Python geopy.distance.vincenty() Examples
The following are 17
code examples of geopy.distance.vincenty().
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Example #1
Source File: From map_matching with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def calculate_transition_cost(self, source, target): max_route_distance = self.calculate_max_route_distance( source.measurement, target.measurement) try: _, route_distance = road_routing.road_network_route( (source.edge, source.location), (target.edge, target.location), self.get_road_edges, max_path_cost=max_route_distance) except shortest_path.PathNotFound as err: # Not reachable return -1 # Geodesic distance based on WGS 84 spheroid great_circle_distance = vincenty( (, source.measurement.lon), (, target.measurement.lon)).meters delta = abs(route_distance - great_circle_distance) return delta / self.beta
Example #2
Source File: From PGSS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_fort_ids_within_range(session, forts, range, lat, lon): for cache in DBCache.fort_ids_within_range: if cache.range == range and == lat and cache.lon == lon: return cache.ids if forts is None: forts = get_forts(session) ids_with_range = [] for fort in forts: distance = vincenty((, fort.lon), (lat, lon)).meters if distance <= range: ids_with_range.append([distance,]) session.commit() ids_with_range = sorted(ids_with_range, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=False) ids = [obj[1] for obj in ids_with_range] cache_object = DBCacheFortIdsWithinRange(range, lat, lon, ids) DBCache.fort_ids_within_range.append(cache_object) return ids
Example #3
Source File: From kaggle-code with MIT License | 6 votes |
def closest_point(location, location_dict): """ take a tuple of latitude and longitude and compare to a dictonary of locations where key = location name and value = (lat, long) returns tuple of (closest_location , distance) """ closest_location = None for city in location_dict.keys(): distance = vincenty(location, location_dict[city]).kilometers if closest_location is None: closest_location = (city, distance) elif distance < closest_location[1]: closest_location = (city, distance) return closest_location #test = (39.524325, -122.293592) #likely 'Willows' #closest_point(test, city_coords) #run number 2 to determine both the nearest city, and then #also the nearest city with 1million people (subset the original dict)
Example #4
Source File: From populartimes with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_circle_centers(b1, b2, radius): """ the function covers the area within the bounds with circles :param b1: south-west bounds [lat, lng] :param b2: north-east bounds [lat, lng] :param radius: specified radius, adapt for high density areas :return: list of circle centers that cover the area between lower/upper """ sw = Point(b1) ne = Point(b2) # north/east distances dist_lat = vincenty(Point(sw[0], sw[1]), Point(ne[0], sw[1])).meters dist_lng = vincenty(Point(sw[0], sw[1]), Point(sw[0], ne[1])).meters circles = cover_rect_with_cicles(dist_lat, dist_lng, radius) cords = [ VincentyDistance(meters=c[0]) .destination( VincentyDistance(meters=c[1]) .destination(point=sw, bearing=90), bearing=0 )[:2] for c in circles ] return cords
Example #5
Source File: From pokeslack with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_distance(self): position = Pokeconfig.get().position distance = vincenty(position, self.position) if Pokeconfig.get().distance_unit == 'meters': return distance.meters else: return distance.miles
Example #6
Source File: From map_matching with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def calculate_transition_costs(self, source, targets): if not targets: return [] # All measurements in targets should be the same, since they # are grouped by measurement ID target_measurement = targets[0].measurement max_route_distance = self.calculate_max_route_distance( source.measurement, target_measurement) route_results = road_routing.road_network_route_many( (source.edge, source.location), [(tc.edge, tc.location) for tc in targets], self.get_road_edges, max_path_cost=max_route_distance) # Geodesic distance based on WGS 84 spheroid great_circle_distance = vincenty( (, source.measurement.lon), (, target_measurement.lon)).meters costs = [] for target, (path, route_distance) in zip(targets, route_results): if route_distance < 0: # Not reachable costs.append(-1) continue target.path[source] = path delta = abs(route_distance - great_circle_distance) costs.append(math.exp(-delta / self.beta) / self.beta) # They should be equivalent (only for testing): # for cost, target in zip(costs, targets): # single_cost = self.calculate_transition_cost(source, target) # assert abs(cost - single_cost) < 0.0000001 return costs
Example #7
Source File: From map_matching with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def calculate_transition_costs(self, source, targets): if not targets: return [] # All measurements in targets should be the same, since they # are grouped by measurement ID target_measurement = targets[0].measurement max_route_distance = self.calculate_max_route_distance( source.measurement, target_measurement) route_results = road_routing.road_network_route_many( (source.edge, source.location), [(tc.edge, tc.location) for tc in targets], self.get_road_edges, max_path_cost=max_route_distance) # Geodesic distance based on WGS 84 spheroid great_circle_distance = vincenty( (, source.measurement.lon), (, target_measurement.lon)).meters costs = [] for target, (path, route_distance) in zip(targets, route_results): if route_distance < 0: # Not reachable costs.append(-1) continue target.path[source] = path delta = abs(route_distance - great_circle_distance) costs.append(delta / self.beta) # They should be equivalent (only for testing): # for cost, target in zip(costs, targets): # single_cost = self.calculate_transition_cost(source, target) # assert abs(cost - single_cost) < 0.0000001 return costs
Example #8
Source File: From Ocean-Data-Map-Project with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def points_between(start, end, numpoints, constantvalue=False): distance = [] latitude = [] longitude = [] lat0 = start.latitude lon0 = start.longitude lat1 = end.latitude lon1 = end.longitude if constantvalue and np.isclose(lat0, lat1): latitude = np.ones(numpoints) * lat0 longitude = np.linspace(lon0, lon1, num=numpoints) for lon in longitude: distance.append(vincenty(start, geopy.Point(lat0, lon)).km) if lon1 > lon0: b = 90 else: b = -90 elif constantvalue and np.isclose(lon0, lon1): latitude = np.linspace(lat0, lat1, num=numpoints) longitude = np.ones(numpoints) * lon0 for lat in latitude: distance.append(vincenty(start, geopy.Point(lat, lon0)).km) if lat1 > lat0: b = 0 else: b = 180 else: total_distance = vincenty(start, end).km distance = np.linspace(0, total_distance, num=numpoints) b = bearing(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) for d in distance: p = VincentyDistance().destination(start, b, d) latitude.append(p.latitude) longitude.append(p.longitude) return list(map(np.array, [distance, latitude, longitude, b]))
Example #9
Source File: From OSMDeepOD with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_distance_in_meter(self, node): return vincenty(self, node).meters
Example #10
Source File: From populartimes with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_get_circle_centers(): # test if circles fully cover the rect for sw, ne, w, h, r, circles in generate_testcases(): # test with 1000 random points for tst in range(1000): # choose random point within rect p = (random.uniform(0,w), random.uniform(0,h)) # translate to lat/lng pp = VincentyDistance(meters=p[0]).destination( VincentyDistance(meters=p[1]) .destination(point=sw, bearing=90), bearing=0 ) # check if point is contained in any of the calculated circles assert any([vincenty(pp, Point(c[0], c[1])).meters <= r for c in circles])
Example #11
Source File: From well_decline_curve_analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def subset_wells_by_distance(self): # obtain longitude and latitudes from user while len(self.userLocation) != 2: while True: try: self.userLocation = raw_input('\nDefine the center of your radius in Latitude (WGS84), and Longitude (WGS84) (separate by comma): ') self.userLocation = [x.strip() for x in self.userLocation.split(',')] self.userLocation = [float(x) for x in self.userLocation] except ValueError: print 'Please enter numbers' continue else: break # obtain the selection radius from user while True: try: userRadius = float(raw_input('\nDefine the radius within which you will keep all nearby wells (in miles): ')) except ValueError: print 'Please enter numbers' continue else: break # add vicintiy column to data set dist = np.zeros(len(self.wellDF['API/UWI'])) for i,(lat,lon) in enumerate(zip(self.wellDF['Surface Latitude (WGS84)'], self.wellDF['Surface Longitude (WGS84)'])): dist[i] = vincenty([lat, lon], self.userLocation).miles self.wellDF['vicinity'] = dist # keep only wells withing the user selected radius self.wellDF = self.wellDF.loc[self.wellDF['vicinity'] <= userRadius] # notify user of changes to current selection print '%i wells selected' %(len(set(self.wellDF['API/UWI']))) return
Example #12
Source File: From RGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gps_distance_elevation(fname): segment = gpxpy.parse(open(fname + '.gpx', 'r')).tracks[0].segments[0] elevation = [] loc = [] for p in segment.points: elevation.append(p.elevation) lat, lon = p.latitude, p.longitude loc.append((lat, lon)) distance = np.array([0] + [vincenty(loc[i], loc[i-1]).meters for i in range(len(loc)-1)]).cumsum() plt.plot(distance, elevation, label=fname) plt.savefig(fname + '.png') plt.clf() return distance, elevation
Example #13
Source File: From bioinformatics_primer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): """main""" args = get_args() infile = sample_ids = re.split(r'\s*,\s*', args.sample_ids) if args.sample_ids else [] print(sample_ids) if not os.path.isfile(infile): print('"{}" is not a file'.format(infile)) sys.exit(1) records = [] with open(infile) as fh: reader = csv.DictReader(fh, delimiter='\t') for rec in reader: records.append(rec) print('# rec = {}'.format(len(records))) combos = combinations(range(len(records)), 2) for i, j in combos: s1, s2 = records[i], records[j] dist = vincenty((s1['latitude'], s1['longitude']), (s2['latitude'], s2['longitude'])) lat1, long1 = s1['latitude'], s1['longitude'] print('{} -> {} = {}'.format(s1['sample_id'], s2['sample_id'], dist)) print(s1) print(s2) # --------------------------------------------------
Example #14
Source File: From geoinference with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def energy_generated(self): """ The total energy of u_i located at l_i is: G(u_i,l_i) = -1 * sum of sij * g<u_i,u_j> over all friends. """ #building dr, making ten bins based on social similarity distances_by_social_similarity = defaultdict(list) for user in self.users_with_location: location_user = self.mention_network.node_data(user) for neighbor in self.mention_network.neighbor_iter(user): if user == neighbor: continue location_neighbor = self.mention_network.node_data(neighbor) social_similarity_rounded = round(self.sij[user][neighbor],1) #rounded to one significant figure distance = vincenty(location_user,location_neighbor) distances_by_social_similarity[social_similarity_rounded].append(distance) for social_similarity in distances_by_social_similarity: distances = distances_by_social_similarity[social_similarity] self.dr[social_similarity] = sum(distances)/len(distances) for user in self.users_with_location: location_user = self.mention_network.node_data(user) for neighbor in self.mention_network.neighbors_iter(user): if not user in self.users_with_location: continue location_neighbor = self.mention_network.node_data(neighbor) social_similarity = self.sij[user][neighbor] #the exponent term, g<u_i,u_j> = -e^(-|l_i - l_j|/d_r) x = - vincenty(location_user,location_neighbor) / self.dr[round(social_similarity,1)] #summing sij * g<u_i,u_j> over all friends #I've factored out a -1 from np.exp(x) and cancelled it with #the leading -1 in the summation. self.g_ui[user] += social_similarity* np.exp(x)
Example #15
Source File: From geoinference with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def training_build_rc_rg(self): """ TODO """ for user in self.users_with_location: rgs = [] rcs = [] for neighbor in self.mention_network.neighbors(user): if not neighbor in self.users_with_location: continue location = self.mention_network.node_data(neighbor) rg = self.g_ui[neighbor] rc = self.c[neighbor] rgs.append((rg,location)) rcs.append((rc,location)) rgs = sorted(rgs) rcs = sorted(rcs) user_location = self.mention_network.node_data(user) best_distance = float('inf') for neighbor_location in rg: if vincenty(neighbor_location[1],user_location).km < best_distance: self.best_neighbor[user] = neighbor_location[1] for rg in rgs: #storing the ranking index number r_G, and r_C, and the location self.rg_rc[user].append((rgs[1].index(rg[1]) + 1,rcs[1].index(rg[1]) + 1,rgs[1]))
Example #16
Source File: From geoinference with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def reverse_geocode(self, lat, lon): """ Returns the closest city name given a latitude and lonitude. """ cities = self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat,2),round(lon,2))] closest_location = float("inf") best_location = None for city in cities: lat2 = city[0] lon2 = city[1] distance = vincenty((lat,lon),(lat2,lon2)).km if distance < closest_location: closest_location = distance best_location = city[2] #if the direct search fails to find a location within 20km of the requested location, #the lat/lon is assumed to be either not available or a fringe case. In the latter #we check all the surrounding boxes in the reverse geocoder. if closest_location > 20: cities = self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat+0.01,2),round(lon+0.01,2))] \ + self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat+0.01,2),round(lon-0.01,2))] + self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat-0.01,2),round(lon+0.01,2))] \ + self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat-0.01,2),round(lon-0.01,2))] + self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat,2),round(lon+0.01,2))] \ + self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat,2),round(lon-0.01,2))] + self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat+0.01,2),round(lon,2))] \ + self.reverse_geocoder[(round(lat-0.01,2),round(lon,2))] for city in cities: lat2 = city[0] lon2 = city[1] distance = vincenty((lat,lon),(lat2,lon2)).km if distance < closest_location: closest_location = distance best_location = city[2] return best_location
Example #17
Source File: From Ocean-Data-Map-Project with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def path_to_points(points, n=100, times=None): if times is None: times = [0] * len(points) if len(times) != len(points): if isinstance(times[0], datetime.datetime): times = times[0] + np.array([datetime.timedelta(0, d) for d in np.linspace( 0, (times[-1] - times[0]).total_seconds(), num=len(points))]) else: times = np.linspace(times[0], times[-1], num=len(points)) tuples = list(zip(points, points[1:], times, times[1:])) distance_between = [] for pair in tuples: distance_between.append(vincenty(pair[0], pair[1]).km) total_distance = np.sum(distance_between) distance = [] latitude = [] longitude = [] bearings = [] output_time = [] for index, pair in enumerate(tuples): n_pts = int(np.ceil(n * (distance_between[index] / total_distance))) n_pts = np.clip(n_pts, 2, n) p = list(map(geopy.Point, pair[0:2])) p_dist, p_lat, p_lon, b = points_between(p[0], p[1], n_pts) if len(distance) > 0: distance.extend(np.add(p_dist, distance[-1])) else: distance.extend(p_dist) latitude.extend(p_lat) longitude.extend(p_lon) bearings.extend([b] * len(p_dist)) output_time.extend([ pair[2] + i * (pair[3] - pair[2]) / (n_pts - 1) for i in range(0, n_pts) ]) return distance, output_time, latitude, longitude, bearings