Python ansible.errors.AnsibleError() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ansible.errors.AnsibleError().
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Example #1
Source File: From ansible-vault with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def _fetch_secret(self, cafile, capath, data, key, vault_token, url, cahostverify, skipverify): try: context = None if cafile or capath: context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=cafile, capath=capath) context.check_hostname = cahostverify elif skipverify: context = ssl._create_unverified_context() request_url = urljoin(url, "v1/%s" % (key)) data = data.encode('utf-8') if data else None req = urllib2.Request(request_url, data) req.add_header('X-Vault-Token', vault_token) req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') response = urllib2.urlopen(req, context=context) if context else urllib2.urlopen(req) except Exception as ex: if hasattr(ex, 'code') and ex.code in [301, 302, 303, 307]: return self._fetch_secret(cafile, capath, data, key, vault_token, ex.headers.dict['location'], cahostverify, skipverify) else: raise AnsibleError('Unable to read %s from vault: %s' % (key, ex)) reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") body = reader(response) if response.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/json': body = json.load(body) return body
Example #2
Source File: From luna with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def put_file(self, in_path, out_path): ''' transfer a file from local to lchroot ''' super(Connection, self).put_file(in_path, out_path) display.vvv("PUT %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path), host=self.path) out_path = pipes.quote(self._prefix_login_path(out_path)) try: with open(to_bytes(in_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'rb') as in_file: try: p = self._buffered_exec_command('dd of=%s bs=%s' % (out_path, BUFSIZE), stdin=in_file) except OSError: raise AnsibleError("lchroot connection requires dd command in the lchroot") try: stdout, stderr = p.communicate() except: traceback.print_exc() raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s" % (in_path, out_path)) if p.returncode != 0: raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s:\n%s\n%s" % (in_path, out_path, stdout, stderr)) except IOError: raise AnsibleError("file or module does not exist at: %s" % in_path)
Example #3
Source File: From Implementing-DevOps-with-Ansible-2 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs): ret = [] # Perform iteration for term in terms: display.debug("File lookup term: %s" % term) # Find the file in the expected search path lookupfile = self.find_file_in_search_path(variables, 'files', term) display.vvvv(u"File lookup using %s as file" % lookupfile) try: if lookupfile: contents, show_data = self._loader._get_file_contents(lookupfile) ret.append(contents.rstrip()) else: raise AnsibleParserError() except AnsibleParserError: raise AnsibleError("could not locate file in lookup: %s" % term)
Example #4
Source File: From alibaba.alicloud with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_instances_by_region(self, regions, filters): ''' :param regions: a list of regions in which to describe instances :param filters: a list of ECS filter dictionaries :return A list of instance dictionaries ''' all_instances = [] if not regions: try: regions = list(map(lambda x:, self.connect_to_ecs(footmark.ecs, "cn-beijing").describe_regions())) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError('Unable to get regions list from available methods, you must specify the "regions" option to continue.') for region in regions: try: conn = connect_to_acs(footmark.ecs, region, **self.credentials) insts = conn.describe_instances(**filters) all_instances.extend(map(lambda x:, insts)) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("Failed to describe instances: %s" % to_native(e)) return sorted(all_instances, key=lambda x: x['instance_id'])
Example #5
Source File: From ansible-modules-bitwarden with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _run(self, args): p = Popen([self.cli_path] + args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) out, _ = p.communicate() out = out.decode() rc = p.wait() if rc != 0: display.debug("Received error when running '{0} {1}': {2}" .format(self.cli_path, args, out)) if out.startswith("Vault is locked."): raise AnsibleError("Error accessing Bitwarden vault. " "Run 'bw unlock' to unlock the vault.") elif out.startswith("You are not logged in."): raise AnsibleError("Error accessing Bitwarden vault. " "Run 'bw login' to login.") elif out.startswith("Failed to decrypt."): raise AnsibleError("Error accessing Bitwarden vault. " "Make sure BW_SESSION is set properly.") elif out.startswith("Not found."): raise AnsibleError("Error accessing Bitwarden vault. " "Specified item not found: {}".format(args[-1])) else: raise AnsibleError("Unknown failure in 'bw' command: " "{0}".format(out)) return out.strip()
Example #6
Source File: From ansible-pfsense with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs): """ Entry point for main function (to properly catch & display exceptions stacktrace)""" trace = None res = [] try: res = self._run(terms, variables, **kwargs) except AnsibleError: raise except AssertionError: raise except Exception: trace = traceback.format_exc() finally: if trace is not None: raise AnsibleError(trace) return res
Example #7
Source File: From ansible-modules-bitwarden with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs): bw = Bitwarden(path=kwargs.get('path', 'bw')) if not bw.logged_in: raise AnsibleError("Not logged into Bitwarden: please run " "'bw login', or 'bw unlock' and set the " "BW_SESSION environment variable first") field = kwargs.get('field', 'password') values = [] if kwargs.get('sync'): bw.sync() for term in terms: if kwargs.get('custom_field'): values.append(bw.get_custom_field(term, field)) elif field == 'notes': values.append(bw.get_notes(term)) else: values.append(bw.get_entry(term, field)) return values
Example #8
Source File: From ansible-pfsense with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def load_data(self, from_file): """ Load and return pfsense data """ fvars = self.get_definitions(from_file) if fvars is None: raise AnsibleError("No usable data found in {0}".format(from_file)) for section in ['hosts_aliases', 'ports_aliases', 'pfsenses', 'rules']: if section not in fvars: raise AnsibleError("Missing {0} section in {1}".format(section, from_file)) data = PFSenseData( hosts_aliases=fvars['hosts_aliases'], ports_aliases=fvars['ports_aliases'], pfsenses=fvars['pfsenses'], rules=fvars['rules'], target_name=self.get_hostname() ) return data
Example #9
Source File: From ansible-playbook-grapher with MIT License | 6 votes |
def template(self, data, variables, fail_on_undefined=False): """ Template the data using Jinja. Return data if an error occurs during the templating :param fail_on_undefined: :type fail_on_undefined: bool :param data: :type data: Union[str, ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleUnicode] :param variables: :type variables: dict :return: """ try: templar = Templar(loader=self.data_loader, variables=variables) return templar.template(data, fail_on_undefined=fail_on_undefined) except AnsibleError as ansible_error: # Sometime we need to export if fail_on_undefined: raise self.display.warning(ansible_error) return data
Example #10
Source File: From ansible-vault with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _fetch_client_token(self, cafile, capath, url, data, cahostverify, skipverify): try: context = None if cafile or capath: context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=cafile, capath=capath) context.check_hostname = cahostverify elif skipverify: context = ssl._create_unverified_context() data = data.encode('utf-8') if data else None req = urllib2.Request(url, json.dumps(data)) req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') response = urllib2.urlopen(req, context=context) if context else urllib2.urlopen(req) except Exception as ex: if hasattr(ex, 'code') and ex.code in [301, 302, 303, 307]: return self._fetch_client_token(cafile, capath, ex.headers.dict['location'], data, cahostverify, skipverify) else: raise AnsibleError('Unable to retrieve personal token from vault: %s' % (ex)) reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") result = json.load(reader(response)) return result
Example #11
Source File: From openshift-ansible-contrib with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self, volume_names, variables=None, **kwargs): cloud = shade.openstack_cloud() volume_attributes = [ "id", "name", "display_name", "size", "description", ] def get_volume(name_or_id): volume = cloud.get_volume(name_or_id) if not volume: raise AnsibleError( "Could not find volume: {}".format(name_or_id)) result = {} for attribute_name in volume_attributes: result[attribute_name] = getattr(volume, attribute_name) return result return [get_volume(volume_name) for volume_name in volume_names]
Example #12
Source File: From codo-cmdb with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self): if not self.inventory.list_hosts("all"): raise AnsibleError("Inventory is empty.") if not self.inventory.list_hosts(self.pattern): raise AnsibleError( "pattern: %s dose not match any hosts." % self.pattern) try: finally: if self.runner: self.runner.cleanup() if self.loader: self.loader.cleanup_all_tmp_files() return self.resultcallback.result_q
Example #13
Source File: From ansible-vault with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _verify_python_version(self, key, cafile, capath, cahostverify): python_version_cur = ".".join([str(version_info.major), str(version_info.minor), str(version_info.micro)]) python_version_min = "2.7.9" if StrictVersion(python_version_cur) < StrictVersion(python_version_min): if cafile or capath: raise AnsibleError('Unable to read %s from vault:' ' Using Python %s, and vault lookup plugin requires at least %s' ' to use an SSL context (VAULT_CACERT or VAULT_CAPATH)' % (key, python_version_cur, python_version_min)) elif cahostverify: raise AnsibleError('Unable to read %s from vault:' ' Using Python %s, and vault lookup plugin requires at least %s' ' to verify Vault certificate. (set VAULT_CAHOSTVERIFY to \'%s\'' ' to disable certificate verification.)' % (key, python_version_cur, python_version_min, DISABLE_VAULT_CAHOSTVERIFY))
Example #14
Source File: From ansible-sshjail with MIT License | 6 votes |
def match_jail(self): if self.jid is None: code, stdout, stderr = self._jailhost_command("jls -q jid name host.hostname path") if code != 0: display.vvv("JLS stdout: %s" % stdout) raise AnsibleError("jls returned non-zero!") lines = stdout.strip().split(b'\n') found = False for line in lines: if line.strip() == '': break jid, name, hostname, path = to_text(line).strip().split() if name == self.jailspec or hostname == self.jailspec: self.jid = jid self.jname = name self.jpath = path found = True break if not found: raise AnsibleError("failed to find a jail with name or hostname of '%s'" % self.jailspec)
Example #15
Source File: From community.grafana with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self, terms, variables=None, **kwargs): grafana_args = terms[0].split(' ') grafana_dict = {} ret = [] for param in grafana_args: try: key, value = param.split('=') except ValueError: raise AnsibleError("grafana_dashboard lookup plugin needs key=value pairs, but received %s" % terms) grafana_dict[key] = value grafana = GrafanaAPI(**grafana_dict) ret = grafana.grafana_list_dashboards() return ret
Example #16
Source File: From litmus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def deprecated(self, msg, version=None, removed=False): ''' used to print out a deprecation message.''' if not removed and not C.DEPRECATION_WARNINGS: return if not removed: if version: new_msg = "[DEPRECATION WARNING]: %s. This feature will be removed in version %s." % (msg, version) else: new_msg = "[DEPRECATION WARNING]: %s. This feature will be removed in a future release." % (msg) new_msg = new_msg + " Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.\n\n" else: raise AnsibleError("[DEPRECATED]: %s.\nPlease update your playbooks." % msg) wrapped = textwrap.wrap(new_msg, self.columns, drop_whitespace=False) new_msg = "\n".join(wrapped) + "\n" if new_msg not in self._deprecations: self.display(new_msg.strip(), color=C.COLOR_DEPRECATE, stderr=True) self._deprecations[new_msg] = 1
Example #17
Source File: From infrared with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _install_roles_from_file(plugin_path): # Ansible Galaxy - install roles from file for req_file in ['requirements.yml', 'requirements.yaml']: galaxy_reqs_file = os.path.join(plugin_path, req_file) if not os.path.isfile(galaxy_reqs_file): continue LOG.debug("Installing Galaxy " "requirements... ({})".format(galaxy_reqs_file)) from ansible.cli.galaxy import GalaxyCLI from ansible.errors import AnsibleError glxy_cli = GalaxyCLI(['install']) glxy_cli.parse() glxy_cli.options.role_file = galaxy_reqs_file try: glxy_cli.execute_install() except AnsibleError as e: raise IRFailedToAddPlugin(e.message) else: LOG.debug("Galaxy requirements files weren't found.")
Example #18
Source File: From luna with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path): ''' fetch a file from chroot to local ''' super(Connection, self).fetch_file(in_path, out_path) display.vvv("FETCH %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path), host=self.path) in_path = pipes.quote(self._prefix_login_path(in_path)) try: p = self._buffered_exec_command('dd if=%s bs=%s' % (in_path, BUFSIZE)) except OSError: raise AnsibleError("chroot connection requires dd command in the chroot") with open(to_bytes(out_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'wb+') as out_file: try: chunk = while chunk: out_file.write(chunk) chunk = except: traceback.print_exc() raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s" % (in_path, out_path)) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s:\n%s\n%s" % (in_path, out_path, stdout, stderr))
Example #19
Source File: From demo-ansible with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self, region, inject=None, **kwargs): try: conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region) zones = [ for z in conn.get_all_zones()] return zones except e: raise errors.AnsibleError("Could not lookup zones for region: %s\nexception: %s" % (region, e))
Example #20
Source File: From ansible-plugins with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_item(self, resource_type, key): conn = boto.cloudformation.connect_to_region(self.region) stack = conn.describe_stacks(stack_name_or_id=self.stack_name)[0] if resource_type in ['parameter', 'output']: attr = "{0}s".format(resource_type) return [item.value for item in getattr(stack, attr) if item.key == key] elif resource_type == 'resource_id': return [stack.describe_resources(key)[0].physical_resource_id] else: raise errors.AnsibleError( "unknown resource type {0}".format(resource_type))
Example #21
Source File: From citrix-adc-ansible-modules with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def rst_ify(text): ''' convert symbols like I(this is in italics) to valid restructured text ''' try: t = _ITALIC.sub(r"*\1*", text) t = _BOLD.sub(r"**\1**", t) t = _MODULE.sub(r":ref:`\1 <\1_module>`", t) t = _LINK.sub(r"`\1 <\2>`_", t) t = _URL.sub(r"\1", t) t = _CONST.sub(r"``\1``", t) t = _RULER.sub(r"------------", t) except Exception as e: raise AnsibleError("Could not process (%s) : %s" % (text, e)) return t
Example #22
Source File: From ansible-pfsense with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_alias_name(name): """ check an alias name """ # todo: check reserved keywords (any, self, ...) if re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', name) is None: raise AnsibleError(name + ': the name of the alias may only consist of the characters "a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _"')
Example #23
Source File: From dellemcpmax_ansible with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def WWN_nodots_filter(self, a_variable): """ Returns WWN uppercase without colons like 112233445566AABB :param a_variable: (str) variable to transform :return: (str) transformed string """ try: return WWN(a_variable).wwn.upper().replace(':', '') except WWNError as error: raise AnsibleError(f'Malformed WWN {error}')
Example #24
Source File: From ansible-sshjail with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _copy_file(self, from_file, to_file): copycmd = self._play_context.make_become_cmd(' '.join(['cp', from_file, to_file])) display.vvv(u"REMOTE COPY {0} TO {1}".format(from_file, to_file), host=self.inventory_hostname) code, stdout, stderr = self._jailhost_command(copycmd) if code != 0: raise AnsibleError("failed to copy file from %s to %s:\n%s\n%s" % (from_file, to_file, stdout, stderr))
Example #25
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def fail_json(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AnsibleError(kwargs["msg"])
Example #26
Source File: From tripleo-ansible with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): """Renders the all_nodes data for TripleO as group_vars""" manager = Manager() all_nodes = manager.dict() try: self.compute_all_nodes(all_nodes, task_vars) all_nodes = dict(all_nodes) all_nodes_path = os.path.join(task_vars['playbook_dir'], 'group_vars', 'overcloud.json') with open(all_nodes_path, 'w') as f: DISPLAY.vv("Rendering all_nodes to {}".format(all_nodes_path)) json.dump(all_nodes, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) except Exception as e: DISPLAY.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise AnsibleError(str(e)) finally: manager.shutdown() # multiprocessing can hang the plugin exit if there are still # references to the Manager() object. Even though we have called # .shutdown(), clean up all_nodes just to be safe. all_nodes = None DISPLAY.vv("returning") return dict(all_nodes=all_nodes)
Example #27
Source File: From trellis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def raw_vars(self, play, host, hostvars): if 'raw_vars' not in hostvars: return raw_vars = Templar(variables=hostvars, loader=play._loader).template(hostvars['raw_vars']) if not isinstance(raw_vars, list): raise AnsibleError('The `raw_vars` variable must be defined as a list.') patterns = [re.sub(r'\*', '(.)*', re.sub(r'\.', '\.', var)) for var in raw_vars if var.split('.')[0] in hostvars] keys = set(pattern.split('\.')[0] for pattern in patterns) for key in keys: if key in play.vars: play.vars[key] = self.raw_triage(key, play.vars[key], patterns) elif key in hostvars: host.vars[key] = self.raw_triage(key, hostvars[key], patterns)
Example #28
Source File: From with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def fail_json(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AnsibleError(kwargs['msg'])
Example #29
Source File: From ansible-modules-bitwarden with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, path): self._cli_path = path try: check_output(self._cli_path) except OSError: raise AnsibleError("Command not found: {0}".format(self._cli_path))
Example #30
Source File: From dellemcpmax_ansible with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def WWN_filter(self, a_variable): """ Returns WWN uppercase with colons like 11:22:33:44:55:66:AA:BB :param a_variable: (str) variable to transform :return: (str) transformed string """ try: return WWN(a_variable).wwn.upper() except WWNError as error: raise AnsibleError(f'Malformed WWN {error}')