Python autograd.numpy.maximum() Examples
The following are 27
code examples of autograd.numpy.maximum().
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Example #1
Source File: From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _composite_log_likelihood(data, demo, mut_rate=None, truncate_probs=0.0, vector=False, p_missing=None, use_pairwise_diffs=False, **kwargs): try: sfs = data.sfs except AttributeError: sfs = data sfs_probs = np.maximum(expected_sfs(demo, sfs.configs, normalized=True, **kwargs), truncate_probs) log_lik = sfs._integrate_sfs(np.log(sfs_probs), vector=vector) # add on log likelihood of poisson distribution for total number of SNPs if mut_rate is not None: log_lik = log_lik + \ _mut_factor(sfs, demo, mut_rate, vector, p_missing, use_pairwise_diffs) if not vector: log_lik = np.squeeze(log_lik) return log_lik
Example #2
Source File: From AeroSandbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_thickness_at_chord_fraction_legacy(self, chord_fraction): # Returns the (interpolated) camber at a given location(s). The location is specified by the chord fraction, as measured from the leading edge. Thickness is nondimensionalized by chord (i.e. this function returns t/c at a given x/c). chord = np.max(self.coordinates[:, 0]) - np.min( self.coordinates[:, 0]) # This should always be 1, but this is just coded for robustness. x = chord_fraction * chord + min(self.coordinates[:, 0]) upperCoors = self.upper_coordinates() lowerCoors = self.lower_coordinates() y_upper_func = sp_interp.interp1d(x=upperCoors[:, 0], y=upperCoors[:, 1], copy=False, fill_value='extrapolate') y_lower_func = sp_interp.interp1d(x=lowerCoors[:, 0], y=lowerCoors[:, 1], copy=False, fill_value='extrapolate') y_upper = y_upper_func(x) y_lower = y_lower_func(x) thickness = np.maximum(y_upper - y_lower, 0) return thickness
Example #3
Source File: From kernel-gof with MIT License | 6 votes |
def bound_by_data(Z, Data): """ Determine lower and upper bound for each dimension from the Data, and project Z so that all points in Z live in the bounds. Z: m x d Data: n x d Return a projected Z of size m x d. """ n, d = Z.shape Low = np.min(Data, 0) Up = np.max(Data, 0) LowMat = np.repeat(Low[np.newaxis, :], n, axis=0) UpMat = np.repeat(Up[np.newaxis, :], n, axis=0) Z = np.maximum(LowMat, Z) Z = np.minimum(UpMat, Z) return Z
Example #4
Source File: From kernel-gof with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fit_gaussian_draw(X, J, seed=28, reg=1e-7, eig_pow=1.0): """ Fit a multivariate normal to the data X (n x d) and draw J points from the fit. - reg: regularizer to use with the covariance matrix - eig_pow: raise eigenvalues of the covariance matrix to this power to construct a new covariance matrix before drawing samples. Useful to shrink the spread of the variance. """ with NumpySeedContext(seed=seed): d = X.shape[1] mean_x = np.mean(X, 0) cov_x = np.cov(X.T) if d==1: cov_x = np.array([[cov_x]]) [evals, evecs] = np.linalg.eig(cov_x) evals = np.maximum(0, np.real(evals)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(evals)) evecs = np.real(evecs) shrunk_cov =**eig_pow)).dot(evecs.T) + reg*np.eye(d) V = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_x, shrunk_cov, J) return V
Example #5
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def is_a_scores_vector_batch(self, K, parent_vectors, other_vectors, rel_reversed): norm_parents = np.linalg.norm(parent_vectors, axis=1) norms_other = np.linalg.norm(other_vectors, axis=1) euclidean_dists = np.maximum(np.linalg.norm(parent_vectors - other_vectors, axis=1), 1e-6) # To avoid the fact that parent can be equal to child for the reconstruction experiment if not rel_reversed: cos_angles_child = (norms_other**2 - norm_parents**2 - euclidean_dists**2) / (2 * euclidean_dists * norm_parents) # 1 + neg_size angles_psi_parent = np.arcsin(K / norm_parents) # scalar else: cos_angles_child = (norm_parents**2 - norms_other**2 - euclidean_dists**2) / (2 * euclidean_dists * norms_other) # 1 + neg_size angles_psi_parent = np.arcsin(K / norms_other) # 1 + neg_size assert not np.isnan(cos_angles_child).any() clipped_cos_angle_child = np.maximum(cos_angles_child, -1 + EPS) clipped_cos_angle_child = np.minimum(clipped_cos_angle_child, 1 - EPS) angles_child = np.arccos(clipped_cos_angle_child) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) return np.maximum(0, angles_child - angles_psi_parent)
Example #6
Source File: From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def truncate0(x, axis=None, strict=False, tol=1e-13): '''make sure everything in x is non-negative''' # the maximum along axis maxes = np.maximum(np.amax(x, axis=axis), 1e-300) # the negative part of minimum along axis mins = np.maximum(-np.amin(x, axis=axis), 0.0) # assert the negative numbers are small (relative to maxes) assert np.all(mins <= tol * maxes) if axis is not None: idx = [slice(None)] * x.ndim idx[axis] = np.newaxis mins = mins[idx] maxes = maxes[idx] if strict: # set everything below the tolerance to 0 return set0(x, x < tol * maxes) else: # set everything of same magnitude as most negative number, to 0 return set0(x, x < 2 * mins)
Example #7
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _maxmargin_loss_fn(poincare_dists, maxmargin_margin): """ Parameters ---------- poincare_dists : numpy.array All distances d(u,v) and d(u,v'), where v' is negative. Shape (1 + negative_size). Returns ---------- max-margin loss function: \sum_{v' \in N(u)} max(0, \gamma + d(u,v) - d(u,v')) """ positive_term = poincare_dists[0] negative_terms = poincare_dists[1:] return grad_np.maximum(0, maxmargin_margin + positive_term - negative_terms).sum()
Example #8
Source File: From MLAlgorithms with MIT License | 5 votes |
def leakyrelu(z, a=0.01): return np.maximum(z * a, z)
Example #9
Source File: From MLAlgorithms with MIT License | 5 votes |
def relu(z): return np.maximum(0, z)
Example #10
Source File: From autograd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_maximum_equal_values(): def fun(x): return np.maximum(x, x) check_grads(fun)(1.0)
Example #11
Source File: From autograd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_maximum(): combo_check(np.maximum, [0, 1])( [R(1), R(1,4), R(3, 4)], [R(1), R(1,4), R(3, 4)])
Example #12
Source File: From autograd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def relu(x): return np.maximum(0, x)
Example #13
Source File: From autograd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def nn_predict(inputs, t, params): for W, b in params: outputs =, W) + b inputs = np.maximum(0, outputs) return outputs
Example #14
Source File: From autograd with MIT License | 5 votes |
def relu(x): return np.maximum(0, x)
Example #15
Source File: From lifetimes with MIT License | 5 votes |
def conditional_probability_alive_matrix( self, max_frequency=None, max_recency=None ): """ Compute the probability alive matrix. Uses the ``conditional_probability_alive()`` method to get calculate the matrix. Parameters ---------- max_frequency: float, optional the maximum frequency to plot. Default is max observed frequency. max_recency: float, optional the maximum recency to plot. This also determines the age of the customer. Default to max observed age. Returns ------- matrix: A matrix of the form [t_x: historical recency, x: historical frequency] """ max_frequency = max_frequency or int(["frequency"].max()) max_recency = max_recency or int(["T"].max()) return np.fromfunction( self.conditional_probability_alive, (max_frequency + 1, max_recency + 1), T=max_recency ).T
Example #16
Source File: From lifetimes with MIT License | 5 votes |
def conditional_probability_alive( self, frequency, recency, T ): """ Compute conditional probability alive. Compute the probability that a customer with history (frequency, recency, T) is currently alive. From Parameters ---------- frequency: array or scalar historical frequency of customer. recency: array or scalar historical recency of customer. T: array or scalar age of the customer. Returns ------- array value representing a probability """ r, alpha, a, b = self._unload_params("r", "alpha", "a", "b") log_div = (r + frequency) * np.log((alpha + T) / (alpha + recency)) + np.log( a / (b + np.maximum(frequency, 1) - 1) ) return np.atleast_1d(np.where(frequency == 0, 1.0, expit(-log_div)))
Example #17
Source File: From lifetimes with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _negative_log_likelihood( log_params, freq, rec, T, weights, penalizer_coef ): """ The following method for calculatating the *log-likelihood* uses the method specified in section 7 of [2]_. More information can also be found in [3]_. References ---------- .. [2] Fader, Peter S., Bruce G.S. Hardie, and Ka Lok Lee (2005a), "Counting Your Customers the Easy Way: An Alternative to the Pareto/NBD Model," Marketing Science, 24 (2), 275-84. .. [3] """ warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) params = np.exp(log_params) r, alpha, a, b = params A_1 = gammaln(r + freq) - gammaln(r) + r * np.log(alpha) A_2 = gammaln(a + b) + gammaln(b + freq) - gammaln(b) - gammaln(a + b + freq) A_3 = -(r + freq) * np.log(alpha + T) A_4 = np.log(a) - np.log(b + np.maximum(freq, 1) - 1) - (r + freq) * np.log(rec + alpha) penalizer_term = penalizer_coef * sum(params ** 2) ll = weights * (A_1 + A_2 + np.log(np.exp(A_3) + np.exp(A_4) * (freq > 0))) return -ll.sum() / weights.sum() + penalizer_term
Example #18
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _compute_loss(self): """Compute and store loss value for the given batch of examples.""" if self._loss_computed: return self._compute_distances() if self.loss_type == 'nll': # NLL loss from the NIPS paper. exp_negative_distances = np.exp(-self.poincare_dists) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) # Remove the value for the true edge (u,v) from the partition function Z = exp_negative_distances[1:].sum(axis=0) # (batch_size) self.exp_negative_distances = exp_negative_distances # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.Z = Z # (batch_size) self.pos_loss = self.poincare_dists[0].sum() self.neg_loss = np.log(self.Z).sum() self.loss = self.pos_loss + self.neg_loss # scalar elif self.loss_type == 'neg': # NEG loss function: # - log sigma((r - d(u,v)) / t) - \sum_{v' \in N(u)} log sigma((d(u,v') - r) / t) positive_term = np.log(1.0 + np.exp((- self.neg_r + self.poincare_dists[0]) / self.neg_t)) # (batch_size) negative_terms = self.neg_mu * \ np.log(1.0 + np.exp((self.neg_r - self.poincare_dists[1:]) / self.neg_t)) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.pos_loss = positive_term.sum() self.neg_loss = negative_terms.sum() self.loss = self.pos_loss + self.neg_loss # scalar elif self.loss_type == 'maxmargin': # max - margin loss function: \sum_{v' \in N(u)} max(0, \gamma + d(u,v) - d(u,v')) self.loss = np.maximum(0, self.maxmargin_margin + self.poincare_dists[0] - self.poincare_dists[1:]).sum() # scalar self.pos_loss = self.loss self.neg_loss = self.loss else: raise ValueError('Unknown loss type : ' + self.loss_type) self._loss_computed = True
Example #19
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_a_scores_vector_batch(self, alpha, parent_vectors, other_vectors, rel_reversed): if not rel_reversed: return np.linalg.norm(np.maximum(0, parent_vectors - other_vectors), axis=1) else: return np.linalg.norm(np.maximum(0, - parent_vectors + other_vectors), axis=1)
Example #20
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _compute_loss(self): """Compute and store loss value for the given batch of examples.""" if self._loss_computed: return self._loss_computed = True if not self.rels_reversed: self.entailment_penalty = np.maximum(0, self.vectors_u - self.vectors_v) # (1 + negative_size, dim, batch_size). else: self.entailment_penalty = np.maximum(0, - self.vectors_u + self.vectors_v) # (1 + negative_size, dim, batch_size). self.energy_vec = np.linalg.norm(self.entailment_penalty, axis=1)**2 # (1 + negative_size, batch_size). self.pos_loss = self.energy_vec[0].sum() self.neg_loss = np.maximum(0, self.margin - self.energy_vec[1:]).sum() self.loss = self.pos_loss + self.neg_loss
Example #21
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _loss_fn(self, matrix, rels_reversed): """Given a numpy array with vectors for u, v and negative samples, computes loss value. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.array Array containing vectors for u, v and negative samples, of shape (2 + negative_size, dim). rels_reversed : bool Returns ------- float Computed loss value. Warnings -------- Only used for autograd gradients, since autograd requires a specific function signature. """ vector_u = matrix[0] vectors_v = matrix[1:] if not rels_reversed: entailment_penalty = grad_np.maximum(0, vector_u - vectors_v) # (1 + negative_size, dim). else: entailment_penalty = grad_np.maximum(0, - vector_u + vectors_v) # (1 + negative_size, dim). energy_vec = grad_np.linalg.norm(entailment_penalty, axis=1) ** 2 positive_term = energy_vec[0] negative_terms = energy_vec[1:] return positive_term + grad_np.maximum(0, self.margin - negative_terms).sum()
Example #22
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _compute_loss(self): """Compute and store loss value for the given batch of examples.""" if self._loss_computed: return self._loss_computed = True self.euclidean_dists = np.linalg.norm(self.vectors_u - self.vectors_v, axis=1) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.dot_prods = (self.vectors_u * self.vectors_v).sum(axis=1) # (1 + neg, batch_size) self.g = 1 + self.norms_v_sq * self.norms_u_sq - 2 * self.dot_prods self.g_sqrt = np.sqrt(self.g) self.euclidean_times_sqrt_g = self.euclidean_dists * self.g_sqrt if not self.rels_reversed: # u is x , v is y # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) child_numerator = self.dot_prods * (1 + self.norms_u_sq) - self.norms_u_sq * (1 + self.norms_v_sq) self.child_numitor = self.euclidean_times_sqrt_g * self.norms_u self.angles_psi_parent = np.arcsin(self.K * self.one_minus_norms_sq_u / self.norms_u) # (1, batch_size) else: # v is x , u is y # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) child_numerator = self.dot_prods * (1 + self.norms_v_sq) - self.norms_v_sq * (1 + self.norms_u_sq) self.child_numitor = self.euclidean_times_sqrt_g * self.norms_v self.angles_psi_parent = np.arcsin(self.K * self.one_minus_norms_sq_v / self.norms_v) # (1, batch_size) self.cos_angles_child = child_numerator / self.child_numitor # To avoid numerical errors self.clipped_cos_angle_child = np.maximum(self.cos_angles_child, -1 + EPS) self.clipped_cos_angle_child = np.minimum(self.clipped_cos_angle_child, 1 - EPS) self.angles_child = np.arccos(self.clipped_cos_angle_child) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.angle_diff = self.angles_child - self.angles_psi_parent self.energy_vec = np.maximum(0, self.angle_diff) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.pos_loss = self.energy_vec[0].sum() self.neg_loss = np.maximum(0, self.margin - self.energy_vec[1:]).sum() self.loss = self.pos_loss + self.neg_loss
Example #23
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _compute_loss(self): """Compute and store loss value for the given batch of examples.""" if self._loss_computed: return self._loss_computed = True self.euclidean_dists = np.linalg.norm(self.vectors_u - self.vectors_v, axis=1) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) euclidean_dists_sq = self.euclidean_dists ** 2 if not self.rels_reversed: # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) child_numerator = self.norms_v_sq - self.norms_u_sq - euclidean_dists_sq self.child_numitor = 2 * self.euclidean_dists * self.norms_u self.angles_psi_parent = np.arcsin(self.K / self.norms_u) # (1, batch_size) else: # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) child_numerator = self.norms_u_sq - self.norms_v_sq - euclidean_dists_sq self.child_numitor = 2 * self.euclidean_dists * self.norms_v self.angles_psi_parent = np.arcsin(self.K / self.norms_v) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.cos_angles_child = child_numerator / self.child_numitor # To avoid numerical errors self.clipped_cos_angle_child = np.maximum(self.cos_angles_child, -1 + EPS) self.clipped_cos_angle_child = np.minimum(self.clipped_cos_angle_child, 1 - EPS) self.angles_child = np.arccos(self.clipped_cos_angle_child) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.angle_diff = self.angles_child - self.angles_psi_parent self.energy_vec = np.maximum(0, self.angle_diff) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.pos_loss = self.energy_vec[0].sum() self.neg_loss = np.maximum(0, self.margin - self.energy_vec[1:]).sum() self.loss = self.pos_loss + self.neg_loss
Example #24
Source File: From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def sgd(fun, x0, fun_and_jac, pieces, stepsize, num_iters, bounds=None, callback=None, iter_per_output=10, rgen=np.random): x0 = np.array(x0) if callback is None: callback = lambda *a, **kw: None if bounds is None: bounds = [(None, None) for _ in x0] lower, upper = zip(*bounds) lower = [-float('inf') if l is None else l for l in lower] upper = [float('inf') if u is None else u for u in upper] def truncate(x): return np.maximum(np.minimum(x, upper), lower) x = x0 for nit in range(num_iters): i = rgen.randint(pieces) f_x, g_x = fun_and_jac(x, i) x = truncate(x - stepsize * g_x) if nit % iter_per_output == 0: callback(x, f_x, nit) return scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult({'x': x, 'fun': f_x, 'jac': g_x})
Example #25
Source File: From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def avg_pairwise_hets(self): # avg number of hets per ind per pop (assuming Hardy-Weinberg) n_nonmissing = np.sum(self.configs.value, axis=2) # for denominator, assume 1 allele is drawn from whole sample, and 1 # allele is drawn only from nomissing alleles denoms = np.maximum(n_nonmissing * (self.sampled_n - 1), 1.0) p_het = 2 * self.configs.value[:, :, 0] * \ self.configs.value[:, :, 1] / denoms return
Example #26
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _loss_fn(self, matrix, rels_reversed): """Given a numpy array with vectors for u, v and negative samples, computes loss value. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.array Array containing vectors for u, v and negative samples, of shape (2 + negative_size, dim). rels_reversed : bool Returns ------- float Computed loss value. Warnings -------- Only used for autograd gradients, since autograd requires a specific function signature. """ vector_u = matrix[0] vectors_v = matrix[1:] norm_u = grad_np.linalg.norm(vector_u) norms_v = grad_np.linalg.norm(vectors_v, axis=1) euclidean_dists = grad_np.linalg.norm(vector_u - vectors_v, axis=1) dot_prod = (vector_u * vectors_v).sum(axis=1) if not rels_reversed: # u is x , v is y cos_angle_child = (dot_prod * (1 + norm_u ** 2) - norm_u ** 2 * (1 + norms_v ** 2)) /\ (norm_u * euclidean_dists * grad_np.sqrt(1 + norms_v ** 2 * norm_u ** 2 - 2 * dot_prod)) angles_psi_parent = grad_np.arcsin(self.K * (1 - norm_u**2) / norm_u) # scalar else: # v is x , u is y cos_angle_child = (dot_prod * (1 + norms_v ** 2) - norms_v **2 * (1 + norm_u ** 2) ) /\ (norms_v * euclidean_dists * grad_np.sqrt(1 + norms_v**2 * norm_u**2 - 2 * dot_prod)) angles_psi_parent = grad_np.arcsin(self.K * (1 - norms_v**2) / norms_v) # 1 + neg_size # To avoid numerical errors clipped_cos_angle_child = grad_np.maximum(cos_angle_child, -1 + EPS) clipped_cos_angle_child = grad_np.minimum(clipped_cos_angle_child, 1 - EPS) angles_child = grad_np.arccos(clipped_cos_angle_child) # 1 + neg_size energy_vec = grad_np.maximum(0, angles_child - angles_psi_parent) positive_term = energy_vec[0] negative_terms = energy_vec[1:] return positive_term + grad_np.maximum(0, self.margin - negative_terms).sum()
Example #27
Source File: From hyperbolic_cones with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _loss_fn(self, matrix, rels_reversed): """Given a numpy array with vectors for u, v and negative samples, computes loss value. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.array Array containing vectors for u, v and negative samples, of shape (2 + negative_size, dim). rels_reversed : bool Returns ------- float Computed loss value. Warnings -------- Only used for autograd gradients, since autograd requires a specific function signature. """ vector_u = matrix[0] vectors_v = matrix[1:] norm_u = grad_np.linalg.norm(vector_u) norms_v = grad_np.linalg.norm(vectors_v, axis=1) euclidean_dists = grad_np.linalg.norm(vector_u - vectors_v, axis=1) if not rels_reversed: # u is x , v is y cos_angle_child = (norms_v**2 - norm_u**2 - euclidean_dists**2) / (2 * euclidean_dists * norm_u) # 1 + neg_size angles_psi_parent = grad_np.arcsin(self.K / norm_u) # scalar else: # v is x , u is y cos_angle_child = (norm_u**2 - norms_v**2 - euclidean_dists**2) / (2 * euclidean_dists * norms_v) # 1 + neg_size angles_psi_parent = grad_np.arcsin(self.K / norms_v) # 1 + neg_size # To avoid numerical errors clipped_cos_angle_child = grad_np.maximum(cos_angle_child, -1 + EPS) clipped_cos_angle_child = grad_np.minimum(clipped_cos_angle_child, 1 - EPS) angles_child = grad_np.arccos(clipped_cos_angle_child) # 1 + neg_size energy_vec = grad_np.maximum(0, angles_child - angles_psi_parent) positive_term = energy_vec[0] negative_terms = energy_vec[1:] return positive_term + grad_np.maximum(0, self.margin - negative_terms).sum()