Python qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas().
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Example #1
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 8 votes |
def setCenter(lon, lat, zoom=None): """ Centers the map view at the given coordinates with the given zoom level. If no zoom level is provided, it uses the most recent zoom level on the map. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> Map.setCenter(lon, lat, zoom) """ ### center center_point_in = QgsPointXY(lon, lat) # convert coordinates crsSrc = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) # WGS84 crsDest = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(QgsProject.instance().crs()) xform = QgsCoordinateTransform(crsSrc, crsDest, QgsProject.instance()) # forward transformation: src -> dest center_point = xform.transform(center_point_in) iface.mapCanvas().setCenter(center_point) ### zoom if zoom is not None: # transform the zoom level to scale scale_value = 591657550.5 / 2 ** (zoom - 1) iface.mapCanvas().zoomScale(scale_value)
Example #2
Source File: From qgis-processing-r with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def runAlgorithm(self): alg = RAlgorithm(description_file=None, script=self.editor.text()) if alg.error is not None: error = QgsError(alg.error, "R"),"Execution error") ) return alg.setProvider(QgsApplication.processingRegistry().providerById("r")) alg.initAlgorithm() dlg = alg.createCustomParametersWidget(iface.mainWindow()) if not dlg: dlg = AlgorithmDialog(alg, parent=iface.mainWindow()) canvas = iface.mapCanvas() prevMapTool = canvas.mapTool() if canvas.mapTool() != prevMapTool: if canvas.mapTool(): canvas.mapTool().reset() canvas.setMapTool(prevMapTool)
Example #3
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
def update_ee_image_layer(image, layer, shown=True, opacity=1.0): check_version() url = "type=xyz&url=" + get_ee_image_url(image) provider = layer.dataProvider() msg = 'Updating layer with provider %s' % (type(provider).__name__, ) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, 'Earth Engine') provider.setDataSourceUri(url) provider.reloadData() layer.triggerRepaint() layer.reload() iface.mapCanvas().refresh() item = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot().findLayer( if not (shown is None): item.setItemVisibilityChecked(shown)
Example #4
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getCenter(): """ Returns the coordinates at the center of the map. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> center = Map.getCenter() >>> Map.addLayer(center, { 'color': 'red' }, 'center') """ center = iface.mapCanvas().center() crs = iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs().authid() return ee.Geometry.Point([center.x(), center.y()], crs)
Example #5
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getScale(): """ Returns the approximate pixel scale of the current map view, in meters. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> print(Map.getScale()) """ return iface.mapCanvas().scale() / 1000
Example #6
Source File: From pyqgis-samples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def on_scale_changed(): print(scale_widget.scale(), QgsScaleWidget.toString(scale_widget.scale())) print(scale_widget.scaleString(), QgsScaleWidget.toDouble(scale_widget.scaleString())) print(scale_widget.showCurrentScaleButton()) print("Scale changed") iface.mapCanvas().zoomScale(1 / scale_widget.scale())
Example #7
Source File: From pyqgis-samples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def on_scale_changed(): print(scale_box.scale(), QgsScaleComboBox.toString(scale_box.scale())) print(scale_box.scaleString(), QgsScaleComboBox.toDouble(scale_box.scaleString())) print("Scale changed") iface.mapCanvas().zoomScale(1 / scale_box.scale()) # The default values come from Options > Cartographic Tools, part Predefined scales
Example #8
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def layerNamesFromCanvas(self): """ Gets all available layers from map canvas. :return: (list-of-str) map cointaing layer name to vector layer object. """ return sorted([ for l in iface.mapCanvas().layers()])
Example #9
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getBounds(asGeoJSON=False): """ Returns the bounds of the current map view, as a list in the format [west, south, east, north] in degrees. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> bounds = Map.getBounds(True) >>> Map.addLayer(bounds, {}, 'bounds') """ ex = iface.mapCanvas().extent() # return ex xmax = ex.xMaximum() ymax = ex.yMaximum() xmin = ex.xMinimum() ymin = ex.yMinimum() # return as [west, south, east, north] if not asGeoJSON: return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] # return as geometry crs = iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs().authid() return ee.Geometry.Rectangle([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], crs, False)
Example #10
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def centerObject(feature, zoom=None): """ Centers the map view on a given object. Uses: >>> from ee_plugin import Map >>> Map.centerObject(feature) """ feature = ee.Feature(feature) if not zoom: # make sure our geometry is in geo rect = feature.geometry().transform(ee.Projection('EPSG:4326'), 1) # get coordinates coords = rect.bounds().getInfo()['coordinates'][0] xmin = coords[0][0] ymin = coords[0][1] xmax = coords[2][0] ymax = coords[2][1] # construct QGIS geometry rect = QgsRectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # transform rect to a crs used by current project crs_src = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) crs_dst = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(QgsProject.instance().crs()) geo2proj = QgsCoordinateTransform(crs_src, crs_dst, QgsProject.instance()) rect_proj = geo2proj.transform(rect) # center geometry iface.mapCanvas().zoomToFeatureExtent(rect_proj) else: # set map center to feature centroid at a specified zoom center = feature.geometry().centroid().coordinates().getInfo() setCenter(center[0], center[1], zoom)
Example #11
Source File: From qgis-geoserver-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def editStyle(self, tree, explorer, gslayer = None): settings = QSettings() prjSetting = settings.value('/Projections/defaultBehaviour') settings.setValue('/Projections/defaultBehaviour', '') if gslayer is None: gslayer = getLayerFromStyle(self.element) if gslayer is not None: if not hasattr(gslayer.resource, "attributes"): QMessageBox.warning(explorer, "Edit style", "Editing raster layer styles is currently not supported") return sld = self.element.sld_body.decode() try: _sld = "\n".join([line for line in xml.dom.minidom.parseString(sld).toprettyxml().splitlines() if line.strip()]) except: self._showSldParsingError() return sld = adaptGsToQgs(sld) sldfile = tempFilename("sld") with open(sldfile, 'w') as f: f.write(sld) geomtype = getGeomTypeFromSld(sld) uri = geomtype + "?crs=epsg:4326&" if gslayer is not None: fields = gslayer.resource.attributes fieldsdesc = ['field=%s:double' % f for f in fields if "geom" not in f] fieldsstring = '&'.join(fieldsdesc) uri += fieldsstring layer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, "tmp", "memory") layer.loadSldStyle(sldfile) oldSld = getGsCompatibleSld(layer)[0] dlg = QgsRendererPropertiesDialog(layer, QgsStyle.defaultStyle()) dlg.setMapCanvas(iface.mapCanvas()) dlg.exec_() settings.setValue('/Projections/defaultBehaviour', prjSetting) newSld = getGsCompatibleSld(layer)[0] #TODO: we are not considering the possibility of the user selecting new svg markers, # which would need to be uploaded if newSld != oldSld:, "Update style", [], newSld)
Example #12
Source File: From qgis-geoserver-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setValueFromRect(self,r): s = str(r.xMinimum()) + "," + str(r.xMaximum()) + "," + str(r.yMinimum()) + "," + str(r.yMaximum()) self.text.setText(s) self.tool.reset() canvas = iface.mapCanvas() canvas.setMapTool(self.prevMapTool) self.dialog.showNormal() self.dialog.raise_() self.dialog.activateWindow()
Example #13
Source File: From qgis-geoserver-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def selectOnCanvas(self): canvas = iface.mapCanvas() canvas.setMapTool(self.tool) self.dialog.showMinimized()
Example #14
Source File: From qgis-geoserver-plugin with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, dialog): super(ExtentSelectionPanel, self).__init__(None) self.dialog = dialog self.horizontalLayout = QHBoxLayout(self) self.horizontalLayout.setSpacing(2) self.horizontalLayout.setMargin(0) self.text = QLineEdit() if hasattr(self.text, 'setPlaceholderText'): self.text.setPlaceholderText("[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] Leave blank to use full extent") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.text) self.pushButton = QPushButton() self.pushButton.setText("Define in canvas") self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.selectOnCanvas) self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton) self.setLayout(self.horizontalLayout) canvas = iface.mapCanvas() self.prevMapTool = canvas.mapTool() self.tool = RectangleMapTool(canvas) self.tool.rectangleCreated.connect(self.fillCoords)
Example #15
Source File: From QGISFMV with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' Constructor ''' super().__init__(parent) self.surface = VideoWidgetSurface(self) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent) self.Tracking_Video_RubberBand = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self) self.Censure_RubberBand = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self) color_blue = QColor( color_black = QColor( color_amber = QColor(252, 215, 108) pal_blue = QPalette() pal_blue.setBrush(QPalette.Highlight, QBrush(color_blue)) self.Tracking_Video_RubberBand.setPalette(pal_blue) pal_black = QPalette() pal_black.setBrush(QPalette.Highlight, QBrush(color_black)) self.Censure_RubberBand.setPalette(pal_black) self._interaction = InteractionState() self._filterSatate = FilterState() self._isinit = False self._MGRS = False = None self.drawCesure = [] self.poly_coordinates, self.drawPtPos, self.drawLines, self.drawMeasureDistance, self.drawMeasureArea, self.drawPolygon = [], [], [], [], [], [] # Draw Polygon Canvas Rubberband self.poly_Canvas_RubberBand = QgsRubberBand( iface.mapCanvas(), True) # Polygon type # set rubber band style self.poly_Canvas_RubberBand.setColor(color_amber) self.poly_Canvas_RubberBand.setWidth(3) # Tracking Canvas Rubberband self.Track_Canvas_RubberBand = QgsRubberBand( iface.mapCanvas(), QgsWkbTypes.LineGeometry) # set rubber band style self.Track_Canvas_RubberBand.setColor(color_blue) self.Track_Canvas_RubberBand.setWidth(5) # Cursor Canvas Rubberband self.Cursor_Canvas_RubberBand = QgsRubberBand( iface.mapCanvas(), QgsWkbTypes.PointGeometry) self.Cursor_Canvas_RubberBand.setWidth(4) self.Cursor_Canvas_RubberBand.setColor(QColor(255, 100, 100, 250)) self.Cursor_Canvas_RubberBand.setIcon(QgsRubberBand.ICON_FULL_DIAMOND) self.parent = parent.parent() palette = self.palette() palette.setColor(QPalette.Background, Qt.transparent) self.setPalette(palette) self.origin, self.dragPos = QPoint(), QPoint() self.tapTimer = QBasicTimer() self.brush = QBrush(color_black) self.blue_Pen = QPen(color_blue, 3)
Example #16
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): """ Here is where the processing itself takes place. """ host = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.HOST, context ) port = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.PORT, context ) database = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.DATABASE, context ) user = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.USER, context ) password = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.PASSWORD, context ) layerStringList = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.LAYER_LIST, context ) loadToCanvas = self.parameterAsBoolean( parameters, self.LOAD_TO_CANVAS, context ) uniqueLoad = self.parameterAsBoolean( parameters, self.UNIQUE_LOAD, context ) abstractDb = self.getAbstractDb(host, port, database, user, password) inputParamList = layerStringList.split(',') layerLoader = LayerLoaderFactory().makeLoader( iface, abstractDb ) if loadToCanvas: iface.mapCanvas().freeze(True) outputLayers = layerLoader.loadLayersInsideProcessing( inputParamList, uniqueLoad=uniqueLoad, addToCanvas=loadToCanvas, feedback=feedback ) if loadToCanvas: iface.mapCanvas().freeze(False) return {self.OUTPUT: [ for i in outputLayers]}
Example #17
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): """ Here is where the processing itself takes place. """ inputLyrList = self.parameterAsLayerList( parameters, self.INPUT_LAYERS, context ) categoryExpression = self.parameterAsExpression( parameters, self.CATEGORY_EXPRESSION, context ) listSize = len(inputLyrList) progressStep = 100/listSize if listSize else 0 rootNode = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot() inputLyrList.sort(key=lambda x: (x.geometryType(), geometryNodeDict = { 0 :'Point'), 1 :'Line'), 2 :'Polygon'), 4 :'Non spatial') } iface.mapCanvas().freeze(True) for current, lyr in enumerate(inputLyrList): if feedback.isCanceled(): break rootDatabaseNode = self.getLayerRootNode(lyr, rootNode) geometryNode = self.createGroup( geometryNodeDict[lyr.geometryType()], rootDatabaseNode ) categoryNode = self.getLayerCategoryNode( lyr, geometryNode, categoryExpression ) lyrNode = rootNode.findLayer( myClone = lyrNode.clone() categoryNode.addChildNode(myClone) # not thread safe, must set flag to FlagNoThreading rootNode.removeChildNode(lyrNode) feedback.setProgress(current*progressStep) iface.mapCanvas().freeze(False) return {self.OUTPUT: [ for i in inputLyrList]}
Example #18
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): """ Here is where the processing itself takes place. """ host = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.HOST, context ) port = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.PORT, context ) database = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.DATABASE, context ) user = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.USER, context ) password = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.PASSWORD, context ) layerStringList = self.parameterAsString( parameters, self.LAYER_LIST, context ) inputParamList = layerStringList.split(',') layerLoader = LayerLoaderFactory().makeLoader( iface, abstractDb ) iface.mapCanvas().freeze(True) outputLayers = layerLoader.loadLayersInsideProcessing( inputParamList, uniqueLoad=True, addToCanvas=True, feedback=feedback ) iface.mapCanvas().freeze(False) #TODO: Resto return {self.OUTPUT: [ for i in outputLayers]}