Python sqlparse.tokens.Whitespace() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sqlparse.tokens.Whitespace().
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Example #1
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _process(self, tlist): token = self._get_next_comment(tlist) while token: tidx = tlist.token_index(token) prev = tlist.token_prev(tidx, False) next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx, False) # Replace by whitespace if prev and next exist and if they're not # whitespaces. This doesn't apply if prev or next is a paranthesis. if (prev is not None and next_ is not None and not prev.is_whitespace() and not next_.is_whitespace() and not (prev.match(T.Punctuation, '(') or next_.match(T.Punctuation, ')'))): tlist.tokens[tidx] = sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ') else: tlist.tokens.pop(tidx) token = self._get_next_comment(tlist)
Example #2
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def process(self, stack, stmt): if isinstance(stmt, sql.Statement): self._curr_stmt = stmt self._process(stmt) if isinstance(stmt, sql.Statement): if self._last_stmt is not None: if unicode(self._last_stmt).endswith('\n'): nl = '\n' else: nl = '\n\n' stmt.tokens.insert( 0, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, nl)) if self._last_stmt != stmt: self._last_stmt = stmt # FIXME: Doesn't work ;)
Example #3
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def process(self, stack, stmt): if isinstance(stmt, sql.Statement): self._curr_stmt = stmt self._process(stmt) if isinstance(stmt, sql.Statement): if self._last_stmt is not None: if str(self._last_stmt).endswith('\n'): nl = '\n' else: nl = '\n\n' stmt.tokens.insert( 0, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, nl)) if self._last_stmt != stmt: self._last_stmt = stmt # FIXME: Doesn't work ;)
Example #4
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _process(self, tlist): token = self._get_next_comment(tlist) while token: tidx = tlist.token_index(token) prev = tlist.token_prev(tidx, False) next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx, False) # Replace by whitespace if prev and next exist and if they're not # whitespaces. This doesn't apply if prev or next is a paranthesis. if (prev is not None and next_ is not None and not prev.is_whitespace() and not next_.is_whitespace() and not (prev.match(T.Punctuation, '(') or next_.match(T.Punctuation, ')'))): tlist.tokens[tidx] = sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ') else: tlist.tokens.pop(tidx) token = self._get_next_comment(tlist)
Example #5
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __custom_process_insert_values_lr(self, tlist): #INSERT の場合VALUES前後に空白1つをセット values_token = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Keyword, "VALUES") if values_token: prv = tlist.token_prev(values_token, skip_ws=False) if prv and prv.is_whitespace(): prv.value = " " prv = tlist.token_prev(prv, skip_ws=False) while prv and prv.is_whitespace(): prv.value = "" prv = tlist.token_prev(prv, skip_ws=False) else: tlist.insert_before(values_token, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, " ")) nxt = tlist.token_next(values_token, skip_ws=False) if nxt and nxt.is_whitespace(): nxt.value = " " nxt = tlist.token_next(nxt, skip_ws=False) while nxt and nxt.is_whitespace(): nxt.value = "" nxt = tlist.token_next(nxt, skip_ws=False) else: tlist.insert_after(values_token, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, " "))
Example #6
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _process(tlist): def get_next_comment(): # TODO(andi) Comment types should be unified, see related issue38 return tlist.token_next_by(i=sql.Comment, t=T.Comment) tidx, token = get_next_comment() while token: pidx, prev_ = tlist.token_prev(tidx, skip_ws=False) nidx, next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx, skip_ws=False) # Replace by whitespace if prev and next exist and if they're not # whitespaces. This doesn't apply if prev or next is a paranthesis. if (prev_ is None or next_ is None or prev_.is_whitespace or prev_.match(T.Punctuation, '(') or next_.is_whitespace or next_.match(T.Punctuation, ')')): tlist.tokens.remove(token) else: tlist.tokens[tidx] = sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ') tidx, token = get_next_comment()
Example #7
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _process(tlist): ttypes = (T.Operator, T.Comparison) tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(t=ttypes) while token: nidx, next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx, skip_ws=False) if next_ and next_.ttype != T.Whitespace: tlist.insert_after(tidx, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')) pidx, prev_ = tlist.token_prev(tidx, skip_ws=False) if prev_ and prev_.ttype != T.Whitespace: tlist.insert_before(tidx, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')) tidx += 1 # has to shift since token inserted before it # assert tlist.token_index(token) == tidx tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(t=ttypes, idx=tidx)
Example #8
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_alias(self): """Returns the alias for this identifier or ``None``.""" # "name AS alias" kw = self.token_next_match(0, T.Keyword, 'AS') if kw is not None: return self._get_first_name(kw, keywords=True) # "name alias" or "complicated column expression alias" if len(self.tokens) > 2 \ and self.token_next_by_type(0, T.Whitespace) is not None: return self._get_first_name(reverse=True) return None
Example #9
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, stream): for token_type, value in stream: if token_type not in Whitespace: return token_type in Keyword and value == self.type
Example #10
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def StripWhitespace(stream): "Strip the useless whitespaces from a stream leaving only the minimal ones" last_type = None has_space = False ignore_group = frozenset((Comparison, Punctuation)) for token_type, value in stream: # We got a previous token (not empty first ones) if last_type: if token_type in Whitespace: has_space = True continue # Ignore first empty spaces and dot-commas elif token_type in (Whitespace, Whitespace.Newline, ignore_group): continue # Yield a whitespace if it can't be ignored if has_space: if not ignore_group.intersection((last_type, token_type)): yield Whitespace, ' ' has_space = False # Yield the token and set its type for checking with the next one yield token_type, value last_type = token_type
Example #11
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def nl(self): # TODO: newline character should be configurable space = (self.char * ((self.indent * self.width) + self.offset)) # Detect runaway indenting due to parsing errors if len(space) > 200: # something seems to be wrong, flip back self.indent = self.offset = 0 space = (self.char * ((self.indent * self.width) + self.offset)) ws = '\n' + space return sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ws)
Example #12
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _process(self, stream, varname, has_nl): # SQL query asignation to varname if self.count > 1: yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n') yield sql.Token(T.Name, varname) yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ') yield sql.Token(T.Operator, '=') yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ') if has_nl: yield sql.Token(T.Operator, '(') yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'") # Print the tokens on the quote for token in stream: # Token is a new line separator if token.is_whitespace() and '\n' in token.value: # Close quote and add a new line yield sql.Token(T.Text, " '") yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n') # Quote header on secondary lines yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ' * (len(varname) + 4)) yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'") # Indentation after_lb = token.value.split('\n', 1)[1] if after_lb: yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, after_lb) continue # Token has escape chars elif "'" in token.value: token.value = token.value.replace("'", "\\'") # Put the token yield sql.Token(T.Text, token.value) # Close quote yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'") if has_nl: yield sql.Token(T.Operator, ')')
Example #13
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def process(self, stack, stream): "Process the stream" consume_ws = False splitlevel = 0 stmt = None stmt_tokens = [] # Run over all stream tokens for ttype, value in stream: # Yield token if we finished a statement and there's no whitespaces if consume_ws and ttype not in (T.Whitespace, T.Comment.Single): stmt.tokens = stmt_tokens yield stmt # Reset filter and prepare to process next statement self._reset() consume_ws = False splitlevel = 0 stmt = None # Create a new statement if we are not currently in one of them if stmt is None: stmt = Statement() stmt_tokens = [] # Change current split level (increase, decrease or remain equal) splitlevel += self._change_splitlevel(ttype, value) # Append the token to the current statement stmt_tokens.append(Token(ttype, value)) # Check if we get the end of a statement if splitlevel <= 0 and ttype is T.Punctuation and value == ';': consume_ws = True # Yield pending statement (if any) if stmt is not None: stmt.tokens = stmt_tokens yield stmt
Example #14
Source File: From codenn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process(self, stack, stream): "Process the stream" consume_ws = False splitlevel = 0 stmt = None stmt_tokens = [] # Run over all stream tokens for ttype, value in stream: # Yield token if we finished a statement and there's no whitespaces if consume_ws and ttype not in (T.Whitespace, T.Comment.Single): stmt.tokens = stmt_tokens yield stmt # Reset filter and prepare to process next statement self._reset() consume_ws = False splitlevel = 0 stmt = None # Create a new statement if we are not currently in one of them if stmt is None: stmt = Statement() stmt_tokens = [] # Change current split level (increase, decrease or remain equal) splitlevel += self._change_splitlevel(ttype, value) # Append the token to the current statement stmt_tokens.append(Token(ttype, value)) # Check if we get the end of a statement if splitlevel <= 0 and ttype is T.Punctuation and value == ';': consume_ws = True # Yield pending statement (if any) if stmt is not None: stmt.tokens = stmt_tokens yield stmt
Example #15
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __process_parenthesis_for_enum(self, parenthesis): def proc_parenthesis(tokens, parent): for token in tokens: if tu.is_comma(token): next_token = parent.token_next(token, skip_ws=False) if next_token and next_token.is_whitespace(): next_token.value = " " else: parent.insert_after(token, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, " ")) elif tu.is_identifier_list(token): proc_parenthesis(token.tokens[:], token) elif token.is_group(): self._process(token) proc_parenthesis(tu.tokens_parenthesis_inner(parenthesis), parenthesis)
Example #16
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __process_parenthesis_for_complist(self, tlist): open_punc = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Punctuation, '(') self.indent += 1 tlist.insert_after(open_punc, self._process_default(tlist) comps = self._get_comparisons(tlist) tlist.insert_before(comps[0], sql.Token(T.Whitespace, "\t")) self._adjust_comparisons_indent(comps) close_punc = tlist.token_next_match(open_punc, T.Punctuation, ')') tlist.insert_before(close_punc, self.indent -= 1
Example #17
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def nl_with_indent(self, offset): count = ((self.indent * self.width) + self.offset + offset) if count < 0: count = 0 space = "\t" * count sws = '\n' + space return sql.Token(T.Whitespace, sws)
Example #18
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def indent_space(self, offset=0): space = ("\t" * ((self.indent * self.width) + self.offset + offset)) return sql.Token(T.Whitespace, space)
Example #19
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def one_indent_space(self): return sql.Token(T.Whitespace, "\t")
Example #20
Source File: From uroboroSQL-formatter with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _adjust_comparisons_indent(self, comparisons): """ Comparisonの内部インデントの調整 """ ids = [] for token in comparisons: if not token.is_group(): continue if tu.is_comparison(token): ids.append(_ComparisonObject(token, self.indent + self.offset, self.local_config)) max_width_left = 0 max_width_operator = 0 max_width_right = 0 for comparison in ids: max_width_left = max(max_width_left, comparison.width_left) max_width_operator = max(max_width_operator, comparison.width_operator) max_width_right = max(max_width_right, comparison.width_right) for comparison in ids: if comparison.right_tokens: left = comparison.left_lines[-1] left_space = "\t" * int(calc_tab_padding_count(left, max_width_left)) if len(comparison.left_lines) > 1: left_space += "\t" comparison.token.insert_after(comparison.left_tokens[-1], sql.Token(T.Whitespace, left_space)) op_space = "\t" * int(calc_tab_padding_count(comparison.operator_string, max_width_operator)) comparison.token.insert_after(comparison.operator_tokens[-1], sql.Token(T.Whitespace, op_space)) if comparison.line_comment: right = comparison.right_lines[-1] right_space = "\t" * int(calc_tab_padding_count(right, max_width_right)) if len(comparison.right_lines) > 1: right_space += "\t\t" + ("\t" * int(calc_tab_padding_count("", max_width_left))) comparison.token.insert_after(comparison.right_tokens[-1], sql.Token(T.Whitespace, right_space))
Example #21
Source File: From incubator-superset with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_table(tlist: TokenList) -> Optional[Table]: """ Return the table if valid, i.e., conforms to the [[catalog.]schema.]table construct. :param tlist: The SQL tokens :returns: The table if the name conforms """ # Strip the alias if present. idx = len(tlist.tokens) if tlist.has_alias(): ws_idx, _ = tlist.token_next_by(t=Whitespace) if ws_idx != -1: idx = ws_idx tokens = tlist.tokens[:idx] if ( len(tokens) in (1, 3, 5) and all(imt(token, t=[Name, String]) for token in tokens[::2]) and all(imt(token, m=(Punctuation, ".")) for token in tokens[1::2]) ): return Table(*[remove_quotes(token.value) for token in tokens[::-2]]) return None
Example #22
Source File: From sql-metadata with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_query_tokens(query: str) -> List[sqlparse.sql.Token]: """ :type query str :rtype: list[sqlparse.sql.Token] """ query = preprocess_query(query) parsed = sqlparse.parse(query) # handle empty queries (#12) if not parsed: return [] tokens = TokenList(parsed[0].tokens).flatten() # print([(token.value, token.ttype) for token in tokens]) return [token for token in tokens if token.ttype is not Whitespace]
Example #23
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _stripws_identifierlist(self, tlist): # Removes newlines before commas, see issue140 last_nl = None for token in list(tlist.tokens): if last_nl and token.ttype is T.Punctuation and token.value == ',': tlist.tokens.remove(last_nl) last_nl = token if token.is_whitespace else None # next_ = tlist.token_next(token, skip_ws=False) # if (next_ and not next_.is_whitespace and # token.ttype is T.Punctuation and token.value == ','): # tlist.insert_after(token, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')) return self._stripws_default(tlist)
Example #24
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, ttype, value): value = text_type(value) self.value = value self.ttype = ttype self.parent = None self.is_group = False self.is_keyword = ttype in T.Keyword self.is_whitespace = self.ttype in T.Whitespace self.normalized = value.upper() if self.is_keyword else value
Example #25
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_alias(self): """Returns the alias for this identifier or ``None``.""" # "name AS alias" kw_idx, kw = self.token_next_by(m=(T.Keyword, 'AS')) if kw is not None: return self._get_first_name(kw_idx + 1, keywords=True) # "name alias" or "complicated column expression alias" _, ws = self.token_next_by(t=T.Whitespace) if len(self.tokens) > 2 and ws is not None: return self._get_first_name(reverse=True)
Example #26
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def nl(self, offset=1): # offset = 1 represent a single space after SELECT offset = -len(offset) if not isinstance(offset, int) else offset # add two for the space and parens indent = self.indent * (2 + self._max_kwd_len) return sql.Token(T.Whitespace, self.n + self.char * ( self._max_kwd_len + offset + indent + self.offset))
Example #27
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _process(self, stream, varname, has_nl): # SQL query asignation to varname if self.count > 1: yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n') yield sql.Token(T.Name, varname) yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ') yield sql.Token(T.Operator, '=') yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ') if has_nl: yield sql.Token(T.Operator, '(') yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'") # Print the tokens on the quote for token in stream: # Token is a new line separator if token.is_whitespace and '\n' in token.value: # Close quote and add a new line yield sql.Token(T.Text, " '") yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n') # Quote header on secondary lines yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ' * (len(varname) + 4)) yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'") # Indentation after_lb = token.value.split('\n', 1)[1] if after_lb: yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, after_lb) continue # Token has escape chars elif "'" in token.value: token.value = token.value.replace("'", "\\'") # Put the token yield sql.Token(T.Text, token.value) # Close quote yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'") if has_nl: yield sql.Token(T.Operator, ')')
Example #28
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def nl(self, offset=0): return sql.Token( T.Whitespace, self.n + self.char * max(0, self.leading_ws + offset))
Example #29
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _process_identifierlist(self, tlist): identifiers = list(tlist.get_identifiers()) first = next(identifiers.pop(0).flatten()) num_offset = 1 if self.char == '\t' else self._get_offset(first) if not tlist.within(sql.Function): with offset(self, num_offset): position = 0 for token in identifiers: # Add 1 for the "," separator position += len(token.value) + 1 if position > (self.wrap_after - self.offset): adjust = 0 if self.comma_first: adjust = -2 _, comma = tlist.token_prev( tlist.token_index(token)) if comma is None: continue token = comma tlist.insert_before(token, if self.comma_first: _, ws = tlist.token_next( tlist.token_index(token), skip_ws=False) if (ws is not None and ws.ttype is not T.Text.Whitespace): tlist.insert_after( token, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')) position = 0 self._process_default(tlist)
Example #30
Source File: From SublimeText-SQLTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def process(self, stmt): self._curr_stmt = stmt self._process(stmt) if self._last_stmt is not None: nl = '\n' if text_type(self._last_stmt).endswith('\n') else '\n\n' stmt.tokens.insert(0, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, nl)) self._last_stmt = stmt return stmt