Python httmock.urlmatch() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of httmock.urlmatch().
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Example #1
Source File: From prometheus-api-client-python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def mock_response( content, url=None, path='', headers=None, response_url=None, status_code=200, cookies=None, func=None ): """Universal handler for specify mocks inplace""" if func is None: def mocked(url, request): mock = response( status_code=status_code, content=content, request=request, headers=headers ) if cookies: mock.cookies = cookies mock.url = response_url if response_url else url return mock else: mocked = func if url: parsed = urlparse(url) return urlmatch(netloc=parsed.netloc, path=parsed.path)(func=mocked) elif path: return urlmatch(path=path)(func=mocked) else: return all_requests(func=mocked)
Example #2
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_validate_bitbucket_trigger(app): url_hit = [False] @urlmatch(netloc=r"") def handler(url, request): url_hit[0] = True return { "status_code": 200, "content": "oauth_token=foo&oauth_token_secret=bar", } with HTTMock(handler): validator = BitbucketTriggerValidator() url_scheme_and_hostname = URLSchemeAndHostname("http", "localhost:5000") unvalidated_config = ValidatorContext( {"BITBUCKET_TRIGGER_CONFIG": {"CONSUMER_KEY": "foo", "CONSUMER_SECRET": "bar",},}, url_scheme_and_hostname=url_scheme_and_hostname, ) validator.validate(unvalidated_config) assert url_hit[0]
Example #3
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_validate_elasticsearch(unvalidated_config, expected, app): validator = ElasticsearchValidator() path = unvalidated_config.get("index_prefix") or INDEX_NAME_PREFIX path = "/" + path + "*" unvalidated_config = ValidatorContext(unvalidated_config) @urlmatch(netloc=r"", path=path) def handler(url, request): return {"status_code": 200, "content": b"{}"} with HTTMock(handler): if expected is not None: with pytest.raises(expected): validator.validate(unvalidated_config) else: validator.validate(unvalidated_config)
Example #4
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_validate_google_login(app): url_hit = [False] @urlmatch(netloc=r"", path="/oauth2/v3/token") def handler(_, __): url_hit[0] = True return {"status_code": 200, "content": ""} validator = GoogleLoginValidator() with HTTMock(handler): unvalidated_config = ValidatorContext( {"GOOGLE_LOGIN_CONFIG": {"CLIENT_ID": "foo", "CLIENT_SECRET": "bar",},} ) unvalidated_config.http_client = build_requests_session() validator.validate(unvalidated_config) assert url_hit[0]
Example #5
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_cycle_qe_deployments(kube_config, deployment_names, expected_api_hits): KubernetesAccessorSingleton._instance = None config = KubernetesConfig(**kube_config) url_hit = [False] * len(expected_api_hits) i = [0] @urlmatch(netloc=r"", method="PATCH") def handler(request, _): assert request.path == expected_api_hits[i[0]] url_hit[i[0]] = True i[0] += 1 return response(200, "{}") with HTTMock(handler): KubernetesAccessorSingleton.get_instance(config).cycle_qe_deployments(deployment_names) assert all(url_hit)
Example #6
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_get_qe_deployments(kube_config, expected_api, expected_query): config = KubernetesConfig(**kube_config) url_hit = [False] @urlmatch(netloc=r"") def handler(request, _): assert request.path == expected_api assert request.query == expected_query url_hit[0] = True return response(200, "{}") with HTTMock(handler): KubernetesAccessorSingleton._instance = None assert KubernetesAccessorSingleton.get_instance(config).get_qe_deployments() is not None assert url_hit[0]
Example #7
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_google_oauth(self): @urlmatch(netloc=r"", path="/o/oauth2/token") def account_handler(_, request): parsed = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(request.body)) if parsed["code"] == "somecode": content = {"access_token": "someaccesstoken"} return py_json.dumps(content) else: return {"status_code": 400, "content": '{"message": "Invalid code"}'} @urlmatch(netloc=r"", path="/oauth2/v1/userinfo") def user_handler(_, __): content = { "id": "someid", "email": "", "verified_email": True, } return py_json.dumps(content) with HTTMock(account_handler, user_handler): self.invoke_oauth_tests( "google_oauth_callback", "google_oauth_attach", "google", "someid", "someemail" )
Example #8
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_github_oauth(self): @urlmatch(netloc=r"", path="/login/oauth/access_token") def account_handler(url, _): parsed = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(url.query)) if parsed["code"] == "somecode": content = {"access_token": "someaccesstoken"} return py_json.dumps(content) else: return {"status_code": 400, "content": '{"message": "Invalid code"}'} @urlmatch(netloc=r"", path="/api/v3/user") def user_handler(_, __): content = {"id": "someid", "login": "someusername"} return py_json.dumps(content) @urlmatch(netloc=r"", path="/api/v3/user/emails") def email_handler(_, __): content = [{"email": "", "verified": True, "primary": True,}] return py_json.dumps(content) with HTTMock(account_handler, email_handler, user_handler): self.invoke_oauth_tests( "github_oauth_callback", "github_oauth_attach", "github", "someid", "someusername" )
Example #9
Source File: From aliyun-datahub-sdk-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def gen_mock_api(check): @urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?endpoint') def datahub_api_mock(url, request): check(request) path = url.path.replace('/', '.')[1:] res_file = os.path.join(_FIXTURE_PATH, '%s.json' % path) status_code = 200 content = { } headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-datahub-request-id': 0 } try: with open(res_file, 'rb') as f: content = json.loads('utf-8')) if 'ErrorCode' in content: status_code = 500 except (IOError, ValueError) as e: content['ErrorMessage'] = 'Loads fixture %s failed, error: %s' % (res_file, e) return response(status_code, content, headers, request=request) return datahub_api_mock
Example #10
Source File: From aliyun-datahub-sdk-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def gen_pb_mock_api(check): @urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?endpoint') def datahub_pb_api_mock(url, request): check(request) path = url.path.replace('/', '.')[1:] res_file = os.path.join(_FIXTURE_PATH, '%s.bin' % path) status_code = 200 content = { } headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-protobuf', 'x-datahub-request-id': 0 } try: with open(res_file, 'rb') as f: content = except (IOError, InvalidParameterException) as e: content['ErrorMessage'] = 'Loads fixture %s failed, error: %s' % (res_file, e) return response(status_code, content, headers, request=request) return datahub_pb_api_mock
Example #11
Source File: From refstack-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_post_results(self): """ Test the post_results method, ensuring a requests call is made. """ args = rc.parse_cli_args(self.mock_argv()) client = rc.RefstackClient(args) = MagicMock() content = {'duration_seconds': 0, 'cpid': 'test-id', 'results': [{'name': 'tempest.passed.test', 'uid': None}]} expected_response = json.dumps({'test_id': 42}) @httmock.urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?$', path='/v1/results/') def refstack_api_mock(url, request): return expected_response with httmock.HTTMock(refstack_api_mock): client.post_results("", content) ' Response: ' '%s' % expected_response)
Example #12
Source File: From firepwned with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_detects_not_pwned_password(self): password = "password" hash = hashlib.sha1(bytes(password, "utf8")).hexdigest() hash_prefix = hash[0:PREFIX_LEN] @urlmatch(scheme='https', netloc=r'', path=r'/range/' + hash_prefix) def mock(url, request): return "\n".join([ "1D72CD07550416C216D8AD296BF5C0AE8E0:9", "1E2AAA439972480CEC7F16C795BBB429372:1", "1E3687A61BFCE35F69B7408158101C8E414:1", "20597F5AC10A2F67701B4AD1D3A09F72250:3", "20AEBCE40E55EDA1CE07D175EC293150A7E:1", "20FFB975547F6A33C2882CFF8CE2BC49720:1" ]) with HTTMock(mock): self.assertEqual(is_password_pwned(password), (False, 0))
Example #13
Source File: From firepwned with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_detects_pwned_password(self): password = "password" hash = hashlib.sha1(bytes(password, "utf8")).hexdigest() hash_prefix = hash[0:PREFIX_LEN] hash_suffix = hash[PREFIX_LEN:] @urlmatch(scheme='https', netloc=r'', path=r'/range/' + hash_prefix) def mock(url, request): return "\n".join([ "1D72CD07550416C216D8AD296BF5C0AE8E0:9", "1E2AAA439972480CEC7F16C795BBB429372:1", "1E3687A61BFCE35F69B7408158101C8E414:1", "%s:%s" % (hash_suffix.upper(), "100"), "20597F5AC10A2F67701B4AD1D3A09F72250:3", "20AEBCE40E55EDA1CE07D175EC293150A7E:1", "20FFB975547F6A33C2882CFF8CE2BC49720:1" ]) with HTTMock(mock): self.assertEqual(is_password_pwned(password), (True, 100))
Example #14
Source File: From wechatpy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_iter_tag_users(self): @urlmatch(netloc=r"(.*\.)?api\.weixin\.qq\.com$", path=r".*user/tag/get") def next_openid_mock(url, request): """伪造第二页的请求""" data = json.loads(request.body.decode()) if not data.get("next_openid"): return wechat_api_mock(url, request) # 根据拿到的第二页请求响应 是没有data和next_openid的 content = {"count": 0} headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} return response(200, content, headers, request=request) with HTTMock(next_openid_mock, wechat_api_mock): users = list(self.client.tag.iter_tag_users(101)) self.assertEqual(2, len(users)) self.assertIn("OPENID1", users) self.assertIn("OPENID2", users)
Example #15
Source File: From satori with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_process_single_event(self): from main import process_single_event from httmock import response, HTTMock, urlmatch @urlmatch(netloc=r'(|') def response_content(url, request): print(url) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} if url.netloc == '': return response(200, '{}', headers) elif url.netloc == '': return response(200, '{"code": 0}', headers) else: raise Exception('Meh!') with HTTMock(response_content): process_single_event(alarm_example)
Example #16
Source File: From refstack-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_post_results_with_sign(self): """ Test the post_results method, ensuring a requests call is made. """ argv = self.mock_argv(command='upload', priv_key='rsa_key') argv.append('fake.json') args = rc.parse_cli_args(argv) client = rc.RefstackClient(args) = MagicMock() content = {'duration_seconds': 0, 'cpid': 'test-id', 'results': [{'name': 'tempest.passed.test'}]} expected_response = json.dumps({'test_id': 42}) @httmock.urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?$', path='/v1/results/') def refstack_api_mock(url, request): return expected_response with httmock.HTTMock(refstack_api_mock): rsapath = os.path.join(self.test_path, 'rsa_key') client.post_results("", content, sign_with=rsapath) ' Response: %s' % expected_response)
Example #17
Source File: From endpoints-management-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_supply_jwks(self): rsa_key = PublicKey.RSA.generate(2048) jwks = jwk.KEYS() jwks.wrap_add(rsa_key) scheme = u"https" issuer = u"" = scheme + u"://" + issuer @httmock.urlmatch(scheme=scheme, netloc=issuer) def _mock_response_with_jwks(url, response): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return jwks.dump_jwks() with httmock.HTTMock(_mock_response_with_jwks): actual_jwks = self.assertEquals(1, len(actual_jwks)) actual_key = actual_jwks[0].key self.assertEquals(rsa_key.n, actual_key.n) self.assertEquals(rsa_key.e, actual_key.e)
Example #18
Source File: From refstack-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_yield_results(self): """ Test the yield_results method, ensuring that results are retrieved. """ args = rc.parse_cli_args(self.mock_argv(command='list')) client = rc.RefstackClient(args) expected_response = { "pagination": { "current_page": 1, "total_pages": 1 }, "results": [ { "cpid": "42", "created_at": "2015-04-28 13:57:05", "test_id": "1", "url": "" }, { "cpid": "42", "created_at": "2015-04-28 13:57:05", "test_id": "2", "url": "" }]} @httmock.urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?$', path='/v1/results/') def refstack_api_mock(url, request): return json.dumps(expected_response) with httmock.HTTMock(refstack_api_mock): results = client.yield_results("") self.assertEqual(expected_response['results'], next(results)) # Since Python3.7 StopIteration exceptions are transformed into # RuntimeError (PEP 479): # self.assertRaises((StopIteration, RuntimeError), next, results)
Example #19
Source File: From firepwned with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_api_error(self): @urlmatch(scheme='https', netloc=r'', path=r'/range/.*') def mock(url, request): return { 'status_code': 503 } with HTTMock(mock): self.assertRaises(Exception, is_password_pwned, "password")
Example #20
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_validate_github(github_validator, app): url_hit = [False, False] @urlmatch(netloc=r"somehost") def handler(url, request): url_hit[0] = True return {"status_code": 200, "content": "", "headers": {"X-GitHub-Request-Id": "foo"}} @urlmatch(netloc=r"somehost", path=r"/api/v3/applications/foo/tokens/foo") def app_handler(url, request): url_hit[1] = True return {"status_code": 404, "content": "", "headers": {"X-GitHub-Request-Id": "foo"}} with HTTMock(app_handler, handler): unvalidated_config = ValidatorContext( { github_validator.config_key: { "GITHUB_ENDPOINT": "http://somehost", "CLIENT_ID": "foo", "CLIENT_SECRET": "bar", }, } ) unvalidated_config.http_client = build_requests_session() github_validator.validate(unvalidated_config) assert url_hit[0] assert url_hit[1]
Example #21
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_validate_oidc_login(app): url_hit = [False] @urlmatch(netloc=r"someserver", path=r"/\.well-known/openid-configuration") def handler(_, __): url_hit[0] = True data = { "token_endpoint": "foobar", } return {"status_code": 200, "content": json.dumps(data)} with HTTMock(handler): validator = OIDCLoginValidator() unvalidated_config = ValidatorContext( { "SOMETHING_LOGIN_CONFIG": { "CLIENT_ID": "foo", "CLIENT_SECRET": "bar", "OIDC_SERVER": "http://someserver", "DEBUGGING": True, # Allows for HTTP. }, } ) unvalidated_config.http_client = build_requests_session() validator.validate(unvalidated_config) assert url_hit[0]
Example #22
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_notifications(method, method_config, netloc, initialized_db): url_hit = [False] @urlmatch(netloc=netloc) def url_handler(_, __): url_hit[0] = True return "" mock = Mock() def get_mock(*args, **kwargs): return mock with patch("notifications.notificationmethod.Message", get_mock): with HTTMock(url_handler): # Add a basic build notification. notification_uuid = model.create_notification_for_testing( "public", method_name=method.method_name(), method_config=method_config ) event_data = RepoPushEvent().get_sample_data("devtable", "simple", {}) # Fire off the queue processing. worker = NotificationWorker(None) worker.process_queue_item( { "notification_uuid": notification_uuid, "event_data": event_data, "performer_data": {}, } ) if netloc is not None: assert url_hit[0]
Example #23
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_export_logs_failure(initialized_db): # Make all uploads fail. test_storage.put_content("local_us", "except_upload", b"true") repo = model.repository.get_repository("devtable", "simple") user = model.user.get_user("devtable") worker = ExportActionLogsWorker(None) called = [{}] @urlmatch(netloc=r"testcallback") def handle_request(url, request): called[0] = json.loads(request.body) return {"status_code": 200, "content": "{}"} def format_date(datetime): return datetime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") now = with HTTMock(handle_request): with pytest.raises(IOError): worker._process_queue_item( { "export_id": "someid", "repository_id":, "namespace_id":, "namespace_name": "devtable", "repository_name": "simple", "start_time": format_date(now + timedelta(days=-10)), "end_time": format_date(now + timedelta(days=10)), "callback_url": "http://testcallback/", "callback_email": None, }, test_storage, ) test_storage.remove("local_us", "except_upload") assert called[0] assert called[0]["export_id"] == "someid" assert called[0]["status"] == "failed"
Example #24
Source File: From python-keycloak with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_raw_post(self): @urlmatch(path="/known_path", method="post") def response_post_success(url, request): headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} content = 'response'.encode("utf-8") return response(201, content, headers, None, 5, request) with HTTMock(response_post_success): resp = self._conn.raw_post("/known_path", {'field': 'value'}) self.assertEqual(resp.content, b'response') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 201)
Example #25
Source File: From python-keycloak with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_raw_put(self): @urlmatch(netloc="localhost", path="/known_path", method="put") def response_put_success(url, request): headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} content = 'response'.encode("utf-8") return response(200, content, headers, None, 5, request) with HTTMock(response_put_success): resp = self._conn.raw_put("/known_path", {'field': 'value'}) self.assertEqual(resp.content, b'response') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200)
Example #26
Source File: From python-keycloak with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_raw_get_fail(self): @urlmatch(netloc="localhost", path="/known_path", method="get") def response_get_fail(url, request): headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} content = "404 page not found".encode("utf-8") return response(404, content, headers, None, 5, request) with HTTMock(response_get_fail): resp = self._conn.raw_get("/known_path") self.assertEqual(resp.content, b"404 page not found") self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 404)
Example #27
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def emptykeys_jwks_handler(): @urlmatch(netloc=r"fakeoidc", path=r"/jwks") def handler(_, __): content = {"keys": []} return {"status_code": 200, "content": json.dumps(content)} return handler
Example #28
Source File: From python-keycloak with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_raw_post_fail(self): @urlmatch(netloc="localhost", path="/known_path", method="post") def response_post_fail(url, request): headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} content = str(["Start can't be blank"]).encode("utf-8") return response(404, content, headers, None, 5, request) with HTTMock(response_post_fail): resp = self._conn.raw_post("/known_path", {'field': 'value'}) self.assertEqual(resp.content, str(["Start can't be blank"]).encode("utf-8")) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 404)
Example #29
Source File: From python-keycloak with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_raw_put_fail(self): @urlmatch(netloc="localhost", path="/known_path", method="put") def response_put_fail(url, request): headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} content = str(["Start can't be blank"]).encode("utf-8") return response(404, content, headers, None, 5, request) with HTTMock(response_put_fail): resp = self._conn.raw_put("/known_path", {'field': 'value'}) self.assertEqual(resp.content, str(["Start can't be blank"]).encode("utf-8")) self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 404)
Example #30
Source File: From refstack-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_get_cpid_from_keystone_failure_handled(self): """Test that get cpid from keystone API failure handled.""" args = rc.parse_cli_args(self.mock_argv()) client = rc.RefstackClient(args) client.tempest_dir = self.test_path client._prep_test() client.logger.warning = MagicMock() client._generate_cpid_from_endpoint = MagicMock() client.conf.add_section('auth') client.conf.set('auth', 'test_accounts_file', '%s/test-accounts.yaml' % self.test_path) self.mock_data() accounts = [ { 'tenant_name': 'tenant_name', 'tenant_id': 'admin_tenant_id', 'password': 'test' } ] self.patch( 'refstack_client.refstack_client.read_accounts_yaml', return_value=accounts) configs = client._get_keystone_config(client.conf) auth_version, url, content = client._generate_keystone_data(configs) @httmock.urlmatch(netloc=r'(.*\.)?$', path='/v2/tokens') def keystone_api_mock(auth_version, url, request): return None with httmock.HTTMock(keystone_api_mock): client._get_cpid_from_keystone(auth_version, url, content) client._generate_cpid_from_endpoint.assert_called_with(url)