Python elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError().
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Example #1
Source File: From elasticsearch-dbapi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def elastic_query(self, query: str, csv=False): """ Request an http SQL query to elasticsearch """ self.description = None # Sanitize query query = self.sanitize_query(query) payload = {"query": query} if csv: path = f"/{self.sql_path}/?format=csv" else: path = f"/{self.sql_path}/" try: resp ="POST", path, body=payload) except es_exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise exceptions.OperationalError( f"Error connecting to {self.url}: {}" ) except es_exceptions.RequestError as e: raise exceptions.ProgrammingError( f"Error ({e.error}): {['error']['reason']}" ) return resp
Example #2
Source File: From cmdb with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): serializer = self.get_serializer( serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) data = serializer.validated_data # indices = data["indices"] if data["indices"] else "_all" indices = self.get_indices(data["indices"]) sort = ",".join(reversed(list(map(lambda i: ":".join(i), data["sort"].items())))) try: res =, doc_type=self._doc_type, from_=data["page_size"] * (data["page"]-1), size=data["page_size"], sort=sort, body=data["body"], analyze_wildcard=True) except NotFoundError as exc: return Response({ "hits": [], "max_score": None, "total": 0 }) except RequestError as exc: raise exceptions.ParseError("Search statement error: "+str(exc)) return Response(res["hits"])
Example #3
Source File: From cmdb with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): serializer = self.get_serializer( serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) data = serializer.validated_data # indices = data["indices"] if data["indices"] else "_all" indices = self.get_indices(data["indices"]) sort = ",".join(reversed(list(map(lambda i: ":".join(i), data["sort"].items())))) try: res =, doc_type=self._doc_type, from_=data["page_size"] * (data["page"]-1), size=data["page_size"], sort=sort, q=data["query"], analyze_wildcard=True) except NotFoundError as exc: return Response({ "hits": [], "max_score": None, "total": 0 }) except RequestError as exc: raise exceptions.ParseError("Search statement error: "+str(exc)) return Response(res["hits"])
Example #4
Source File: From timesketch with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def count(self, indices): """Count number of documents. Args: indices: List of indices. Returns: Number of documents. """ if not indices: return 0 try: result = self.client.count(index=indices) except (NotFoundError, RequestError) as e: es_logger.error( 'Unable to count indexes (index not found), with ' 'error: {0!s}'.format(e)) return 0 return result.get('count', 0)
Example #5
Source File: From lexpredict-contraxsuite with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def process(self, **kwargs): self.set_push_steps(1) es = Elasticsearch(hosts=settings.ELASTICSEARCH_CONFIG['hosts']) es_index = settings.ELASTICSEARCH_CONFIG['index'] try: es.indices.create(index=es_index) self.log_info('Created index: {0}'.format(es_index)) except RequestError: self.log_info('Index already exists: {0}'.format(es_index)) count = 0 for tu in TextUnit.objects.iterator(): self.elastic_index(es, tu) count += 1 if count % 100 == 0: self.log_info('Indexing text units: {0} done'.format(count)) self.log_info('Finished indexing text units. Refreshing ES index.') es.indices.refresh(index=es_index) self.log_info('Done') self.push()
Example #6
Source File: From hepdata with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_record(record_id, index=None): """ Fetch a given record from ES. :param record_id: [int] ES record id :param index: [string] name of the index. If None a default is used :return: [dict] Fetched record """ try: result = es.get(index=index, id=record_id) return result.get('_source', result) except (NotFoundError, RequestError): return None
Example #7
Source File: From arches with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def search(self, **kwargs): """ Search for an item in the index. Pass an index and id (or list of ids) to get a specific document(s) Pass a body with a query dsl to perform a search """ kwargs = self._add_prefix(**kwargs) body = kwargs.get("body", None) id = kwargs.pop("id", None) if id: if isinstance(id, str): id = id.split(",") if len(id) == 1: id = id[0] if isinstance(id, list): kwargs["body"] = {"ids": id} return**kwargs) else: kwargs.pop("body", None) # remove body param kwargs["id"] = id return**kwargs) ret = None try: ret =**kwargs) except RequestError as detail: self.logger.exception("%s: WARNING: search failed for query: %s \nException detail: %s\n" % (, body, detail)) return ret
Example #8
Source File: From nboost with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def index(self): """send csv to ES index"""'Setting up Elasticsearch index...') elastic = Elasticsearch(, port=self.port, timeout=10000) try:'Creating index %s...' % self.index_name) elastic.indices.create(self.index_name, self.mapping) except RequestError:'Index already exists, skipping...')'Indexing %s...' % self.file) act = (self.format(passage, cid=cid) for cid, passage in self.csv_generator()) bulk(elastic, actions=act)
Example #9
Source File: From hoover-search with MIT License | 5 votes |
def elasticsearch(): try: yield Elasticsearch(settings.HOOVER_ELASTICSEARCH_URL) except ConnectionError: raise SearchError('Could not connect to Elasticsearch.') except RequestError as e: reason = 'reason unknown' try: if reason =['error']['root_cause'][0]['reason'] except LookupError: pass raise SearchError('Elasticsearch failed: ' + reason)
Example #10
Source File: From searchlight with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _is_multiple_alias_exception(e): """Verify that this exception is specifically the IllegalArgument exception when there are multiple indexes for an alias. There is no clean way of verifying this is the case. There are multiple ES RequestError exceptions that return a 400 IllegalArgument. In this particular case, we are expecting a message in the exception like this: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[Alias [alias] has more than one indices associated with it [[idx1, idx2]], can't execute a single index op] We will be dirty and parse the exception message. We need to check the validity of ALIAS_EXCEPTION_STRING in future ElasticSearch versions. """ if ALIAS_EXCEPTION_STRING in getattr(e, 'error', ''): # Elasticsearch 1.x return True # ES 2 - the error info's in exc_info_error = getattr(e, 'info', {}).get('error', {}) if ALIAS_EXCEPTION_STRING in exc_info_error.get('reason', ''): return True return False
Example #11
Source File: From searchlight with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_search_badrequest(self): request = unit_test_utils.get_fake_request() with mock.patch(REPO_SEARCH, side_effect=es_exc.RequestError): query = {} index_name = "searchlight" doc_type = "OS::Glance::Metadef" offset = 0 limit = 10 self.assertRaises( webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest,, request, query, index_name, doc_type, offset, limit)
Example #12
Source File: From searchlight with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_multiple_alias_exception_elasticsearch2(self): # The es-2 format is different alias_exc = es_exceptions.RequestError( 400, 'illegal_argument_exception', {"error": { "root_cause": [{ "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "Something " + helper.ALIAS_EXCEPTION_STRING }], "type": "illegal_argument_exception", "reason": "Something " + helper.ALIAS_EXCEPTION_STRING }}) self.assertTrue(helper._is_multiple_alias_exception(alias_exc))
Example #13
Source File: From searchlight with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_multiple_alias_exception_detection(self): alias_exc = es_exceptions.RequestError( 400, "Something " + helper.ALIAS_EXCEPTION_STRING, {}) self.assertTrue(helper._is_multiple_alias_exception(alias_exc)) other_exc = Exception("Blah blah") self.assertFalse(helper._is_multiple_alias_exception(other_exc))
Example #14
Source File: From open-raadsinformatie with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_indexes(mapping_dir): """ Create all indexes for which a mapping- and settings file is available. It is assumed that mappings in the specified directory follow the following naming convention: "ocd_mapping_{SOURCE_NAME}.json". For example: "ocd_mapping_rijksmuseum.json". """ click.echo('Creating indexes for ES mappings in %s' % mapping_dir) for mapping_file_path in glob('%s/ori_mapping_*.json' % mapping_dir): # Extract the index name from the filename index_name = DEFAULT_INDEX_PREFIX mapping_file = os.path.split(mapping_file_path)[-1].split('.')[0] index_name = '%s_%s' % (DEFAULT_INDEX_PREFIX, '_'.join(mapping_file.rsplit('_')[2:])) click.echo('Creating ES index %s' % index_name) mapping_file = open(mapping_file_path, 'rb') mapping = json.load(mapping_file) mapping_file.close() try: es.indices.create(index=index_name, body=mapping) except RequestError as e: error_msg ='Failed to create index %s due to ES ' 'error: %s' % (index_name, e.error), fg='red') click.echo(error_msg)
Example #15
Source File: From searchlight with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def update_document(self, document, doc_id, update_as_script, expected_version=None): """Updates are a little simpler than inserts because the documents already exist. Note that scripted updates are not filtered in the same way as partial document updates. Script updates should be passed as a dict {"script": .., "parameters": ..}. Partial document updates should be the raw document. """ def _get_update_action(source, id_suffix=''): action = {'_id': doc_id + id_suffix, '_op_type': 'update'} if expected_version: action['_version'] = expected_version if update_as_script: action.update(source) else: action['doc'] = source routing_field = self.plugin.routing_field if routing_field: action['_routing'] = source[routing_field] return action if self.plugin.requires_role_separation: user_doc = (self._remove_admin_fields(document) if update_as_script else document) actions = [_get_update_action(document, ADMIN_ID_SUFFIX), _get_update_action(user_doc, USER_ID_SUFFIX)] else: actions = [_get_update_action(document)] try: result = helpers.bulk( client=self.engine, index=self.alias_name, doc_type=self.document_type, chunk_size=self.index_chunk_size, actions=actions) LOG.debug("Update result: %s", result) except es_exc.RequestError as e: if _is_multiple_alias_exception(e): LOG.error("Alias [%(a)s] with multiple indexes error" % {'a': self.alias_name}) self._index_alias_multiple_indexes_bulk(actions=actions)
Example #16
Source File: From zentral with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def wait_and_configure(self): for i in range(self.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS): # get or create index try: info = self.version = [int(i) for i in info["version"]["number"].split(".")] if not self._es.indices.exists(self.index): self._es.indices.create(self.index, body=self.get_index_conf()) self.use_mapping_types = False"Index %s created", self.index) except ConnectionError: s = (i + 1) * random.uniform(0.9, 1.1) logger.warning('Could not connect to server %d/%d. Sleep %ss', i + 1, self.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS, s) time.sleep(s) continue except RequestError as exception: error = exception.error.lower() if "already" in error and "exist" in error: # race'Index %s exists', self.index) else: raise # wait for index recovery waiting_for_recovery = False while True: recovery = self._es.indices.recovery(self.index, params={"active_only": "true"}) shards = recovery.get(self.index, {}).get("shards", []) if any(c["stage"] != "DONE" for c in shards): waiting_for_recovery = True s = 1000 / random.randint(1000, 3000) time.sleep(s) logger.warning("Elasticsearch index recovering") else: if waiting_for_recovery: logger.warning("Elasticsearch index recovery done") break self.configured = True break else: raise Exception('Could not connect to server') # use_mapping_types if self.use_mapping_types is None: if self.version >= [7]: self.use_mapping_types = False else: mappings = set(list(self._es.indices.get_mapping(self.index).values())[0]['mappings']) self.use_mapping_types = self.LEGACY_DOC_TYPE not in mappings
Example #17
Source File: From searchlight with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def save_documents(self, documents, versions=None, index=None): """Send list of serialized documents into search engine. Warning: Index vs Alias usage. Listeners [plugins/*/]: When the plugin listeners are indexing documents, we will want to use the normal ES alias for their resource group. In this case the index parameter will not be set. Listeners are by far the most common usage case. Re-Indexing [plugins/]: When we are re-indexing we will want to use the new ES index. Bypassing the alias means we will not send duplicate documents to the old index. In this case the index will be set. Re-indexing is an event that will rarely happen. """ if not index: use_index = self.alias_name else: use_index = index for document in documents: # NOTE: In Elasticsearch 2.0 field names cannot contain '.', change # '.' to '__'. utils.replace_dots_in_field_names(document) try: result = helpers.bulk( client=self.engine, index=use_index, doc_type=self.document_type, chunk_size=self.index_chunk_size, actions=self._prepare_actions(documents, versions)) except helpers.BulkIndexError as e: err_msg = [] for err in e.errors: if (err['index']['error']['type'] != VERSION_CONFLICT_EXCEPTION and err['index']['status'] != 409): raise err_msg.append("id %(_id)s: %(error)s" % err['index']) LOG.warning('Version conflict %s' % ';'.join(err_msg)) result = 0 except es_exc.RequestError as e: if _is_multiple_alias_exception(e): LOG.error("Alias [%(a)s] with multiple indexes error" % {'a': self.alias_name}) self._index_alias_multiple_indexes_bulk(documents=documents, versions=versions) result = 0 LOG.debug("Indexing result: %s", result)
Example #18
Source File: From timesketch with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def create_index(self, index_name=uuid4().hex, doc_type='generic_event'): """Create index with Timesketch settings. Args: index_name: Name of the index. Default is a generated UUID. doc_type: Name of the document type. Default id generic_event. Returns: Index name in string format. Document type in string format. """ _document_mapping = { 'properties': { 'timesketch_label': { 'type': 'nested' }, 'datetime': { 'type': 'date' } } } # TODO: Remove when we deprecate Elasticsearch version 6.x if self.version.startswith('6'): _document_mapping = {doc_type: _document_mapping} if not self.client.indices.exists(index_name): try: self.client.indices.create( index=index_name, body={'mappings': _document_mapping}) except ConnectionError: raise RuntimeError('Unable to connect to Timesketch backend.') except RequestError: index_exists = self.client.indices.exists(index_name) es_logger.warning( 'Attempting to create an index that already exists ' '({0:s} - {1:s})'.format(index_name, str(index_exists))) # We want to return unicode here to keep SQLalchemy happy. if six.PY2: if not isinstance(index_name, six.text_type): index_name = codecs.decode(index_name, 'utf-8') if not isinstance(doc_type, six.text_type): doc_type = codecs.decode(doc_type, 'utf-8') return index_name, doc_type
Example #19
Source File: From searchlight with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def search(self, req, query, index=None, doc_type=None, from_=0, size=None, **kwargs): """Supported kwargs: :param _source: :param _source_include: :param _source_exclude: :return: """ if size is None: size = CONF.limit_param_default try: search_repo = self.gateway.get_catalog_search_repo(req.context) result =, doc_type, query, from_, size, ignore_unavailable=True, **kwargs) hits = result.get('hits', {}).get('hits', []) try: # Note that there's an assumption that the plugin resource # type is always the same as the document type. If this is not # the case in future, a reverse lookup's needed for hit in hits: plugin = self.plugins[hit['_type']].obj plugin.filter_result(hit, req.context) except KeyError as e: raise Exception("No registered plugin for type %s" % e.message) return result except exception.Forbidden as e: raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg) except exception.NotFound as e: raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.msg) except exception.Duplicate as e: raise webob.exc.HTTPConflict(explanation=e.msg) except es_exc.RequestError: msg = _("Query malformed or search parse failure, please check " "the syntax") raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) except Exception as e: LOG.error(encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e)) raise webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError()