Python sqlparse.tokens.Keyword() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sqlparse.tokens.Keyword().
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Example #1
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def _process_case(self, tlist): offset_ = len('case ') + len('when ') cases = tlist.get_cases(skip_ws=True) # align the end as well end_token = tlist.token_next_by(m=(T.Keyword, 'END'))[1] cases.append((None, [end_token])) condition_width = [len(' '.join(map(text_type, cond))) if cond else 0 for cond, _ in cases] max_cond_width = max(condition_width) for i, (cond, value) in enumerate(cases): # cond is None when 'else or end' stmt = cond[0] if cond else value[0] if i > 0: tlist.insert_before(stmt, offset_ - len(text_type(stmt)))) if cond: ws = sql.Token(T.Whitespace, self.char * ( max_cond_width - condition_width[i])) tlist.insert_after(cond[-1], ws)
Example #2
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def group_identifier_list(tlist): m_role = T.Keyword, ('null', 'role') sqlcls = (sql.Function, sql.Case, sql.Identifier, sql.Comparison, sql.IdentifierList, sql.Operation) ttypes = (T_NUMERICAL + T_STRING + T_NAME + (T.Keyword, T.Comment, T.Wildcard)) def match(token): return token.match(T.Punctuation, ',') def valid(token): return imt(token, i=sqlcls, m=m_role, t=ttypes) def post(tlist, pidx, tidx, nidx): return pidx, nidx valid_prev = valid_next = valid _group(tlist, sql.IdentifierList, match, valid_prev, valid_next, post, extend=True)
Example #3
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_type(self): """Returns the type of a statement. The returned value is a string holding an upper-cased reprint of the first DML or DDL keyword. If the first token in this group isn't a DML or DDL keyword "UNKNOWN" is returned. """ first_token = self.token_first() if first_token is None: # An "empty" statement that either has not tokens at all # or only whitespace tokens. return 'UNKNOWN' elif first_token.ttype in (T.Keyword.DML, T.Keyword.DDL): return first_token.normalized return 'UNKNOWN'
Example #4
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def get_type(self): """Returns the type of a statement. The returned value is a string holding an upper-cased reprint of the first DML or DDL keyword. If the first token in this group isn't a DML or DDL keyword "UNKNOWN" is returned. Whitespaces and comments at the beginning of the statement are ignored. """ first_token = self.token_first(ignore_comments=True) if first_token is None: # An "empty" statement that either has not tokens at all # or only whitespace tokens. return 'UNKNOWN' elif first_token.ttype in (T.Keyword.DML, T.Keyword.DDL): return first_token.normalized return 'UNKNOWN'
Example #5
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def is_dmlddl_parenthesis(token): """ DMLかDDLの括弧判定 """ if not is_parenthesis(token): return False open_punc = token.token_next_match(0, T.Punctuation, '(') first = token_next_enable(token, open_punc) if first and first.ttype in (T.Keyword.DML, T.Keyword.DDL): return True if is_with(first): return True if is_parenthesis(first): return is_dmlddl_parenthesis(first) return False
Example #6
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def group_where(tlist): [group_where(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists() if not isinstance(sgroup, sql.Where)] idx = 0 token = tlist.token_next_match(idx, T.Keyword, 'WHERE') stopwords = ('ORDER', 'GROUP', 'LIMIT', 'UNION', 'EXCEPT', 'HAVING') while token: tidx = tlist.token_index(token) end = tlist.token_next_match(tidx + 1, T.Keyword, stopwords) if end is None: end = tlist._groupable_tokens[-1] else: end = tlist.tokens[tlist.token_index(end) - 1] group = tlist.group_tokens(sql.Where, tlist.tokens_between(token, end), ignore_ws=True) idx = tlist.token_index(group) token = tlist.token_next_match(idx, T.Keyword, 'WHERE')
Example #7
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _get_first_name(self, idx=None, reverse=False, keywords=False): """Returns the name of the first token with a name""" if idx and not isinstance(idx, int): idx = self.token_index(idx) + 1 tokens = self.tokens[idx:] if idx else self.tokens tokens = reversed(tokens) if reverse else tokens types = [T.Name, T.Wildcard, T.String.Symbol] if keywords: types.append(T.Keyword) for tok in tokens: if tok.ttype in types: return self._remove_quotes(tok.value) elif isinstance(tok, Identifier) or isinstance(tok, Function): return tok.get_name() return None
Example #8
Source File: From schematizer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_primary_key(self, def_tokens): EXPECT_PRIMARY = 0 EXPECT_KEY = 1 EXPECT_COLUMN = 2 state = EXPECT_PRIMARY for token in def_tokens: if state == EXPECT_PRIMARY and token.match(T.Keyword, 'PRIMARY'): state = EXPECT_KEY elif state == EXPECT_KEY and token.value.upper() == 'KEY': state = EXPECT_COLUMN elif state == EXPECT_COLUMN and isinstance(token, sql.Parenthesis): return [ self._clean_identifier_quotes(t.value) for t in token.tokens[1:-1] if t.ttype in (T.Name, T.Literal.String.Symbol) ] return []
Example #9
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def is_values_keyword(token): """ VALUES判定 """ return token.match(T.Keyword, "VALUES")
Example #10
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def is_from_keyword(token): """ 「FROM」判定 """ return token.match(T.Keyword, "FROM")
Example #11
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def group_as(tlist): def _right_valid(token): # Currently limited to DML/DDL. Maybe additional more non SQL reserved # keywords should appear here (see issue8). return not token.ttype in (T.DML, T.DDL) def _left_valid(token): if token.ttype is T.Keyword and token.value in ('NULL',): return True return token.ttype is not T.Keyword _group_left_right(tlist, T.Keyword, 'AS', sql.Identifier, check_right=_right_valid, check_left=_left_valid)
Example #12
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def is_distinct_keyword(token): """ 「DISTINCT」判定 """ return token.match(T.Keyword, "DISTINCT")
Example #13
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def is_null_keyword(token): """ 「NULL」文字列判定 """ return token.match(T.Keyword, "NULL")
Example #14
Source File: From pgcli with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def extract_column_names(parsed): # Find the first DML token to check if it's a SELECT or INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE idx, tok = parsed.token_next_by(t=DML) tok_val = tok and tok.value.lower() if tok_val in ("insert", "update", "delete"): # Jump ahead to the RETURNING clause where the list of column names is idx, tok = parsed.token_next_by(idx, (Keyword, "returning")) elif not tok_val == "select": # Must be invalid CTE return () # The next token should be either a column name, or a list of column names idx, tok = parsed.token_next(idx, skip_ws=True, skip_cm=True) return tuple(t.get_name() for t in _identifiers(tok))
Example #15
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_ordering(self): """Returns the ordering or ``None`` as uppercase string.""" ordering = self.token_next_by_type(0, T.Keyword.Order) if ordering is None: return None return ordering.value.upper()
Example #16
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def is_by_keyword(token): """ 「BY」判定 """ return token.match(T.Keyword, "BY")
Example #17
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def process(self, stack, stream): index = 7 stream = list(stream) stream.reverse() # Run over all tokens in the stream from the end for token_type, value in stream: index -= 1 # if index and token_type in Keyword: if index and token_type in Keyword and value == 'LIMIT': return stream[4 - index][1] return -1
Example #18
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _process_case(self, tlist): is_first = True num_offset = None case = tlist.tokens[0] outer_offset = self._get_offset(case) - len(case.value) self.offset += outer_offset for cond, value in tlist.get_cases(): if is_first: tcond = list(cond[0].flatten())[0] is_first = False num_offset = self._get_offset(tcond) - len(tcond.value) self.offset += num_offset continue if cond is None: token = value[0] else: token = cond[0] tlist.insert_before(token, # Line breaks on group level are done. Now let's add an offset of # 5 (=length of "when", "then", "else") and process subgroups. self.offset += 5 self._process_default(tlist) self.offset -= 5 if num_offset is not None: self.offset -= num_offset end = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Keyword, 'END') tlist.insert_before(end, self.offset -= outer_offset
Example #19
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _process_having(self, tlist): token = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Keyword, 'HAVING') try: tlist.insert_before(token, except ValueError: # issue121, errors in statement pass self.indent += 1 self._process_default(tlist) self.indent -= 1
Example #20
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _process_where(self, tlist): token = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Keyword, 'WHERE') try: tlist.insert_before(token, except ValueError: # issue121, errors in statement pass self.indent += 1 self._process_default(tlist) self.indent -= 1
Example #21
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _split_statements(self, tlist): idx = 0 token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, (T.Keyword.DDL, T.Keyword.DML)) while token: prev = tlist.token_prev(tlist.token_index(token), False) if prev and prev.is_whitespace(): tlist.tokens.pop(tlist.token_index(prev)) # only break if it's not the first token if prev: nl = tlist.insert_before(token, nl) token = tlist.token_next_by_type(tlist.token_index(token) + 1, (T.Keyword.DDL, T.Keyword.DML))
Example #22
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _split_kwds(self, tlist): split_words = ('FROM', 'STRAIGHT_JOIN$', 'JOIN$', 'AND', 'OR', 'GROUP', 'ORDER', 'UNION', 'VALUES', 'SET', 'BETWEEN', 'EXCEPT', 'HAVING') def _next_token(i): t = tlist.token_next_match(i, T.Keyword, split_words, regex=True) if t and t.value.upper() == 'BETWEEN': t = _next_token(tlist.token_index(t) + 1) if t and t.value.upper() == 'AND': t = _next_token(tlist.token_index(t) + 1) return t idx = 0 token = _next_token(idx) added = set() while token: prev = tlist.token_prev(tlist.token_index(token), False) offset = 1 if prev and prev.is_whitespace() and prev not in added: tlist.tokens.pop(tlist.token_index(prev)) offset += 1 uprev = str(prev) if (prev and (uprev.endswith('\n') or uprev.endswith('\r'))): nl = tlist.token_next(token) else: nl = added.add(nl) tlist.insert_before(token, nl) offset += 1 token = _next_token(tlist.token_index(nl) + offset)
Example #23
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, stream): for token_type, value in stream: if token_type not in Whitespace: return token_type in Keyword and value == self.type
Example #24
Source File: From mysql_streamer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def does_rename_table(self): return any( token.match(Token.Keyword, 'rename') for token in self.token_matcher.get_remaining_tokens() )
Example #25
Source File: From mysql_streamer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def keyword_tokens(self): return [ token for token in self.statement.tokens if token.match(Token.Keyword, None) or token.match(Token.Keyword.DDL, None) ]
Example #26
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_function_not_in(self): # issue183 p = sqlparse.parse('in(1, 2)')[0] self.assertEqual(len(p.tokens), 2) self.assertEqual(p.tokens[0].ttype, T.Keyword) self.assert_(isinstance(p.tokens[1], sql.Parenthesis))
Example #27
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_identifier_as_invalid(self): # issue8 p = sqlparse.parse('foo as select *')[0] self.assert_(len(p.tokens), 5) self.assert_(isinstance(p.tokens[0], sql.Identifier)) self.assertEqual(len(p.tokens[0].tokens), 1) self.assertEqual(p.tokens[2].ttype, T.Keyword)
Example #28
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_identifiers(self): s = 'select from "myscheme"."table" where fail. order' parsed = sqlparse.parse(s)[0] self.ndiffAssertEqual(s, unicode(parsed)) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[2], sql.Identifier)) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[6], sql.Identifier)) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[8], sql.Where)) s = 'select * from foo where = 1' parsed = sqlparse.parse(s)[0] self.ndiffAssertEqual(s, unicode(parsed)) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[-1].tokens[-1].tokens[0], sql.Identifier)) s = 'select * from (select "foo"."id" from foo)' parsed = sqlparse.parse(s)[0] self.ndiffAssertEqual(s, unicode(parsed)) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[-1].tokens[3], sql.Identifier)) s = "INSERT INTO `test` VALUES('foo', 'bar');" parsed = sqlparse.parse(s)[0] types = [l.ttype for l in parsed.tokens if not l.is_whitespace()] self.assertEquals(types, [T.DML, T.Keyword, None, T.Keyword, None, T.Punctuation]) s = "select 1.0*(a+b) as col, sum(c)/sum(d) from myschema.mytable" parsed = sqlparse.parse(s)[0] self.assertEqual(len(parsed.tokens), 7) self.assert_(isinstance(parsed.tokens[2], sql.IdentifierList)) self.assertEqual(len(parsed.tokens[2].tokens), 4) identifiers = list(parsed.tokens[2].get_identifiers()) self.assertEqual(len(identifiers), 2) self.assertEquals(identifiers[0].get_alias(), u"col")
Example #29
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_dont_alias_keywords(): # The _group_left_right function had a bug where the check for the # left side wasn't handled correctly. In one case this resulted in # a keyword turning into an identifier. p = sqlparse.parse('FROM AS foo')[0] assert len(p.tokens) == 5 assert p.tokens[0].ttype is T.Keyword assert p.tokens[2].ttype is T.Keyword
Example #30
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_ordering(self): """Returns the ordering or ``None`` as uppercase string.""" ordering = self.token_next_by_type(0, T.Keyword.Order) if ordering is None: return None return ordering.value.upper()