Python datasets.cifar10() Examples
The following are 2
code examples of datasets.cifar10().
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Example #1
Source File: From curriculum_learning with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def load_dataset(dataset_name): if dataset_name.startswith('cifar100_subset'): superclass_idx = int(dataset_name[len("cifar100_subset_"):]) dataset = datasets.cifar100_subset.Cifar100_Subset(supeclass_idx=superclass_idx, normalize=False) elif dataset_name == "cifar10": dataset = datasets.cifar10.Cifar10(normalize=False) elif dataset_name == "cifar100": dataset = datasets.cifar100.Cifar100(normalize=False) else: print("do not support datset: %s" % dataset_name) raise ValueError return dataset
Example #2
Source File: From keras-deepcv with MIT License | 4 votes |
def parse_args(): """ Parse command line arguments. Parameters: None Returns: parser arguments """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LeNet model') optional = parser._action_groups.pop() required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') required.add_argument('--net', dest='net', help='Choice of network architecture', choices=['vgg16', 'vgg19']) optional.add_argument('--dataset', dest='dataset', help='Choice of dataset to train model', choices=[None, 'mnist', 'cifar10'], default=None) optional.add_argument('--print_model', dest='print_model', help='Print LeNet model', action='store_true') optional.add_argument('--train_model', dest='train_model', help='Train LeNet on MNIST', action='store_true') optional.add_argument('-s', '--save_weights', dest='save_weights', help='Save the trained weights', default=None) optional.add_argument('-w', '--weights', dest='weights', help='Path to weights (hdf5) file', default=None) optional.add_argument('-e', '--epochs', dest='epochs', help='Number of epochs for training', type=int, default=20) optional.add_argument('--data_augmentation', dest='data_augmentation', help='Use data augmentations for input', action='store_true') optional.add_argument('--viz_training', dest='viz_training', help='Visualize the training curve', action='store_true') parser._action_groups.append(optional) return parser.parse_args()