Python wx.adv() Examples
The following are 29
code examples of wx.adv().
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Example #1
Source File: From R421A08-rs485-8ch-relay-board with MIT License | 6 votes |
def OnMenuAbout(self, event): """ Display an About Dialog :param event: :return: """ info = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() info.SetName('RS485 MODBUS GUI') info.SetVersion('v{}'.format(relay_modbus.VERSION)) info.SetCopyright('(C) 2018 by Erriez') ico_path = resource_path('images/modbus.ico') if os.path.exists(ico_path): info.SetIcon(wx.Icon(ico_path)) info.SetDescription(wordwrap( "This is an example application to monitor and send MODBUS commands using wxPython!", 350, wx.ClientDC(self))) info.SetWebSite("", "Source & Documentation") info.AddDeveloper('Erriez') info.SetLicense(wordwrap("MIT License: Completely and totally open source!", 500, wx.ClientDC(self))) # Then we call wx.AboutBox giving it that info object wx.adv.AboutBox(info)
Example #2
Source File: From Gooey with MIT License | 6 votes |
def layoutComponent(self): sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self.header, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(wx_util.horizontal_rule(self), 0, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(self.navbar, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(self.console, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(wx_util.horizontal_rule(self), 0, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(self.footer, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetMinSize((400, 300)) self.SetSize(self.buildSpec['default_size']) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.console.Hide() self.Layout() if self.buildSpec.get('fullscreen', True): self.ShowFullScreen(True) # Program Icon (Windows) icon = wx.Icon(self.buildSpec['images']['programIcon'], wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) self.SetIcon(icon) if sys.platform != 'win32': # OSX needs to have its taskbar icon explicitly set # bizarrely, wx requires the TaskBarIcon to be attached to the Frame # as instance data (self.). Otherwise, it will not render correctly. self.taskbarIcon = TaskBarIcon(iconType=wx.adv.TBI_DOCK) self.taskbarIcon.SetIcon(icon)
Example #3
Source File: From R421A08-rs485-8ch-relay-board with MIT License | 6 votes |
def OnAboutClick(self, event=None): info = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() info.SetName('RS485 MODBUS GUI') info.SetVersion('v{}'.format(relay_boards.VERSION)) info.SetCopyright('(C) 2018 by Erriez') ico_path = resource_path('images/R421A08.ico') if os.path.exists(ico_path): info.SetIcon(wx.Icon(ico_path)) info.SetDescription(wordwrap( "This is an example application to control a R421A08 relay board using wxPython!", 350, wx.ClientDC(self))) info.SetWebSite(SOURCE_URL, "Source & Documentation") info.AddDeveloper('Erriez') info.SetLicense(wordwrap("MIT License: Completely and totally open source!", 500, wx.ClientDC(self))) wx.adv.AboutBox(info) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Relay panel # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #4
Source File: From wxGlade with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): # begin wxGlade: MyDialog.__init__ kwds["style"] = kwds.get("style", 0) | wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE wx.Dialog.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.SetTitle("dialog_1") sizer_1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.calendar_ctrl_1 = wx.adv.CalendarCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, style=0) sizer_1.Add(self.calendar_ctrl_1, 0, 0, 0) self.SetSizer(sizer_1) sizer_1.Fit(self) self.Layout() # end wxGlade # end of class MyDialog
Example #5
Source File: From gosync with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def OnInternetDown(self, event): if == 1:"Network is down") if self.sync_model.GetUseSystemNotifSetting(): if wxgtk4: nmsg = wx.adv.NotificationMessage(title="GoSync", message="Network has gone down!") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_WARNING) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.adv.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto) else: nmsg = wx.NotificationMessage("GoSync", "Network has gone down!") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_WARNING) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto) else:"Network is up!") if self.sync_model.GetUseSystemNotifSetting(): if wxgtk4: nmsg = wx.adv.NotificationMessage(title="GoSync", message="Network is up!") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_INFORMATION) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.adv.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto) else: nmsg = wx.NotificationMessage("GoSync", "Network is up!") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_INFORMATION) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto)
Example #6
Source File: From gosync with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def OnAbout(self, evt): """About GoSync""" if wxgtk4 : about = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() else: about = wx.AboutDialogInfo() about.SetIcon(wx.Icon(ABOUT_ICON, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) about.SetName(APP_NAME) about.SetVersion(APP_VERSION) about.SetDescription(APP_DESCRIPTION) about.SetCopyright(APP_COPYRIGHT) about.SetWebSite(APP_WEBSITE) about.SetLicense(APP_LICENSE) about.AddDeveloper(APP_DEVELOPER) about.AddArtist(ART_DEVELOPER) if wxgtk4 : wx.adv.AboutBox(about) else: wx.AboutBox(about)
Example #7
Source File: From gosync with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def OnSyncStarted(self, event): if self.sync_model.GetUseSystemNotifSetting(): if wxgtk4 : nmsg = wx.adv.NotificationMessage(title="GoSync", message="Sync Started") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_INFORMATION) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.adv.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto) else: nmsg = wx.NotificationMessage("GoSync", "Sync Started") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_INFORMATION) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto)"Sync started...")"Running", 1) self.sync_now_mitem.Enable(False) self.rcu.Enable(False) self.pr_item.SetItemLabel("Pause Sync")
Example #8
Source File: From gosync with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def OnSyncDone(self, event): if not if self.sync_model.GetUseSystemNotifSetting(): if wxgtk4: nmsg = wx.adv.NotificationMessage(title="GoSync", message="Sync Completed!") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_INFORMATION) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.adv.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto) else: nmsg = wx.NotificationMessage("GoSync", "Sync Completed!") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_INFORMATION) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto)"Sync completed.") else: if self.sync_model.GetUseSystemNotifSetting(): if wxgtk4: nmsg = wx.adv.NotificationMessage(title="GoSync", message="Sync Completed with errors!\nPlease check ~/GoSync.log") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_ERROR) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.adv.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto) else: nmsg = wx.NotificationMessage("GoSync", "Sync Completed with errors!\nPlease check ~/GoSync.log") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_ERROR) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto)"Sync failed. Please check the logs.") self.sync_now_mitem.Enable(True) self.rcu.Enable(True)
Example #9
Source File: From Gooey with MIT License | 5 votes |
def AboutBox(aboutDialog): return (wx.adv.AboutBox(aboutDialog) if isLatestVersion else wx.AboutBox(aboutDialog))
Example #10
Source File: From superpaper with MIT License | 5 votes |
def on_about(self, event): """Opens About dialog.""" # Credit for AboutDiaglog example to Jan Bodnar of # description = ( "Superpaper is an advanced multi monitor wallpaper\n" +"manager for Unix and Windows operating systems.\n" +"Features include setting a single or multiple image\n" +"wallpaper, pixel per inch and bezel corrections,\n" +"manual pixel offsets for tuning, slideshow with\n" +"configurable file order, multiple path support and more." ) licence = ( "Superpaper is free software; you can redistribute\n" +"it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT" +" License.\n\n" +"Superpaper is distributed in the hope that it will" +" be useful,\n" +"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied" +" warranty of\n" +"MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n" +"See the MIT License for more details." ) artists = "Icons kindly provided by Icons8" info = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() info.SetIcon(wx.Icon(TRAY_ICON, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) info.SetName('Superpaper') info.SetVersion(__version__) info.SetDescription(description) info.SetCopyright('(C) 2020 Henri Hänninen') info.SetWebSite('') info.SetLicence(licence) info.AddDeveloper('Henri Hänninen') info.AddArtist(artists) # info.AddDocWriter('Doc Writer') # info.AddTranslator('Tran Slator') wx.adv.AboutBox(info)
Example #11
Source File: From atbswp with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def on_about(self, event): """About dialog.""" info = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() info.Name = "atbswp" info.Version = "v0.1" info.Copyright = ("(C) 2019 Mairo Paul Rufus <>\n") info.Description = "Record mouse and keyboard actions and reproduce them identically at will" info.WebSite = ("", "Project homepage") info.Developers = ["Mairo Paul Rufus"] info.License = "GNU General Public License V3" info.Icon = self.icon wx.adv.AboutBox(info)
Example #12
Source File: From wxGlade with MIT License | 5 votes |
def wxname2attr(self, name): cn = self.codegen.get_class( module = wx if compat.IS_CLASSIC else wx.adv return getattr(module, cn)
Example #13
Source File: From wxGlade with MIT License | 5 votes |
def wxname2attr(self, name): cn = self.codegen.get_class( module = wx if compat.IS_CLASSIC else wx.adv return getattr(module, cn)
Example #14
Source File: From wxGlade with MIT License | 5 votes |
def wxname2attr(self, name): assert name.startswith('wx') cn = self.codegen.get_class( if compat.IS_PHOENIX: attr = getattr(wx.adv, cn) else: attr = getattr(wx.calendar, cn) return attr
Example #15
Source File: From wxGlade with MIT License | 5 votes |
def wxname2attr(self, name): assert name.startswith('wx') cn = self.codegen.get_class( if compat.IS_PHOENIX: attr = getattr(wx.adv, cn) else: attr = getattr(wx, cn) return attr
Example #16
Source File: From R421A08-rs485-8ch-relay-board with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, frame, icon): """ Create Taskbar icon :param frame: Frame :type frame: RelayGUI :param icon: Taskbar icon """ wx.adv.TaskBarIcon.__init__(self) self.frame = frame self.SetIcon(icon, self.frame.GetTitle()) self.Bind(wx.adv.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTaskBarLeftClick)
Example #17
Source File: From R421A08-rs485-8ch-relay-board with MIT License | 5 votes |
def OnMenuAbout(self, event): info = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() info.SetName('Relay example GUI') if os.path.exists(ICO_PATH): info.SetIcon(wx.Icon(ICO_PATH)) info.SetVersion('v1.0') info.SetCopyright('(C) 2018 by Erriez') info.SetDescription('Relay example with wxPython {}'.format(wx.version())) info.SetWebSite('', 'Source & Documentation') info.AddDeveloper('Erriez') info.SetLicense('MIT License: Completely and totally open source!') wx.adv.AboutBox(info)
Example #18
Source File: From Gooey with MIT License | 5 votes |
def AboutDialog(): if isLatestVersion: return wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() else: return wx.AboutDialogInfo()
Example #19
Source File: From nodemcu-pyflasher with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): wx.adv.SplashScreen.__init__(self, images.Splash.GetBitmap(), wx.adv.SPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN | wx.adv.SPLASH_TIMEOUT, 2500, None, -1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._on_close) self.__fc = wx.CallLater(2000, self._show_main)
Example #20
Source File: From gosync with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def OnSyncInvalidFolder(self, event): if self.sync_model.GetUseSystemNotifSetting(): if wxgtk4: nmsg = wx.adv.NotificationMessage(title="GoSync", message="Invalid sync settings detected.\nPlease check the logs.") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_ERROR) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.adv.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto) else: nmsg = wx.NotificationMessage("GoSync", "Invalid sync settings detected.\nPlease check the logs.") nmsg.SetFlags(wx.ICON_ERROR) nmsg.Show(timeout=wx.NotificationMessage.Timeout_Auto)
Example #21
Source File: From Model-Playgrounds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def aboutInception(self, evt): about_details = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() about_details.Name = "Inception" about_details.Version = "V3" about_details.Description = wordwrap(" Inception V3 is a Convolutional Neural Network that scales up in ways" " that utilizes higher computation as efficiently as possible by suitably" " factorized convolutions and aggressive regularization. It is developed" " and maintained at Google. The Inception Neural Networks have achieved" " state-of-the-art performance in practical applications." " ", 500, wx.ClientDC(self)) about_details.Copyright = "Google Inc." about_details.SetWebSite("", "Arxiv Publication Page") about_details.SetDevelopers(["Christian Szegedy ","Vincent Vanhoucke", "Sergey Ioffe", "Jonathon Shlens", "Zbigniew Wojna"]) about_dialog = wx.adv.AboutBox(about_details)
Example #22
Source File: From Model-Playgrounds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def aboutApplication(self, evt): about_details = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() about_details.Name = "Inception Playground" about_details.Version = "1.0" about_details.Description = wordwrap(" Inception Playground is a software that enables users to perform average " "recognition and classification on pictures on computer systems. Powered by " "the Convolutional Neural Network Architecture, InceptionV3 model, trained on the ImageNet " "dataset which comprises of 1000 different objects in its 1.2 million pictures " "collection, this software can recognize on average most everyday objects based on " "the capability of the Inception V3 + ImageNet model shipped with it. \n " " This software is part of a series of programs that is meant to let " "non-programmers and average computer users to experience Artificial Intelligence " "in which machines and software programs can identify picture/objects in pictures. \n" " These series of Artificial Intelligence playgrounds is built by Specpal " "with Moses Olafenwa as its Chief programmer and John Olafenwa as the Technical Adviser. \n" " This program is free for anyone to use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. " " We do not guarantee the accuracy or consistency of this program and we shall not be " "responsible for any consequence or damage to your computer system that may arise in the " " use of this program. \n" " You can reach to Moses Olafenwa via an email to \"\", or John Olafenwa via an email to \"\" . ", 500, wx.ClientDC(self)) about_details.Copyright = "Specpal" about_details.SetWebSite("", "Specpal's Official Website") about_dialog = wx.adv.AboutBox(about_details) # About Inception dialog function
Example #23
Source File: From Model-Playgrounds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def aboutApplication(self, evt): about_details = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() about_details.Name = "DenseNet Playground" about_details.Version = "1.0" about_details.Description = wordwrap(" DenseNet Playground is a software that enables users to perform average " "recognition and classification on pictures on computer systems. Powered by " "the Convolutional Neural Network Architecture, DenseNet model, trained on the ImageNet " "dataset which comprises of 1000 different objects in its 1.2 million pictures " "collection, this software can recognize on average most everyday objects based on " "the capability of the DenseNet + ImageNet model shipped with it. \n " " This software is part of a series of programs that is meant to let " "non-programmers and average computer users to experience Artificial Intelligence " "in which machines and software programs can identify picture/objects in pictures. \n" " These series of Artificial Intelligence playgrounds is built by Specpal " "with Moses Olafenwa as its Chief programmer and John Olafenwa as the Technical Adviser. \n" " This program is free for anyone to use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. " " We do not guarantee the accuracy or consistency of this program and we shall not be " "responsible for any consequence or damage to your computer system that may arise in the " " use of this program. \n" " You can reach to Moses Olafenwa via an email to \"\", or John Olafenwa via an email to \"\" . ", 500, wx.ClientDC(self)) about_details.Copyright = "Specpal" about_details.SetWebSite("", "Specpal's Official Website") about_dialog = wx.adv.AboutBox(about_details) # About DenseNet dialog function
Example #24
Source File: From Model-Playgrounds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def aboutSqueezenet(self, evt): about_details = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() about_details.Name = "SqueezeNet" about_details.Version = "" about_details.Description = wordwrap( " SqueezeNet is a Deep Neural Network architecture developed to be relatively small" ", require less computational power for training, require less server-to-server communication" " during distributed training and have a viable low-end devices deployment.", 300, wx.ClientDC(self)) about_details.Copyright = "" about_details.SetWebSite("", "SqueezeNet GitHub page") about_details.SetDevelopers(["Forrest N. Iandola", "Song Han", "Matthew W. Moskewicz", "Khalid Ashraf", "William J. Dally", "Kurt Keutzer"]) about_dialog = wx.adv.AboutBox(about_details)
Example #25
Source File: From Model-Playgrounds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def aboutApplication(self, evt): about_details = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() about_details.Name = "SqueezeNet Playground" about_details.Version = "1.0" about_details.Description = wordwrap(" SqueezeNet Playground is a software that enables users to perform average " "recognition and classification on pictures on computer systems. Powered by " "the Convolutional Neural Network Architecture, SqueezeNet model, trained on the ImageNet " "dataset which comprises of 1000 different objects in its 1.2 million pictures " "collection, this software can recognize on average most everyday objects based on " "the capability of the SqueezeNet + ImageNet model shipped with it. \n " " This software is part of a series of programs that is meant to let " "non-programmers and average computer users to experience Artificial Intelligence " "in which machines and software programs can identify picture/objects in pictures. \n" " These series of Artificial Intelligence playgrounds is built by Specpal " "with Moses Olafenwa as its Chief programmer and John Olafenwa as the Technical Adviser. \n" " This program is free for anyone to use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. " " We do not guarantee the accuracy or consistency of this program and we shall not be " "responsible for any consequence or damage to your computer system that may arise in the " " use of this program. \n" " You can reach to Moses Olafenwa via an email to \"\", or John Olafenwa via an email to \"\" . ", 500, wx.ClientDC(self)) about_details.Copyright = "Specpal" about_details.SetWebSite("", "Specpal's Official Website") about_dialog = wx.adv.AboutBox(about_details) # About SqueezeNet dialog function
Example #26
Source File: From Model-Playgrounds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def aboutResnet(self, evt): about_details = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() about_details.Name = "ResNet" about_details.Version = "50" about_details.Description = wordwrap(" ResNet is a Residual Learning Framework by Kaiming He et al at Microsoft" " Research Asia (MSRA). The network was developed to ease the training of neural" " networks that are substantially deeper than those used previously." " ", 300, wx.ClientDC(self)) about_details.Copyright = "Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA)" about_details.SetWebSite("", "ResNet GitHub page") about_details.SetDevelopers(["Kaiming He","Xiangyu Zhang", "Shaoqing Ren", "Jian Sun"]) about_dialog = wx.adv.AboutBox(about_details)
Example #27
Source File: From Model-Playgrounds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def aboutApplication(self, evt): about_details = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo() about_details.Name = "ResNet Playground" about_details.Version = "1.0" about_details.Description = wordwrap(" ResNet Playground is a software that enables users to perform average " "recognition and classification on pictures on computer systems. Powered by " "the Convolutional Neural Network Architecture, ResNet50 model, trained on the ImageNet " "dataset which comprises of 1000 different objects in its 1.2 million pictures " "collection, this software can recognize on average most everyday objects based on " "the capability of the ResNet50 + ImageNet model shipped with it. \n " " This software is part of a series of programs that is meant to let " "non-programmers and average computer users to experience Artificial Intelligence " "in which machines and software programs can identify picture/objects in pictures. \n" " These series of Artificial Intelligence playgrounds is built by Specpal " "with Moses Olafenwa as its Chief programmer and John Olafenwa as the Technical Adviser. \n" " This program is free for anyone to use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. " " We do not guarantee the accuracy or consistency of this program and we shall not be " "responsible for any consequence or damage to your computer system that may arise in the " " use of this program. \n" " You can reach to Moses Olafenwa via an email to \"\", or John Olafenwa via an email to \"\" . ", 500, wx.ClientDC(self)) about_details.Copyright = "Specpal" about_details.SetWebSite("", "Specpal's Official Website") about_dialog = wx.adv.AboutBox(about_details) # About ResNet dialog function
Example #28
Source File: From thotkeeper with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def _QueryChooseDate(self, title, default_date=None): # Fetch the date selection dialog, and replace the "unknown" XRC # placeholder with a calendar widget. choose_date_dialog = self.resources.LoadDialog(self.frame, 'TKChooseDate') choose_date_dialog.SetTitle(title) choose_date_panel = choose_date_dialog.FindWindowById( self._GetXRCID('TKChooseDatePanel')) choose_date_cal = wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl( parent=choose_date_panel, style=wx.adv.CAL_SEQUENTIAL_MONTH_SELECTION) self.resources.AttachUnknownControl('TKChooseDateCalendar', choose_date_cal, choose_date_panel) choose_date_cal_id = self._GetXRCID('TKChooseDateCalendar') choose_date_today_id = self._GetXRCID('TKChooseDateToday') # Ask the user to select a date. We'll hook in a couple of # custom event handlers here: one catches double-clicks on the # calendar as dialog-close-worthy events, and the other allows # the dialog's "Today" button to set the dialog's selected # calendar day. def _ChooseDateCalendarChanged(event): event.Skip() choose_date_dialog.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) self.Bind(wx.adv.EVT_CALENDAR, _ChooseDateCalendarChanged, id=choose_date_cal_id) def _ChooseDateTodayClicked(event): timestruct = time.localtime() date = self._MakeDateTime(timestruct[0], timestruct[1], timestruct[2]) choose_date_cal.SetDate(date) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, _ChooseDateTodayClicked, id=choose_date_today_id) if not default_date: timestruct = time.localtime() default_date = self._MakeDateTime(timestruct[0], timestruct[1], timestruct[2]) choose_date_cal.SetDate(default_date) if choose_date_dialog.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: choose_date_dialog.Destroy() return None date = choose_date_cal.GetDate() choose_date_dialog.Destroy() return date
Example #29
Source File: From superpaper with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, frame): self.g_settings = GeneralSettingsData() self.frame = frame super(TaskBarIcon, self).__init__() self.set_icon(TRAY_ICON) # self.Bind(wx.adv.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, self.on_left_down) self.Bind(wx.adv.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK, self.configure_wallpapers) # Initialize display data # get_display_data() wpproc.refresh_display_data() # profile initialization self.job_lock = Lock() self.repeating_timer = None self.pause_item = None self.is_paused = False if sp_logging.DEBUG:"START Listing profiles for menu.") self.list_of_profiles = list_profiles() if sp_logging.DEBUG:"END Listing profiles for menu.") # Should now return an object if a previous profile was written or # None if no previous data was found self.active_profile = read_active_profile() self.start_prev_profile(self.active_profile) # if self.active_profile is None: #"Starting up the first profile found.") # self.start_profile(wx.EVT_MENU, self.list_of_profiles[0]) # = None # self.hk2 = None if self.g_settings.use_hotkeys is True: try: # import keyboard # # This import is here to have the module in the class scope from system_hotkey import SystemHotkey = SystemHotkey(check_queue_interval=0.05) self.hk2 = SystemHotkey( consumer=self.profile_consumer, check_queue_interval=0.05) self.seen_binding = set() self.register_hotkeys() except ImportError as excep: "WARNING: Could not import keyboard hotkey hook library, \ hotkeys will not work. Exception: %s", excep) if self.g_settings.show_help is True: config_frame = ConfigFrame(self) help_frame = HelpFrame()