Python types.TypeType() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of types.TypeType().
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Example #1
Source File: From CASC with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_gui(): proc, bits = get_architecture() mapping = {'intel' : IntelMask} if proc in mapping: gui = mapping[proc] if type(gui) != types.TypeType: # For future use if mapping includes more of a breakdown return CASCMask(bits) return gui(bits) return CASCMask(bits) # Create ClamAV icon
Example #2
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def newExperiment(self, experiment): """ Generate a new site information object """ # get all classes experimentClasses = [j for (i,j) in globals().iteritems() if isinstance(j, TypeType) and issubclass(j, Experiment)] # loop over all subclasses for experimentClass in experimentClasses: si = experimentClass() # return the matching experiment class if si.getExperiment() == experiment: return experimentClass # if no class was found, raise an error raise ValueError('ExperimentFactory: No such class: "%s"' % (experiment))
Example #3
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def newSiteInformation(self, experiment): """ Generate a new site information object """ # get all classes siteInformationClasses = [j for (i,j) in globals().iteritems() if isinstance(j, TypeType) and issubclass(j, SiteInformation)] # loop over all subclasses for siteInformationClass in siteInformationClasses: si = siteInformationClass() # return the matching experiment class if si.getExperiment() == experiment: return siteInformationClass # if no class was found, raise an error raise ValueError('SiteInformationFactory: No such class: "%s"' % (experiment))
Example #4
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def newRunJob(self, _type="generic"): """ Generate a new site information object """ # get all classes runJobClasses = [j for (i,j) in globals().iteritems() if isinstance(j, TypeType) and issubclass(j, RunJob)] # loop over all subclasses for runJobClass in runJobClasses: si = runJobClass() # return the matching RunJob class if si.getRunJob() == _type: return runJobClass # if no class was found, raise an error raise ValueError('RunJobFactory: No such class: "%s"' % (_type))
Example #5
Source File: From pilot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def newEventService(self, experiment): """ Generate a new site information object """ # get all classes eventServiceClasses = [j for (i,j) in globals().iteritems() if isinstance(j, TypeType) and issubclass(j, EventService)] print eventServiceClasses # loop over all subclasses if experiment == "Nordugrid-ATLAS": experiment = "ATLAS" for eventServiceClass in eventServiceClasses: si = eventServiceClass() # return the matching eventService class if si.getEventService() == experiment: return eventServiceClass # if no class was found, raise an error raise ValueError('EventServiceFactory: No such class: "%s"' % (eventServiceClass))
Example #6
Source File: From biskit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def isType( o, t ): """ Test for correct type or correct class:: isType( o, type_or_class ) -> 1|0 @param o: object to test @type o: any @param t: type OR class @type t: any @return: result of test @rtype: 1|0 """ tt = type(o) if tt == types.TypeType: return type( o ) == t if tt == types.ClassType: return isinstance( o, t ) raise Exception, 'unsupported argument type: %s.' % str(tt) ## to be transferred into
Example #7
Source File: From airbrake-python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def is_exc_info_tuple(exc_info): """Determine whether 'exc_info' is an exc_info tuple. Note: exc_info tuple means a tuple of exception related values as returned by sys.exc_info(). """ try: errtype, value, tback = exc_info if all([x is None for x in exc_info]): return True elif all((isinstance(errtype, TypeType), isinstance(value, Exception), hasattr(tback, 'tb_frame'), hasattr(tback, 'tb_lineno'), hasattr(tback, 'tb_next'))): return True except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return False
Example #8
Source File: From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def removeComponent(self, component): """ Remove the given component from me entirely, for all interfaces for which it has been registered. @return: a list of the interfaces that were removed. """ if (isinstance(component, types.ClassType) or isinstance(component, types.TypeType)): warnings.warn("passing interface to removeComponent, you probably want unsetComponent", DeprecationWarning, 1) self.unsetComponent(component) return [component] l = [] for k, v in self._adapterCache.items(): if v is component: del self._adapterCache[k] l.append(reflect.namedObject(k)) return l
Example #9
Source File: From ida-minsc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def constructor(cls, callable): '''Return a closure that constructs the original `callable` type from a function.''' # `callable` is a function type, so just return a closure that returns it if isinstance(callable, types.FunctionType): return lambda func: func # if it's a method type, then we just need to extract the related properties to construct it elif isinstance(callable, types.MethodType): return lambda method, self=callable.im_self, cls=callable.im_class: types.MethodType(method, self, cls) # if it's a property decorator, we just need to pass the function as an argument to the decorator elif isinstance(callable, (staticmethod, classmethod)): return lambda method, mt=callable.__class__: mt(method) # if it's a method instance, then we just need to instantiate it so that it's bound elif isinstance(callable, types.InstanceType): return lambda method, mt=callable.__class__: types.InstanceType(mt, dict(method.__dict__)) # otherwise if it's a class or a type, then we just need to create the object with its bases elif isinstance(n, (types.TypeType, types.ClassType)): return lambda method, t=callable.__class__, name=callable.__name__, bases=callable.__bases__: t(name, bases, dict(method.__dict__)) # if we get here, then we have no idea what kind of type `callable` is raise internal.exceptions.InvalidTypeOrValueError(callable.__class__) ### function decorator for translating arguments belonging to a function
Example #10
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _python_type(t): """returns the type corresponding to a certain Python type""" if not isinstance(t, _types.TypeType): t = type(t) return allTypes[_python_types.get(t, 'object_')]
Example #11
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #12
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _unjelly_class(self, rest): clist = rest[0].split('.') modName = '.'.join(clist[:-1]) if not self.taster.isModuleAllowed(modName): raise InsecureJelly("module %s not allowed" % modName) klaus = namedObject(rest[0]) objType = type(klaus) if objType not in (types.ClassType, types.TypeType): raise InsecureJelly( "class %r unjellied to something that isn't a class: %r" % ( rest[0], klaus)) if not self.taster.isClassAllowed(klaus): raise InsecureJelly("class not allowed: %s" % qual(klaus)) return klaus
Example #13
Source File: From medicare-demo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #14
Source File: From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _python_type(t): """returns the type corresponding to a certain Python type""" if not isinstance(t, _types.TypeType): t = type(t) return allTypes[_python_types.get(t, 'object_')]
Example #15
Source File: From ida-minsc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def prototype(cls, func, parameters={}): '''Generate a prototype for an instance of a function.''' args, defaults, (star, starstar) = cls.ex_args(func) argsiter = ("{:s}={:s}".format(n, parameters[n].__name__ if isinstance(parameters[n], types.TypeType) or parameters[n] in {callable} else '|'.join(t.__name__ for t in parameters[n]) if hasattr(parameters[n], '__iter__') else "{!r}".format(parameters[n])) if parameters.has_key(n) else n for n in args) res = (argsiter, ("*{:s}".format(star),) if star else (), ("**{:s}".format(starstar),) if starstar else ()) return "{:s}({:s})".format(func.func_name, ', '.join(itertools.chain(*res)))
Example #16
Source File: From ida-minsc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def reconstructor(cls, n): '''Return a closure that returns the original callable type for a function.''' if isinstance(n, types.FunctionType): return lambda f: f if isinstance(n, types.MethodType): return lambda f: types.MethodType(f, n.im_self, n.im_class) if isinstance(n, (staticmethod, classmethod)): return lambda f: type(n)(f) if isinstance(n, types.InstanceType): return lambda f: types.InstanceType(type(n), dict(f.__dict__)) if isinstance(n, (types.TypeType, types.ClassType)): return lambda f: type(n)(n.__name__, n.__bases__, dict(f.__dict__)) raise internal.exceptions.InvalidTypeOrValueError(type(n))
Example #17
Source File: From CASC with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_parser(): proc, bits = get_architecture() mapping = {'intel' : IntelParser} if proc in mapping: parser = mapping[proc] if type(parser) != types.TypeType: # For future use if mapping includes more of a breakdown return CASCParser(bits) return parser(bits) return CASCParser(bits)
Example #18
Source File: From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #19
Source File: From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #20
Source File: From RevitBatchProcessor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #21
Source File: From pywbem with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def get_modinfos_from_sym_dict(sym_dict, abs_modname, mod_file): if not isinstance(sym_dict, dict): raise TypeError("sym_dict parameter must be a dict object.") all_symbols = sym_dict.keys() exp_symbols = sym_dict.get('__all__', all_symbols) unexpected_symbols = set(exp_symbols) - set(all_symbols) assert len(unexpected_symbols) == 0, "module %s has unexpected exported symbols: %r" % sorted(unexpected_symbols) modinfos = {} mi = {} mi['name'] = abs_modname mi['file'] = mod_file syminfos = {} for sym in all_symbols: si = {} si['name'] = sym sym_obj = sym_dict[sym] if isinstance(sym_obj, types.ClassType): tn = 'old-style class' elif not hasattr(sym_obj, '__module__'): # e.g. tuple tn = type(sym_obj).__name__ elif sym_obj.__module__ == '__builtin__': tn = type(sym_obj).__name__ elif isinstance(sym_obj, types.TypeType): tn = 'new-style class' else: tn = type(sym_obj).__name__ si['typename'] = tn si['modname'] = getattr(sym_obj, '__module__', None) si['exported'] = bool(sym in exp_symbols) syminfos[sym] = si mi['syminfos'] = syminfos modinfos[abs_modname] = mi return modinfos
Example #22
Source File: From canvas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _build_query(self, cls, filters, limit, order_by): import types if len(filters) > 4: raise Exception('Too many filters, max is 4') parts = [] properties = for filter, value in filters: name, op = filter.strip().split() found = False for property in properties: if == name: found = True if types.TypeType(value) == types.ListType: filter_parts = [] for val in value: val = self.encode_value(property, val) filter_parts.append("'%s' %s '%s'" % (name, op, val)) parts.append("[%s]" % " OR ".join(filter_parts)) else: value = self.encode_value(property, value) parts.append("['%s' %s '%s']" % (name, op, value)) if not found: raise Exception('%s is not a valid field' % name) if order_by: if order_by.startswith("-"): key = order_by[1:] type = "desc" else: key = order_by type = "asc" parts.append("['%s' starts-with ''] sort '%s' %s" % (key, key, type)) return ' intersection '.join(parts)
Example #23
Source File: From PokemonGo-DesktopMap with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #24
Source File: From unity-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #25
Source File: From canape with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #26
Source File: From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #27
Source File: From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)
Example #28
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _python_type(t): """returns the type corresponding to a certain Python type""" if not isinstance(t, _types.TypeType): t = type(t) return allTypes[_python_types.get(t, 'object_')]
Example #29
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _python_type(t): """returns the type corresponding to a certain Python type""" if not isinstance(t, _types.TypeType): t = type(t) return allTypes[_python_types.get(t, 'object_')]
Example #30
Source File: From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_type(self): if self.type is None: if self.action in self.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS: if self.choices is not None: # The "choices" attribute implies "choice" type. self.type = "choice" else: # No type given? "string" is the most sensible default. self.type = "string" else: # Allow type objects or builtin type conversion functions # (int, str, etc.) as an alternative to their names. (The # complicated check of __builtin__ is only necessary for # Python 2.1 and earlier, and is short-circuited by the # first check on modern Pythons.) import __builtin__ if ( type(self.type) is types.TypeType or (hasattr(self.type, "__name__") and getattr(__builtin__, self.type.__name__, None) is self.type) ): self.type = self.type.__name__ if self.type == "str": self.type = "string" if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise OptionError("invalid option type: %r" % self.type, self) if self.action not in self.TYPED_ACTIONS: raise OptionError( "must not supply a type for action %r" % self.action, self)