Python ui.TableViewCell() Examples
The following are 21
code examples of ui.TableViewCell().
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Example #1
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): departure = self.departures[row] product = departure['product'] destination = departure['destination'] label = departure['label'] time_remaining = (datetime.fromtimestamp(departure['departureTime']/1000.0) - if time_remaining > 60: time_remaining = f'{int(time_remaining / 60)} min' else: time_remaining = f'{int(time_remaining)} sec' cell = ui.TableViewCell('value1') cell.text_label.text = f'{label} - {destination}' cell.text_label.text_color = departure['lineBackgroundColor'] cell.detail_text_label.text = time_remaining return cell
Example #2
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): section_key = self.elements.keys()[section] try: cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') cell.background_color = self.thememanager.main_background_colour cell.text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.text_label.text = self.elements[section_key][row].get_title() cell.detail_text_label.text = self.elements[section_key][row].get_description() cell.detail_text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.image_view.image = ui.Image.named(self.elements[section_key][row].get_icon()) cell.selectable = True return cell except: cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') cell.text_label.text = self.elements[section_key][row].get_title() cell.detail_text_label.text = 'Is invalid please check file in elements folder' cell.selectable = False return cell
Example #3
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): section_key = self.elements.keys()[section] try: cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') cell.text_label.text = self.elements[section_key][row].get_title() cell.detail_text_label.text = self.elements[section_key][row].get_description() cell.image_view.image = ui.Image.named(self.elements[section_key][row].get_icon()) cell.selectable = False cell.background_color = self.thememanager.main_background_colour cell.text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.detail_text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour return cell except: cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') cell.text_label.text = self.elements[section_key][row].get_title() cell.detail_text_label.text = 'Is invalid please check file in elements folder' cell.selectable = False return cell
Example #4
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell() cell.text_label.text = self.flows[row] cell.background_color = self.thememanager.main_background_colour cell.text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.selectable = True return cell
Example #5
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell() cell.text_label.text = str(self.items[row]) cell.text_label.alignment = ui.ALIGN_CENTER return cell
Example #6
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell() cell.accessory_type = ('disclosure_indicator', 'detail_button')[section] cell.text_label.text =[section][row] if section==0: cell.background_color='#eeffee' return cell
Example #7
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): self.width, height = ui.get_screen_size() cell = ui.TableViewCell() cell.bounds = (0,0,self.width,self.row_height) for i in range(3): self.make_labels(cell, tableview.data_source.items[row][i], i) return cell
Example #8
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') tool_name = self.tool_names[row] tool_url = self.tools_dict[tool_name]['url'] cell.text_label.text = tool_name cell.detail_text_label.text = self.tools_dict[tool_name]['description'] # TODO: Cell does not increase its height when label has multi lines of text # cell.detail_text_label.line_break_mode = ui.LB_WORD_WRAP # cell.detail_text_label.number_of_lines = 0 InstallButton(, cell, self.category_name, tool_name, tool_url) return cell
Example #9
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell() if section == 0: cell.text_label.text = self.tables[row] elif section == 1: cell.text_label.text = self.views[row] else: cell.text_label.text = self.systemtables[row] cell.selectable = True return cell
Example #10
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell('value1') if section == 0: if row == 0: cell.text_label.text = 'Record' cell.detail_text_label.text = self.return_count_label() else: cell.text_label.text = str(self.tkeys[row-1]) cell.detail_text_label.text = str(self.tdata[self.currentid-1][row-1]) cell.selectable = False return cell
Example #11
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') if section == 0: nullable = self.tinfo[row][3] == 1 cell.text_label.text = self.tinfo[row][1] fmt = 'Type: {} Nullable: {} Default: {}' cell.detail_text_label.text = fmt.format(self.tinfo[row][2], nullable, self.tinfo[row][4]) elif section == 1: cell.text_label.text = self.iinfo[row][1] cell.selectable = False return cell
Example #12
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): param = self.params[row] name = param.displayName cell = None if name == None or name == '': name = if param.type == 'bool': cell = ui.TableViewCell() cell.selectable = False switch = ui.Switch() = switch.value = param.value switch.y = - switch.height/2 switch.x = cell.width + switch.width/2 switch.action = self.switch_change cell.add_subview(switch) else: cell = ui.TableViewCell('value1') if not param.value == None: cell.detail_text_label.text = str(param.value) cell.detail_text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.text_label.text = name cell.background_color = self.thememanager.main_background_colour cell.text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour return cell
Example #13
Source File: From pythonista-tools-installer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') tool_name = self.tool_names[row] tool_url = self.tools_dict[tool_name]['url'] cell.text_label.text = tool_name cell.detail_text_label.text = self.tools_dict[tool_name]['description'] # TODO: Cell does not increase its height when label has multi lines of text # cell.detail_text_label.line_break_mode = ui.LB_WORD_WRAP # cell.detail_text_label.number_of_lines = 0 InstallButton(, cell, self.category_name, tool_name, tool_url) return cell
Example #14
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') cell.accessory_type = 'disclosure_indicator' if self.is_main(): text = self.source[row]['title'] cell.text_label.text = text if 'copyright' in self.source[row]: cell.detail_text_label.text = self.source[row]['copyright'] else: cell.text_label.text = self.source[row] tableview.row_height = 48 cell.image_view.image = ui.Image.named(self.source[row]) if self.dark_cells: cell.image_view.background_color = 'black' return cell
Example #15
Source File: File From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tv, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell() entry = self.flat_entries[row] level = entry.level - 1 image_view = ui.ImageView(frame=(44 + 20*level, 5, 34, 34)) label_x = 44+34+8+20*level label_w = cell.content_view.bounds.w - label_x - 8 if entry.subtitle: label_frame = (label_x, 0, label_w, 26) sub_label = ui.Label(frame=(label_x, 26, label_w, 14)) sub_label.font = ('<System>', 12) sub_label.text = entry.subtitle sub_label.text_color = '#999' cell.content_view.add_subview(sub_label) else: label_frame = (label_x, 0, label_w, 44) label = ui.Label(frame=label_frame) if entry.subtitle: label.font = ('<System>', 15) else: label.font = ('<System>', 18) label.text = entry.title label.flex = 'W' cell.content_view.add_subview(label) if entry.leaf and not entry.enabled: label.text_color = '#999' cell.content_view.add_subview(image_view) if not entry.leaf: has_children = entry.expanded btn = ui.Button(image=ui.Image.named('CollapseFolder' if has_children else 'ExpandFolder')) btn.frame = (20*level, 0, 44, 44) btn.action = self.expand_dir_action cell.content_view.add_subview(btn) if entry.icon_name: image_view.image = ui.Image.named(entry.icon_name) else: image_view.image = None cell.selectable = entry.enabled return cell
Example #16
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tv, section, row): item = self._filtered_items[row] cell = ui.TableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle.subtitle.value) cell.text_label.number_of_lines = 1 cell.text_label.text = item.title cell.detail_text_label.text = item.subtitle cell.detail_text_label.text_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.5) if item.image: cell.image_view.image = item.image return cell
Example #17
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tv, section, row): item = self.filtered_items[row] cell = TableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle.subtitle.value) cell.text_label.number_of_lines = 1 cell.text_label.text = item.title cell.detail_text_label.text = item.subtitle cell.detail_text_label.text_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.5) return cell
Example #18
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): station = self.stations[row] distance = station['distance'] cell = ui.TableViewCell('value1') cell.text_label.text = station['name'] cell.detail_text_label.text = f'{distance} m' return cell # Delegate
Example #19
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 4 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): cell = ui.TableViewCell('value1') if row == self.titleRow: cell.text_label.text = 'Title' if self.title.strip(' ') == '': cell.detail_text_label.text = 'Please enter a title' else: cell.detail_text_label.text = self.title elif row == self.inputTypeRow: cell.text_label.text = 'Input Type' if self.inputType == None: cell.detail_text_label.text = 'None' else: cell.detail_text_label.text = self.inputType elif row == self.outputTypeRow: cell.text_label.text = 'Output Type' if self.outputType == None: cell.detail_text_label.text = 'None' else: cell.detail_text_label.text = self.outputType elif row == self.descriptionRow: cell.text_label.text = 'Description' if self.description.strip(' ') == '': cell.detail_text_label.text = 'Please enter a description' else: cell.detail_text_label.text = self.description elif row == self.iconRow: cell.text_label.text = 'Icon' if self.icon.strip(' ') == '': cell.detail_text_label.text = 'Please choose a icon' else: cell.detail_text_label.text = self.icon elif row == self.categoryRow: cell.text_label.text = 'Category' if self.category.strip(' ') == '': cell.detail_text_label.text = 'Please enter a category' else: cell.detail_text_label.text = self.category elif row == self.canHandleListRow: cell.text_label.text = 'Can Handle List' cell.selectable = False switch = ui.Switch() = 'canHandleList' switch.value = False switch.y = - switch.height/2 switch.x = cell.width + switch.width/2 switch.action = self.canHandleListAction cell.add_subview(switch) cell.text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.detail_text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.background_color = self.thememanager.main_background_colour return cell
Example #20
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 4 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tableview, section, row): if row >= self.extraRows: element = self.elements[row-self.extraRows] cell = ui.TableViewCell('subtitle') cell.selectable = False cell.text_label.text = element.get_title() cell.detail_text_label.text = element.get_description() cell.background_color=self.thememanager.main_background_colour cell.image_view.image = ui.Image.named(element.get_icon()) params = element.get_params() or [] selectable = False for p in params: if p.display: selectable = True cell.accessory_type = 'disclosure_indicator' cell.selectable = selectable if self.currentElementNumber >= self.extraRows: cell.selectable = False if self.currentElementNumber+1 == row: cell.background_color = self.thememanager.running_cell_background_colour cell.text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.running_cell_text_colour cell.detail_text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.running_cell_text_colour else: cell.background_color = self.thememanager.main_background_colour cell.text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.detail_text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour return cell elif row == self.adminRow: cell = ui.TableViewCell() cell.background_color=self.thememanager.main_background_colour cell.selectable = False editButton = ui.Button(title='Done' if tableview.editing else 'Edit') editButton.width *= 1.4 editButton.action = swap_edit editButton.y = cell.height/2 - editButton.height/2 editButton.x = cell.width cell.add_subview(editButton) self.titleButton.y = cell.height/2 - editButton.height/2 self.titleButton.x = self.titleButton.width/2 self.titleButton.action = self.change_title cell.add_subview(self.titleButton) return cell elif row == self.typeRow: cell = ui.TableViewCell('value1') cell.background_color=self.thememanager.main_background_colour cell.selectable = True cell.text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.detail_text_label.text_color = self.thememanager.main_text_colour cell.text_label.text = 'Type of Flow' cell.detail_text_label.text = self.flowType return cell
Example #21
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 4 votes |
def tableview_cell_for_row(self, tv, section, row): if section == self._folder_section: item = self.items[row] node = item['node'] else: item = self._files[row] node = None cell = ui.TableViewCell() cvb = cell.content_view.bounds x = 15 + cvb.x + item['level'] * 15 if node and node.children_exists: image_view = ui.ImageView() image_view.frame = (x, 10, 24, 24) image_view.image = ui.Image.named( 'iob:arrow_down_b_24' if node.path in self._expanded_node_paths else 'iob:arrow_right_b_24' ) cell.content_view.add_subview(image_view) x += 24 + 8 image_view = ui.ImageView() image_view.frame = (x, 10, 24, 24) image_view.image = ui.Image.named('iob:folder_24' if node else 'iob:document_24') cell.content_view.add_subview(image_view) x += 24 + 8 title_label = ui.Label(flex='W') title_label.text = item['title'] title_label.size_to_fit() title_label.frame = ( x, cvb.y + (cvb.height - title_label.height) / 2.0, cvb.width - (x - cvb.x) - 8, title_label.height ) cell.content_view.add_subview(title_label) separator = ui.View(flex='W') separator.background_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.05) x = title_label.frame.x - 12 - 8 separator.frame = ( x, cvb.y + cvb.height - 1, cvb.width - (x - cvb.x), 1 ) cell.content_view.add_subview(separator) cell_objc = ObjCInstance(cell) cell_objc.setSelectionStyle(0) return cell