Python unicodecsv.DictWriter() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of unicodecsv.DictWriter().
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Example #1
Source File: From pdfplumber with MIT License | 6 votes |
def to_csv(pdf, types, encoding): objs = [] fields = set() for t in types: new_objs = getattr(pdf, t + "s") if len(new_objs): objs += new_objs fields = fields.union(set(new_objs[0].keys())) first_columns = [ "object_type", "page_number", "x0", "x1", "y0", "y1", "doctop", "top", "bottom", "width", "height" ] cols = first_columns + list(sorted(set(fields) - set(first_columns))) stdout = (sys.stdout.buffer if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 else sys.stdout) w = unicodecsv.DictWriter(stdout, fieldnames=cols, encoding=encoding) w.writeheader() w.writerows(objs)
Example #2
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def convert_data_dict_to_csv(tdata, extra_fields=None): ''' Convert dict format data from get_table_data into CSV file content, as a string. If extra_fields is not None, then add data from extra_fields to each row. This can be used, e.g. for adding course_id to a table missing that field. ''' import unicodecsv as csv from StringIO import StringIO sfp = StringIO() extra_fields = extra_fields or {} fields = extra_fields.keys() fields += tdata['field_names'] dw = csv.DictWriter(sfp, fieldnames=fields) dw.writeheader() for row in tdata['data']: row.update(extra_fields) dw.writerow(row) return sfp.getvalue()
Example #3
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def cleanup_rows_from_grade_persistent(csvfn, tempfn, field_to_fix="passed_timestamp"): """ Removes the null values from grades_persistentcoursegrade.csv.gz. The function also fixes course ids by changing them from their edX URL format to their usual format. For instance, course-v1:MITx+STL.162x+2T2017 should be MITx/STL.162x/2T2017. This operation permanently modifies the CSV. :param csvfn: The path of the csv.gz to be modified :param tempfn: The path of the temporary csv.gz :type csvfn: str :type tempfn: str """ with, "r") as open_csv: csv_dict = csv.DictReader(open_csv) with, "w+") as write_csv_file: write_csv = csv.DictWriter(write_csv_file, fieldnames=csv_dict.fieldnames) write_csv.writeheader() for row in csv_dict: row_dict = remove_nulls_from_row(row, field_to_fix) row_dict = fix_course_ids(row_dict) write_csv.writerow(row_dict) os.rename(tempfn, csvfn)
Example #4
Source File: From oadoi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def save_repo_request_rows(rows): with open('out.csv','wb') as f: w = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=RepoRequest.list_fieldnames(), encoding='utf-8-sig') for row in rows[1:]: # skip header row my_repo_request = RepoRequest() my_repo_request.set_id_seed(row[0]) column_num = 0 for fieldname in RepoRequest.list_fieldnames(): if fieldname != "id": setattr(my_repo_request, fieldname, row[column_num]) column_num += 1 w.writerow(my_repo_request.to_dict()) print u"adding repo request {}".format(my_repo_request) db.session.merge(my_repo_request) safe_commit(db)
Example #5
Source File: From salesforce-bulk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def next(self): row = next(self.source) self.buffer.truncate(0) if not self.csv: self.csv = csv.DictWriter(self.buffer, list(row.keys()), quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) self.add_header = True if self.add_header: if hasattr(self.csv, 'writeheader'): self.csv.writeheader() else: self.csv.writerow(dict((fn, fn) for fn in self.csv.fieldnames)) self.add_header = False self.csv.writerow(row) return
Example #6
Source File: From Python-Digital-Forensics-Cookbook with MIT License | 6 votes |
def unicode_csv_dict_writer_py2(data, header, output_directory, name=None): try: import unicodecsv except ImportError: print("[+] Install unicodecsv module before executing this" " function") sys.exit(1) if name is None: name = "output.csv" print("[+] Writing {} to {}".format(name, output_directory)) with open(os.path.join(output_directory, name), "wb") as csvfile: writer = unicodecsv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=header) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(data)
Example #7
Source File: From Python-Digital-Forensics-Cookbook with MIT License | 6 votes |
def unicode_csv_dict_writer(data, header, output_directory, name=None): try: import unicodecsv except ImportError: print("[+] Install unicodecsv module before executing this function") sys.exit(1) if name is None: name = "output.csv" print("[+] Writing {} to {}".format(name, output_directory)) with open(os.path.join(output_directory, name), "wb") as csvfile: writer = unicodecsv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=header) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(data)
Example #8
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_encode_error_dictwriter(self): fd = BytesIO() dw = csv.DictWriter(fd, ['col1'], encoding='cp1252', errors='xmlcharrefreplace') dw.writerow({'col1': chr(2604)}) self.assertEqual(fd.getvalue(), b'ਬ\r\n')
Example #9
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def rephrase_studentmodule_opaque_keys(fn_sm): ''' Generate rephrased studentmodule, with opaque key entries for module_id and course_id translated into traditional format. ''' fn_sm = path(fn_sm) orig_sm_fn = '%s/studentmodule_orig.csv.gz' % (fn_sm.dirname()) cmd = 'cp %s %s' % (fn_sm, orig_sm_fn) print " Running %s" % cmd sys.stdout.flush() os.system(cmd) ofp = openfile(fn_sm, 'w') smfp = openfile(orig_sm_fn) cdr = csv.DictReader(smfp) first = True for entry in cdr: if first: odw = csv.DictWriter(ofp, fieldnames=cdr.fieldnames) odw.writeheader() first = False fix_opaque_keys(entry, 'module_id') fix_opaque_keys(entry, 'course_id') odw.writerow(entry) ofp.close() print "Rephrased %s -> %s to convert opaque keys syntax to standard module_id and course_id format" % (orig_sm_fn, fn_sm) sys.stdout.flush() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #10
Source File: From jsoncsv with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_headers(self): self.csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(self.fout, self._headers) self.csv_writer.writeheader()
Example #11
Source File: From Learning-Python-for-Forensics-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def csv_writer(output_data, headers, output_dir, output_name): """ The csv_writer function uses the csv DictWriter module to write the list of dictionaries. The DictWriter can take a fieldnames argument, as a list, which represents the desired order of columns. :param output_data: The list of dictionaries containing embedded metadata. :param headers: A list of keys in the dictionary that represent the desired order of columns in the output. :param output_dir: The folder to write the output CSV to. :param output_name: The name of the output CSV. :return: """ msg = 'Writing ' + output_name + ' CSV output.' print('[+]', msg) out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, output_name) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: csvfile = open(out_file, "wb") elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: csvfile = open(out_file, "w", newline='', encoding='utf-8') with csvfile: # We use DictWriter instead of Writer to write # dictionaries to CSV. writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=headers) # Writerheader writes the header based on the supplied # headers object writer.writeheader() for dictionary in output_data: if dictionary: writer.writerow(dictionary)
Example #12
Source File: From Learning-Python-for-Forensics-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_csv(source, custodian_model): """ The write_csv function generates a CSV report from the Files table :param source: The output file path :param custodian_model: Peewee model instance for the custodian :return: None """ query = Files.custodian =='Writing CSV report') cols = [u'id', u'custodian', u'file_name', u'file_path', u'extension', u'file_size', u'ctime', u'mtime', u'atime', u'mode', u'inode'] with open(source, 'wb') as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, cols) csv_writer.writeheader() for counter, row in enumerate(query): csv_writer.writerow(row) if counter % 10000 == 0: logger.debug('{:,} lines written'.format(counter)) logger.debug('{:,} lines written'.format(counter))'CSV Report completed: ' + source)
Example #13
Source File: From Learning-Python-for-Forensics-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def csv_writer(data, outdir, name, headers, **kwargs): """ The csv_writer function writes WMI or process information to a CSV output file. :param data: The dictionary or list containing the data to write to the CSV file. :param outdir: The directory to write the CSV report to. :param name: the name of the output CSV file. :param headers: the CSV column headers. :return: Nothing. """ out_file = os.path.join(outdir, name) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: csvfile = open(out_file, "wb") elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: csvfile = open(out_file, "w", newline='', encoding='utf-8') if 'type' in kwargs: with csvfile: csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fields, extrasaction='ignore') csvwriter.writeheader() csvwriter.writerows([v for v in data.values()]) else: with csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile) csvwriter.writerow(headers) for row in data: csvwriter.writerow([row[x] for x in headers])
Example #14
Source File: From forseti-security with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_csv(resource_name, data, write_header=False): """Start the csv writing flow. Args: resource_name (str): The resource name. data (iterable): An iterable of data to be written to csv. write_header (bool): If True, write the header in the csv file. Yields: object: The CSV temporary file pointer. Raises: CSVFileError: If there was an error writing the CSV file. """ csv_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, extrasaction='ignore', fieldnames=CSV_FIELDNAME_MAP[resource_name]) if write_header: writer.writeheader() for row in data: # Not ready to send these data via CSV attachment as they break # across multiple columns. row.pop('inventory_data', None) writer.writerow(normalize_nested_dicts(row)) # This must be closed before returned for loading. csv_file.close() yield csv_file # Remove the csv file after loading. os.remove( except (OSError, csv.Error) as e: raise CSVFileError(resource_name, e)
Example #15
Source File: From amundsendatabuilder with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): # type: () -> None self._node_file_mapping = {} # type: Dict[Any, DictWriter] self._relation_file_mapping = {} # type: Dict[Any, DictWriter] self._closer = Closer()
Example #16
Source File: From EasY_HaCk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def csvify(rows): '''Expects a list of dictionaries and returns a CSV response.''' if not rows: csv_str = '' else: s = BytesIO() keys = rows[0].keys() dw = csv.DictWriter(s, keys) dw.writeheader() dw.writerows([dict(r) for r in rows]) csv_str = s.getvalue() return Response(csv_str, mimetype='text/csv')
Example #17
Source File: From core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def download_large_csv(params): """ Script to download large csv files to avoid uwsgi worker running out of memory. """ entries = int(params['limit']) params['csv'] = "true" params['bin'] = "true" params['limit'] = "100000" csv_file = open('accesslog.csv', 'w+') writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, ACCESS_LOG_FIELDS) writer.writeheader() unicode_err_count = 0 while entries > 0: print "{} entries left".format(entries) params['limit'] = str(min(entries, 100000)) report = AccessLogReport(params) rep = end_date = str(rep[-1]['timestamp']) for doc in rep[:-1]: entries = entries - 1 writer.writerow(doc) if len(rep) == 1: entries = 0 writer.writerow(rep[0]) if len(rep) < int(params['limit']) - 1: entries = 0 csv_file.flush() params['end_date'] = end_date print "Encountered unicode errors and skipped {} entries".format(unicode_err_count) csv_file.close()
Example #18
Source File: From core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def build_csv(self, filepath): csv_file = open(filepath, 'w+') writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, ACCESS_LOG_FIELDS) writer.writeheader() for doc in # Format timestamp as ISO UTC doc['timestamp'] = pytz.timezone('UTC').localize(doc['timestamp']).isoformat() # mongo_dict flattens dictionaries using a dot notation writer.writerow(util.mongo_dict(doc)) # Need to close and reopen file to flush buffer into file csv_file.close()
Example #19
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_unicode_header_dict(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = open(name, 'w+b') try: writer = csv.DictWriter(fileobj, fieldnames=[u"ñ", u"ö"]) writer.writeheader() self.assertEqual(fileobj.readline().decode('utf-8'), u"ñ,ö\r\n") finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #20
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_simple_dict(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = open(name, 'w+b') try: writer = csv.DictWriter(fileobj, fieldnames=["f1", "f2", "f3"]) writer.writeheader() self.assertEqual(fileobj.readline(), b"f1,f2,f3\r\n") writer.writerow({"f1": 10, "f3": "abc"}) fileobj.readline() # header self.assertEqual(, b"10,,abc\r\n") finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #21
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_write_no_fields(self): fileobj = BytesIO() self.assertRaises(TypeError, csv.DictWriter, fileobj)
Example #22
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def output_table(self): ''' output person_course table ''' fieldnames = self.the_dict_schema.keys() ofn = 'person_course.csv.gz' ofnj = 'person_course.json.gz' ofp = self.openfile(ofnj, 'w') ocsv = csv.DictWriter(self.openfile(ofn, 'w'), fieldnames=fieldnames) ocsv.writeheader() self.log("Writing output to %s and %s" % (ofn, ofnj)) # write JSON first - it's safer cnt = 0 for key, pcent in self.pctab.iteritems(): cnt += 1 check_schema(cnt, pcent, the_ds=self.the_dict_schema, coerce=True) ofp.write(json.dumps(pcent) + '\n') ofp.close() # now write CSV file (may have errors due to unicode) for key, pcent in self.pctab.iteritems(): if 0: # after switching to unicodecsv, don't do this try: if 'countryLabel' in pcent: if pcent['countryLabel'] == u'R\xe9union': pcent['countryLabel'] = 'Reunion' else: #pcent['countryLabel'] = pcent['countryLabel'].decode('utf8').encode('utf8') pcent['countryLabel'] = pcent['countryLabel'].encode('ascii', 'ignore') except Exception as err: self.log("Error handling country code unicode row=%s" % pcent) raise try: ocsv.writerow(pcent) except Exception as err: self.log("Error writing CSV output row=%s" % pcent) raise
Example #23
Source File: From panphon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def write_ipa_all(ipa_bases, ipa_all, all_segments, sort_order): with open(ipa_bases, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, encoding='utf-8') fieldnames = next(reader) with open(ipa_all, 'wb') as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, encoding='utf-8', fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writerow({k: k for k in fieldnames}) all_segments_list = sort_all_segments(sort_order, all_segments) for segment in all_segments_list: fields = copy.copy(segment.features) fields['ipa'] = segment.form writer.writerow(fields)
Example #24
Source File: From guiabolso2csv with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def csv_transactions(self, year, month, file_name): transactions = self.transactions(year, month) if len(transactions) == 0: warnings.warn('No transactions for the period ({}-{})'.format( year, month)) return with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=self.fieldnames, encoding='utf-8-sig') # add BOM to csv csv_writer.writeheader() csv_writer.writerows(transactions)
Example #25
Source File: From recon-ng with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def csvify(rows): '''Expects a list of dictionaries and returns a CSV response.''' if not rows: csv_str = '' else: s = BytesIO() keys = rows[0].keys() dw = csv.DictWriter(s, keys) dw.writeheader() dw.writerows([dict(r) for r in rows]) csv_str = s.getvalue() return Response(csv_str, mimetype='text/csv')
Example #26
Source File: From oadoi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_bq_to_local_file(temp_data_filename, bq_tablename, header=True): setup_bigquery_creds() client = bigquery.Client() (dataset_id, table_id) = bq_tablename.split(".") dataset_ref = client.dataset(dataset_id) table_ref = dataset_ref.table(table_id) table = client.get_table(table_ref) fieldnames = [ for schema in table.schema] query = ('SELECT * FROM `unpaywall-bhd.{}` '.format(bq_tablename)) query_job = client.query( query, # Location must match that of the dataset(s) referenced in the query. location='US') # API request - starts the query rows = list(query_job) with open(temp_data_filename, 'wb') as f: # delimiter workaround from writer = unicodecsv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter=str(u'\t').encode('utf-8')) if header: writer.writeheader() for row in rows: writer.writerow(dict(zip(fieldnames, row))) print('Saved {} rows from {}.'.format(len(rows), bq_tablename)) return fieldnames
Example #27
Source File: From 990-xml-reader with MIT License | 4 votes |
def to_csv(parsed_filing, object_id=None, standardizer=None, documentation=True, vd=None, outfilepath=None): if not vd: vd = VersionDocumentizer() stdout = getattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer', sys.stdout) if outfilepath: stdout = open(outfilepath, 'wb') # or 'wb' ? fieldnames = [] fieldnames = [ 'object_id', 'form', 'line_number', 'description', 'value', 'variable_name', 'xpath', 'in_group', 'group_name', 'group_index' ] writer = unicodecsv.DictWriter( stdout, fieldnames=fieldnames, encoding='utf-8', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL ) writer.writeheader() # this fails in python3? results = parsed_filing.get_result() if results: for result in results: for this_result in result['csv_line_array']: vardata = None try: vardata = standardizer.get_var(this_result['xpath']) except KeyError: pass if vardata: this_result['variable_name'] = vardata['db_table'] + "." + vardata['db_name'] raw_line_num = vd.get_line_number( this_result['xpath'], parsed_filing.get_version() ) this_result['line_number'] = debracket(raw_line_num) raw_description = vd.get_description( this_result['xpath'], parsed_filing.get_version() ) this_result['description'] = debracket(raw_description) this_result['form'] = this_result['xpath'].split("/")[1] this_result['object_id'] = object_id writer.writerow(this_result)
Example #28
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_stats_module_usage(course_id, basedir="X-Year-2-data-sql", datedir="2013-09-21", use_dataset_latest=False, ): ''' Get data from the stats_module_usage table, if it doesn't already exist as a local file. Compute it if necessary. ''' dataset = bqutil.course_id2dataset(course_id, use_dataset_latest=use_dataset_latest) sql = """ SELECT module_type, module_id, count(*) as ncount FROM [{dataset}.studentmodule] group by module_id, module_type order by module_id """.format(dataset=dataset) table = 'stats_module_usage' course_dir = find_course_sql_dir(course_id, basedir, datedir, use_dataset_latest) csvfn = course_dir / (table + ".csv") data = {} if csvfn.exists(): # read file into data structure for k in list(csv.DictReader(open(csvfn))): midfrag = tuple(k['module_id'].split('/')[-2:]) data[midfrag] = k else: # download if it is already computed, or recompute if needed bqdat = bqutil.get_bq_table(dataset, table, sql=sql) if bqdat is None: bqdat = {'data': []} fields = [ "module_type", "module_id", "ncount" ] fp = open(csvfn, 'w') cdw = csv.DictWriter(fp, fieldnames=fields) cdw.writeheader() for k in bqdat['data']: midfrag = tuple(k['module_id'].split('/')[-2:]) data[midfrag] = k try: k['module_id'] = k['module_id'].encode('utf8') cdw.writerow(k) except Exception as err: print "Error writing row %s, err=%s" % (k, str(err)) fp.close() print "[analyze_content] got %d lines of studentmodule usage data" % len(data) return data
Example #29
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def make_gp_table(course_id, basedir=None, datedir=None, use_dataset_latest=False, verbose=False, pin_date=None): if pin_date: datedir = pin_date sdir = load_course_sql.find_course_sql_dir(course_id, basedir=basedir, datedir=datedir, use_dataset_latest=(use_dataset_latest and not pin_date), ) fn_to_try = ['course.xml.tar.gz', 'course-prod-analytics.xml.tar.gz', 'course-prod-edge-analytics.xml.tar.gz', 'course-prod-edx-replica.xml.tar.gz', ] for fntt in fn_to_try: fn = sdir / fntt if os.path.exists(fn): break if not os.path.exists(fn): msg = "---> oops, cannot get couese content (with grading policy file) for %s, file %s (or 'course.xml.tar.gz' or 'course-prod-edge-analytics.xml.tar.gz') missing!" % (course_id, fn) raise Exception(msg) gpstr, gpfn = read_grading_policy_from_tar_file(fn) fields, gptab, schema = load_grading_policy(gpstr, verbose=verbose, gpfn=gpfn) ofnb = 'grading_policy.csv' ofn = sdir / ofnb ofp = open(ofn, 'w') cdw = csv.DictWriter(ofp, fieldnames=fields) cdw.writeheader() cdw.writerows(gptab) ofp.close() # upload to google storage gsdir = path(gsutil.gs_path_from_course_id(course_id, use_dataset_latest=use_dataset_latest)) gsutil.upload_file_to_gs(ofn, gsdir / ofnb, verbose=False) # import into BigQuery table = "grading_policy" dataset = bqutil.course_id2dataset(course_id, use_dataset_latest=use_dataset_latest) bqutil.load_data_to_table(dataset, table, gsdir / ofnb, schema, format='csv', skiprows=1)
Example #30
Source File: From amundsendatabuilder with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def _get_writer(self, csv_record_dict, # type: Dict[str, Any] file_mapping, # type: Dict[Any, DictWriter] key, # type: Any dir_path, # type: str file_suffix # type: str ): # type: (...) -> DictWriter """ Finds a writer based on csv record, key. If writer does not exist, it's creates a csv writer and update the mapping. :param csv_record_dict: :param file_mapping: :param key: :param file_suffix: :return: """ writer = file_mapping.get(key) if writer: return writer'Creating file for {}'.format(key)) if six.PY2: file_out = open('{}/{}.csv'.format(dir_path, file_suffix), 'w') writer = csv.DictWriter(file_out, fieldnames=csv_record_dict.keys(), quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, encoding='utf-8') else: file_out = open('{}/{}.csv'.format(dir_path, file_suffix), 'w', encoding='utf8') writer = csv.DictWriter(file_out, fieldnames=csv_record_dict.keys(), quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) def file_out_close(): # type: () -> None'Closing file IO {}'.format(file_out)) file_out.close() self._closer.register(file_out_close) writer.writeheader() file_mapping[key] = writer return writer