Python elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError().
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Example #1
Source File: From blockchain-elasticsearch with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def add_transaction(self, tx): temp = { '_type': 'doc', '_op_type': 'update', '_index': "btc-opreturn", '_id': "%s-%s" % (tx['tx'], tx['n']), 'doc_as_upsert': True, 'doc': tx } self.transactions.append(temp) if len(self.transactions) > 200: try: self.es_handle.add_bulk_tx(self) except TransportError: import pdb; pdb.set_trace self.transactions = [] self.current = -1
Example #2
Source File: From cmdb with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def add_viewset(table): data_index = record_data_index = "{}.".format( deleted_data_index = "{}..".format( def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs): try: res =, doc_type="record-data", body={"query": {"term": {"S-data-id": kwargs["pk"]}}}, sort="S-update-time:desc") except NotFoundError as exc: raise exceptions.NotFound("Document {} was not found in Type data of Index {}".format(kwargs["pk"], record_data_index)) except TransportError as exc: return Response([]) return Response(res["hits"]) viewset = type(, (mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet), dict( permission_classes=(permissions.IsAuthenticated, ), retrieve=retrieve)) setattr(views,, viewset) return viewset
Example #3
Source File: From elasticsearch-django with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_rebuild_search_index(self, mock_update, mock_create, mock_delete): """Test the rebuild_search_index command.""" cmd = rebuild_search_index.Command() result = cmd.do_index_command( "foo", interactive=False ) # True would hang the tests mock_delete.assert_called_once_with("foo") mock_create.assert_called_once_with("foo") mock_update.assert_called_once_with("foo") self.assertEqual(result["delete"], mock_delete.return_value) self.assertEqual(result["create"], mock_create.return_value) self.assertEqual(result["update"], mock_update.return_value) # check that the delete is handled if the index does not exist mock_delete.side_effect = TransportError("Index not found") result = cmd.do_index_command( "foo", interactive=False ) # True would hang the tests self.assertEqual(result["delete"], {})
Example #4
Source File: From py-timeexecution with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, hosts=None, index="metrics", doc_type="metric", index_pattern="{index}-{date:%Y.%m.%d}", *args, **kwargs ): # Assign these in the backend as they are needed when writing metrics # to elasticsearch self.index = index self.doc_type = doc_type self.index_pattern = index_pattern # setup the client self.client = Elasticsearch(hosts=hosts, *args, **kwargs) # ensure the index is created try: self._setup_index() except TransportError as exc: logger.error('index setup error %r', exc) try: self._setup_mapping() except TransportError as exc: logger.error('mapping setup error %r', exc)
Example #5
Source File: From py-timeexecution with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def write(self, name, **data): """ Write the metric to elasticsearch Args: name (str): The name of the metric to write data (dict): Additional data to store with the metric """ data["name"] = name if not ("timestamp" in data): data["timestamp"] = datetime.utcnow() try: self.client.index(index=self.get_index(), doc_type=self.doc_type, id=None, body=data) except TransportError as exc: logger.warning('writing metric %r failure %r', data, exc)
Example #6
Source File: From py-timeexecution with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def bulk_write(self, metrics): """ Write multiple metrics to elasticsearch in one request Args: metrics (list): data with mappings to send to elasticsearch """ actions = [] index = self.get_index() for metric in metrics: actions.append({'index': {'_index': index, '_type': self.doc_type}}) actions.append(metric) try: self.client.bulk(actions) except TransportError as exc: logger.warning('bulk_write metrics %r failure %r', metrics, exc)
Example #7
Source File: From elasticsearch-django with MIT License | 6 votes |
def do_index_command(self, index: str, **options: Any) -> CommandReturnType: """Rebuild search index.""" if options["interactive"]: logger.warning("This will permanently delete the index '%s'.", index) if not self._confirm_action(): logger.warning( "Aborting rebuild of index '%s' at user's request.", index ) return None try: delete = delete_index(index) except TransportError: delete = {}"Index %s does not exist, cannot be deleted.", index) create = create_index(index) update = update_index(index) return {"delete": delete, "create": create, "update": update}
Example #8
Source File: From py-timeexecution with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_error_warning(self, mocked_logger): transport_error = TransportError('mocked error') es_index_error_ctx = mock.patch( 'time_execution.backends.elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.index', side_effect=transport_error ) frozen_time_ctx = freeze_time('2016-07-13') with es_index_error_ctx, frozen_time_ctx: self.backend.write(name='test:metric', value=None) mocked_logger.warning.assert_called_once_with( 'writing metric %r failure %r', {'timestamp': datetime(2016, 7, 13), 'value': None, 'name': 'test:metric'}, transport_error, )
Example #9
Source File: From mindmeld with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load(self): """Loads the trained entity resolution model from disk.""" try: if self._use_text_rel: scoped_index_name = get_scoped_index_name( self._app_namespace, self._es_index_name ) if not self._es_client.indices.exists(index=scoped_index_name): else: except EsConnectionError as e: logger.error( "Unable to connect to Elasticsearch: %s details: %s", e.error, ) raise EntityResolverConnectionError(es_host=self._es_client.transport.hosts) except TransportError as e: logger.error( "Unexpected error occurred when sending requests to Elasticsearch: %s " "Status code: %s details: %s", e.error, e.status_code,, ) raise EntityResolverError except ElasticsearchException: raise EntityResolverError
Example #10
Source File: From edx-analytics-pipeline with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_boto_service_unavailable(self, mock_make_request): connection = AwsHttpConnection(aws_access_key_id='access_key', aws_secret_access_key='secret') mock_make_request.side_effect = BotoServerError(503, 'Service Unavailable') try: connection.perform_request('get', '') except TransportError as transport_error: self.assertEqual(transport_error.status_code, 503) else:'Expected a transport error to be raised.')
Example #11
Source File: From elasticsearch-dsl-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def execute(self, ignore_cache=False, raise_on_error=True): """ Execute the multi search request and return a list of search results. """ if ignore_cache or not hasattr(self, '_response'): es = get_connection(self._using) responses = es.msearch( index=self._index, body=self.to_dict(), **self._params ) out = [] for s, r in zip(self._searches, responses['responses']): if r.get('error', False): if raise_on_error: raise TransportError('N/A', r['error']['type'], r['error']) r = None else: r = Response(s, r) out.append(r) self._response = out return self._response
Example #12
Source File: From elasticsearch-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_handle(self, mock_do, mock_log): """Test the main handle method calls do_index_command.""" obj = BaseSearchCommand() obj.handle(indexes=["foo", "bar"]) # this should have called the do_index_command twice mock_do.assert_has_calls(["foo"),"bar")]) mock_do.reset_mock() mock_do.side_effect = TransportError( 123, "oops", {"error": {"reason": "no idea"}} ) obj.handle(indexes=["baz"]) mock_do.assert_called_once_with("baz") mock_log.warning.assert_called_once()
Example #13
Source File: From elasticsearch-django with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: """Run do_index_command on each specified index and log the output.""" for index in options.pop("indexes"): try: data = self.do_index_command(index, **options) except TransportError as ex: logger.warning("ElasticSearch threw an error: %s", ex) data = {"index": index, "status": ex.status_code, "reason": ex.error} finally:
Example #14
Source File: From py-timeexecution with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_bulk_write_error(self, mocked_logger): transport_error = TransportError('mocked error') es_index_error_ctx = mock.patch( 'time_execution.backends.elasticsearch.Elasticsearch.bulk', side_effect=transport_error ) metrics = [1, 2, 3] with es_index_error_ctx: self.backend.bulk_write(metrics) mocked_logger.warning.assert_called_once_with('bulk_write metrics %r failure %r', metrics, transport_error)
Example #15
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute(self, ignore_cache=False, raise_on_error=True): """ Execute the multi search request and return a list of search results. """ if ignore_cache or not hasattr(self, '_response'): es = connections.get_connection(self._using) responses = es.msearch( index=self._index, body=self.to_dict(), **self._params ) out = [] for s, r in zip(self._searches, responses['responses']): if r.get('error', False): if raise_on_error: raise TransportError('N/A', r['error']['type'], r['error']) r = None else: r = Response(s, r) out.append(r) self._response = out return self._response
Example #16
Source File: From searchlight with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_new_index(group): """Create a new index for a specific Resource Type Group. Upon exit of this method, the index is still not ready to be used. The index still needs to have the settings/mappings set for each plugin (Document Type). """ es_engine = searchlight.elasticsearch.get_api() kwargs = {} index_settings = _get_index_settings_from_config() if index_settings: kwargs = {'body': {'index': index_settings}} index_name = None while not index_name: # Use utcnow() to ensure that the name is unique. now = oslo_utils.timeutils.utcnow() index_name = (group + '-' + now.strftime(FORMAT)) try: es_engine.indices.create(index=index_name, **kwargs) except es_exc.TransportError as e: if (e.error.startswith("IndexAlreadyExistsException") or e.error.startswith("index_already_exists_exception")): # This index already exists! Try again. index_name = None else: raise return index_name
Example #17
Source File: From elastalert with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def es_version(self): """ Returns the reported version from the Elasticsearch server. """ if self._es_version is None: for retry in range(3): try: self._es_version =['version']['number'] break except TransportError: if retry == 2: raise time.sleep(3) return self._es_version
Example #18
Source File: From nefertari with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_perform_request_no_index(self, mock_log): mock_log.level = logging.DEBUG mock_log.debug.side_effect = TransportError( 404, 'IndexMissingException') conn = es.ESHttpConnection() with pytest.raises(es.IndexNotFoundException): conn.perform_request('POST', 'http://localhost:9200')
Example #19
Source File: From nefertari with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_perform_request_exception(self): conn = es.ESHttpConnection() conn.pool = Mock() conn.pool.urlopen.side_effect = TransportError('N/A', '') with pytest.raises(JHTTPBadRequest): conn.perform_request('POST', 'http://localhost:9200')
Example #20
Source File: From elasticsearch-snapshots with MIT License | 5 votes |
def take_snapshot(options): esm = ElasticsearchSnapshotManager(options) sh = snapshot = options.snapshot and options.snapshot or 'all_' + time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H') snapdef = { "include_global_state": True } if options.indices: snapdef['indices'] = ','.join(options.indices) try: sh.create(repository=options.repository, snapshot=snapshot, body=json.dumps(snapdef), wait_for_completion=options.wait, request_timeout=7200) # Housekeeping - delete old snapshots snapshots = sh.get(repository=options.repository, snapshot="_all", request_timeout=120)['snapshots'] num_snaps = len(snapshots) if num_snaps > options.keep: up_to = num_snaps - options.keep'TOTAL: %d - Will delete 1 -> %d' % (num_snaps, up_to + 1)) for snap in snapshots[0:up_to]: sh.delete(repository=options.repository, snapshot=snap['snapshot'], request_timeout=3600)'Deleted snapshot %s' % snap['snapshot']) except exceptions.TransportError as e: pass
Example #21
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute(self, ignore_cache=False, raise_on_error=True): """ Execute the multi search request and return a list of search results. """ if ignore_cache or not hasattr(self, '_response'): es = connections.get_connection(self._using) responses = es.msearch( index=self._index, body=self.to_dict(), **self._params ) out = [] for s, r in zip(self._searches, responses['responses']): if r.get('error', False): if raise_on_error: raise TransportError('N/A', r['error']['type'], r['error']) r = None else: r = Response(s, r) out.append(r) self._response = out return self._response
Example #22
Source File: From elasticsearch-snapshots with MIT License | 4 votes |
def restore_snapshot(options): esm = ElasticsearchSnapshotManager(options) sh = if options.list: snapshots = sh.get(repository=options.repository, snapshot="_all", request_timeout=120)['snapshots'] print 'Total number of snapshots: %d\n' % len(snapshots) for i, snap in enumerate(snapshots): print '[%4d] NAME: %14s | START/END: %s -> %s | STATE: %7s | INDICES: %s' % (i + 1, snap['snapshot'], snap['start_time'], 'end_time' in snap and snap['end_time'] or '...', snap['state'], ', '.join(snap['indices'])) else: fail = True snapdef = { "include_global_state": True } if options.indices: snapdef['indices'] = ','.join(options.indices) if options.snapshot: try: snapshot = sh.get(repository=options.repository, snapshot=options.snapshot)['snapshots'][0] except: logger.error('Snapshot "%s" not found in S3 bucket "%s" for repository "%s"' % (options.snapshot, options.bucket, options.repository)) snapshot = None else: try: snapshot = sh.get(repository=options.repository, snapshot="_all", request_timeout=120)['snapshots'][-1] except: snapshot = None if snapshot: try: # Perform the restore'Starting restore of snapshot "%s" from bucket "%s"' % (snapshot['snapshot'], options.bucket)) try: sh.restore(repository=options.repository, snapshot=snapshot['snapshot'], body=json.dumps(snapdef), wait_for_completion=options.wait, request_timeout=7200)'Restore of snapshot "%s" has started' % snapshot['snapshot']) fail = False if options.slackurl: post_to_slack(url=options.slackurl, snapshot=snapshot['snapshot'], prefix=options.prefix, channel=options.slackchan) if options.flowdock: post_to_flowdock(options.flowdock, snapshot=snapshot['snapshot'], prefix=options.prefix) except exceptions.TransportError as e: logger.warning('Unable to restore snapshot "%s": %s' % (snapshot['snapshot'], e.error)) except NameError as e: logger.warning('No snapshots found for bucket "%s" with prefix "%s"' % (options.bucket, options.prefix)) else: logger.error('Unable to fetch a snapshot to restore from') sys.exit(fail)
Example #23
Source File: From edx-analytics-pipeline with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def send_bulk_action_batch(self, elasticsearch_client, bulk_action_batch): """ Given a batch of actions, transmit them in bulk to the elasticsearch cluster. This method handles back-pressure from the elasticsearch cluster which queues up writes. When the queue is full the cluster will start rejecting additional bulk indexing requests. This method implements an exponential back-off, allowing the cluster to catch-up with the client. Arguments: elasticsearch_client (elasticsearch.Elasticsearch): A reference to an elasticsearch client. bulk_action_batch (list of dicts): A list of bulk actions followed by their respective documents. Raises: IndexingError: If a record cannot be indexed by elasticsearch this method assumes that is a fatal error and it immediately raises this exception. If we try to transmit a batch repeatedly and it is continually rejected by the cluster, this method will give up after `max_attempts` and raise this error. Returns: True iff the batch of actions was successfully transmitted to and acknowledged by the elasticsearch cluster. """ attempts = 0 batch_written_successfully = False while True: try: resp = elasticsearch_client.bulk(bulk_action_batch, index=self.index, doc_type=self.doc_type) except TransportError as transport_error: if transport_error.status_code not in (REJECTED_REQUEST_STATUS, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_STATUS_CODE): raise transport_error else: num_errors = 0 for raw_data in resp['items']: _op_type, item = raw_data.popitem() successful = 200 <= item.get('status', 500) < 300 if not successful: log.error('Failed to index: %s', str(item)) num_errors += 1 if num_errors == 0: batch_written_successfully = True break else: raise IndexingError('Failed to index {0} records. Aborting.'.format(num_errors)) attempts += 1 if attempts < self.max_attempts: sleep_duration = 2 ** attempts self.incr_counter('Elasticsearch', 'Rejected Batches', 1) log.warn( 'Batch of records rejected. Sleeping for %d seconds before retrying.', sleep_duration ) time.sleep(sleep_duration) else: batch_written_successfully = False break return batch_written_successfully