Python dask.compute() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of dask.compute().
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Example #1
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def fit(self, X, y=None): X = self._check_array(X) labels, centroids, inertia, n_iter = k_means( X, self.n_clusters, oversampling_factor=self.oversampling_factor, random_state=self.random_state, init=self.init, return_n_iter=True, max_iter=self.max_iter, init_max_iter=self.init_max_iter, tol=self.tol, ) self.cluster_centers_ = centroids self.labels_ = labels self.inertia_ = inertia.compute().item() self.n_iter_ = n_iter self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1] return self
Example #2
Source File: From intake with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _load(self, files_in, files_out, urlpath, meta=True): """Download a set of files""" import dask out = [] outnames = [] for file_in, file_out in zip(files_in, files_out): cache_path = file_out.path outnames.append(cache_path) # If `_munge_path` did not find a match we want to avoid # writing to the urlpath. if cache_path == urlpath: continue if not os.path.isfile(cache_path): logger.debug("Caching file: {}".format(file_in.path)) logger.debug("Original path: {}".format(urlpath)) logger.debug("Cached at: {}".format(cache_path)) if meta: self._log_metadata(urlpath, file_in.path, cache_path) ddown = dask.delayed(_download) out.append(ddown(file_in, file_out, self.blocksize, self.output)) dask.compute(*out) return outnames
Example #3
Source File: From intake with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _data_to_source(b, path, encoder=None, storage_options=None, **kwargs): import dask.bag as db import posixpath from fsspec import open_files import dask import pickle import json from intake.source.textfiles import TextFilesSource encoder = {None: str, 'str': str, 'json': json.dumps, 'pickle': pickle.dumps}.get(encoder, encoder) if not hasattr(b, 'to_textfiles'): try: b = db.from_sequence(b, npartitions=1) except TypeError: raise NotImplementedError files = open_files(posixpath.join(path, 'part.*'), mode='wt', num=b.npartitions, **(storage_options or {})) dwrite = dask.delayed(write_file) out = [dwrite(part, f, encoder) for part, f in zip(b.to_delayed(), files)] dask.compute(out) s = TextFilesSource(posixpath.join(path, 'part.*'), storage_options=storage_options) return s
Example #4
Source File: From AutoOut with MIT License | 6 votes |
def detect_outliers(request): """ Detect outliers end point """ dataset_id = int(request.GET.get("dataset_id")) if dataset_id is None: return JsonResponse({"status": "failure", "message": "Dataset id is not provided"}) dataset = Dataset.objects.get(pk=dataset_id) file_path = dataset.path delete_features = json.loads(dataset.deleted_features) # Create a detection experiment and start outlier detection process = Process.objects.get(name='Detection') process_status = ProcessStatus.objects.get(name='Running') experiment = Experiment(dataset=dataset, process=process, process_status=process_status) results = delayed(detect_all)(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, file_path),, settings.RESULTS_ROOT, delete_features) dask.compute(results) return JsonResponse( {'status': 'success', 'message': 'Detection started successfully', 'experiment_id':})
Example #5
Source File: From nbodykit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def persist(self, columns=None): """ Return a CatalogSource, where the selected columns are computed and persist in memory. """ import dask.array as da if columns is None: columns = self.columns r = {} for key in columns: r[key] = self[key] r = da.compute(r)[0] # particularity of dask from nbodykit.source.catalog.array import ArrayCatalog c = ArrayCatalog(r, comm=self.comm) c.attrs.update(self.attrs) return c
Example #6
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def calculate_stats(cls, df, target_var): """Calculates descriptive stats of the dataframe required for cleaning. Arguments: df : dask dataframe, The dataframe at hand target_var : string, Dependent variable for the analysis Returns: mean : dask series, mean of each column median : dask series, median of each column dict(zip(categorical_cols, mode)) : dict, Dictionary containing categorical column as keys and their modes as values std : dask series, standard deviation of each column """ categorical_columns = [ col for col in df.columns if col != target_var and df[col].dtype == 'object'] mean_op = df.mean() std_op = df.std() median_op = df.quantile(0.5) mode_op = [df[col].value_counts().idxmax() for col in categorical_columns] mean, median, mode, std = dask.compute( mean_op, median_op, mode_op, std_op) return mean, median, dict(zip(categorical_columns, mode)), std
Example #7
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def impute(cls, df, target_var, median, mode): """Imputing missing values using median for continuous columns and mode for categorical columns. Arguments: df : dask dataframe, The dataframe at hand target_var : string, Dependent variable for the analysis median : list, median of all columns in data mode : list, mode of all columns in data Returns: df : dask dataframe, Dataframe without missing values """ missing_stats = df.isna().sum().compute() cols = [col for col in df.columns if col != target_var] for col in cols: if missing_stats[col] > 0 and df[col].dtype == 'object': df[col] = df[col].fillna(mode[col]) elif missing_stats[col] > 0: df[col] = df[col].fillna(median[col]) return df
Example #8
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def kmeans_input_fn(self, name, csv_path=None): """Input function for kmeans Arguments: name : string, Name of the data [Train or Eval] csv_path : The path of the csv on any storage system Returns: A batch of features """ pattern = self._get_pattern(name, csv_path)'The Pattern of files is : %s', pattern) df = dd.read_csv(pattern) vectors = dask.compute(df.values) return tf.train.limit_epochs( tf.convert_to_tensor(vectors[0], dtype=tf.float32), num_epochs=1)
Example #9
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_clean_data(self): """ Testing function clean_csv """ copyfile(CSV_PATH, '/tmp/data.csv') iread = self.init_inputreader() stats = self.init_basicstats() ddf, _ = iread._parse_csv() data, mean, std_dev, csv_defaults = stats.clean_data( df=ddf, task_type=TASK_TYPE, target_var=TARGET_VAR, name=NAME ) self_computed_mean = dask.compute(ddf.mean()) self.assertListEqual(list(mean), list(self_computed_mean[0])) self_computed_std_dev = dask.compute(ddf.std(axis=0, skipna=True)) self.assertListEqual(list(std_dev), list(self_computed_std_dev[0])) self.assertIsInstance(data, dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame) self.assertIsInstance(mean, pd.core.series.Series) self.assertIsInstance(std_dev, pd.core.series.Series) self.assertIsInstance(csv_defaults, list)
Example #10
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_calculate_stats(self): """ Testing function calculate_stats """ iread = self.init_inputreader() stats = self.init_basicstats() ddf, _ = iread._parse_csv() mean, median, mode_dict, std_dev = stats.calculate_stats( df=ddf, target_var=TARGET_VAR ) self_computed_mean = dask.compute(ddf.mean()) self.assertListEqual(list(mean), list(self_computed_mean[0])) self_computed_std_dev = dask.compute(ddf.std(axis=0, skipna=True)) self.assertListEqual(list(std_dev), list(self_computed_std_dev[0])) self_computed_median = dask.compute(ddf.quantile(0.5)) self.assertListEqual(list(median), list(self_computed_median[0])) self.assertIsInstance(mean, pd.core.series.Series) self.assertIsInstance(std_dev, pd.core.series.Series) self.assertIsInstance(median, pd.core.series.Series) self.assertIsInstance(mode_dict, dict)
Example #11
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_impute(self): """ Testing function impute """ iread = self.init_inputreader() stats = self.init_basicstats() ddf, _ = iread._parse_csv() _, median, _, _ = stats.calculate_stats( df=ddf, target_var=TARGET_VAR ) data = stats.impute( df=ddf, target_var=TARGET_VAR, median=median, mode=MODE ) imputed_data = dask.compute(data.isnull().sum()) rows = ddf.columns for row in rows: col = imputed_data[0][row] self.assertEqual(col, 0) self.assertIsInstance(data, dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame)
Example #12
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def calculate_centroids_old(cnmds, window, grp_dim=['animal', 'session']): print("computing centroids") cnt_list = [] for anm, cur_anm in cnmds.groupby('animal'): for ss, cur_ss in cur_anm.groupby('session'): # cnt = centroids(cur_ss['A_shifted'], window.sel(animal=anm)) cnt = da.delayed(centroids)( cur_ss['A_shifted'], window.sel(animal=anm)) cnt_list.append(cnt) with ProgressBar(): cnt_list, = da.compute(cnt_list) cnts_ds = pd.concat(cnt_list, ignore_index=True) cnts_ds.height = cnts_ds.height.astype(float) cnts_ds.width = cnts_ds.width.astype(float) cnts_ds.unit_id = cnts_ds.unit_id.astype(int) cnts_ds.animal = cnts_ds.animal.astype(str) cnts_ds.session = cnts_ds.session.astype(str) cnts_ds.session_id = cnts_ds.session_id.astype(str) return cnts_ds
Example #13
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def centroids_distance_old(cents, A, window, shift, hamming, corr, tile=(50, 50)): sessions = cents['session'].unique() dim_h = (np.min(cents['height']), np.max(cents['height'])) dim_w = (np.min(cents['width']), np.max(cents['width'])) dist_list = [] for ssA, ssB in itt.combinations(sessions, 2): # dist = _calc_cent_dist(ssA, ssB, cents, cnmds, window, tile, dim_h, dim_w) dist = da.delayed(_calc_cent_dist)(ssA, ssB, cents, A, window, tile, dim_h, dim_w, shift, hamming, corr) dist_list.append(dist) with ProgressBar(): dist_list, = da.compute(dist_list) dists = pd.concat(dist_list, ignore_index=True) return dists
Example #14
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_noise_welch(varr, noise_range=(0.25, 0.5), noise_method='logmexp', compute=True): print("estimating noise") sn = xr.apply_ufunc( noise_welch, varr.chunk(dict(frame=-1)), input_core_dims=[['frame']], dask='parallelized', vectorize=True, kwargs=dict(noise_range=noise_range, noise_method=noise_method), output_dtypes=[varr.dtype]) if compute: sn = sn.compute() return sn
Example #15
Source File: From MetSim with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(self): self._validate_setup() write_locks = {} for times in self._times: filename = self._get_output_filename(times) self.setup_netcdf_output(filename, times) write_locks[filename] = combine_locks([NETCDFC_LOCK, get_write_lock(filename)])'Starting {} chunks...'.format(len(self.slices))) delayed_objs = [wrap_run_slice(self.params, write_locks, dslice) for dslice in self.slices] persisted = dask.persist(delayed_objs, num_workers=self.params['num_workers']) self.progress_bar(persisted) dask.compute(persisted)'Cleaning up...') try: self._client.cluster.close() self._client.close() if self.params['verbose'] == logging.DEBUG: print() print('closed dask cluster/client') except Exception: pass
Example #16
Source File: From SDV with MIT License | 6 votes |
def benchmark(datasets=None, datasets_path=None, distributed=True, timeout=None): if datasets is None: if datasets_path is None: datasets = get_available_demos().name else: datasets = os.listdir(datasets_path) if distributed: import dask global score_dataset score_dataset = dask.delayed(score_dataset) scores = list() for dataset in datasets: scores.append(score_dataset(dataset, datasets_path, timeout)) if distributed: scores = dask.compute(*scores) return pd.DataFrame(scores)
Example #17
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def fit(self, X, y, **kwargs): X = self._check_array(X) estimatord = dask.delayed(self.estimator) Xs = X.to_delayed() ys = y.to_delayed() if isinstance(X, da.Array): Xs = Xs.flatten() if isinstance(y, da.Array): ys = ys.flatten() if len(Xs) != len(ys): raise ValueError( f"The number of blocks in X and y must match. {len(Xs)} != {len(ys)}" ) estimators = [ dask.delayed(sklearn.base.clone)(estimatord) for _ in range(len(Xs)) ] results = [, y_, **kwargs) for estimator_, X_, y_, in zip(estimators, Xs, ys) ] results = list(dask.compute(*results)) self.estimators_ = results
Example #18
Source File: From intake with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _get_partition(self, i): self._load_metadata() return[i].compute()
Example #19
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def remove_background_old(varray, window=51): print("creating parallel schedule") varr_ft = varray.astype(np.float32) compute_list = [] for fid in varr_ft.coords['frame'].values: fm = varr_ft.loc[dict(frame=fid)] _ = delayed(remove_background_perframe_old)(fid, fm, varr_ft, window) compute_list.append(_) with ProgressBar(): print("removing background") compute(compute_list) print("normalizing result") varr_ft = scale_varr(varr_ft, (0, 255)).astype(varray.dtype, copy=False) print("background removal done") return varr_ft.rename( + "_Filtered")
Example #20
Source File: From kartothek with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _merge_datasets(*args, **kwargs): df_list = merge_datasets_as_delayed(*args, **kwargs) s = pickle.dumps(df_list, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) df_list = pickle.loads(s) return dask.compute(df_list)[0]
Example #21
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def seeds_init(varr, wnd_size=500, method='rolling', stp_size=200, nchunk=100, max_wnd=10, diff_thres=2): print("constructing chunks") idx_fm = varr.coords['frame'] nfm = len(idx_fm) if method == 'rolling': nstp = np.ceil(nfm / stp_size) + 1 centers = np.linspace(0, nfm - 1, nstp) hwnd = np.ceil(wnd_size / 2) max_idx = list( map(lambda c: slice(int(np.floor(c - hwnd).clip(0)), int(np.ceil(c + hwnd))), centers)) elif method == 'random': max_idx = [ np.random.randint(0, nfm - 1, wnd_size) for _ in range(nchunk) ] res = [] print("creating parallel scheme") res = [max_proj_frame(varr, cur_idx) for cur_idx in max_idx] max_res = xr.concat(res, 'sample').chunk(dict(sample=10)) print("computing max projections") max_res = max_res.persist() print("calculating local maximum") loc_max = xr.apply_ufunc( local_max_roll, max_res.chunk(dict(height=-1, width=-1)), input_core_dims=[['height', 'width']], output_core_dims=[['height', 'width']], vectorize=True, dask='parallelized', output_dtypes=[np.uint8], kwargs=dict(k0=2, k1=max_wnd, diff=diff_thres)).sum('sample') loc_max = loc_max.compute() loc_max_flt = loc_max.stack(spatial=['height', 'width']) seeds = (loc_max_flt.where(loc_max_flt > 0, drop=True) .rename('seeds').to_dataframe().reset_index()) return seeds[['height', 'width', 'seeds']].reset_index()
Example #22
Source File: From kartothek with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _run_garbage_collect(*args, **kwargs): tasks = garbage_collect_dataset__delayed(*args, **kwargs) s = pickle.dumps(tasks, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) tasks = pickle.loads(s) dask.compute(tasks)
Example #23
Source File: From kartothek with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _delete(*args, **kwargs): tasks = delete_dataset__delayed(*args, **kwargs) s = pickle.dumps(tasks, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) tasks = pickle.loads(s) dask.compute(tasks)
Example #24
Source File: From intake with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def read(self): self._load_metadata() return self.bag.compute()
Example #25
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def compute_subs(self, clicks=None): self.A_sub = self.A_sub.compute() self.C_sub = self.C_sub.compute() self.S_sub = self.S_sub.compute() self.org_sub = self.org_sub.compute() self.C_norm_sub = self.C_norm_sub.compute() self.S_norm_sub = self.S_norm_sub.compute()
Example #26
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _temp_comp_sub(self, usub=None): if usub is None: usub = self.strm_usub.usub if self._normalize: C, S = self.C_norm_sub, self.S_norm_sub else: C, S = self.C_sub, self.S_sub cur_temp = dict() if self._showC: cur_temp['C'] = ( hv.Dataset(C.sel(unit_id=usub) .compute().rename("Intensity (A. U.)") .dropna('frame', how='all')).to(hv.Curve, 'frame')) if self._showS: cur_temp['S'] = ( hv.Dataset(S.sel(unit_id=usub) .compute().rename("Intensity (A. U.)") .dropna('frame', how='all')).to(hv.Curve, 'frame')) cur_vl = (hv.DynamicMap( lambda f, y: hv.VLine(f) if f else hv.VLine(0), streams=[self.strm_f]) .opts(style=dict(color='red'))) cur_cv = hv.Curve([], kdims=['frame'], vdims=['Internsity (A.U.)']) self.strm_f.source = cur_cv h_cv = len(self._w) // 8 w_cv = len(self._w) * 2 temp_comp = (cur_cv * datashade_ndcurve(hv.HoloMap(cur_temp, 'trace') .collate().overlay('trace') .grid('unit_id') .add_dimension('time', 0, 0), 'trace') .opts(plot=dict(shared_xaxis=True)) .map(lambda p: p.opts( plot=dict(frame_height=h_cv, frame_width=w_cv)), hv.RGB) * cur_vl) temp_comp[temp_comp.keys()[0]] = (temp_comp[temp_comp.keys()[0]] .opts(plot=dict(height=h_cv + 75))) return pn.panel(temp_comp)
Example #27
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def update_AC(self, usub=None): if usub is None: usub = self.strm_usub.usub if usub: if self._useAC: umask = ((self.A_sub.sel(unit_id=usub) > 0) .any('unit_id')) A_sub = (self.A_sub.sel(unit_id=usub) .where(umask, drop=True).fillna(0)) C_sub = self.C_sub.sel(unit_id=usub) AC = xr.apply_ufunc(, A_sub, C_sub, input_core_dims=[['height', 'width', 'unit_id'], ['unit_id', 'frame']], output_core_dims=[['height', 'width', 'frame']], dask='allowed') self._AC = AC.compute() wndh, wndw = AC.coords['height'].values, AC.coords['width'].values window = self.A_sub.sel( height=slice(wndh.min(), wndh.max()), width=slice(wndw.min(), wndw.max())) self._AC = self._AC.reindex_like(window).fillna(0) self._mov = (self.org_sub.reindex_like(window)).compute() else: self._AC = self.A_sub.sel(unit_id=usub).sum('unit_id') self._mov = self.org_sub self.strm_f.event(x=0) else: self._AC = xr.DataArray([]) self._mov = xr.DataArray([]) self.strm_f.event(x=0)
Example #28
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def centroid(A, verbose=False): def rel_cent(im): im_nan = np.isnan(im) if im_nan.all(): return np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) if im_nan.any(): im = np.nan_to_num(im) cent = np.array(center_of_mass(im)) return cent / im.shape gu_rel_cent = da.gufunc( rel_cent, signature='(h,w)->(d)', output_dtypes=float, output_sizes=dict(d=2), vectorize=True ) cents = (xr.apply_ufunc( gu_rel_cent, A.chunk(dict(height=-1, width=-1)), input_core_dims=[['height', 'width']], output_core_dims=[['dim']], dask='allowed') .assign_coords(dim=['height', 'width'])) if verbose: print("computing centroids") with ProgressBar(): cents=cents.compute() cents_df = (cents.rename('cents').to_series().dropna() .unstack('dim').rename_axis(None, axis='columns') .reset_index()) h_rg = (A.coords['height'].min().values, A.coords['height'].max().values) w_rg = (A.coords['width'].min().values, A.coords['width'].max().values) cents_df['height'] = cents_df['height'] * (h_rg[1] - h_rg[0]) + h_rg[0] cents_df['width'] = cents_df['width'] * (w_rg[1] - w_rg[0]) + w_rg[0] return cents_df
Example #29
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _calculate_contours_centroids(self): cnts_df_list = [] cts_df_list = [] A = self.cnmf['A'].load() for uid in range(self._u): cur_A = A.sel(unit_id=uid) cur_idxs = cur_A.squeeze().dims cur_thres = dask.delayed(cur_A.max)() cur_thres = dask.delayed(float)(cur_thres * .3) cur_cnts = dask.delayed(find_contours)(cur_A, cur_thres) cur_cnts = dask.delayed(np.concatenate)(cur_cnts) cur_cnts = dask.delayed(pd.DataFrame)(cur_cnts, columns=cur_idxs) cur_cnts = cur_cnts.assign(unit_id=uid) cur_cts = dask.delayed(center_of_mass)(cur_A.values) cur_cts = dask.delayed(pd.Series)(cur_cts, index=cur_idxs) cur_cts = cur_cts.append(pd.Series(dict(unit_id=uid))) cnts_df_list.append(cur_cnts) cts_df_list.append(cur_cts) cnts_df_list = dask.compute(*cnts_df_list) cts_df_list = dask.compute(*cts_df_list) cnts_df = pd.concat(cnts_df_list) cts_df = pd.concat(cts_df_list, axis=1).T for dim in cur_idxs: cnts_df[dim].update(cnts_df[dim] / A.sizes[dim] * self._dims[dim]) cts_df[dim].update(cts_df[dim] / A.sizes[dim] * self._dims[dim]) return cnts_df, cts_df
Example #30
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def detect_brightspot_perframe(varray, thres=0.95): print("creating parallel schedule") spots = [] for fid, fm in varray.rolling(frame=1): sp = delayed(lambda f: f > f.quantile(thres, interpolation='lower'))( fm) spots.append(sp) with ProgressBar(): print("detecting bright spots by frame") spots, = compute(spots) print("concatenating results") spots = xr.concat(spots, dim='frame') return spots # def correct_dust(varray, dust): # mov_corr = varray.values # nz = np.nonzero(dust) # nz_tp = [(d0, d1) for d0, d1 in zip(nz[0], nz[1])] # for i in range(np.count_nonzero(dust)): # cur_dust = (nz[0][i], nz[1][i]) # cur_sur = set( # itt.product( # range(cur_dust[0] - 1, cur_dust[0] + 2), # range(cur_dust[1] - 1, cur_dust[1] + 2))) - set( # cur_dust) - set(nz_tp) # cur_sur = list( # filter( # lambda d: 0 < d[0] < mov.shape[1] and 0 < d[1] < mov.shape[2], # cur_sur)) # if len(cur_sur) > 0: # sur_arr = np.empty((mov.shape[0], len(cur_sur))) # for si, sur in enumerate(cur_sur): # sur_arr[:, si] = mov[:, sur[0], sur[1]] # mov_corr[:, cur_dust[0], cur_dust[1]] = np.mean(sur_arr, axis=1) # else: # print("unable to correct for point ({}, {})".format( # cur_dust[0], cur_dust[1])) # return mov_corr