Python z3.Solver() Examples
The following are 25
code examples of z3.Solver().
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Example #1
Source File: From on-pwning with MIT License | 8 votes |
def find_name_for_bit_at_index(index, bit): solver = z3.Solver() NAME_LENGTH = 12 # arbitrary name = [z3.BitVec("c%d" % i, 32) for i in range(NAME_LENGTH)] for i in range(len(name)): solver.add(z3.And(name[i] > 0, name[i] <= 0xff)) h1 = hash1(name) solver.add(h1 == index) h2 = hash2(name) solver.add(h2 == bit) h3 = hash3(name) solver.add(z3.Extract(15, 0, h3) == h2) # for simplicity if solver.check() == z3.sat: return "".join(chr(solver.model()[c].as_long()) for c in name).encode("latin-1")
Example #2
Source File: From claripy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def solver(self, timeout=None): if not self.reuse_z3_solver or getattr(self._tls, 'solver', None) is None: s = z3.Solver(ctx=self._context) _add_memory_pressure(1024 * 1024 * 10) if self.reuse_z3_solver: # Store the Z3 solver to a thread-local storage if the reuse-solver option is enabled self._tls.solver = s else: # Load the existing Z3 solver for this thread s = self._tls.solver s.reset() # for some reason we always reset the solver anyway, so always clear it. REUSE_SOLVER is fundamentally broken self._hash_to_constraint.clear() # Configure timeouts if timeout is not None: if 'soft_timeout' in str(s.param_descrs()): s.set('soft_timeout', timeout) s.set('solver2_timeout', timeout) else: s.set('timeout', timeout) return s
Example #3
Source File: From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, size=10): """ Args: size (int): size of gate cache, in number of gates Raises: TranspilerError: if unable to import z3 solver """ if not HAS_Z3: raise TranspilerError('z3-solver is required to use HoareOptimizer. ' 'To install, run "pip install z3-solver".') super().__init__() self.solver = Solver() self.variables = dict() self.gatenum = dict() self.gatecache = dict() self.varnum = dict() self.size = size
Example #4
Source File: From pysmt with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, environment, logic, **options): IncrementalTrackingSolver.__init__(self, environment=environment, logic=logic, **options) try: self.z3 = z3.SolverFor(str(logic)) except z3.Z3Exception: self.z3 = z3.Solver() except z3.z3types.Z3Exception: self.z3 = z3.Solver() self.options(self) self.declarations = set() self.converter = Z3Converter(environment, z3_ctx=self.z3.ctx) self.mgr = environment.formula_manager self._name_cnt = 0 return
Example #5
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, machine, produce_solution=PRODUCE_SOLUTION_CODE_COV, known_solutions=None, **kwargs): """Init a DSEPathConstraint @machine: Machine of the targeted architecture instance @produce_solution: (optional) if set, new solutions will be computed""" super(DSEPathConstraint, self).__init__(machine, **kwargs) # Dependency check assert z3 is not None # Init PathConstraint specifics structures self.cur_solver = z3.Solver() self.new_solutions = {} # solution identifier -> solution's model self._known_solutions = set() # set of solution identifiers self.z3_trans = Translator.to_language("z3") self._produce_solution_strategy = produce_solution self._previous_addr = None self._history = None if produce_solution == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV: self._history = [] # List of addresses in the current path
Example #6
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot, keep_known_solutions=True, **kwargs): """Restore a DSEPathConstraint snapshot @keep_known_solutions: if set, do not forget solutions already found. -> They will not appear in 'new_solutions' """ super(DSEPathConstraint, self).restore_snapshot(snapshot, **kwargs) self.new_solutions.clear() self.new_solutions.update(snapshot["new_solutions"]) self.cur_solver = z3.Solver() self.cur_solver.add(snapshot["cur_constraints"]) if not keep_known_solutions: self._known_solutions.clear() if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV: self._history = list(snapshot["_history"]) elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV: self._previous_addr = snapshot["_previous_addr"]
Example #7
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def update_sha(self, sha_data): for arg, log_value, length_bytes in sha_data: if log_value in self.log_sha_to_sym_sha: continue data = z3.BitVecVal(arg, length_bytes * 8) if data.size() == 512: data_words = svm_utils.split_bv_by_words(data) data_words = [d.as_long() for d in data_words] data_words = [self.log_sha_to_sym_sha.get(d, z3.BitVecVal(d, 256)) for d in data_words] data = z3.simplify(z3.Concat(data_words)) sha_constraints, hash_vector = svm_utils.symbolic_keccak(self, data) self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[log_value] = hash_vector self.root_wstate.constraints.extend(sha_constraints) solver = z3.Solver() solver.add(self.root_wstate.constraints) assert solver.check() == z3.sat
Example #8
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_state_solver(gstate): solver = z3.Solver() solver.set('timeout', 3 * 60 * 1000) solver.add(gstate.wstate.constraints) res = solver.check() if res == z3.unknown:'{gstate.wstate.trace} gstate check timeout') return solver if res == z3.sat else None
Example #9
Source File: From jeeves with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.solver = z3.Solver() # TODO: Is this the place to do this? #def __del__(self): # z3.delete() # Defining variables.
Example #10
Source File: From ollvm-breaker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def compute_reaching_states(bv, mlil, from_bb, to_bb, states): visitor = ConditionVisitor(bv) path = next(dfs_paths_backward(from_bb, to_bb)) reaching_conditions = [] cond = None for edge in path: terminator = edge.source[-1] # assert terminator.operation == MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_IF if terminator.operation == MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_IF: cond = terminator.condition if cond.operation == MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_VAR: cond = mlil.get_var_definitions(cond.src)[0].src condition = visitor.visit(cond) if edge.type == BranchType.TrueBranch: reaching_conditions.append(condition) else: reaching_conditions.append(z3.Not(condition)) solver = z3.Solver() for condition in reaching_conditions: solver.add(condition) reaching_states = set() if cond.operation == MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_VAR: cond = mlil.get_var_definitions(cond.src)[0].src symbolic_state = make_variable(cond.left.src) for state in states: solver.push() solver.add(symbolic_state == state) if solver.check() == z3.sat: reaching_states.add(state) solver.pop() return list(reaching_states)
Example #11
Source File: From syntia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def evaluate_expr_z3(self, expr, constraints, output_size): """ Tramsforms an expression to z3 :param expr: str :param constraints: list of constraints :return: int """ # to z3 expression expr = self.to_z3(expr) # initialise solver solver = z3.Solver() # output variable output = z3.BitVec("o", output_size) solver.add(expr == output) # add constraints for c in constraints: solver.add(c) # check sat assert (solver.check() == z3.sat) # parse output ret = solver.model()[output].as_long() return ret
Example #12
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _get_collisions(hash_func, target, target_type, length, n_collisions, hash_table_size, *args): ret = [] s = z3.Solver() # houses the z3 variables for the potential hash match res = _generate_ascii_printable_string('res', length, s) # enforces the z3 constraint that the hash matches the target # if the target_type is 'preimage', then we compare the hash to the hash of target if target_type == 'preimage': s.add(hash_func(res, hash_table_size, *args) == hash_func(_str_to_BitVecVals8(target), hash_table_size, *args)) if length == len(target): # don't generate the given preimage as an output if generating inputs of that length s.add(z3.Or([r != ord(t) for r, t in zip(res, target)])) # otherwise the target_type is 'image', and we compare the hash to the target itself else: s.add(hash_func(res, hash_table_size, *args) == target) count = 0 # z3 isn't stateful; you have to run it again and again while adding constraints to ignore previous solutions while s.check() == z3.sat: x = s.model() # This is a z3 solution y = ''.join(chr(x[i].as_long()) for i in res) ret.append(y) count += 1 # add constraints s.add(z3.Or([r != x[r] for r in res])) if count >= n_collisions: ret.sort() break return ret
Example #13
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def check_wstate_reachable(wstate, timeout=None): s = z3.Solver() if timeout is not None: s.set('timeout', timeout) s.add(wstate.constraints) res = s.check() if res != z3.unsat: return True else: logging.debug(f'deleted wstate {wstate.trace}; len constraints:{len(wstate.constraints)}') return False
Example #14
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def solve_wstate(wstate): solver = z3.Solver() solver.add(wstate.constraints) res = solver.check() if res == z3.unknown:'gstate check timeout') return solver if res == z3.sat else None
Example #15
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def trim_unrechable_states(self): # (parent, trace, child) tuples pending_parent_trace_child_tuples = [(None, None, self.root_wstate)] deleted_counter = 0 s = Solver() while(len(pending_parent_trace_child_tuples)): s.push() parent_wstate, trace, curr_wstate = pending_parent_trace_child_tuples.pop() if curr_wstate.status != WorldStateStatus.REACHABLE: s.add(curr_wstate.constraints) res = s.check() if res == sat: curr_wstate.status = WorldStateStatus.REACHABLE elif res == unsat: curr_wstate.status = WorldStateStatus.UNREACHABLE elif res == z3.unknown: print(curr_wstate.get_full_trace()) raise Exception("pdb") if curr_wstate.status == WorldStateStatus.REACHABLE: if curr_wstate != self.root_wstate: parent_wstate.trace_to_children[trace].append(curr_wstate) for child_trace, children in curr_wstate.trace_to_children.items(): for child_wstate in children: pending_parent_trace_child_tuples.append((curr_wstate, child_trace, child_wstate)) curr_wstate.trace_to_children.clear() else: curr_wstate.status = WorldStateStatus.DELETED self.gen_to_wstates[curr_wstate.gen].remove(curr_wstate) deleted_counter += 1 s.pop()'%d WorldStates are deleted', deleted_counter)'SVM initialized')
Example #16
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_state_solver(gstate): if gstate.wstate.status == WorldStateStatus.INFEASIBLE: return None solver = z3.Solver() solver.set('timeout', 3 * 60 * 1000) solver.add(gstate.wstate.constraints) res = solver.check() if res == z3.unknown:'{gstate.wstate.trace} gstate check timeout') gstate.wstate.status = WorldStateStatus.FEASIBLE if res == z3.sat else WorldStateStatus.INFEASIBLE return solver if res == z3.sat else None
Example #17
Source File: From sspam with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_xor36(self): 'Test that CSE of the xor36 function is equivalent to original' # pylint: disable=exec-used pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) input_file = open(os.path.join(pwd, 'xor36_flat'), 'r') input_string = input_ast = ast.parse(input_string) coderef = compile(ast.Expression(input_ast.body[0].value), '<string>', 'eval') jack = asttools.GetIdentifiers() jack.visit(input_ast) cse_string = cse.apply_cse(input_string)[0] # get all assignment in one ast assigns = cse_string[:cse_string.rfind('\n')] cse_assign_ast = ast.parse(assigns, mode='exec') assign_code = compile(cse_assign_ast, '<string>', mode='exec') # get final expression in one ast result_string = cse_string.splitlines()[-1] result_ast = ast.Expression(ast.parse(result_string).body[0].value) result_code = compile(result_ast, '<string>', mode='eval') for var in list(jack.variables): exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', 8)" % (var, var)) exec(assign_code) sol = z3.Solver() sol.add(eval(coderef) != eval(result_code)) self.assertEqual(sol.check().r, -1)
Example #18
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def check(expr_in, expr_out): """Check that expr_in is always equals to expr_out""" print("Ensure %s = %s" % (expr_in, expr_out)) solver = z3.Solver() solver.add(trans.from_expr(expr_in) != trans.from_expr(expr_out)) result = solver.check() if result != z3.unsat: print("ERROR: a counter-example has been founded:") model = solver.model() print(model) print("Reinjecting in the simplifier:") to_rep = {} expressions = expr_in.get_r().union(expr_out.get_r()) for expr in expressions: value = model.eval(trans.from_expr(expr)) if hasattr(value, "as_long"): new_val = ExprInt(value.as_long(), expr.size) else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to reinject %r" % value) to_rep[expr] = new_val new_expr_in = expr_in.replace_expr(to_rep) new_expr_out = expr_out.replace_expr(to_rep) print("Check %s = %s" % (new_expr_in, new_expr_out)) simp_in = expr_simp_explicit(new_expr_in) simp_out = expr_simp_explicit(new_expr_out) print("[%s] %s = %s" % (simp_in == simp_out, simp_in, simp_out)) # Either the simplification does not stand, either the test is wrong raise RuntimeError("Bad simplification")
Example #19
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def equiv(z3_expr1, z3_expr2): s = z3.Solver() s.add(z3.Not(z3_expr1 == z3_expr2)) return s.check() == z3.unsat
Example #20
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def emul(self, ir_arch, ctx=None, step=False): # Init ctx_init = {} if ctx is not None: ctx_init.update(ctx) solver = z3.Solver() symb_exec = SymbolicExecutionEngine(ir_arch, ctx_init) history = self.history[::-1] history_size = len(history) translator = Translator.to_language("z3") size = self._ircfg.IRDst.size for hist_nb, loc_key in enumerate(history, 1): if hist_nb == history_size and loc_key == self.initial_state.loc_key: line_nb = self.initial_state.line_nb else: line_nb = None irb = self.irblock_slice(self._ircfg.blocks[loc_key], line_nb) # Emul the block and get back destination dst = symb_exec.eval_updt_irblock(irb, step=step) # Add constraint if hist_nb < history_size: next_loc_key = history[hist_nb] expected = symb_exec.eval_expr(ExprLoc(next_loc_key, size)) solver.add(self._gen_path_constraints(translator, dst, expected)) # Save the solver self._solver = solver # Return only inputs values (others could be wrongs) return { element: symb_exec.eval_expr(element) for element in self.inputs }
Example #21
Source File: From cozy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, vars = None, funcs = None, collection_depth : int = None, min_collection_depth : int = 0, validate_model : bool = True, model_callback = None, logic : str = None, timeout : float = None, do_cse : bool = True): if collection_depth is None: collection_depth = collection_depth_opt.value self.vars = OrderedSet() self.funcs = OrderedDict() self.min_collection_depth = min_collection_depth self.collection_depth = collection_depth self.validate_model = validate_model self.model_callback = model_callback self._env = OrderedDict() self.stk = [] self.do_cse = do_cse with _LOCK: ctx = z3.Context() solver = z3.Solver(ctx=ctx) if logic is None else z3.SolverFor(logic, ctx=ctx) if timeout is not None: solver.set("timeout", int(timeout * 1000)) solver.set("core.validate", validate_model) visitor = ToZ3(ctx, solver) self.visitor = visitor self.z3_solver = solver self._create_vars(vars=vars or (), funcs=funcs or {})
Example #22
Source File: From sspam with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_model(self, target, pattern): 'When target is constant and wildcards have no value yet' # pylint: disable=exec-used if target.n == 0: # zero is too permissive return False getwild = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getwild.visit(pattern) if getwild.functions: # not getting model for expr with functions return False wilds = getwild.variables # let's reduce the model to one wildcard for now # otherwise it adds a lot of checks... if len(wilds) > 1: return False wil = wilds.pop() if wil in self.wildcards: if not isinstance(self.wildcards[wil], ast.Num): return False folded = deepcopy(pattern) folded = Unflattening().visit(folded) EvalPattern(self.wildcards).visit(folded) folded = asttools.ConstFolding(folded, self.nbits).visit(folded) return folded.n == target.n else: exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', %d)" % (wil, wil, self.nbits)) eval_pattern = deepcopy(pattern) eval_pattern = Unflattening().visit(eval_pattern) ast.fix_missing_locations(eval_pattern) code = compile(ast.Expression(eval_pattern), '<string>', mode='eval') sol = z3.Solver() sol.add(target.n == eval(code)) if sol.check().r == 1: model = sol.model() for inst in model.decls(): self.wildcards[str(inst)] = ast.Num(int(model[inst].as_long())) return True return False
Example #23
Source File: From sspam with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def check_eq_z3(self, target, pattern): 'Check equivalence with z3' # pylint: disable=exec-used getid = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getid.visit(target) if getid.functions: # not checking exprs with functions for now, because Z3 # does not seem to support function declaration with # arbitrary number of arguments return False for var in self.variables: exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', %d)" % (var, var, self.nbits)) target_ast = deepcopy(target) target_ast = Unflattening().visit(target_ast) ast.fix_missing_locations(target_ast) code1 = compile(ast.Expression(target_ast), '<string>', mode='eval') eval_pattern = deepcopy(pattern) EvalPattern(self.wildcards).visit(eval_pattern) eval_pattern = Unflattening().visit(eval_pattern) ast.fix_missing_locations(eval_pattern) getid.reset() getid.visit(eval_pattern) if getid.functions: # same reason as before, not using Z3 if there are # functions return False gvar = asttools.GetIdentifiers() gvar.visit(eval_pattern) if any(var.isupper() for var in gvar.variables): # do not check if all patterns have not been replaced return False code2 = compile(ast.Expression(eval_pattern), '<string>', mode='eval') sol = z3.Solver() if isinstance(eval(code1), int) and eval(code1) == 0: # cases where target == 0 are too permissive return False sol.add(eval(code1) != eval(code2)) return sol.check().r == -1
Example #24
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def evaluate(self, gstate): stack_len_start = len(gstate.mstate.stack) self.pre_evaluate(gstate) if gstate.halt: return instr = gstate.environment.disassembly.instruction_list[gstate.mstate.pc] instr_address = instr['address'] op = instr['opcode'] match = re.match(r'^(PUSH|DUP|LOG|SWAP)\d{1,2}', op) op = if match else op eval_func = getattr(self, op, None) if eval_func is None: raise SVMRuntimeError(f'op evaluator not found: {op}') active_account = gstate.wstate.address_to_account[gstate.environment.active_address] current_func = '?' if gstate.wstate.trace is None else gstate.wstate.trace arg = instr.get('argument', '') arg = (arg[0:10] + '..') if len(arg) > 12 else arg.ljust(12) logging.debug(f'{BColors.BLUE}{BColors.BOLD}OP{BColors.ENDC} ' f'{op.ljust(12)}\t' f'{arg},\t' f'addr={instr_address},\t' f'pc={gstate.mstate.pc},\t' f'contract={}\t' f'func={current_func}\t' f'sender={gstate.environment.sender}') arglist = inspect.getargspec(eval_func).args try: stack_args = [gstate.mstate.stack.pop() for arg in arglist[2:]] res = eval_func(gstate, *stack_args) gstate.mstate.pc += 1 stack_len_stop = len(gstate.mstate.stack) self.op_to_stack_len[op] = (stack_len_stop - stack_len_start) return res except Exception as e: s = z3.Solver() s.add(gstate.wstate.constraints) if s.check() == z3.sat: raise e
Example #25
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def run(output): ast = parse_input(options['hash']) variables = {} # map from names to z3_vars z3_expression = ast.convert_to_z3(variables) solver = z3.Solver() if options['target_type'] == 'image': solver.add(options['image'] == z3_expression) elif options['target_type'] == 'preimage': # extract and validate the user-provided preimage preimage = options['preimage'] var_defs = preimage.split(',') variable_values = {} if len(var_defs) < len(variables): raise ValueError('Not enough preimage values given for all variables used in the equation') for var_def in var_defs: try: variable_name, value = var_def.split('=', 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid syntax for preimage values') variable_name = variable_name.strip() if variable_name in variable_values: raise ValueError('Multiple preimage values given for variable "%s"' % variable_name) try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Preimage value "%s" for variable "%s" is not an integer' % (value, variable_name)) variable_values[variable_name] = value for variable_name in variables: if variable_name not in variable_values: raise ValueError('Preimage value not given for variable "%s"' % variable_name) # we have a preimage but we want an image to set z3_expression equal to for solving # so we set a new variable equal to z3_expression, provide the preimage values, # and then ask Z3 to solve for our new variable target_var = z3.BitVec('__v', ast.target_width) sub_solver = z3.Solver() sub_solver.add(target_var == z3_expression) for variable in variables: sub_solver.add(variables[variable] == variable_values[variable]) assert sub_solver.check() == z3.sat # this should always hold, since the target var is unbounded solution = sub_solver.model() target_value = solution[target_var] # we can now set z3_expression equal to the appropriate image solver.add(target_value == z3_expression) # and also prevent the preimage values being generated as a solution solver.add(z3.Or([var() != solution[var] for var in solution if != '__v'])) solutions = [] while solver.check() == z3.sat and len(solutions) < options['n_collisions']: solution = solver.model() solutions.append(solution) # prevent duplicate solutions solver.add(z3.Or([var() != solution[var] for var in solution])) output.output(solutions)