Python z3.simplify() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of z3.simplify().
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Example #1
Source File: From ethereum-dasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_z3_value(item): if (type(item) == int): return item elif (type(item) == mythril.laser.smt.bitvec.BitVec and not item.symbolic): return item.value elif (type(item) == z3.BitVecNumRef): return item.as_long() try: return z3.simplify(item).as_long() except AttributeError: return str(z3.simplify(item)) except z3.Z3Exception: return str(item)
Example #2
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def split_bv_into_bytes(bv): if type(bv) == int: bv = z3.BitVecVal(bv, 256) assert bv.size() % 8 == 0 is_conc = False if is_bv_concrete(bv): is_conc = True length = bv.size() // 8 concrete_data = get_concrete_int(bv) data_bytes = ethereum.utils.zpad(ethereum.utils.int_to_bytes(concrete_data), length) bv_bytes = [] for data_byte in data_bytes: bv_bytes.append(z3.BitVecVal(data_byte, 8)) bv_bytes_a = bv_bytes bv_bytes = [] for i in range(bv.size(), 0, -8): bv_bytes.append(z3.simplify(z3.Extract(i-1, i-8, bv))) if is_conc: assert bv_bytes == bv_bytes_a assert len(bv_bytes) == bv.size() // 8 return bv_bytes
Example #3
Source File: From syntia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def synthesise(command, result, index): ret = "" max_iter = command[0] uct_scalar = command[1] game = command[2] oracle = command[3] synthesis_inputs = command[4] mc = MCTS(game, oracle, synthesis_inputs, uct_scalar=uct_scalar) mc.verbosity_level = 2 s = State(game, BITSIZE), max_iter) if mc.final_expression: ret = rpn_to_infix(mc.final_expression) print "{} ({} iterations)".format(rpn_to_infix(mc.final_expression), mc.current_iter) try: print "{} (simplified)".format(simplify(game.to_z3(mc.final_expression))) except: pass result[index] = ret
Example #4
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def SHA3(self, gstate, index, length): if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(index) and svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(length): index = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(index) length = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(length) if length == 0: gstate.mstate.stack.append(z3.BitVecVal(SHA_EMPTY_ARGS_VALUE, 256)) return data = z3.simplify(svm_utils.get_memory_data(gstate.mstate.memory, index, length)) sha_constraints, hash_vector = svm_utils.symbolic_keccak(self, data) gstate.wstate.constraints.extend(sha_constraints) gstate.mstate.stack.append(hash_vector) return hash_vector = self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.SHA3, gstate.wstate.gen, unique=True) logging.debug('SHA index or len not resolved. Using the symbolic vector') gstate.mstate.stack.append(hash_vector) return
Example #5
Source File: From syntia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def synthesise(command, result, index): ret = "" max_iter = command[0] uct_scalar = command[1] game = command[2] oracle = command[3] synthesis_inputs = command[4] mc = MCTS(game, oracle, synthesis_inputs, uct_scalar=uct_scalar) mc.verbosity_level = 1 s = State(game, BITSIZE), max_iter) if mc.final_expression: ret = rpn_to_infix(mc.final_expression) print "{} ({} iterations)".format(rpn_to_infix(mc.final_expression), mc.current_iter) try: simplified = simplify(game.to_z3(mc.final_expression)) print "{} (simplified)".format(simplified) except: pass result[index] = ret
Example #6
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def MUL(self, gstate, a, b): a, b = map(svm_utils.convert_to_bitvec, (a, b)) if self.svm.abs_mul and not svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(a) and not svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(b): abs_bv = self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.MUL, gstate.wstate.gen, unique=True) gstate.mstate.stack.append(abs_bv) elif svm_utils.is_bv_pow2(a) or svm_utils.is_bv_pow2(b): if svm_utils.is_bv_pow2(b): a, b = b, a a = svm_utils.get_concrete_int(a) i = 0 while a != (1 << i): i += 1 gstate.mstate.stack.append(z3.simplify(b << i)) else: gstate.mstate.stack.append(a * b)
Example #7
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def update_sha(self, sha_data): for arg, log_value, length_bytes in sha_data: if log_value in self.log_sha_to_sym_sha: continue data = z3.BitVecVal(arg, length_bytes * 8) if data.size() == 512: data_words = svm_utils.split_bv_by_words(data) data_words = [d.as_long() for d in data_words] data_words = [self.log_sha_to_sym_sha.get(d, z3.BitVecVal(d, 256)) for d in data_words] data = z3.simplify(z3.Concat(data_words)) sha_constraints, hash_vector = svm_utils.symbolic_keccak(self, data) self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[log_value] = hash_vector self.root_wstate.constraints.extend(sha_constraints) solver = z3.Solver() solver.add(self.root_wstate.constraints) assert solver.check() == z3.sat
Example #8
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def update_storages(self, sstore_data): for address, index, value in sstore_data: address = int(address[2:], 16) assert address in self.root_wstate.address_to_account if index > 100: if index in self.log_sha_to_sym_sha: store_index = self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[index] else: log_shas = list(self.log_sha_to_sym_sha.keys()) diffs = [abs(l - index) for l in log_shas] min_index = diffs.index(min(diffs)) diff = diffs[min_index] if diff < 10: relative_index = log_shas[min_index] store_index = z3.simplify(self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[relative_index] + z3.BitVecVal(diff, 256)) self.log_sha_to_sym_sha[index] = store_index else: store_index = z3.BitVecVal(index, 256) else: store_index = z3.BitVecVal(index, 256) store_value = self.log_sha_to_sym_sha.get(value, z3.BitVecVal(value, 256)) account = self.root_wstate.address_to_account[address], store_value)
Example #9
Source File: From f-ing-around-with-binaryninja with MIT License | 6 votes |
def try_make_simple_if_else( self, node1, node2, nodes_to_check, nodes_to_remove ): log_debug("try_make_simple_if_else") cond1 = node1.condition cond2 = node2.condition if is_true(simplify(cond1 == Not(cond2))): log_debug(f"found a simple if/else match") if cond1.decl().name() == "not": node2[False] = node1[True] nodes_to_check.remove(node2) nodes_to_remove.append(node1) else: node1[False] = node2[True] nodes_to_remove.append(node2) return True return False
Example #10
Source File: From f-ing-around-with-binaryninja with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _convert_to_while_loop( self, node: MediumLevelILAstLoopNode, while_condition ): log_debug(f"{node} is a while loop") node.loop_type = "while" node.condition = reduce( And, Tactic("ctx-solver-simplify")(Not(while_condition))[0] ) break_cond = node.body.nodes[0] if break_cond[False] is not None: node.body._nodes[0] = break_cond[False] # Flatten condition nodes that have the same condition # as the loop condition for idx, child in enumerate(node.body.nodes): if ( isinstance(child, MediumLevelILAstCondNode) and is_true(simplify(child.condition == node.condition)) and child[False] is None ): node.body._nodes[idx] = child[True]
Example #11
Source File: From ethereum-dasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_z3_value_hex(item): if (type(item) == int): return hex(item) elif (type(item) == mythril.laser.smt.bitvec.BitVec and not item.symbolic): return hex(item.value) elif (type(item) == z3.BitVecNumRef): return hex(item.as_long()) try: return hex(z3.simplify(item).as_long()) except AttributeError: return str(z3.simplify(item)).replace("\n","\n ") except z3.Z3Exception: return str(item).replace("\n","\n ")
Example #12
Source File: From teether with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def simplify_non_const_hashes(expr, sha_ids): while True: expr = z3.simplify(expr, expand_select_store=True) sha_subst = get_sha_subst_non_recursive(expr, sha_ids) if not sha_subst: break expr = z3.substitute(expr, [(s, z3.BoolVal(False)) for s in sha_subst]) return expr
Example #13
Source File: From teether with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_vars(f, rs=set()): """ shameless copy of z3util.get_vars, but returning select-operations as well. E.g. >>> x = z3.Array('x', z3.IntSort(), z3.IntSort()) >>> get_vars(x[5]) [x[5]] whereas >>> x = z3.Array('x', z3.IntSort(), z3.IntSort()) >>> z3util.get_vars(x[5]) [x] """ if not rs: f = z3.simplify(f) if f.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_SELECT: arr, idx = f.children() if z3.is_const(arr): if z3.z3util.is_expr_val(idx): return rs | {f} else: return rs | {f, idx} if z3.is_const(f): if z3.z3util.is_expr_val(f): return rs else: # variable return rs | {f} else: for f_ in f.children(): rs = get_vars(f_, rs) return set(rs)
Example #14
Source File: From teether with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ast_eq(e1, e2, simplified=False): if not simplified: e1 = z3.simplify(e1) e2 = z3.simplify(e2) if e1.sort() != e2.sort(): return False if e1.decl().kind() != e2.decl().kind(): return False if z3.z3util.is_expr_val(e1) and z3.z3util.is_expr_val(e2): return e1.as_long() == e2.as_long() return all(ast_eq(c1, c2, True) for c1, c2 in zip(e1.children(), e2.children()))
Example #15
Source File: From teether with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_sha_subst_non_recursive(f, sha_ids): import timeit start = timeit.default_timer() todo = [z3.simplify(f, expand_select_store=True)] rs = set() seen = set() subexprcount = 0 while todo: expr = todo.pop() subexprcount += 1 if expr.get_id() in seen: continue seen.add(expr.get_id()) if expr.decl().kind() == z3.Z3_OP_EQ and all(is_simple_expr(c) for c in expr.children()): l, r = expr.children() lvars, rvars = [{v.get_id() for v in get_vars_non_recursive(e, True)} for e in (l, r)] sha_left = bool(lvars & sha_ids) sha_right = bool(rvars & sha_ids) if sha_left and sha_right: # both sides use a sha-expression # => can be equal only if ASTs are equal if not ast_eq(l, r): rs.add(expr) elif sha_left ^ sha_right: # only one side uses a sha-expression # => assume not equal (e.g. SHA == 5 seems unlikely) rs.add(expr) else: todo.extend(expr.children()) end = timeit.default_timer() #"get_sha_subst_non_recursive took %d microseconds (%d subexpressions)", (end-start)*1000000.0, subexprcount) return rs
Example #16
Source File: From ethereum-dasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def simplified(self): return evmsimplify.simplify(self.disassembly, show_pseudocode=True, show_asm=self._simplify_show_asm, show_unreachable=self._simplify_show_unreachable)
Example #17
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def rol(x,y): return z3.simplify(z3.RotateLeft(x,y))
Example #18
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def extract_index_features(index): current_index = index features = [] if current_index.decl().name() == 'bvadd': current_index = current_index.arg(0) if current_index.decl().name().startswith('sha'): current_index = current_index.arg(0) features.append(current_index.size()) else: return features if current_index.decl().name() == 'concat': args = [current_index.arg(i) for i in range(current_index.num_args())] if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(args[-1]): features.append(args[-1]) current_index = z3.Concat(args[0:-1]) if len(args) > 2 else args[0] else: return features elif is_bv_concrete(current_index): if current_index.size() > 256: prefix, suffix = split_bv(current_index, 256) suffix = z3.simplify(suffix) features.append(suffix) current_index = z3.simplify(prefix) elif current_index.size() == 256: features.append(current_index) return features else: features.append(current_index) return features else: return features if current_index.decl().name().startswith('sha'): print(current_index) current_index = current_index.arg(0) features.append(current_index.size()) else: return features return features
Example #19
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_wstate_z3vars(wstate): r = get_z3vars(z3.simplify(z3.And(wstate.constraints))) for address, gstate in wstate.address_to_account.items(): r.update(get_z3vars(z3.simplify( return r
Example #20
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convert_concrete_int_to_bytes(val): if type(val) == int: return val.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big') return (z3.simplify(val).as_long()).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
Example #21
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_bv_concrete(bv): if isinstance(bv, int): return True try: hex(z3.simplify(bv).as_long()) return True except AttributeError as e: return False except Exception: raise Exception("pdb")
Example #22
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ror(x, y): return z3.simplify(z3.RotateRight(x,y))
Example #23
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def mem_key(addr, size): # addr_str = parse_addr_str(str(z3.simplify(addr))) addr_str = str(z3.simplify(addr)) return '{0}:{1}'.format(size, addr_str)
Example #24
Source File: From winapi-deobfuscation with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_arguments_from_stack(n_args, vm, exe, max_args=12): args = [] n_stack_val = len(vm.x86_stack) if n_stack_val > max_args: n_stack_val = max_args x = max([n_args, n_stack_val]) for i in xrange(x): if vm.x86_stack: if i < n_args: val = vm.x86_stack.pop() else: val = vm.x86_stack[n_args - i - 1] arg = z3.simplify(val) if hasattr(arg, 'as_long'): ptr_ = check_pointer(arg.as_long(), exe) if ptr_: arg = ptr_ else: arg = '0x%x' % arg.as_long() else: arg = str(arg) name = process_arg_str(arg)# if name: arg = name else: if i >= n_args:break arg = '*' args.append(arg) return args
Example #25
Source File: From claripy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _boolref_tactics(self): try: return self._tls.boolref_tactics except AttributeError: tactics = z3.Then( z3.Tactic("simplify", ctx=self._context), z3.Tactic("propagate-ineqs", ctx=self._context), z3.Tactic("propagate-values", ctx=self._context), z3.Tactic("unit-subsume-simplify", ctx=self._context), z3.Tactic("aig", ctx=self._context), ctx=self._context ) self._tls.boolref_tactics = tactics return self._tls.boolref_tactics
Example #26
Source File: From claripy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _is_false(self, e, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return z3.simplify(e).eq(z3.BoolVal(False, ctx=self._context))
Example #27
Source File: From claripy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _is_true(self, e, extra_constraints=(), solver=None, model_callback=None): return z3.simplify(e).eq(z3.BoolVal(True, ctx=self._context))
Example #28
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def format_stack(stack): stack_string = '' for s in stack: stack_string += str(simplify(s)).replace('\n', '') stack_string += ', ' stack_string = ' '.join(stack_string.split()) stack_string = re.sub("([\d]{1}\d+)", lambda m: hex(int(, str(stack_string)) return stack_string[:-1]
Example #29
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def format_storage(storage): storage_string = ' '.join(str(simplify(storage)).split()) matches = re.findall('\), ([^,\)]+), ([^,\)]+)', storage_string) storage_map = {} for index, value in matches: storage_map[index] = value return pprint.pformat(storage_map)
Example #30
Source File: From ilf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def BALANCE(self, gstate, address): if svm_utils.is_bv_concrete(address) and svm_utils.get_concrete_int(address) in gstate.wstate.address_to_account: balance = gstate.wstate.address_to_account[svm_utils.get_concrete_int(address)].balance gstate.mstate.stack.append(balance) return address = str(z3.simplify(address)).replace(' ', '_') gstate.mstate.stack.append(self.svm.sym_bv_generator.get_sym_bitvec(constraints.ConstraintType.BALANCE, gstate.wstate.gen, unique=True))