Python cryptography.fernet.InvalidToken() Examples
The following are 25
code examples of cryptography.fernet.InvalidToken().
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Example #1
Source File: From aiohttp-session with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def load_session(self, request): cookie = self.load_cookie(request) if cookie is None: return Session(None, data=None, new=True, max_age=self.max_age) else: try: data = self._decoder( self._fernet.decrypt( cookie.encode('utf-8'), ttl=self.max_age ).decode('utf-8') ) return Session(None, data=data, new=False, max_age=self.max_age) except InvalidToken: log.warning("Cannot decrypt cookie value, " "create a new fresh session") return Session(None, data=None, new=True, max_age=self.max_age)
Example #2
Source File: From airflow with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def get_val(self): """ Get Airflow Variable from Metadata DB and decode it using the Fernet Key """ if self._val is not None and self.is_encrypted: try: fernet = get_fernet() return fernet.decrypt(bytes(self._val, 'utf-8')).decode() except InvalidFernetToken: self.log.error("Can't decrypt _val for key=%s, invalid token or value", self.key) return None except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.log.error("Can't decrypt _val for key=%s, FERNET_KEY configuration missing", self.key) return None else: return self._val
Example #3
Source File: From maas with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def test_assures_data_integrity(self): self.write_secret() testdata = factory.make_bytes(size=10) token = fernet_encrypt_psk(testdata) bad_token = bytearray(token) # Flip a bit in the token, so we can ensure it won't decrypt if it # has been corrupted. Subtract 4 to avoid the end of the token; that # portion is just padding, and isn't covered by the HMAC. byte_to_flip = randint(0, len(bad_token) - 4) bit_to_flip = 1 << randint(0, 7) bad_token[byte_to_flip] ^= bit_to_flip bad_token = bytes(bad_token) test_description = "token=%s; token[%d] ^= 0x%02x" % ( token.decode("utf-8"), byte_to_flip, bit_to_flip, ) with ExpectedException(InvalidToken, msg=test_description): fernet_decrypt_psk(bad_token)
Example #4
Source File: From shhh with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_wrong_passphrase(self): with self.assertRaises(InvalidToken): Secret(self.encrypted_text, "wrongPassphrase").decrypt()
Example #5
Source File: From zun with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def decrypt(data, encryption_key=None): if data is None: return None encryption_key = get_valid_encryption_key(encryption_key) encoded_key = base64.b64encode(encryption_key.encode('utf-8')) sym = fernet.Fernet(encoded_key) try: value = sym.decrypt(encodeutils.safe_encode(data)) if value is not None: return encodeutils.safe_decode(value, 'utf-8') except fernet.InvalidToken: raise exception.InvalidEncryptionKey()
Example #6
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def decrypt_string(string, key, ttl=None): """ Decrypts an encrypted string with the specified key. The key must be 32 raw bytes. """ f = Fernet(key) # Fernet() works only on byte objects. Convert the string to bytes before decrypting. encrypted_bytes = string.encode() # str -> bytes try: decrypted_bytes = f.decrypt(encrypted_bytes, ttl=ttl) except InvalidToken: """ From the the Cryptography's library documentation: If the token is in any way invalid, this exception is raised. A token may be invalid for a number of reasons: it is older than the ttl, it is malformed, or it does not have a valid signature. """ return None # TODO(kmullins): Shall we log this case? Is it expected? decrypted_string = decrypted_bytes.decode() # bytes -> str return decrypted_string
Example #7
Source File: From shhh with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_secret(slug: str, passphrase: str) -> Tuple[Dict, int]: """Read a secret. Args: slug (str): Unique slug link to access the secret. passphrase (str): Passphrase needed to decrypt the secret. """ secret = Entries.query.filter_by(slug_link=slug).first() if not secret: app.logger.warning( f"{slug} tried to read but do not exists in database") return dict(status=Status.EXPIRED.value, msg=("Sorry, we can't find a secret, it has expired, " "been deleted or has already been read.")), 404 try: msg = Secret(secret.encrypted_text, passphrase).decrypt() except InvalidToken: remaining = secret.tries - 1 if remaining == 0: # Number of tries exceeded app.logger.warning(f"{slug} tries to open secret exceeded") secret.delete() return dict( status=Status.INVALID.value, msg=("The passphrase is not valid. You've exceeded the " "number of tries and the secret has been deleted.")), 401 secret.update(tries=remaining) app.logger.warning(f"{slug} wrong passphrase used. " f"Number of tries remaining: {remaining}") return dict(status=Status.INVALID.value, msg=("Sorry the passphrase is not valid. " f"Number of tries remaining: {remaining}")), 401 secret.delete() # Delete message after it's read"{slug} was decrypted and deleted") return dict(status=Status.SUCCESS.value, msg=html.escape(msg)), 200
Example #8
Source File: From maas with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_messages_from_future_exceeding_clock_skew_limit_rejected(self): self.write_secret() testdata = factory.make_bytes() now = time.time() self.patch(time, "time").side_effect = [now + 61, now] token = fernet_encrypt_psk(testdata) with ExpectedException(InvalidToken): fernet_decrypt_psk(token, ttl=1)
Example #9
Source File: From maas with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_messages_from_the_past_exceeding_ttl_rejected(self): self.write_secret() testdata = factory.make_bytes() now = time.time() self.patch(time, "time").side_effect = [now - 2, now] token = fernet_encrypt_psk(testdata) with ExpectedException(InvalidToken): fernet_decrypt_psk(token, ttl=1)
Example #10
Source File: From silver with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def decrypt_data(self, crypted_data): key = settings.PAYMENT_METHOD_SECRET try: return str(Fernet(key).decrypt(bytes(crypted_data))) except InvalidToken: return None
Example #11
Source File: From Flask-User with MIT License | 5 votes |
def verify_token(self, token, expiration_in_seconds=None): """ Verify token signature, verify token expiration, and decrypt token. | Returns None if token is expired or invalid. | Returns a list of strings and integers on success. Implemented as:: concatenated_str = self.decrypt_string(token, expiration_in_seconds) data_items = self.decode_data_items(concatenated_str) return data_items Example: :: # Verify that a User with ``user_id`` has a password that ends in ``password_ends_with``. token_is_valid = False data_items = token_manager.verify(token, expiration_in_seconds) if data_items: user_id = data_items[0] password_ends_with = data_items[1] user = user_manager.db_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id) token_is_valid = user and user.password[-8:]==password_ends_with """ from cryptography.fernet import InvalidToken try: concatenated_str = self.decrypt_string(token, expiration_in_seconds) data_items = self.decode_data_items(concatenated_str) except InvalidToken: data_items = None return data_items
Example #12
Source File: From badwolf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _decrypt(self, token): from cryptography.fernet import InvalidToken try: return SecureToken.decrypt(token) except InvalidToken: logger.warning('Invalid secure token: %s', token) return ''
Example #13
Source File: From katprep with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_credential(self, hostname): """ This function returns credentials for a particular hostname. :param hostname: hostname :type hostname: str """ hostname = self.cut_hostname(hostname) try: if self.is_encrypted(): self.LOGGER.debug("Decrypting crendentials") crypto = Fernet(self.KEY) return ( self.CREDENTIALS[hostname]["username"], crypto.decrypt(self.CREDENTIALS[hostname]["password"][2:].encode()) ) else: #return plain information self.LOGGER.debug("Plain login data") return ( self.CREDENTIALS[hostname]["username"], self.CREDENTIALS[hostname]["password"] ) except InvalidToken: raise ContainerException("Invalid password specified!") except KeyError: pass
Example #14
Source File: From ghost with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _assert_valid_stash(self): if not self._storage.is_initialized: raise GhostError( 'Stash not initialized. Please initialize it and try again') else: try: key = self._storage.get('stored_passphrase') if key: self._decrypt(key['value']) except InvalidToken: raise GhostError( 'The passphrase provided is invalid for this stash. ' 'Please provide the correct passphrase')
Example #15
Source File: From maple-blog with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def post(self): request_data = password = request_data.pop('password', '') content = request_data.pop('content', '') if not password or not content: return HTTP.BAD_REQUEST(message="params required.") ec = Encrypt(password, current_app.config['SECRET_KEY_SALT']) try: return HTTP.OK(data=ec.decrypt(content)) except InvalidToken: return HTTP.BAD_REQUEST(message="password is not correct")
Example #16
Source File: From autopush with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run(self): match = if not match: return "Not a valid endpoint" md = match.groupdict() api_ver, token = md.get("api_ver", "v1"), md["token"] try: parsed = self._conf.parse_endpoint( self.db.metrics, token=token, version=api_ver, ) uaid, chid = parsed["uaid"], parsed["chid"] except (InvalidTokenException, InvalidToken) as ex: print(("Token could not be deciphered: {}. " "Are you using the correct configuration or platform?") .format(ex)) return "Invalid Token" print("UAID: {}\nCHID: {}\n".format(uaid, chid)) try: rec = self.db.router.get_uaid(uaid) print("Router record:") self._pp.pprint(rec) if "current_month" in rec: chans = Message(rec["current_month"], boto_resource=self.db.resource).all_channels( uaid) print("Channels in message table:") self._pp.pprint(chans) except ItemNotFound as ex: print("Item Missing from database: {}".format(ex)) return "Not Found" print("\n")
Example #17
Source File: From autopush with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_invalid_endpoint(self): def err(*args, **kwargs): raise InvalidToken("You are unworthy") cli = self._makeFUT([ "--router_tablename=fred", "http://something/wpush/v1/indecipherable_token"]) cli._conf = Mock() cli._conf.parse_endpoint.side_effect = err returncode = assert returncode == "Invalid Token"
Example #18
Source File: From autopush with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_delete_token_invalid(self): self.fernet_mock.configure_mock(**{ "decrypt.side_effect": InvalidToken}) resp = yield self.client.delete(self.url(message_id='%20')) assert resp.get_status() == 400
Example #19
Source File: From autopush with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def extract_subscription(self, d): try: result = self.context["conf"].parse_endpoint( self.context["metrics"], token=d["token"], version=d["api_ver"], ckey_header=d["ckey_header"], auth_header=d["auth_header"], ) except (VapidAuthException): raise InvalidRequest("missing authorization header", status_code=401, errno=109) except (InvalidTokenException, InvalidToken): raise InvalidRequest("invalid token", status_code=404, errno=102) return result
Example #20
Source File: From autopush with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def extract_data(self, req): message_id = req['path_kwargs'].get('message_id') try: notif = WebPushNotification.from_message_id( bytes(message_id), fernet=self.context['conf'].fernet, ) except (InvalidToken, InvalidTokenException): raise InvalidRequest("Invalid message ID", status_code=400) return dict(notification=notif)
Example #21
Source File: From desec-stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decrypt(token, *, context, ttl=None): key = retrieve_key(label=b'crypt', context=context) try: value = Fernet(key=key).decrypt(token, ttl=ttl) metrics.get('desecapi_key_decryption_success').labels(context).inc() return value except InvalidToken: raise ValueError
Example #22
Source File: From pgrepup with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def decrypt(password): encrypted_passwords = config().get('Security', 'encrypted_credentials') == 'y' if not encrypted_passwords: return password try: f = Fernet(_get_key()) return f.decrypt(password) except InvalidToken: print("Invalid master password") sys.exit(-1)
Example #23
Source File: From katprep with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __manage_credentials(self, hostname, username, password, remove_entry=False): """ This functions adds or removes credentials to/from the authentication container. Adding credentials requires a hostname, username and corresponding password. Removing credentials only requires a hostname. There are two alias functions for credentials management: add_credentials() and remove_credentials() :param hostname: hostname :type hostname: str :param username: username :type username: str :param password: corresponding password :type password: str :param remove_entry: setting True will remove an entry :type remove_entry: bool """ global CREDENTIALS hostname = self.cut_hostname(hostname) try: if remove_entry: #remove entry del self.CREDENTIALS[hostname] else: #add entry self.CREDENTIALS[hostname] = {} self.CREDENTIALS[hostname]["username"] = username #add encrypted or plain password if self.KEY: crypto = Fernet(self.KEY) self.CREDENTIALS[hostname]["password"] = "s/{0}".format( crypto.encrypt(password.encode())) else: self.CREDENTIALS[hostname]["password"] = password except InvalidToken: raise ContainerException("Invalid password specified!") except KeyError: pass #aliases
Example #24
Source File: From maas with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def read_beacon_payload(beacon_bytes): """Returns a BeaconPayload namedtuple representing the given beacon bytes. Decrypts the inner beacon data if necessary. :param beacon_bytes: beacon payload (bytes). :return: BeaconPayload namedtuple """ if len(beacon_bytes) < BEACON_HEADER_LENGTH_V1: raise InvalidBeaconingPacket( "Beaconing packet must be at least %d bytes." % BEACON_HEADER_LENGTH_V1 ) header = beacon_bytes[:BEACON_HEADER_LENGTH_V1] version, beacon_type_code, expected_payload_length = struct.unpack( BEACON_HEADER_FORMAT_V1, header ) actual_payload_length = len(beacon_bytes) - BEACON_HEADER_LENGTH_V1 if len(beacon_bytes) - BEACON_HEADER_LENGTH_V1 < expected_payload_length: raise InvalidBeaconingPacket( "Invalid payload length: expected %d bytes, got %d bytes." % (expected_payload_length, actual_payload_length) ) payload_start = BEACON_HEADER_LENGTH_V1 payload_end = BEACON_HEADER_LENGTH_V1 + expected_payload_length payload_bytes = beacon_bytes[payload_start:payload_end] payload = None if version == 1: if len(payload_bytes) == 0: # No encrypted inner payload; nothing to do. pass else: try: decrypted_data = fernet_decrypt_psk( payload_bytes, ttl=60, raw=True ) except InvalidToken: raise InvalidBeaconingPacket( "Failed to decrypt inner payload: check MAAS secret key." ) try: decompressed_data = decompress(decrypted_data) except OSError: raise InvalidBeaconingPacket( "Failed to decompress inner payload: %r" % decrypted_data ) try: # Replace the data in the dictionary with its decrypted form. payload = BSON.decode(decompressed_data) except BSONError: raise InvalidBeaconingPacket( "Inner beacon payload is not BSON: %r" % decompressed_data ) else: raise InvalidBeaconingPacket("Unknown beacon version: %d" % version) beacon_type_code = payload["type"] if payload else beacon_type_code return BeaconPayload( beacon_bytes, version, BEACON_TYPE_VALUES[beacon_type_code], payload )
Example #25
Source File: From docker-ldap-auth with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def do_GET(self): ctx = self.ctx ctx['action'] = 'input parameters check' for k, v in self.get_params().items(): ctx[k] = self.headers.get(v[0], v[1]) if ctx[k] == None: self.auth_failed(ctx, 'required "%s" header was not passed' % k) return True ctx['action'] = 'performing authorization' auth_header = self.headers.get('Authorization') auth_cookie = self.get_cookie(ctx['cookiename']) if auth_cookie != None and auth_cookie != '': auth_header = "Basic " + auth_cookie self.log_message("using username/password from cookie %s" % ctx['cookiename']) else: self.log_message("using username/password from authorization header") if auth_header is None or not auth_header.lower().startswith('basic '): self.send_response(401) self.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="' + ctx['realm'] + '"') self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache') self.end_headers() return True ctx['action'] = 'decoding credentials' try: cipher_suite = Fernet(REPLACEWITHFERNETKEY) self.log_message('Trying to dechipher credentials...') auth_decoded = auth_header[6:].encode() auth_decoded = cipher_suite.decrypt(auth_decoded) auth_decoded = auth_decoded.decode("utf-8") user, passwd = auth_decoded.split(':', 1) except InvalidToken: self.log_message('Incorrect token. Trying to decode credentials from BASE64...') auth_decoded = base64.b64decode(auth_header[6:]) auth_decoded = auth_decoded.decode("utf-8") user, passwd = auth_decoded.split(':', 1) except Exception as e: self.auth_failed(ctx) self.log_error(e) return True ctx['user'] = user ctx['pass'] = passwd # Continue request processing return False