Python gym.spaces.Tuple() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of gym.spaces.Tuple().
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Example #1
Source File: From playground with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, constants.Item): return obj.value elif isinstance(obj, constants.Action): return obj.value elif isinstance(obj, constants.GameType): return obj.value elif isinstance(obj, np.int64): return int(obj) elif hasattr(obj, 'to_json'): return obj.to_json() elif isinstance(obj, spaces.Discrete): return obj.n elif isinstance(obj, spaces.Tuple): return [space.n for space in obj.spaces] return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
Example #2
Source File: From sonic_contest with MIT License | 6 votes |
def gym_space_distribution(space): """ Create a Distribution from a gym.Space. If the space is not supported, throws an UnsupportedActionSpace exception. """ if isinstance(space, spaces.Discrete): return CategoricalSoftmax(space.n) elif isinstance(space, spaces.Box): return BoxGaussian(space.low, space.high) elif isinstance(space, spaces.MultiBinary): return MultiBernoulli(space.n) elif isinstance(space, spaces.Tuple): sub_dists = tuple(gym_space_distribution(s) for s in space.spaces) return TupleDistribution(sub_dists) elif isinstance(space, spaces.MultiDiscrete): discretes = tuple(CategoricalSoftmax(n) for n in space.nvec) return TupleDistribution(discretes, to_sample=lambda x: np.array(x, dtype=space.dtype)) raise UnsupportedGymSpace(space)
Example #3
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _validate(obs_space, action_space): if not hasattr(obs_space, "original_space") or \ not isinstance(obs_space.original_space, Tuple): raise ValueError("Obs space must be a Tuple, got {}. Use ".format( obs_space) + "MultiAgentEnv.with_agent_groups() to group related " "agents for QMix.") if not isinstance(action_space, Tuple): raise ValueError( "Action space must be a Tuple, got {}. ".format(action_space) + "Use MultiAgentEnv.with_agent_groups() to group related " "agents for QMix.") if not isinstance(action_space.spaces[0], Discrete): raise ValueError( "QMix requires a discrete action space, got {}".format( action_space.spaces[0])) if len({str(x) for x in obs_space.original_space.spaces}) > 1: raise ValueError( "Implementation limitation: observations of grouped agents " "must be homogeneous, got {}".format( obs_space.original_space.spaces)) if len({str(x) for x in action_space.spaces}) > 1: raise ValueError( "Implementation limitation: action space of grouped agents " "must be homogeneous, got {}".format(action_space.spaces))
Example #4
Source File: From multi-agent-emergence-environments with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, env, eat_thresh=0.5, max_food_health=10, respawn_time=np.inf, food_rew_type='selfish', reward_scale=1.0, reward_scale_obs=False): super().__init__(env) self.eat_thresh = eat_thresh self.max_food_health = max_food_health self.respawn_time = respawn_time self.food_rew_type = food_rew_type self.n_agents = self.metadata['n_agents'] if type(reward_scale) not in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: reward_scale = [reward_scale, reward_scale] self.reward_scale = reward_scale self.reward_scale_obs = reward_scale_obs # Reset obs/action space to match self.max_n_food = self.metadata['max_n_food'] self.curr_n_food = self.metadata['curr_n_food'] self.max_food_size = self.metadata['food_size'] food_dim = 5 if self.reward_scale_obs else 4 self.observation_space = update_obs_space(self.env, {'food_obs': (self.max_n_food, food_dim), 'food_health': (self.max_n_food, 1), 'food_eat': (self.max_n_food, 1)}) self.action_space.spaces['action_eat_food'] = Tuple([MultiDiscrete([2] * self.max_n_food) for _ in range(self.n_agents)])
Example #5
Source File: From sonic_contest with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, env, first_action, num_eps=1, warmup_eps=0): """ Parameters: env: the environment to wrap. first_action: the action to include in the first observation. num_eps: episodes per meta-episode. warmup_eps: the number of episodes at the start of a meta-episode for which rewards are 0. Negative values are added to num_eps. """ if warmup_eps < 0: warmup_eps += num_eps super(RL2Env, self).__init__(env) self.first_action = first_action self.observation_space = spaces.Tuple([ env.observation_space, env.action_space, spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(1,), dtype='float'), spaces.MultiBinary(1) ]) self.num_eps = num_eps self.warmup_eps = warmup_eps self._done_eps = 0
Example #6
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _validate(obs_space, action_space): if not hasattr(obs_space, "original_space") or \ not isinstance(obs_space.original_space, Tuple): raise ValueError("Obs space must be a Tuple, got {}. Use ".format( obs_space) + "MultiAgentEnv.with_agent_groups() to group related " "agents for QMix.") if not isinstance(action_space, Tuple): raise ValueError( "Action space must be a Tuple, got {}. ".format(action_space) + "Use MultiAgentEnv.with_agent_groups() to group related " "agents for QMix.") if not isinstance(action_space.spaces[0], Discrete): raise ValueError( "QMix requires a discrete action space, got {}".format( action_space.spaces[0])) if len({str(x) for x in obs_space.original_space.spaces}) > 1: raise ValueError( "Implementation limitation: observations of grouped agents " "must be homogeneous, got {}".format( obs_space.original_space.spaces)) if len({str(x) for x in action_space.spaces}) > 1: raise ValueError( "Implementation limitation: action space of grouped agents " "must be homogeneous, got {}".format(action_space.spaces))
Example #7
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def step(self, action): if self.check_action_bounds and not self.action_space.contains(action): raise ValueError("Illegal action for {}: {}".format( self.action_space, action)) if (isinstance(self.action_space, Tuple) and len(action) != len(self.action_space.spaces)): raise ValueError("Illegal action for {}: {}".format( self.action_space, action)) return self.observation_space.sample(), \ float(self.reward_space.sample()), \ bool(np.random.choice( [True, False], p=[self.p_done, 1.0 - self.p_done] )), {} # Multi-agent version of the RandomEnv.
Example #8
Source File: From adeptRL with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _detect_gym_spaces(gym_space): if isinstance(gym_space, spaces.Discrete): return {"Discrete": (gym_space.n,)} elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.MultiDiscrete): raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.MultiBinary): return {"MultiBinary": (gym_space.n,)} elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.Box): return {"Box": gym_space.shape} elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.Dict): return { name: list(Space._detect_gym_spaces(s).values())[0] for name, s in gym_space.spaces.items() } elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.Tuple): return { idx: list(Space._detect_gym_spaces(s).values())[0] for idx, s in enumerate(gym_space.spaces) }
Example #9
Source File: From RLs with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def step(self, actions): actions = np.array(actions) if not self.is_continuous: actions = sth.int2action_index(actions, self.discrete_action_dim_list) if self.action_type == 'discrete': actions = actions.reshape(-1,) elif self.action_type == 'Tuple(Discrete)': actions = actions.reshape(self.n, -1).tolist() results = Asyn.op_func(self.envs, Asyn.OP.STEP, actions) obs, reward, done, info = [np.asarray(e) for e in zip(*results)] reward = reward.astype('float32') dones_index = np.where(done)[0] if dones_index.shape[0] > 0: correct_new_obs = self.partial_reset(obs, dones_index) else: correct_new_obs = obs if self.obs_type == 'visual': obs = obs[:, np.newaxis, ...] correct_new_obs = correct_new_obs[:, np.newaxis, ...] return obs, reward, done, info, correct_new_obs
Example #10
Source File: From adeptRL with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def dtypes_from_gym(gym_space): if isinstance(gym_space, spaces.Discrete): return {"Discrete": gym_space.dtype} elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.MultiDiscrete): raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.MultiBinary): return {"MultiBinary": gym_space.dtype} elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.Box): return {"Box": gym_space.dtype} elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.Dict): return { name: list(Space._detect_gym_spaces(s).values())[0] for name, s in gym_space.spaces.items() } elif isinstance(gym_space, spaces.Tuple): return { idx: list(Space._detect_gym_spaces(s).values())[0] for idx, s in enumerate(gym_space.spaces) } else: raise NotImplementedError
Example #11
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def step(self, action): if self.check_action_bounds and not self.action_space.contains(action): raise ValueError("Illegal action for {}: {}".format( self.action_space, action)) if (isinstance(self.action_space, Tuple) and len(action) != len(self.action_space.spaces)): raise ValueError("Illegal action for {}: {}".format( self.action_space, action)) return self.observation_space.sample(), \ float(self.reward_space.sample()), \ bool(np.random.choice( [True, False], p=[self.p_done, 1.0 - self.p_done] )), {} # Multi-agent version of the RandomEnv.
Example #12
Source File: From LOLA_DiCE with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, max_steps, batch_size=1): self.max_steps = max_steps self.batch_size = batch_size self.payout_mat = np.array([[-2,0],[-3,-1]]) self.states = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) self.action_space = Tuple([ Discrete(self.NUM_ACTIONS) for _ in range(self.NUM_AGENTS) ]) self.observation_space = Tuple([ OneHot(self.NUM_STATES) for _ in range(self.NUM_AGENTS) ]) self.available_actions = [ np.ones((batch_size, self.NUM_ACTIONS), dtype=int) for _ in range(self.NUM_AGENTS) ] self.step_count = None
Example #13
Source File: From stable-baselines with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _check_obs(obs: Union[tuple, dict, np.ndarray, int], observation_space: spaces.Space, method_name: str) -> None: """ Check that the observation returned by the environment correspond to the declared one. """ if not isinstance(observation_space, spaces.Tuple): assert not isinstance(obs, tuple), ("The observation returned by the `{}()` " "method should be a single value, not a tuple".format(method_name)) # The check for a GoalEnv is done by the base class if isinstance(observation_space, spaces.Discrete): assert isinstance(obs, int), "The observation returned by `{}()` method must be an int".format(method_name) elif _enforce_array_obs(observation_space): assert isinstance(obs, np.ndarray), ("The observation returned by `{}()` " "method must be a numpy array".format(method_name)) assert observation_space.contains(obs), ("The observation returned by the `{}()` " "method does not match the given observation space".format(method_name))
Example #14
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, env_config): = [m for m in MAP_DATA.split("\n") if m] self.x_dim = len( self.y_dim = len([0])"Loaded map {} {}".format(self.x_dim, self.y_dim)) for x in range(self.x_dim): for y in range(self.y_dim): if[x][y] == "S": self.start_pos = (x, y) elif[x][y] == "F": self.end_pos = (x, y)"Start pos {} end pos {}".format(self.start_pos, self.end_pos)) self.observation_space = Tuple([ Box(0, 100, shape=(2, )), # (x, y) Discrete(4), # wind direction (N, E, S, W) ]) self.action_space = Discrete(2) # whether to move or not
Example #15
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, env_config): = [m for m in MAP_DATA.split("\n") if m] self.x_dim = len( self.y_dim = len([0])"Loaded map {} {}".format(self.x_dim, self.y_dim)) for x in range(self.x_dim): for y in range(self.y_dim): if[x][y] == "S": self.start_pos = (x, y) elif[x][y] == "F": self.end_pos = (x, y)"Start pos {} end pos {}".format(self.start_pos, self.end_pos)) self.observation_space = Tuple([ Box(0, 100, shape=(2, )), # (x, y) Discrete(4), # wind direction (N, E, S, W) ]) self.action_space = Discrete(2) # whether to move or not
Example #16
Source File: From gym-gridworlds with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): self.height = 4 self.width = 12 self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4) self.observation_space = spaces.Tuple(( spaces.Discrete(self.height), spaces.Discrete(self.width) )) self.moves = { 0: (-1, 0), # up 1: (0, 1), # right 2: (1, 0), # down 3: (0, -1), # left } # begin in start state self.reset()
Example #17
Source File: From gym-gridworlds with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): self.height = 7 self.width = 10 self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4) self.observation_space = spaces.Tuple(( spaces.Discrete(self.height), spaces.Discrete(self.width) )) self.moves = { 0: (-1, 0), # up 1: (0, 1), # right 2: (1, 0), # down 3: (0, -1), # left } # begin in start state self.reset()
Example #18
Source File: From recsim with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def observation_space(self): """Returns the observation space of the environment. Each observation is a dictionary with three keys `user`, `doc` and `response` that includes observation about user state, document and user response, respectively. """ if isinstance(self._environment, environment.MultiUserEnvironment): user_obs_space = self._environment.user_model[0].observation_space() resp_obs_space = self._environment.user_model[0].response_space() user_obs_space = spaces.Tuple( [user_obs_space] * self._environment.num_users) resp_obs_space = spaces.Tuple( [resp_obs_space] * self._environment.num_users) if isinstance(self._environment, environment.SingleUserEnvironment): user_obs_space = self._environment.user_model.observation_space() resp_obs_space = self._environment.user_model.response_space() return spaces.Dict({ 'user': user_obs_space, 'doc': self._environment.candidate_set.observation_space(), 'response': resp_obs_space, })
Example #19
Source File: From recsim with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def dummy_observation_space(self): single_response_space = spaces.Dict({ 'cluster_id': spaces.Discrete(2), 'click': spaces.Discrete(2) }) doc_space = spaces.Dict( {0: spaces.Dict({'cluster_id': spaces.Discrete(2)})}) user_space = spaces.Dict({ 'sufficient_statistics': spaces.Dict({ 'impression_count': spaces.Box(np.array([0] * 2), np.array([np.inf] * 2)), 'click_count': spaces.Box(np.array([0] * 2), np.array([np.inf] * 2)) }) }) return spaces.Dict({ 'user': user_space, 'doc': doc_space, 'response': spaces.Tuple([ single_response_space, ]) })
Example #20
Source File: From distributedRL_MAPF with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, num_agents=1, observation_size=10,world0=None, goals0=None, DIAGONAL_MOVEMENT=False, SIZE=(10,40), PROB=(0,.5), FULL_HELP=False,blank_world=False): """ Args: DIAGONAL_MOVEMENT: if the agents are allowed to move diagonally SIZE: size of a side of the square grid PROB: range of probabilities that a given block is an obstacle FULL_HELP """ # Initialize member variables self.num_agents = num_agents #a way of doing joint rewards self.individual_rewards = [0 for i in range(num_agents)] self.observation_size = observation_size self.SIZE = SIZE self.PROB = PROB self.fresh = True self.FULL_HELP = FULL_HELP self.finished = False self.mutex = Lock() self.DIAGONAL_MOVEMENT = DIAGONAL_MOVEMENT # Initialize data structures self._setWorld(world0,goals0,blank_world=blank_world) if DIAGONAL_MOVEMENT: self.action_space = spaces.Tuple([spaces.Discrete(self.num_agents), spaces.Discrete(9)]) else: self.action_space = spaces.Tuple([spaces.Discrete(self.num_agents), spaces.Discrete(5)]) self.viewer = None
Example #21
Source File: From playground with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def initialize(self, env): from gym import spaces from tensorforce.agents import PPOAgent if self.algorithm == "ppo": if type(env.action_space) == spaces.Tuple: actions = { str(num): { 'type': int, 'num_actions': space.n } for num, space in enumerate(env.action_space.spaces) } else: actions = dict(type='int', num_actions=env.action_space.n) return PPOAgent( states=dict(type='float', shape=env.observation_space.shape), actions=actions, network=[ dict(type='dense', size=64), dict(type='dense', size=64) ], batching_capacity=1000, step_optimizer=dict(type='adam', learning_rate=1e-4)) return None
Example #22
Source File: From costar_plan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getActionSpace(self): return spaces.Tuple((spaces.Box(-np.pi, np.pi, 6), spaces.Box(-0.6, 0.6, 1)))
Example #23
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_avail_actions_qmix(self): grouping = { "group_1": ["agent_1"], # trivial grouping for testing } obs_space = Tuple([AvailActionsTestEnv.observation_space]) act_space = Tuple([AvailActionsTestEnv.action_space]) register_env( "action_mask_test", lambda config: AvailActionsTestEnv(config).with_agent_groups( grouping, obs_space=obs_space, act_space=act_space)) ray.init() agent = QMixTrainer( env="action_mask_test", config={ "num_envs_per_worker": 5, # test with vectorization on "env_config": { "avail_action": 3, }, "framework": "torch", }) for _ in range(5): agent.train() # OK if it doesn't trip the action assertion error assert agent.train()["episode_reward_mean"] == 21.0 agent.stop() ray.shutdown()
Example #24
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_tuple_preprocessor(self): ray.init(object_store_memory=1000 * 1024 * 1024) class TupleEnv: def __init__(self): self.observation_space = Tuple( [Discrete(5), Box(0, 5, shape=(3, ), dtype=np.float32)]) p1 = ModelCatalog.get_preprocessor(TupleEnv()) self.assertEqual(p1.shape, (8, )) self.assertEqual( list(p1.transform((0, np.array([1, 2, 3])))), [float(x) for x in [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]])
Example #25
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_base_struct_from_space(space): """Returns a Tuple/Dict Space as native (equally structured) py tuple/dict. Args: space (gym.Space): The Space to get the python struct for. Returns: Union[dict,tuple,gym.Space]: The struct equivalent to the given Space. Note that the returned struct still contains all original "primitive" Spaces (e.g. Box, Discrete). Examples: >>> get_base_struct_from_space(Dict({ >>> "a": Box(), >>> "b": Tuple([Discrete(2), Discrete(3)]) >>> })) >>> # Will return: dict(a=Box(), b=tuple(Discrete(2), Discrete(3))) """ def _helper_struct(space_): if isinstance(space_, Tuple): return tuple(_helper_struct(s) for s in space_) elif isinstance(space_, Dict): return {k: _helper_struct(space_[k]) for k in space_.spaces} else: return space_ return _helper_struct(space)
Example #26
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, config): self.observation_space = config.get( "space", Tuple([Discrete(2), Dict({ "a": Box(-1.0, 1.0, (2, )) })])) self.action_space = self.observation_space self.flattened_action_space = flatten_space(self.action_space) self.episode_len = config.get("episode_len", 100)
Example #27
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, _): self.observation_space = Discrete(2) self.action_space = Tuple([Discrete(2), Discrete(2)]) self.last_observation = None
Example #28
Source File: From oac-explore with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_dim(space): if isinstance(space, Box): return space.low.size elif isinstance(space, Discrete): return space.n elif isinstance(space, Tuple): return sum(get_dim(subspace) for subspace in space.spaces) elif hasattr(space, 'flat_dim'): return space.flat_dim else: raise TypeError("Unknown space: {}".format(space))
Example #29
Source File: From costar_plan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getActionSpace(self): return spaces.Tuple((spaces.Box(-np.pi, np.pi, 6), spaces.Box(-0.6, 0.6, 1)))
Example #30
Source File: From cherry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_discrete(space, vectorized=False): """ Returns whether a space is discrete. **Arguments** * **space** - The space. * **vectorized** - Whether to return the discreteness for the vectorized environments (True) or just the discreteness of the underlying environment (False). """ msg = 'Space type not supported.' assert isinstance(space, (Box, Discrete, Dict, Tuple)), msg if isinstance(space, Discrete): return True if isinstance(space, Box): return False if isinstance(space, Dict): dimensions = { k[0]: is_discrete(k[1], vectorized) for k in space.spaces.items() } return OrderedDict(dimensions) if isinstance(space, Tuple): if not vectorized: return is_discrete(space[0], vectorized) discrete = tuple( is_discrete(s) for s in space ) return discrete