Python unicodecsv.DictReader() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of unicodecsv.DictReader().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_read_short(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(b"1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n1,2,abc\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj, fieldnames="1 2 3 4 5 6".split(), restval="DEFAULT") self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": '4', "5": '5', "6": '6'}) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": 'DEFAULT', "5": 'DEFAULT', "6": 'DEFAULT'}) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #2
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def cleanup_rows_from_grade_persistent(csvfn, tempfn, field_to_fix="passed_timestamp"): """ Removes the null values from grades_persistentcoursegrade.csv.gz. The function also fixes course ids by changing them from their edX URL format to their usual format. For instance, course-v1:MITx+STL.162x+2T2017 should be MITx/STL.162x/2T2017. This operation permanently modifies the CSV. :param csvfn: The path of the csv.gz to be modified :param tempfn: The path of the temporary csv.gz :type csvfn: str :type tempfn: str """ with, "r") as open_csv: csv_dict = csv.DictReader(open_csv) with, "w+") as write_csv_file: write_csv = csv.DictWriter(write_csv_file, fieldnames=csv_dict.fieldnames) write_csv.writeheader() for row in csv_dict: row_dict = remove_nulls_from_row(row, field_to_fix) row_dict = fix_course_ids(row_dict) write_csv.writerow(row_dict) os.rename(tempfn, csvfn)
Example #3
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_read_dict_no_fieldnames(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(b"f1,f2,f3\r\n1,2,abc\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj) self.assertEqual(reader.fieldnames, ["f1", "f2", "f3"]) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"f1": '1', "f2": '2', "f3": 'abc'}) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name) # Two test cases to make sure existing ways of implicitly setting # fieldnames continue to work. Both arise from discussion in issue3436.
Example #4
Source File: From adversarial-squad with MIT License | 6 votes |
def pred_human_eval(): all_preds = collections.defaultdict(list) with open(OPTS.filename) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: all_preds[row['Input.qid']].append(row['Answer.response']) preds = {} for qid in all_preds: if OPTS.ensemble: for a in all_preds[qid]: count = sum(1 for pred in all_preds[qid] if a == pred) if count > 1: preds[qid] = a break else: preds[qid] = random.sample(all_preds[qid], 1)[0] else: preds[qid] = random.sample(all_preds[qid], 1)[0] print json.dumps(preds)
Example #5
Source File: From doorman with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_node_csv_download(self, node, testapp): import unicodecsv as csv node.enrolled_on = dt.datetime.utcnow() node.last_checkin = dt.datetime.utcnow() node.last_ip = '' node.node_info = {'hardware_vendor': "Honest Achmed's Computer Supply"} resp = testapp.get(url_for('manage.nodes_csv')) assert resp.headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/csv; charset=utf-8' assert resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] == 'attachment; filename=nodes.csv' reader = csv.DictReader(io.BytesIO(resp.body)) row = next(reader) assert row['Display Name'] == node.display_name assert row['Host Identifier'] == node.host_identifier assert row['Enrolled On'] == str(node.enrolled_on) assert row['Last Check-In'] == str(node.last_checkin) assert row['Last Ip Address'] == node.last_ip assert row['Is Active'] == 'True' assert row['Make'] == node.node_info['hardware_vendor']
Example #6
Source File: From adversarial-squad with MIT License | 6 votes |
def dump_verify(): with open(OPTS.filename) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: if OPTS.worker and row['WorkerId'] != OPTS.worker: continue if row['AssignmentStatus'] == 'Rejected': continue print 'HIT %s' % row['HITId'] print 'WorkerId: %s' % row['WorkerId'] print 'Time: %s s' % row['WorkTimeInSeconds'] qids = row['Input.qids'].split('\t') questions = row['Input.questions'].split('\t') sents = row['Answer.sents'].split('\t') responses = row['Answer.responses'].split('\t') for qid, q, s_str, response_str in zip( qids, questions, sents, responses): print (' Example %s' % qid) print (' Question %s' % q) s_list = s_str.split('|') a_list = response_str.split('|') for s, a in zip(s_list, a_list): print (' Sentence: %s' % sent_format(s)).encode('utf-8') print (' Is good? %s' % colored(a, 'cyan'))
Example #7
Source File: From adversarial-squad with MIT License | 6 votes |
def dump_grammar(): with open(OPTS.filename) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: if OPTS.worker and row['WorkerId'] != OPTS.worker: continue if row['AssignmentStatus'] == 'Rejected': continue print 'HIT %s' % row['HITId'] print 'WorkerId: %s' % row['WorkerId'] print 'Time: %s s' % row['WorkTimeInSeconds'] input_qids = row['Input.qids'].split('\t') input_sents = row['Input.sents'].split('\t') ans_is_good = row[''].split('\t') ans_responses = row['Answer.responses'].split('\t') for qid, s, is_good, response in zip(input_qids, input_sents, ans_is_good, ans_responses): print (' Example %s' % qid) print (' Sentence: %s' % s).encode('utf-8') print (' Is good? %s' % is_good) print (' Response: %s' % colored(response, 'cyan')).encode('utf-8')
Example #8
Source File: From adversarial-squad with MIT License | 5 votes |
def stats_grammar(): # Read data worker_to_is_good = collections.defaultdict(list) worker_to_times = collections.defaultdict(list) with open(OPTS.filename) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: if row['AssignmentStatus'] == 'Rejected': continue worker_id = row['WorkerId'] ans_is_good = row[''].split('\t') time = float(row['WorkTimeInSeconds']) worker_to_is_good[worker_id].extend(ans_is_good) worker_to_times[worker_id].append(time) # Aggregate by worker print '%d total workers' % len(worker_to_times) worker_stats = {} for worker_id in worker_to_times: times = sorted(worker_to_times[worker_id]) t_median = times[len(times)/2] t_mean = sum(times) / float(len(times)) is_good_list = worker_to_is_good[worker_id] num_qs = len(is_good_list) frac_good = sum(1.0 for x in is_good_list if x == 'yes') / num_qs worker_stats[worker_id] = (t_median, t_mean, num_qs, frac_good) # Print sorted_ids = sorted(list(worker_stats), key=lambda x: worker_stats[x][3]) for worker_id in sorted_ids: t_median, t_mean, num_qs, frac_good = worker_stats[worker_id] print 'Worker %s: t_median %.1f, t_mean %.1f, %d questions, %.1f%% good' % ( worker_id, t_median, t_mean, num_qs, 100.0 * frac_good)
Example #9
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_long_with_rest_no_fieldnames(self): fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() fileobj = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: fileobj.write(b"f1,f2\r\n1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(fileobj, restkey="_rest") self.assertEqual(reader.fieldnames, ["f1", "f2"]) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"f1": '1', "f2": '2', "_rest": ["abc", "4", "5", "6"]}) finally: fileobj.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #10
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_multi(self): sample = [ b'2147483648,43.0e12,17,abc,def\r\n', b'147483648,43.0e2,17,abc,def\r\n', b'47483648,43.0,170,abc,def\r\n' ] reader = csv.DictReader(sample, fieldnames="i1 float i2 s1 s2".split()) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"i1": '2147483648', "float": '43.0e12', "i2": '17', "s1": 'abc', "s2": 'def'})
Example #11
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_with_blanks(self): reader = csv.DictReader([b"1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n", b"\r\n", b"1,2,abc,4,5,6\r\n"], fieldnames="1 2 3 4 5 6".split()) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": '4', "5": '5', "6": '6'}) self.assertEqual(next(reader), {"1": '1', "2": '2', "3": 'abc', "4": '4', "5": '5', "6": '6'})
Example #12
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_empty_file(self): csv.DictReader(BytesIO())
Example #13
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_decode_error_dictreader(self): """Make sure the error-handling mode is obeyed on DictReaders.""" file = EncodedFile(BytesIO(u'name,height,weight\nLöwis,2,3'.encode('iso-8859-1')), data_encoding='iso-8859-1') reader = csv.DictReader(file, encoding='ascii', errors='ignore') self.assertEqual(list(reader)[0]['name'], 'Lwis')
Example #14
Source File: From edx-enterprise with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def validate_csv(file_stream, expected_columns=None): """ Validate csv file for encoding and expected header. Args: file_stream: input file expected_columns: list of column names that are expected to be present in csv Returns: reader: an iterable for csv datat if csv passes the validation Raises: ValidationError """ try: reader = unicodecsv.DictReader(file_stream, encoding="utf-8") reader_fieldnames = reader.fieldnames except (unicodecsv.Error, UnicodeDecodeError): raise ValidationError(ValidationMessages.INVALID_ENCODING) if expected_columns and set(expected_columns) - set(reader_fieldnames): raise ValidationError(ValidationMessages.MISSING_EXPECTED_COLUMNS.format( expected_columns=", ".join(expected_columns), actual_columns=", ".join(reader.fieldnames) )) return reader
Example #15
Source File: From adversarial-squad with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_sentences(): id_to_sents = collections.defaultdict(list) with open(OPTS.batch_file) as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: input_qids = row['Input.qids'].split('\t') input_sents = row['Input.sents'].split('\t') ans_is_good = row[''].split('\t') ans_responses = row['Answer.responses'].split('\t') for qid, s, is_good, response in zip(input_qids, input_sents, ans_is_good, ans_responses): if is_good == 'yes': response = s if response not in id_to_sents[qid]: id_to_sents[qid].append(response) return id_to_sents
Example #16
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_read_dict_fieldnames_chain(self): import itertools fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(fd, "w+b") try: f.write(b"f1,f2,f3\r\n1,2,abc\r\n") reader = csv.DictReader(f) first = next(reader) for row in itertools.chain([first], reader): self.assertEqual(reader.fieldnames, ["f1", "f2", "f3"]) self.assertEqual(row, {"f1": '1', "f2": '2', "f3": 'abc'}) finally: f.close() os.unlink(name)
Example #17
Source File: From adversarial-squad with MIT License | 5 votes |
def stats_verify(): # Read data worker_to_is_good = collections.defaultdict(list) worker_to_times = collections.defaultdict(list) with open(OPTS.filename) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: if row['AssignmentStatus'] == 'Rejected': continue worker_id = row['WorkerId'] ans_is_good = [x for s in row['Answer.responses'].split('\t') for x in s.split('|')] time = float(row['WorkTimeInSeconds']) worker_to_is_good[worker_id].extend(ans_is_good) worker_to_times[worker_id].append(time) # Aggregate by worker print '%d total workers' % len(worker_to_times) worker_stats = {} for worker_id in worker_to_times: times = sorted(worker_to_times[worker_id]) t_median = times[len(times)/2] t_mean = sum(times) / float(len(times)) is_good_list = worker_to_is_good[worker_id] num_qs = len(is_good_list) frac_good = sum(1.0 for x in is_good_list if x == 'yes') / num_qs worker_stats[worker_id] = (t_median, t_mean, num_qs, frac_good) # Print sorted_ids = sorted(list(worker_stats), key=lambda x: worker_stats[x][3]) for worker_id in sorted_ids: t_median, t_mean, num_qs, frac_good = worker_stats[worker_id] print 'Worker %s: t_median %.1f, t_mean %.1f, %d questions, %.1f%% good' % ( worker_id, t_median, t_mean, num_qs, 100.0 * frac_good)
Example #18
Source File: From openelections-data-or with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fetch_state_senate_races(): f = open('state_senate_2016.csv', 'r') reader = unicodecsv.DictReader(f, encoding='utf-8') return [row for row in reader]
Example #19
Source File: From openelections-data-or with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fetch_state_house_races(): f = open('state_house_2016.csv', 'r') reader = unicodecsv.DictReader(f, encoding='utf-8') return [row for row in reader]
Example #20
Source File: From 990-xml-reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _make_groups(self): group_filepath = os.path.join(METADATA_DIRECTORY, 'groups.csv') with open(group_filepath, 'r') as reader_fh: reader = csv.DictReader(reader_fh) for row in reader: self.groups[row['xpath']] = row return True
Example #21
Source File: From 990-xml-reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _make_variables(self): variable_filepath = os.path.join(METADATA_DIRECTORY, 'variables.csv') with open(variable_filepath, 'r') as variable_fh: reader = csv.DictReader(variable_fh) for row in reader: vardict = {} for col in self.variable_columns: vardict[col]=row[col] self.variables[row['xpath']] = vardict return True
Example #22
Source File: From 990-xml-reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _make_schedule_parts(self): part_filepath = os.path.join(METADATA_DIRECTORY, 'schedule_parts.csv') with open(part_filepath, 'r') as reader_fh: reader = csv.DictReader(reader_fh) for row in reader: self.schedule_parts[row['parent_sked_part']] = { 'name': row['part_name'], 'ordering': row['ordering'], 'parent_sked': row['parent_sked'], 'parent_sked_part': row['parent_sked_part'], 'is_shell': row['is_shell'] } return True
Example #23
Source File: From 990-xml-reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _make_line_numbers(self): filepath = os.path.join(METADATA_DIRECTORY, 'line_numbers.csv') with open(filepath, 'r') as reader_fh: reader = csv.DictReader(reader_fh) for row in reader: try: self.line_numbers[row['xpath']] self.line_numbers[row['xpath']].append(row) except KeyError: self.line_numbers[row['xpath']] = [row]
Example #24
Source File: From 990-xml-reader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _make_descriptions(self): filepath = os.path.join(METADATA_DIRECTORY, 'descriptions.csv') with open(filepath, 'r') as reader_fh: reader = csv.DictReader(reader_fh) for row in reader: try: self.descriptions[row['xpath']] self.descriptions[row['xpath']].append(row) except KeyError: self.descriptions[row['xpath']] = [row]
Example #25
Source File: From EpiTator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def read_geonames_csv(): print("Downloading geoname data from: " + GEONAMES_ZIP_URL) try: url = request.urlopen(GEONAMES_ZIP_URL) except URLError: print("If you are operating behind a firewall, try setting the HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.") raise zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO( print("Download complete") # Loading geonames data may cause errors without setting csv.field_size_limit: if sys.platform == "win32": max_c_long_on_windows = (2**32 / 2) - 1 csv.field_size_limit(max_c_long_on_windows) else: csv.field_size_limit(sys.maxint if six.PY2 else six.MAXSIZE) with'allCountries.txt') as f: reader = unicodecsv.DictReader(f, fieldnames=[ k for k, v in geonames_field_mappings], encoding='utf-8', delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for d in reader: d['population'] = parse_number(d['population'], 0) d['latitude'] = parse_number(d['latitude'], 0) d['longitude'] = parse_number(d['longitude'], 0) if len(d['alternatenames']) > 0: d['alternatenames'] = d['alternatenames'].split(',') else: d['alternatenames'] = [] yield d
Example #26
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def rephrase_studentmodule_opaque_keys(fn_sm): ''' Generate rephrased studentmodule, with opaque key entries for module_id and course_id translated into traditional format. ''' fn_sm = path(fn_sm) orig_sm_fn = '%s/studentmodule_orig.csv.gz' % (fn_sm.dirname()) cmd = 'cp %s %s' % (fn_sm, orig_sm_fn) print " Running %s" % cmd sys.stdout.flush() os.system(cmd) ofp = openfile(fn_sm, 'w') smfp = openfile(orig_sm_fn) cdr = csv.DictReader(smfp) first = True for entry in cdr: if first: odw = csv.DictWriter(ofp, fieldnames=cdr.fieldnames) odw.writeheader() first = False fix_opaque_keys(entry, 'module_id') fix_opaque_keys(entry, 'course_id') odw.writerow(entry) ofp.close() print "Rephrased %s -> %s to convert opaque keys syntax to standard module_id and course_id format" % (orig_sm_fn, fn_sm) sys.stdout.flush() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #27
Source File: From edx2bigquery with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_csv(self, fn, key, schema=None, multi=False, fields=None, keymap=None, useCourseDir=True ): ''' load csv file into memory, storing into dict with specified field (key) as the key. if multi, then each dict value is a list, with one or more values per key. if fields, load only those specified fields. ''' data = OrderedDict() if keymap is None: keymap = lambda x: x for line in csv.DictReader(self.openfile(fn, useCourseDir=useCourseDir)): try: the_id = keymap(line[key]) except Exception as err: self.log("oops, failed to do keymap, key=%s, line=%s" % (line[key], line)) raise if fields: newline = { x: line[x] for x in fields } line = newline if multi: if the_id in data: data[the_id].append(line) else: data[the_id] = [ line ] else: data[the_id] = line return data
Example #28
Source File: From hgvs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def gxp_file_reader(fn): rdr = csv.DictReader(open(fn, "r"), delimiter=str("\t")) for rec in rdr: if rec["id"].startswith("#"): continue yield rec
Example #29
Source File: From hgvs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_parser_test_completeness(self): """ensure that all rules in grammar have tests""" grammar_rule_re = re.compile(r"^(\w+)") grammar_fn = pkg_resources.resource_filename("hgvs", "_data/hgvs.pymeta") with open(grammar_fn, "r") as f: grammar_rules = set( for r in filter(None, map(grammar_rule_re.match, f))) with open(self._test_fn, "r") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=str("\t")) test_rules = set(row["Func"] for row in reader) untested_rules = grammar_rules - test_rules self.assertTrue(len(untested_rules) == 0, "untested rules: {}".format(untested_rules))
Example #30
Source File: From hgvs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_parser_grammar(self): with open(self._test_fn, "r") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=str("\t")) fail_cases = [] for row in reader: if row["Func"].startswith("#"): continue # setup input inputs = self._split_inputs(row["Test"], row["InType"]) expected_results = self._split_inputs(row["Expected"], row["InType"]) if row["Expected"] else inputs expected_map = dict(zip(inputs, expected_results)) # step through each item and check is_valid = True if row["Valid"].lower() == "true" else False for key in expected_map: expected_result = six.text_type(expected_map[key]).replace("u'", "'") function_to_test = getattr(self.p._grammar(key), row["Func"]) row_str = u"{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(row["Func"], key, row["Valid"], "one", expected_result) try: actual_result = six.text_type(function_to_test()).replace("u'", "'") if not is_valid or (expected_result != actual_result): print("expected: {} actual:{}".format(expected_result, actual_result)) fail_cases.append(row_str) except Exception as e: if is_valid: print("expected: {} Exception: {}".format(expected_result, e)) fail_cases.append(row_str) # everything should have passed - report whatever failed self.assertTrue(len(fail_cases) == 0, pprint.pprint(fail_cases))