Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From kivy-smoothie-host with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def _load_modules(self): if not self.config.has_section('modules'): return try: for key in self.config['modules']:"load_modules: loading module {}".format(key)) mod = importlib.import_module('modules.{}'.format(key)) if mod.start(self.config['modules'][key]):"load_modules: loaded module {}".format(key)) self.loaded_modules.append(mod) else:"load_modules: module {} failed to start".format(key)) except Exception: Logger.warn("load_modules: exception: {}".format(traceback.format_exc()))
Example #2
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def on_activated(self, instance, activated): if not activated: self.grect.size = 0, 0 if self.at_bottom: anim = Animation(top=0, t='out_quad', d=.3) else: anim = Animation(y=self.height, t='out_quad', d=.3) anim.bind(on_complete=self.animation_close) anim.start(self.layout) self.widget = None self.widget_info = False else:'Inspector: inspector activated') if self.at_bottom: Animation(top=60, t='out_quad', d=.3).start(self.layout) else: Animation(y=self.height - 60, t='out_quad', d=.3).start( self.layout)
Example #3
Source File: From kivy-smoothie-host with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _new_macro(self, opts): if opts and opts['Name'] and opts['Command']: btn = Factory.MacroButton() btn.text = opts['Name'] btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.send, opts['Command'])) btn.ud = True self.add_widget(btn) # write it to macros.ini try: config = configparser.ConfigParser() if not config.has_section("macro buttons"): config.add_section("macro buttons") config.set("macro buttons", opts['Name'], opts['Command']) with open(self.macro_file, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile)'MacrosWidget: added macro button {}'.format(opts['Name'])) except Exception as err: Logger.error('MacrosWidget: ERROR - exception writing config file: {}'.format(err))
Example #4
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def play(self): if self._ffplayer and self._state == 'paused': self._ffplayer.toggle_pause() self._state = 'playing' return self.load() self._out_fmt = 'rgba' ff_opts = { 'paused': True, 'out_fmt': self._out_fmt } self._ffplayer = MediaPlayer( self._filename, callback=self._callback_ref, thread_lib='SDL', loglevel='info', ff_opts=ff_opts) self._thread = Thread(target=self._next_frame_run, name='Next frame') self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start()
Example #5
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load(self): self.unload() ff_opts = {'vn': True, 'sn': True} # only audio self._ffplayer = MediaPlayer(self.source, callback=self._callback_ref, loglevel='info', ff_opts=ff_opts) player = self._ffplayer player.set_volume(self.volume) player.toggle_pause() self._state = 'paused' # wait until loaded or failed, shouldn't take long, but just to make # sure metadata is available. s = time.clock() while ((not player.get_metadata()['duration']) and not self.quitted and time.clock() - s < 10.): time.sleep(0.005)
Example #6
Source File: From kivy-smoothie-host with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _change_port(self, s): if s:'MainWindow: Selected port {}'.format(s)) if s.startswith('network'): mb = InputBox(title='Network address', text='Enter network address as "ipaddress[:port]"', cb=self._new_network_port) else: self.config.set('General', 'serial_port', s) self.config.write()
Example #7
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def remove_widget(self, widget): content = self.content if content is None: return if widget in (content, self._tab_layout): super(TabbedPanel, self).remove_widget(widget) elif isinstance(widget, TabbedPanelHeader): if not (self.do_default_tab and widget is self._default_tab): self_tabs = self._tab_strip self_tabs.width -= widget.width self_tabs.remove_widget(widget) if widget.state == 'down' and self.do_default_tab: self._default_tab.on_release() self._reposition_tabs() else:'TabbedPanel: default tab! can\'t be removed.\n' + 'Change `default_tab` to a different tab.') else: self._childrens.pop(widget, None) if widget in content.children: content.remove_widget(widget)
Example #8
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def on_activated(self, instance, activated): if not activated: self.grect.size = 0, 0 if self.at_bottom: anim = Animation(top=0, t='out_quad', d=.3) else: anim = Animation(y=self.height, t='out_quad', d=.3) anim.bind(on_complete=self.animation_close) anim.start(self.layout) self.widget = None self.widget_info = False else:'Inspector: inspector activated') if self.at_bottom: Animation(top=60, t='out_quad', d=.3).start(self.layout) else: Animation(y=self.height - 60, t='out_quad', d=.3).start( self.layout)
Example #9
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def apply_device(device, scale, orientation): name, width, height, dpi, density = devices[device] if orientation == 'portrait': width, height = height, width'Screen: Apply screen settings for {0}'.format(name))'Screen: size={0}x{1} dpi={2} density={3} ' 'orientation={4}'.format(width, height, dpi, density, orientation)) try: scale = float(scale) except: scale = 1 environ['KIVY_METRICS_DENSITY'] = str(density * scale) environ['KIVY_DPI'] = str(dpi * scale) Config.set('graphics', 'width', str(int(width * scale))) # simulate with the android bar # FIXME should be configurable Config.set('graphics', 'height', str(int(height * scale - 25 * density))) Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', '0') Config.set('graphics', 'show_mousecursor', '1')
Example #10
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def play(self): if self._ffplayer and self._state == 'paused': self._ffplayer.toggle_pause() self._state = 'playing' return self.load() self._out_fmt = 'rgba' ff_opts = { 'paused': True, 'out_fmt': self._out_fmt } self._ffplayer = MediaPlayer( self._filename, callback=self._callback_ref, thread_lib='SDL', loglevel='info', ff_opts=ff_opts) self._thread = Thread(target=self._next_frame_run, name='Next frame') self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start()
Example #11
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load(self): self.unload() ff_opts = {'vn': True, 'sn': True} # only audio self._ffplayer = MediaPlayer(self.source, callback=self._callback_ref, loglevel='info', ff_opts=ff_opts) player = self._ffplayer player.set_volume(self.volume) player.toggle_pause() self._state = 'paused' # wait until loaded or failed, shouldn't take long, but just to make # sure metadata is available. s = time.clock() while ((not player.get_metadata()['duration']) and not self.quitted and time.clock() - s < 10.): time.sleep(0.005)
Example #12
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def apply_device(device, scale, orientation): name, width, height, dpi, density = devices[device] if orientation == 'portrait': width, height = height, width'Screen: Apply screen settings for {0}'.format(name))'Screen: size={0}x{1} dpi={2} density={3} ' 'orientation={4}'.format(width, height, dpi, density, orientation)) try: scale = float(scale) except: scale = 1 environ['KIVY_METRICS_DENSITY'] = str(density * scale) environ['KIVY_DPI'] = str(dpi * scale) Config.set('graphics', 'width', str(int(width * scale))) # simulate with the android bar # FIXME should be configurable Config.set('graphics', 'height', str(int(height * scale - 25 * density))) Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', '0') Config.set('graphics', 'show_mousecursor', '1')
Example #13
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def usage(device=None): if device: Logger.error('Screen: The specified device ({0}) is unknown.', device) print('\nModule usage: python -m screen:deviceid[,orientation]\n') print('Available devices:\n') print('{0:12} {1:<22} {2:<8} {3:<8} {4:<5} {5:<8}'.format( 'Device ID', 'Name', 'Width', 'Height', 'DPI', 'Density')) for device, info in devices.items(): print('{0:12} {1:<22} {2:<8} {3:<8} {4:<5} {5:<8}'.format( device, *info)) print('\n') print('Simulate a medium-density screen such as Motolora Droid 2:\n') print(' python -m screen:droid2\n') print('Simulate a high-density screen such as HTC One X, in portrait:\n') print(' python -m screen:onex,portrait\n') print('Simulate the iPad 2 screen\n') print(' python -m screen:ipad\n') print('If the generated window is too large, you can specify a scale:\n') print(' python -m screen:note2,portrait,scale=.75\n') sys.exit(1)
Example #14
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def register(self, classname, cls=None, module=None, is_template=False, baseclasses=None, filename=None, warn=False): '''Register a new classname referring to a real class or class definition in a module. Warn, if True will emit a warning message when a class is re-declared. .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0 `warn` was added. .. versionchanged:: 1.7.0 :attr:`baseclasses` and :attr:`filename` added .. versionchanged:: 1.0.5 :attr:`is_template` has been added in 1.0.5. ''' if cls is None and module is None and baseclasses is None: raise ValueError( 'You must specify either cls= or module= or baseclasses =') if classname in self.classes: if warn: info = self.classes[classname] Logger.warning('Factory: Ignored class "{}" re-declaration. ' 'Current - module: {}, cls: {}, baseclass: {}, filename: {}. ' 'Ignored - module: {}, cls: {}, baseclass: {}, filename: {}.'. format(classname, info['module'], info['cls'], info['baseclasses'], info['filename'], module, cls, baseclasses, filename)) return self.classes[classname] = { 'module': module, 'cls': cls, 'is_template': is_template, 'baseclasses': baseclasses, 'filename': filename}
Example #15
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def start(self): pygame.joystick.init()'Android: found %d joystick' % pygame.joystick.get_count()) for i in range(pygame.joystick.get_count()): self.create_joystick(i)
Example #16
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_joystick(self, index):'Android: create joystick <%d>' % index) js = pygame.joystick.Joystick(index) js.init() if js.get_numbuttons() == 0:'Android: discard joystick <%d> cause no button' % index) return self.joysticks.append(js)
Example #17
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def start(self): # don't do the import at start, or teh error will be always displayed # for user who don't have Leap global Leap, InteractionBox import Leap from Leap import InteractionBox class LeapMotionListener(Leap.Listener): def on_init(self, controller):'leapmotion: Initialized') def on_connect(self, controller):'leapmotion: Connected') def on_disconnect(self, controller):'leapmotion: Disconnected') def on_frame(self, controller): frame = controller.frame() _LEAP_QUEUE.append(frame) def on_exit(self, controller): pass self.uid = 0 self.touches = {} self.listener = LeapMotionListener() self.controller = Leap.Controller(self.listener)
Example #18
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _on_gstplayer_message(mtype, message): if mtype == 'error': Logger.error('VideoGstplayer: {}'.format(message)) elif mtype == 'warning': Logger.warning('VideoGstplayer: {}'.format(message)) elif mtype == 'info':'VideoGstplayer: {}'.format(message))
Example #19
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_record(self, instance, value): if value: # generate a record filename self.counter = 0 self.record_time = time() self.record_fd = open(self.filename, 'w') self.record_fd.write('#RECORDER1.0\n')'Recorder: Recording inputs to %r' % self.filename) else: self.record_fd.close()'Recorder: Recorded %d events in %r' % (self.counter, self.filename)) # needed for acting as an input provider
Example #20
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def do_pause(self): # should go to app pause mode. from import App from kivy.base import stopTouchApp app = App.get_running_app() if not app:'WindowSDL: No running App found, exit.') stopTouchApp() return if not app.dispatch('on_pause'):'WindowSDL: App doesn\'t support pause mode, stop.') stopTouchApp() return # XXX FIXME wait for sdl resume while True: event = self._win.poll() if event is False: continue if event is None: continue action, args = event[0], event[1:] if action == 'quit': EventLoop.quit = True self.close() break elif action == 'windowrestored': break app.dispatch('on_resume')
Example #21
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_gl_version(): version = glGetString(GL_VERSION) vendor = glGetString(GL_VENDOR) renderer = glGetString(GL_RENDERER)'GL: OpenGL version <{0}>'.format(version))'GL: OpenGL vendor <{0}>'.format(vendor))'GL: OpenGL renderer <{0}>'.format(renderer)) # Let the user know if his graphics hardware/drivers are too old major, minor = gl_get_version()'GL: OpenGL parsed version: %d, %d' % (major, minor)) if (major, minor) < MIN_REQUIRED_GL_VERSION: msg = ( 'GL: Minimum required OpenGL version (2.0) NOT found!\n\n' 'OpenGL version detected: {0}.{1}\n\n' 'Version: {2}\nVendor: {3}\nRenderer: {4}\n\n' 'Try upgrading your graphics drivers and/or your ' 'graphics hardware in case of problems.\n\n' 'The application will leave now.').format( major, minor, version, vendor, renderer) Logger.critical(msg) msgbox(msg) if platform != 'android': # XXX in the android emulator (latest version at 22 march 2013), # this call was segfaulting the gl stack.'GL: Shading version <{0}>'.format( glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)))'GL: Texture max size <{0}>'.format( glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)[0]))'GL: Texture max units <{0}>'.format( glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS)[0])) # To be able to use our GL provider, we must have a window # Automaticly import window auto to ensure the default window creation
Example #22
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_record(self, instance, value): if value: # generate a record filename self.counter = 0 self.record_time = time() self.record_fd = open(self.filename, 'w') self.record_fd.write('#RECORDER1.0\n')'Recorder: Recording inputs to %r' % self.filename) else: self.record_fd.close()'Recorder: Recorded %d events in %r' % (self.counter, self.filename)) # needed for acting as an input provider
Example #23
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def start(self): # don't do the import at start, or teh error will be always displayed # for user who don't have Leap global Leap, InteractionBox import Leap from Leap import InteractionBox class LeapMotionListener(Leap.Listener): def on_init(self, controller):'leapmotion: Initialized') def on_connect(self, controller):'leapmotion: Connected') def on_disconnect(self, controller):'leapmotion: Disconnected') def on_frame(self, controller): frame = controller.frame() _LEAP_QUEUE.append(frame) def on_exit(self, controller): pass self.uid = 0 self.touches = {} self.listener = LeapMotionListener() self.controller = Leap.Controller(self.listener)
Example #24
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _update_texture(self, sample): # texture will be updated with newest buffer/frame # read the data from the buffer memory mapinfo = data = None try: buf = sample.get_buffer() result, mapinfo = # We cannot get the data out of mapinfo, using Gst 1.0.6 + Gi 3.8.0 # related bug report: # # ie: is normally a char*, but here, we have an int # So right now, we use ctypes instead to read the mapinfo ourself. addr = mapinfo.__hash__() c_mapinfo = _MapInfo.from_address(addr) # now get the memory data = string_at(, mapinfo.size) finally: if mapinfo is not None: buf.unmap(mapinfo) # upload the data to the GPU info = sample.get_caps().get_structure(0) size = info.get_value('width'), info.get_value('height') # texture is not allocated yet, create it first if not self._texture: self._texture = Texture.create(size=size, colorfmt='rgb') self._texture.flip_vertical() self.dispatch('on_load') if self._texture: self._texture.blit_buffer(data, size=size, colorfmt='rgb')
Example #25
Source File: {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}.py From cookiedozer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_ref_press(self, url): """Callback which is being run when the user clicks on a ref in the label. :param str url: URL to be opened in the webbrowser """"Opening '{url}' in webbrowser.".format(url=url))
Example #26
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_joystick(self, index):'Android: create joystick <%d>' % index) js = pygame.joystick.Joystick(index) js.init() if js.get_numbuttons() == 0:'Android: discard joystick <%d> cause no button' % index) return self.joysticks.append(js)
Example #27
Source File: From RaceCapture_App with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _init_tracks_success(self):'RaceCaptureApp: Current tracks loaded') Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self.notifyTracksUpdated())
Example #28
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def register(self, classname, cls=None, module=None, is_template=False, baseclasses=None, filename=None, warn=False): '''Register a new classname referring to a real class or class definition in a module. Warn, if True will emit a warning message when a class is re-declared. .. versionchanged:: 1.9.0 `warn` was added. .. versionchanged:: 1.7.0 :attr:`baseclasses` and :attr:`filename` added .. versionchanged:: 1.0.5 :attr:`is_template` has been added in 1.0.5. ''' if cls is None and module is None and baseclasses is None: raise ValueError( 'You must specify either cls= or module= or baseclasses =') if classname in self.classes: if warn: info = self.classes[classname] Logger.warning('Factory: Ignored class "{}" re-declaration. ' 'Current - module: {}, cls: {}, baseclass: {}, filename: {}. ' 'Ignored - module: {}, cls: {}, baseclass: {}, filename: {}.'. format(classname, info['module'], info['cls'], info['baseclasses'], info['filename'], module, cls, baseclasses, filename)) return self.classes[classname] = { 'module': module, 'cls': cls, 'is_template': is_template, 'baseclasses': baseclasses, 'filename': filename}
Example #29
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _configure(self, *largs, **kwargs): from time import strftime from kivy.config import Config log_dir = Config.get('kivy', 'log_dir') log_name = Config.get('kivy', 'log_name') _dir = kivy.kivy_home_dir if log_dir and os.path.isabs(log_dir): _dir = log_dir else: _dir = os.path.join(_dir, log_dir) if not os.path.exists(_dir): os.makedirs(_dir) self.purge_logs(_dir) pattern = log_name.replace('%_', '@@NUMBER@@') pattern = os.path.join(_dir, strftime(pattern)) n = 0 while True: filename = pattern.replace('@@NUMBER@@', str(n)) if not os.path.exists(filename): break n += 1 if n > 10000: # prevent maybe flooding ? raise Exception('Too many logfile, remove them') if FileHandler.filename == filename and FileHandler.fd is not None: return FileHandler.filename = filename if FileHandler.fd is not None: FileHandler.fd.close() FileHandler.fd = open(filename, 'w')'Logger: Record log in %s' % filename)
Example #30
Source File: From Tickeys-linux with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _update_texture(self, sample): # texture will be updated with newest buffer/frame # read the data from the buffer memory mapinfo = data = None try: buf = sample.get_buffer() result, mapinfo = # We cannot get the data out of mapinfo, using Gst 1.0.6 + Gi 3.8.0 # related bug report: # # ie: is normally a char*, but here, we have an int # So right now, we use ctypes instead to read the mapinfo ourself. addr = mapinfo.__hash__() c_mapinfo = _MapInfo.from_address(addr) # now get the memory data = string_at(, mapinfo.size) finally: if mapinfo is not None: buf.unmap(mapinfo) # upload the data to the GPU info = sample.get_caps().get_structure(0) size = info.get_value('width'), info.get_value('height') # texture is not allocated yet, create it first if not self._texture: self._texture = Texture.create(size=size, colorfmt='rgb') self._texture.flip_vertical() self.dispatch('on_load') if self._texture: self._texture.blit_buffer(data, size=size, colorfmt='rgb')