Python pulp.value() Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From scikit-criteria with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def solve(self): super(_LP, self).solve() objective = pulp.value(self.objective) variables, values = [], [] for v in self.variables(): variables.append( values.append(v.varValue) status = pulp.LpStatus[self.status] self.assignVarsVals(dict.fromkeys(variables, None)) return Result(status_code=self.status, status=status, objective=objective, variables=variables, values=values) # ============================================================================= # CONCRETE CLASS # =============================================================================
Example #2
Source File: From acl2017-interactive_summarizer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __apply_initial_weights_override__(self, weights_override={}, clear_before_override=None): """ :param clear_before_override: bool: if True, all weights are set to a default value, no matter what. :param weights_override: """ if (weights_override): if clear_before_override is not None: print("Clearing summarizer weights") for k, v in self.summarizer.weights.iteritems(): self.summarizer.weights[k] = float(clear_before_override) print("Overriding weights") for k, v in weights_override.iteritems(): if self.summarizer.weights.has_key(k): print("Overriding summarizer weight for '%s' with '%s' (was '%s')" % ( k, v, self.summarizer.weights[k])) self.summarizer.weights[k] = v
Example #3
Source File: From PyShortTextCategorization with MIT License | 6 votes |
def word_mover_distance(first_sent_tokens, second_sent_tokens, wvmodel, distancefunc=euclidean, lpFile=None): """ Compute the Word Mover's distance (WMD) between the two given lists of tokens. Using methods of linear programming, supported by PuLP, calculate the WMD between two lists of words. A word-embedding model has to be provided. WMD is returned. Reference: Matt J. Kusner, Yu Sun, Nicholas I. Kolkin, Kilian Q. Weinberger, "From Word Embeddings to Document Distances," *ICML* (2015). :param first_sent_tokens: first list of tokens. :param second_sent_tokens: second list of tokens. :param wvmodel: word-embedding models. :param distancefunc: distance function that takes two numpy ndarray. :param lpFile: log file to write out. :return: Word Mover's distance (WMD) :type first_sent_tokens: list :type second_sent_tokens: list :type wvmodel: gensim.models.keyedvectors.KeyedVectors :type distancefunc: function :type lpFile: str :rtype: float """ prob = word_mover_distance_probspec(first_sent_tokens, second_sent_tokens, wvmodel, distancefunc=distancefunc, lpFile=lpFile) return pulp.value(prob.objective)
Example #4
Source File: From DeepConcolic with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def find_constrained_input(self, problem: pulp.LpProblem, metric: PulpLinearMetric, x: np.ndarray, name_prefix = 'x_0_0'): d_var = LpVariable(metric.dist_var_name, lowBound = metric.draw_lower_bound (), upBound = metric.upper_bound) problem += d_var in_vars = self.input_layer_encoder.pulp_in_vars () assert (in_vars.shape == x.shape) metric.pulp_constrain (problem, d_var, in_vars, x, name_prefix) tp1 ('LP solving: {} constraints'.format(len(problem.constraints))) problem.solve (self.solver) tp1 ('Solved!') if LpStatus[problem.status] != 'Optimal': return None res = np.zeros(in_vars.shape) for idx, var in np.ndenumerate (in_vars): res[idx] = pulp.value (var) return pulp.value(problem.objective), res # ---
Example #5
Source File: From pyDEA with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _process_duals(self, dmu_code, categories, func): ''' Helper function that adds duals to solution using given method func. Helps to avoid code duplication. Args: dmu_code (str): DMU code under consideration. categories (list of str): list of either input or output categories. func (function): a function that accepts DMU code, category and dual variable value and adds it to solution. ''' for category in categories: constraint_name = self._constraints[category] dual = self._concrete_model.process_dual_value( self.lp_model.constraints[constraint_name].pi) func(dmu_code, category, dual)
Example #6
Source File: From pyDEA with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _get_efficiency_score(self, lambda_variable): ''' Returns efficiency score based on a given lambda variable. Args: lambda_variable (double): value of the lambda variable. Returns: double: efficiency spyDEA.core. ''' eff_score = self._concrete_model.process_obj_var(pulp.value( self.lp_model.objective)) # None is possible when objective function is zero if eff_score is None: eff_score = 0 if is_efficient(eff_score, lambda_variable): eff_score = 1 return eff_score
Example #7
Source File: From RevPy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_allocations(x, product_names, out_shape): """Return allocations after solving of LP and reshape them.""" allocations = [x[it].value() for it in product_names] return np.array(allocations).reshape(out_shape)
Example #8
Source File: From acl2017-interactive_summarizer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_details(self, iteration, summary_length, oracle_type): """ Get details about an ilp iteration. It does actually recalc the weights, solve the ilp, extract the relevant information, and resets the weights to the previous value. :param iteration: :param summary_length: :param oracle_type: :return: """ print("flight rec: (T: %s = A: %s + R: %s ), (L: %s = A: %s + R: %s)" % (len(self.flight_recorder.union().accept | self.flight_recorder.union().reject), len(self.flight_recorder.union().accept), len(self.flight_recorder.union().reject), len(self.flight_recorder.latest().accept | self.flight_recorder.latest().reject), len(self.flight_recorder.latest().accept), len(self.flight_recorder.latest().reject))) # solve the ilp model value, subset = self.summarizer.solve_ilp_problem(summary_size=int(summary_length), units="WORDS") summary = [self.summarizer.sentences[j].untokenized_form for j in subset] summary_text = '\n'.join(summary) score = self.rouge(summary_text, self.models, self.summary_length) accepted = self.flight_recorder.latest().accept rejected = self.flight_recorder.latest().reject row = [str(iteration), score[0], score[1], score[2], len(accepted), len(rejected), summary_text] #self.summarizer.weights = old_weights print(row[:-1]) # print(summary_text.encode('utf-8')) self.info_data.append(row) return summary, score, subset
Example #9
Source File: From acl2017-interactive_summarizer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, language, rouge, embeddings={}, fvector=[], ngrams_size=2, top_n=100, dump_base_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="simufee-")): ''' Initialize the docs and models structure ''' self.Oracle = Oracle() # oracle self.SumeWrap = SumeWrap(language) # only used to load the sentences and push them into self.summarizer self.summarizer = sume.ConceptBasedILPSummarizer(" ", language) self.N = ngrams_size # how many words an should the ngrams consist of self.top_n = top_n # currently unused self.ref_ngrams = set() # set of ngrams that are in the reference summaries (for the feedback to peek) self.ref_phrases = set() # set of phrases that are in the reference summaries (for the feedback to peek) self.flight_recorder = FlightRecorder() # The flight-recorder stores all interactions wrt to concepts (eg. accepted, and rejected) self.info_data = [] # stats for the pipeline. The only thing that leaves this class self.initial_weights = {} # oracle reweighting self.language = language # document language. relevant for stemmer, embeddings, stopwords, parsing #self.stemmer = SnowballStemmer(self.language) if self.language == "english": self.stemmer = SnowballStemmer(self.language) #elf.stemmer = WordNetLemmatizer() else: self.stemmer = SnowballStemmer(self.language) self.stoplist = set(stopwords.words(self.language)) self.rouge = rouge self.cluster_size = 0.0 self.embeddings = embeddings # word2vec embeddings self.fvector = fvector # List of support vectors for active learning SVM self.pos_hash = {} # active learning // SVM self.concept_vec_idx = {} # active learning // SVM self.index_vec_concept = {} # active learning // SVM ### previously uninitialized fields... = None # np.array(self.fvector) # active learning // SVM TODO rename to somehting that contains svm... self.labels = None # active learning // SVM self.MAX_WEIGHT = None # int with # of documents (i.e. largest possible DF value) self.models = None # reference summaries, only needed for rouge score (as they are converted merged into one large summary) self.parse_type = None # None or "parse" self.prev_score = None # rouge scores of previous iteration. self.score = None # rouge scores of current iteration. self.summary_length = None # target summary length. self.ub_score = None # rouge scores of upper bound self.uncertainity = {} # active learning // SVM # graph based propagation settings self.graph = PageRankFeedbackGraph(self.stemmer, self.language) # self.graph = SimpleNgramFeedbackGraph(self.stemmer, self.language, N=5) self.debug_dump_target_dir = dump_base_dir self.allowed_number_of_feedback_per_iteration=5
Example #10
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _solve_balancing_ilp_pulp(A): import pulp x = [pulp.LpVariable('x%d' % i, lowBound=1, cat='Integer') for i in range(A.shape[1])] prob = pulp.LpProblem("chempy balancing problem", pulp.LpMinimize) prob += reduce(add, x) for expr in [pulp.lpSum([x[i]*e for i, e in enumerate(row)]) for row in A.tolist()]: prob += expr == 0 prob.solve() return [pulp.value(_) for _ in x]
Example #11
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def composition_violation(self, substances, composition_keys=None): """ Net amount of constituent produced If composition keys correspond to conserved entities e.g. atoms in chemical reactions, this function should return a list of zeros. Parameters ---------- substances : dict composition_keys : iterable of str, ``None`` or ``True`` When ``None`` or True: composition keys are taken from substances. When ``True`` the keys are also return as an extra return value Returns ------- - If ``composition_keys == True``: a tuple: (violations, composition_keys) - Otherwise: violations (list of coefficients) """ keys, values = zip(*substances.items()) ret_comp_keys = composition_keys is True if composition_keys in (None, True): composition_keys = Substance.composition_keys(values) net = [0]*len(composition_keys) for substance, coeff in zip(values, self.net_stoich(keys)): for idx, key in enumerate(composition_keys): net[idx] += substance.composition.get(key, 0) * coeff if ret_comp_keys: return net, composition_keys else: return net
Example #12
Source File: From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def mass(self, value):['mass'] = value
Example #13
Source File: From RevPy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def solve_lp(prob): """Solve LP, return min/max.""" optimization_result = prob.solve() assert optimization_result == pulp.LpStatusOptimal optimal_value = pulp.value(prob.objective) return optimal_value
Example #14
Source File: From sixcells with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def solve_simple(scene): for cur in itertools.chain(scene.all_cells, scene.all_columns): if isinstance(cur, Cell) and cur.display is Cell.unknown: continue if cur.value is not None and any(x.display is Cell.unknown for x in cur.members): # Fill up remaining fulls if cur.value == sum(1 for x in cur.members if x.display is not Cell.empty): for x in cur.members: if x.display is Cell.unknown: yield x, Cell.full # Fill up remaining empties if len(cur.members)-cur.value == sum(1 for x in cur.members if x.display is not Cell.full): for x in cur.members: if x.display is Cell.unknown: yield x, Cell.empty
Example #15
Source File: From GiMPy with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
def solve(g): el = g.get_edge_list() nl = g.get_node_list() p = LpProblem('min_cost', LpMinimize) capacity = {} cost = {} demand = {} x = {} for e in el: capacity[e] = g.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'capacity') cost[e] = g.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'cost') for i in nl: demand[i] = g.get_node_attr(i, 'demand') for e in el: x[e] = LpVariable("x"+str(e), 0, capacity[e]) # add obj objective = lpSum (cost[e]*x[e] for e in el) p += objective # add constraints for i in nl: out_neig = g.get_out_neighbors(i) in_neig = g.get_in_neighbors(i) p += lpSum(x[(i,j)] for j in out_neig) -\ lpSum(x[(j,i)] for j in in_neig)==demand[i] p.solve() return x, value(objective)
Example #16
Source File: From pyDEA with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _fill_solution(self, dmu_code, model_solution): ''' Fills given solution with data calculated for one DMU. Args: dmu_code (str): DMU code for which the LP was solved. model_solution (Solution): object where solution for one DMU will be written. ''' model_solution.orientation = self._concrete_model.get_orientation() model_solution.add_lp_status(dmu_code, self.lp_model.status) if self.lp_model.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal: lambda_variables = dict() for dmu in self.input_data.DMU_codes: var = self._variables.get(dmu, None) if (var is not None and var.varValue is not None and abs(var.varValue) > ZERO_TOLERANCE): lambda_variables[dmu] = var.varValue if self._should_add_efficiency: model_solution.add_efficiency_score( dmu_code, self._concrete_model.process_obj_var (pulp.value(self.lp_model.objective))) model_solution.add_lambda_variables(dmu_code, lambda_variables) self._process_duals(dmu_code, self.input_data.input_categories, model_solution.add_input_dual) self._process_duals(dmu_code, self.input_data.output_categories, model_solution.add_output_dual)
Example #17
Source File: From qmpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def compute_stabilities(self, phases=None, save=False, reevaluate=True): """ Calculate the stability for every Phase. Keyword Arguments: phases: List of Phases. If None, uses every Phase in PhaseSpace.phases save: If True, save the value for stability to the database. new_only: If True, only compute the stability for Phases which did not import a stability from the OQMD. False by default. """ from qmpy.analysis.vasp.calculation import Calculation if phases is None: phases = self.phases if reevaluate: for p in self.phases: p.stability = None for p in phases: if p.stability is None: if p in self.phase_dict.values(): self.compute_stability(p) else: p2 = self.phase_dict[] if p2.stability is None: self.compute_stability(p2) base = max(0, p2.stability) diff = - p.stability = base + diff if save: qs = qmpy.FormationEnergy.objects.filter( qs.update(stability=p.stability)
Example #18
Source File: From qmpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_minima(self, phases, bounds): """ Given a set of Phases, get_minima will determine the minimum free energy elemental composition as a weighted sum of these compounds """ prob = pulp.LpProblem('GibbsEnergyMin', pulp.LpMinimize) pvars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('phase', phases, 0) bvars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('bound', bounds, 0.0, 1.0) prob += pulp.lpSum( self.phase_energy(p)*pvars[p] for p in phases ) - \ pulp.lpSum( self.phase_energy(bound)*bvars[bound] for bound in bounds ), \ "Free Energy" for elt in self.bound_space: prob += sum([ p.unit_comp.get(elt,0)*pvars[p] for p in phases ])\ == \ sum([ b.unit_comp.get(elt, 0)*bvars[b] for b in bounds ]),\ 'Contraint to the proper range of'+elt prob += sum([ bvars[b] for b in bounds ]) == 1, \ 'sum of bounds must be 1' if pulp.GUROBI().available(): prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=False)) elif pulp.COIN_CMD().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COIN_CMD()) elif pulp.COINMP_DLL().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COINMP_DLL()) else: prob.solve() E = pulp.value(prob.objective) xsoln = defaultdict(float, [(p, pvars[p].varValue) for p in phases if abs(pvars[p].varValue) > 1e-4]) return xsoln, E
Example #19
Source File: From optimization-tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _create_main_constraints(self): # Depending on what you need, you may want to consider creating any of # the expressions (constraints or objective terms) as an attribute of # the OptimizationModel class (e.g. self.inv_balance_constraints). # That way if, for example, at the end of the optimization you need to check # the slack variables of certain constraints, you know they already exists in your model # ================== Inventory balance constraints ================== self.inv_balance_constraints = { period: add_constr(self.model, pulp.LpConstraint( e=self.inventory_variables[period - 1] + self.production_variables[period] - self.inventory_variables[period], sense=pulp.LpConstraintEQ, name='inv_balance' + str(period), rhs=value.demand)) for period, value in self.input_data.iloc[1:].iterrows()} # inv balance for first period self.first_period_inv_balance_constraints = add_constr(self.model, pulp.LpConstraint( e=self.production_variables[0] - self.inventory_variables[0], sense=pulp.LpConstraintEQ, name='inv_balance0', rhs=self.input_data.iloc[0].demand - self.input_params['initial_inventory'])) # ================== Production capacity constraints ================== self.production_capacity_constraints = { index: add_constr(self.model, pulp.LpConstraint( e=value, sense=pulp.LpConstraintLE, name='prod_cap_month_' + str(index), rhs=self.input_data.iloc[index].production_capacity)) for index, value in self.production_variables.items()} # ================== Costs and objective function ==================
Example #20
Source File: From qmpy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_reaction(self, var, facet=None): """ For a given composition, what is the maximum delta_composition reaction on the given facet. If None, returns the whole reaction for the given PhaseSpace. Examples:: >>> space = PhaseSpace('Fe2O3-Li2O') >>> equilibria = space.hull[0] >>> space.get_reaction('Li2O', facet=equilibria) """ if isinstance(var, basestring): var = parse_comp(var) if facet: phases = facet else: phases = self.stable prob = pulp.LpProblem('BalanceReaction', pulp.LpMaximize) pvars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('prod', phases, 0) rvars = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('react', phases, 0) prob += sum([ p.fraction(var)['var']*pvars[p] for p in phases ])-\ sum([ p.fraction(var)['var']*rvars[p] for p in phases ]),\ "Maximize delta comp" for celt in prob += sum([ p.fraction(var)[celt]*pvars[p] for p in phases ]) ==\ sum([ p.fraction(var)[celt]*rvars[p] for p in phases ]),\ 'identical %s composition on both sides' % celt prob += sum([ rvars[p] for p in phases ]) == 1 if pulp.GUROBI().available(): prob.solve(pulp.GUROBI(msg=False)) elif pulp.COIN_CMD().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COIN_CMD()) elif pulp.COINMP_DLL().available(): prob.solve(pulp.COINMP_DLL()) else: prob.solve() prods = defaultdict(float,[ (c, pvars[c].varValue) for c in phases if pvars[c].varValue > 1e-4 ]) reacts = defaultdict(float,[ (c, rvars[c].varValue) for c in phases if rvars[c].varValue > 1e-4 ]) n_elt = pulp.value(prob.objective) return reacts, prods, n_elt
Example #21
Source File: From acl2017-interactive_summarizer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def prune_concepts(self, method="threshold", value=3, rejected_list=[]): """Prune the concepts for efficient summarization. Args: method (str): the method for pruning concepts that can be whether by using a minimal value for concept scores (threshold) or using the top-N highest scoring concepts (top-n), defaults to threshold. value (int): the value used for pruning concepts, defaults to 3. """ if method == 'stopwords': concepts = self.weights.keys() for concept in concepts: pruned_list = prune_ngrams(concept, self.stoplist, 1) if not pruned_list: #print concept, self.weights[concept] del self.weights[concept] if method == "list": concepts = self.weights.keys() for concept in concepts: if concept in rejected_list: #print concept, self.weights[concept] del self.weights[concept] # 'threshold' pruning method if method == "threshold": # iterates over the concept weights concepts = self.weights.keys() for concept in concepts: if self.weights[concept] < value: del self.weights[concept] # 'top-n' pruning method elif method == "top-n": # sort concepts by scores sorted_concepts = sorted(self.weights, key=lambda x: self.weights[x], reverse=True) # iterates over the concept weights concepts = self.weights.keys() for concept in concepts: if concept not in sorted_concepts[:value]: del self.weights[concept] # iterates over the sentences for i in range(len(self.sentences)): # current sentence concepts concepts = self.sentences[i].concepts # prune concepts self.sentences[i].concepts = [c for c in concepts if c in self.weights]
Example #22
Source File: From optimization-tutorial with MIT License | 4 votes |
def optimize(self): """ Default solver is 'cbc' unless solver is set to something else. You may need to provide a path for any of the solvers using 'path' argument. """ if model_params['write_lp']:'Writing the lp file!') self.model.writeLP( + '.lp')'Optimization starts!') _solver = pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(keepFiles=model_params['write_log'], fracGap=model_params['mip_gap'], maxSeconds=model_params['time_limit'], msg=model_params['display_log']) if model_params['solver'] == 'gurobi': _solver = pulp.GUROBI(msg=model_params['write_log'], timeLimit=model_params['time_limit'], epgap=model_params['mip_gap']) elif model_params['solver'] == 'cplex': options = [] if model_params['mip_gap']: set_mip_gap = "set mip tolerances mipgap {}".format(model_params['mip_gap']) options.append(set_mip_gap) _solver = pulp.CPLEX_CMD(keepFiles=model_params['write_log'], options=options, timelimit=model_params['time_limit'], msg=model_params['display_log']) elif model_params['solver'] == 'glpk': # Read more about glpk options: options = [] if model_params['mip_gap']: set_mip_gap = "--mipgap {}".format(model_params['mip_gap']) options.append(set_mip_gap) if model_params['time_limit']: set_time_limit = "--tmlim {}".format(model_params['time_limit']) options.append(set_time_limit) _solver = pulp.GLPK_CMD(keepFiles=model_params['write_log'], options=options, msg=model_params['display_log']) self.model.solve(solver=_solver) if self.model.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal:'The solution is optimal and the objective value ' 'is ${:,.2f}'.format(pulp.value(self.model.objective))) # ================== Output ==================