Python geopy.distance.distance() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of geopy.distance.distance().
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Example #1
Source File: From satellite_tracker with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def nearby_now(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Pos, float]]: now = datetime.utcnow() t1 = time() self.last_query_t = t1 lons, lats, alts, errors = self.orbs.get_lonlatalt(now) t2 = time() rough_near = np.logical_and(np.abs(lats - < 3, np.abs(lons - self.loc.long) < 3) valid_satpos = list( zip(self.satnames[~errors][rough_near], lats[rough_near], lons[rough_near], alts[rough_near])) nearby = [(name, Pos(lat=lat, long=lon), alt) for name, lat, lon, alt in valid_satpos if distance.distance(self.loc, (lat, lon)).km < 200] t3 = time() print("loc:{:.2f}s dist: {:.2f}s tot: {:.2f}s, sats: {:02d}".format(t2 - t1, t3 - t2, t3 - t1, len(nearby))) if not self.filtered_errors: print("filtering errors") self.satnames = self.satnames[~errors] self.tles = itertools.compress(self.tles, ~errors) self.create_orbitals() self.filtered_errors = True return nearby
Example #2
Source File: From pydem with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def mk_dx_dy_from_geotif_layer(geotif): """ Extracts the change in x and y coordinates from the geotiff file. Presently only supports WGS-84 files. """ ELLIPSOID_MAP = {'WGS84': 'WGS-84'} ellipsoid = ELLIPSOID_MAP[geotif.grid_coordinates.wkt] d = distance(ellipsoid=ellipsoid) dx = geotif.grid_coordinates.x_axis dy = geotif.grid_coordinates.y_axis dX = np.zeros((dy.shape[0]-1)) for j in xrange(len(dX)): dX[j] = d.measure((dy[j+1], dx[1]), (dy[j+1], dx[0])) * 1000 # km2m dY = np.zeros((dy.shape[0]-1)) for i in xrange(len(dY)): dY[i] = d.measure((dy[i], 0), (dy[i+1], 0)) * 1000 # km2m return dX, dY
Example #3
Source File: From spatial_access with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _approximate_bbox_area(self): """ Calculate the approximate area of the bounding box in square kilometers. Returns: numeric area of the bounding box in km squared. """ lat_min, lon_min, lat_max, lon_max = self.bbox lower_right_point = (lat_min, lon_max) lower_left_point = (lat_min, lon_min) upper_left_point = (lat_max, lon_min) lower_edge = distance.distance(lower_left_point, lower_right_point).km left_edge = distance.distance(lower_left_point, upper_left_point).km area = lower_edge * left_edge if self.logger:'Approx area of bounding box: {:,.2f} sq. km'.format(area)) return area
Example #4
Source File: From property-finder with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_google_maps_fields(self, latlng=None): """ Uses the Google Maps API to set: - geocoded latlng - nearest school name + distance - nearest train station name + distance """ client = Client(key=settings.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_SERVER_KEY) if not latlng: data = client.geocode(self.address) if not data: raise Exception("Unable to resolve the address: '%s'" % address) latlng = data[0]["geometry"]["location"] self.point = GEOSGeometry("POINT(%(lng)s %(lat)s)" % latlng) error = "" for field in ("school", "train_station"): try: place = client.places_nearby(location=latlng, rank_by="distance", type=field)["results"][0] except IndexError: continue except Exception as e: error = e continue setattr(self, "nearest_%s" % field, place["name"]) place_latlng = place["geometry"]["location"] d = distance((latlng["lat"], latlng["lng"]), (place_latlng["lat"], place_latlng["lng"])).km setattr(self, "nearest_%s_distance" % field, round(d, 2)) if error: raise Exception(error)
Example #5
Source File: From satellite_tracker with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def closest_led(self, pos: Pos, alt: float) -> Tuple[Pos, int, float]: level = self._level_from_alt(alt) closest_led_index = None closest_led_distance = (2 * self.eq_radius) ** 2 for i, ledpos in enumerate(self.levels_led_poss[level]): # naive distance calculation, accurate enough for the inter-led distances d = ((ledpos.long - pos.long) * self.longfactor) ** 2 + ( - ** 2 if d < closest_led_distance: closest_led_distance = d closest_led_index = i closest_led_pos = self.levels_led_poss[level][closest_led_index] closest_led_index += level * self.level_ledn return closest_led_pos, closest_led_index, closest_led_distance
Example #6
Source File: From idunn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_latest_measures(self, lat, lon, max_distance, size=50): """ If cache is used, latest measures will be fetched and cached with a larger radius. Arbitrary values are used in that case: max_distance: 10 km lat and lon: rounded to 1 decimal This ensures that all measure points are covered by at least 1 cache key, with a tolerance of 2km. At the equator: distance((0,0),(0.05,0.05)) is 7.9 km """ if not self.use_cache: return self._fetch_latest_measures(lat, lon, max_distance=max_distance, size=size) assert max_distance <= 2000, "Cached recycling data cannot be retrieved for radius > 2km" rounded_lat, rounded_lon = f"{lat:.1f}", f"{lon:.1f}" key = f"recycling_latest_measures_{rounded_lat}_{rounded_lon}" results = RedisWrapper.cache_it(key, self._fetch_latest_measures, expire=self.cache_expire)( rounded_lat, rounded_lon, max_distance=10_000, size=10_000 ) if not results: return [] def get_distance_of_result(r): measure_geoloc = r["_source"]["metadata"]["location"]["geolocation"] return distance((lat, lon), (measure_geoloc["lat"], measure_geoloc["lon"])).meters return list(islice((r for r in results if get_distance_of_result(r) < max_distance), size))
Example #7
Source File: From geoinference with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def can_find_home_match(cur_locs, locations, next_index, n): """ Searches the list of locations to see if some combination of locations starting at next_index can be added to the locations currently in cur_locs that satisfy the constraint that all locations in cur_locs must be at most 15km from each other. If 5 such points are found, return success """ # The next location to test loc2 = locations[next_index] # Check that the next point that could be added (at next_index) would # satisfy the distance requirement with the current location group for loc1 in cur_locs: if get_distance(loc1, loc2) > 15: return False # Push on the next location, to see if we can meet the requirements # while it is a member of the group cur_locs.append(locations[next_index]) # If we have 5 locations that are all within 15km, return success! if len(cur_locs) == 5: return True # Search the remaining locations to see if some combination can satisfy # the requirements when this new location is added to the group for j in range(next_index+1, n): if can_find_home_match(cur_locs, locations, j, n): return True # Remove the last item added since no match could be found when it is a # member of the current location group cur_locs.pop() return False
Example #8
Source File: From geoinference with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_distance(p1, p2): """ Computes the distance between the two latitude-longitude Points using Vincenty's Formula """ return distance.distance(p1, p2).kilometers
Example #9
Source File: From openmoves with MIT License | 5 votes |
def parse_sample_extensions(sample, track_point): if hasattr(track_point, 'extensions'): for extension in track_point.extensions.iterchildren(): if extension.tag == GPX_NAMESPACE_TRACKPOINTEXTENSION_V1 + GPX_EXTENSION_TRACKPOINTEXTENSION: if hasattr(extension, GPX_EXTENSION_TRACKPOINTEXTENSION_HEARTRATE): = float( / 60.0 # BPM for namespace in GPX_NAMESPACES.values(): if extension.tag.startswith(namespace): tag = extension.tag.replace(namespace, '') text = extension.text if tag == GPX_EXTENSION_GPX_V1_TEMP: sample.temperature = float(text) + 273.15 # Kelvin elif tag == GPX_EXTENSION_GPX_V1_DISTANCE: sample.distance = float(text) elif tag == GPX_EXTENSION_GPX_V1_ALTITUDE: sample.gps_altitude = float(text) sample.altitude = int(round(sample.gps_altitude)) elif tag == GPX_EXTENSION_GPX_V1_ENERGY: sample.energy_consumption = float(text) elif tag == GPX_EXTENSION_GPX_V1_SEALEVELPRESSURE: sample.sea_level_pressure = float(text) elif tag == GPX_EXTENSION_GPX_V1_SPEED: sample.speed = float(text) elif tag == GPX_EXTENSION_GPX_V1_VSPEED: sample.vertical_speed = float(text) break
Example #10
Source File: From openmoves with MIT License | 5 votes |
def insert_pause(samples, insert_pause_idx, move, pause_type): if (insert_pause_idx <= 0): return stop_sample = samples[insert_pause_idx - 1] start_sample = samples[insert_pause_idx] pause_duration = start_sample.time - stop_sample.time pause_distance = distance((radian_to_degree(stop_sample.latitude), radian_to_degree(stop_sample.longitude)), (radian_to_degree(start_sample.latitude), radian_to_degree(start_sample.longitude))).meters # Introduce start of pause sample pause_sample = Sample() pause_sample.move = move pause_sample.utc = stop_sample.utc pause_sample.time = stop_sample.time stop_sample.utc -= timedelta(microseconds=1) # Cut off 1ms from last recorded sample in order to introduce the new pause sample and keep time order stop_sample.time -= timedelta(microseconds=1) = {"pause": {"state": "True", "type": str(pause_type), "duration": str(pause_duration), "distance": str(pause_distance), }} samples.insert(insert_pause_idx, pause_sample) # Duplicate last element # Introduce end of pause sample pause_sample = Sample() pause_sample.move = move pause_sample.utc = start_sample.utc pause_sample.time = start_sample.time start_sample.utc += timedelta(microseconds=1) # Add 1ms to the first recorded sample in order to introduce the new pause sample and keep time order start_sample.time += timedelta(microseconds=1) = {"pause": {"state": "False", "duration": "0", "distance": "0", "type": str(pause_type) }} samples.insert(insert_pause_idx + 1, pause_sample)
Example #11
Source File: From selene-backend with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def analyze_location_2(): aux = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(str))) locations_from_db = defaultdict(list) with db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('select ' ', ' ', ' 'c1.latitude, ' 'c1.longitude, ' ', ' ', ' 'c2.iso_code ' 'from c1 ' 'inner join geography.region r on c1.region_id = ' 'inner join c2 on r.country_id =') for c1_id, c1, latitude, longitude, r, c2_name, c2_code in cur: aux[c2_name][r][c1] = c1_id locations_from_db[c2_code].append((c1, latitude, longitude)) for location_uuid, location in locations.items(): coordinate = coordinates[location_uuid] city = cities[location['city']] city_name = city['name'] region = regions[city['region']] region_name = region['name'] country = countries[region['country']] country_code = country['code'] country_name = country['name'] res = aux.get(country_name) if res is not None: res = res.get(region_name) if res is not None: res = res.get(city_name) if res is not None: print('Match: {}'.format(city_name)) continue min_dist = None result_name = None for c1_name, latitude, longitude in locations_from_db[country_code]: point1 = (float(latitude), float(longitude)) point2 = (float(coordinate['latitude']), float(coordinate['longitude'])) dist = distance(point1, point2).km if min_dist is None or dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist result_name = c1_name print('Actual: {}, calculated: {}'.format(city_name, result_name))
Example #12
Source File: From idunn with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _fetch_latest_measures(self, lat, lon, max_distance, size): self.refresh_token() query = { "bool": { "filter": [ {"range": {"hour": {"gte": f"now-{self.measures_max_age_in_hours}h"}}}, { "nested": { "path": "metadata.location", "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "geo_distance": { "distance": f"{max_distance}m", "metadata.location.geolocation": { "lon": lon, "lat": lat, }, } } ] } }, } }, ] } } response = f"{self.base_url}/{self.data_index}/{self.data_collection}/_search", json={ "query": query, # keep the latest document for each measuring point "collapse": {"field": "measuringPointId"}, "sort": {"hour": "desc"}, }, params={"size": size}, timeout=self.request_timeout, ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json().get("result", {}).get("hits", [])
Example #13
Source File: From geoinference with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def get_geometric_median(coordinates): """ Returns the geometric median of the list of locations. """ n = len(coordinates) # The geometric median is only defined for n > 3 points, so just return # an arbitrary point if we have fewer if n == 1: return coordinates[0] elif n == 2: return coordinates[random.randint(0, 1)] min_distance_sum = 10000000 median = None # Point type # Loop through all the points, finding the point that minimizes the # geodetic distance to all other points. By construction median will # always be assigned to some non-None value by the end of the loop. for i in range(0, n): p1 = coordinates[i] dist_sum = 0 for j in range(0, n): # Skip self-comparison if i == j: continue p2 = coordinates[j] dist = get_distance(p1, p2) dist_sum += dist # Abort early if we already know this isn't the median if dist_sum > min_distance_sum: break if dist_sum < min_distance_sum: min_distance_sum = dist_sum median = p1 return median
Example #14
Source File: From openmoves with MIT License | 4 votes |
def calculate_distances(model, samples): total_distance_horizontal = 0.0 total_distance_real = 0.0 total_distance_descent = 0.0 total_distance_ascent = 0.0 total_distance_flat = 0.0 previous_gps_sample = None current_altitude_sample = None previous_altitude_sample = None for sample in samples: if sample.altitude: current_altitude_sample = sample if sample.latitude: if previous_gps_sample: distance_horizontal = distance(_sample_to_point(previous_gps_sample), _sample_to_point(sample)).meters if previous_altitude_sample: if current_altitude_sample != previous_altitude_sample and distance_horizontal > 0: total_distance_horizontal += distance_horizontal hm = current_altitude_sample.altitude - previous_altitude_sample.altitude distance_real = math.sqrt(distance_horizontal ** 2 + hm ** 2) if hm > 0: total_distance_ascent += distance_real elif hm < 0: total_distance_descent += distance_real else: total_distance_flat += distance_real total_distance_real += distance_real previous_gps_sample = sample previous_altitude_sample = current_altitude_sample else: previous_altitude_sample = current_altitude_sample else: previous_gps_sample = sample model['total_distance_horizontal'] = total_distance_horizontal model['total_distance_ascent'] = total_distance_ascent model['total_distance_descent'] = total_distance_descent model['total_distance_flat'] = total_distance_flat model['total_distance_real'] = total_distance_real
Example #15
Source File: From pydem with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_distance(region, src): """ Compute within-region distances from the src pixels. Parameters ---------- region : np.ndarray(shape=(m, n), dtype=bool) mask of the region src : np.ndarray(shape=(m, n), dtype=bool) mask of the source pixels to compute distances from. Returns ------- d : np.ndarray(shape=(m, n), dtype=float) approximate within-region distance from the nearest src pixel; (distances outside of the region are arbitrary). """ dmax = float(region.size) d = np.full(region.shape, dmax) d[src] = 0 for n in range(region.size): d_orth = minimum_filter(d, footprint=_ORTH2) + 1 d_diag = minimum_filter(d, (3, 3)) + _SQRT2 d_adj = np.minimum(d_orth[region], d_diag[region]) d[region] = np.minimum(d_adj, d[region]) if (d[region] < dmax).all(): break return d
Example #16
Source File: From spatial_access with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _parse_network(self): """ Cleans and generates the city network. """ start_time = time.time() edges = self._network_interface.edges if self.configs.use_meters: edges['edge_weight'] = edges['distance'] elif self.network_type == 'walk': edges['edge_weight'] = edges['distance'] / self.configs._get_walk_speed() \ + self.configs.walk_node_penalty elif self.network_type == 'bike': edges['edge_weight'] = edges['distance'] / self.configs._get_bike_speed() \ + self.configs.bike_node_penalty elif self.network_type == 'drive': driving_cost_matrix = self.configs._get_driving_cost_matrix() edges = pd.merge(edges, driving_cost_matrix, how='left', left_on='highway', right_index=True) edges['unit_cost'].fillna(self.configs._get_default_drive_speed(), inplace=True) edges['edge_weight'] = edges['distance'] / edges['unit_cost'] + self.configs.drive_node_penalty if self.network_type == 'walk' or self.network_type == 'bike': edges['is_bidirectional'] = True elif self.network_type == 'drive': edges['is_bidirectional'] = edges['oneway'] != "yes" simple_node_indeces = self._reduce_node_indeces() edges['from_loc'] = edges['from'].map(simple_node_indeces) edges['to_loc'] = edges['to'].map(simple_node_indeces) edges['edge_weight'] = edges['edge_weight'].astype('int16') from_column = list(edges['from_loc']) to_column = list(edges['to_loc']) edge_weight_column = list(edges['edge_weight']) is_bidirectional_column = list(edges['is_bidirectional']) self.matrix_interface.add_edges_to_graph(from_column, to_column, edge_weight_column, is_bidirectional_column) time_delta = time.time() - start_time self.logger.debug("Prepared raw network in {:,.2f} seconds".format(time_delta))