apostrophe$', '^comma$', '^period$', '^slash$', '^grave$' ))) self.logrelease = re.compile('.*') self.isspace = re.compile('^space$') # Assign default function actions (do nothing). self.KeyDown = lambda x: True self.KeyUp = lambda x: True self.MouseAllButtonsDown = lambda x: True self.MouseAllButtonsUp = lambda x: True self.MouseMovement = lambda x: True self.contextEventMask = [X.KeyPress, X.MotionNotify] # Hook to our display. self.local_dpy = display.Display() self.record_dpy = display.Display()
Example #20
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def HookKeyboard(self): pass # We don't need to do anything here anymore, since the default mask # is now set to contain X.KeyPress #self.contextEventMask[0] = X.KeyPress
Example #21
Source File: From MouseTracks with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def HookKeyboard(self): # We don't need to do anything here anymore, since the default mask # is now set to contain X.KeyPress # self.contextEventMask[0] = X.KeyPress pass
Example #22
Source File: From PythonP2PBotnet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.finished = threading.Event() # Give these some initial values self.mouse_position_x = 0 self.mouse_position_y = 0 self.ison = {"shift":False, "caps":False} # Compile our regex statements. self.isshift = re.compile('^Shift') self.iscaps = re.compile('^Caps_Lock') self.shiftablechar = re.compile('^[a-z0-9]$|^minus$|^equal$|^bracketleft$|^bracketright$|^semicolon$|^backslash$|^apostrophe$|^comma$|^period$|^slash$|^grave$') self.logrelease = re.compile('.*') self.isspace = re.compile('^space$') # Assign default function actions (do nothing). self.KeyDown = lambda x: True self.KeyUp = lambda x: True self.MouseAllButtonsDown = lambda x: True self.MouseAllButtonsUp = lambda x: True self.contextEventMask = [X.KeyPress,X.MotionNotify] # Hook to our display. self.local_dpy = display.Display() self.record_dpy = display.Display()
Example #23
Source File: From PythonP2PBotnet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): # Check if the extension is present if not self.record_dpy.has_extension("RECORD"): print "RECORD extension not found" sys.exit(1) r = self.record_dpy.record_get_version(0, 0) #print "RECORD extension version %d.%d" % (r.major_version, r.minor_version) # Create a recording context; we only want key and mouse events self.ctx = self.record_dpy.record_create_context( 0, [record.AllClients], [{ 'core_requests': (0, 0), 'core_replies': (0, 0), 'ext_requests': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'ext_replies': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'delivered_events': (0, 0), 'device_events': tuple(self.contextEventMask), #(X.KeyPress, X.ButtonPress), 'errors': (0, 0), 'client_started': False, 'client_died': False, }]) # Enable the context; this only returns after a call to record_disable_context, # while calling the callback function in the meantime self.record_dpy.record_enable_context(self.ctx, self.processevents) # Finally free the context self.record_dpy.record_free_context(self.ctx)
Example #24
Source File: From PythonP2PBotnet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def HookKeyboard(self): pass # We don't need to do anything here anymore, since the default mask # is now set to contain X.KeyPress #self.contextEventMask[0] = X.KeyPress
Example #25
Source File: From PythonP2PBotnet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def processevents(self, reply): if reply.category != record.FromServer: return if reply.client_swapped: print "* received swapped protocol data, cowardly ignored" return if not len( or ord([0]) < 2: # not an event return data = while len(data): event, data = rq.EventField(None).parse_binary_value(data, self.record_dpy.display, None, None) if event.type == X.KeyPress: hookevent = self.keypressevent(event) self.KeyDown(hookevent) elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: hookevent = self.keyreleaseevent(event) self.KeyUp(hookevent) elif event.type == X.ButtonPress: hookevent = self.buttonpressevent(event) self.MouseAllButtonsDown(hookevent) elif event.type == X.ButtonRelease: hookevent = self.buttonreleaseevent(event) self.MouseAllButtonsUp(hookevent) elif event.type == X.MotionNotify: # use mouse moves to record mouse position, since press and release events # do not give mouse position info (event.root_x and event.root_y have # bogus info). self.mousemoveevent(event) #print "processing events...", event.type
Example #26
Source File: From PythonP2PBotnet with MIT License | 5 votes |
def makekeyhookevent(self, keysym, event): storewm = self.xwindowinfo() if event.type == X.KeyPress: MessageName = "key down" elif event.type == X.KeyRelease: MessageName = "key up" return pyxhookkeyevent(storewm["handle"], storewm["name"], storewm["class"], self.lookup_keysym(keysym), self.asciivalue(keysym), False, event.detail, MessageName)
Example #27
Source File: From xbmc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _keyDown(key): """Performs a keyboard key press without the release. This will put that key in a held down state. NOTE: For some reason, this does not seem to cause key repeats like would happen if a keyboard key was held down on a text field. Args: key (str): The key to be pressed down. The valid names are listed in pyautogui.KEY_NAMES. Returns: None """ if key not in keyboardMapping or keyboardMapping[key] is None: return if type(key) == int: fake_input(_display, X.KeyPress, key) _display.sync() return needsShift = pyautogui.isShiftCharacter(key) if needsShift: fake_input(_display, X.KeyPress, keyboardMapping['shift']) fake_input(_display, X.KeyPress, keyboardMapping[key]) if needsShift: fake_input(_display, X.KeyRelease, keyboardMapping['shift']) _display.sync()
Example #28
Source File: From deepin-remote-assistance with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def press_key(code): fake_input(dp, X.KeyPress, code) dp.sync()
Example #29
Source File: From inkscape-shortcut-manager with MIT License | 5 votes |
def press(self, key, mask=X.NONE): keycode = self.string_to_keycode(key) self.inkscape.send_event(self.event(event.KeyPress, keycode, mask), propagate=True) self.inkscape.send_event(self.event(event.KeyRelease, keycode, mask), propagate=True) self.disp.flush() self.disp.sync()
Example #30
Source File: From botnet-lab with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): # Check if the extension is present if not self.record_dpy.has_extension("RECORD"): # print "RECORD extension not found" sys.exit(1) r = self.record_dpy.record_get_version(0, 0) # print "RECORD extension version %d.%d" % (r.major_version, r.minor_version) # Create a recording context; we only want key and mouse events self.ctx = self.record_dpy.record_create_context( 0, [record.AllClients], [{ 'core_requests': (0, 0), 'core_replies': (0, 0), 'ext_requests': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'ext_replies': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'delivered_events': (0, 0), 'device_events': tuple(self.contextEventMask), # (X.KeyPress, X.ButtonPress), 'errors': (0, 0), 'client_started': False, 'client_died': False, }]) # Enable the context; this only returns after a call to record_disable_context, # while calling the callback function in the meantime self.record_dpy.record_enable_context(self.ctx, self.processevents) # Finally free the context self.record_dpy.record_free_context(self.ctx)