Python cvxpy.sum_squares() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of cvxpy.sum_squares().
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Example #1
Source File: From osqp_benchmarks with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _generate_cvxpy_problem(self): ''' Generate QP problem ''' # Construct the problem # minimize 1/2 z.T * z + np.ones(m).T * (r + s) # subject to Ax - b - z = r - s # r >= 0 # s >= 0 # The problem reformulation follows from Eq. (24) of the following paper: # x = cvxpy.Variable(self.n) z = cvxpy.Variable(self.m) r = cvxpy.Variable(self.m) s = cvxpy.Variable(self.m) objective = cvxpy.Minimize(.5 * cvxpy.sum_squares(z) + cvxpy.sum(r + s)) constraints = [self.Ad@x - - z == r - s, r >= 0, s >= 0] problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints) return problem, (x, z, r, s)
Example #2
Source File: From osqp_benchmarks with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _generate_cvxpy_problem(self): ''' Generate QP problem ''' # Construct the problem # minimize 1/2 z.T * z + np.ones(m).T * (r + s) # subject to Ax - b - z = r - s # r >= 0 # s >= 0 # The problem reformulation follows from Eq. (24) of the following paper: # x = cvxpy.Variable(self.n) z = cvxpy.Variable(self.m) r = cvxpy.Variable(self.m) s = cvxpy.Variable(self.m) objective = cvxpy.Minimize(.5 * cvxpy.sum_squares(z) + cvxpy.sum(r + s)) constraints = [self.Ad@x - - z == r - s, r >= 0, s >= 0] problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints) return problem, (x, z, r, s)
Example #3
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_simple_batch_socp(self): set_seed(243) n = 5 m = 1 batch_size = 4 P_sqrt = cp.Parameter((n, n), name='P_sqrt') q = cp.Parameter((n, 1), name='q') A = cp.Parameter((m, n), name='A') b = cp.Parameter((m, 1), name='b') x = cp.Variable((n, 1), name='x') objective = 0.5 * cp.sum_squares(P_sqrt @ x) + q.T @ x constraints = [A@x == b, cp.norm(x) <= 1] prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints) prob_tch = CvxpyLayer(prob, [P_sqrt, q, A, b], [x]) P_sqrt_tch = torch.randn(batch_size, n, n, requires_grad=True) q_tch = torch.randn(batch_size, n, 1, requires_grad=True) A_tch = torch.randn(batch_size, m, n, requires_grad=True) b_tch = torch.randn(batch_size, m, 1, requires_grad=True) torch.autograd.gradcheck(prob_tch, (P_sqrt_tch, q_tch, A_tch, b_tch))
Example #4
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def relu(): # print(f'--- {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} ---') print('relu') npr.seed(0) n = 4 _x = cp.Parameter(n) _y = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(_y - _x)) cons = [_y >= 0] prob = cp.Problem(obj, cons) _x.value = npr.randn(n) prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS) print(_y.value)
Example #5
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_shared_parameter(self): set_seed(243) m, n = 10, 5 A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) x = cp.Variable(n) b1 = np.random.randn(m) b2 = np.random.randn(m) prob1 = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A @ x - b1))) layer1 = CvxpyLayer(prob1, parameters=[A], variables=[x]) prob2 = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A @ x - b2))) layer2 = CvxpyLayer(prob2, parameters=[A], variables=[x]) A_tch = torch.randn(m, n, requires_grad=True) solver_args = { "eps": 1e-10, "acceleration_lookback": 0, "max_iters": 10000 } torch.autograd.gradcheck(lambda A: [layer1(A, solver_args=solver_args)[0], layer2(A, solver_args=solver_args)[0]]), (A_tch,))
Example #6
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def ball_con(): # print(f'--- {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} ---') print('ball con') npr.seed(0) n = 2 A = cp.Parameter((n, n)) z = cp.Parameter(n) p = cp.Parameter(n) x = cp.Variable(n) t = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.sum_squares(x - p)) # TODO automate introduction of variables. cons = [0.5 * cp.sum_squares(A * t) <= 1, t == (x - z)] prob = cp.Problem(obj, cons) L = npr.randn(n, n) A.value = L.T z.value = npr.randn(n) p.value = npr.randn(n) prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS) print(x.value)
Example #7
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_entropy_maximization(self): set_seed(243) n, m, p = 5, 3, 2 tmp = np.random.rand(n) A_np = np.random.randn(m, n) b_np = F_np = np.random.randn(p, n) g_np = + np.random.rand(p) x = cp.Variable(n) A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) b = cp.Parameter(m) F = cp.Parameter((p, n)) g = cp.Parameter(p) obj = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.entr(x)) - .01 * cp.sum_squares(x)) constraints = [A * x == b, F * x <= g] prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints) layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, [A, b, F, g], [x]) A_tch, b_tch, F_tch, g_tch = map( lambda x: torch.from_numpy(x).requires_grad_(True), [ A_np, b_np, F_np, g_np]) torch.autograd.gradcheck( lambda *x: layer(*x, solver_args={"eps": 1e-12, "max_iters": 10000}), (A_tch, b_tch, F_tch, g_tch), eps=1e-4, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
Example #8
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_incorrect_parameter_shape(self): set_seed(243) m, n = 100, 20 A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) b = cp.Parameter(m) x = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.sum_squares(A@x - b) + cp.sum_squares(x) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) prob_th = CvxpyLayer(prob, [A, b], [x]) A_th = torch.randn(32, m, n).double().requires_grad_() b_th = torch.randn(20, m).double().requires_grad_() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): prob_th(A_th, b_th) A_th = torch.randn(32, m, n).double().requires_grad_() b_th = torch.randn(32, 2 * m).double().requires_grad_() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): prob_th(A_th, b_th) A_th = torch.randn(m, n).double().requires_grad_() b_th = torch.randn(2 * m).double().requires_grad_() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): prob_th(A_th, b_th) A_th = torch.randn(32, m, n).double().requires_grad_() b_th = torch.randn(32, 32, m).double().requires_grad_() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): prob_th(A_th, b_th)
Example #9
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_not_enough_parameters_at_call_time(self): x = cp.Variable(1) lam = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True) lam2 = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True) objective = lam * cp.norm(x, 1) + lam2 * cp.sum_squares(x) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective)) layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, [lam, lam2], [x]) with self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, 'A tensor must be provided for each CVXPY parameter.*'): layer(lam)
Example #10
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_sdp(self): tf.random.set_seed(5) n = 3 p = 3 C = cp.Parameter((n, n)) A = [cp.Parameter((n, n)) for _ in range(p)] b = [cp.Parameter((1, 1)) for _ in range(p)] C_tf = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal((n, n), dtype=tf.float64)) A_tf = [tf.Variable(tf.random.normal((n, n), dtype=tf.float64)) for _ in range(p)] b_tf = [tf.Variable(tf.random.normal((1, 1), dtype=tf.float64)) for _ in range(p)] X = cp.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True) constraints = [X >> 0] constraints += [ cp.trace(A[i]@X) == b[i] for i in range(p) ] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize( cp.trace(C @ X) - cp.log_det(X) + cp.sum_squares(X)), constraints) layer = CvxpyLayer(problem, [C] + A + b, [X]) values = [C_tf] + A_tf + b_tf with tf.GradientTape() as tape: soln = layer(*values, solver_args={'eps': 1e-10, 'max_iters': 10000})[0] summed = tf.math.reduce_sum(soln) grads = tape.gradient(summed, values) def f(): problem.solve(cp.SCS, eps=1e-10, max_iters=10000) return np.sum(X.value) numgrads = numerical_grad(f, [C] + A + b, values, delta=1e-4) for g, ng in zip(grads, numgrads): np.testing.assert_allclose(g, ng, atol=1e-1)
Example #11
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_least_squares(self): set_seed(243) m, n = 100, 20 A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) b = cp.Parameter(m) x = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.sum_squares(A@x - b) + cp.sum_squares(x) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) prob_th = CvxpyLayer(prob, [A, b], [x]) A_th = torch.randn(m, n).double().requires_grad_() b_th = torch.randn(m).double().requires_grad_() x = prob_th(A_th, b_th, solver_args={"eps": 1e-10})[0] def lstsq( A, b): return torch.solve( (A_th.t() @ b_th).unsqueeze(1), A_th.t() @ A_th + torch.eye(n).double())[0] x_lstsq = lstsq(A_th, b_th) grad_A_cvxpy, grad_b_cvxpy = grad(x.sum(), [A_th, b_th]) grad_A_lstsq, grad_b_lstsq = grad(x_lstsq.sum(), [A_th, b_th]) self.assertAlmostEqual( torch.norm( grad_A_cvxpy - grad_A_lstsq).item(), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual( torch.norm( grad_b_cvxpy - grad_b_lstsq).item(), 0.0)
Example #12
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_logistic_regression(self): set_seed(243) N, n = 10, 2 X_np = np.random.randn(N, n) a_true = np.random.randn(n, 1) y_np = np.round(sigmoid(X_np @ a_true + np.random.randn(N, 1) * 0.5)) X_tch = torch.from_numpy(X_np) X_tch.requires_grad_(True) lam_tch = 0.1 * torch.ones(1, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.double) a = cp.Variable((n, 1)) X = cp.Parameter((N, n)) lam = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True) y = y_np log_likelihood = cp.sum( cp.multiply(y, X @ a) - cp.log_sum_exp(cp.hstack([np.zeros((N, 1)), X @ a]).T, axis=0, keepdims=True).T ) prob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(-log_likelihood + lam * cp.sum_squares(a))) fit_logreg = CvxpyLayer(prob, [X, lam], [a]) def layer_eps(*x): return fit_logreg(*x, solver_args={"eps": 1e-12}) torch.autograd.gradcheck(layer_eps, (X_tch, lam_tch), eps=1e-4, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
Example #13
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_sdp(self): set_seed(2) n = 3 p = 3 C = cp.Parameter((n, n)) A = [cp.Parameter((n, n)) for _ in range(p)] b = [cp.Parameter((1, 1)) for _ in range(p)] C_tch = torch.randn(n, n, requires_grad=True).double() A_tch = [torch.randn(n, n, requires_grad=True).double() for _ in range(p)] b_tch = [torch.randn(1, 1, requires_grad=True).double() for _ in range(p)] X = cp.Variable((n, n), symmetric=True) constraints = [X >> 0] constraints += [ cp.trace(A[i]@X) == b[i] for i in range(p) ] prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.trace(C@X) + cp.sum_squares(X)), constraints) layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, [C] + A + b, [X]) torch.autograd.gradcheck(lambda *x: layer(*x, solver_args={'eps': 1e-12}), [C_tch] + A_tch + b_tch, eps=1e-6, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
Example #14
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_not_enough_parameters_at_call_time(self): x = cp.Variable(1) lam = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True) lam2 = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True) objective = lam * cp.norm(x, 1) + lam2 * cp.sum_squares(x) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective)) layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, [lam, lam2], [x]) # noqa: F841 with self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, 'A tensor must be provided for each CVXPY parameter.*'): layer(lam)
Example #15
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_not_enough_parameters(self): x = cp.Variable(1) lam = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True) lam2 = cp.Parameter(1, nonneg=True) objective = lam * cp.norm(x, 1) + lam2 * cp.sum_squares(x) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective)) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "The layer's parameters.*"): CvxpyLayer(prob, [lam], [x]) # noqa: F841
Example #16
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_broadcasting(self): set_seed(243) n_batch, m, n = 2, 100, 20 A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) b = cp.Parameter(m) x = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.sum_squares(A@x - b) + cp.sum_squares(x) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) prob_th = CvxpyLayer(prob, [A, b], [x]) A_th = torch.randn(m, n).double().requires_grad_() b_th = torch.randn(m).double().unsqueeze(0).repeat(n_batch, 1) \ .requires_grad_() b_th_0 = b_th[0] x = prob_th(A_th, b_th, solver_args={"eps": 1e-10})[0] def lstsq( A, b): return torch.solve( (A.t() @ b).unsqueeze(1), A.t() @ A + torch.eye(n).double())[0] x_lstsq = lstsq(A_th, b_th_0) grad_A_cvxpy, grad_b_cvxpy = grad(x.sum(), [A_th, b_th]) grad_A_lstsq, grad_b_lstsq = grad(x_lstsq.sum(), [A_th, b_th_0]) self.assertAlmostEqual( torch.norm( grad_A_cvxpy / n_batch - grad_A_lstsq).item(), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual( torch.norm( grad_b_cvxpy[0] - grad_b_lstsq).item(), 0.0)
Example #17
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_equality(self): set_seed(243) n = 10 A = np.eye(n) x = cp.Variable(n) b = cp.Parameter(n) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(x)), [A@x == b]) layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, parameters=[b], variables=[x]) b_tch = torch.randn(n, requires_grad=True) torch.autograd.gradcheck(lambda b: layer( b, solver_args={"eps": 1e-10, "acceleration_lookback": 0})[0].sum(), (b_tch,))
Example #18
Source File: From learning-circuits with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sparse_lowrank_mse(name_size): name, size = name_size print(name, size) matrix = named_target_matrix(name, size) M = matrix lambda1 = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True) lambda2 = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True) L = cp.Variable((size, size)) S = cp.Variable((size, size)) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(M - L - S) / size**2 + lambda1 / size * cp.norm(L, 'nuc') + lambda2 / size**2 * cp.norm(S, 1))) result = [] for _ in range(ntrials): l1 = np.exp(np.random.uniform(np.log(1e-2), np.log(1e4))) l2 = np.exp(np.random.uniform(np.log(1e-2), np.log(1e4))) lambda1.value = l1 lambda2.value = l2 try: prob.solve() nnz = (np.abs(S.value) >= 1e-7).sum() singular_values = np.linalg.svd(L.value, compute_uv=False) rank = (singular_values >= 1e-7).sum() n_params = nnz + 2 * rank * size mse = np.sum((matrix - L.value - S.value)**2) / size**2 result.append((n_params, mse)) except: pass budget = 2 * size * np.log2(size) if model[name] == 'BPBP': budget *= 2 eligible = [res for res in result if res[0] <= budget] if eligible: mse = min(m for (n_params, m) in eligible) else: mse = np.sum(matrix**2) / size**2 print(name, size, 'done') return (name, size, mse)
Example #19
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, m, k, formulation='penalizedl1', nonnegative=False): if not cvx_available: raise RuntimeError('Cannot initialize when cvxpy is not available.') # Initialize parameters and variables A = cvx.Parameter((m, k)) b = cvx.Parameter((m, 1)) l = cvx.Parameter(nonneg=True) x = cvx.Variable((k, 1)) # Create the problem if formulation == 'penalizedl1': obj_func = 0.5 * cvx.sum_squares(cvx.matmul(A, x) - b) + l * cvx.norm1(x) constraints = [] elif formulation == 'constrainedl1': obj_func = cvx.sum_squares(cvx.matmul(A, x) - b) constraints = [cvx.norm1(x) <= l] elif formulation == 'constrainedl2': obj_func = cvx.norm1(x) constraints = [cvx.norm(cvx.matmul(A, x) - b) <= l] else: raise ValueError("Unknown formulation '{0}'.".format(formulation)) if nonnegative: constraints.append(x >= 0) problem = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(obj_func), constraints) self._formulation = formulation self._A = A self._b = b self._l = l self._x = x self._obj_func = obj_func self._constraints = constraints self._problem = problem
Example #20
Source File: From newton_admm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def least_squares(m, n): """ Create a least squares problem with m datapoints and n dimensions """ A = np.random.randn(m, n) _x = np.random.randn(n) b = x = cp.Variable(n) return (x, cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A * x - b) + cp.norm(x, 2))))
Example #21
Source File: From newton_admm with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def robust_pca(p, suppfrac): """ Create a robust PCA problem with a low rank matrix """ # First, create a rank = "rk" matrix: rk = int(round(p * 0.5)) assert rk <= min(p, p) Lstar = np.zeros((p, p)) for i in range(rk): vi = np.random.randn(p, 1) mati = Lstar += mati # Then, create a sparse matrix: Mstar = np.random.randn(p, p) Mstar_vec = Mstar.T.ravel() nnz = int(np.floor((1.0 - suppfrac) * p * p)) # Num. nonzeros assert nnz <= p * p idxes = np.random.randint(0, p * p, nnz) Mstar_vec[idxes] = 0 Mstar = np.reshape(Mstar_vec, (p, p)).T # Finally, sum the two matrices "L" and "M": X = Lstar + Mstar lam = 1.0 Lhat = cp.Variable(p, p) Mhat = cp.Variable(p, p) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.norm(Lhat, "nuc") + cp.sum_squares(Lhat)), [cp.norm(Mhat, 1) <= lam, Lhat + Mhat == X]) data = prob.get_problem_data(cp.SCS) data['beta_from_x'] = cvxpy_beta_from_x(prob, (Lhat, Mhat), data['A'].shape[0]) return ((Lhat, Mhat), prob, data)
Example #22
Source File: From ProxImaL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_merge(self): """Test merging functions. """ # sum_entries x = Variable(10) fn1 = sum_entries(x, gamma=1.0) fn2 = norm1(x) assert can_merge(fn1, fn2) merged = merge_fns(fn1, fn2) v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 - 5.0 prox_val1 = merged.prox(1.0, v.copy()) tmp = norm1(x, c=np.ones(10), gamma=1.0) prox_val2 = tmp.prox(1.0, v.copy()) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(prox_val1, prox_val2) # sum_squares x = Variable(10) val = np.arange(10) fn1 = sum_squares(x, gamma=1.0, beta=2.0, alpha=3.0, b=val) fn2 = norm1(x) assert can_merge(fn1, fn2) merged = merge_fns(fn1, fn2) v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 - 5.0 prox_val1 = merged.prox(1.0, v.copy()) tmp = norm1(x, c=-12 * val, gamma=1.0 + 12, prox_val2 = tmp.prox(1.0, v.copy()) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(prox_val1, prox_val2)
Example #23
Source File: From e2e-model-learning with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def linear_softmax_reg(X, Y, params): m, n = X.shape[0], X.shape[1] Theta = cp.Variable(n, len(params['d'])) f = cp.sum_entries(cp.log_sum_exp(X*Theta, axis=1) - cp.sum_entries(cp.mul_elemwise(Y, X*Theta), axis=1)) / m lam = 1e-5 # regularization cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(f + lam * cp.sum_squares(Theta)), []).solve() Theta = np.asarray(Theta.value) return Theta # Optimize expected value of inventory allocation
Example #24
Source File: From GLRM with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reg(self, X): return*cp.sum_squares(X)
Example #25
Source File: From ProxImaL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_single_func(self): """Test problems with only a single function to minimize. """ X = Variable((4, 2)) B = np.reshape(np.arange(8), (4, 2)) * 1. prox_fns = [sum_squares(X - B)] prob = Problem(prox_fns[0]) prob.solve(solver="admm", eps_rel=1e-6, eps_abs=1e-6) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, B, places=2)
Example #26
Source File: From ProxImaL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_multiple_vars(self): """Test problems with multiple variables.""" x = Variable(3) y = Variable(6) rhs = np.array([1, 2, 3]) prob = Problem([sum_squares(x - rhs), sum_squares(subsample(y, [2]) - x)]) prob.solve(solver="admm", eps_rel=1e-6, eps_abs=1e-6) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x.value, [1, 2, 3], places=3) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(y.value, [1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0], places=3)
Example #27
Source File: From ProxImaL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_sum_squares(self): """Test sum squares prox fn. """ # No modifiers. tmp = Variable(10) fn = sum_squares(tmp) rho = 1 v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 x = fn.prox(rho, v.copy()) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, v * rho / (2 + rho)) rho = 2 x = fn.prox(rho, v.copy()) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, v * rho / (2 + rho)) # With modifiers. mod_fn = sum_squares(tmp, alpha=2, beta=-1, c=np.ones(10) * 1.0, b=np.ones(10) * 1.0, gamma=1) rho = 2 v = np.arange(10) * 1.0 x = mod_fn.prox(rho, v.copy()) # vhat = mod_fn.beta*(v - mod_fn.c/rho)*rho/(rho+2*mod_fn.gamma) - mod_fn.b # rho_hat = rho/(mod_fn.alpha*np.sqrt(np.abs(mod_fn.beta))) # xhat = fn.prox(rho_hat, vhat) x_var = cvx.Variable(10) cost = 2 * cvx.sum_squares(-x_var - np.ones(10)) + \ np.ones(10).T * x_var + cvx.sum_squares(x_var) + \ (rho / 2) * cvx.sum_squares(x_var - v) prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cost)) prob.solve() self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(x, x_var.value, places=3)
Example #28
Source File: From ProxImaL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_merge_all(self): """Test function to merge all prox operators possible. """ # merge all x = Variable(10) lin_op = grad(x) fns = [sum_squares(lin_op), sum_entries(lin_op), nonneg(lin_op)] merged = merge_all(fns) assert len(merged) == 1 v = np.reshape(np.arange(10) * 1.0 - 5.0, (10, 1)) prox_val1 = merged[0].prox(1.0, v.copy()) tmp = nonneg(lin_op, c=np.ones((10, 1)), gamma=1.0) prox_val2 = tmp.prox(1.0, v.copy()) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(prox_val1, prox_val2)
Example #29
Source File: From ProxImaL with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_const_val(self): """Test obtaining the constant offset. """ x = Variable(10) b = np.arange(10) expr = x - b self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(-b, expr.get_offset()) fn = sum_squares(expr) new_fn = absorb_offset(fn) self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(b, new_fn.b)
Example #30
Source File: From cvxpylayers with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def simple_qp(): # print(f'--- {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} ---') print('simple qp') npr.seed(0) nx, ncon = 2, 3 G = cp.Parameter((ncon, nx)) h = cp.Parameter(ncon) x = cp.Variable(nx) obj = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.sum_squares(x - 1)) cons = [G * x <= h] prob = cp.Problem(obj, cons) data, chain, inv_data = prob.get_problem_data(solver=cp.SCS) param_prob = data[cp.settings.PARAM_PROB] print(param_prob.A.A) x0 = npr.randn(nx) s0 = npr.randn(ncon) G.value = npr.randn(ncon, nx) h.value = + s0 prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS) delC = npr.randn(param_prob.c.shape[0])[:-1] delA = npr.randn(param_prob.A.shape[0]) num_con = delA.size // (param_prob.x.size + 1) delb = delA[-num_con:] delA = delA[:-num_con] delA = sp.csc_matrix(np.reshape(delA, (num_con, param_prob.x.size))) del_param_dict = param_prob.apply_param_jac(delC, delA, delb) print(del_param_dict) var_map = param_prob.split_solution(npr.randn(param_prob.x.size)) print(var_map) print(param_prob.split_adjoint(var_map)) print(x.value)