Python elasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of elasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError().
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Example #1
Source File: From watchmen with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def get_test_client(nowait=False, **kwargs): # construct kwargs from the environment kw = {'timeout': 30} if 'TEST_ES_CONNECTION' in os.environ: from elasticsearch import connection kw['connection_class'] = getattr(connection, os.environ['TEST_ES_CONNECTION']) kw.update(kwargs) client = Elasticsearch([os.environ.get('TEST_ES_SERVER', {})], **kw) # wait for yellow status for _ in range(1 if nowait else 100): try:'yellow') return client except ConnectionError: time.sleep(.1) else: # timeout raise SkipTest("Elasticsearch failed to start.")
Example #2
Source File: From elasticsearch-dbapi with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def elastic_query(self, query: str, csv=False): """ Request an http SQL query to elasticsearch """ self.description = None # Sanitize query query = self.sanitize_query(query) payload = {"query": query} if csv: path = f"/{self.sql_path}/?format=csv" else: path = f"/{self.sql_path}/" try: resp ="POST", path, body=payload) except es_exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise exceptions.OperationalError( f"Error connecting to {self.url}: {}" ) except es_exceptions.RequestError as e: raise exceptions.ProgrammingError( f"Error ({e.error}): {['error']['reason']}" ) return resp
Example #3
Source File: From Mastering-Elasticsearch-7.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_test_client(nowait=False, **kwargs): # construct kwargs from the environment kw = {"timeout": 30} if "TEST_ES_CONNECTION" in os.environ: from elasticsearch import connection kw["connection_class"] = getattr(connection, os.environ["TEST_ES_CONNECTION"]) kw.update(kwargs) client = Elasticsearch([os.environ.get("TEST_ES_SERVER", {})], **kw) # wait for yellow status for _ in range(1 if nowait else 100): try:"yellow") return client except ConnectionError: time.sleep(0.1) else: # timeout raise SkipTest("Elasticsearch failed to start.")
Example #4
Source File: From elasticsearch-snapshots with MIT License | 6 votes |
def connect(self): counter = 0 self.success = False if self.username and self.password: url = "%s://%s:%s@%s:%d" % (self.protocol, self.username, self.password,, self.port) else: url = "%s://%s:%d" % (self.protocol,, self.port) while True: try: = Elasticsearch([url])'green', request_timeout=20) self.success = True break except exceptions.ConnectionError as e: logger.warning('Still trying to connect to Elasticsearch...') counter += 1 if counter == MAX_ATTEMPTS: break'Sleeping 10 seconds...') time.sleep(10)
Example #5
Source File: From scirius with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def fetch_public_sources(): proxy_params = get_system_settings().get_proxy_params() try: hdrs = { 'User-Agent': 'scirius' } if proxy_params: resp = requests.get(settings.DEFAULT_SOURCE_INDEX_URL, proxies = proxy_params, headers = hdrs) else: resp = requests.get(settings.DEFAULT_SOURCE_INDEX_URL, headers = hdrs) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, e: if "Name or service not known" in unicode(e): raise IOError("Connection error 'Name or service not known'") elif "Connection timed out" in unicode(e): raise IOError("Connection error 'Connection timed out'") else: raise IOError("Connection error '%s'" % (e))
Example #6
Source File: From splunk-elasticsearch with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_test_client(nowait=False): # construct kwargs from the environment kw = {} if 'TEST_ES_CONNECTION' in os.environ: from elasticsearch import connection kw['connection_class'] = getattr(connection, os.environ['TEST_ES_CONNECTION']) client = Elasticsearch([os.environ.get('TEST_ES_SERVER', {})], **kw) # wait for yellow status for _ in range(1 if nowait else 100): try:'yellow') return client except ConnectionError: time.sleep(.1) else: # timeout raise SkipTest("Elasticsearch failed to start.")
Example #7
Source File: From sublime-elasticsearch-client with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_test_client(nowait=False): # construct kwargs from the environment kw = {} if 'TEST_ES_CONNECTION' in os.environ: from elasticsearch import connection kw['connection_class'] = getattr(connection, os.environ['TEST_ES_CONNECTION']) client = Elasticsearch([os.environ.get('TEST_ES_SERVER', {})], **kw) # wait for yellow status for _ in range(1 if nowait else 100): try:'yellow') return client except ConnectionError: time.sleep(.1) else: # timeout raise SkipTest("Elasticsearch failed to start.")
Example #8
Source File: From memex-explorer with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def get(self, request, format=None): # TODO: catch all exception. At the very least, deal with 404 not found and # connection refused exceptions. # Temporarily remove exceptions for debugging. try: trail_ids = [x["key"] for x in, body={ "aggs" : { "trail_id" : { "terms" : { "field" : "trail_id" } } } })["aggregations"]["trail_id"]["buckets"]] response = self.create_trails(trail_ids) except ConnectionError as e: raise OSError("Failed to connect to local elasticsearch instance.") except NotFoundError: raise DataWakeIndexUnavailable return Response(response)
Example #9
Source File: From elasticsearch-dbapi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_array_type_columns(self, table_name: str) -> "Cursor": """ Queries the index (table) for just one record and return a list of array type columns. This is useful since arrays are not supported by ES SQL """ array_columns = [] try: resp =, size=1) except es_exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise exceptions.OperationalError( f"Error connecting to {self.url}: {}" ) except es_exceptions.NotFoundError as e: raise exceptions.ProgrammingError( f"Error ({e.error}): {['error']['reason']}" ) try: _source = resp["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"] except KeyError as e: raise exceptions.DataError( f"Error inferring array type columns {self.url}: {e}" ) for col_name, value in _source.items(): # If it's a list (ES Array add to cursor) if isinstance(value, list): if len(value) > 0: # If it's an array of objects add all keys if isinstance(value[0], dict): for in_col_name in value[0]: array_columns.append([f"{col_name}.{in_col_name}"]) array_columns.append([f"{col_name}.{in_col_name}.keyword"]) continue array_columns.append([col_name]) array_columns.append([f"{col_name}.keyword"]) # Not array column found if not array_columns: array_columns = [[]] self.description = [("name", Type.STRING, None, None, None, None, None)] self._results = array_columns return self
Example #10
Source File: From bearded-avenger with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _health_check(self): try: x = connections.get_connection() except ConnectionError as e: logger.warn('elasticsearch connection error') logger.error(e) return except Exception as e: logger.error(traceback.print_exc()) return'ES cluster is: %s' % x['status']) return x
Example #11
Source File: From mindmeld with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def load(self): """Loads the trained entity resolution model from disk.""" try: if self._use_text_rel: scoped_index_name = get_scoped_index_name( self._app_namespace, self._es_index_name ) if not self._es_client.indices.exists(index=scoped_index_name): else: except EsConnectionError as e: logger.error( "Unable to connect to Elasticsearch: %s details: %s", e.error, ) raise EntityResolverConnectionError(es_host=self._es_client.transport.hosts) except TransportError as e: logger.error( "Unexpected error occurred when sending requests to Elasticsearch: %s " "Status code: %s details: %s", e.error, e.status_code,, ) raise EntityResolverError except ElasticsearchException: raise EntityResolverError
Example #12
Source File: From elasticsearch-py-async with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def perform_request(self, method, url, params=None, body=None, timeout=None, ignore=(), headers=None): url_path = url if params: url_path = '%s?%s' % (url, urlencode(params or {})) url = self.base_url + url_path start = self.loop.time() response = None try: with async_timeout.timeout(timeout or self.timeout, loop=self.loop): response = yield from self.session.request(method, url, data=body, headers=headers) raw_data = yield from response.text() duration = self.loop.time() - start except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: self.log_request_fail(method, url, url_path, body, self.loop.time() - start, exception=e) if isinstance(e, ServerFingerprintMismatch): raise SSLError('N/A', str(e), e) if isinstance(e, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise ConnectionTimeout('TIMEOUT', str(e), e) raise ConnectionError('N/A', str(e), e) finally: if response is not None: yield from response.release() # raise errors based on http status codes, let the client handle those if needed if not (200 <= response.status < 300) and response.status not in ignore: self.log_request_fail(method, url, url_path, body, duration, status_code=response.status, response=raw_data) self._raise_error(response.status, raw_data) self.log_request_success(method, url, url_path, body, response.status, raw_data, duration) return response.status, response.headers, raw_data
Example #13
Source File: From scirius with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: count = self.es_clear() except ConnectionError as e: self.stderr.write('Could not connect to Elasticsearch, please retry later.') raise CommandError(repr(e)) if count: self.stdout.write('Data erased successfully (%i index%s deleted)' % (count, 'es' if count > 1 else '')) else: self.stdout.write('There is no index to erase')
Example #14
Source File: From scirius with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def post(self, request, format=None): es_data = ESData() msg = None try: es_data.es_clear() except ConnectionError as e: msg = 'Could not connect to Elasticsearch' except Exception as e: msg = 'Clearing failed: %s' % e if msg is not None: raise serializers.ValidationError({'delete_es_logs': [msg]}) return Response({'delete_es_logs': 'ok'})
Example #15
Source File: From hoover-search with MIT License | 5 votes |
def elasticsearch(): try: yield Elasticsearch(settings.HOOVER_ELASTICSEARCH_URL) except ConnectionError: raise SearchError('Could not connect to Elasticsearch.') except RequestError as e: reason = 'reason unknown' try: if reason =['error']['root_cause'][0]['reason'] except LookupError: pass raise SearchError('Elasticsearch failed: ' + reason)
Example #16
Source File: From timesketch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def delete_index(self, index_name): """Delete Elasticsearch index. Args: index_name: Name of the index to delete. """ if self.client.indices.exists(index_name): try: self.client.indices.delete(index=index_name) except ConnectionError as e: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to connect to Timesketch backend: {}'.format(e) )
Example #17
Source File: From elastalert with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def wait_until_responsive(self, timeout, clock=timeit.default_timer): """Wait until ElasticSearch becomes responsive (or too much time passes).""" # Elapsed time is a floating point number of seconds. timeout = timeout.total_seconds() # Don't poll unless we're asked to. if timeout <= 0.0: return # Periodically poll ElasticSearch. Keep going until ElasticSearch is # responsive *and* the writeback index exists. ref = clock() while (clock() - ref) < timeout: try: if self.writeback_es.indices.exists(self.writeback_alias): return except ConnectionError: pass time.sleep(1.0) if logging.error( 'Writeback alias "%s" does not exist, did you run `elastalert-create-index`?', self.writeback_alias, ) else: logging.error( 'Could not reach ElasticSearch at "%s:%d".', self.conf['es_host'], self.conf['es_port'], ) exit(1)
Example #18
Source File: From ee-outliers with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def init_connection(self): """ Initialize the connection with Elasticsearch :return: Connection object if connection with Elasticsearch succeeded, False otherwise """ try: http_auth = (self.settings.config.get("general", "es_username"), self.settings.config.get("general", "es_password")) except NoOptionError: http_auth = ("", "") self.conn = Elasticsearch([self.settings.config.get("general", "es_url")], http_auth=http_auth, use_ssl=False, timeout=self.settings.config.getint("general", "es_timeout"), verify_certs=False, retry_on_timeout=True) try:"connected to Elasticsearch on host %s" % (self.settings.config.get("general", "es_url"))) result = self.conn except AuthenticationException: self.logging.logger.error("could not connect to Elasticsearch on host %s due to authentication error." % (self.settings.config.get("general", "es_url"))) result = False except ConnectionError: self.logging.logger.error("could not connect to Elasticsearch on host %s" % (self.settings.config.get("general", "es_url"))) result = False return result
Example #19
Source File: From adam_qas with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_up_index(self): try: try: try: index_exists = self.__es_conn__.indices.exists(index=__index_name__) if not index_exists: self.create_index() else: res = self.__es_conn__.indices.get_mapping(index=__index_name__) try: current_version = res[__index_name__]['mappings']['_meta']['version'] if current_version < __index_version__: self.update_index(current_version) elif current_version is None: logger.error("Old Index Mapping. Manually reindex the index to persist your data.") print("\n -- Old Index Mapping. Manually reindex the index to persist your data.--\n") sys.exit(1) except KeyError: logger.error("Old Index Mapping. Manually reindex the index to persist your data.") print("\n -- Old Index Mapping. Manually reindex the index to persist your data.--\n") sys.exit(1) except ESConnectionError as e: logger.error("Elasticsearch is not installed or its service is not running. {0}".format(e)) print("\n -- Elasticsearch is not installed or its service is not running.--\n", e) sys.exit(1) except NewConnectionError: pass except ConnectionRefusedError: pass
Example #20
Source File: From timesketch with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def create_index(self, index_name=uuid4().hex, doc_type='generic_event'): """Create index with Timesketch settings. Args: index_name: Name of the index. Default is a generated UUID. doc_type: Name of the document type. Default id generic_event. Returns: Index name in string format. Document type in string format. """ _document_mapping = { 'properties': { 'timesketch_label': { 'type': 'nested' }, 'datetime': { 'type': 'date' } } } # TODO: Remove when we deprecate Elasticsearch version 6.x if self.version.startswith('6'): _document_mapping = {doc_type: _document_mapping} if not self.client.indices.exists(index_name): try: self.client.indices.create( index=index_name, body={'mappings': _document_mapping}) except ConnectionError: raise RuntimeError('Unable to connect to Timesketch backend.') except RequestError: index_exists = self.client.indices.exists(index_name) es_logger.warning( 'Attempting to create an index that already exists ' '({0:s} - {1:s})'.format(index_name, str(index_exists))) # We want to return unicode here to keep SQLalchemy happy. if six.PY2: if not isinstance(index_name, six.text_type): index_name = codecs.decode(index_name, 'utf-8') if not isinstance(doc_type, six.text_type): doc_type = codecs.decode(doc_type, 'utf-8') return index_name, doc_type
Example #21
Source File: From rally with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def perform_request(self, method, url, params=None, body=None, timeout=None, ignore=(), headers=None): url_path = url if params: query_string = urlencode(params) else: query_string = "" # Provide correct URL object to avoid string parsing in low-level code url =, host=self.hostname, port=self.port, path=url, query_string=query_string, encoded=True) start = self.loop.time() response = None try: request_timeout = timeout or with async_timeout.timeout(request_timeout, loop=self.loop): # override the default session timeout explicitly response = yield from self.session.request(method, url, data=body, headers=headers, timeout=request_timeout) raw_data = yield from response.text() duration = self.loop.time() - start except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: self.log_request_fail(method, url, url_path, body, self.loop.time() - start, exception=e) if isinstance(e, ServerFingerprintMismatch): raise SSLError('N/A', str(e), e) if isinstance(e, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise ConnectionTimeout('TIMEOUT', str(e), e) raise ConnectionError('N/A', str(e), e) finally: if response is not None: yield from response.release() # raise errors based on http status codes, let the client handle those if needed if not (200 <= response.status < 300) and response.status not in ignore: self.log_request_fail(method, url, url_path, body, duration, status_code=response.status, response=raw_data) self._raise_error(response.status, raw_data) self.log_request_success(method, url, url_path, body, response.status, raw_data, duration) return response.status, response.headers, raw_data
Example #22
Source File: From zentral with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def wait_and_configure(self): for i in range(self.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS): # get or create index try: info = self.version = [int(i) for i in info["version"]["number"].split(".")] if not self._es.indices.exists(self.index): self._es.indices.create(self.index, body=self.get_index_conf()) self.use_mapping_types = False"Index %s created", self.index) except ConnectionError: s = (i + 1) * random.uniform(0.9, 1.1) logger.warning('Could not connect to server %d/%d. Sleep %ss', i + 1, self.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS, s) time.sleep(s) continue except RequestError as exception: error = exception.error.lower() if "already" in error and "exist" in error: # race'Index %s exists', self.index) else: raise # wait for index recovery waiting_for_recovery = False while True: recovery = self._es.indices.recovery(self.index, params={"active_only": "true"}) shards = recovery.get(self.index, {}).get("shards", []) if any(c["stage"] != "DONE" for c in shards): waiting_for_recovery = True s = 1000 / random.randint(1000, 3000) time.sleep(s) logger.warning("Elasticsearch index recovering") else: if waiting_for_recovery: logger.warning("Elasticsearch index recovery done") break self.configured = True break else: raise Exception('Could not connect to server') # use_mapping_types if self.use_mapping_types is None: if self.version >= [7]: self.use_mapping_types = False else: mappings = set(list(self._es.indices.get_mapping(self.index).values())[0]['mappings']) self.use_mapping_types = self.LEGACY_DOC_TYPE not in mappings
Example #23
Source File: From mordecai with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, es_hosts=None, es_port=None, es_ssl=False, es_auth=None, verbose=False, country_threshold=0.6, threads=True, progress=True, mod_date="2018-06-05", **kwargs): DATA_PATH = pkg_resources.resource_filename('mordecai', 'data/') MODELS_PATH = pkg_resources.resource_filename('mordecai', 'models/') self._cts = utilities.country_list_maker() self._just_cts = utilities.country_list_maker() self._inv_cts = utilities.make_inv_cts(self._cts) country_state_city = utilities.other_vectors() self._cts.update(country_state_city) self._ct_nlp = utilities.country_list_nlp(self._cts) self._prebuilt_vec = [w.vector for w in self._ct_nlp] self._both_codes = utilities.make_country_nationality_list(self._cts, DATA_PATH + "nat_df.csv") self._admin1_dict = utilities.read_in_admin1(DATA_PATH + "admin1CodesASCII.json") self.conn = utilities.setup_es(es_hosts, es_port, es_ssl, es_auth) self.country_model = keras.models.load_model(MODELS_PATH + "country_model.h5") self.rank_model = keras.models.load_model(MODELS_PATH + "rank_model.h5") self._skip_list = utilities.make_skip_list(self._cts) self.training_setting = False # make this true if you want training formatted # if the best country guess is below the country threshold, don't return anything at all self.country_threshold = country_threshold feature_codes = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH + "feature_codes.txt", sep="\t", header=None) self._code_to_text = dict(zip(feature_codes[1], feature_codes[3])) # human readable geonames IDs self.verbose = verbose # return the full dictionary or just the good parts? self.progress = progress # display progress bars? self.threads = threads if 'n_threads' in kwargs.keys(): warnings.warn("n_threads is deprecated. Use threads=True instead.", DeprecationWarning) try: # # with nostderr(): self.conn.count() except: raise ConnectionError("""Could not establish contact with Elasticsearch at {0} on port {1}. Are you sure it's running? Mordecai needs access to the Geonames/Elasticsearch gazetteer to function. See for instructions on setting up Geonames/Elasticsearch""".format(es_hosts, es_port)) es_date = utilities.check_geonames_date(self.conn) if es_date != mod_date: print("""You may be using an outdated Geonames index. Your index is from {0}, while the most recent is {1}. Please see for instructions on updating.""".format(es_date, mod_date))