Python sqlalchemy.schema.DropTable() Examples
The following are 27
code examples of sqlalchemy.schema.DropTable().
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Example #1
Source File: From aiohttp_admin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_table(request, sa_table, database, loop, create_entries): async def f(rows): create_expr = CreateTable(sa_table) async with database.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(create_expr) values = create_entries(rows) query1 = sa_table.insert().values(values) await conn.execute(query1) await conn.execute('commit;') return sa_table yield f async def fin(): drop_expr = DropTable(sa_table) async with database.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(drop_expr) await conn.execute('commit;') loop.run_until_complete(fin())
Example #2
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drop_table(self, table): self._exec(schema.DropTable(table))
Example #3
Source File: From aiomysql with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_create_table(sa_connect): conn = await sa_connect() res = await conn.execute(DropTable(tbl)) with pytest.raises(sa.ResourceClosedError): await res.fetchmany() with pytest.raises(aiomysql.ProgrammingError): await conn.execute("SELECT * FROM sa_tbl") res = await conn.execute(CreateTable(tbl)) with pytest.raises(sa.ResourceClosedError): await res.fetchmany() res = await conn.execute("SELECT * FROM sa_tbl") assert 0 == len(await res.fetchall())
Example #4
Source File: From aiomysql with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_raw_insert_with_executemany(sa_connect): conn = await sa_connect() # with pytest.raises(sa.ArgumentError): await conn.execute( "INSERT INTO sa_tbl (id, name) VALUES (%(id)s, %(name)s)", [{"id": 2, "name": 'third'}, {"id": 3, "name": 'forth'}]) await conn.execute( tbl.update().where( == bindparam("id") ).values( {"name": bindparam("name")} ), [ {"id": 2, "name": "t2"}, {"id": 3, "name": "t3"} ] ) with pytest.raises(sa.ArgumentError): await conn.execute( DropTable(tbl), [{}, {}] ) with pytest.raises(sa.ArgumentError): await conn.execute( {}, [{}, {}] )
Example #5
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drop_table(self, table): self._exec(schema.DropTable(table))
Example #6
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drop_all_tables(engine, inspector, schema=None, include_names=None): from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, Integer, MetaData, \ ForeignKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable, DropConstraint if include_names is not None: include_names = set(include_names) with engine.connect() as conn: for tname, fkcs in reversed( inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema=schema)): if tname: if include_names is not None and tname not in include_names: continue conn.execute(DropTable( Table(tname, MetaData(), schema=schema) )) elif fkcs: if not engine.dialect.supports_alter: continue for tname, fkc in fkcs: if include_names is not None and \ tname not in include_names: continue tb = Table( tname, MetaData(), Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer), schema=schema ) conn.execute(DropConstraint( ForeignKeyConstraint( [tb.c.x], [tb.c.y], name=fkc) ))
Example #7
Source File: From moviegrabber with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _prep_testing_database(options, file_config): from sqlalchemy.testing import config from sqlalchemy import schema, inspect if options.dropfirst: for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): e = cfg.db inspector = inspect(e) try: view_names = inspector.get_view_names() except NotImplementedError: pass else: for vname in view_names: e.execute(schema._DropView(schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData()))) if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): try: view_names = inspector.get_view_names(schema="test_schema") except NotImplementedError: pass else: for vname in view_names: e.execute(schema._DropView( schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema"))) for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names(order_by="foreign_key")): e.execute(schema.DropTable(schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData()))) if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names( order_by="foreign_key", schema="test_schema")): e.execute(schema.DropTable( schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema")))
Example #8
Source File: From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def drop_all_tables(engine, inspector, schema=None, include_names=None): from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, Integer, MetaData, \ ForeignKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable, DropConstraint if include_names is not None: include_names = set(include_names) with engine.connect() as conn: for tname, fkcs in reversed( inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema=schema)): if tname: if include_names is not None and tname not in include_names: continue conn.execute(DropTable( Table(tname, MetaData(), schema=schema) )) elif fkcs: if not engine.dialect.supports_alter: continue for tname, fkc in fkcs: if include_names is not None and \ tname not in include_names: continue tb = Table( tname, MetaData(), Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer), schema=schema ) conn.execute(DropConstraint( ForeignKeyConstraint( [tb.c.x], [tb.c.y], name=fkc) ))
Example #9
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _assert_drop_w_alter(self, elements, generator, argument): self._assert_ddl( (schema.DropTable, schema.DropSequence, schema.DropConstraint), elements, generator, argument, )
Example #10
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _assert_drop(self, elements, generator, argument): self._assert_ddl( (schema.DropTable, schema.DropSequence), elements, generator, argument, )
Example #11
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _assert_drop_tables(self, elements, generator, argument): self._assert_ddl(schema.DropTable, elements, generator, argument)
Example #12
Source File: From aiopg with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def test_create_table(connect): conn = await connect() res = await conn.execute(DropTable(tbl)) with pytest.raises(sa.ResourceClosedError): await res.fetchmany() with pytest.raises(psycopg2.ProgrammingError): await conn.execute("SELECT * FROM sa_tbl") res = await conn.execute(CreateTable(tbl)) with pytest.raises(sa.ResourceClosedError): await res.fetchmany() res = await conn.execute("SELECT * FROM sa_tbl") assert 0 == len(await res.fetchall())
Example #13
Source File: From aiopg with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def connect(make_engine): async def go(**kwargs): engine = await make_engine(**kwargs) with (await engine) as conn: try: await conn.execute(DropTable(tbl)) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass try: await conn.execute(DropTable(tbl2)) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass await conn.execute("DROP TYPE IF EXISTS simple_enum CASCADE;") await conn.execute("""CREATE TYPE simple_enum AS ENUM ('first', 'second');""") try: await conn.execute(CreateTable(tbl)) ret_tbl = tbl has_hstore = True except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: await conn.execute(CreateTable(tbl2)) ret_tbl = tbl2 has_hstore = False return engine, ret_tbl, has_hstore yield go
Example #14
Source File: From oslo.db with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def drop_all_objects(self, engine): """Drop all database objects. Drops all database objects remaining on the default schema of the given engine. Per-db implementations will also need to drop items specific to those systems, such as sequences, custom types (e.g. pg ENUM), etc. """ with engine.begin() as conn: inspector = sqlalchemy.inspect(engine) metadata = schema.MetaData() tbs = [] all_fks = [] for table_name in inspector.get_table_names(): fks = [] for fk in inspector.get_foreign_keys(table_name): # note that SQLite reflection does not have names # for foreign keys until SQLAlchemy 1.0 if not fk['name']: continue fks.append( schema.ForeignKeyConstraint((), (), name=fk['name']) ) table = schema.Table(table_name, metadata, *fks) tbs.append(table) all_fks.extend(fks) if self.supports_drop_fk: for fkc in all_fks: conn.execute(schema.DropConstraint(fkc)) for table in tbs: conn.execute(schema.DropTable(table)) self.drop_additional_objects(conn)
Example #15
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def drop_all_tables(engine, inspector, schema=None, include_names=None): from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, Integer, MetaData, \ ForeignKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable, DropConstraint if include_names is not None: include_names = set(include_names) with engine.connect() as conn: for tname, fkcs in reversed( inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema=schema)): if tname: if include_names is not None and tname not in include_names: continue conn.execute(DropTable( Table(tname, MetaData(), schema=schema) )) elif fkcs: if not engine.dialect.supports_alter: continue for tname, fkc in fkcs: if include_names is not None and \ tname not in include_names: continue tb = Table( tname, MetaData(), Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer), schema=schema ) conn.execute(DropConstraint( ForeignKeyConstraint( [tb.c.x], [tb.c.y], name=fkc) ))
Example #16
Source File: From planespotter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drop_all_tables(engine, inspector, schema=None, include_names=None): from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, Integer, MetaData, \ ForeignKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable, DropConstraint if include_names is not None: include_names = set(include_names) with engine.connect() as conn: for tname, fkcs in reversed( inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema=schema)): if tname: if include_names is not None and tname not in include_names: continue conn.execute(DropTable( Table(tname, MetaData(), schema=schema) )) elif fkcs: if not engine.dialect.supports_alter: continue for tname, fkc in fkcs: if include_names is not None and \ tname not in include_names: continue tb = Table( tname, MetaData(), Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer), schema=schema ) conn.execute(DropConstraint( ForeignKeyConstraint( [tb.c.x], [tb.c.y], name=fkc) ))
Example #17
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def drop_all_tables(engine, inspector, schema=None, include_names=None): from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, Integer, MetaData, \ ForeignKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable, DropConstraint if include_names is not None: include_names = set(include_names) with engine.connect() as conn: for tname, fkcs in reversed( inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema=schema)): if tname: if include_names is not None and tname not in include_names: continue conn.execute(DropTable( Table(tname, MetaData(), schema=schema) )) elif fkcs: if not engine.dialect.supports_alter: continue for tname, fkc in fkcs: if include_names is not None and \ tname not in include_names: continue tb = Table( tname, MetaData(), Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer), schema=schema ) conn.execute(DropConstraint( ForeignKeyConstraint( [tb.c.x], [tb.c.y], name=fkc) ))
Example #18
Source File: From alembic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drop_table(self, table): self._exec(schema.DropTable(table))
Example #19
Source File: From aiohttp_admin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def preapre_tables(pg): tables = [db.question, db.choice] async with pg.acquire() as conn: for table in reversed(tables): drop_expr = DropTable(table) try: await conn.execute(drop_expr) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass async with pg.acquire() as conn: for table in tables: create_expr = CreateTable(table) await conn.execute(create_expr)
Example #20
Source File: From aiohttp_admin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def delete_tables(pg, tables): async with pg.acquire() as conn: for table in reversed(tables): drop_expr = DropTable(table) try: await conn.execute(drop_expr) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass
Example #21
Source File: From aiohttp_admin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def delete_tables(pg, tables): async with pg.acquire() as conn: for table in reversed(tables): drop_expr = DropTable(table) try: await conn.execute(drop_expr) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass
Example #22
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drop_all_tables(engine, inspector, schema=None, include_names=None): from sqlalchemy import Column, Table, Integer, MetaData, \ ForeignKeyConstraint from sqlalchemy.schema import DropTable, DropConstraint if include_names is not None: include_names = set(include_names) with engine.connect() as conn: for tname, fkcs in reversed( inspector.get_sorted_table_and_fkc_names(schema=schema)): if tname: if include_names is not None and tname not in include_names: continue conn.execute(DropTable( Table(tname, MetaData(), schema=schema) )) elif fkcs: if not engine.dialect.supports_alter: continue for tname, fkc in fkcs: if include_names is not None and \ tname not in include_names: continue tb = Table( tname, MetaData(), Column('x', Integer), Column('y', Integer), schema=schema ) conn.execute(DropConstraint( ForeignKeyConstraint( [tb.c.x], [tb.c.y], name=fkc) ))
Example #23
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def _prep_testing_database(options, file_config): from sqlalchemy.testing import config from sqlalchemy import schema, inspect if options.dropfirst: for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): e = cfg.db inspector = inspect(e) try: view_names = inspector.get_view_names() except NotImplementedError: pass else: for vname in view_names: e.execute(schema._DropView( schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData()) )) if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): try: view_names = inspector.get_view_names( schema="test_schema") except NotImplementedError: pass else: for vname in view_names: e.execute(schema._DropView( schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema") )) for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names( order_by="foreign_key")): e.execute(schema.DropTable( schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData()) )) if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names( order_by="foreign_key", schema="test_schema")): e.execute(schema.DropTable( schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema") ))
Example #24
Source File: From rucio with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def drop_everything(echo=True): """ Pre-gather all named constraints and table names, and drop everything. This is better than using metadata.reflect(); metadata.drop_all() as it handles cyclical constraints between tables. Ref. """ engine = session.get_engine(echo=echo) conn = engine.connect() # the transaction only applies if the DB supports # transactional DDL, i.e. Postgresql, MS SQL Server trans = conn.begin() inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine) # gather all data first before dropping anything. # some DBs lock after things have been dropped in # a transaction. metadata = MetaData() tbs = [] all_fks = [] for table_name in inspector.get_table_names(): fks = [] for fk in inspector.get_foreign_keys(table_name): if not fk['name']: continue fks.append(ForeignKeyConstraint((), (), name=fk['name'])) t = Table(table_name, metadata, *fks) tbs.append(t) all_fks.extend(fks) for fkc in all_fks: try: print(str(DropConstraint(fkc)) + ';') conn.execute(DropConstraint(fkc)) except: print(format_exc()) for table in tbs: try: print(str(DropTable(table)).strip() + ';') conn.execute(DropTable(table)) except: print(format_exc()) trans.commit()
Example #25
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _prep_testing_database(options, file_config): from alembic.testing import config from alembic.testing.exclusions import against from sqlalchemy import schema from alembic import util from sqlalchemy import inspect if options.dropfirst: for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): e = cfg.db inspector = inspect(e) try: view_names = inspector.get_view_names() except NotImplementedError: pass else: for vname in view_names: e.execute(schema._DropView( schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData()) )) if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): try: view_names = inspector.get_view_names( schema="test_schema") except NotImplementedError: pass else: for vname in view_names: e.execute(schema._DropView( schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema") )) for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names( order_by="foreign_key")): e.execute(schema.DropTable( schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData()) )) if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names( order_by="foreign_key", schema="test_schema")): e.execute(schema.DropTable( schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema") )) if against(cfg, "postgresql") and util.sqla_100: from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql for enum in inspector.get_enums("*"): e.execute(postgresql.DropEnumType( postgresql.ENUM( name=enum['name'], schema=enum['schema'])))
Example #26
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _prep_testing_database(options, file_config): from alembic.testing import config from alembic.testing.exclusions import against from sqlalchemy import schema from alembic import util if util.sqla_08: from sqlalchemy import inspect else: from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector inspect = Inspector.from_engine if options.dropfirst: for cfg in config.Config.all_configs(): e = cfg.db inspector = inspect(e) try: view_names = inspector.get_view_names() except NotImplementedError: pass else: for vname in view_names: e.execute(schema._DropView( schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData()) )) if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): try: view_names = inspector.get_view_names( schema="test_schema") except NotImplementedError: pass else: for vname in view_names: e.execute(schema._DropView( schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema") )) for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names( order_by="foreign_key")): e.execute(schema.DropTable( schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData()) )) if config.requirements.schemas.enabled_for_config(cfg): for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names( order_by="foreign_key", schema="test_schema")): e.execute(schema.DropTable( schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema") )) if against(cfg, "postgresql") and util.sqla_100: from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql for enum in inspector.get_enums("*"): e.execute(postgresql.DropEnumType( postgresql.ENUM( name=enum['name'], schema=enum['schema'])))
Example #27
Source File: From sync-engine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def drop_everything(engine, keep_tables=[], reset_columns={}): """ Drops all tables in the db unless their name is in `keep_tables`. `reset_columns` is used to specify the columns that should be reset to default value in the tables that we're keeping - provided as a dict of table_name: list_of_column_names. """ conn = engine.connect() trans = conn.begin() inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine) # gather all data first before dropping anything. # some DBs lock after things have been dropped in # a transaction. metadata = MetaData() tbs = [] all_fks = [] for table_name in inspector.get_table_names(): if table_name in keep_tables: # Reset certain columns in certain tables we're keeping if table_name in reset_columns: t = Table(table_name, metadata) column_names = reset_columns[table_name] for c in inspector.get_columns(table_name): if c['name'] in column_names: assert c['default'] q = "UPDATE {0} SET {1}={2};".\ format(table_name, c['name'], c['default']) conn.execute(q) continue fks = [] for fk in inspector.get_foreign_keys(table_name): if not fk['name']: continue fks.append(ForeignKeyConstraint((), (), name=fk['name'])) t = Table(table_name, metadata, *fks) tbs.append(t) all_fks.extend(fks) for fkc in all_fks: conn.execute(DropConstraint(fkc)) for table in tbs: conn.execute(DropTable(table)) trans.commit()