Python sanic.response.html() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sanic.response.html().
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Example #1
Source File: From swagger-ui-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _aiohttp_handler(self): from aiohttp import web async def swagger_doc_handler(request): return web.Response(text=self.doc_html, content_type='text/html') async def swagger_editor_handler(request): return web.Response(text=self.editor_html, content_type='text/html') async def swagger_config_handler(request): return web.json_response(self.get_config( self._app.router.add_get(self._uri(), swagger_doc_handler) self._app.router.add_get(self._uri('/'), swagger_doc_handler) if self._editor: self._app.router.add_get(self._uri('/editor'), swagger_editor_handler) self._app.router.add_get(self._uri('/swagger.json'), swagger_config_handler) self._app.router.add_static(self._uri('/'), path='{}/'.format(self.static_dir))
Example #2
Source File: From idom with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_same_origin_jupyter_display(driver, driver_wait, mount, server_url): clicked = idom.Var(False) @idom.element async def SimpleButton(self): @idom.event async def on_click(event): clicked.set(True) return idom.html.button( {"id": "simple-button", "onClick": on_click}, "click me same origin" ) mount(SimpleButton) driver.get(f"{server_url}/__test_jupyter_widget_client__") client_button = driver.find_element_by_id("simple-button") driver_wait.until(lambda d: clicked.get())
Example #3
Source File: From Apfell with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def apiui_command_help(request, user): template = env.get_template('apiui_command_help.html') if len(request.query_args) != 0: data = urllib.parse.unquote(request.query_args[0][1]) query = await db_model.payloadtype_query() try: payloadtype = await db_objects.get(query, ptype=data) except Exception as e: data = "" else: data = "" if use_ssl: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="https", ws="wss", config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time'], agent=data) else: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="http", ws="ws", config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time'], agent=data) return response.html(content) # add links to the routes in this file at the bottom
Example #4
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def add_session_to_request(request): # before each request initialize a session # using the client's request host = request.headers.get('host', None) user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent', None) if user_agent: user_ip = request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For')'user ip is: {}'.format(user_ip)) if user_ip in CONFIG.FORBIDDEN: return html("<h3>网站正在维护...</h3>") if CONFIG.VAL_HOST == 'true': if not host or host not in CONFIG.HOST: return redirect('') if CONFIG.WEBSITE['IS_RUNNING']: await else: return html("<h3>网站正在维护...</h3>") else: return html("<h3>网站正在维护...</h3>")
Example #5
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def chapter(request): """ 返回小说章节目录页 : content_url 这决定当前U页面url的生成方式 : url 章节目录页源url : novels_name 小说名称 :return: 小说章节内容页 """ url = request.args.get('url', None) novels_name = request.args.get('novels_name', None) netloc = get_netloc(url) if netloc not in RULES.keys(): return redirect(url) if netloc in REPLACE_RULES.keys(): url = url.replace(REPLACE_RULES[netloc]['old'], REPLACE_RULES[netloc]['new']) content_url = RULES[netloc].content_url content = await cache_owllook_novels_chapter(url=url, netloc=netloc) if content: content = str(content).strip('[],, Jjs').replace(', ', '').replace('onerror', '').replace('js', '').replace( '加入书架', '') return template( 'chapter.html', novels_name=novels_name, url=url, content_url=content_url, soup=content) else: return text('解析失败,请将失败页面反馈给本站,请重新刷新一次,或者访问源网页:{url}'.format(url=url))
Example #6
Source File: From swagger-ui-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _sanic_handler(self): from sanic import response from sanic.blueprints import Blueprint swagger_blueprint = Blueprint('swagger_blueprint', url_prefix=self._url_prefix) @swagger_blueprint.get('/') async def swagger_blueprint_doc_handler(request): return response.html(self.doc_html) if self._editor: @swagger_blueprint.get('/editor') async def swagger_blueprint_editor_handler(request): return response.html(self.editor_html) @swagger_blueprint.get('/swagger.json') async def swagger_blueprint_config_handler(request): return response.json(self.get_config( swagger_blueprint.static('/', str(self.static_dir)) self._app.blueprint(swagger_blueprint)
Example #7
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def owllook_register(request): """ 用户登录 :param request: :return: : -1 用户名或密码不能为空 : 0 用户名或密码错误 : 1 登陆成功 """ user = request['session'].get('user', None) if user: return redirect('/') else: ver_que_ans = ver_question() if ver_que_ans: request['session']['index'] = ver_que_ans return template( 'register.html', title='owllook - 注册 - 网络小说搜索引擎', question=ver_que_ans[1] ) else: return redirect('/')
Example #8
Source File: From swagger-ui-py with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, app, app_type=None, config_path=None, config_url=None, url_prefix='/api/doc', title='API doc', editor=False): self._app = app self._title = title self._url_prefix = url_prefix.rstrip('/') self._config_url = config_url self._config_path = config_path self._editor = editor assert self._config_url or self._config_path, 'config_url or config_path is required!' self._env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(str(CURRENT_DIR.joinpath('templates'))), autoescape=select_autoescape(['html']) ) if app_type and hasattr(self, '_{}_handler'.format(app_type)): getattr(self, '_{}_handler'.format(app_type))() else: self._auto_match_handler()
Example #9
Source File: From sanic-cors with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_exception(request): ''' Since the path matches the regular expression r'/api/*', this resource automatically has CORS headers set. Browsers will first make a preflight request to verify that the resource allows cross-origin POSTs with a JSON Content-Type, which can be simulated as: $ curl --include -X OPTIONS \ --header Access-Control-Request-Method:POST \ --header Access-Control-Request-Headers:Content-Type \ --header >> HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Allow: POST, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type Access-Control-Allow-Methods: DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT Content-Length: 0 Server: Werkzeug/0.9.6 Python/2.7.9 Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 22:25:22 GMT ''' raise Exception("example")
Example #10
Source File: From sanic-cors with MIT License | 6 votes |
def hello_world(request): ''' Since the path '/' does not match the regular expression r'/api/*', this route does not have CORS headers set. ''' return html(''' <html> <head></head> <body> <h1>Hello CORS!</h1> <h3> End to end editable example with jquery! </h3> <a class="jsbin-embed" href=",console">JS Bin on</a> <script src="//"></script> </body> </html> ''')
Example #11
Source File: From sanic-jwt with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_redirect_without_url(app): sanic_app, sanic_jwt = app @sanic_app.route("/index.html") def index(request): return html("<html><body>Home</body></html>") @sanic_app.route("/protected/static") @sanic_jwt.protected(redirect_on_fail=True) async def my_protected_static(request): return text("", status=200) request, response = sanic_app.test_client.get("/protected/static") assert response.status == 200 assert response.body == b'<html><body>Home</body></html>' assert response.history assert response.history[0].status_code == 302
Example #12
Source File: From Apfell with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def settings(request, user): template = env.get_template('settings.html') try: query = await db_model.operator_query() operator = await db_objects.get(query, username=user['username']) op_json = operator.to_json() del op_json['ui_config'] if use_ssl: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="https", ws="wss", op=op_json, config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time']) else: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="http", ws="ws", op=op_json, config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time']) return response.html(content) except Exception as e: print(e) return json({'status': 'error', 'error': 'Failed to find operator'})
Example #13
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def feedback(request): return template('feedback.html')
Example #14
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def lcxs(request): user = request['session'].get('user', None) if user: return template('admin_lcxs.html', is_login=1, user=user) else: return redirect('/')
Example #15
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def index(request): user = request['session'].get('user', None) search_ranking = await cache_owllook_search_ranking() if user: return template('index.html', title='owllook - 网络小说搜索引擎', is_login=1, user=user, search_ranking=search_ranking[:25]) else: return template('index.html', title='owllook - 网络小说搜索引擎', is_login=0, search_ranking=search_ranking[:25])
Example #16
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def template(tpl, **kwargs): template = env.get_template(tpl) return html(template.render(kwargs))
Example #17
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def template(tpl, **kwargs): template = env.get_template(tpl) return html(template.render(kwargs))
Example #18
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def template(tpl, **kwargs): template = env.get_template(tpl) return html(template.render(kwargs))
Example #19
Source File: From postile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def preview(request): """build and return a preview page """ if app.debug: template = jinja_env.get_template('index-debug.html') else: template = jinja_env.get_template('index.html') html_content = template.render(, scheme=request.scheme) return response.html(html_content)
Example #20
Source File: From hproxy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def api_html(request): url = request.args.get('url') # TODO ajax = request.args.get('ajax', 0) foreign = request.args.get('foreign', 0) if url: speed, res_dict = await get_random_proxy(request) try: proxy = res_dict.get('proxy') html_res = await request_url_by_aiohttp(url=url, proxy='http://' + proxy) if html_res: return json({ 'status': 1, 'info': { 'html': html_res, 'proxy': proxy }, 'msg': 'success' }) else: return json({ 'status': -1, 'info': { 'proxy': proxy, 'details': proxy }, 'msg': 'Crawling failed!' }) except: return json({ 'status': -1, 'msg': 'Crawling failed!' }) else: return json({ 'status': -1, 'msg': 'URL is required' })
Example #21
Source File: From owllook with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def bookmarks(request): user = request['session'].get('user', None) if user: try: motor_db = motor_base.get_db() data = await motor_db.user_message.find_one({'user': user}) if data: # 获取所有书签 bookmarks = data.get('bookmarks', None) if bookmarks: result = [] for i in bookmarks: item_result = {} bookmark = i.get('bookmark', None) query = parse_qs(urlparse(bookmark).query) item_result['novels_name'] = query.get('novels_name', '')[0] if query.get('novels_name', '') else '' item_result['chapter_name'] = query.get( 'name', '')[0] if query.get('name', '') else '' item_result['chapter_url'] = query.get('chapter_url', '')[0] if query.get('chapter_url', '') else '' item_result['bookmark'] = bookmark item_result['add_time'] = i.get('add_time', '') result.append(item_result) return template('admin_bookmarks.html', title='{user}的书签 - owllook'.format(user=user), is_login=1, user=user, is_bookmark=1, result=result[::-1]) return template('admin_bookmarks.html', title='{user}的书签 - owllook'.format(user=user), is_login=1, user=user, is_bookmark=0) except Exception as e: LOGGER.error(e) return redirect('/') else: return redirect('/')
Example #22
Source File: From idom with MIT License | 5 votes |
def application(application): @application.route("/__test_jupyter_widget_client__") async def jupyter_widget_client(request): widget = JupyterDisplay() return response.html(widget._repr_html_()) return application
Example #23
Source File: From python-socketio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(request): with open('latency.html') as f: return html(
Example #24
Source File: From python-socketio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(request): with open('app.html') as f: return html(
Example #25
Source File: From chrome-prerender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _render(prerender: Prerender, url: str, format: str = 'html', proxy: str = '') -> str: '''Retry once after TemporaryBrowserFailure occurred.''' for i in range(2): try: return await prerender.render(url, format, proxy) except (TemporaryBrowserFailure, asyncio.TimeoutError) as e: if i < 1: logger.warning('Temporary browser failure: %s, retry rendering %s in 1s', str(e), url) await asyncio.sleep(1) continue raise
Example #26
Source File: From chrome-prerender with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _save_to_cache(key: str, data: bytes, format: str = 'html') -> None: try: cache.set(key, data, CACHE_LIVE_TIME, format) except Exception: logger.exception('Error writing cache') if sentry: sentry.captureException()
Example #27
Source File: From annotated-py-projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test(request): data = request.json return html(template.render(**data)) # 模板页面渲染
Example #28
Source File: From Apfell with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def instantiate_c2profile(request, user): template = env.get_template('instantiate_c2profile.html') if use_ssl: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="https", ws="wss", config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time']) else: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="http", ws="ws", config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time']) return response.html(content)
Example #29
Source File: From Apfell with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def payloads_creation(request, user): template = env.get_template('payloads_creation.html') if use_ssl: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="https", ws="wss", config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time']) else: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="http", ws="ws", config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time']) return response.html(content)
Example #30
Source File: From Apfell with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def services_host_file(request, user): template = env.get_template('services_host_file.html') if use_ssl: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="https", ws="wss", config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time']) else: content = template.render(links=await respect_pivot(links, request), name=user['username'], http="http", ws="ws", config=user['ui_config'], view_utc_time=user['view_utc_time']) return response.html(content) # add links to the routes in this file at the bottom