Python copy._deepcopy_dispatch() Examples

The following are 23 code examples of copy._deepcopy_dispatch(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module copy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From typed-argument-parser with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fix_py36_copy(func: Callable) -> Callable:
    """Decorator that fixes functions using Python 3.6 deepcopy of ArgumentParsers.

    Based on
    if sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 6):
        return func

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        re_type = type(re.compile(''))
        has_prev_val = re_type in copy._deepcopy_dispatch
        prev_val = copy._deepcopy_dispatch.get(re_type, None)
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[type(re.compile(''))] = lambda r, _: r

        result = func(*args, **kwargs)

        if has_prev_val:
            copy._deepcopy_dispatch[re_type] = prev_val
            del copy._deepcopy_dispatch[re_type]

        return result

    return wrapper 
Example #2
Source File:    From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def spamlists():
    if verbose: print "Testing spamlist operations..."
    import copy, xxsubtype as spam
    def spamlist(l, memo=None):
        import xxsubtype as spam
        return spam.spamlist(l)
    # This is an ugly hack:
    copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

    testbinop(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b", "__add__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    testternop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]),
               "a[b:c]", "__getslice__")
    testsetop(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]),
              "a+=b", "__iadd__")
    testsetop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b", "__imul__")
    testunop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b", "__mul__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a", "__rmul__")
    testset2op(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
    testset3op(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
               spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__")
    # Test subclassing
    class C(spam.spamlist):
        def foo(self): return 1
    a = C()
    vereq(a, [])
    vereq(, 1)
    vereq(a, [100])
    vereq(a.getstate(), 0)
    vereq(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #3
Source File:    From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def spamlists():
    if verbose: print "Testing spamlist operations..."
    import copy, xxsubtype as spam
    def spamlist(l, memo=None):
        import xxsubtype as spam
        return spam.spamlist(l)
    # This is an ugly hack:
    copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

    testbinop(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b", "__add__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    testternop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]),
               "a[b:c]", "__getslice__")
    testsetop(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]),
              "a+=b", "__iadd__")
    testsetop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b", "__imul__")
    testunop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b", "__mul__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a", "__rmul__")
    testset2op(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
    testset3op(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
               spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__")
    # Test subclassing
    class C(spam.spamlist):
        def foo(self): return 1
    a = C()
    vereq(a, [])
    vereq(, 1)
    vereq(a, [100])
    vereq(a.getstate(), 0)
    vereq(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #4
Source File:    From medicare-demo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def spamlists():
    if verbose: print "Testing spamlist operations..."
    import copy, xxsubtype as spam
    def spamlist(l, memo=None):
        import xxsubtype as spam
        return spam.spamlist(l)
    # This is an ugly hack:
    copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

    testbinop(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b", "__add__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    testternop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]),
               "a[b:c]", "__getslice__")
    testsetop(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]),
              "a+=b", "__iadd__")
    testsetop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b", "__imul__")
    testunop(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b", "__mul__")
    testbinop(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a", "__rmul__")
    testset2op(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
    testset3op(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
               spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__")
    # Test subclassing
    class C(spam.spamlist):
        def foo(self): return 1
    a = C()
    vereq(a, [])
    vereq(, 1)
    vereq(a, [100])
    vereq(a.getstate(), 0)
    vereq(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #5
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.ternop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.set3op_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                   spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #6
Source File:    From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def spamdicts():
    if verbose: print "Testing spamdict operations..."
    import copy, xxsubtype as spam
    def spamdict(d, memo=None):
        import xxsubtype as spam
        sd = spam.spamdict()
        for k, v in d.items(): sd[k] = v
        return sd
    # This is an ugly hack:
    copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

    testbinop(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)", "__cmp__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
    l1 = []
    for i in d.keys(): l1.append(i)
    l = []
    for i in iter(d): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    l = []
    for i in d.__iter__(): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    l = []
    for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
    spamd = spamdict(straightd)
    testunop(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
    testunop(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
    testset2op(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
               "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
    # Test subclassing
    class C(spam.spamdict):
        def foo(self): return 1
    a = C()
    vereq(a.items(), [])
    vereq(, 1)
    a['foo'] = 'bar'
    vereq(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')])
    vereq(a.getstate(), 0)
    vereq(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #7
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            sd = spam.spamdict()
            for k, v in list(d.items()):
                sd[k] = v
            return sd
        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
        l1 = []
        for i in list(d.keys()):
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamdict):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        a['foo'] = 'bar'
        self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [('foo', 'bar')])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #8
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.sliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.setsliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                             spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #9
Source File:    From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def spamdicts():
    if verbose: print "Testing spamdict operations..."
    import copy, xxsubtype as spam
    def spamdict(d, memo=None):
        import xxsubtype as spam
        sd = spam.spamdict()
        for k, v in d.items(): sd[k] = v
        return sd
    # This is an ugly hack:
    copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

    testbinop(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)", "__cmp__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
    l1 = []
    for i in d.keys(): l1.append(i)
    l = []
    for i in iter(d): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    l = []
    for i in d.__iter__(): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    l = []
    for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
    spamd = spamdict(straightd)
    testunop(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
    testunop(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
    testset2op(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
               "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
    # Test subclassing
    class C(spam.spamdict):
        def foo(self): return 1
    a = C()
    vereq(a.items(), [])
    vereq(, 1)
    a['foo'] = 'bar'
    vereq(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')])
    vereq(a.getstate(), 0)
    vereq(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #10
Source File:    From medicare-demo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def spamdicts():
    if verbose: print "Testing spamdict operations..."
    import copy, xxsubtype as spam
    def spamdict(d, memo=None):
        import xxsubtype as spam
        sd = spam.spamdict()
        for k, v in d.items(): sd[k] = v
        return sd
    # This is an ugly hack:
    copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

    testbinop(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)", "__cmp__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
    testbinop(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
    d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
    l1 = []
    for i in d.keys(): l1.append(i)
    l = []
    for i in iter(d): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    l = []
    for i in d.__iter__(): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    l = []
    for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d): l.append(i)
    vereq(l, l1)
    straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
    spamd = spamdict(straightd)
    testunop(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
    testunop(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
    testset2op(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
               "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
    # Test subclassing
    class C(spam.spamdict):
        def foo(self): return 1
    a = C()
    vereq(a.items(), [])
    vereq(, 1)
    a['foo'] = 'bar'
    vereq(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')])
    vereq(a.getstate(), 0)
    vereq(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #11
Source File:    From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            sd = spam.spamdict()
            for k, v in list(d.items()):
                sd[k] = v
            return sd
        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
        l1 = []
        for i in list(d.keys()):
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamdict):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        a['foo'] = 'bar'
        self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [('foo', 'bar')])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #12
Source File:    From Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.sliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.setsliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                             spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #13
Source File:    From gcblue with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            sd = spam.spamdict()
            for k, v in d.items():
                sd[k] = v
            return sd
        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)",
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
        l1 = []
        for i in d.keys():
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamdict):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        a['foo'] = 'bar'
        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #14
Source File:    From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.ternop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.set3op_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                   spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #15
Source File:    From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            sd = spam.spamdict()
            for k, v in list(d.items()):
                sd[k] = v
            return sd
        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
        l1 = []
        for i in list(d.keys()):
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamdict):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        a['foo'] = 'bar'
        self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [('foo', 'bar')])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #16
Source File:    From ironpython3 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.sliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.setsliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                             spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #17
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            sd = spam.spamdict()
            for k, v in list(d.items()):
                sd[k] = v
            return sd
        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
        l1 = []
        for i in list(d.keys()):
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamdict):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        a['foo'] = 'bar'
        self.assertEqual(list(a.items()), [('foo', 'bar')])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #18
Source File:    From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.sliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.setsliceop_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                             spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #19
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            sd = spam.spamdict()
            for k, v in d.items():
                sd[k] = v
            return sd
        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)",
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
        l1 = []
        for i in d.keys():
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamdict):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        a['foo'] = 'bar'
        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #20
Source File:    From oss-ftp with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.ternop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.set3op_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                   spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #21
Source File:    From BinderFilter with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            sd = spam.spamdict()
            for k, v in d.items():
                sd[k] = v
            return sd
        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)",
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
        l1 = []
        for i in d.keys():
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamdict):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        a['foo'] = 'bar'
        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100) 
Example #22
Source File:    From BinderFilter with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_lists(self):
        # Testing spamlist operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam

        def spamlist(l, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            return spam.spamlist(l)

        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamlist] = spamlist

        self.binop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 2, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 4, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        self.ternop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 0, 2, spamlist([1,2]), "a[b:c]",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1]), spamlist([2]), spamlist([1,2]), "a+=b",
        self.setop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*=b",
        self.unop_test(spamlist([1,2,3]), 3, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "a*b",
        self.binop_test(spamlist([1,2]), 3, spamlist([1,2,1,2,1,2]), "b*a",
        self.set2op_test(spamlist([1,2]), 1, 3, spamlist([1,3]), "a[b]=c",
        self.set3op_test(spamlist([1,2,3,4]), 1, 3, spamlist([5,6]),
                   spamlist([1,5,6,4]), "a[b:c]=d", "__setslice__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamlist):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a, [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a, [100])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 42) 
Example #23
Source File:    From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def test_spam_dicts(self):
        # Testing spamdict operations...
        import copy, xxsubtype as spam
        def spamdict(d, memo=None):
            import xxsubtype as spam
            sd = spam.spamdict()
            for k, v in d.items():
                sd[k] = v
            return sd
        # This is an ugly hack:
        copy._deepcopy_dispatch[spam.spamdict] = spamdict

        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2}), spamdict({2:1}), -1, "cmp(a,b)",
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 1, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 0, "b in a", "__contains__")
        self.binop_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 1, 2, "a[b]", "__getitem__")
        d = spamdict({1:2,3:4})
        l1 = []
        for i in d.keys():
        l = []
        for i in iter(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in d.__iter__():
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        l = []
        for i in type(spamdict({})).__iter__(d):
        self.assertEqual(l, l1)
        straightd = {1:2, 3:4}
        spamd = spamdict(straightd)
        self.unop_test(spamd, 2, "len(a)", "__len__")
        self.unop_test(spamd, repr(straightd), "repr(a)", "__repr__")
        self.set2op_test(spamdict({1:2,3:4}), 2, 3, spamdict({1:2,2:3,3:4}),
                   "a[b]=c", "__setitem__")
        # Test subclassing
        class C(spam.spamdict):
            def foo(self): return 1
        a = C()
        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [])
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        a['foo'] = 'bar'
        self.assertEqual(a.items(), [('foo', 'bar')])
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.getstate(), 100)