Python z3.Or() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of z3.Or().
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Example #1
Source File: From cozy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def any(self, *conds): return self.bfold(conds, z3.Or, False, True)
Example #2
Source File: From qiskit-terra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def scheduling_constraints(self): """ DAG scheduling constraints optimization Sets overlap indicator variables """ for gate in self.gate_start_time: for dep_gate in self.dag.successors(gate): if not dep_gate.type == 'op': continue if isinstance(dep_gate.op, Measure): continue if isinstance(dep_gate.op, Barrier): continue fin_g = self.gate_start_time[gate] + self.gate_duration[gate] self.opt.add(self.gate_start_time[dep_gate] > fin_g) for g_1 in self.xtalk_overlap_set: for g_2 in self.xtalk_overlap_set[g_1]: if len(g_2.qargs) == 2 and self.gate_id[g_1] > self.gate_id[g_2]: # Symmetry breaking: create only overlap variable for a pair # of gates continue s_1 = self.gate_start_time[g_1] f_1 = s_1 + self.gate_duration[g_1] s_2 = self.gate_start_time[g_2] f_2 = s_2 + self.gate_duration[g_2] # This constraint enforces full or zero overlap between two gates before = (f_1 < s_2) after = (f_2 < s_1) overlap1 = And(s_2 <= s_1, f_1 <= f_2) overlap2 = And(s_1 <= s_2, f_2 <= f_1) self.opt.add(Or(before, after, overlap1, overlap2)) intervals_overlap = And(s_2 <= f_1, s_1 <= f_2) self.opt.add(self.overlap_indicator[g_1][g_2] == intervals_overlap)
Example #3
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def _gen_path_constraints(self, translator, expr, expected): """Generate path constraint from @expr. Handle special case with generated loc_keys """ out = [] expected = canonize_to_exprloc(self._ircfg.loc_db, expected) expected_is_loc_key = expected.is_loc() for consval in possible_values(expr): value = canonize_to_exprloc(self._ircfg.loc_db, consval.value) if expected_is_loc_key and value != expected: continue if not expected_is_loc_key and value.is_loc_key(): continue conds = z3.And(*[translator.from_expr(cond.to_constraint()) for cond in consval.constraints]) if expected != value: conds = z3.And( conds, translator.from_expr( ExprAssign(value, expected)) ) out.append(conds) if out: conds = z3.Or(*out) else: # Ex: expr: lblgen1, expected: 0x1234 # -> Avoid inconsistent solution lblgen1 = 0x1234 conds = translator.from_expr(self.unsat_expr) return conds
Example #4
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _get_collisions(hash_func, target, target_type, length, n_collisions, hash_table_size, *args): ret = [] s = z3.Solver() # houses the z3 variables for the potential hash match res = _generate_ascii_printable_string('res', length, s) # enforces the z3 constraint that the hash matches the target # if the target_type is 'preimage', then we compare the hash to the hash of target if target_type == 'preimage': s.add(hash_func(res, hash_table_size, *args) == hash_func(_str_to_BitVecVals8(target), hash_table_size, *args)) if length == len(target): # don't generate the given preimage as an output if generating inputs of that length s.add(z3.Or([r != ord(t) for r, t in zip(res, target)])) # otherwise the target_type is 'image', and we compare the hash to the target itself else: s.add(hash_func(res, hash_table_size, *args) == target) count = 0 # z3 isn't stateful; you have to run it again and again while adding constraints to ignore previous solutions while s.check() == z3.sat: x = s.model() # This is a z3 solution y = ''.join(chr(x[i].as_long()) for i in res) ret.append(y) count += 1 # add constraints s.add(z3.Or([r != x[r] for r in res])) if count >= n_collisions: ret.sort() break return ret
Example #5
Source File: From jeeves with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __or__(l, r): return Or(l, fexpr_cast(r))
Example #6
Source File: From jeeves with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __ror__(r, l): return Or(fexpr_cast(l), r)
Example #7
Source File: From jeeves with MIT License | 5 votes |
def z3Node(self): return z3.Or(self.left.z3Node(), self.right.z3Node())
Example #8
Source File: From jeeves with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remapLabels(self, policy, writer): return Or( self.left.remapLabels(policy, writer) , self.right.remapLabels(policy, writer))
Example #9
Source File: From cozy with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def visit_EBinOp(self, e, env): # optimization: x in (distinct y) --> x in y # ("distinct" is very expensive for the solver) if e.op == BOp.In and isinstance(e.e2, EUnaryOp) and e.e2.op == UOp.Distinct: return self.visit(EIn(e.e1, e.e2.e), env) # normal path v1 = self.visit(e.e1, env) v2 = self.visit(e.e2, env) if e.op == BOp.And: return self.all(v1, v2) elif e.op == BOp.Or: return self.any(v1, v2) elif e.op == "=>": return self.implies(v1, v2) elif e.op == "==": return self.eq(e.e1.type, v1, v2) elif e.op == "!=": return self.neg(self.eq(e.e1.type, v1, v2)) elif e.op == "===": return self.eq(e.e1.type, v1, v2, deep=True) elif e.op == ">": return, v1, v2, env) elif e.op == "<": return, v1, v2, env) elif e.op == ">=": return v1 >= v2 elif e.op == "<=": return v1 <= v2 elif e.op == "*": return v1 * v2 elif e.op == "+": if isinstance(e.type, TBag) or isinstance(e.type, TList): return (v1[0] + v2[0], v1[1] + v2[1]) elif isinstance(e.type, TSet): return self.visit(EUnaryOp(UOp.Distinct, EBinOp(e.e1, "+", e.e2).with_type(TBag(e.type.elem_type))).with_type(TBag(e.type.elem_type)), env) elif is_numeric(e.type): return v1 + v2 else: raise NotImplementedError(e.type) elif e.op == "-": if isinstance(e.type, TBag) or isinstance(e.type, TSet) or isinstance(e.type, TList): return self.remove_all(e.type, v1, v2, env) return v1 - v2 elif e.op == BOp.In: return self.is_in(e.e1.type, v2, v1, env) else: raise NotImplementedError(e.op)
Example #10
Source File: From acsploit with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def run(output): ast = parse_input(options['hash']) variables = {} # map from names to z3_vars z3_expression = ast.convert_to_z3(variables) solver = z3.Solver() if options['target_type'] == 'image': solver.add(options['image'] == z3_expression) elif options['target_type'] == 'preimage': # extract and validate the user-provided preimage preimage = options['preimage'] var_defs = preimage.split(',') variable_values = {} if len(var_defs) < len(variables): raise ValueError('Not enough preimage values given for all variables used in the equation') for var_def in var_defs: try: variable_name, value = var_def.split('=', 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid syntax for preimage values') variable_name = variable_name.strip() if variable_name in variable_values: raise ValueError('Multiple preimage values given for variable "%s"' % variable_name) try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Preimage value "%s" for variable "%s" is not an integer' % (value, variable_name)) variable_values[variable_name] = value for variable_name in variables: if variable_name not in variable_values: raise ValueError('Preimage value not given for variable "%s"' % variable_name) # we have a preimage but we want an image to set z3_expression equal to for solving # so we set a new variable equal to z3_expression, provide the preimage values, # and then ask Z3 to solve for our new variable target_var = z3.BitVec('__v', ast.target_width) sub_solver = z3.Solver() sub_solver.add(target_var == z3_expression) for variable in variables: sub_solver.add(variables[variable] == variable_values[variable]) assert sub_solver.check() == z3.sat # this should always hold, since the target var is unbounded solution = sub_solver.model() target_value = solution[target_var] # we can now set z3_expression equal to the appropriate image solver.add(target_value == z3_expression) # and also prevent the preimage values being generated as a solution solver.add(z3.Or([var() != solution[var] for var in solution if != '__v'])) solutions = [] while solver.check() == z3.sat and len(solutions) < options['n_collisions']: solution = solver.model() solutions.append(solution) # prevent duplicate solutions solver.add(z3.Or([var() != solution[var] for var in solution])) output.output(solutions)
Example #11
Source File: From f-ing-around-with-binaryninja with MIT License | 4 votes |
def generate_reaching_constraints(self): visitor = ConditionVisitor(self.view) for ( (start, end), reaching_condition, ) in self.reaching_conditions.items(): or_exprs = [] for condition in reaching_condition: and_exprs = [] for edge in condition: if edge.type == BranchType.UnconditionalBranch: continue if edge.type == BranchType.TrueBranch: condition = edge.source[-1].condition if ( condition.operation == MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_VAR ): condition = self.function.get_ssa_var_definition( edge.source[-1].ssa_form.condition.src ).src and_exprs.append(visitor.simplify(condition)) elif edge.type == BranchType.FalseBranch: condition = edge.source[-1].condition if ( condition.operation == MediumLevelILOperation.MLIL_VAR ): condition = self.function.get_ssa_var_definition( edge.source[-1].ssa_form.condition.src ).src and_exprs += Tactic("ctx-solver-simplify")( Not(visitor.simplify(condition)) )[0] if and_exprs != []: or_exprs.append(And(*and_exprs)) if or_exprs: or_exprs = Tactic("ctx-solver-simplify")(Or(*or_exprs))[0] reaching_constraint = ( And(*or_exprs) if len(or_exprs) > 1 else or_exprs[0] if len(or_exprs) else BoolVal(True) ) self._reaching_constraints[(start, end)] = reaching_constraint