Python textblob.TextBlob() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of textblob.TextBlob().
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Example #1
Source File: From AREL with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build_dict(params): story_line = json.load(open(params['input_json'], 'r')) wtoi = story_line['words2id'] count = 0 refs_words = [] for stories in story_line['album2stories'][params['split']].values(): ref_words = [] for story_id in stories: txt = story_line[params['split']][story_id]['origin_text'] tmp_tokens = TextBlob(txt).tokens + ['<EOS>'] tmp_tokens = [_ if _ in wtoi else '<UNK>' for _ in tmp_tokens] ref_words.append(' '.join(tmp_tokens)) refs_words.append(ref_words) count += 1 print('total albums: ', count) ngram_words = compute_doc_freq(create_crefs(refs_words)) return ngram_words, count
Example #2
Source File: From Election-Meddling with MIT License | 6 votes |
def analize_sentiment(tweet): ''' Utility function to classify the polarity of a tweet using textblob. ''' try: analysis = textblob.TextBlob(data_preparation(tweet)) except: analysis = textblob.TextBlob(tweet) if analysis.sentiment.polarity > 0: return 1, int(analysis.sentiment.subjectivity) elif analysis.sentiment.polarity == 0: return 0, int(analysis.sentiment.subjectivity) else: return -1, int(analysis.sentiment.subjectivity)
Example #3
Source File: From MyTwitterBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def read_line_eos_noums(self, path): """ Generator. Similar as the function read_line_eos from the text_mani module. The only diference here is that we keep track of all the noums. :type path: str """ for line in open(path): if len(list(self.all_noums)) <= self.max_noums: blob = TextBlob(line) noums = set(blob.noun_phrases) self.all_noums = self.all_noums.union(noums) for word in line.split(): yield word yield '<eos>'
Example #4
Source File: From python-qutescript with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def generate_html(paragraphs, title_text): doc = dominate.document(title='Summary: {}'.format(title_text)) with doc.head: style("""\ body { background-color: #F9F8F1; color: #2C232A; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 1.2em; } """) with doc: div(id='header').add(h1(title_text)) with div(): attr(cls='body') for para in paragraphs: tb = TextBlob(para) with p(): for sentence in tb.sentences: span(sentence, style="color: {}".format(get_polarity_color(sentence.polarity))) return doc
Example #5
Source File: From rhodiola with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def find_noun_phrases(string): noun_counts = {} try: blob = TextBlob(string.decode('utf-8')) except: print "Error occured" return None if blob.detect_language() != "en": print "Tweets are not in English" sys.exit(1) else: for noun in blob.noun_phrases: if noun in stopwords.words('english') or noun in extra_stopwords or noun == '' or len(noun) < 3: pass else: noun_counts[noun.lower()] = blob.words.count(noun) sorted_noun_counts = sorted(noun_counts.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1),reverse=True) return sorted_noun_counts[0:15]
Example #6
Source File: From tlp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, raw_text=None, text_title=None): try: # props for internal use self._raw_text = raw_text self._text_title = text_title # props to store data self._summary = str() self._keywords = set() self._iocs = dict() self._tlp = None self._debug = dict({'iocs': dict(), 'keywords': dict()}) if self._raw_text != None: if not type(self._raw_text) is unicode: self._raw_text = self._raw_text.decode('utf8') self._tlpfilter = TLPFilter() self._clean_text = self._tlpfilter.text(self._raw_text) self._blob = TextBlob(self._raw_text) self._clean_blob = TextBlob(self._clean_text) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
Example #7
Source File: From hangoutsbot with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _translate_message(bot, broadcast_list, context): if context and "autotranslate" in context: _autotranslate = context["autotranslate"] origin_language = _get_room_language(bot, _autotranslate["conv_id"]) for send in broadcast_list: target_conversation_id = send[0] response = send[1] target_language = _get_room_language(bot, target_conversation_id) if origin_language != target_language: logger.debug("translating {} to {}".format(origin_language, target_language)) translated = _autotranslate["event_text"] try: en_blob = TextBlob(_autotranslate["event_text"]) translated = "{0}".format(en_blob.translate(to=target_language)) #translated = gs.translate(_autotranslate["event_text"], target_language except Exception: logger.debug("Translation Api returned string unchanged") else: pass finally: if _autotranslate["event_text"] != translated: # mutate the original response by reference response.extend([ hangups.ChatMessageSegment('\n', hangups.SegmentType.LINE_BREAK), hangups.ChatMessageSegment('(' + translated + ')')])
Example #8
Source File: From snorkel-tutorials with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def stars_in_review(x, low_rating_strs, high_rating_strs): if not isinstance(x.review_text, str): return ABSTAIN for low_rating_str in low_rating_strs: if low_rating_str in x.review_text.lower(): return NEGATIVE for high_rating_str in high_rating_strs: if high_rating_str in x.review_text.lower(): return POSITIVE return ABSTAIN # %% [markdown] # We can also run [TextBlob](, a tool that provides a pretrained sentiment analyzer, on the reviews, and use its polarity and subjectivity scores to estimate the user's rating for the book. # As usual, these thresholds were picked by analyzing the score distributions and running error analysis. # %%
Example #9
Source File: From driverlessai-recipes with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_data(X: dt.Frame = None) -> Union[str, List[str], dt.Frame, List[dt.Frame], np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray], pd.DataFrame, List[pd.DataFrame]]: # exit gracefully if method is called as a data upload rather than data modify if X is None: return [] import os from h2oaicore.systemutils import config from textblob import TextBlob X = dt.Frame(X).to_pandas() for text_colname in text_colnames: X["sentiment_dai_" + text_colname] = X[text_colname].astype(str).fillna("NA").apply( lambda x: TextBlob(x).sentiment[0]) temp_path = os.path.join(config.data_directory, config.contrib_relative_directory) os.makedirs(temp_path, exist_ok=True) # Save files to disk file_train = os.path.join(temp_path, output_dataset_name + ".csv") X.to_csv(file_train, index=False) return [file_train]
Example #10
Source File: From mcafee2cash with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_sentiment_analysis(text, coins): """Return the sentiment analysis of coins mentioned in text in the form of a dictionary that aggregates the sentiment of sentences that include each of the coins. """ sentiment = {} blob = TextBlob(text) for sentence in blob.sentences: lowercase_words = [x.lower() for x in sentence.words] for coin in coins: if coin[0].lower() in lowercase_words or coin[1].lower() in lowercase_words: try: sentiment[coin] += sentence.sentiment.polarity except: sentiment[coin] = sentence.sentiment.polarity return sentiment, blob.sentiment.polarity
Example #11
Source File: From ReuBERT with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _is_positive(self, sentence): sentiment = TextBlob(sentence).sentiment.polarity return sentiment
Example #12
Source File: From AirBnbPricePrediction with MIT License | 5 votes |
def calculate_sentiment(entry): if (type(entry) != str and math.isnan(entry)): return -55 opinion = TextBlob(entry) return opinion.sentiment.polarity
Example #13
Source File: From ClusType with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def clean_and_tag(self): with open('Intermediate/full_sentences.txt', 'w') as f,\ open('Intermediate/full_pos.txt','w') as g,\ open('Intermediate/sentences.txt', 'w') as m,\ open('Intermediate/pos.txt', 'w') as n: for i in xrange(len(self.Documents)): if i%10000 == 0 and i!=0: print str(i)+" documents processed." doc = self.Documents[i] cleaned_doc = self.remove_things(doc) blob = TextBlob(cleaned_doc) for j in xrange(len(blob.sentences)): sent = blob.sentences[j] sent = self.replace_nums(sent) split_sentence = self.P.split(sent) for k in xrange(len(split_sentence)): frag = split_sentence[k] sent_blob = TextBlob(frag, pos_tagger=self.tagger) words, pos = [],[] for word,tag in sent_blob.pos_tags: words.append(word) pos.append(tag) f.write(str(i)+":"+str(j)+":"+str(k)+":"+(" ".join(words)+"\n")) g.write(" ".join(pos)+"\n") no_stop_words, no_stop_pos = self.remove_stopwords(words,pos) m.write(str(i)+":"+str(j)+":"+str(k)+":"+(" ".join(no_stop_words)+"\n")) n.write(" ".join(no_stop_pos)+"\n")
Example #14
Source File: From ReuBERT with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _is_subjective(self, sentence): subjectivity = TextBlob(sentence).sentiment.subjectivity return subjectivity > 0.0
Example #15
Source File: From toxic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def translate(comment, language): if hasattr(comment, "decode"): comment = comment.decode("utf-8") text = TextBlob(comment) try: text = text.translate(to=language) text = text.translate(to="en") except NotTranslated: pass return str(text)
Example #16
Source File: From fine-grained-sentiment with MIT License | 5 votes |
def score(self, text: str) -> float: # pip install textblob from textblob import TextBlob return TextBlob(text).sentiment.polarity
Example #17
Source File: From fine-grained-sentiment with MIT License | 5 votes |
def score(self, text: str) -> float: # pip install textblob from textblob import TextBlob return TextBlob(text).sentiment.polarity
Example #18
Source File: From Cryptocurrency-Trading-Bots-Python-Beginner-Advance with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_tweet_sentiment(self, tweet): ''' Utility function to classify sentiment of passed tweet using textblob's sentiment method ''' # create TextBlob object of passed tweet text analysis = TextBlob(self.clean_tweet(tweet)) # set sentiment if analysis.sentiment.polarity > 0: return 'positive' elif analysis.sentiment.polarity == 0: return 'neutral' else: return 'negative'
Example #19
Source File: From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tag(self, text): """Tag a string or BaseBlob.""" if isinstance(text, textblob.compat.text_type): text = tb.TextBlob(text) return nltk.tag.pos_tag(text.tokens)
Example #20
Source File: From threatconnect-playbooks with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): """.""" args = parse_arguments() # read the string from the playbook to get the actual value of the argument string = n_gram_number = int('String value: {}'.format(string))'n-gram number: {}'.format(n_gram_number)) blob = TextBlob(string) tags = dict() for tag in blob.tags: tags[tag[0]] = tag[1] tcex.playbook.create_output('json', blob.json) tcex.playbook.create_output('nGrams', [str(n_gram) for n_gram in blob.ngrams(n=n_gram_number)]) tcex.playbook.create_output('nounPhrases', blob.noun_phrases) tcex.playbook.create_output('npCounts', blob.np_counts[1]) tcex.playbook.create_output('polarity', blob.polarity) tcex.playbook.create_output('sentences', [str(sentence) for sentence in blob.sentences]) tcex.playbook.create_output('subjectivity', blob.subjectivity) tcex.playbook.create_output('tags', tags) tcex.playbook.create_output('tokens', blob.tokens) tcex.playbook.create_output('wordCounts', blob.word_counts[1]) tcex.playbook.create_output('words', blob.words) tcex.exit(0)
Example #21
Source File: From telegram-moderator with MIT License | 5 votes |
def log_message(self, user_id, user_message, chat_id): if user_message is None: user_message = "[NO MESSAGE]" try: s = session() language_code = english_message = "" polarity = subjectivity = 0.0 try: # translate to English & log the original language translator = Translator() translated = translator.translate(user_message) language_code = translated.src english_message = translated.text # run basic sentiment analysis on the translated English string analysis = TextBlob(english_message) polarity = analysis.sentiment.polarity subjectivity = analysis.sentiment.subjectivity except Exception as e: print("Error translating message: {}".format(e)) msg1 = Message(user_id=user_id, message=user_message, chat_id=chat_id, language_code=language_code, english_message=english_message, polarity=polarity, subjectivity=subjectivity) s.add(msg1) s.commit() s.close() except Exception as e: print("Error logging message: {}".format(e)) print(traceback.format_exc())
Example #22
Source File: From wikipedia-question-generator with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, title): = self.summary = TextBlob(
Example #23
Source File: From NotSoBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def translate(self, lang1:str, lang2:str, *, text:str=None): if text is None: text = lang2 try: translated = textblob.TextBlob(text).translate(from_lang=lang1, to=lang2) except textblob.exceptions.NotTranslated: await'Translation error.') else: await
Example #24
Source File: From SML-Cogs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def translate_channel(self, msg, settings): """Translate channel according to settings.""" server = msg.server if not settings.get("on_off"): return if is None: return if != settings.get("from_channel_id"): return if == return if return blob = TextBlob(msg.content) detected_lang = blob.detect_language() out = [] for language in settings.get("languages"): if language != detected_lang: try: # translated_msg = blob.translate(to=language) translated_msg = await self._translate(msg.content, dest=language) out.append( "`{}` {}".format( language, translated_msg)) # except (textblob.exceptions.NotTranslated, # textblob.exceptions.TranslatorError): # pass except Exception as e: print(e) if len(out): to_channel ="to_channel_id")) out.insert(0, "**{}**\n`{}` {} {}".format(, detected_lang, msg.content, ' '.join([a.get('url') for a in msg.attachments]) )) await, '\n'.join(out))
Example #25
Source File: From SML-Cogs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def spellcheck(self, ctx: Context, *, text: str): """Auto-correct spelling mistakes.""" b = TextBlob(text) await
Example #26
Source File: From SML-Cogs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sentiment(self, ctx: Context, *, text: str): """Return sentiment analysis of a text.""" blob = TextBlob(text) stmt = blob.sentiment await "Polairty: {0.polarity}\n" "Subjectivity: {0.subjectivity}" "".format(stmt))
Example #27
Source File: From SML-Cogs with MIT License | 5 votes |
def translate(self, ctx: Context, to_lang: str, *, text: str): """Translate to another language. Example: !translate es Simple is better than complex. will translate sentence to Spanish. !translatelang will list all the supported languages """ out = await self._translate(text, dest=to_lang) await # blob = TextBlob(text) # out = blob.translate(to=to_lang) # await
Example #28
Source File: From Python-DevOps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def classify(): text = request.args.get('text') result = TextBlob(process_text(text)) return jsonify( { 'polarity': result.sentiment.polarity, 'subjectivity': result.sentiment.subjectivity, } )
Example #29
Source File: From pytrader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_sentiment(self): sentiment = textblob.TextBlob(self.text).sentiment self.sentiment_polarity = sentiment.polarity self.sentiment_subjectivity = sentiment.subjectivity
Example #30
Source File: From booksoup with MIT License | 5 votes |
def sentiment_timeline(self, name): timeline = self.fbt.generate_date_dict() sentiment_counts = self.fbt.generate_date_dict() for message in self.messages: if message.content is None or != name: continue blob = TextBlob(message.content) timeline[] += blob.sentiment.polarity sentiment_counts[] += 1 for k,v in timeline.iteritems(): if v == 0: continue timeline[k] = v/sentiment_counts[k] return timeline