Python skimage.segmentation() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of skimage.segmentation().
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Example #1
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def execute(self, eopatch): """ Main execute method """ feature_type, feature_name = next(self.feature_checker(eopatch)) data = eopatch[feature_type][feature_name] if np.isnan(data).any(): warnings.warn('There are NaN values in given data, super-pixel segmentation might produce bad results', RuntimeWarning) if feature_type.is_time_dependent(): data = np.moveaxis(data, 0, 2) data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2] * data.shape[3])) superpixel_mask = np.atleast_3d(self._create_superpixel_mask(data)) new_feature_type, new_feature_name = self.superpixel_feature eopatch[new_feature_type][new_feature_name] = superpixel_mask return eopatch
Example #2
Source File: From Kaggle-DSB with MIT License | 6 votes |
def generate_markers(image): #Creation of the internal Marker marker_internal = image < -400 marker_internal = segmentation.clear_border(marker_internal) marker_internal_labels = measure.label(marker_internal) areas = [r.area for r in measure.regionprops(marker_internal_labels)] areas.sort() if len(areas) > 2: for region in measure.regionprops(marker_internal_labels): if region.area < areas[-2]: for coordinates in region.coords: marker_internal_labels[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0 marker_internal = marker_internal_labels > 0 #Creation of the external Marker external_a = ndimage.binary_dilation(marker_internal, iterations=10) external_b = ndimage.binary_dilation(marker_internal, iterations=55) marker_external = external_b ^ external_a #Creation of the Watershed Marker matrix marker_watershed = np.zeros(image.shape, marker_watershed += marker_internal * 255 marker_watershed += marker_external * 128 return marker_internal, marker_external, marker_watershed
Example #3
Source File: From Kaggle-DSB with MIT License | 6 votes |
def generate_markers(image): #Creation of the internal Marker marker_internal = image < -400 marker_internal = segmentation.clear_border(marker_internal) marker_internal_labels = measure.label(marker_internal) areas = [r.area for r in measure.regionprops(marker_internal_labels)] areas.sort() if len(areas) > 2: for region in measure.regionprops(marker_internal_labels): if region.area < areas[-2]: for coordinates in region.coords: marker_internal_labels[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0 marker_internal = marker_internal_labels > 0 #Creation of the external Marker external_a = ndimage.binary_dilation(marker_internal, iterations=10) external_b = ndimage.binary_dilation(marker_internal, iterations=55) marker_external = external_b ^ external_a #Creation of the Watershed Marker matrix marker_watershed = np.zeros(image.shape, marker_watershed += marker_internal * 255 marker_watershed += marker_external * 128 return marker_internal, marker_external, marker_watershed
Example #4
Source File: From Kaggle-DSB with MIT License | 6 votes |
def generate_markers(image): #Creation of the internal Marker marker_internal = image < -400 marker_internal = segmentation.clear_border(marker_internal) marker_internal_labels = measure.label(marker_internal) areas = [r.area for r in measure.regionprops(marker_internal_labels)] areas.sort() if len(areas) > 2: for region in measure.regionprops(marker_internal_labels): if region.area < areas[-2]: for coordinates in region.coords: marker_internal_labels[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0 marker_internal = marker_internal_labels > 0 #Creation of the external Marker external_a = ndimage.binary_dilation(marker_internal, iterations=10) external_b = ndimage.binary_dilation(marker_internal, iterations=55) marker_external = external_b ^ external_a #Creation of the Watershed Marker matrix marker_watershed = np.zeros(image.shape, marker_watershed += marker_internal * 255 marker_watershed += marker_external * 128 return marker_internal, marker_external, marker_watershed
Example #5
Source File: From BlurDetection with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_masks(img, n_seg=250): logger.debug('SLIC segmentation initialised') segments = skimage.segmentation.slic(img, n_segments=n_seg, compactness=10, sigma=1) logger.debug('SLIC segmentation complete') logger.debug('contour extraction...') masks = [[numpy.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.uint8), None]] for region in skimage.measure.regionprops(segments): masks.append([masks[0][0].copy(), region.bbox]) x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = region.bbox masks[-1][0][x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max] = skimage.img_as_ubyte(region.convex_image) logger.debug('contours extracted') return masks[1:]
Example #6
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, feature, superpixel_feature, *, segmentation_object=skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb, **segmentation_params): """ :param feature: Raster feature which will be used in segmentation :param superpixel_feature: A new mask timeless feature to hold super-pixel mask :param segmentation_object: A function (object) which performs superpixel segmentation, by default that is `skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb` :param segmentation_params: Additional parameters which will be passed to segmentation_object function """ self.feature_checker = self._parse_features(feature, allowed_feature_types=FeatureTypeSet.SPATIAL_TYPES) self.superpixel_feature = next(self._parse_features(superpixel_feature, allowed_feature_types={FeatureType.MASK_TIMELESS})()) self.segmentation_object = segmentation_object self.segmentation_params = segmentation_params
Example #7
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _create_superpixel_mask(self, data): """ Method which performs the segmentation """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning, module=skimage.segmentation.__name__) return self.segmentation_object(data, **self.segmentation_params)
Example #8
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, feature, superpixel_feature, **kwargs): """ Arguments are passed to `SuperpixelSegmentation` task """ super().__init__(feature, superpixel_feature, segmentation_object=skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb, **kwargs)
Example #9
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, feature, superpixel_feature, **kwargs): """ Arguments are passed to `SuperpixelSegmentation` task """ super().__init__(feature, superpixel_feature, segmentation_object=skimage.segmentation.slic, **kwargs)
Example #10
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute(self, eopatch): """ Execute method """ feature_type, feature_name = next(self.feature_checker(eopatch)) segmentation_mask = eopatch[feature_type][feature_name][..., 0] bounds_mask = skimage.segmentation.mark_boundaries(np.zeros(segmentation_mask.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8), segmentation_mask, **self.params) bounds_mask = bounds_mask[..., :1].astype(np.uint8) eopatch[self.new_feature[0]][self.new_feature[1]] = bounds_mask return eopatch
Example #11
Source File: From kaggle-ndsb with MIT License | 4 votes |
def getMinorMajorRatio_2(image): image = image.copy() # Create the thresholded image to eliminate some of the background imagethr = np.where(image > np.mean(image),0.,1.0) #Dilate the image imdilated = morphology.dilation(imagethr, np.ones((4,4))) # Create the label list label_list = measure.label(imdilated) label_list = imagethr*label_list label_list = label_list.astype(int) region_list = measure.regionprops(label_list) maxregion = getLargestRegion(region_list, label_list, imagethr) # guard against cases where the segmentation fails by providing zeros ratio = 0.0 minor_axis_length = 0.0 major_axis_length = 0.0 area = 0.0 convex_area = 0.0 eccentricity = 0.0 equivalent_diameter = 0.0 euler_number = 0.0 extent = 0.0 filled_area = 0.0 orientation = 0.0 perimeter = 0.0 solidity = 0.0 centroid = [0.0,0.0] if ((not maxregion is None) and (maxregion.major_axis_length != 0.0)): ratio = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.minor_axis_length*1.0 / maxregion.major_axis_length minor_axis_length = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.minor_axis_length major_axis_length = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.major_axis_length area = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.area convex_area = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.convex_area eccentricity = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.eccentricity equivalent_diameter = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.equivalent_diameter euler_number = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.euler_number extent = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.extent filled_area = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.filled_area orientation = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.orientation perimeter = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.perimeter solidity = 0.0 if maxregion is None else maxregion.solidity centroid = [0.0,0.0] if maxregion is None else maxregion.centroid return ratio,minor_axis_length,major_axis_length,area,convex_area,eccentricity,\ equivalent_diameter,euler_number,extent,filled_area,orientation,perimeter,solidity, centroid[0], centroid[1]