Python dateutil.relativedelta.weekday() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of dateutil.relativedelta.weekday(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module dateutil.relativedelta , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From with GNU General Public License v3.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def testRRuleAll(self):
        from dateutil.rrule import rrule
        from dateutil.rrule import rruleset
        from dateutil.rrule import rrulestr
        from dateutil.rrule import YEARLY, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY
        from dateutil.rrule import HOURLY, MINUTELY, SECONDLY
        from dateutil.rrule import MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU

        rr_all = (rrule, rruleset, rrulestr,
                  YEARLY, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY,
                  HOURLY, MINUTELY, SECONDLY,
                  MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU)

        for var in rr_all:
            self.assertIsNot(var, None)

        # In the public interface but not in all
        from dateutil.rrule import weekday
        self.assertIsNot(weekday, None) 
Example #2
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        other = datetime(other.year, other.month,

        n = self.n

        wkday, days_in_month = tslib.monthrange(other.year, other.month)
        lastBDay = days_in_month - max(((wkday + days_in_month - 1)
                                        % 7) - 4, 0)

        if n > 0 and not >= lastBDay:
            n = n - 1
        elif n <= 0 and > lastBDay:
            n = n + 1
        other = as_datetime(other) + relativedelta(months=n, day=31)

        if other.weekday() > 4:
            other = other - BDay()
        return other 
Example #3
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, n=1, **kwds):
        self.n = n
        self.weekday = kwds['weekday']
        self.week = kwds['week']

        if self.n == 0:
            raise ValueError('N cannot be 0')

        if self.weekday < 0 or self.weekday > 6:
            raise ValueError('Day must be 0<=day<=6, got %d' %
        if self.week < 0 or self.week > 3:
            raise ValueError('Week must be 0<=day<=3, got %d' %

        self.kwds = kwds 
Example #4
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, n=1, **kwds):
        self.n = n
        self.startingMonth = kwds['startingMonth']
        self.weekday = kwds["weekday"]

        self.variation = kwds["variation"]

        self.kwds = kwds

        if self.n == 0:
            raise ValueError('N cannot be 0')

        if self.variation not in ["nearest", "last"]:
            raise ValueError('%s is not a valid variation' % self.variation)

        if self.variation == "nearest":
            weekday_offset = weekday(self.weekday)
            self._rd_forward = relativedelta(weekday=weekday_offset)
            self._rd_backward = relativedelta(weekday=weekday_offset(-1))
            self._offset_lwom = LastWeekOfMonth(n=1, weekday=self.weekday) 
Example #5
Source File:    From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        from dateutil import relativedelta
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset - self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #6
Source File:    From pipenv with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt, fold_naive=True):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        # >>> import tz, datetime
        # >>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        if not self._hasdst:
            return False

        # Check for ambiguous times:
        dstval = self._naive_is_dst(dt)
        fold = getattr(dt, 'fold', None)

        if self.is_ambiguous(dt):
            if fold is not None:
                return not self._fold(dt)
                return True

        return dstval 
Example #7
Source File:    From pipenv with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        from dateutil import relativedelta
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset - self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #8
Source File:    From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        from dateutil import relativedelta
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset - self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #9
Source File:    From planespotter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        from dateutil import relativedelta
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset - self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #10
Source File:    From planespotter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt, fold_naive=True):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        # >>> import tz, datetime
        # >>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        if not self._hasdst:
            return False

        # Check for ambiguous times:
        dstval = self._naive_is_dst(dt)
        fold = getattr(dt, 'fold', None)

        if self.is_ambiguous(dt):
            if fold is not None:
                return not self._fold(dt)
                return True

        return dstval 
Example #11
Source File:    From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt, fold_naive=True):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        # >>> import tz, datetime
        # >>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        if not self._hasdst:
            return False

        # Check for ambiguous times:
        dstval = self._naive_is_dst(dt)
        fold = getattr(dt, 'fold', None)

        if self.is_ambiguous(dt):
            if fold is not None:
                return not self._fold(dt)
                return True

        return dstval 
Example #12
Source File:    From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt, fold_naive=True):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        # >>> import tz, datetime
        # >>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        if not self._hasdst:
            return False

        # Check for ambiguous times:
        dstval = self._naive_is_dst(dt)
        fold = getattr(dt, 'fold', None)

        if self.is_ambiguous(dt):
            if fold is not None:
                return not self._fold(dt)
                return True

        return dstval 
Example #13
Source File:    From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt, fold_naive=True):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        # >>> import tz, datetime
        # >>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        if not self._hasdst:
            return False

        # Check for ambiguous times:
        dstval = self._naive_is_dst(dt)
        fold = getattr(dt, 'fold', None)

        if self.is_ambiguous(dt):
            if fold is not None:
                return not self._fold(dt)
                return True

        return dstval 
Example #14
Source File:    From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset-self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds+delta.days*86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #15
Source File:    From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, stdabbr, stdoffset=None,
                 dstabbr=None, dstoffset=None,
                 start=None, end=None):
        global relativedelta
        if not relativedelta:
            from dateutil import relativedelta
        self._std_abbr = stdabbr
        self._dst_abbr = dstabbr
        if stdoffset is not None:
            self._std_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=stdoffset)
            self._std_offset = ZERO
        if dstoffset is not None:
            self._dst_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dstoffset)
        elif dstabbr and stdoffset is not None:
            self._dst_offset = self._std_offset+datetime.timedelta(hours=+1)
            self._dst_offset = ZERO
        if dstabbr and start is None:
            self._start_delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(
                    hours=+2, month=4, day=1, weekday=relativedelta.SU(+1))
            self._start_delta = start
        if dstabbr and end is None:
            self._end_delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(
                    hours=+1, month=10, day=31, weekday=relativedelta.SU(-1))
            self._end_delta = end 
Example #16
Source File:    From mxnet-lambda with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        #>>> import tz, datetime
        #>>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        timestamp = ((dt.toordinal() - EPOCHORDINAL) * 86400
                     + dt.hour * 3600
                     + dt.minute * 60
                     + dt.second)
        return time.localtime(timestamp+time.timezone).tm_isdst 
Example #17
Source File:    From nzb-subliminal with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset-self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds+delta.days*86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #18
Source File:    From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        from dateutil import relativedelta
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset - self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #19
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, stdabbr, stdoffset=None,
                 dstabbr=None, dstoffset=None,
                 start=None, end=None):
        global relativedelta
        if not relativedelta:
            from dateutil import relativedelta
        self._std_abbr = stdabbr
        self._dst_abbr = dstabbr
        if stdoffset is not None:
            self._std_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=stdoffset)
            self._std_offset = ZERO
        if dstoffset is not None:
            self._dst_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dstoffset)
        elif dstabbr and stdoffset is not None:
            self._dst_offset = self._std_offset+datetime.timedelta(hours=+1)
            self._dst_offset = ZERO
        if dstabbr and start is None:
            self._start_delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(
                    hours=+2, month=4, day=1, weekday=relativedelta.SU(+1))
            self._start_delta = start
        if dstabbr and end is None:
            self._end_delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(
                    hours=+1, month=10, day=31, weekday=relativedelta.SU(-1))
            self._end_delta = end 
Example #20
Source File:    From airflow with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _deserialize(cls, encoded_var: Any) -> Any:  # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        """Helper function of depth first search for deserialization."""
        # JSON primitives (except for dict) are not encoded.
        if cls._is_primitive(encoded_var):
            return encoded_var
        elif isinstance(encoded_var, list):
            return [cls._deserialize(v) for v in encoded_var]

        if not isinstance(encoded_var, dict):
            raise ValueError(f"The encoded_var should be dict and is {type(encoded_var)}")
        var = encoded_var[Encoding.VAR]
        type_ = encoded_var[Encoding.TYPE]

        if type_ == DAT.DICT:
            return {k: cls._deserialize(v) for k, v in var.items()}
        elif type_ == DAT.DAG:
            return SerializedDAG.deserialize_dag(var)
        elif type_ == DAT.OP:
            return SerializedBaseOperator.deserialize_operator(var)
        elif type_ == DAT.DATETIME:
            return pendulum.from_timestamp(var)
        elif type_ == DAT.TIMEDELTA:
            return datetime.timedelta(seconds=var)
        elif type_ == DAT.TIMEZONE:
            return Timezone(var)
        elif type_ == DAT.RELATIVEDELTA:
            if 'weekday' in var:
                var['weekday'] = relativedelta.weekday(*var['weekday'])  # type: ignore
            return relativedelta.relativedelta(**var)
        elif type_ == DAT.SET:
            return {cls._deserialize(v) for v in var}
        elif type_ == DAT.TUPLE:
            return tuple([cls._deserialize(v) for v in var])
            raise TypeError('Invalid type {!s} in deserialization.'.format(type_)) 
Example #21
Source File:    From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset-self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds+delta.days*86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #22
Source File:    From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, stdabbr, stdoffset=None,
                 dstabbr=None, dstoffset=None,
                 start=None, end=None):
        global relativedelta
        if not relativedelta:
            from dateutil import relativedelta
        self._std_abbr = stdabbr
        self._dst_abbr = dstabbr
        if stdoffset is not None:
            self._std_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=stdoffset)
            self._std_offset = ZERO
        if dstoffset is not None:
            self._dst_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dstoffset)
        elif dstabbr and stdoffset is not None:
            self._dst_offset = self._std_offset+datetime.timedelta(hours=+1)
            self._dst_offset = ZERO
        if dstabbr and start is None:
            self._start_delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(
                hours=+2, month=4, day=1, weekday=relativedelta.SU(+1))
            self._start_delta = start
        if dstabbr and end is None:
            self._end_delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(
                hours=+1, month=10, day=31, weekday=relativedelta.SU(-1))
            self._end_delta = end 
Example #23
Source File:    From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        # >>> import tz, datetime
        # >>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        timestamp = ((dt.toordinal() - EPOCHORDINAL) * 86400
                     + dt.hour * 3600
                     + dt.minute * 60
                     + dt.second)
        return time.localtime(timestamp+time.timezone).tm_isdst 
Example #24
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        from dateutil import relativedelta
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset - self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #25
Source File:    From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt, fold_naive=True):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        # >>> import tz, datetime
        # >>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        if not self._hasdst:
            return False

        # Check for ambiguous times:
        dstval = self._naive_is_dst(dt)
        fold = getattr(dt, 'fold', None)

        if self.is_ambiguous(dt):
            if fold is not None:
                return not self._fold(dt)
                return True

        return dstval 
Example #26
Source File:    From crunchy-xml-decoder with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset-self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds+delta.days*86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #27
Source File:    From crunchy-xml-decoder with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, stdabbr, stdoffset=None,
                 dstabbr=None, dstoffset=None,
                 start=None, end=None):
        global relativedelta
        if not relativedelta:
            from dateutil import relativedelta
        self._std_abbr = stdabbr
        self._dst_abbr = dstabbr
        if stdoffset is not None:
            self._std_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=stdoffset)
            self._std_offset = ZERO
        if dstoffset is not None:
            self._dst_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dstoffset)
        elif dstabbr and stdoffset is not None:
            self._dst_offset = self._std_offset+datetime.timedelta(hours=+1)
            self._dst_offset = ZERO
        if dstabbr and start is None:
            self._start_delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(
                    hours=+2, month=4, day=1, weekday=relativedelta.SU(+1))
            self._start_delta = start
        if dstabbr and end is None:
            self._end_delta = relativedelta.relativedelta(
                    hours=+1, month=10, day=31, weekday=relativedelta.SU(-1))
            self._end_delta = end 
Example #28
Source File:    From with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt, fold_naive=True):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        # >>> import tz, datetime
        # >>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRST'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # >>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # 'BRDT'
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        if not self._hasdst:
            return False

        # Check for ambiguous times:
        dstval = self._naive_is_dst(dt)
        fold = getattr(dt, 'fold', None)

        if self.is_ambiguous(dt):
            if fold is not None:
                return not self._fold(dt)
                return True

        return dstval 
Example #29
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _delta(self, x, isend=0):
        kwargs = {}
        if x.month is not None:
            kwargs["month"] = x.month
            if x.weekday is not None:
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.weekday(x.weekday, x.week)
                if x.week > 0:
                    kwargs["day"] = 1
                    kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["day"] =
        elif x.yday is not None:
            kwargs["yearday"] = x.yday
        elif x.jyday is not None:
            kwargs["nlyearday"] = x.jyday
        if not kwargs:
            # Default is to start on first sunday of april, and end
            # on last sunday of october.
            if not isend:
                kwargs["month"] = 4
                kwargs["day"] = 1
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(+1)
                kwargs["month"] = 10
                kwargs["day"] = 31
                kwargs["weekday"] = relativedelta.SU(-1)
        if x.time is not None:
            kwargs["seconds"] = x.time
            # Default is 2AM.
            kwargs["seconds"] = 7200
        if isend:
            # Convert to standard time, to follow the documented way
            # of working with the extra hour. See the documentation
            # of the tzinfo class.
            delta = self._dst_offset-self._std_offset
            kwargs["seconds"] -= delta.seconds+delta.days*86400
        return relativedelta.relativedelta(**kwargs) 
Example #30
Source File:    From crunchy-xml-decoder with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _isdst(self, dt):
        # We can't use mktime here. It is unstable when deciding if
        # the hour near to a change is DST or not.
        # timestamp = time.mktime((dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour,
        #                         dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1))
        # return time.localtime(timestamp).tm_isdst
        # The code above yields the following result:
        #>>> import tz, datetime
        #>>> t = tz.tzlocal()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,16,0,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,22,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        #>>> datetime.datetime(2003,2,15,23,tzinfo=t).tzname()
        # Here is a more stable implementation:
        timestamp = ((dt.toordinal() - EPOCHORDINAL) * 86400
                     + dt.hour * 3600
                     + dt.minute * 60
                     + dt.second)
        return time.localtime(timestamp+time.timezone).tm_isdst