Python dj_database_url.parse() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of dj_database_url.parse().
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Example #1
Source File: From django-template with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dump_db(self, destination): """ Dump the database to the given directory and return the path to the file created. This creates a gzipped SQL file. """ with env_file = os.path.join(self.envdir_path, "DATABASE_URL") db_credentials ="cat " + env_file, hide=True).stdout.strip() db_credentials_dict = dj_database_url.parse(db_credentials) if not is_supported_db_engine(db_credentials_dict["ENGINE"]): raise NotImplementedError( "The dump_db task doesn't support the remote database engine" ) outfile = os.path.join( destination,"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.sql.gz") ) "pg_dump -O -x -h '{host}' -U '{user}' '{db}'|gzip > {outfile}".format( host=db_credentials_dict["HOST"], user=db_credentials_dict["USER"], db=db_credentials_dict["NAME"], outfile=outfile, ), env={"PGPASSWORD": db_credentials_dict["PASSWORD"].replace("$", "\$")}, ) return outfile
Example #2
Source File: From environs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _dj_db_url_parser(value: str, **kwargs) -> dict: try: import dj_database_url except ImportError as error: raise RuntimeError( "The dj_db_url parser requires the dj-database-url package. " "You can install it with: pip install dj-database-url" ) from error return dj_database_url.parse(value, **kwargs)
Example #3
Source File: From environs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _dj_email_url_parser(value: str, **kwargs) -> dict: try: import dj_email_url except ImportError as error: raise RuntimeError( "The dj_email_url parser requires the dj-email-url package. " "You can install it with: pip install dj-email-url" ) from error return dj_email_url.parse(value, **kwargs)
Example #4
Source File: From environs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _dj_cache_url_parser(value: str, **kwargs) -> dict: try: import django_cache_url except ImportError as error: raise RuntimeError( "The dj_cache_url parser requires the django-cache-url package. " "You can install it with: pip install django-cache-url" ) from error return django_cache_url.parse(value, **kwargs)
Example #5
Source File: From environs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_url_cast(self, set_env, env): set_env({"URL": ""}) res = env.url("URL") assert isinstance(res, urllib.parse.ParseResult)
Example #6
Source File: From environs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_dj_db_url(self, env, set_env): db_url = "postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb" set_env({"DATABASE_URL": db_url}) res = env.dj_db_url("DATABASE_URL") assert res == dj_database_url.parse(db_url)
Example #7
Source File: From environs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_dj_email_url(self, env, set_env): email_url = "smtp://" set_env({"EMAIL_URL": email_url}) res = env.dj_email_url("EMAIL_URL") assert res == dj_email_url.parse(email_url)
Example #8
Source File: From environs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_dj_cache_url(self, env, set_env): cache_url = "redis://redis:6379/0" set_env({"CACHE_URL": cache_url}) res = env.dj_cache_url("CACHE_URL") assert res == django_cache_url.parse(cache_url)
Example #9
Source File: From django-template with MIT License | 4 votes |
def import_db(c, dump_file=None): """ Restore the given database dump. The dump must be a gzipped SQL dump. If the dump_file parameter is not set, the database will be dumped and retrieved from the remote host. """ db_credentials = os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL") if not db_credentials: with open("envdir/DATABASE_URL", "r") as db_credentials_file: db_credentials = db_credentials_dict = dj_database_url.parse(db_credentials) if not is_supported_db_engine(db_credentials_dict["ENGINE"]): raise NotImplementedError( "The import_db task doesn't support your database engine" ) if dump_file is None: dump_file = fetch_db(c) pg_opts_mapping = { "-h": db_credentials_dict["HOST"], "-U": db_credentials_dict["USER"], } pg_opts = " ".join( [f"{option} '{value}'" for option, value in pg_opts_mapping.items() if value] ) db_name = db_credentials_dict["NAME"] db_info = {"pg_opts": pg_opts, "db": db_name} env = {"PGPASSWORD": db_credentials_dict["PASSWORD"].replace("$", "\\$")} close_sessions_command = """ psql {pg_opts} template1 -c " SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = '{db}' AND pid != pg_backend_pid(); " """.strip()**db_info), env=env, hide="out")"dropdb {pg_opts} '{db}'".format(**db_info), env=env)"createdb {pg_opts} '{db}'".format(**db_info), env=env) "gunzip -c {db_dump}|psql {pg_opts} '{db}'".format( db_dump=dump_file, **db_info ), env=env, hide="out", )
Example #10
Source File: From django-template with MIT License | 4 votes |
def push_code_update(c, git_ref): """ Synchronize the remote code repository """ with # First, check that the remote deployment directory exists try:"test -d .", hide=True) except UnexpectedExit: raise Exit( "Provisioning not finished, directory {} doesn't exist!".format( c.config["root"] ) ) # Now make sure there's git, and a git repository try: c.conn.git("--version", hide=True) except UnexpectedExit: raise Exit("Provisioning not finished, git not available!") try: c.conn.git("rev-parse --git-dir", hide=True) except UnexpectedExit: c.conn.git("init") git_remote_url = "ssh://{user}@{host}:{port}/{directory}".format( user=c.conn.user,, port=c.conn.port, directory=c.conn.project_root, ) # Delete the FABHEAD branch with try: c.conn.git("branch -D FABHEAD", hide=True) except UnexpectedExit: pass c.conn.git("checkout -f -B FABHEAD master", hide=True) # Now push our code to the remote, always as FABHEAD branch porcelain.push(".", git_remote_url, "{}:FABHEAD".format(git_ref), force=True) c.conn.git("checkout -f -B master FABHEAD", hide=True) c.conn.git("submodule update --init", hide=True)