Python intervaltree.Interval() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of intervaltree.Interval().
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Example #1
Source File: From HiCExplorer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def intervalListToIntervalTree(interval_list): r""" given a dictionary containing tuples of chrom, start, end, this is transformed to an interval trees. To each interval an id is assigned, this id corresponds to the position of the interval in the given array of tuples and if needed can be used to identify the index of a row/colum in the hic matrix. >>> bin_list = [('chrX', 0, 50000), ('chrX', 50000, 100000)] >>> res = intervalListToIntervalTree(bin_list) >>> sorted(res['chrX']) [Interval(0, 50000, 0), Interval(50000, 100000, 1)] """ bin_int_tree = {} for intval_id, intval in enumerate(interval_list): chrom, start, end = intval[0:3] if chrom not in bin_int_tree: bin_int_tree[chrom] = IntervalTree() bin_int_tree[chrom].add(Interval(start, end, intval_id)) return bin_int_tree
Example #2
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_merge_overlaps_reducer_wo_initializer(): def reducer(old, new): return "%s, %s" % (old, new) # empty tree e = IntervalTree() e.merge_overlaps(data_reducer=reducer) e.verify() assert not e # One Interval in tree o = IntervalTree.from_tuples([(1, 2, 'hello')]) o.merge_overlaps(data_reducer=reducer) o.verify() assert len(o) == 1 assert sorted(o) == [Interval(1, 2, 'hello')] # many Intervals in tree, with gap t = IntervalTree.from_tuples( t.merge_overlaps(data_reducer=reducer) t.verify() assert len(t) == 2 assert sorted(t) == [ Interval(1, 2,'[1,2)'), Interval(4, 15, '[4,7), [5,9), [6,10), [8,10), [8,15), [10,12), [12,14), [14,15)') ]
Example #3
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_slice(): t = IntervalTree([Interval(5, 15)]) t.slice(10) assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(5, 10) assert sorted(t)[1] == Interval(10, 15) t = IntervalTree([Interval(5, 15)]) t.slice(5) assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(5, 15) t.slice(15) assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(5, 15) t.slice(0) assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(5, 15) t.slice(20) assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(5, 15)
Example #4
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_interval_sort_interval(): base = Interval(0, 10) ivs = [ Interval(-10, -5), Interval(-10, 0), Interval(-10, 5), Interval(-10, 10), Interval(-10, 20), Interval(0, 20), Interval(5, 20), Interval(10, 20), Interval(15, 20), ] for iv in ivs: sort = sorted([base, iv]) assert sort[0].__cmp__(sort[1]) in (-1, 0) sort = sorted([iv, base]) assert sort[0].__cmp__(sort[1]) in (-1, 0)
Example #5
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_insert_to_filled_tree(): t = IntervalTree.from_tuples( orig = t.print_structure(True) # original structure record assert match.set_data(t[1]) == set(['[1,2)']) t.add(Interval(1, 2, '[1,2)')) # adding duplicate should do nothing assert match.set_data(t[1]) == set(['[1,2)']) assert orig == t.print_structure(True) t[1:2] = '[1,2)' # adding duplicate should do nothing assert match.set_data(t[1]) == set(['[1,2)']) assert orig == t.print_structure(True) assert Interval(2, 4, '[2,4)') not in t t.add(Interval(2, 4, '[2,4)')) assert match.set_data(t[2]) == set(['[2,4)']) t.verify() t[13:15] = '[13,15)' assert match.set_data(t[14]) == set(['[8,15)', '[13,15)', '[14,15)']) t.verify()
Example #6
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_interval_interval_cmp(): """ Test comparisons with other Intervals using __cmp__() """ iv0 = Interval(0, 10) iv1 = Interval(-10, -5) iv2 = Interval(-10, 0) iv3 = Interval(-10, 5) iv4 = Interval(-10, 10) iv5 = Interval(-10, 20) iv6 = Interval(0, 20) iv7 = Interval(5, 20) iv8 = Interval(10, 20) iv9 = Interval(15, 20) assert iv0.__cmp__(iv0) == 0 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv1) == 1 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv2) == 1 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv3) == 1 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv4) == 1 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv5) == 1 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv6) == -1 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv7) == -1 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv8) == -1 assert iv0.__cmp__(iv9) == -1
Example #7
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_removei(): # Empty tree e = IntervalTree() with pytest.raises(ValueError): e.removei(-1000, -999, "Doesn't exist") e.verify() assert len(e) == 0 # Non-existent member should raise ValueError t = IntervalTree.from_tuples( oldlen = len(t) with pytest.raises(ValueError): t.removei(-1000, -999, "Doesn't exist") t.verify() assert len(t) == oldlen # Should remove existing member assert Interval(1, 2, '[1,2)') in t t.removei(1, 2, '[1,2)') assert len(t) == oldlen - 1 assert Interval(1, 2, '[1,2)') not in t
Example #8
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_discardi(): # Empty tree e = IntervalTree() e.discardi(-1000, -999, "Doesn't exist") e.verify() assert len(e) == 0 # Non-existent member should do nothing quietly t = IntervalTree.from_tuples( oldlen = len(t) t.discardi(-1000, -999, "Doesn't exist") t.verify() assert len(t) == oldlen # Should discard existing member assert Interval(1, 2, '[1,2)') in t t.discardi(1, 2, '[1,2)') assert len(t) == oldlen - 1 assert Interval(1, 2, '[1,2)') not in t
Example #9
Source File: From RFHO with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, data, row_sentence_bounds, window=5, process_all=False): """ Class for managing windowed input data (like TIMIT). :param data: Numpy matrix. Each row should be an example data :param row_sentence_bounds: Numpy matrix with bounds for padding. TODO add default NONE :param window: half-window size :param process_all: (default False) if True adds context to all data at object initialization. Otherwise the windowed data is created in runtime. """ self.window = window = data base_shape = self.shape = (base_shape[0], (2 * self.window + 1) * base_shape[1]) self.tree = it.IntervalTree([it.Interval(int(e[0]), int(e[1]) + 1) for e in row_sentence_bounds]) if process_all: print('adding context to all the dataset', end='- ') = self.generate_all() print('DONE') self.process_all = process_all
Example #10
Source File: From medaka with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def intervaltree_prep(h1, h2, ref_seq): """Mock up trees as would be done by the `VCFReader` class so we can test medaka.vcf._merge_variants :param h1, h2: iterable of variants in first and second haplotype, respectively. :param ref_seq: str, reference sequence :returns: (`intervaltree.Interval` containing interable of all variants, [`intervaltree.IntervalTree` for each haplotype]) """ trees = [] for variants in h1, h2: trees.append(intervaltree.IntervalTree()) for v in variants: trees[-1].add(intervaltree.Interval(v.pos, v.pos + len(v.ref), data=v)) only_overlapping=True comb_tree = intervaltree.IntervalTree(trees[0].all_intervals.union(trees[1].all_intervals)) # if strict, merge only overlapping intervals (not adjacent ones) comb_tree.merge_overlaps(strict=only_overlapping, data_initializer=list(), data_reducer=lambda x,y: x + [y]) comb_interval = list(comb_tree.all_intervals)[0] return comb_interval, trees
Example #11
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_str(): iv = Interval(0, 1) s = str(iv) assert s == 'Interval(0, 1)' assert repr(iv) == s iv = Interval(0, 1, '[0,1)') s = str(iv) assert s == "Interval(0, 1, '[0,1)')" assert repr(iv) == s iv = Interval((1,2), (3,4)) s = str(iv) assert s == 'Interval((1, 2), (3, 4))' assert repr(iv) == s iv = Interval((1,2), (3,4), (5, 6)) s = str(iv) assert s == 'Interval((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))' assert repr(iv) == s
Example #12
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_union_operator(): t = IntervalTree() interval = Interval(0, 1) s = set([interval]) # currently runs fine # with pytest.raises(TypeError): # t | list(s) r = t | IntervalTree(s) assert len(r) == 1 assert sorted(r)[0] == interval # also currently runs fine # with pytest.raises(TypeError): # t |= s t |= IntervalTree(s) assert len(t) == 1 assert sorted(t)[0] == interval
Example #13
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_copy(): itree = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 1, "x"), Interval(1, 2, ["x"])]) itree.verify() itree2 = IntervalTree(itree) # Shares Interval objects itree2.verify() itree3 = itree.copy() # Shallow copy (same as above, as Intervals are singletons) itree3.verify() itree4 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(itree)) # Deep copy itree4.verify() list(itree[1])[0].data[0] = "y" assert sorted(itree) == [Interval(0, 1, 'x'), Interval(1, 2, ['y'])] assert sorted(itree2) == [Interval(0, 1, 'x'), Interval(1, 2, ['y'])] assert sorted(itree3) == [Interval(0, 1, 'x'), Interval(1, 2, ['y'])] assert sorted(itree4) == [Interval(0, 1, 'x'), Interval(1, 2, ['x'])]
Example #14
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_membership(): t = IntervalTree.from_tuples( assert Interval(1, 2, '[1,2)') in t assert t.containsi(1, 2, '[1,2)') assert Interval(1, 3, '[1,3)') not in t assert not t.containsi(1, 3, '[1,3)') assert t.overlaps(4) assert t.overlaps(9) assert not t.overlaps(15) assert t.overlaps(0, 4) assert t.overlaps(1, 2) assert t.overlaps(1, 3) assert t.overlaps(8, 15) assert not t.overlaps(15, 16) assert not t.overlaps(-1, 0) assert not t.overlaps(2, 4)
Example #15
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_overlaps_empty(): # Empty tree t = IntervalTree() assert not t.overlaps(-1) assert not t.overlaps(0) assert not t.overlaps(-1, 1) assert not t.overlaps(-1, 0) assert not t.overlaps(0, 0) assert not t.overlaps(0, 1) assert not t.overlaps(1, 0) assert not t.overlaps(1, -1) assert not t.overlaps(0, -1) assert not t.overlaps(Interval(-1, 1)) assert not t.overlaps(Interval(-1, 0)) assert not t.overlaps(Interval(0, 0)) assert not t.overlaps(Interval(0, 1)) assert not t.overlaps(Interval(1, 0)) assert not t.overlaps(Interval(1, -1)) assert not t.overlaps(Interval(0, -1))
Example #16
Source File: From mikado with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def combined_cds_introns(self): """This property returns the introns which are located between CDS segments in the combined CDS.""" return self._combined_cds_introns # if self.number_internal_orfs < 2: # return self.selected_cds_introns # if self.number_internal_orfs == 0 or len(self.combined_cds) < 2: # return set() # # cintrons = [] # for position in range(len(self.combined_cds) - 1): # former = self.combined_cds[position] # latter = self.combined_cds[position + 1] # junc = intervaltree.Interval(former[1] + 1, latter[0] - 1) # if junc in self.introns: # cintrons.append(junc) # cintrons = set(cintrons) # return cintrons
Example #17
Source File: From mikado with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def selected_cds_introns(self): """This property returns the introns which are located between CDS segments in the selected ORF.""" return self._selected_cds_introns # if len(self.selected_cds) < 2: # return set() # if self.number_internal_orfs == 0 or len(self.combined_cds) < 2: # return set() # # cintrons = [] # for first, second in zip(self.selected_cds[:-1], self.selected_cds[1:]): # cintrons.append( # intervaltree.Interval(first[1] + 1, # second[0] - 1) # ) # cintrons = set(cintrons) # assert len(cintrons) > 0 # return cintrons
Example #18
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_chop(): t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(3, 7) assert len(t) == 2 assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(0, 3) assert sorted(t)[1] == Interval(7, 10) t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(0, 7) assert len(t) == 1 assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(7, 10) t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(5, 10) assert len(t) == 1 assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(0, 5) t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(-5, 15) assert len(t) == 0 t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(0, 10) assert len(t) == 0
Example #19
Source File: From pheweb with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, interval_tuples): '''intervals is like [('22', 12321, 12345, 'APOL1'), ...]''' self._its = {} self._gene_starts = {} self._gene_ends = {} for interval_tuple in interval_tuples: chrom, pos_start, pos_end, gene_name = interval_tuple assert isinstance(pos_start, int) assert isinstance(pos_end, int) if chrom not in self._its: self._its[chrom] = intervaltree.IntervalTree() self._gene_starts[chrom] = [] self._gene_ends[chrom] = [] self._its[chrom].add(intervaltree.Interval(pos_start, pos_end, gene_name)) self._gene_starts[chrom].append((pos_start, gene_name)) self._gene_ends[chrom].append((pos_end, gene_name)) for chrom in self._its: self._gene_starts[chrom] = BisectFinder(self._gene_starts[chrom]) self._gene_ends[chrom] = BisectFinder(self._gene_ends[chrom])
Example #20
Source File: From coursys with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _build_semester_lookup(): """ Build data structure to let us easily look up date -> strm. """ all_semesters = Semester.objects.all() intervals = ((, Semester.start_end_dates(s)) for s in all_semesters) intervals = ( intervaltree.Interval(st, en+ONE_DAY, name) for (name, (st, en)) in intervals) return intervaltree.IntervalTree(intervals)
Example #21
Source File: From mikado with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def find_downstream(self, start, end, offset=0): """Method to use the segment tree to find all segments in the transcript downstream of a given interval.""" return self.segmenttree.downstream_of_interval(Interval(start - offset, end), num_intervals=self.exon_num + len(self.introns), max_dist=10**9) # ###################Class methods#####################################
Example #22
Source File: From medaka with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def samples_to_bed(args): """Write a bed file from samples in a datastore file.""" logger = medaka.common.get_named_logger('Variants') index = medaka.datastore.DataIndex(args.inputs) trees = collections.defaultdict(intervaltree.IntervalTree)"Building interval tree") for s, f in index.samples: d = medaka.common.Sample.decode_sample_name(s) # start and end are string repr of floats (major.minor coordinates) start, end = int(float(d['start'])), int(float(d['end'])) # add one to end of interval, as intervaltree intervals and bed file # intervals are end-exclusive (i.e. they don't contain the last # coordinate), whilst the last position in a sample is included in that # sample. trees[d['ref_name']].add(intervaltree.Interval(start, end + 1)) with open(args.output, 'w') as fh: for contig, tree in trees.items(): # strict=False as consecutive samples can start and end on the same # major (overlap is in minor) hence if samples are abutting but not # overlapping in major coords, merge them tree.merge_overlaps(strict=False)"Writing intervals for {}".format(contig)) for i in sorted(tree.all_intervals): fh.write("{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(contig, i.begin, i.end))"All done, bed file written to {}".format(args.output))
Example #23
Source File: From CoolBox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __process_loop_file(self): interval_tree = {} with opener(['file']) as f: for idx, line in enumerate(f): line = to_string(line) # skip header line if idx == 0 and self.__is_header(line): continue fields = line.split() chr1, x1, x2, chr2, y1, y2, *other = fields x1, x2, y1, y2 = list(map(int, [x1, x2, y1, y2])) # skip inter-chromosome interaction if chr1 != chr2: continue chromosome = chr1 if not chromosome.startswith("chr"): chromosome = change_chrom_names(chromosome) if chromosome not in interval_tree: interval_tree[chromosome] = IntervalTree() if len(other) == 0: color = PlotHiCPeaks.DEFAULT_COLOR else: rgb = other[0].split(",") rgb = list(map(int, rgb)) color = rgb2hex(*rgb) loop = self.LoopInverval(chr1, x1, x2, chr2, y1, y2, color) interval_tree[chromosome].add(Interval(x1, y2, loop)) return interval_tree
Example #24
Source File: From CoolBox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __process_bed(self): bed_file_h = ReadBed(opener(['file'])) self.bed_type = bed_file_h.file_type if 'color' in and['color'] == 'bed_rgb' and \ self.bed_type not in ['bed12', 'bed9']: log.warning("*WARNING* Color set to 'bed_rgb', but bed file does not have the rgb field. The color has " "been set to {}".format(PlotTADCoverage.DEFAULT_COLOR))['color'] = PlotTADCoverage.DEFAULT_COLOR valid_intervals = 0 interval_tree = {} max_score = float('-inf') min_score = float('inf') for bed in bed_file_h: if bed.score < min_score: min_score = bed.score if bed.score > max_score: max_score = bed.score interval_tree.setdefault(bed.chromosome, IntervalTree()) interval_tree[bed.chromosome].add(Interval(bed.start, bed.end, bed)) valid_intervals += 1 if valid_intervals == 0: log.warning("No valid intervals were found in file {}".format(['file_name'])) return interval_tree, min_score, max_score
Example #25
Source File: From bootloader_instrumentation_suite with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_interval_info(self, hwname, pclo=None, pchi=None, substage_names=[], substage_entries={}): wt = self._get_writestable(hwname) if "framac" in hwname: return [(r['destlo'], r['desthi']) for r in pytable_utils.get_rows('(%d <= writepclo) & (%d <= writepchi) & (writepclo < %d) & (writepchi <= %d)' % \ (utils.addr_lo(pclo), utils.addr_hi(pclo), utils.addr_lo(pchi), utils.addr_hi(pchi)))] else: fns = substage_entries substages = substage_names num = 0 intervals = {n: intervaltree.IntervalTree() for n in substages} for r in wt.read_sorted('index'): pc = long(r['pc']) if num < len(fns) - 1: # check if we found the entrypoint to the next stage (lopc, hipc) = substage_entries[num + 1] if (lopc <= pc) and (pc < hipc): num += 1 if num in substages: start = long(r['dest']) end = start + pytable_utils.get_rows(wt, '(pclo == %d) & (pchi == %d)' % utils.addr_lo(long(r['pc'])), utils.addr_hi(long(r['pc']))[0]['writesize']) intervals[num].add(intervaltree.Interval(start, end)) return intervals
Example #26
Source File: From mikado with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def find_upstream(self, start, end, offset=0): """Method to use the segment tree to find all segments in the transcript upstream of a given interval.""" return self.segmenttree.upstream_of_interval(Interval(start - offset, end), num_intervals=self.exon_num + len(self.introns), max_dist=10**9)
Example #27
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def make_iv(begin, end, label=False): if label: return Interval(begin, end, "[{0},{1})".format(begin, end)) else: return Interval(begin, end)
Example #28
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_split_overlap_single_member(): t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 1)]) t.split_overlaps() t.verify() assert len(t) == 1
Example #29
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_merge_equals_reducer_with_initializer(): def reducer(old, new): return old + [new] # empty tree e = IntervalTree() e.merge_equals(data_reducer=reducer, data_initializer=[]) e.verify() assert not e # One Interval in tree, no change o = IntervalTree.from_tuples([(1, 2, 'hello')]) o.merge_equals(data_reducer=reducer, data_initializer=[]) o.verify() assert len(o) == 1 assert sorted(o) == [Interval(1, 2, ['hello'])] # many Intervals in tree, no change t = IntervalTree.from_tuples( orig = IntervalTree.from_tuples( t.merge_equals(data_reducer=reducer, data_initializer=[]) t.verify() assert len(t) == len(orig) assert t != orig assert sorted(t) == [Interval(b, e, [d]) for b, e, d in sorted(orig)] # many Intervals in tree, with change t = IntervalTree.from_tuples( orig = IntervalTree.from_tuples( t.addi(4, 7, 'foo') t.merge_equals(data_reducer=reducer, data_initializer=[]) t.verify() assert len(t) == len(orig) assert t != orig assert not t.containsi(4, 7, 'foo') assert not t.containsi(4, 7, '[4,7)') assert t.containsi(4, 7, ['[4,7)', 'foo'])
Example #30
Source File: From intervaltree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_chop_datafunc(): def datafunc(iv, islower): oldlimit = iv[islower] return "oldlimit: {0}, islower: {1}".format(oldlimit, islower) t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(3, 7, datafunc) assert len(t) == 2 assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(0, 3, 'oldlimit: 10, islower: True') assert sorted(t)[1] == Interval(7, 10, 'oldlimit: 0, islower: False') t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(0, 7, datafunc) assert len(t) == 1 assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(7, 10, 'oldlimit: 0, islower: False') t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(5, 10, datafunc) assert len(t) == 1 assert sorted(t)[0] == Interval(0, 5, 'oldlimit: 10, islower: True') t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(-5, 15, datafunc) assert len(t) == 0 t = IntervalTree([Interval(0, 10)]) t.chop(0, 10, datafunc) assert len(t) == 0