Python xarray.Variable() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of xarray.Variable(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module xarray , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def standardize_dims(self, var, dims={}):
        """Replace the coordinate names through x, y, z and t

        var: xarray.Variable
            The variable to use the dimensions of
        dims: dict
            The dictionary to use for replacing the original dimensions

            The dictionary with replaced dimensions"""
        dims = dict(dims)
        name_map = {self.get_xname(var, self.ds.coords): 'x',
                    self.get_yname(var, self.ds.coords): 'y',
                    self.get_zname(var, self.ds.coords): 'z',
                    self.get_tname(var, self.ds.coords): 't'}
        dims = dict(dims)
        for dim in set(dims).intersection(name_map):
            dims[name_map[dim]] = dims.pop(dim)
        return dims 
Example #2
Source File:    From xmitgcm with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_variable_point(vname, mask_override):
    # fix for
    if vname in mask_override:
        return mask_override[vname]
    dims = _VAR_METADATA[vname]['dims']
    if 'i' in dims and 'j' in dims:
        point = 'c'
    elif 'i_g' in dims and 'j' in dims:
        point = 'w'
    elif 'i' in dims and 'j_g' in dims:
        point = 's'
    elif 'i_g' in dims and 'j_g' in dims:
        raise ValueError("Don't have masks for corner points!")
        raise ValueError("Variable `%s` is not a horizontal variable." % vname)
    return point 
Example #3
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _from_dataset_test_variables(self):
        """The variables and coords needed for the from_dataset tests"""
        variables = {
             # 3d-variable
             'v0': xr.Variable(('time', 'ydim', 'xdim'), np.zeros((4, 4, 4))),
             # 2d-variable with time and x
             'v1': xr.Variable(('time', 'xdim', ), np.zeros((4, 4))),
             # 2d-variable with y and x
             'v2': xr.Variable(('ydim', 'xdim', ), np.zeros((4, 4))),
             # 1d-variable
             'v3': xr.Variable(('xdim', ), np.zeros(4))}
        coords = {
            'ydim': xr.Variable(('ydim', ), np.arange(1, 5)),
            'xdim': xr.Variable(('xdim', ), np.arange(4)),
            'time': xr.Variable(
                ('time', ),
                pd.date_range('1999-01-01', '1999-05-01', freq='M').values)}
        return variables, coords 
Example #4
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_plot_bounds_2d(self):
        x = np.arange(1, 5)
        y = np.arange(5, 10)
        x2d, y2d = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        x_bnds = np.arange(0.5, 4.51, 1.0)
        y_bnds = np.arange(4.5, 9.51, 1.0)
        # the borders are not modified
        x_bnds[0] = 1.0
        x_bnds[-1] = 4.0
        y_bnds[0] = 5.0
        y_bnds[-1] = 9.0
        x2d_bnds, y2d_bnds = np.meshgrid(x_bnds, y_bnds)
        d = psyd.CFDecoder()
        # test x bounds
        bounds = d.get_plotbounds(xr.Variable(('y', 'x'), x2d))
        self.assertAlmostArrayEqual(bounds, x2d_bnds)

        # test y bounds
        bounds = d.get_plotbounds(xr.Variable(('y', 'x'), y2d))
        self.assertAlmostArrayEqual(bounds, y2d_bnds) 
Example #5
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _insert_fldmean_bounds(self, da, keepdims=False):
        xcoord = self.get_coord('x')
        ycoord = self.get_coord('y')
        sdims = (self.get_dim('y'), self.get_dim('x'))
        xbounds = np.array([[xcoord.min(), xcoord.max()]])
        ybounds = np.array([[ycoord.min(), ycoord.max()]])
        xdims = (sdims[-1], 'bnds') if keepdims else ('bnds', )
        ydims = (sdims[0], 'bnds') if keepdims else ('bnds', )
        xattrs = xcoord.attrs.copy()
        xattrs.pop('bounds', None)
        yattrs = ycoord.attrs.copy()
        yattrs.pop('bounds', None)
        da.psy.base.coords[ + '_bnds'] = xr.Variable(
            xdims, xbounds if keepdims else xbounds[0], attrs=xattrs)
        da.psy.base.coords[ + '_bnds'] = xr.Variable(
            ydims, ybounds if keepdims else ybounds[0], attrs=yattrs) 
Example #6
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def base(self):
        """Base dataset this instance gets its data from"""
        if self._base is None:
            if 'variable' in self.arr.dims:
                def to_dataset(i):
                    ret = self.isel(variable=i).to_dataset(
                        return ret.drop('variable')
                    except ValueError:  # 'variable' Variable not defined
                    return ret
                ds = to_dataset(0)
                if len(self.arr.coords['variable']) > 1:
                    for i in range(1, len(self.arr.coords['variable'])):
                self._base = ds
                self._base = self.arr.to_dataset(
           or self.arr_name)
        return self._base 
Example #7
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_mesh(self, var, coords=None):
        """Get the mesh variable for the given `var`

        var: xarray.Variable
            The data source whith the ``'mesh'`` attribute
        coords: dict
            The coordinates to use. If None, the coordinates of the dataset of
            this decoder is used

            The mesh coordinate"""
        mesh = var.attrs.get('mesh')
        if mesh is None:
            return None
        if coords is None:
            coords = self.ds.coords
        return coords.get(mesh, self.ds.coords.get(mesh)) 
Example #8
Source File:    From MetSim with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def read_data(data_handle, domain=None, is_worker=False,
              start=None, stop=None, calendar='standard',
              var_dict=None) -> xr.Dataset:
    """Read data directly from an xarray dataset"""
    varlist = list(data_handle.keys())
    if var_dict is not None:
        data_handle = data_handle.rename(var_dict)
        varlist = list(var_dict.values())
    data_handle = data_handle[varlist]

    if start is not None and stop is not None:
        data_handle = data_handle.sel(time=slice(start, stop))
        dates = data_handle.indexes['time']
        data_handle['day_of_year'] = xr.Variable(('time', ), dates.dayofyear)

    return data_handle 
Example #9
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def can_decode(cls, ds, var):
        Class method to determine whether the object can be decoded by this
        decoder class.

        ds: xarray.Dataset
            The dataset that contains the given `var`
        var: xarray.Variable or xarray.DataArray
            The array to decode

            True if the decoder can decode the given array `var`. Otherwise

        The default implementation returns True for any argument. Subclass this
        method to be specific on what type of data your decoder can decode
        return True 
Example #10
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _load_GeoTransform(self):
        """Calculate latitude and longitude variable calculated from the
        gdal.Open.GetGeoTransform method"""
        def load_lon():
            return arange(ds.RasterXSize)*b[1]+b[0]

        def load_lat():
            return arange(ds.RasterYSize)*b[5]+b[3]
        ds = self.ds
        b = self.ds.GetGeoTransform()  # bbox, interval
        if with_dask:
            lat = Array(
                {('lat', 0): (load_lat,)}, 'lat', (self.ds.RasterYSize,),
                shape=(self.ds.RasterYSize,), dtype=float)
            lon = Array(
                {('lon', 0): (load_lon,)}, 'lon', (self.ds.RasterXSize,),
                shape=(self.ds.RasterXSize,), dtype=float)
            lat = load_lat()
            lon = load_lon()
        return Variable(('lat',), lat), Variable(('lon',), lon) 
Example #11
Source File:    From Ocean-Data-Map-Project with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sspeed(depth: Union[np.ndarray, xr.Variable],
           latitude: np.ndarray,
           temperature: np.ndarray,
           salinity: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Calculates the speed of sound.

    Required Arguments:

    * depth: The depth(s) in meters
    * latitude: The latitude(s) in degrees North
    * temperature: The temperatures(s) in Celsius
    * salinity: The salinity (unitless)

    depth, latitude, temperature, salinity = __validate_depth_lat_temp_sal(
        depth, latitude, temperature, salinity)

    press = __calc_pressure(depth, latitude)

    if salinity.shape != press.shape:
        # pad array shape to match otherwise seawater freaks out
        press = press[..., np.newaxis]

    speed = seawater.svel(salinity, temperature, press)
    return np.squeeze(speed) 
Example #12
Source File:    From MetSim with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def read_netcdf(data_handle, domain=None, is_worker=False,
                start=None, stop=None, calendar='standard',
                var_dict=None) -> xr.Dataset:
    """Read in a NetCDF file"""
    if '*' in data_handle:
        ds = xr.open_mfdataset(data_handle)
        ds = xr.open_dataset(data_handle)

    if domain is not None:
        ds = ds.sel({k: domain[k]
                     for k in list(domain.dims.keys())
                     if k in list(ds.dims.keys())})
        dims_wo_coords = set(ds.dims) - set(ds.coords)
        for d in dims_wo_coords:
            if is_worker:
                logger = logging.getLogger('MetSim')
                    'Setting sequential coordinate on dimension {}'.format(d))
            ds[d] = np.arange(0, len(ds[d]))

    if 'time' in ds.coords:
        if isinstance(ds.indexes['time'], xr.CFTimeIndex):
            ds['time'] = ds.indexes['time'].to_datetimeindex()
        ds['time'] = (ds.indexes['time'] -

    if var_dict is not None:
        var_list = list(var_dict.keys())
        ds = ds[var_list]
        ds = ds.rename(var_dict)

    if start is not None or stop is not None:
        ds = ds.sel(time=slice(start, stop))
        dates = ds.indexes['time']
        ds['day_of_year'] = xr.Variable(('time', ), dates.dayofyear)

    return ds 
Example #13
Source File:    From Ocean-Data-Map-Project with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_deepsoundchannel(self):
            data=[0], dims=['depth']), [45], [0.5], [32]), 0) 
Example #14
Source File:    From Ocean-Data-Map-Project with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def geostrophic_x(h, lat, lon):
    """Calculates the X component of geostrophic currents

    h -- Sea Surface Height, xarray or netcdf variable, already sliced
    lat -- an array of latitudes, the shape must match that of h
    lon -- an array of longitudes, the shape must match that of h
    if isinstance(lat, xr.Variable):
        lat = lat.values

    if hasattr(h, "dims"):
        dims = h.dims
        dims = h.dimensions

    dim_order = "".join([d for d in dims if d in 'yx'])

    def f(heights, **kwargs):
        c = metpy.calc.coriolis_parameter(lat * _ureg.degrees)
        if dim_order == "yx":
            dy, dx = kwargs['deltas']
            dx, dy = kwargs['deltas']

        return metpy.calc.geostrophic_wind(xr.DataArray(heights), c, dx, dy,

    return _metpy(f, h, lat, lon, dim_order[0]) 
Example #15
Source File:    From Ocean-Data-Map-Project with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def geostrophic_y(h, lat, lon):
    """Calculates the Y component of geostrophic currents

    h -- Sea Surface Height, xarray or netcdf variable, already sliced
    lat -- an array of latitudes, the shape must match that of h
    lon -- an array of longitudes, the shape must match that of h
    if isinstance(lat, xr.Variable):
        lat = lat.values

    if hasattr(h, "dims"):
        dims = h.dims
        dims = h.dimensions

    dim_order = "".join([d for d in dims if d in 'yx'])

    def f(heights, **kwargs):
        c = metpy.calc.coriolis_parameter(lat * _ureg.degrees)
        if dim_order == "yx":
            dy, dx = kwargs['deltas']
            dx, dy = kwargs['deltas']

        return metpy.calc.geostrophic_wind(xr.DataArray(heights), c, dx, dy,

    return _metpy(f, h, lat, lon, dim_order[1]) 
Example #16
Source File:    From xclim with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def qds_month():
    dims = ("quantiles", "month")
    source = xr.Variable(dims=dims, data=np.zeros((5, 12)))
    target = xr.Variable(dims=dims, data=np.ones((5, 12)) * 2)

    return xr.Dataset(
        data_vars={"source": source, "target": target},
        coords={"quantiles": [0, 0.3, 5.0, 7, 1], "month": range(1, 13)},
        attrs={"group": "time.month", "window": 1},
Example #17
Source File:    From xmitgcm with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _iternum_to_datetime_variable(iternum, delta_t, ref_date,
                                  calendar, time_dim_name='time'):
    # create time array
    timedata = np.atleast_1d(iternum)*delta_t
    time_attrs = {'standard_name': 'time', 'long_name': 'Time', 'axis': 'T'}
    if ref_date is not None:
        time_attrs['units'] = 'seconds since %s' % ref_date
        time_attrs['units'] = 'seconds'
    if calendar is not None:
        time_attrs['calendar'] = calendar
    timevar = xr.Variable((time_dim_name,), timedata, time_attrs)
    return timevar 
Example #18
Source File:    From Ocean-Data-Map-Project with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_sspeed(self):
            data=[0], dims=['depth']), [45], [0.5], [32]), 1447.4, rtol=self.relative_tolerance)

        dep = np.array(range(0, 10))
        lat = np.array([[45, 45], [45, 45]])
        temp = 0.5 * np.ones((10, 2, 2))
        sal = 32 * np.ones((10, 2, 2))

            dep, lat, temp, sal)[0, 0, 0], 1447.4, rtol=self.relative_tolerance) 
Example #19
Source File:    From xmitgcm with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _faces_coords_to_latlon(ds):
    coords = ds.reset_coords().coords.to_dataset()
    ifac = 4
    jfac = 3
    dim_coords = {}
    for vname in coords.coords:
        if vname[0] == 'i':
            data = np.arange(ifac * coords.dims[vname])
        elif vname[0] == 'j':
            data = np.arange(jfac * coords.dims[vname])
            data = coords[vname].data
        var = xr.Variable(ds[vname].dims, data, ds[vname].attrs)
        dim_coords[vname] = var
    return xr.Dataset(dim_coords) 
Example #20
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_variables(self):
        def load(band):
            band = ds.GetRasterBand(band)
            a = band.ReadAsArray()
            no_data = band.GetNoDataValue()
            if no_data is not None:
                    a[a == no_data] = a.dtype.type(nan)
                except ValueError:
            return a
        ds = self.ds
        dims = ['lat', 'lon']
        chunks = ((ds.RasterYSize,), (ds.RasterXSize,))
        shape = (ds.RasterYSize, ds.RasterXSize)
        variables = OrderedDict()
        for iband in range(1, ds.RasterCount+1):
            band = ds.GetRasterBand(iband)
            dt = dtype([band.DataType])
            if with_dask:
                dsk = {('x', 0, 0): (load, iband)}
                arr = Array(dsk, 'x', chunks, shape=shape, dtype=dt)
                arr = load(iband)
            attrs = band.GetMetadata_Dict()
                attrs['_FillValue'] = nan
            except ValueError:
                no_data = band.GetNoDataValue()
                attrs.update({'_FillValue': no_data} if no_data else {})
            variables['Band%i' % iband] = Variable(dims, arr, attrs)
        variables['lat'], variables['lon'] = self._load_GeoTransform()
        return FrozenOrderedDict(variables) 
Example #21
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _test_ds(self):
        import xarray as xr
        import pandas as pd
        time = xr.Coordinate('time', pd.to_datetime(
            ['1979-01-01T12:00:00', '1979-01-01T18:00:00',
            encoding={'units': 'day as %Y%m%d.%f'})
        var = xr.Variable(('time', 'x'), np.zeros((len(time), 5)))
        return xr.Dataset({'test': var}, {'time': time}) 
Example #22
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_test_ds(self):
        return xr.Dataset(
            {'v0': xr.Variable(('ydim', 'xdim'), np.zeros((4, 4)),
                               attrs={'test': 1, 'test2': 1}),
             'v1': xr.Variable(('xdim', ), np.zeros(4), attrs={'test': 2,
                                                               'test2': 2}),
             'v2': xr.Variable(('xdim', ), np.zeros(4), attrs={'test': 3,
                                                               'test2': 3})},
            {'ydim': xr.Variable(('ydim', ), np.arange(1, 5)),
             'xdim': xr.Variable(('xdim', ), np.arange(4))}) 
Example #23
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_plot_bounds_1d(self):
        """Test to get 2d-interval breaks"""
        x = xr.Variable(('x', ), np.arange(1, 5))
        d = psyd.CFDecoder()
        bounds = d.get_plotbounds(x)
        self.assertAlmostArrayEqual(bounds, np.arange(0.5, 4.51, 1.0)) 
Example #24
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_1D_cf_bounds(self):
        """Test whether the CF Conventions for 1D bounaries are correct"""
        final_bounds = np.arange(-180, 181, 30)
        lon = xr.Variable(('lon', ), np.arange(-165, 166, 30),
                          {'bounds': 'lon_bounds'})
        cf_bounds = xr.Variable(('lon', 'bnds'), np.zeros((len(lon), 2)))
        for i in range(len(lon)):
            cf_bounds[i, :] = final_bounds[i:i+2]
        ds = xr.Dataset(coords={'lon': lon, 'lon_bounds': cf_bounds})
        decoder = psyd.CFDecoder(ds)
Example #25
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _decode_ds(cls, ds, gridfile=None, decode_coords=True,
        Static method to decode coordinates and time informations

        This method interpretes absolute time informations (stored with units
        ``'day as %Y%m%d.%f'``) and coordinates

        decode_times : bool, optional
            If True, decode times encoded in the standard NetCDF datetime
            format into datetime objects. Otherwise, leave them encoded as
        decode_coords : bool, optional
            If True, decode the 'coordinates' attribute to identify coordinates
            in the resulting dataset."""
        if decode_coords:
            ds = cls.decode_coords(ds, gridfile=gridfile)
        if decode_times:
            for k, v in six.iteritems(ds.variables):
                # check for absolute time units and make sure the data is not
                # already decoded via dtype check
                if v.attrs.get('units', '') == 'day as %Y%m%d.%f' and (
                        np.issubdtype(v.dtype, np.float64)):
                    decoded = xr.Variable(
                        v.dims, AbsoluteTimeDecoder(v), attrs=v.attrs,
                    ds.update({k: decoded})
        return ds 
Example #26
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_t(self, var, coords=None):
        Get the time coordinate of a variable

        This method searches for the time coordinate in the :attr:`ds`. It
        first checks whether there is one dimension that holds an ``'axis'``
        attribute with 'T', otherwise it looks whether there is an intersection
        between the :attr:`t` attribute and the variables dimensions, otherwise
        it returns the coordinate corresponding to the first dimension of `var`

        Possible types
        var: xarray.Variable
            The variable to get the time coordinate for
        coords: dict
            Coordinates to use. If None, the coordinates of the dataset in the
            :attr:`ds` attribute are used.

        xarray.Coordinate or None
            The time coordinate or None if no time coordinate could be found"""
        coords = coords or self.ds.coords
        coord = self.get_variable_by_axis(var, 't', coords)
        if coord is not None:
            return coord
        dimlist = list(self.t.intersection(var.dims).intersection(coords))
        if dimlist:
            if len(dimlist) > 1:
                warn("Found multiple matches for time coordinate in the "
                     "variable: %s. I use %s" % (
                         ', '.join(dimlist), dimlist[0]),
            return coords[dimlist[0]]
        tname = self.get_tname(var)
        if tname is not None:
            return coords.get(tname)
        return None 
Example #27
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_z(self, var, coords=None):
        Get the vertical (z-) coordinate of a variable

        This method searches for the z-coordinate in the :attr:`ds`. It first
        checks whether there is one dimension that holds an ``'axis'``
        attribute with 'Z', otherwise it looks whether there is an intersection
        between the :attr:`z` attribute and the variables dimensions, otherwise
        it returns the coordinate corresponding to the third last dimension of
        `var` (or the second last or last if var is two or one-dimensional)

        Possible types
        var: xarray.Variable
            The variable to get the z-coordinate for
        coords: dict
            Coordinates to use. If None, the coordinates of the dataset in the
            :attr:`ds` attribute are used.

        xarray.Coordinate or None
            The z-coordinate or None if no z coordinate could be found"""
        coords = coords or self.ds.coords
        coord = self.get_variable_by_axis(var, 'z', coords)
        if coord is not None:
            return coord
        zname = self.get_zname(var)
        if zname is not None:
            return coords.get(zname)
        return None 
Example #28
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_y(self, var, coords=None):
        Get the y-coordinate of a variable

        This method searches for the y-coordinate in the :attr:`ds`. It first
        checks whether there is one dimension that holds an ``'axis'``
        attribute with 'Y', otherwise it looks whether there is an intersection
        between the :attr:`y` attribute and the variables dimensions, otherwise
        it returns the coordinate corresponding to the second last dimension of
        `var` (or the last if the dimension of var is one-dimensional)

        Possible types
        var: xarray.Variable
            The variable to get the y-coordinate for
        coords: dict
            Coordinates to use. If None, the coordinates of the dataset in the
            :attr:`ds` attribute are used.

        xarray.Coordinate or None
            The y-coordinate or None if it could be found"""
        coords = coords or self.ds.coords
        coord = self.get_variable_by_axis(var, 'y', coords)
        if coord is not None:
            return coord
        return coords.get(self.get_yname(var)) 
Example #29
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_x(self, var, coords=None):
        Get the x-coordinate of a variable

        This method searches for the x-coordinate in the :attr:`ds`. It first
        checks whether there is one dimension that holds an ``'axis'``
        attribute with 'X', otherwise it looks whether there is an intersection
        between the :attr:`x` attribute and the variables dimensions, otherwise
        it returns the coordinate corresponding to the last dimension of `var`

        Possible types
        var: xarray.Variable
            The variable to get the x-coordinate for
        coords: dict
            Coordinates to use. If None, the coordinates of the dataset in the
            :attr:`ds` attribute are used.

        xarray.Coordinate or None
            The y-coordinate or None if it could be found"""
        coords = coords or self.ds.coords
        coord = self.get_variable_by_axis(var, 'x', coords)
        if coord is not None:
            return coord
        return coords.get(self.get_xname(var)) 
Example #30
Source File:    From psyplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def to_netcdf(ds, *args, **kwargs):
    Store the given dataset as a netCDF file

    This functions works essentially the same as the usual
    :meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf` method but can also encode absolute time

    ds: xarray.Dataset
        The dataset to store
    to_update = {}
    for v, obj in six.iteritems(ds.variables):
        units = obj.attrs.get('units', obj.encoding.get('units', None))
        if units == 'day as %Y%m%d.%f' and np.issubdtype(
                obj.dtype, np.datetime64):
            to_update[v] = xr.Variable(
                obj.dims, AbsoluteTimeEncoder(obj), attrs=obj.attrs.copy(),
            to_update[v].attrs['units'] = units
    if to_update:
        ds = ds.copy()
    return xarray_api.to_netcdf(ds, *args, **kwargs)