Python numpy.isfinite() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.isfinite().
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Example #1
Source File: From aospy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_load_variable_mask_and_scale(load_variable_data_loader): def convert_all_to_missing_val(ds, **kwargs): ds['condensation_rain'] = 0. * ds['condensation_rain'] + 1.0e20 ds['condensation_rain'].attrs['_FillValue'] = 1.0e20 return ds load_variable_data_loader.preprocess_func = convert_all_to_missing_val data = load_variable_data_loader.load_variable( condensation_rain, DatetimeNoLeap(5, 1, 1), DatetimeNoLeap(5, 12, 31), intvl_in='monthly') num_non_missing = np.isfinite(data).sum().item() expected_num_non_missing = 0 assert num_non_missing == expected_num_non_missing
Example #2
Source File: From pymoo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _initialize(self): super()._initialize() # Clip initial guess to bounds (SLSQP may fail with bounds-infeasible initial point) x = asfarray(self.x0.X.flatten()) xl, xu = self.problem.bounds() have_bound = np.isfinite(xl) x[have_bound] = np.clip(x[have_bound], xl[have_bound], np.inf) have_bound = np.isfinite(xu) x[have_bound] = np.clip(x[have_bound], -np.inf, xu[have_bound]) self.D["X"] = x self.pop = Population() self._eval_obj() self._eval_grad() self._update() self._call() self.major = True
Example #3
Source File: From PoseWarper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _sanitize_dists(self, dists): """Replace invalid distances.""" dists = np.copy(dists) # Note there is an issue in scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment where # it runs forever if an entire row/column is infinite or nan. We therefore # make a copy of the distance matrix and compute a safe value that indicates # 'cannot assign'. Also note + 1 is necessary in below inv-dist computation # to make invdist bigger than max dist in case max dist is zero. valid_dists = dists[np.isfinite(dists)] INVDIST = 2 * valid_dists.max() + 1 if valid_dists.shape[0] > 0 else 1. dists[~np.isfinite(dists)] = INVDIST return dists, INVDIST
Example #4
Source File: From RLTrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _reward(self): reward = self.reward_strategy.get_reward(current_step=self.current_step, current_price=self._current_price, observations=self.observations, account_history=self.account_history, net_worths=self.net_worths) reward = float(reward) if np.isfinite(float(reward)) else 0 self.rewards.append(reward) if self.stationarize_rewards: rewards = difference(self.rewards, inplace=False) else: rewards = self.rewards if self.normalize_rewards: mean_normalize(rewards, inplace=True) rewards = np.array(rewards).flatten() return float(rewards[-1])
Example #5
Source File: From risk-slim with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _check_rep(self): #name assert isinstance(self._name, str) assert len(self._name) >= 1 #bounds assert np.isfinite(self.ub) assert np.isfinite( assert self.ub >= # value assert self._vtype in self._VALID_TYPES assert np.isnan(self.c0) or (self.c0 >= 0.0 and np.isfinite(self.c0)) return True
Example #6
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_generic(self): with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): vals = nan_to_num(np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0.) assert_all(vals[0] < -1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[0])) assert_(vals[1] == 0) assert_all(vals[2] > 1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[2])) assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray) # perform the same test but in-place with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): vals = np.array((-1., 0, 1))/0. result = nan_to_num(vals, copy=False) assert_(result is vals) assert_all(vals[0] < -1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[0])) assert_(vals[1] == 0) assert_all(vals[2] > 1e10) and assert_all(np.isfinite(vals[2])) assert_equal(type(vals), np.ndarray)
Example #7
Source File: From me-ica with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def _check_maxexp(np_type, maxexp): """ True if fp type `np_type` seems to have `maxexp` maximum exponent We're testing "maxexp" as returned by numpy. This value is set to one greater than the maximum power of 2 that `np_type` can represent. Assumes base 2 representation. Very crude check Parameters ---------- np_type : numpy type specifier Any specifier for a numpy dtype maxexp : int Maximum exponent to test against Returns ------- tf : bool True if `maxexp` is the correct maximum exponent, False otherwise. """ dt = np.dtype(np_type) np_type = dt.type two = np_type(2).reshape((1,)) # to avoid upcasting return (np.isfinite(two ** (maxexp - 1)) and not np.isfinite(two ** maxexp))
Example #8
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _convert_observ(self, observ): """Convert the observation to 32 bits. Args: observ: Numpy observation. Raises: ValueError: Observation contains infinite values. Returns: Numpy observation with 32-bit data type. """ if not np.isfinite(observ).all(): raise ValueError('Infinite observation encountered.') if observ.dtype == np.float64: return observ.astype(np.float32) if observ.dtype == np.int64: return observ.astype(np.int32) return observ
Example #9
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def _convert_observ(self, observ): """Convert the observation to 32 bits. Args: observ: Numpy observation. Raises: ValueError: Observation contains infinite values. Returns: Numpy observation with 32-bit data type. """ if not np.isfinite(observ).all(): raise ValueError('Infinite observation encountered.') if observ.dtype == np.float64: return observ.astype(np.float32) if observ.dtype == np.int64: return observ.astype(np.int32) return observ
Example #10
Source File: From NTFLib with MIT License | 6 votes |
def beta_divergence(x_indices, x_vals, beta, A, B, C): """Computes the total beta-divergence between the current model and a sparse X """ rank = len(x_indices[0]) b_vals = np.zeros(x_vals.shape, dtype=np.float32) parafac_sparse(x_indices, b_vals, A, B, C) a, b = x_vals, b_vals idx = np.isfinite(a) idx &= np.isfinite(b) idx &= a > 0 idx &= b > 0 a = a[idx] b = b[idx] if beta == 0: return a / b - np.log(a / b) - 1 if beta == 1: return a * (np.log(a) - np.log(b)) + b - a return (1. / beta / (beta - 1.) * (a ** beta + (beta - 1.) * b ** beta - beta * a * b ** (beta - 1)))
Example #11
Source File: From soccer-matlab with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def calc_state(self): self.theta, theta_dot = self.j1.current_position() x, vx = self.slider.current_position() assert( np.isfinite(x) ) if not np.isfinite(x): print("x is inf") x = 0 if not np.isfinite(vx): print("vx is inf") vx = 0 if not np.isfinite(self.theta): print("theta is inf") self.theta = 0 if not np.isfinite(theta_dot): print("theta_dot is inf") theta_dot = 0 return np.array([ x, vx, np.cos(self.theta), np.sin(self.theta), theta_dot ])
Example #12
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_nans_infs(self): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): # Check some of the ufuncs assert_equal(np.isnan(self.all_f16), np.isnan(self.all_f32)) assert_equal(np.isinf(self.all_f16), np.isinf(self.all_f32)) assert_equal(np.isfinite(self.all_f16), np.isfinite(self.all_f32)) assert_equal(np.signbit(self.all_f16), np.signbit(self.all_f32)) assert_equal(np.spacing(float16(65504)), np.inf) # Check comparisons of all values with NaN nan = float16(np.nan) assert_(not (self.all_f16 == nan).any()) assert_(not (nan == self.all_f16).any()) assert_((self.all_f16 != nan).all()) assert_((nan != self.all_f16).all()) assert_(not (self.all_f16 < nan).any()) assert_(not (nan < self.all_f16).any()) assert_(not (self.all_f16 <= nan).any()) assert_(not (nan <= self.all_f16).any()) assert_(not (self.all_f16 > nan).any()) assert_(not (nan > self.all_f16).any()) assert_(not (self.all_f16 >= nan).any()) assert_(not (nan >= self.all_f16).any())
Example #13
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_simple(self): assert_(np.isfinite(kaiser(1, 1.0))) assert_almost_equal(kaiser(0, 1.0), np.array([])) assert_almost_equal(kaiser(2, 1.0), np.array([0.78984831, 0.78984831])) assert_almost_equal(kaiser(5, 1.0), np.array([0.78984831, 0.94503323, 1., 0.94503323, 0.78984831])) assert_almost_equal(kaiser(5, 1.56789), np.array([0.58285404, 0.88409679, 1., 0.88409679, 0.58285404]))
Example #14
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __call__(self, x): if not np.isfinite(x): with errstate(invalid='ignore'): if np.isnan(x): sign = '+' if self.sign == '+' else '' ret = sign + _format_options['nanstr'] else: # isinf sign = '-' if x < 0 else '+' if self.sign == '+' else '' ret = sign + _format_options['infstr'] return ' '*(self.pad_left + self.pad_right + 1 - len(ret)) + ret if self.exp_format: return dragon4_scientific(x, precision=self.precision, unique=self.unique, trim=self.trim, sign=self.sign == '+', pad_left=self.pad_left, exp_digits=self.exp_size) else: return dragon4_positional(x, precision=self.precision, unique=self.unique, fractional=True, trim=self.trim, sign=self.sign == '+', pad_left=self.pad_left, pad_right=self.pad_right) # for back-compatibility, we keep the classes for each float type too
Example #15
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_vonmises_small(self): # check infinite loop, gh-4720 np.random.seed(self.seed) r = np.random.vonmises(mu=0., kappa=1.1e-8, size=10**6) np.testing.assert_(np.isfinite(r).all())
Example #16
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_stacked_singular(self): # Check behavior when only some of the stacked matrices are # singular np.random.seed(1234) A = np.random.rand(2, 2, 2, 2) A[0,0] = 0 A[1,1] = 0 for p in (None, 1, 2, 'fro', -1, -2): c = linalg.cond(A, p) assert_equal(c[0,0], np.inf) assert_equal(c[1,1], np.inf) assert_(np.isfinite(c[0,1])) assert_(np.isfinite(c[1,0]))
Example #17
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_complex_bad(self): with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): v = 1 + 1j v += np.array(0+1.j)/0. vals = nan_to_num(v) # !! This is actually (unexpectedly) zero assert_all(np.isfinite(vals)) assert_equal(type(vals), np.complex_)
Example #18
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_complex1(self): with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): assert_all(np.isfinite(np.array(1+1j)/0.) == 0)
Example #19
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_complex(self): assert_all(np.isfinite(1+1j) == 1)
Example #20
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_outer_edges(a, range): """ Determine the outer bin edges to use, from either the data or the range argument """ if range is not None: first_edge, last_edge = range if first_edge > last_edge: raise ValueError( 'max must be larger than min in range parameter.') if not (np.isfinite(first_edge) and np.isfinite(last_edge)): raise ValueError( "supplied range of [{}, {}] is not finite".format(first_edge, last_edge)) elif a.size == 0: # handle empty arrays. Can't determine range, so use 0-1. first_edge, last_edge = 0, 1 else: first_edge, last_edge = a.min(), a.max() if not (np.isfinite(first_edge) and np.isfinite(last_edge)): raise ValueError( "autodetected range of [{}, {}] is not finite".format(first_edge, last_edge)) # expand empty range to avoid divide by zero if first_edge == last_edge: first_edge = first_edge - 0.5 last_edge = last_edge + 0.5 return first_edge, last_edge
Example #21
Source File: From RLTrader with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _next_observation(self): self.current_ohlcv = self.data_provider.next_ohlcv() self.timestamps.append(pd.to_datetime(self.current_ohlcv.Date.item(), unit='s')) self.observations = self.observations.append(self.current_ohlcv, ignore_index=True) if self.stationarize_obs: observations = log_and_difference(self.observations, inplace=False) else: observations = self.observations if self.normalize_obs: observations = max_min_normalize(observations) obs = observations.values[-1] if self.stationarize_obs: scaled_history = log_and_difference(self.account_history, inplace=False) else: scaled_history = self.account_history if self.normalize_obs: scaled_history = max_min_normalize(scaled_history, inplace=False) obs = np.insert(obs, len(obs), scaled_history.values[-1], axis=0) obs = np.reshape(obs.astype('float16'), self.obs_shape) obs[np.bitwise_not(np.isfinite(obs))] = 0 return obs
Example #22
Source File: From recruit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_integer(self): assert_all(np.isfinite(1) == 1)
Example #23
Source File: From TGC-Designer-Tools with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def normalize_image(im): # Set Nans and Infs to minimum value finite_pixels = im[np.isfinite(im)] im[np.isnan(im)] = np.min(finite_pixels) # Limit outlier pixels # Use the median of valid pixels only to ensure that the contrast is good im = np.clip(im, 0.0, 3.5*np.median(finite_pixels)) # Scale from 0.0 to 1.0 min_value = np.min(im) max_value = np.max(im) return (im - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)
Example #24
Source File: From python-control with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def assert_array_almost_equal(x, y, ndigit=4): x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) try: if np.isfinite(x).any() and \ np.equal(np.isfinite(x), np.isfinite(y)).all() and \ np.equal(np.isnan(x), np.isnan(y)).all(): np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( x[np.isfinite(x)], y[np.isfinite(y)], ndigit) return except TypeError as e: print("Error", e, "with", x, "and", y) #raise e np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x, y, ndigit)
Example #25
Source File: From me-ica with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def _ftype4scaled_finite(tst_arr, slope, inter, direction='read', default=np.float32): """ Smallest float type for scaling of `tst_arr` that does not overflow """ assert direction in ('read', 'write') if not default in OK_FLOATS and default is np.longdouble: # Omitted longdouble return default def_ind = OK_FLOATS.index(default) # promote to arrays to avoid numpy scalar casting rules tst_arr = np.atleast_1d(tst_arr) slope = np.atleast_1d(slope) inter = np.atleast_1d(inter) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*overflow.*', RuntimeWarning) try: for ftype in OK_FLOATS[def_ind:]: tst_trans = tst_arr.copy() slope = slope.astype(ftype) inter = inter.astype(ftype) if direction == 'read': # as in reading of image from disk if slope != 1.0: tst_trans = tst_trans * slope if inter != 0.0: tst_trans = tst_trans + inter elif direction == 'write': if inter != 0.0: tst_trans = tst_trans - inter if slope != 1.0: tst_trans = tst_trans / slope if np.all(np.isfinite(tst_trans)): return ftype finally: warnings.filters.pop(0) raise ValueError('Overflow using highest floating point type')
Example #26
Source File: From me-ica with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def test_usable_binary128(): # Check for usable binary128 yes = have_binary128() exp_test = np.longdouble(2) ** 16383 assert_equal(yes, exp_test.dtype.itemsize == 16 and np.isfinite(exp_test) and _check_nmant(np.longdouble, 112))
Example #27
Source File: From me-ica with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def ulp(val=np.float64(1.0)): """ Return gap between `val` and nearest representable number of same type This is the value of a unit in the last place (ULP), and is similar in meaning to the MATLAB eps function. Parameters ---------- val : scalar, optional scalar value of any numpy type. Default is 1.0 (float64) Returns ------- ulp_val : scalar gap between `val` and nearest representable number of same type Notes ----- The wikipedia article on machine epsilon points out that the term *epsilon* can be used in the sense of a unit in the last place (ULP), or as the maximum relative rounding error. The MATLAB ``eps`` function uses the ULP meaning, but this function is ``ulp`` rather than ``eps`` to avoid confusion between different meanings of *eps*. """ val = np.array(val) if not np.isfinite(val): return np.nan if val.dtype.kind in 'iu': return 1 aval = np.abs(val) info = type_info(val.dtype) fl2 = floor_log2(aval) if fl2 is None or fl2 < info['minexp']: # subnormal fl2 = info['minexp'] # 'nmant' value does not include implicit first bit return 2**(fl2 - info['nmant'])
Example #28
Source File: From risk-slim with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def c0(self, value): if np.isnan(value): self._c0 = float('nan') else: assert np.isfinite(value), 'L0 penalty for %s must either be NaN or a finite positive number' % self._name assert value >= 0.0, 'L0 penalty for %s must either be NaN or a finite positive number' % self._name self._c0 = float(value)
Example #29
Source File: From NeuroKit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_eeg_add_channel(): raw = + "/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_raw.fif", preload=True) # len(channel) > len(raw) ecg1 = nk.ecg_simulate(length=170000) # sync_index_raw > sync_index_channel raw1 = nk.mne_channel_add(raw.copy(), ecg1, channel_type="ecg", sync_index_raw=100, sync_index_channel=0) df1 = raw1.to_data_frame() # test if the column of channel is added assert len(df1.columns) == 378 # test if the NaN is appended properly to the added channel to account for difference in distance between two signals sync_index_raw = 100 sync_index_channel = 0 for i in df1["Added_Channel"].head(abs(sync_index_channel - sync_index_raw)): assert np.isnan(i) assert np.isfinite(df1["Added_Channel"].iloc[abs(sync_index_channel - sync_index_raw)]) # len(channel) < len(raw) ecg2 = nk.ecg_simulate(length=166790) # sync_index_raw < sync_index_channel raw2 = nk.mne_channel_add(raw.copy(), ecg2, channel_type="ecg", sync_index_raw=0, sync_index_channel=100) df2 = raw2.to_data_frame() # test if the column of channel is added assert len(df2.columns) == 378 # test if the NaN is appended properly to the added channel to account for difference in distance between two signals + difference in length sync_index_raw = 0 sync_index_channel = 100 for i in df2["Added_Channel"].tail(abs(sync_index_channel - sync_index_raw) + (len(raw) - len(ecg2))): assert np.isnan(i) assert np.isfinite( df2["Added_Channel"].iloc[-abs(sync_index_channel - sync_index_raw) - (len(raw) - len(ecg2)) - 1] )
Example #30
Source File: From EarthSim with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _process(self, element, key=None): try: import cv2 as cv except: # HACK: Avoids error loading OpenCV the first time # ImportError dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS try: import cv2 as cv except ImportError: raise ImportError('GrabCut algorithm requires openCV') if isinstance(self.p.foreground, hv.Polygons): rasterize_op = rasterize_polygon else: rasterize_op = rasterize.instance(aggregator=ds.any()) kwargs = {'dynamic': False, 'target': element} fg_mask = rasterize_op(self.p.foreground, **kwargs) bg_mask = rasterize_op(self.p.background, **kwargs) fg_mask = fg_mask.dimension_values(2, flat=False) bg_mask = bg_mask.dimension_values(2, flat=False) if fg_mask[np.isfinite(fg_mask)].sum() == 0 or bg_mask[np.isfinite(bg_mask)].sum() == 0: return element.clone([], vdims=['Foreground'], new_type=gv.Image, mask = np.where(fg_mask, 1, 2) mask = np.where(bg_mask, 0, mask).copy() bgdModel = np.zeros((1,65), np.float64) fgdModel = np.zeros((1,65), np.float64) if isinstance(element, hv.RGB): img = np.dstack([element.dimension_values(d, flat=False) for d in element.vdims]) else: img = element.dimension_values(2, flat=False) mask, _, _ = cv.grabCut(img, mask.astype('uint8'), None, bgdModel, fgdModel, self.p.iterations, cv.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK) fg_mask = np.where((mask==2)|(mask==0),0,1).astype('bool') xs, ys = (element.dimension_values(d, expanded=False) for d in element.kdims) return element.clone((xs, ys, fg_mask), vdims=['Foreground'], new_type=gv.Image,